AnarchismAnti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28. 1928 at the Post Office at New York. under the act of March 1879 VOLUME VI, NO. 10 (WHOLE NO. 157 NEW YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1933 PRICE CENT To Delay Anti Nazi United Front Is Fatal How Can Fascism Be Hesitation at This League ObeysU.
Smashed in Germany Time Is a Crime!
In Move Against Japan Aller to It Boston Expels Two The the Communist workers against the war conference of the students in tion. Instead of a body existing The latter will be broken we step in this direction it has ex membership with the Trotskvita in the maiuteuance of peace (no eague social By Leon Trotsky The most urgent need in Ger. proletariat is divided into two strategical goal but also in their measures, confusion, ambiguity, demenre: reformism (social tactics for the every day and immany today is clarity. Half way main and revolution (Com mediate questions, that y experi The League voluminous report on, price demanded from Japan atWe reprint here a section from Pense organizations, of unhamper. twistings and turnings these are munist) Each of these campereence the worker will realize their Japanese Cression in China gives tnck on the Soviet Union has been The Workers United Fronton the part of the fac fatal to the proletarian movement organized into distinct parties, ther that the Communists are their the clearest evidence of America deferred too long to suit the gainst Fascism which, although dominating world positon. In no Lengne. Furthermore instead of written on December 8, 1931, 18 the workers organizations and in clearly expressed and clearly folism threatens to exterminate both Providing that the Communists single respect does the League marelilny further North, Japan has of intense importance right now. stitutions, the question of arsenals lower through.
of them, the revolutionary section retain their independence, their position differ from the one enun set her face South in China, much The thousands upon thousands of that may be seized by the Fascists, The only road to the smashing of first and the reformist section at own banners, their right to free clated by Secretary Stimson on sev. to the League chagrin. Thus the Noskes, Welses and Hilferdings the question of measures in the Fascism is the united front of the ter it at times the order of canna criticism of their temporary allies eral occasions. It can be said that report states Sarly in January prefer, in the last analysis, Fase case of an emergency, that is, of German working class. Everybody Pilation is not even separated and they have nothing to fear from the interests of the great powers, 1883, occurred the serious incidents they must once and for all tear the Communist and the social dem even the stalinists. The Left op: at the same time. The whole front) with the social democracy: Interests of imperalism and extremity of the Crout Wail, halfism to communism. But for that the coordination of the actions of now acknowledges this in words both suffer from the same blows the alliance from the united in this instance, coincide with the at Shunluikwan, situated at the Todav this is not yet the case. To etc. ete, must be dealt with in not owly by the fact that the lat: deep, irreconcilale hatred of Fase the social democratie leaders are That is true but does not negate This city has always been regarded as of great strategie importance. It whole, with all its Internal anta In the struggle against Fascism, question of the united front, but less of which camp in the labor such a united front.
But the true The Langue demands Chinese sor is on the route followed by incon the factory councils occupy a tre that they introduce a maximum of movement it is attached to at the Communists have nothing in the reignity over Manchuria, but also vaders who, coining from Manch flict with the Fascists. It is our mendously important position. Here confusion into the minds of the moment. The Communists of this con a particularly precise program of working class precisely at the mo no interests separate and apart of their policy and leadership in requires that China grant autonomy urat, wish to penetrate in:o what and ists against us.
must become an anti Fascist bulis imperative if the German prole class as a whole: they are only cal democracy. They know which gives recognition also to Japan Moreover, froin lope is the easiest in Manchuria. route into Jehol.
The front must be directed wark, with its own commandants tariat is not to be delivered to the its most advanced section. It de will triumph. They have conthe special Interests International Cooperation against Fascism. And this recomand its own batallions. It is nec Faseist butchers bound hand and solves upon them, therefore, to ence in themselves and in the sound The leather because som er ute to Japers The League, in short, cannot posmon front of direct struggle against essar to have a map of the Fast foot.
Fascism, embracing the entire proist barracks and all other Fascist Opposition Stand the whole class for a struggle to The Stalinist Position in North China but it is not ready stly uslow vast sections of China letariat, must be utilized in the strongholds, in every city and in What does the Left Opposition the bitter end to crush Fascism. What do the Stalinists advocate to see this sphere turned into an to secure Japatos con es.
The socialist workers do not yet The united front from below un only through quid pro quos. in Emese reconstruction since Straer ledirected as a Sanik attack attempting to encircle the revolu advocate? Nothing more or less believe in the need of the dictator. The united nationale made for services rendered.
se present positicus luscumility in It is necessary to show by deeds must be encircled. On this hagis Tenin and Trotsky in the early sentially why they are still in the the party. Inut not the united front. the moment. America has more to with Japuu and an anxiey. to is a ostacle to friendship years of the Comintern, applied to social democracy (we leave aside complete readiness to make a bloc (Continued on Page 2)
the present German situation. The for the moment the fact that Stal(Continued on Page 2) offer the League than Japan. The the rest of the word as the main with the social democrats against the Fascists in all cases in which inist blunders help to keep them tenance of peace in the bar East they will accept a bloc. To say to 11 is a matter of international conthere) and are not yet prepared to ce) and since the conditions enthe social democratic workers: fight for a Bolshevik revolution. Cast your leaders aside and join They are prepared to go along umerated above cannot be rutalled even with the Bolsheviks to fight the without a song central govern our non party united front. ment in China, the ful requisite means to add just one more hol GELTMAN DENOUNCES BARBUSSE MASQUERADE IMPOSED Communists must make it poastble nemy of Fascism. BUREAUCRATS EXPEL TWO ACTIVE MILITANTS ON for a satisfactory solucion is tem low phrase to a thousand others.
We must understand how to tear UPON LEFT STUDENTS AT CHICAGO CONFERENCE ON WAR for them to ally themselves with FRAME UP CHARGE OF STEALING MAILING LIST. REAL Dorury cooperation in the internal reconstruction or China, as sug the workers away from their leadPROBLEM; DEMANDS DISSOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE fight. This can be done at the REASON SHOWN TO BE THAT THEY ARE OPPOSTIONISTS Bested by the late Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
ers in reality. But reality today Last there be any doubt as to the 1s the struggle against Fascism.
present time by an alliance betw There are and doubtless will be so In a signed statement presented ent upon this orientation the unto the Communist party, and the So The Is proceeding well Vanzetti Branch (Boston) and used League kreat altruism in desiring cial democratic workers who are to the permanent cornmittee formed ted front there effected has the ap cial Democratic party to which the in its work of unification. As a this list to circularize the branch is the many rather than Japan prepared to fight hand in hand with at the socalled united front anti pearance of a permanent organiza socialist workers are still attached.
the plied two of the most active mem paper, the militant. The actions doubt by or even ainst the desires of the of the Ceny Geltman, member for the time that is necessary to from their treacherous leaders in bers of the Boston district of its of shiechet for the last few months Shures of the Yandet. se Fascists, regardless of the desires Chicago. specific aims, the joint struggle, With such progressive elements it to the communities at the conference, set for existence until imperialist the socialist leaders will try to Whiose sretivities for the cause dissatisfaction amongst the extension of the righus of. elected the present National Certiimittelen for we proceed from the the strenythening is obviously forever abolished curb the movement, to emasculate are well known to all the members members with the Dites to England, the u. and France.
the closest to establish presented his resignation, declining wars contact. At to allow the name of the Left Op The same might, and shonld be it, the present time, however, they are position to be used as a cover for said of the American Committee of the enemy in short, to render the in typically stalinist manner om for mass activity, utilizing Melkens announced the abrogation not great in number. The German the Stalin Barbusse masquerade. the World Congress Against War, movement ineffective and to stop trumped up charges. The local bu meetings and conferences for secur of these rights in January 1930, and worker has been raised it halt way along the road. The reaucracy of the Boston section ing contacts and in an attempt to sain in January 1931. But under spirit of organization and of disen from the statement which in the We give here some excerpts tak and shows either, or both, of two socialist workers do not yet real fearing the criticism of these com pit members of the against cover of the present situation the he things. One, that the Communists cipline. This has its strong as presented to the Committee: who were instrumental in the con le fully the role of their leaders. rades and fearing the spread of decisions and against the Wers not the league, but the whelming majority of theme social rests that the case or Studes acceptera Derinlistopate blessing cess of the struggle by their own would build the. as a real Konikov joined the branch den hoorced this concession as part pas democratic workers will against the Fascists, but for the mittee. This however did not do that history has produced but one are so superior not only in their self appointed leaders excluded am senting out these things (Theormaly declared war on Chloers night on permanent contiuuations com abolish capitalism. or two, experience from well proceed further mass organization and thereby excently. Kontkor action consisted out for their stand against Japan.
present at least only together with on the basis of the program there organization which can lead the their organizations. This stage adopted. Aly purpose was to pre proletariat to victory over capi: comrades Shechet and Konikov on Militant and notices of meetings. hat no strong central governHlagrantly falsified grounds so as. etc. etc. ad nauseum. From ment. in fact no government at the social democratic workers in position, more particularly the pro any case no united front of diverse to cover up the splitter character the nature of these charges, on the all, exists in China, according to of their action, basis of past experience, it is not the Japanese generais whose sole dinary situation to test the value League of America Opposition to overthrow capitalism. Similarly The District Executive Commit difficult to see into this very ap of their organizations and leaders in statement and resolution at the is this true on the problem of war tiesire is, of course, the maintentee of the New England District parent frame up. The statement ance of law and order so that All the at this time, when it is a matter of conference, find it necessary to which so much involves the fate in its statement on the expaision of the expelled comrades contirms civilization may survive.
life and death for the workng resign from the Committee for the of capitalism. Any united front are bandits, of the two comrades makes the our suspicion. Their statement is hluese soldiers must understand its limited func following reasons following charges a smashing reply to the lies of the sty the official Japanese spokesWe Must Force the Social Dem This investigation and the meet the alleged theft of the mailing ington is bureaucrats. Concerning man. One wonders whether WashFrom its very inception the contion and duration. To do otherocracy into a Bloe Against fo the Fascists gress could promise nothing so far wise is to deceive, consciously or The following appeal was issued ings brought out that Shechet and list the prosecutors were forced to it the indelicate use of American The trouble is that in the Central Ele against war was concerned.
as the proper position on the strug unconsciously, and to breed a mire today by the national office of the Konikov had stolen the member Liptomatic language. The League (Continued on Page 2) Communist League of America ship list and records of the Sacco Committee (Continued on Page 2)
the Communist party that is, it could proteise nothing accord with Japan views there are many frightened oppor but confusion. Repeating the insco (Opposition) to all the readers of in China, but prefers, strangely tunists. They have heard that op at Amsterdam last summer the THE MILITANT: hough, its own methods and interportunism consists of a love for call. Instigated by the National Dear Comrades: ests for carving China to suit the blocs, and that is why they You have already learned from powers.
are Student League in the other had against blocs. They do not under been by the Communist the Militant of the great enterprises Even in its present report the Interna stand the difference between, let) tional, went out in the name of a Oehler Tour: of the Left Opposition in response The Jackal press has let loose a of an individual character. The League straddles on the issue o us say, a parliamentary agreement series of individuals, teachers and to the crisis in Germany the puband an ever so modest agreement students, who represented no one YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO for struggle in a strike or in de but themselves Thus no organized be killer of Franklin Roosevelt the hands of the capitalist hirelings. proper direction with events. As Tuesday, Feb. 21 P.
a fense of workers printshop bodies which could pledge their CENTRAL AUDITORIUM We have undertaken this great his death of his relles sont workers it is they who sent succu vaner Streit observes in the ne. Times, against Fascist bands.
225 Boardman St.
task which involves heavy addi and their families by starvation is to a bideosuquth. It is they who vords declares Japan the agressor, Election agreements, parliament conference decisions assured the support in the carrying out of the CLEVELAND, OHIO tional financial burdens. without just a daily event, which murders word Tom money su ut living com or the violator of the Convenant.
ary compromises concluded between conference of success in its achieve Wednesday, Feb. 22 any resources except our confidence PAINTERS HALL cial democracy serve as a rule, to several other errors were mani2030 Euclid Ave.
of young workers to the slaughter the advantage of the social de ested in the formation, Chicago, ILL Feb. 24, 25, 26 with your solidarity and financial house of the world war with equa way of RECOLLII WALA u warembowers are torn between the deUA muruer anu proud will yet ar delibera sire to maintain the sanctity of ocracy. Practical Davenport, Iowa Feb. 27 nimity sets up a lynching howl wave. But it ww lever auvaucou In these fateful days for the In against Zangara a product of the step by mu vou terrorisn. Wala ise Covenant and agreements for tlons and consequences of the con havmass action, for purposes of struggress. Most notabiy, a misundering to maintain it with its sanc gle are always useful to the rev. standing of the united front tactie MINNEAPOLIS MASS MEETING sounds the alarm, explains and in the pen prostitutes who lose no opus noniug. There are buu ternational proletarian movement, self su me system. How shallow It is the Left Opposition alone that does this indignation sound from any otetuese och aps Society exists the dealous.
olutionary arty. The Anglo Rus was shown. Though the conferslan Committee was an impermissl. ence in its resolutious does some The Minneapolis branch of the terprets the events and shows the portunity to sanction a Negro lynchureus, muy, Luusands of lucky BULLETIN ble type of bloc of two leaderships where state that it is a united Communist League of America has Communist workers the way to ing in the bourbon South Germaniu, oflicial organ of the on one common political platform, front of action, the distinction was organized a mass meeting to be their international duty. Every Who and will take the piuce o Catholle Center Party and perIt is not Cermak, mayor of Chicae What is reSIOLO sonal organ of Ileinrich Bruening during his Chancellorship (which ance of this bloe at the time of the cated to the contrary, to united standpoint of the Left Opposition of the Militant is a welght in the played. but Zangaru who is the cells system or cu putin. Au time as the anze action at all. The mainten. In fact the entire affair was ort on the crisis in Germany and the norte ele thrice a week publication ago (who is responsible for the tur tue wretched conditions uf to unem. way 18 not the mudividual, but the the Stalinists announced in its General when the General front on propaganda that is, to the meeting is to be held in the scale for the German working class. Fascist dictator victim of this affair. Four years we way to aboista the system is ship. has just suppressed breaker, signified, on the part of general, rather than to jointly con House, and the speakers are Carl ical moment, is of a hundred fold leave their effects upon the work cerror but by united action of the its own election manifesta The of starvation have not failed to oc by petty vourgeois, auarus by the Hitler regime for printing the Stalinists, a policy of betrayal. duct specific No common platform with the actvities. Consequ. Skoglund and Vincent Dunne, greater importance than at ordin!
ing class. It has aroused bitter aliou masses au deteranmed strug 300 other Prussian organg of the social democracy, or with the lend as man. Admission is free and can we ask you to give a special con resentment in the hearts of the ope aguinst all forms ot class opers of the German trade unions, no OPEN FORUM workers are cordially invited.
trbution to the Militant. Your life of the president elect is a une marxlan vasts that Zangara attempt on the pression. It is ouly on this selenMy are similarly threatThe terror regime of the pla we take Nazis now extends over a wide cards! March separately, but strike help is desperately needed and will misguided expression of this burn our stand against Individual ac especially appreciated now, front. Fascism unitedly! Agree only how to strike, BONAPARTISM and THERMIDOR ABERN TO SPEAK IN BOSTON whom to strike, and when to strike!
Yours fraternally, erushing even the Such an agreement can be conclud.
exploitation, and the years of hun sand against any attempt to lyuch most innocuonsly bourgeois demJ. Cannon THE CRISIS IN THE Martin Abern, member of the Na ger regime that drove Zangara to or persecute the real vietin, Zan.
Secretary ocratie institutions.
ed even the devil himself, tional Committee of the niat this desperate expedient those who sura.
with his grandmother and even SOVIET UNION League of America (Opposition) is USE THIS BLANK reap the wind sow the whirlwind. class on the history and prinwith Noske and Grzezinsky. On one scheduled to speak at a number of The Militant The method which Zangara chose Undoubtedly, the master class ciples of the International Left condition, not to bind one own meetings now being arranged by 126 Past 16th Street Speaker: to indicate his opposition to the will try to utlize this event to Opposition will begun this Wedneshands.
MAX SHACHTMAN the Boston branch of the Opposition Enclosed herewith is. rule of the parasitic capitalist class stir up an anti red hysteria or day evening. February 22, 1933, at It is lay. Necessary. without any deto elaborate a practical Friday, February 24, P. Germany. Comrade Abern will publish the Militant three times a ists. We do not support individual coreign born revolutionary workers. 196 East 16th Street, at P.
system of measures not with the speak in Boston, Peabody and in week during the German crisis.
126 East 16th Street, terror. On the contrary, the annals But our position is clear. The cap. The class will run for eight ses of all probability one more tocality.
of the revolutionary movement is italist class cannot mask the privastons, every Wednesday evening. before the Com.
Name ADMISSION: 150 The meetings will be held on March rich in its implacable opposition to on into which it has driven the with Max Shachtman, editor of the munists. but with the aim of ae3, 4, and 1933. Further details Address this petty bourgools tactie. It is masses by a rod herring of this Mi:itant, as lecturer. Admission tual struggle against Fascism. Br. Communist League of will appear in the coming feues of not out of any moral considerations kind. Our Aght will go on to the to each session is afteen cents; the The question of factory America (Opposition) the Militant.
City State that we oppose terroristie actions end. full conrse is 00.
Appeal for Aid to Readers class.
capable wincing German Meetings Lynching Campaign Against Zangara lication of the Militant three times Veritable furore against the would blood of proletarian lighter covers that it has freedom to move in the that you and other Communist Workers on the picket without an ur crime which the whole worl his manner of expression is due workers will support our laltiative afterthought, which sent millions oss he never cummiled. Lucto the fact that the great League fear of of ing discontent. It is the intensive won. With the sube vigor we will triumph without cannot really cial demonerely exposing the too de