BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerItalyLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRadekRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE GREAT BETRAYAL to 10 Homeless Youthtobe Militarised 11. Nash Tomas 16 13 of 40 22 20 18 16 Fascists in Control of Police Super Exploitation in So. Illinois of PAGE THE MILITANT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1933 caught in their own mesh. They howled about Communism breakBUILD THE MILITANT ing up the family and never before has such a wholesale disruption of family life been evident as This is the time to do it, com Philadelphia 15 in the paradise of American captEvery shoulder the FIRST PART OF THE HISTORY OF SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC TREACHERY IN GERMANY TAKEN Youngstown talism They gloated over the w! The Militant. plays Boston 10 besprizorni in Soviet Russia. But FROM ITS OWN AUTHENTIC RECORDS, WRITINGS, SPEECHES, NEWSPAPERS, great historical role. It was never New Castle the workers state has eradicated needed more than now, in these Lynn, Mass.
this left over of the civil war, by WHICH SHOW HOW IT SOLD PROLETARIAT TO BOURGEOISIE fateful days. Now is the time to South Bend alsorbing them into the industry spread it, to build up its circula Davenport and life of the nation. In America, tion.
St. Louis tion, is a ridiculous, stupid lie of be postponed. The Soviet govern.
where there has been no civil war THE SOCIAL DEMOCRATS Des Moines in AND THE WAR our opponents for agitational pur ment will not last very much longer we are glad to record gratitying 20, 000, 000 APPROPRIATED To they swarm the country alde On July 31, at p. the War poses.
but will be liquidated in a few results for the last couple of wecks. THE BUILDERS: Canelis SEND YOUNG WORKERS INTO hundreds of thousands. Philip Scheidemann, Berlin, weeks.
Since the drive started we received MILITARY TRAINING CAMPS And what do the solons of bour Ministry issued in No. 61 ggal the communication to the June 1922. Minutes of Session of about two hundred new subs 12 roois law and order propose to do General Command, etc. According (On December. 1922, in the trial the Council of People Com through the Club Plan and Koehler The Senato has decided to about the problem? Do they into a reliable report the Social Dem against his assailants, Scheidemann missioners, Nov, 19, 1918. prepaid sub cards. At the same time new subscriptions are on the Morgenstern the nation. By its bill, passed Mon jobs, to give them unemployment tion of conducting itself in a man Prince Max von Baden the retrire THE JUDAS ROLE OF increase at the regular sulmeripR. Dunne day by a unanimous vote, it has insurance, to place them in trade ner as befits every German under ment of Wilhelm II norder to THE SOCIALISTS tion rate. Ross Weber placed the destitute and hungry schools so they can later be ab the present conditions. consider save the monarchy. The massacres of revolutionary Looking over the record by citw. Krem on the basis of forced conscripBurdly be expected. The boss so that the military commanders WAR TO THE LAST MINUTE Joel workers in Berlin, Munich, Breies we see Pittsburgh, Montreal and tion to military training ramps. class wants these jobless youth for may take it into consideration. So long as the peace negotiamen, the Ruhr district and Veeronto rushing to the front of Shulman Silesia, in hundreds of other the. course, New York stands at Ingram The minimum service required in its industrial reserve army.
tions have not yet liegun and hos man cities will be an everlasting head of the lişt but at the rate Friend these campe is six months. wants these unemployed youth to Report of Count Montgelas tilities continue, the defense force monument of shame to the light some of our branches are progress Basky Thus the impotent Senate has constitute a threat at the factory In the First Investigation of the German people must be unwing socialist bourgeois overlords. ing, its place of honor will be seri. Borsook reacted to one of the most vital sates so that wages may be con Committee. Volume 2, page 74. folded to the highest conceivable degree. The transition from a war. Arthur Crisipen, Freiheit, ously contested in the near future.
Toronto Group and desperate problems created by stantly dragged down. It wants November 1919.
Toronto just made its immediate Hamilton American capitalism These young them to serve as seats in the great ALL FOR THE FATHERLAND to a peace footing is also from a goal fifty new sugs. And the way. Hinich workers, whose life is one of hunt strike battles that are yet to come.
NOSKE TIIE BLOODHOUND it is rusbing ahead, that goal will IL Milton ed wandering, whose bed is a box It wants these ontcasts to augment ture, much if not everything is at ally dangerous moment. Spiegel car and whose food consists of the smilia for use against the stake in a victory of Russian de the peopie which stacks its arms attacked even though knew As to the individual record, comII.
miserable slop handed out in salvar em com os processen einen we der spotism which is stained with the fire monte tocarlsefe Theme revuelo ary dressed the roletarade Capolis felt quite sure to ro Hudson of best folding of the national defense force the revolutionary history of GerF. Rayburn Capells, look at the column and prey to sexual degeneracy and for its foreign wars that impend. preet is necessary to ward also demands, however, the pre many as a bloodhound. carried main in first place. Well, comrade Gottlieb petty thievery of all description Above all it fears the in the interior. out this bloody work out of serious better get busy anger these danger, to guarantee the servation of order with renewed duty. At that time vigor.
of consciousness Yorwaerts, October 3, 1918. Hamilton they are the grist of the mill of discontented youths constitute to culture and the independence of said to myself somebody must in to press you. number of comrades beW. Konikow capitalist civilization. Thrown to their personni pocketbooks, in the our country. In the hour of dan.
do the job, and it is clear to me THE RECORD BY CITIES: Coover the surface by four years of capi way of petty larceny on a whologer we do not leave our own fa THE MONARCHY MUST that this means for ine that shall Lessin talist crisis, they reflect the prosale scale and the organization of therland in the lurch. In this we REMAIN New York have to run through the German found derangement, the wretched a section of them into militant feel ourselves to be in harmony Had we at that time seen the revolution like a bloodhound. Sifakis Chicago Me Millen conditions thrust upon the proletar youth movement which will strike with the International which has possibility of transforming Ger. Gustav Noske, Weimar Minneapolis Miller fan home by continued unemploy not at the pocketbooks but at the at all times recognize the right of many into a republic, we should Pittsburgh Congress of MinG. Drucker ment and dependence income the every people to national independ not have delayed for an instant to Toronto utes, page 202. Ritz handouts of charity institutions. expropriation of mines the ence and self defense, just as we unfurl the republican banner and.
Montreal Ruby The bourgeois sycophants are anills, and the factories war of conquest. Gulded by these up to this time we have not seen ROSA AND KARL to But INCITEMENT TO MURDER principles, we approve the re this possibility and we do not see quired war eredita.
it tolay. But this demands first Tundreds of corpses in a row.
Declaration of the Socialſ of all the preservation of the pre Proletarians Democratie Reichtsag Fraesent state form, the monarchy. Kar l, Rosa, Radek and Co. Drives Miners to Militant Revolt tion on August 4, 1914. Mannheimer Volksstimme, Not one of them is there!
in the Vorwaerts, Why did the revolt of the mili. But all this concentration IN ORDER TO COVER UP STERILITY OF STALIN POLICY SOCIAL DEMOCRACY AND THE PACT WITH THE January 13, 1919. tants mechanization, and rationOF OPPOSITION TO LENINIST UNITED FRONT TACTICS As soon as the monarchy ful CAPITALISTS (The next day, Karl Liebknecht! tus among the soft coal minersjon has improved organizational fills the wishes of the people, the In the Right socialist trade un and Rosa Luxemburg was murder features in Illinois, and particular utilization of capital, not of the efficienes continued from page ly in Southern Illinois? What are labor. On the contrary, the coal Has all this happened because ground is removed from under all lon leaders, the Legiens, Leiparts, od. the objective features of the situa miner in Illinois has had more irthe stuplu lie of an American so he social democracy the couns are consecinty Fascist to monarchy or republic? would then Moyeds found allies to save capital XOSKE TWO GREAT DEEDS tion in that territory, with which regular employment than the miner clal democrat that Trotsky ad. have accomplished two great revolutionary Drainy theoreticians or because be much less of a theme for dis ism from the threatening revolu labor policy will in any of the other big coul minthe Bruung gov.
ing states ernment as long as it uguts the image of complete the secret edilen every probability indicates that days after the sth of November, at yet sieut when am dead, and Analysis of the statistics pub West Virginia, Kentucky, PeunIllinois prodnce Hot Clerkan setia alu dibers uue muution: Is it asking too much to this is what is coming. Even to the day of the revolution, the chey are the liberation of the count. lished by the government leads to wylvania na ry frotn Bolshevism and the keep the following conclusions. among them 80 percent of the gain in verucity with age. 8 straightforward question?
The come, they will be presumably in ployers and the Right socialisting of Hanover in Prussia. In Illinois, capitalist exploi country total soft coul output social, demucracy. Trotsky wrote. Naske, Hanover Parliament, tation of the coal miner has gone in West Virginia, the average numon Decemver 1931, supporiscal democracy and its institu the shortest period of time over trade union leaders was concluded May 1921 further many respects than in ber of days worked in 1930 per mine Bruening, votes for lun. assumes nous are the main social support come without a trace of a violent. Thus the Christian leaders once over allied themselves with the mighty any other state in the union, and was 201, in Kentucky 187, in Penn responsibility for his before the of the democratie form of bourge upheaval and without the in Rome jointly to suppress the be FRENCH SOCIALISTS this is particularly true of the sylvania (soft conl) 198 in Illinmasses ou le grouuus that the vis rule that is a kindergarten throw of the monarchy. Vorwaerts, April 3, 1917. trayed people.
ON NOSKE GALLIFET Southern Illinois field.
ois it was 156 days in the year.
Bruening government is the truth which the mental paralytics. Arthues Crisbien, Chairman Saske directed the bloody sup. The concentration of capital In Illinois, 97 percent of the lesser eru. The Kote Fahne at the party could welt afford to of the Independent pression in Berlin and Bernhard is proportionately greater in Illin miners work ciklit hours a day: tempts to ascruce the same view assimilaie. But for the naked NEVER AGAINST THE dictatorMONARCHY July 29, 1919 carried it out: Theris and Gallifet. ols, and the necessity of concentra the average for the whole country to me on the grounds at ex pasest form of bourg. or still better: two Gallitetstion of the workers forces is coris less than 30 percent.
pressed mysel gust the said kindrance, it becomes superfluous. a positive republican activity, was KAUTSRY AND HAASE and shameul particiusion of the old doet heed to be a member of dever conducted by the social dem. ON RUSSIA Noske remains to this day a mem respondingly most urgent. Yet in spite of this fact, the prober of the second International The increased efficiency of luction per man per day in Illinois Continuation of the discussion To restore the unity of the great exploitation in Illinois has led to is among the highest in the whole dum. But have the bernian Let the pirtys Political Bureau or the ocracy, because this question apOpposition all mysel a partir all wise Secretariat to understand peared to us up to a certain time on Germany attitude to the So family of labor the violater of its shorter working time and lower country.
carning power for the miners. The Evidently the tactics of the mine suf France. Sept. 25, 1919.
Populaire, central organ of the effect on wages will be discussed operators are to drive the men as wote for and support Bruenung? le da puse or two of modern his that the socialdemocracy waten wetende publier in blaase advises to name must be driven out.
Marxists regard Bruenny and Hit istory, a jige or two of the daily or prepared the November revolu in with llaase: the decision must har as possible for the day pay, Man Production High while giving them fower days of attack in West Frankfort went to parts of one and the sale system. to combine all this with a modest crous social democratie leaders, We use as the index of explos work in the year than any other The questoon as to winch one of of common political sonse.
se GollowerThe Governor at tation of mine labor, the produc big coal producing stato ainst refused to see the woman tion of coal in tons per man per grievances of the Illinois miners No wonder one of the major them is the lesser eva. has 10 But here perhaps we are asking German proletariat struggle to sense, for the system we ure glattoo much from the Daily Worker smash Fascism must be swept aside. Blow at III. Miners ask the Governor it his statement whole this threagerea steles tons has been the kiling pace of meching against needs all these elecditor.
The silence of the party press, Thursday, Feb. 16, 1983.
two works Usurtog ubi miners for the state of Illinois, 42 tons anization, as carried out by the teleir constitutional rights were to The Sonthern Illinois conuties running corporations who control coal we have succeeded in breaking continued from page Messrs. Professional Liars ou clown. But now that it has spok.
the Datly Worker (2 16 1833) Droen it has only revealed the dreadthe 100 at klyn Meet meetings, carrying can seen atlon, in affair eapitalist Justice comes Macoupin County in which on inhos street state de comme in a word, it denies the Pebruary 1, Mrs. Weick notified tons, Montgomery County trying to convince the American introduced into the crucial German 73. for a decent living wage and deworkers that the communist party situation. The fate of the whole paign on the German situation was further the memorandum Gov. Iorner that the women of the Christian County 74 (In which cont working conditions is carried Progressive Miners of America Tay holds them back of Germany is their enemny which tierman proletariat, the Communist held by the branch of the Left states: Xo private citizens in the would holi meeting in the fighting centering around on in Illinois on a higher plane of from struggle warty and the Communist Interna. Opposition in the Brooklynout 100 county of should have them underskrid torner to see that the min super esploitation of labor but also in the rest of the United States Labor be to carry on and lorville took place. technical and economie exploitation and against a more concentrated Democratic leaders are now world revolution hang in the bal workers came for the first time to their control. Who are the pelers got their constitutional rights. The presence of large aggregations The Clos organizations of the hindrance to Fascism; in other ance. Tho Stalinists are either listen to the call to action of the rate citizens, say for thNothing of course, came out of all trust the Communist party but NT INTEILNATIONAL HAS NOT Hitlerism in Germany. The speak striking coal miners out the one ed from holding their meeting by the miners. Class 1A mines. pro organization and struggle on a of capital able to conduct a pow. workers on the economic front, the CAN trust the Social Democratic STOKEN YET. or else they speakers of the eventi comrades and while all the private and a bunch of kungsters. Not only ducing over halt party leaders fatal nonsense.
billion tons a higher plane and with greater Explicado rinoresque, e, not ist caricature of it must be estab Germany and the grave dangers the other sonde brease esa had free to protect the incetiug but openly In any other state 53. percent experto enable them to fulan The united front not the Centralucid explanation of the situation in disarmed by the State Militia; ou or solice of West Frankfort refuse year cach. produce a larger part lumess, and their mass basis very bright, lie. We nerer lished if Hitlerism is to be crushed that threaten the Communist more mon and strikebreakers have free to the committee that the meet against an average for the spoke of trusting the social dem. hot tomorrow but today. The meth of the whole world. excess to all the guns that they ing would be attacked by Ray Edted States of 27. percent.
Uul their urgent tasks.
ocracy, much less its leaders. Sortare il nostre ways of nie and thus the first meeting the Lett Opposieven to be allowed the right to That law and order under capie concentration is shown by the fol Stalinist officials This rally in Williamsburg marks need. The striking miuers are not mondson and the rest of the gang. FIELD. ocratie purty leaders are a hind play into the hands of the treach tion has held in that district.
rance to Fascism. We spoke and tacks of drunken imported strike tettono carcer is seen in the towing comparison. De whole breakers.
continue to speak everywhere of of Moulin, Lipe and Whitlow who are in the southern district. The has 500 mines, of which 113 Strike at Foltis Fisher the craven capitulation or the soThen as a further onslaught on in the earlier part of the week total production of the state in The workers in cial democratic leaders (2 15 the the State senate last were sentenced to six months im 1930 was 63, 000, 000 tons, of which Poltis Fischer cafeterias have been three of the 1933. of the fact that these load.
MINNEAPOLIS The leadership less form of representation of the use of the state initia do Guties relcused by another judge in an southern district. In other words, bosses for refusing to invest a part ism by their unbroken record of of the Communist party in Dist. workers. The appeal says call tian County for their continued other county in time to help Ray 22 percent of the state mines pro of their meager, slashed to thesocial democracy, many of whom structions for state relief march elect delegates. In the Minnea: been exhausted by the State Militia o club und beat the women of the color duced 45 percent of the state hone wages in shares of the comwill enter directly into the Hitler ers. Cripple as it is with the polis conference there was one that is stationed in Christian Co. Progressive Miners.
pany stock. This is just another camera, Wause wentere de estos he past struggles the party stumship and its closest sympathizers sing murdering and starving the west Frankfort section, the Har has gone a pürtherndin menehno is to save responded by militant picket The whole Southern Illinois, the That the process of concentra. trick to cut wages by disguising it solinis camp after 1921, are one bles and falls into creating a move represented eleven times over striking miuers back to work on risburg section, the Duquoin secans where else in the country 16 thing, the social democracy, and ment that resembles Lovestone through auxiliaries. The name, der the company union of Lewis tion all swinging toward the masses and their institutions, are arty. Rather than come out in movement is nothing but the forces Councils held their state conven. The new union is Industrial Union. The lock out, growing fast. total of 22, 803, 000 tons of coal was sointillating theorists of the Stall trade unions, the Socialist party. workers and farmers organiza a delegation to Gov. Horner to de so Gov, ker imion is losing produced in Illinois by loading, which has been converted into a quite another thing. This the its own name and call upon the of the oficial Party, with its own tion in Springtield and they sent The Lewisinstead of giving machines, or handled on pit car strike, is meeting with warm symInist school cannot understand be the Farmer Labor party, the cooption.
The party, the leader of the mand winter relict, the delegation the referendum vote loaders and conveyors. The near pelilery aromes Fisch werkerstedelike cause they have forgotten the Beratives for a minimum class pro working class. should boldly carry was vtclously clubbed, beaten and that they asked for is going to rest state to it din mechanization. There is a great probabilitet erhat of Marxism. Are the latter a sram, the party crawls into the conto di trasie of herediucose and there a trointesislea Buty women couleurs constante hotele latures mortemis: 1200 tons by these methods, and the strike with extend its scope sion of the Weimar republic into auxiliaries, and through them calls theory of two class parties instead defeat the striking miners there vestigate the conditions the entire mechanized output of the Left Opposition will stand solidly Fascist state? Can anybody but state relief march for the de of competing with the with will always be plenty of money in county. In the language of the country amounted a tons.
behind it.
Klve an affirmative answer?
Do Building Trades Left wing sham of the Farmer Labor Party and its representative exist. And: white wash squad In Hinois, 48 pereent of the coal chairman of the strike committee not the latter read the daily press with a few innovations from the lurk a multitudo of opportunist, Gov. Horner 18the tacties the thing reny for the Lewis Walker against 10 percent for the entire all the work of the strike. But we to the min. wush everything and make every Loaded mechanically, and is taking a very active part in Are they living on this globe or program of its own unemployed misleaders of the working class. ers regardless on Jupiter? Hare they not read and farmers organization. rea! We must expose and not compete workers use, whether it P. Peabody machine. But the min country.
the with them.
Taylorvilleurs, too, are realizing that can say at the outset that Modern Machinery Used real and West Frankfort, or Gandhi progress can be made only in a strike will be hampered if it limits domination of Fascisin, Musront to meet the dire need of the Illiuols also leads the country in its supporters to those who stand Bolini not only exterminated the inemployed in the bankrupt cities Communist movement but also burned down socialist response from wested retses popular tion and shortcomings in polley, Wolck, or the Unemployeil Council hysteria anist Jos, de contenenti con le tubuhne, that is the ex the good graces of the Stalinist halls trie shovels from an open cut af comrade Petras, a well known food Italy, drove into llegalitythe less of the attitude of the reforma como cement and warch will have parts and the future he will wYyter stripping from the a considerable following on the day headache clubs against there all THE MILITANT earth. This method of thing Worker militant, who was barred socialist party and the socialist ist leaders.
The movement is called the of the march. The workers 118 from participation in the strike bewill can be seen in the statement that papers and printing establishments. Workers and Farmers Relief com come, look on and go away. It is he made to Agnes Burns Weick matter November 28, 1928, at the dollars apiece, leads to the great methods, coplod from the Entered as a second class matling shovels that cost half a million cause he is a Trotskyite. Such fled and imprisoned socialist lendine ita united front character. character for the unemployed this demonstration by the large group Under the act of March 3, 1879. the United Electric Coal Co. op on the contrary, the road to vie name of Matteoti? Have they seen the Minnen polis conference for this ports the movement and shall par. aso in Springfield had not been the Communist League of Amer Southern Minois, and at the same ing its basis ibe alt workers cele from the press reports that Hit movement were not seated because ticipate in it. It will criticize its orderly. counter revolutionary errors and wrong. We lea (Opposition) at 126 East Yes, Horner repled, but let time to the most intense exploita sardless of political afiliation.
pression or confiscation of the Atypico.
16th Street, New York. tion of labor with production run sound me tell you one thing. Do you re EDITORIAL BOARD ning 14 tons per man per day.
TOM MANN FREED cialist Vorwaerts in Berlin and Eng rule was administrated by the call for the worker Commun meinber the group that rioted (Martin Abern other socialist papers? Do they blushing workers chairman to sts to take stock of the wrong in my office a few days ago? The Max Shachtman Tom Mann, veteran leader of the James Cannon Strip mined coal in Illinois in know that socialist workers have prevent discussion on the motion policy of their leadership and or only difference is that you sat here Maurice Spector 1930 amounted to 116, 116 tons, British revolutionary movement Arne Swabeck or 31 percent of all the strip min has been released from prison. He already been murdered? That the to unseat the Communist League canize with the Left Opposition to determined to force me to see you, Friday, February 17, 1933 ed coal of the United States. In was jailed by the MacDonald gov.
socialist Vol. VI, No. (Whole No. 156)
has delegation. The narrow basis for correct it.
while they demonstrated.
assassinated by already been Illinois each shovel averaged 105, erument for his activities in leading the the march 19 supplemented by the This statement was made at the single copy one cent. Bundle 000 tons a year, against 58, 000 for the unemployed movement against Naal gangsters?
widest, loosest and most meaning. CLEM FORSEN. time the victims of the gangster rates on application.
the whole country.
the cut in the dole.
Those who stand in the road of the Governor Strikes The Relief March In Minneapolis Workers Frank to is to white mined is the or Stassfurt