BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninismNazismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

UNITE Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of Amerier (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 187 VOLUME VI, NO. WHOLE NO. 156 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1933 PRICE CENT Fascists In Complete Control of Police Smash Hitler Governor Party MustAct Now!
Japs Plan for United Proletarian Resistance Strikes at Movement;Stalinist:Persistint Opposition to United Front to Extend III. Miners Conquest of UE UL JU Purus UL and This is word for word what the Under the new German re int and pass over to the struck seribes biust resort to the most for the HITLER IS CHANCELLOR! Create Common Organs of Struggle The work of establishing the Nationalist alliance are avowedly the initiative in establishing a Workers, do you know what that on a National and Local Scale means? It means complete starva and throw into the tight the concomplete domination of Fascism in working to establish the national Genuine united front movement of Germany is being carried out at istie Stateby which their follow all the workers and their organition and loss of all rights, it means centrated forces of the proletariat.
ILLUSIONS ABOUT HORNER speed which leaves even the bourers certainly understand the Hit zations, which will sweep out of the destruction of all the active. The goal of the struggle is. of the proletariat! After Overthrow the Hitler Government! SHATTERED BY MEMORAN elections on March are assuming tion, and expect to realize their of capitalist rule in Germany but, Scois press busping: The proposedlerist State Irrespective of opposi power not merely the Fascist form MANCHURIAN INVASION TO BE EXTENDED FURTHER DEthe speeches of the Nazl leader, Dirarm the brown murder bands!
there can be no doubt of this. Hit Defend all working class organi DUM AIMED AT OF an increasingly deceptive and ludi ambition in the immediato future forging ahead, will smash the last Soviet SPITE OTHER POWERS ler program is the complete zations and the property!
that the Hitlerites are conceale e lire prepared and readily ad obstacle on the road to smashing of all the political and Defend the democratie rights SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Many Ill. trating every instrument of torce which the possession of powerfered the Communists by the pretrade union organizations of the of the proletariat!
working class, to clear The Japanese generals refuse to way for the means of struggle is nols miners and among them quite and violence in their own handal gives them. The result of the sent situatioBut are they tits. The mus of their multi are matchless in be checked uy the League ou Nu a few of the Progressive Miners of so that regardless of the belloting, elections March and the prospect their the a still more monstrous impoverishe zeneral strike, but this can lead America leaders thought that they the power will remain in their of Parliamentary opposition play taking advantage of them? Not in for many a long time, is to close aim of his foreign policy is war of the struggle and the proletariat voted and helped to elect Henry it to be The press reports the following Caterrent part in their calcula the least! They continue to re to their grup to allow tions.
peat the old, worn out, discredited snatched away agat. Bar crom with Soviet Russia. If Hitler sueure fully sware than the light Horner of the Democratic party as highly significant facts: From the pen of the bourgeois and bankrupt formulae which have giving up Multicour, the ene this would mean an unprecedented must be currled with even harder unclent, myopie, hoe hypnotism this and All political demonstrations correspondent we thus have a con brought about the present impot superando pau weken fast fading as the miners see in de policed by Nazl storm troop last Monday: The parliamentary in Germany.
tariat, for Germany is not only we must not wait, we must hit out! action the true role of Horper in ers and members of the Stahlbelm, elections as the axis of the strug: ploying the per torner boy emMuuchu For and Germany contestove yourself our time alle party of protests eclompeleme walked me to be as close color machine e la regulace police pot mer enn en el tren chverotus tew Indie. ro Dem their struggle against the Lewis the regular police being merely Ble, constitute an enormous and ter Hitler was named Chancellor, peror of China. Tule will make the official party press in the nonsense that Hitler will soon immediate acceptance of the strug. Gov. Horner, the Democrat, like solini was able to attain such a this bid for the throne of Norwa China be played out. No understand this gle, break the sabotage of your the late Gov. Emmerson, the Repub measure before he took over the the German working class blind It contined itself to a few In this swindle which is leading country was as silent as the tombs. at Peiping, the Jupes suppaying the clearly now is the time to tackle leaders! Comrades of the Com lican, is taking all steps possible power completely.
news necessary bayouets. Let the use him!
folded and hands bound to be dispatches culted from the capital tuiminate, let the iulrigue Either Hitler will now establish years we Trotskyists have been ing the progressive Miners of Am Red Meetings Forbidden slaughtered by the Fascist butchers, est press or sent by the Inprecorr. it is now or never for the bandits the German social democracy Commentary on the program or tac of the Far East condi overthrow him and clear the road policy to smash Fascism, whose tlong. All meetings at which critic playing its traditonally prominties of the German Communists was The Imperial Diet at Tukio has for the dictatorship of the working perspectives we have correctly ism is levelled at the constructive ent part. To employ the classic not to be found. And this for the given its blessing to tae LEOLIG Gov. Horder is developing clase.
drawn. Through the fault of the strong policy that is, a crushing work of the government are to be expression of the Filipo Turati, the simple reason that the Stalinist dertaking Welenus Jab late leader of the Italian socialist were taken altogether by surprise conquering. Lue list At this time, to wait any longer, stalinist leadership, the Central policy against the With Lissolved on the spot.
pro: Committee, much time as the Social Democraticorime it lost. Even now reformism has the tween the and the according to the Berlin correspond have the courage to be cowards. pletely bewildered and dumb found and a quarter LILIOU yeli, uus Communist demonstrations, parts, the German social democrats by the event. They were com vuuget Japanese mustwy, cwu has been the breaking off of negotiations be poses, is Junacy it is a means to let Hitler establish him determining intuence on the deci. officials and the conl operatient of the Times (2 16 33. eu follow behind the banner of the Stalinist Silence Broken Outer year of age cu Adil to The million headed masses which ed and impotent.
approved in order we all self in his new ollicial positions, sive of the German working ors which Gov. Horner called and le forbiddeu altogether, and even Direct lens into his hand, and with that, to eleventh hour, The hammer blows of the Militus Wonen sul are bluu uute lead directly to the defeat of the unce through a Leninist united accept arbitration. Gov. Horner on the other hand, arrangements Fascist beast with their mighty ly made a breach in this silence this sum of money canne ve com organize resist to compel the M. odbicials to ists. uvidently meaning Socialist trade unions it controls, are not be prevented. ing mobilized to strike down the tant and the Left Opposition final army and buy. The Luck it working class.
trong they unde loodete em proletariat made the following ustige ontoere must be made to facilitate Naxal Hists. They are being drugsed with for the past few days the Daily routed tuxulwauwa were Hitler must overthrown, Fasc to vict. ry. The still ism must be struck down. The has its organizations! In its hands Illinois. demonstrations in Communist dis the fatal illusion that the field of Worker has been forced to speak that the local policy means Fascist government of civil war are the levers of economic life. The That cacl of the two unions can be overthrown, however, not other lave only bayonets. The having contracts with the operators The Nationalist Deutsche. But that is precisely wherein some tength. But it still remains Currency uban dus wready by parliamentary votes of no con Bolsheviks, too, defeated Kornilov should le permitted without inter Allegemeine Zeitung. continues the lies the role of the social dem. bewildered and bankrupt. It can do cured, does not disturu tue rumu fidence. but only by the extraparliamentary ry mass struggle.
All foroes together! No weariness, work under these coutraets until viously inspired statement to the income movement of militant and empty twaddle about the uni Lects of such tulauw will be builtThe General Strike But how can we achieve this ac solid front of all workons or words, where one local union has Nazi storm troopers was not un renlienny set into motion such ascism and now that the wellers and posants ancing the tion? We must create the prere ranizations for the united front or a contract with an operator of emergency there might be afforded stampfers and Hilferdings will not ion Robert Minor has been made only by Imensaying exploitation it is not enough to call for the gen general strike till the overcials and members of the rival or legal means whereby these and the be able to check at the right moeditor to overtlow with bilo and at home.
tee of the Communist Party of or war, of the murder of Workers sortiment com user race traction only wort to relieve the police by the exten row boundaries of the light to pre impotent fury against the Trot. If the capitalists have any misGermany has done up to now. The For the defense of the political at that mine, or to prevent the confirmation to scarcely necessary situations of the German proletar sailable position, the Stalinisterica, they will have to keep mum sivings as to the ultimate outcome To attack our absolutely unas of a break with Europe and Amsituation demands today of Com rights of the working class to fulfillment of that contract.
leaders of the Social Democratic true union buildings and of the Lewis Walker machine, the agents sime the police force itself hither for the dictatorship of the work tent falsehoods and misrepresenta in the sent, the sellers are and the General German workers press!
perade Union Federation. con For the defense of the Commun in their letter of proposals under covale under the one pupene re why the Communists must of the eabody Coal Co. asked for to neutral (2) is being rapidly ing en ore reason, therefore tions. They quote with approval Tokio stock market registers the Following up the All the takelicontinued on pago feurs of the less blood thirsty veccrote program of struggle must be ist Party of Germany!
tion of finance imperialism Stocks proposed, the leadership of the So Against the wasting of the peo and bonds have tumbled, revealing cial Democratic party and the ple substance ou the corrupt bar erica demanded that a referendum today cleaned out the very last so The Progressive Miners of Am: slme, the acting Prussian Ministry the Achilles heel of Japanese ecoGeneral German Trade Union Fed ons of the Eastern Relief and the vote be taken to decide which or cialist police heads in the State The Dollar Props Up Hitler nomy, the lack of adequate fin eration must be call upon to nego bosses of heavy industry! ganization the miners of Illinois Socialists or Nationalists. The enand replaced them with National ances, one of the first blows to be tiate in the open before the work For workers control of produc wished to recognizo. But this delivered by the League and the er s, in order maintaining the pol tion!
would be self determination! The the hands of the Hitlerites and tire police administration is now in at Japan, if the imminent break itical independence of the partici For a decent wage!
miners, actually occurs, will be the clamppating organizations without de The Left Opposition of the ComWands are like the Philipine supporters of Dr. Alfred Hugenare not yet ready for selfing down on loans. It remains to lay to munist Party of Germany determination, maybe twelve years bere.
be seen, even then, whether France from today, etc. thus the State As for the newspapers the The sharpening class relations in tween now and elections he will will abide by such a decision.
Government, acting in its true role Acht Uhr Abendblatt, which, Germany have reached the point of sec to it that the Communists and the Tageblatt evening publication, civil war. This is posing in the all other workers organizations the door of Manchurian trade to The Japanese threaten to shut as the executive committee of the employing class, through its mouth and the Socialist Vorwaerts were most acute fashion the analyses are not able to participate accord, the rest of the world it further piece Gov. Horner, spiritualizes.
both suppressed today on the al and programs of the factions of ing to their parliamentary strength pressure for their withdrawal criticized the Communist International. This and thereby insure legal vic app had too much experience with The memorandum further the police in connection with Sun analysis must flow from the fact tory of Fascism.
at last broken, there is very deep social and pollstates Open warfare imperialtet powers out tween Peru and Colombia for tical unrest in Peru. One of No non residents of the county town of Eisleben, where several tions of world enpitalism finds their lived its usefulness for the ruling conquered territory, for have out their own method of handling of Leticia. It is possible that this against Colombia at the present the purpose or tagitating the pre hundred uniformed Nazis wrecked most difficult relationship in Gerclase, it cannot adequately serve waste any feeling over this threat.
contlict together with that between time, was to utilize an appeal to sent controversy will be permitea ascommupist bookship and symn many, revealing it as the weakest the interest of the capitalists La Manchuria has been closed to ali Paraguay and Bolivia for posses national patriotism as a counter to do so.
agitation sion the Gran Chaco, may de balance to the forees and tendene will be cooper and in in these measures are to be found link in the world capitalist chain. the immediate acute situation but but Jupan since its Our victory over Fascism in this it can and does constitute an American business geconciled has velop into a continent wide war, ies aimed at the overthrow of his Molation of the public peace. the first earnest beganings of the situation depends upon the ability tive reserve force ready to serve itself to this fact and has turned with British and American impero regime. But the Peruvian dictat. Every eight year old child of the class institution, every working and action the three. Comporizes for its master as a momcat notice to the Yangtze Valley for its fusides.
short of a quick decisive victory. means. It is to prevent the class organization, every democrale sitnice. certprogram for Social democracy can only be shat ture Chinese market.
tie and working class right achievtered by a proper united front tac Meanwhile the government. ed in the course of decades The gigantic antagonisms be ties in order to win the worker the political committee of American tion assumes that there are already future. The pretty bourgeois continued On pare many long months after selang po. been intensified since the last world the base upon which the thereby inance capital, does not sit twidsocial dling its thumbs. It is utilizing two clearly defined blocs of Latin which opposed Sanchez Cerro American Yackey governments ser in the last clections, and which to wer before he was ready to make war, finds their deepest expression chauvinist and Iron Front fight the debt tangle the utmostas may be witnessed by the activities Xilo to the Interests of British and sether with the Communlet party. Oehler Tour this Week the Communist party ilegal, Hit World Emaperialiste interestinat the ers rest can be torn away.
One force that is at present in or the League, and particularly of American imperialism respectively. was pocently involved in a series ler, confronted with stronger with the interests of the German the background, but which has England. It is utriguing with We have already announced the working class and the necessity Bourgeoisto in to jump at conclusions after theated in the putsch at Trujillo tour of comrade Lugo Oehler on of acting with dispatch is compel: against the proletariat.
fashion of the Daily Worker ox last fall have already conducted in the present situation in Germany led to proceed with far greater in and other imperialists leave many, Is American imperialism. treacherous Kuo Min Tang on to American problem regardless of a number of protest demonstrations position on this vital question comberment and demolition of the Germany extension of the October war and since the last war it has further Japanese encroachment.
By the irony of history, it may magle formula wherein British Im es between the workers and the tarlat. Below is specific informatsHitler prerequisite to the con open for the deepening of internal capitalism against the revolution come about that the League of Na perialism unconditionally supports armed forces of the government tion on the dates and places of the solidation of Fascist power.
difficulties and convulsions at home ary struggles for power of the pro tions, which at its very inception one side while Wall Street has all and in numerous arregta.
meetings: Trotsky Forecast its stakes on the other.
UTICA, the imperialist powers themselves tween German Fascism and Am Russia to help suppress the rev. ROSALIO NEGRETE.
necessary olution, will be split asunder by It so happens in this case that Friday, Feb. 17 He wants to lull bis antagonists runs the contradiction between clean imperialism 13 both the United States government LABOR LYCEUM with tho long run perspective of world imperialism and the Soviet is for all skatos utilize the its own interual imperalist and the League of Nations, which OPEN FORUM working tradictions before 131 Washington St. the parliamentary growth of accomplishin latter can hardly be called an exBuffalo, Feb. 18 its major objective, the isolation Nazis in order to catch them nap tied up in one knot in the present class and the Soviet Union.
clusive instrument of Wall Street, WHAT NEXT IN THE NEEDLE PITTSBURGH, PA. ping and to deal them a death blow German situation.
America participation in the and suppression of the Soviets. It lave declared themselves in sup Sunday, Feb. 198 at the right moment, wrote Leon To untie this knot, means to last word war on the side of the seems almost fantastic that the port of Colombia in the Leticia TRADES IRENE KAUFMAN Trotsky more than 15 months ago answer the burning question of imperialist rivals of Germany was u. should grant recognition to dispute. On the other hand the SETTLEMENT It is quite possible that Hitler class relations in the interest of the of decisive importance in the de the Soviet Union because of com British Blue Shirts (Fascists. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN 1839 Center Ave. courtesles to democratic parlia working class. Hitler and Fascism feat of Germany, It was second mon interests against Japan. And havo recruited a foreign legion in THE RIGHT AND LEFT UNION New Castle, Pa Feb. 20 mentarism may, moreover, help to answers this question in the most in importance only to the effects of yet this is taking place before our YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO England which is afding Bolyes. That this recognition ivia in the Chaco war. The Daily The Policy of the Left Opposition Tuesday, Feb. 21 P. the immediate future in which theoisie, even though they show great German working class in the 1918 result, as Radek planned, in an CENTRAL AUDITORIUM Worker considers every factor in overthrew the alliance against Japan of the most Fascists will obtain the most im signs of weakness and confusion revolution which Bolivia favor as due to the presSpeaker: 225 Boardman St.
portant posts and employ them in For this ascist shortcoming the form of war loans and war equip countries, that is, however, si sure and influence of Wall Street CANNON CLEVELAND, OHIO turn for their coup Etat.
imperialism. Perhaps even the Friday, P. FEBRUARY 17th Wednesday, Feb. 22 This striking confirmed forecast compensated. Fascism has already ment, save the necessary Impetus unthinkable. Not so long as the British Fascists are puppets of PAINTERS HALL of comrade Trotsky is now corro one root over the threshold of to the tired and shattered armies Soviets still represent the dictatorAmerican finance capital!
2030 Euclid Ave.
126 East 16th Street, borated all over again by the events state. et is hindering the freewar loans continued this necessary Nearings who predict such an power and the Stalinist Aghting Germany. American post ship of the proletariat. The Scott Chicago, IIL Feb. 24, 25, 26 of the last few days. It can now straitjacket Unrest In Peru ADMISSION: 15 Davenport, Iowa Feb. 27 be stated on the best of authority. action of the vanguard of the prop of decaying European capital event, are merely predicting withWhile an Insane war hysteria Des Moines, Iowa Feb. 27 the Berlin correspondent of the working class. Hitler dissolves them in order to insure foreign out realizing it, the downfall of the appears at the moment to dominate Br. Communist Longue of Kansas City, Mo. March 1, 2, London Times declares, that the Relchstag. the Prusslan Dlet and markets for American production. dictatorship of the proletariat.
the mass psychology in Colombla, America (Opposition)
St. Louis, MaMarch 4, HUGO OEHLER.
Nazi partners in the prosent Nasicalls for elections on March Be. America and the Fascist Danger Waron for Controlof Leticia The them to Across this contradietion between letariat. working agreement be sent invading armies into Soviet ould