AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Hitler Threat SovietUnion Letter from Shanghai Fascism: Italian and German PAGE THE MILITANT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1933 GERMAN CAMPAIGN Stalinist Confusion ANALYSIS SHOWS THAT CONTRADICTIONS IN POLITICS OF Successful German «Daily Worker»on the German Crisis 500 Gather for HITLERISM DRIVES IT TO AN ALLIANCE WITH THE OTHER Bronx Meeting Meet in Philly IMPERIALISTS FOR AN ASSAULT UPON SOVIET UNION In its issue of February under Daily, after printing the call of Five hundred workers packed the The Philadelphia Branch reacted SHANGHAL During the last the caption What Happening in the German Communist Party for Hollywood Gardens in the Bronx quickly to the ascension of Hitler continued from pago demands of foreign and principally four years, betrayalso have both the Germany (first page next to a general strike against Hitler, is to the standing room only point to power in Germany. ont arranged What Next in GerAmerican creditors.
gold every year, it will either have of many with comrade Cannon party. Many of our comrades have states: You wont know you who can then wonder at the fall opposition presenters of the red a meeting Danger to Sovlets been arrested and murdered by read the lies dished out by the ure of the party to win substan view on the present situation in the main speaker on Thursday, cimghx and remained until after February 9th at Grand Fraternity Porta Short time dip into its gold but Hitler annet at the sub: Chiang Kal shek. In nine cases capitalist press. Only the Dally tal sections of the socialdemreserves until they are exhausted. crican except by continuing their out of ten they have been betrayed Worker gives a true picture of the cracy?
Despite the Stalinist leaders, the Stalinist standpoint presented ing ever held by the Lett OpposiUntil the world crisis, this pro imperialist explom old on Pai, the most famous leader of the support the German workers Aght treacherous policies of the leaders was not only significant from the orer 75 people, predominately the criminal blem was not seriously faced in many, there is ple: in the Stalinist faction, Bang rallies the American workers to and against and in the discussion. The meeting tion in hilly. An audience of Germany. They were borrowing which he can offer them atempt Chinese be the leaders of the port the Daily drive for funds the masses in Germany are slowly. large uttendance at the first in room. They enthusiastically fol.
peasant movement; Yang against Fascist dictatorship. Sup of Social Democratic party, point of view of the gratifying Communist workers, crowded the more than exports they would pay the imperialist conquest of Russia Yong, one of on the German however isolated, fashion forging the Bronx, but also by the fact midnight.
tions, with new loans. But when the inability to solve internal pro. secretary of the Central Com one pargraph a united struggle against Hitler that for the first time to our know The audience showed its 100 symTwo days later, the Daily began ism. According to an Inprecorr ledge, the more than party puthy and support with the declthe crisis came on, they had to foreign in perinteisty while mense go these, and many other of our leadthe publication an article from cable, Socialist and Communist members present requested that sive program of action of the Left force exports up and imports down forces him toward war on the so Sinated. In the Left Opposition, the Commotional on workers jointly organized a general an official representative of the Owosition by making a generous choose stop paying interest orgically pretending to expose its have been arrested and assaswe have had three betrayals on the The Communist Party of Germany strike on 8 at Stassfurt to party be given the floor to speak contribution. 11. 00) for the triuntil a surplus of exports was viet Unloi.
The weekly Mhitant and purchases of created out of which interest could be met.
Trotsky What Noxt and other And the Soviet Union itself? part of our own members.
Duranty reports in the New York first time was in 1931, when eight Takes the offensive. This article protest against the murder by the on the party point of view.
or our Centran Committee members wapen during hering exposure pour cording to the same sources to Max Shachtman and James Communist literature. Many quesThe patriotic German rulins Times, without contradiction, that were imprisoned; the most recent the false course of the German days later (Feb. 10. Socialist and camon, under the chairmanship of tions pertinent to the subject stant. They have squeezed wages ing to power will not interfere which time the lives of Chen Du) party in the past period.
Fascism is an accomplished strated at the funeral of three Oom. sentation of our standpunt, tracing Interest of the audience.
The greatest hororr was express a series of devices high turits, based on the hope that Hitler will placed at the more cor the buted fact, according to its analyses. munst workers murdered by the the development of Pascism in Germany, exposing the treacherous ed not only by the socialists prequota restrictions on imports, etc. prefer the peaceful and limited ers of the Chinese proletariat. was established after July 20th, The report further states: ite complicity of the social democracy sent, but by communist workers The standard of living of the Ger profits of trade with the Soviet for Most of the traitors are ranks what is by von Papen coup presentatives of the Reichsbanner, and the criminal blundering of the and Party members at the idea of man working class has been cut eign trade monopoly to the desperand cut again, its power to buy ate gamble of war. But the hope and file members of the Chinese etat) is attempting to rally the Socialist youth and the Communist Stalinists. The scores of Commun. the revolutionary internationalist has been slashed, but German ex way out except that ler has Do Communist Party but some of them forces of the counter revolution. party addressed the masses at the ist party workers were deeply im role of the Red Army. They conforeign foodstuff and materials is vain and illusory.
steady mobilports have been kept up. Wheat zation of his forces, morally sane have spent years in revolutionary writing several months ago, we one of the Communist workers which were hummered home by the international working class but the costs 1 to times as much as tioned and materially financed by munism and were distinguished for nomie struggles, the extreme poli. ing to the assistance of Reichs cussion, the chirladly save the What a devitalizing effect the years in Berlin as in Chicago, but the international Imperialism, for their heroism and trustworthiness. Hical sharpening of the economic dinner workers attacked by the door to the official representative of Stalinist miseducation has, had feudal landlords who support Jlit military assault upon the Soviet Many of them are petty bourgeois struggle of the proletariat, the Fascists has greatly cemented the of the party. comrade Louis Sass on the ranks. Give full credit for ler clamor for still more protec Union. It is from German Fase tion.
ism that emanates the most acute Intellectuals who had or had not defeat of Fascism and social dem will for a unitel front. Daily organizer of the Bronx section of it to the reactionary utopian idea And what does Hitler say? We danger to the Soviet Union.
must. lumpen proletarians who hide in the Communist party in the new parli By Joint struggle will the Social the section executive Committee. try.
election. Our em democratic workers be won for The party socker Deglect of the delivery. Stalin could still get a sought to defend grow enough food to feed ourselv ing class against Hitler is the time party for many years under the amentary If after comrade Cannon main guise of workers, while yet others phasis. Such was the optimistic Communism.
the Daily In other words, we must sup mediate task in the defender of the are true industrial workers, such prattle propounded by the Stalin Now more than ever must the liver importituation the release keto round of applause when a question at the expense of the belly of the al nid of the imperialists to Fasciulated to the Kuo Min Tang. Several days after Hitler coming real to the Social Deinocratic as well as to defend the stalinist shtp to that of comrade Trotsky: German worker. And at the same ism must be opposed the interna time we must koep up German ex. tional solidarity of the proletariat was a cotton mill worker of ShanSiu Si Gang whom knew well to power. Party, the free trade unions under theory of the united front from there was surely very little left But more. After falsely charac Socialist control, the Catholie un below. In the rebuttal, Shachtanan of it after the speakers answer to ports so as to obtain enough gold to the German working class. Shal, who early joined the Comterizing the von Papen regime as lons, and all working class organi showed how the Communist work the questions and discussions. Com.
trom foreign countries to meet the FIELD.
ers were thereby being forced to rade Cannon gave a definite promunist movement. As a delegate a Fascist dictatorship, just as the nations, to form committees of ache attended the Sixth Congress of Rote Fahne called the Bruening tion in the factories, to organize play the old opportunist game of gram of action to defeat German the Chinese and the sixth gorernment, Fascist thus confue workers defense committees, to counterposing the daily questions Fuscism, whose function and counbeen a member of the Central Com specific task of Von Papen the on the concrete issues of proletar metal principle questions of the alyzed. The responsibility of the mittee of the Chinese Communlat article states: The task of the fan democracy and the struggle levention to the detriment of the treacherous social democracy and continued from page summer, the party capitulated be Party and of the party political Communist Party of Germany re against Fascism. It is not yet too latter. For almost an hour he the stupid policies of Stalinismo by the treason of the social dem. fore the provocation of Fuc bureau: secretary of the Provin minina, as before to direct the chief late. The Communist party must spoke on the traditional standpoint the rise of Fascism and the weakist demonstration in Buclowplatz, cal Executive Committee for blow, at the present stage, against act immediately. The American of the Comintern under Lenin ana ning of the proletariat before male ocracy and by the pernicious stalinist policy which is leading tol 4ad it is capitulating today in Klang su. in which Shanghai is social democracy. Emphasis in Comunists and workers must forced Trotsky on the question of the uni ler was clearly depicted.
ted front and repeated the alarm face of the constitution of the Hit located. and secretary of the original. This is how the social this change of policy.
The meeting made a deep Impresthe lere cabinet. And everywhere and Chinese Trade Union Federation. democratic workers who together Members of the party and Young Sy which the International Loftslon upon ali present. Announce proletariat, in their entirety, are always it has capitulated without He was vallant and personally hon. With the communist workers form Communist Ingue kaise the isoprostion is raising on the crisis ment we our meeting, the rousing not played out.
being able to engage in struggle est but recently capitulated to the the decisive section of the German sue in your units. Show your realiu Germany.
propaganda of Militant and In Italy, Fascism made international class solidarity with the League, our stinging criticism two years This is the balance sheet of the Kuo Min Tang. Whether or not proletariat, are to be won!
Not only was a good collection is having its effect. It has led to of civil war in the taken and a large amount of liter. a (lemand for a discussion on the March on Rome or of the Stalinist policy in Germany. And he was responsible for the arrest Is it then surprising that the the German proletariat.
country. The buildings of the ele, the victorious struggle of the Stalinist faction, do not know. to smash LL LI San domination, it but to no avail. The only remature sold, but numerous contacts German crisis in the Party units end to this polley and the strug of any of the comrades in the workers org zations were plan proletariat against Fascism dered, razed, demolished in the still possible.
newspaper Ta Kung Pao, an arti. He then finished with the questions: their opportunist policy and fol on the occasion of this first pene the Philadelphia distriet of the coural and district leaders werel Two years after being installed cle entitled To all the Comrades Is the Chinese party really a poli low the policies that comrade Trot tration of the Bronx by the Op Communist party is arrangan of the punitive expeditions, the en fostal le of the Communist Party he told to gathering rubles Roberto cares terly teach the worker and non pelled to counteract the indiuence day night, February 13 at Grand proletariat or sky points out to us and which position, the party felt itself com protest meeting on next Mon banished or shot by the Fascist de in power, dok of the abyss. Army movement murdered pea for the wives and children of the worker conrades tachments. The resistance of the self at the and the small red peasants was The roots of German Fascism to sants, destroyed lasts and caus: murdered comrades After being present conditions and future de salle announcing that the noted it is miserably inadequato. But Stalinist theoretician, Sam Don, support it comrades, workers and broken in the course of two years the people, that is to say, in the ed painful sufferings to the pea imprisoned or lising their lives the belopments For a shameless fellows, linked the names Shanghai would speak the following week for friends. Demand what the siturC.
of devastation, arson and the party in the Bronx not on the tion demands of us maus united scre.
deeper than those of Italian Fase General Strike! and For the arm of these martyrs to all sorts of German situation but on the de front demonstrations against GerIn October 1022, the Itallan pro defeat Britseis ver the possible sued by the stallniste, killed thou and factionalists: iple there really composition of the Trotskyists! man Fascism. Party members, FROM TINKER TO EVERS The fraudulent accounts about the comrades you must raise your powerless before the combination which tho Left Opposition has ad ban centers. He further described for such a cruel, criminal Com dissolution of the German Opvolces against the false orientation ly had occupled the factories, was without returning to the policy sands of good comrades in the ur any utility in striving unto death TO CHANCE position were, incidentally, thor of Stalin and for the tactie of of the legal and extra legal repres vocated for years under the ridi how the conflicts among the Stalin munist party Under the constant and cruel oughly exposed on the platform by Lenin, the united working class sion, after having resisted the thout the action, super revolutionary in unfair methods excluded him from pressure of the Kuo Min Tang Shachtman, who produced the Ger front. Support the German massbands, arms in hand and after has times of calm, and forced by the Provincial Executive Commit. water terror, the petty hourgeois The 12th Plenum of our Party Inn Opposition organ to show that in their revolutionary struggles. GOODMAN.
Chen Shio Yu and his other agente patience: personal financial difficul tion of the 14th Plenum of tho capitulators, Roman Well and Co. Barl, Parma, Rome other cit. sive turns of the revolution. ties weaken their powers of resist Party remains the basic guide for was a forgery.
ies on its banner.
to work 6, 6000, 000 of the unem ance to bourgeois temptations. The examining the work of the Party in NEW MILITANT SELLS WELL The German proletariati, bar mot Jobless Army ployed. In other words even this worker comrades, painfully demor carrying out the line of the 12th Another mass meeting in the The first issue of the New Mill optimistic calculation would leave alized by the internal confiset of Plenum of the The 16th Bronx was announced on the spot tant to be issued three times a it lacks only a leadership able to approximately five and a half mil. the Stalinist faction, again and Plenum of the Party utilize this force to defend itself to Be Permanent lion workers permanently without an established for Sunday, February 26, 1983 on week at one cent a copy, gained and wipe out the enemy. The Ger jobs. How can the bankruptcy of the blind and hypocritical policy Party has begun to understand the What Does the Left Opposition sponse from the New York milland disappointed by that since the 15th Plenum, the an exceptionally enthusiastic renumerous as tho Italian proletar continued from pace poble de pe sitem by the face translate boxes anathe Stalindst bureaucracy are line of the Lith Plenum resolution, Stand For? The intense interest tants (we have not yet iat. Its Communist party groups duced to beggary, extending its waste methods of her face that there were testen the way to the cor and established that earnest be the workers who listened care from out of town, or cerse. cara Indicates a couple of hours, comrades Jim the majority of votes in this pre hands for alms in the charity in bodied slaves on the scrap heap. counter revolutionary period and it ont in life (Daily Worker, that the Opposition is gaining a Carr and Herbert Capelis sold domnately workers Berlin where stitutions of the country. Such Their freedom to starve is now the opportunist polley of the Stalin. 13 33. Following the party and solid foothold in the Bronx which some two hundred copies on 14th Mussolini in bureaucratic Rome, talist crisis. Such is the priva What is to be done about itare so prevalent in the Chinese for a way out of a maze; they crats who are so demoralized at quarters. Other centers were also gives the impression of a besleged tion into which capitalism drives What action shall the proletariat party. The Stalinists have organ run like the famous ball from the present moment increasingly covered. Let us hear reports from government.
the masses, take to ameliorato its wretched ized a gun squad to fight against Tinker to Evers to Chance!
The false you the Court But if millions are Juncomfortable. everywhere brief and to the point.
idle and conditions? Green proposes the faction in the Comintern and the Communist hungry, if millions still working six hour day. ve day week. Yes, Party of Germany has brought have their wages cut to the bone, that is one of the objects the labor party has not yet been able to were excluded. The is, the revolution and to a capitulation before the is slim. The black scene of perslo for. But, certainly, Green depends upon ision and reorganization is neces.
foe. On the 20th of July the manent joblessness has become a advocacy of it does not bring this whether or not the crisis within sary. If the Communist party conparty capitulated before the coupsrim reality. Bill Green says in change one step nearer theory For him the Communist movement is sur tinues the same policy of division etat of Von Papen in Prussia: the same article that hundreds of it is merely mounted. The results of the an and remains on the outskirts, the the party was unable to utilize the thousands of jobs have been com which he was forced to accept at archist policy cannot come as a change which is due to take place Tespite given it by the internal pletely eliminated during the de the insistence and discontent (Continued from last issue) unprecedented defamation dlesentions of the bourgeoisie pression. And further that if the rank and file. And in spite of and surprise to any Communist, be in the will redound to the Instead of conducting a campaign frantic fpeculation, widened the cause we cannot entertain illusione benefit of the reformists. Then the the work week were universally his hold threats this labor scate for drawing closer to the railway breach between the party and the concerning the role of anarchism. one will be able to say that the trampling upon Hitler since the shortened to 30 hours, we could put radikale mbele into nellen und sie Workers (U. who are the more so, if such were possible than most important lesson that the dis. serious retrogression. The decad.
class black and white alike. is only by struggle that it can be majority for taking advantage of from the socialist masses. On the astrous Stalinist policy shares in ence of anarchism which will 10Scottsboro Frame The conferences, however, are obtained. They not adequate, for in the past they hound up with are too closely the discontent produced by the eve of the latest events, the the responsibility for this situa evitably take place, should be ac.
capitalism to think monstrously cynical of the instead of acting as an orientating tiou. unified Communist party companied by a growth of ComLeft wing elements and their imme. We must advance towards these possible all reconciliation by pero guard, dedicated itself to the sad necessary condition for the recti trade union cadres. If such is not continued from page Petus which the campaign should unemployment insurance Credits Sogn of the establishment of the cold, og imuthird party in the disfication of past errors and the open the case the possibility will remain cord, stimulating putschism. The ing of a new perspective for the always open for the recuperation This letter alone blows up the sain from the recent exposure, the Soviet Russia, in active combat ertarian Communism. If the so pretended betrayals of the anarch labor movement. Our reintegra of anarchism and will sigoity, for whole base e Frame up. The contenereld is wide open for the estab against the capitalist class and all cialist workers could be mobilized ist leaders which were daily pro tion into the party would be the the moment, an important advance tion of the prosecutor was that front movement to force the free! But the curse of unemployment, be in the Without the only produce an effect contrary to ef unification on the basis of the Ruby Bates and Victoria Price, dom of the Scottsboro victims of which has come to stay can never support of the workers of the that desired, s, in order to principled unity of heterogeneous ment has been unable to enforce, The Law of Associations of the who were hoboing their way in had any erect Communist International. No un 8th of April, which the governfreights through the south dressed Lynch Justice. As in the case with be obliterated until the syatem no railway strike nor any at all. And all the Mooney movement as conceived that produces it is banished from other great strike is possible. The bring forth the proposition of groups is posible. Only on the but whose repeal, on the other pany of a group of white boys, Bromo Memey must be build upon to Green, in 1920 boome cimes, must be organized on the basis of ing the Confederationists and the achieved. The struggle to change awaiting the moment when weak Necro boys who were subsequently the support of every working class mind you there were over two mil. the concrete demands of the rail socialists to unite with the party the policy of the pan for uni it to become effective. The convohad been attacked by the nine orities. The letter of the Bates can now be rallied to break down crisis bas spent itself on the backsha adventure while the organiza The revolutionary workers move the paralyzing and brutalizing re the at which the excluded taken from the train by the auth organization in the country which Lions out of World After this wanted Workererow them anarchliste over the heads of their respec. linked with the scretle more the needs the proletariat will permit to throw themselves into.
fication which will bring to an end cation of a national congress of Sate the walls and bars which keep of the workers there will be nearly this girl proves that nothing of the sort these innocent Negro boys impria 6, 000, 000 out of jobs. When will tion was in straits.
ment, situated on the one hand, in ign of bureauer atism.
unions, the autonomous unions or who were by the. and this too the midst of syndicalist reformism The last insurrection, which luntons belonging to another center police and sent to trial on the bour. vvvvvvburles capitalism into the limbo of state of development of the socialista. and on the other hand (sts the possibility of rectifying mony in the of fortifying proletarian revolution must be stated has reached such (which in practice is no better should logically mark the death of may attend, is the only means of bon southern theory that Negro THE MILITANT history.
are congenital even mock tries for Who Entered as a second class mal CLARKE 19 waste of it is because the proletariat has responsible Communist party, could out the polley which they should movement and or presenting time.
matter November 28, 1928, at the found, so to speak, the doorway to only rer alt in a growth of anarch have pursued from the beginning: front to reaction.
United Movement Imperative Post Office at New York, Under the act of March 3, 1879. THE EMBARGO OF ARMS Communism closed. This responsi lam the latter at least expressed a policy of ade union unity. Long It is now clear beyond even the Published three times week by bility reats entirely upon the Com the revolutionary spirit of rebel strengthening the The shadow of a doubt that the mill the Communist League of Amer. bill is pending before Congress munist party. The palpable symlion.
problem of and adventures with confusion has again confirmed tant fighe undertaken for the Ica (Opposition) at 126 East empowering the President to depathy with which the proletariat The crisis of of converting the the Communist into the great revolutionary trade olution is possible; that the pro that without a class party no revvictims by the Communists and the 16th Street, New York. clare an embargo on arms ship regarded the Communista, even movement could not but inevitably union center, which the proletariat letariat can only triumph with International Labor Defense stood EDITORIAL BOARD ments to foreign countries. The within the flet of anarchism, in reflect itself upon the backwardness needs, forces itself relentlessly to audacity and caution.
on a solid found heing called by Max Shachtman The special Martin Abern James Cannon liberal Nation welcomes this move the was transformed into of the labor movement, during the the fore.
conferences now Maurice Spactor as a safeguard for peace. We have hatred as soon as the party led by course of the revoluton in our Of Into the being un Against repression and reaction!
the latter organisation deserves Arne Swabock no such illusions. It will be used an irresponsible bureaucracy encountry. Events are demonstrating der the control of the For a national congress of the the widest of the apport of every action WEDNESDAY (Wbol No. 155) ests of American imperialism. And of the trade union policy divid. again falling into its most deplor the Communists, but also those inproletariat not only the uptons Induenced by movement for For Communist unity!
February 15, 1933 only in order to foster the intertered upon the scene. The crimes that the Spanish the Vol.
THS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE cause of the Scottsboro boys is Single Copy: one cent. Bundle then we oplnous the Arst step ing the movement at a time when Able errore, because, due to the fluenced by the reformist syndical. OF THE SPANISH COMMUNIST the es use of the whole working ratcs on soplication.
towards war.
it was most necessary to unite t; internal crisis, the Communistism of the group of the thirty. LEFT, Spanish Anarchist Putschism Up Is Uncovered American