BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published thrice weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Ofice at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. (WHOLE NO. 155 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1933 PRICE CENT Hitler Is Consolidating the Power of Fascism In Germany!
Whoever Blocks the Workers United Front Is a Traitor!
for Titler has taken another big step when the von Papen cabinet was contrary to the infioitely stupid en even the most backward. But cils and the unemployed on a na Germany in the Daily Worker as time! The Stalinists are playing tional scale to prepare for the gen. if there were years of preparation with the situation! Tomorrow the Fascist dominaton of Germany. The days ago, it will be remembered, ing the Fascist essence of social munist party continue with incre oral strike of all the workers? ahead of them. To read their con individual workers who have been social democrats whose policy of the social democratic blood hound, democracy which do not improve dible obstinacy to prattle about where is the organized movement tributions, one would imagine that cut down by the Fascist thugs will toteration to Bruening and von Gustav Noske, was removed as the by repetition in the face of obvious social Fascism and the united of the workers to defend themselves the Communist party is going to be multiplied a thousand times, Schleicher and outright support administrative head of Hanover. facts there is a sharp antagon front from below. In its leading against the growing encroachments continue winning over ten socialist and under conditions not half 90 the triumph of Hitler, is being regne, Aix la Chapelle, Wiesbaden, and Fascism. Hitler is trying Worker still advances the fantastic content oneself with the empty the social democracy is dissolved, many as are the conditions of paid by the latter with a brutal Bochum, Halle, Hanover. Dort every single day to prove to the theory that Hitler is still weaken boasts about election victories of after which it will be the turn of struggle at the present time.
kick in the facc. The Fascist Min mund, Cassel and Frankfurt am Stalinist blockheads that while the ing and that the Communist mrty yesterday, is simply lighthearted the Fascists to feel the tist of the The failure to organize the uniister of the Interior for Prussia, Main were included in the sweep social democrats are the principal in advancing all along the line. bureaucratic self satisfaction or proletarint. What better service ted front is only another way of Captain Goering, has just removing Fascist clean up. The social prop of the democratic form of because of its parliamentary suc treachery!
could be done to Fascism? It is capitulating to Fascism without a The only road for the German not wasting a moment. It is taking serious struggle. Hitler is well the majority of them social dem supreme government president orly superfluous but a direct hind cesses of the party do indeed show working class at the present mo advantage of the passivity of the aware of this. Hitler knows his ucrats. Among those who were police chief in any part of Prussin. rance to the bourgeoisie when it the willingness of the workers to ment is the united front of all the Stalinists and the craven capitula road and he follows it relentlessly.
dismissed are to be found provincial government presidents, New York Sun (2 14 1933) points forms and institutions and to rule united actions of socialist and party bureancracy stands in the ers, to strengthen its own position. its own position and act resolutely three The Berlin correspondent of the seeks to abolish all democratic fight Fascism; the spontaneous working class organizations. The tion of the social democratic lead. The working class anust understand three vice presidents and more than out with an acumen which the by naked force, by the sword and Communist workers show it still way of the united front. It is it is laying hands upon every stra too. It is all powerful and invinciten police chiefs. All of them have staluists would do well to emu the in a word, by Fascist more clearly. But now less than sacrificing the interests of the Ger: tegical rost, especially upon those ble if it only unites its arms and ever are purely parliamentary suc man working class, of the world which control the armed forces. strikes with determination. Those Fascist party.
in Italy gradually took over the This is why the Fascists attack cesses a sound guage. The crncial revolution, of the Communist In We say openly: The refusal to who stand in the way of this unity acteristic and the removal of the guishable from the government in the labor no cement, one commune ary mobilization of the whole Geting the theory the Sihta lo lege urbalizelele workers urgenizations for the impending catastrophet notorions social democrat Carl self, so the Nazs here hope siowly ists, but also seek to annihilate man proletariat to crush Fascism the Stalinist leadership of pre IMMEDIATELY, is downright Let the Communist workers reto the working class of Berlin over the entire government strucl clemocracy. If the eloquent expert. idly. And this is just where the formula of the ultimatist treason to the German proletarial demand an immediate reckoning Zoergiebel, who became so odious to unds. me and eventually take the points of support of the social before it entrenches itself too sol serving the tlet and act speedily. Let them front from The revolting chatter of the while police chief of that city; he ture. The Nazi move is expwrial ences of Italian Fascism were not impotence of the official party and below which divides socialist from Stalinists about their election suc from the self satisfied bureaucrats has now been removed from oflice ly notable in police circles. suficient to make this clear, the its leadership shows itself so strikCommunist workers instead of un cesses and the united front from who remain passive while the enas police chief of Dortmund to two year old child should be first couple of weeks of Hitler sus ingly. Where is the movement for iting them.
below will not help them to con emy prepares its death blow!
which he was shifted from Berlin able to understand Hitler tacties. Chancellor should serve to enlight the assembling of the factory coun The Stalinist leaders write about ceal this terrible fact. Now is the Tues. Feb. 14, 1983. MS Scottsb ro HitlerThreat to Soviet Union Fascism: Italian and German Millions to Nazis Murder Frame Up 11 Workers Be Jobless Laid Bare Perman tly OF ANALYSIS SHOWS THAT CONTRADICTIONS IN POLITICS OF COMPARISON BETWEEN ITALIAN FASCISM OF 1920 AND THE HITLERISM DRIVES IT TO AN ALLIANCE WITH THE OTHER HITLERITE MOVEMENT OF TODAY SHOWS POSSIBILITIES IMPERIALISTS FOR AN ASSAULT UPON SOVIET UNION FOR SUCCESSFUL COUNTER MOVEMENT OF PROLETARIAT The assassin bands of the murderous Fascist counter revolution Hitler, unlike von Papen, has. It is no accident that Papen ad have spilled the blood of more than The naming of Hitlex as Chantion ten years ago in Italy and the CHARGE OF RAPE PROVES program.
never made public his economic dressed the Lausanne Conference a score of German workers leaving cellor of the Reich cannot but call present situation in Germany. com more pare the tactle of the German ARMY OF UNEMPLOYED WILL TO BE UNFOUNDED; LETTER rason for thinking that it may not not even the apostles of interna over the week end. The Xaxi lust than ten years ago led in Italy to Catholic Center with that of the REMAIN, ADMITS HEAD OF GIRL NOW PUBLISHED e infuriated petty bourgeois, But even Stresemann would have dared. Kuws en blbounds. Their deter Between these two historie facts emeral cabinets of Yon Papen with E. OF WM. GREEN startling revelation which lays on the crushing of the German to finance its recovery and ex only by the baselay of their ac, er separated by a good decade and pe Maseliti originates as an extra around a number of slogans based France for a huge loan with which only working class is paratieted striking analogies, which, altogeth. utlens Gloveramente as well as that bare the whole rotten basis of the retty bourgeoisie by the forces of pansion program.
All the capitalist bombast about frame up against the nine Scotts world economy. Among them figcedents the Huns.
has boro Negro lads convicted on a ured: the smashing of the Versail. Hitler, remains tied to France, it But if Germany, with or without very different from the point of also one comprising redeneetits bort an early economic revivat burst like a pricked baloon. Wm.
In the cities of Eisleben, Boeh view of their economic structures, eigu to the Fascist party.
trial atmosphere charged with a to France, the hereditary foe. serious steps to end the interna mund. Stuttgart, Breslau and, Ben the specifle gravity of the prole of comparison and analogies there Federation of Labor has announcfraudulent charge of Pape in alles Treaty and unending hostility cannot attack Poland, or take any im. Strusfurt, Dessau, Dort their industrial development and la But if there are essential points Green, president of the American lynching spirit, was made yester the liberation of the Polish Corri tional other are also considerable differences. ed that the unemployment figures now stand at the appalling total of der thubhyo bublication of the lat dor; the breaking of the slavery tidor which hartrest the Polish Corstoelen for mera le individuals have cariat in relation to the These differences will unques: ter by Ruby Bates, one of the al of interest. meaning America and two halves of East Prussia from Fascist gunplay. The Hitleristal The first common characteristie tionable be utilized by the social 12, 000, 000 and that between the drives a wedge between to their gravesof classes.
leged victims of the act. The letter England, as the chief creditors. Poland to the sea. It can subsid. have commenced a violent civil is the Fascist movement Itself. De democracy and by the Stalinist ap months of December and January fell into the hands of the police Bus Sovietize inflammatory articles against war. It will not terminate until classed and shattered sections of paratus in order of Huntsville, Ala. Every effort of eland, it can sit around the green elther these brown shirted hordes the urban bourgeoisie: midles and beat the retreate ende nentis hoone, more than 200, 000 were laid and small peasants: tle, basing themselves either upon en to exactation. On the conthe attorneys for the International Yet it is clear that what he table of diplomney with the Poles, eradicate the organizations of the pretty German proletariat or letter were unavalling during the fundamentals of the class which against France great bulwark in Labor Defense to get hold of the does may contradicts the economic, but it cannot take a decisive stepselves under the Those who Italy or in Germany. The masses Op on that of saving the party. The meaning of this statement they are preparing for obstone are the Fascist masses whether in ing the enemy by refusing to fight far exceed lis estimate.
trial, the prosecutors being well supports him, and what he does the East.
aware of the telling effect which not say constitutes by itself a most Dependence on Foreign Bankers will not rent silent under their web protest who revolt a gainst the provocatore using to accept the is quite clear. More than 25 per cent of those listed by the census But these differences can and as guinfully employed are the presentation of the letter would important program.
Nor are things any better with are only small harbingers of the the victims or which threatens have. It was only a few days ago basic element in the relation the breaking of the slavery of Sienotie Battles and blood baths them. The masses who by their should be utilized in another man pounding the pavement and lining that an order for delivery of the of the heavy industry of the Ruhr uteretAt the very moment social position distrust the pro ner by the proletariat. For they up at soup kitchens and breadlines.
letter was obtained in connection in Germany, with France, is the when Hitler was made Chancellor that are yet to come in the not letariat and hate the bourge are nearly all unfavorable to the About as many workers do not rewith the demand for a writ of fact that France has more iron ore a committee of foreign and notably too distant future.
visie; who constantly dream of bourgeoisie and favorable to receive more than part time employ.
habeas corpus to secure the re than it needs and not enough coul, American bankers, the forefront of The same news reports apprize the creation of a society of 80 olutionary proletarian action.
ment. And if we ndd to these their lease on hall of Roy Wright, 14 while Germany can export coal but the hated slavery, was quietly dick us of the fact that in the above clal justice in which they hold Differences in Situations wives and children then more than but who in reality, year old defendant whove heuring needs Iron ore. In the planned Sooring with German bankers as mentioned city of Eisleben, which the balance behind the proletariat sential difference between the two ing on the brink of Narvation in The greatest difference, the es 50, 000, 000 human beings are standended, in a mistrial.
follow either Text of Bates Letter United States of Europe, this Microsor the.
thele funds out of Germany, and encounter occurred between Nazi ployment schemes, all or the pean Tuby Bates to her sweetheart Fart than the fact that in Soviet Rus. weaken the financial and currency voked by the former. They gave favor of one or the other of the Chancellorship is that in German all of the promises of the capof the prot bellied politicians Streetan, IN as follows: sta the richest coal deposits are in situation of Germany and increase the cynical cxcuse for their pre two fundamental classes in society. the forces of the proletariat are al The Fascist Supporters Basin and the richest ore its financial dependence on Amer meditated attack a Naxl troop most intact. They are certainly tains of industry have gone up in January 6, 1932.
in Siberia. But under a capitallat ica, England and France.
character Iluntsville, Ala.
The second common partly demoralized smoke. The working class is rewas fired at from Communist head4215 Connelly Aly. economy, this means that the heavy Germany anys abroad about quarters. The Brown Shirts storm. isticIn Italy as in Germany, is continu od on page alieontinuod op page ed the same Dearest Earl. industry of Germany and that of 250. 000. 000 a year in interest. want to to make a statement to France are forced to act together. This incnns that unless it obtains everything they could by their been created, financed and groomed you Mary Sanders is a goolam le sometimes locked in a deadly struk through its foreign trade, tourist hands on. fight ensued, the Com for the administration of affairs, about those Negroes Jassing mo se, sometimes in diplomatic agree traffic, etc, at least that much in munists herolcally protecting their at the head of the government by cartels those policerin made me tell a Ilements and international headquarters. The result of this the big bourgeoisie and the agrarians.
that is my statement which are made by ench party with continued On Page 21 battle were three persons killed and Despite its social demagogy and because fifteen injured.
The capitalist want to clear my self that is all the intention of cheating the other.
As the aftermath of a meeting evening session. the division in press does not state whether they the fascist movement does not of City College students held a which Johnson was an Instructor too if you want to believe me ok. Before the war, there was the if not that is ok. you will be sorry classic case of the two brother. OPEN FORUM were Nazi or Communists.
come to power as a force opposed few months ago in deflance of the was held at the Central Opera some day if you had to stay in both armies since the war. the WHAT NEXT IN THE NEEDLE This first onslaught on com to the big bourgeoisie, to the plu. Instructions of school authorities, House. Before the meeting the jail with cight Negroes you bert von Wendel and Francols de TRADES protest was made authorities, who were to be inwoald tell a lie two those Negroes Wendel, one sitting in the German tie from two angles. First it de as its manager of the defense of against the despotie inroads made dicted on a number of counts, dia but tonele ore those white Cachores the steputes, there TRECENT DEXELOPMENTS, on site este des contendice betes and student with admin Boys you will believe me chambre de Deputesrealizing THE UNION Fascist hordes, the law dont. love you Better their own private united front of The Policy of the Left Opposition tacking a party building in Ber. The at loisie clasreisie is entirely connineteed from the College by the Notwithstanding, several hundred than Alary dnes or any Body else Franco German capitalism during students appeared to hear the testiLin they wouldn get off so easily scious of this. Because of this the Board of Higher Education Speaker: in the well that why am tell the war, the rich Brley ore basin At the beginning of the last mony of other students and raise ink, you do this thing was drunk of Lorraine was untouched by CANNON some 25, 000 for their nurderous at Industry laid out 30 million tres semester, the city their voices in protest at the time and did not know artillery from other side, on or dismissed The news of the Board act what was dcing know It was ders from the High Commands of Friday, P. FEBRUARY 17th sault. Secondly, If we can judge for the financing of the prepara College of Meteryork 126 East 16th Street, by the Italian experience, discussion and the execution of the from its faculty Oakley Johnson, came during examinations at ed in another part of this issue the same reasons, the decisive sec pulsion aroused wide spread stu to be inactive. But this will soon for an instructor in English. The ox time when students are most likely on account of me hope you will Loucheur Rathenau agreements, the ADMISSION: 160 believe my statement Because it is combination of German technology Br. Communist League of the beginnings of the German placed Hitler at the head of the ed the expulsion of a professor. opening of the new school semesAmerica (Opposition) Fasciste march on lleve one trutas at med out withose cartel agreements to restricte pro White Boys jazed me wish those duction and raise prices in cont, Sexroes are not Burnt on account steel potash. glase, chemicals, Oehler Tour this Week dates cannot be changed. Mem. cellorship does not mean the instal pt collowed in a long series of sup ter, movement walike the mosbers and sympathizes please take lation in power of wild bands are some academic freedom in pensions is already in progress against the bourgeoisie, but sig lege administration had clamped test reinstated suspended students note of the schedule: Comrade Hugo Oehler, member nities a different and extraordin down upon the militants within the most recently, nine who hnd par.
that is my statement and that is how well German capitalism unUtica, Feb. 17 all know hope you tell the law derstands on which side its bread of the National Committee of the Buffalo, Feb. hope you will answer.
is buttered, no matter how It Communist League of America Pittsburgh, Pa. Feb. 19 these bands by the bourgeoisie school. The dismissal of Johnson, ticipated in the Johnson fight. Ruby Bates. thunders against France in public. Opposition) will open his Nationagainst the proletariat and against known for his Communist sympath. This may well happen again. The New Castle, Pa. Feb. 20 these very social layers which con les, meant also the suppression of outcome in large mensure depends Jan. 5, 1932 Hugenberg himself, a raging Fran al tour to arouse all class conscl. Youngstown, Ohio Feb. 21 stitute the backbone of the Fascist the Liberal Club, of which he was upon the policy of the National Huntsville, Ala.
zosenfresser (Frenchman enter) in ous workers to the danger of Fase Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 22 movement. The whole policy of faculty advisor.
Student League. If It properly or 215 Connelly Alley.
his newspapers, is not above bring ism in Germany, in Utica on Fri Chicago, Ill. Feb. 24, 25, 26 To demonstrate against the ex ganizes a united front of student the Italian Fascist government for Davenport, Towa Feb. 27 this is one time that ting his patriotic Ufa Alm company day, February 17. Comrade Ochas organixations and does not offhand more than ten years proves it. It pulsion of Johnson, as well might tell a lie But it is the truth into an international agreementler tour of all the important cit.
Des Moines, Iowa. Feb. 27 is also proved by the whole policy against the many infractions of reject a bloc with the socialist So god help me. Ruby Bates. with the hated foe for dividingies must be met wit Kansas City, Mo. March 1, 2, of the government presided over by students rights, a trial of Dr. League for Industrial Democracy.
up territory, limiting production, meetings to awaken and call to St. Louis, Mo. March 4, continued on pago 21 ete.
Hitler Robinson, president of the college, success is to a great extent asaction every thinking worker. The Illinois Coal Fields March As to the analogies of the situa and Dr. Linchan, director of the sured. the Suspend 19 Students Rome.
MEETING James Cannon Max Shachtman WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, at p.
ADMISSION 15 Cents Take Broawday Brooklyn line to Myrtle Ave, Station, Hall is 949 Willoughby Arenue.
Chairman, Martin Abera