AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyConfederación Nacional del TrabajoEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

Bourgeoisie Calls on Fascism PUBLISHING FUND IN Capitalist Chain Gang Exposures mt Writer Exposes those or Opposition at head of the committee along with Revolt Threatens Machado in Cuba PAGE THE MILITANT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1923 Weapon of persecution and explosmento en el per portare FROM THE MILITANTS Poster working claas division along TWO NEW PAMPHLETS It for. a is rot based upon sympathy with ANALYSIS SHOWS THAT ESTABLISHMENT In a week to ten days two new will be one cent extra per cops. an organized working class in the «In the Spirit of OF HITLER pamphlets will be of the press. The minimum number of copies per South, to maintain a caste system the actual facts, with a thorough examination of them, is extremely REGIME IS FINAL EFFORT OF RULING CLASSES SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER Bale is five.
The present bourgeois propagand. Stalin Letter questionable, is superficial and beTO SETTLE ECONOMIC CRISIS ITS OWN WAY AND THE EXPULSION OF Orders for both pamphlets may ists who have stirred up an interZINOVIEV The first to go to press and the ers will make easier the work of these essential considerations simt night a liberal sympathizer of the ble when a real test of conviction be sent in now. In fact such or set in the chain yang leave out CLEVELAND Last Saturday cause of this superficiality, wtrells ply because they are not interest USSR, Ella Winters (Mrs. Lincoln has to be withstood, in times of real continued from papo iness and sellesser til veneralno that Trotsky analysis of the situation THE PUBLISHING LOAN FUND ed in its abolition. They do a cor Steffens. spoke in the auditorium erlendis er de sole when Its This stroke of publishing activ. tain amount of exposing of the ot the Women City Club under friends of the Soviet Union are. GORDON the second five year plan; and the ities was made possible by the Justice of their own class bocause the of the Friends of the actually nedded.
the position of the social dem signs of disintegration within ocratic leuders, particularly to the reserve troops, the ascists. It is significance of the second expul. generosity who has made us in the certain amount of exposing the new pion. After the lecture!
of one sympathizer reformist trade union leaders. no longer utsposed to gamble on sion of Zinovlev. will be a New for United Front the floor, a good number of them Kicaed out of peberament Indu. the possibility of return of pro sevnty two page pamphlet uniform loan of thirty five dollars for this workers to sleep.
by. That the bourgeoisie, how they had some means of attack on the working American Working class by compund ideas to catching on. Again soutere ano de copting unter policy the status in the Soviet Union.
his In Boston More and more countries in the relating to Trotsky and to to BOSTON. The Needle Trade movement among the masses to the existence of powerful mand ocents. Postage will be one cent Izers to come forward, now more conviets. moother than road work what the chtdren are taught in Workers Industrial Union called rep. Call, the bope that the first ganizations, parties, press and la extra per copy.
tender shoot of economic improve bore pronto strike boererate 600. IN DEFENSE OF THE than ever, to help us spread the being done by convicsde Soviet schools about the exideas of revolutionary internation mining, snow shoveling, led Bolshevik leader, Mrs. Stel ernor Ely attempt to abolish the alism by donating and lending us County courtyards, etc. The Unt Lens replied that Soviet textbooks labor laws of Mass.
Seventy elegates from thirty or they reached the full bloom of and the present period of the Hit RUSSIAN REVOLUTION branches prosperity. 11 only the course Elves its time for heels of the Soviet Economy pam. Who will be the next to respond tal sdopted enter polley anastics the October insurrection or in the Sanizations, Sixty two on ration Olsie wouiu refrain from carrying phlet will be comrade Trotsky Just as we go to press we are in carrying out the practise of work the class struggle to its bitter con sharp revival of business ac speech to the social democratic sta receipt of a donation from coming Federal prisoners in chain et professor at this were not. Lour of locals, Workmeny clusion.
The bourgeoiste was willing to Heaven might dispose it again to rent stor for foreight sens e Talsa will made and in Philadelphia for rangs in Armecanje. And the fasulying history (these are her Ctrele branches Communist League wait and see. It had nothing to postpone the decisive conflict, but be uniform in size with the others, the October Revolution.
of the south in this respect. The question repiled: True, it is tal party. Left wing clubs, schools, IWO, TUUL, a few shops, and the lose by displacing Papen by Schlel we see no evidence that this is for sifying history, but it is a means socailed cantonnents three New York State, estab to an end. To teach the truth ILD.
cher, the social general. Hoding likely. On the contrary, a renew prisoners in the army and the stahlhelm in ita ed wave of sharpening of the econIt was supposed to be a united lished in 1930, resemble chain about Trotsks to for the leader front conference of all labor or would revive dan right hand, with the bordes of omic crisis, breaking through the gangs to no small extent. Through gerous represenFascism in its rear as a reserve, wesent stalemate and ending the. there was no reason why it should existing breathing spell, might well not stretch out its Left hand, with cause it to cut short its prelimin. Am Fugitive from a Chain carrying on a fight for the aboll. prisoners are fined and forced to the great work of socialist couldid not forget to make plain the work out their fines on the county scrucuon is going on. In or which it held the strings of the aries and open the period Gang the picture based on the tion of the chain gang.
roads. The Industrial Worker der not to obstruct this great end kind of unity they mean unity with the workers not with the puppets of reformism. est tension of class war by a front book by Burus, the book itself, the There is still another tremend few months track reported an even falsifications Justified: And headers Bourgeoisie Forced to Change al Fascist attack on the organiza publicity in the newspapers at the ously important criticism of the closer resemblance to the resolution was adopted for a The change of mask was executed tions of the working class. uume of his struggle against extra present Chain gang propaganda of Southeras enklangang bleeme na few years, after socialism is see FIELD.
and program of action. 1) United In the urst week of December. It the improvement in business bad dition, the case of the fourteen the bosses they leave out of it, as ing been put into practise in the ured, this will all be reden hly Front State Conference to enforce Trotsky will again year old New Jersey lad, and be if there were no connection be state of Washington.
gone further and lifted German fore these the publicity connected tween them, the Negro question.
with the Florida sweat box tor. Why, it was first initiated in the that unless the workers, 28 a class of hstorujectivity in the science prove them (2) demonstration economy from the crisis into a de There is every reason to believo due place in Soviet history. The the existing labor laws and impression period with a clear way ture murder case, have aroused a carly part of the Reconstruction struggle against this boss class been temporarily suspended, not has 30 speak only in front of the state house where a committee will present a list of out in prospect; 1f the reformist In the city of Raleigh, leaders of labor had shown their Stalinist Censor widespread interest in the boss Periode enslavng the freed weapon of oppresion there will be eliminated. Of course, all for the demands adopted at the conference.
CIES weapon of persecution and as a means no effective struggle carried on plan of action committee consistability to hold the masses in line exploitation the chain gang slaves! Negroes were its first viethe ing of one delegate of each or this should not be of fleeting tims. And only a very few years against it, for the chain gang has sod of the cause.
with the policy of the social gen continued from Painterest to serious minded workers. ago before the Communists he too many features that recommend And this, my friends.
apganization was elected. The dele erai scheicner might be in it to the present ruling class. First worthy lady concluded with power yet.
But the improvement in business unsympathecic.
he was supposed to be done activity in Germany appears to Surprised by the flattering ap. and prisonersSecondly of the channels of information of and when the bourgeois chain is worth something hot to the which the Soviets approach the America (Opp. Jennie Chiplovproblem.
itz, spoke on the resolution and in the fire anche di netaye mapears Tied precis true ed wiele fettering av newspapers to so handle it. so as only bectional consumption in the proposer upon the government the! comrade asked the speaker reale united front wall labor and of America, England and France people might be amazed by it.
good many to extract as much cash as possi: South the authors of the North necessity of building so many Jails how such an explanation can be political organizations not only ot They tell present the dramatic phases only. la racial prejudice, apologized for ers are being pushed into crime be Marx. an omat all times.
reconciled with the scientific the individual workers and indivi: by uunds of ancial dependence. Yes, yes, know.
dual locals, but also the central uuable to expund 148 oreign trade a lot of lies about my bodies. She pointed out the imwatatue COLOD countries and with him. Yes, they tell a lot of the chain gangs, the political use tible institution by referring to and starvation. Thirdly, it pun objectivity and the truth recalle portance of che conference and the with Soviet susula con capitalist lies and especially about me and the Southern bourbons make of it, the presence of the Negro in largeishes and gives authority to punishing that the central organ of the the work terms. throwh back on its impov. Trotsky and the historical roots of the numbers more severely than the punishment Bolshevik party itself bears the ers as long as these reactionary and on tuose of European countries which ared: Show me another man Founding on the table, he de chain gang penal Institution. In that same Southern state, in publicly announced by the Judge name Pravda. that is, Truth leaders have a following of thouare coutwuliy struguing foreign WuOcuu. organize in your an the whole exposure of the chain were white yet two third convicts on the chain gang the excuse that The speaker replied that she could sands of workers who still believe What is outstandingly false in 1929, three fourths of the con he tried to escape may be the not answer that question. Besides.
of those to go into innerin them. We must And a way of rade teller und tuslater, the tem almost mouel army and win the sang is the impression created by in chain ganga were colored. only publle Indication of the ac she did not wish to reaching them. We must see that porady stalization initiated by respect of military experts besides the bourgeoisie that they are for the united front does not remain on the limized recovery last year is We ve got that man. We ve got the abolition of the chain an uave no doubt that North Carolina tual death penalty, whereas the party, politics. has been and is quite representa nominal sentence announced in the This blunt explanation of Mrs. paper, but is effective. Therefore unable to lift itself from an ex everything. And so we ll do won Unty a Communist party with ortive of the Southern States as a court and in the newspapers may Steffens deserves an evaluation. we must call the leaders and the are uccining gain; the slight re sion, published after Trotsky had ern states too, building weapons of have been ten days on the road Unies she lied, it is also the ex. organizations as well as the inlever. Car. loadings de187 Here is the later verganizational strength in the South. whole in this respect.
of Soviet pedagogues. Of dividual workers.
ported Luli in unemployment is not been banished: It is when the chain gang 15 fact that the bosses will keep page the explanation is quite in working class solidarity and wield presented as a phase of the Negro in mind when it comes to able or There was applause by enough to make up for the real Yes, he often praised the ng them against such boss class question that one grasp its social canizers and revolutionists.
line with the Stalin regime and is workers that were not increases in the number of unem comrades in my hearing, even weapons of division, is capable of significance. It is a boss class. GEORGE SAUL.
applaud aware ployed who no longer are report those with whom he was not perStalin which, the Daily Trotskyist. No one attacked eu; the surpluses of exports over sonally in sympathy. Lenin knew Imports are varey enough to pay how to appreciate their energy.
gents Marxism or Leninism of the The party spokesmen did not want for interest on Germany foreign was very surprised at his high the other organizations afliated to present period, the one of oans.
to give the Opposition credit for pleting the first phase of Com the proposal; At the same time, the reformist appreciation of LD. Trotsky the conterence. In this discussion Jobless Meet Ilyitch they were silent.
munism (socialism. But why is But unless they call a genuine unlthe extreme swing of the Stalinleaders are no longer able to de noticed my surprise.
falsification 80 readily endorsed by ted front conference, this one will liver their working class follow ists from the ultimatist demand people who are associated here in have the same results as all the ing to the bourgeoisle, as promis Yes, know there are ly. continued from page for the recognition in advance of continued from page America with muckraking liberal other abortive party conferences.
ed. In spite of all the false tachim But what is. is, and what socialist conference with a direct united front norement to the oping the period of this presidency is and what does this endorsement JENNIE CHIPLOVITZ, tics of the Stalinists, the social isn t, isn that know also. He Fascism. the refusal to propose al was able any rate to organize ences together into a single more portvist hiding of the face of the Marlo Menocal, the leader of the mean?
party serious united front from organi the military experts That the American muckrakers altogether, was clearly present revoit was a recognized ment, it will provide the necessary zation to organization, the united After pause, he added in platiorm for the delegates within brought out. They are afraid collaborator atrument of the were not o be taken very serious De Valera Forms Gov ly became obvious during the last Aty to the elementfront they statul plainly, that the name, sugar interests.
The workers, who have suffered war, when the whole pack of them a lower tone, and rather at of of the e working classi And yet he isn one of us. unity. It will deprive the Social expelled factions on the letter head and by whose exertions combined Can these same the conference who really stand for of the Communist party and of Ita most from the Machado tyranny. jumired on the we be trusted of Germany to the banner of in with us, but not of us. He is bandwagon. continued from page ternational Communism is unden ambitious. There is something to continue the disruption and the live creonizations from the move position and the sugar trust, the These people always, or nearly al Workers and peasants. True, they ist leaders of all plausible excuses would scare away some conserva with those of the bourgeois op as Friends of the Soviet Union. neglected the fight of the Irish The Communist International has something in the elections to shop committees which isn good.
splitting of the movement. Under ment. They are embarking now on regime is now due to fall, must ways have good intentions.
in the factories (where the Com It looks as if the Stallo cen such conditions the conscientious an experiment with no politics not be off their suard. At the not dispute that. But whill not Union but a revolutionary party have their Friends of the Soviet munist ingly wogas been outstand. SUSP has here come into play. Socialist workers who want unity in the united compared to its sup Gorky was moved to uns in the fight for bread will see their Gudernick, the Socialist chairman organizations must be secured, to ed their way to Wilsonistic jingo to come before the Irish masses port among the unemployed. in wr. te what he had written of Len leaders put to the test and will of the conference, said, We are gether with the right to free as ism betray them also when the exposing De Valera and all other the direction of strikes, the rein appreciation of Trotsky or be able to judge them accordingly. supposed to have checked our polt semblage lifting of the censorship Soviet Union is really in danger, Lakers they have failed organize formists have been losing ground. the censor made him cut it out. There is every reason to count up secaro spintong at the color. Please over the press and mails, and free when more is required of them than wortelle now. Then Workers and it has seen. It has seen the tie army looks in the second ver posals in the socialist conference Le garded they tricks be the let prisoners, should the workers for the actual successes of socialisted that the was undertaking Hohne danger tots. Cleste domine: slom as wt had been telescoped. movemento really remember that we are in the fourth of establishing the identity of the demand for nationalerant the light minded endorsement of Mr. in February. If this is not rumcircumstances will year of the crials and the hungry party as a participant in the move sugar industry that constitutes the falsification of history cannot but lar Stalinist variety we will be of the Steffens of what bluntly calls or or paper resolution of the famil.
masses are in no mood to tolerate ment. Pen Picture by John Reed those who stand in the way of a principal industry of the island. make us sceptical with regard to among the first to greet the organunited struggle.
Decisions were made to organize But an attempt at actual seizure of the actual value of her role as a ized vanguard of the Irish tolling Stalinista Oppose United Front the sending of speakers to various obftabus conills, which would in Friend of the Soviet Union. What masses.
evitably entail an RAKOVSKY The resolution of the Left Opgation to the Albany conference on political The active collaboration of the position was opposed by the Stal. February 25, 26, and 27, and it mature from both objective and lowing the scientific approach. be pre most and all timesLenin folinists in the conference. Hathaway, was also decide to hold a cortes subjective considerations of sary in out this task. The the Marxism always stressed: is In the lexicon of the Stalinist. ed, but the Soviet government or brist. ing with the assurance and of mass meetings prior to the Al. present situation.
the interests of the Irish and British truth, the objective facts. Sup masses are historically and Insepar.
press, comrade Chrisian Rak dered that the Romanian diplom. Wiedom of a Lenin school graduate, bany conference. ROSALIO NEGRETE. port for the working class which ably futerwoven. JACK CARMODY ovsky, leader of the Russian Bol atic mission should leave Russia explained that it would be wrong shevik Leninists, Left Opposition, within ten hours.
strengthen the Socialist 18 counter revolutionist. For That afternoon was in the office by sending delegates to the confersetback. The confusion and several years now, this great rev.
rev proletariat cannot today harbor 11.
of Zalkind, Assistant Commissaire ence. In precisely what manner a olutionist has been kept in exile of Foreign Affairs. In one corner delegation committed to fight for olutionary bysteria of the anarch lusions about a bourgeois republic.
ists negates all the possibilities of And those who, like the aparchin Siveria by the Stalinist mach were five or six red guards and unity in the conference would advance. The proletariat which in tats, have suffered these delusions, ine, his health undermined and sailors drinking tea around a bat. in any way strengthen the 80al other countries, has by now sep which have cost the working class his life in danger. We reprint tered samovar, At the side of the clalist leaders in their splitting bere from the old organ of the room kakovaky sat at table, writo policy was not revealed by Katharated itself from anarchism stin, so dearly, are not the proletarian American Left wing. RevolutonAge of January 25, 1919, an ing fucously. Entered a vetzar in away. Nessin remarked that De Recent events have demonstrated act. One can embark upon has this task before it in Spain vanguard but the playthings of such This is a question of life or death events. The anarchists of every the old time resplendent livery of legate Cannon proposal to send anew that our labor movement is an adventure as this last one only for the revolutionary interesting pen picture of our the car. He has a card, It read our delegates to the conter already directly confronted movement, tendency, have, during the change great comrade, written by John with through the lack of the slightest Anarchism is not, nor can it be of regime, dedicated themselves to Keed.
anian Embassy to Russia. show ence 18 in reality a proposal to the proletarian revolution, which notion of what revolution is capable of leading the proletariat stupefying the proletarian conscl.
him in, said Zalkind. There ap build up the conference and until recently appeared remote. The provocation was accepted with to victory.
ousness, slipping into the most For two months in the Commis: péred a dapper youth in frock, to become the tall end of it. There attempts of the bourgeoise to char. out having been able to wrest from What has been the attitude of the vulgar republicanism. The early saslat of Fregn Affairs of the so coat, six hat, gloves and stick. He is one thing to be said for the view. acterize these movements, 18 11 the bourgeoisto a single one of the anarchistosas been die Republle? republicanism of the anarchists, viet Gove, nment at Petrograd surveyed the room with uneasiness point of liathaway and Nessin, they were completely distinct from positions which it had gained. Dla when they had power worked side by side with Rakovsky. ng. ed with contempt. Zalkind, it has been tried before. This idea the general evolution of the pro the last insurrection have any pos hands, illusioned with the regime, ism are a necessary consequence in their like their later impotent radical.
He was editing a daily paper in wearing peasant boots and an old motivated the boycott of company hetariat after the Republicences ibit there triumphale Alone can say they permitted the bourgeoisie to of their nullity as a revolutionary Rumanian, Jnainte, which was dis uniform without came unions on the ground that we perlence, and as they constituted that there was the last possibility wrest every position from them, tendency.
the Rumanian army but also to the do for you, sir?
he asked courhne been the result of this policy? tude about to disappear, are futile. ment organized behind the backs of lishing In our previous political resolu.
11 sylvantun soldiers of the Austeously. This is the Ministry of a it not prove to be the best of The bourgeoiste also sought to por the tolling masses, with the revolu: Which today recto e No. 10. She Dolated out, on the trip to the mouth of Rusch, whsre ary. (199 received an order position of the reactionary bureau the same way. But it has been seen the bourgeoisie perfectly organized became disillusioned with that the other, the deplorable state of trian army. He made frequent Foreign Affairs? asked the secret all possible schemes to secure the tray the insurrection of Figols in tionary cadres dispersed, and with against the proletariat. When they one hand, the Tormidable Strikes he secretly crossed the Rumanian emanating from somewhere that crats which were approaching, and on lines and traveled as soon as the labor movement and armed, can only serve as the puble, the anarchists went again commenced to show signs of base for repressions. The best that revolutionary hysteria, and they division within the trade union through his own country, spreading Rus. within ten hours. My dear In the voting on the resolution life, after the figols affair, it im the bourgeoisie and the government now propose behind the backs of movement, and particularly of the revol tionary doctrines at the risk sir, that is impossible. We have of the Left Opposition, twelve of his life.
11. 11. ha to Our officis are scat: votes were recorded for it and tionary act, which aside from be formidable strike movement which did not know how to accomplish (C. Consequently, we point mediately entered into an insurree could have desired was that the the working class to do what they National Confederation of Labor It will vlet Government signed an armis least three In December 1917, when the so iered over Russia. take at twenty eight against.
smiled tice wth Germany and Austria, in the friendliest way. With that, Another discussion arose over the strated indubitably all the empti. be transformed into a revolution power from the bourgeolate. The thening and unification of the Rumaklusnarefter opeo on participato a Secretary: Adance nothing to motion to put the name of the hole and absolute lack of revolu. ang adventure And this occur anarchists hope to accomplish by trade union cadres, without which tionary criticism of the anarchista. ence was the greatest danger of the bold stroke of a daring minor the prospect of strikes were bound anian front obeyed orders from Pet our Commissaire for Romanian AlThe proletarian revolution, which the moment.
ity that which must be done by Iberian Anarchist Federation (E.
rograd and entertained at bead tirs. Allow ine, aanrade Rakov THE MILITANT at the time of the advent of the. It was, in truth, to be feared the united efforts of the great did not see the necessity of quarters a German and Austriansky.
Entered as a second class mall republic, was believed postponable that the anarchists atready dis masses.
delegation. The Rumanian Gov. Rakovs, Is from: is seat, dig. matter November 28, 1928, at the to the remote future, figures today Mustoned with the Republie. After this and former experiences was the farther removed from this, the more isolated anarchism erament arrested this delegation, nified and guave. He bowed The Post Office at New York, NY on the agenda for the whole revolu should take advantage of the first can anarchism be an orientating corrupting elements. so much and upon the protest of the Rus Secretary went pale and dropped Under the act of March 3, 1879. tionary working class camp. manifestations of the resurgence of and directing force for the prolo farther oft were the probabilities slana, surrounded them with Rum his gloves, Published three times a week by anian troops ar the Communist League of Amertariat requres as a complement new menced to rise out of the state of vanced in the revolution, anarch this manner, such a conflict as the But this evolution of the prole the proletariat (which had com tariat? No. far as we have ad of victory for the revolution. In artlilery The Russian soldiers bina 110 in extremely sorry to be un to accombate you, Mr. Sec Ica (Opposition) at to cut their way by force through retary. said Rakovsky very pol 16th Street, New York arms and new instruments, which temporary prostration to which it ism has not directed anything but railway strike, which stands de the Rumanian Iines back to Russia, itely. The last time was offici EDITORIAL BOARD can assure an upward march and had been driven by the errors of has been plaything of events. It finitely on the agenda, is losing many men.
ally in your country was com Martin Abern James Cannon vletory. The last insurrection has the same anarchists. to hurl itself is inevitable and unavoidable that from defeat by being prevented The consequences were swift. peiled to leave in two hours and Max Shachtman Maurice Spector been added to the whole catastro into an insurrectionary adventure, the great exploited masses should from taking place. The reformista Trotsky ordered the immediate ar halt. Wo give the ambassador Ame Swabeck phic series of anarchistic export which, although it will not scattle suffer delusions when confronted betray the demands of the railroad MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1933 rest of the Rumanlan minister at ta hout. And by ikat e reco: ences which havo cost the workers the revolutionary movemeut be with a bourgoose regime (because do not know how to organize the Petrograd. The next day Allled, nize that he is four time as Ima VOL VL, No. (Whole No 154) movement of our country dear no great meste participated to ability to decide the matriko The conflict he has and neutral Ambassadors demand portant as Good afternoon! Single oom: o cent. Bandi. 15. The anarchiat iurardotion wo in the insurrection, must inevitably, the bourgoolale matatafos telt in the state ince 1980.
ed his liberation. This was grant. JOHN REED. rates on application. the wildest Imarinable sort of an signify, for the moment, another. the world. but Vanguard of the To be continued of party Left Opposition Gives Estimate of Spanish Anarchist Putschism in