AnarchismAndrés NinBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninLiberalismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE THE MILITANT Official Organ of The Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published three weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Past Once at New York, under the act of March 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. (WHOLE NO. 154 NEW YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1933 PRICE CENT Opposition Demands United Front Tacroix and Japan Rejects Militant Now; Hitler Lays New Trap for Workers At Second Jobless Conference Nin Arrested League Aid Times a a Weekl Seek Freedom For prolig mange meget store location Angelo Herndon Takes Cp Clu Writer Exposes my college le German Bourgeoisie Calls Fascism Stalinist Censor LEAGUE REPRESENTATIVE PROPOSES UNITED FRONT POLICY BE ADOPTED TOWARDS CONFERENCE FOR IMPERIALISTS JOCKEY FOR Andres Nin, former secretary UNEMPLOYMENT ORGANIZED BY SOCIALIST LEADERS of the Red International of LA POSITION INVOLVED; Here is the first issue of the we are bor Unions and a prominent leadSOVIETS ARE THREATENED New Militant. which er of the Spanish Left Opposition undertaking to publish three times a week during the critical The second meeting of the unl isfied to see the Socialist workers since his expulsion from the sobreak with ted front conference on unemploy attend the conference of their own viet Union by the Stalinist apment in New York City was held organization. We should also urge trata tew weeks ago in a police su to the full extcut of condemn the conversou to the Militant League of Nations will the League days of the German situation. Aims to Distract Attention from Mass Struggle of Labor on Sunday, February at Irving all our affiliated organizations, and raid upon his home. On DecemBy Parliamentary Deception of March 5; Social ing Plaza. Only about one half of the all others that we can reach and ber 27, the police perpetrated the Manchuria and recommending some a weekly, even if at a reduced Democrats Join in Dupery; Communists Still Tied delegates who attended the first influence, to send delegates to this same thing upon comrade Henri conference two weeks before were socialiet conference and fight there Lacroix. After being held for form of action against Japanese size, involves a tremendous phy. Hand and Foot by Rejection of United Front But prevent at a sham tight to mislead the work sical and financial strain.
ng in the movement which fol.
lowed from the incorrect policy of Colferences to one. It our com of the Special Police, they were ers of the world into belleving that the immense importance of the stirring a of the class war the leadership was to be noted, and it will send a formal letter to transferred to the prison where preserytional organization for Aolph Hitler has made his aims sible chance that it will cast its highest which is reaching its it was made known that they the difficulties have become further this unity and if a delegation from ing peace and outlawing war?
clear beyond mistake in the first vote so wolidly as to make up the were at the disksal of the milipo. nt in Germany at the present programmatic speech to be deliv required initions for a Hitlercomplicated by the action of the tary authorities of Andalusia.
The struggle among the robber Soclulist party in calling a rival our pmmittee will appear at the imperialist powers is far from bemoment, makes it ferative Jered for the national elections to flogenberg von apen majority.
After seven days in prison, that the Mutant be in a position be held in Germany on March 5: Yesterday speech of the monarchconference of labor organizations continued on pare comrade Lacroix was transferred for February 25 at the Rand capitalist every decay, etery precapitalist at. to Algeciras at the disposal of School Auditorium. The attitude country rights desperately to mainduy instead of every week. The a fight against Marxism. to go only tacitly acknowledges the un the military Judge; but comrade induerence of the Stalinists tain and expand its markets and mines the active intervention of hand in hand with the destruc. likelihood of this eventuality, but, to be taken toward this disruptive Nin is now in prison in Barcetion of the parliamentary dem in the words of the Llerald Tribune its economic power at the expense the left opposition even more cratie system. If there could correspondent (February 12. has maneuver of the Socialist leaders lonn, without any reason being of every other country.
was the most important question giveu nor anyone officially in ever be any doubts before about let the cat out of the bug by reformed as to his condition.
profound disturbance of the imper! essential. We three times a weekly the deceptive character of the sealing that the government of nathe Sunday conference.
More than eight months ago iallst worki balance of economic! Cuatabue the the anxious to at least for the coming month. March elections to the Reichstag, tional concentratiou. intends to power in the Pur East, its closing On this point the entire discus. YOU NG NEGRO COMMUNIST IS our comrade Maximo Carnicero We need the most generous tin they are now entirely eliminated. govern in the future by dictatorof the Manchurian frontiers to all was imprisoned in Barcelona ston centered around the proposal anciat listance to achieve it. The idea that the present Cabinet ship, regarules of the will of the but its own exploitation, arouses of the excutive committee for a GIVEN 18 TO 20 YEARS IN withuto any information given on the greatest alarm among the rival Will you help immediately? Our combination of the Fascist, nation reoplo.
his legal situation. Our comrade boycott of the conference GEORGIA; NO BAIL GRANTED imperialist baudits.
during expenses are increasing alist and monarchist reaction will The Election Trap Kastroilo has been confined in this campaign, but the income and a head on struggle against it, attain a legal parliamentary Laving aside for the moment Challenge Badajos prison for five months from the Murant is lowered in majority in the coming elections of the vain lugenbergian dreum of on the one side, and a counter One of the most heinous crimes and comrade Llerena, together The direct threat to Yankee fluence in China does not go uncorrespondence with the fact proposal made by comrade Cannon yet committed by the white boursuflicient weight to enable it to governing together with the Fusce in the name of the Left Opposition. Lou ruling class of the South has with other comrades, are incarchallenged. The laval war man that the price for the paper has rule with a constitutional Reich ists in view of the fact that the been lowered to to make it available stag foundation, Is scouted even Fascists aim at complete hegeHere again, as in the first confercome to light in the case of Angelo like the stalinists, the Spanish eurers in the actic, the landing to every worker. Give donations! by the bourgeois commentators in mony, of the open rule by ritte ence, the fundamental questions of Herndon, Lourgeoisie does not konw that of troops in Hawaii, the charting spread the Militant! Keinember united front policy came to the press. Even if the stay at and bayonet the speeches of Hitler thel Coming on the heels of the vio the Trotskyists are counter revfor naval development of the Aleu: that the new price is home vote is brought out in its and Hugenberg make it as plain fore. The elementary ideas of lent attacks upon the share crop olutionists.
tian Islands with a view to attack!
Japan from the North to avoid ONE CENT COPY entirety, there is the slimmest pos as a pikestoff that the axis of the the Lenin tactie were again elucidi pers meetings at Camp Hill, An her submarine bases, the discus whole situation revolves not ated by the left Opposition and selo Herndon, a young Negro Com around the deliberate illusion of up in the chain once more the objections to them, munist was a sham parliamentary struggle, which were laughed out of the sung state of the union, Georgia, technical magazines of the best Communist International over ten years on the chain gang for 10 but on the extra parliamentary batmethods of mobilizing and coor tletied of the class struggle.
years ago, were solemnly repeated other crime than that of posses real though moves towards war.
by the Stalinist spokesmen, Hath sing Coininunist literature on his pressure on the League ap ors, who fear the unleashing of away, Winters, Nessin, and others. person. The literature, as the de GORKY MEMOIRS OF LENIN plled by means of the lever of war the militant class movement more The political development of the Under these conditions, what than anything else, should seek to non, designed to frustrate the split wint out, is permitted by federal, FALSIFIED TO SUIT NEED the other great powers directly class struggle which has brought would the German proletariat do? drive the workers into the trap.
ting tactics of the Socialist leaders authorities to pass through the OF present period of Would it remain passive, as the goes without saying. The present PARTY BUREAUCRACY over their own exclusion from Man Cerminy to th and to organize a unity movement mail.
churla, possibly from Chiua in the crucial decisions, has been diales social democrats said during the position of the social democracy within their own ranks, reads as This act of panicky terror is near future, and also over the postically interwoven with the devel crisis, or would it be driven tarough of Germany is most crassly and follows glaring retlection of the fear that The latest instance of the resibility of the breakdown of the went of the economic crisis. the uninterrupted sharpening of stupidly stated by the yellow 80 RESOLUTION the rising militaney and conscious writing of revolutionary history in League which would mean a threat oth have Ugressed by a series of the crisis to radicalization and revinlists of New York in the leading the clitorial of the Jewish Forward Tots of those mest oppressed Negro the suriet ion, is uncovered in of February New York City. through its IA into the hearts of the southern liberal journal The New Repub has a new shuffle of the cards Pared for by the conditions of the official party perspective. Whereas, The Socialist Party of workers and farmers, is putting the February 15, 1933 issue of the to the Versailles Treaty und per sharp turns which have been pre olutionary action, which was in Europe. The League action previous period of weeks or months. Elidenberg authority bor Committee, has called a con ruling class. More than that, the Ile. res low by Edmund Wil The displacement of Bruening by.
In practise, neither happened.
ference of workers organizations numerous examples of sustarite son of Days with Leuit by Maxi chisseuse, dictated by a de and Unemployment for February 23. between black and white workers im Gorky. The English edition of sire for self preservation and for apen in June of last year, under the nighting spirit of the German help the Hitlerios precious little and has specified in its conference against their common enemy, the ed by the stalinist concern. Interperialist war to break out between man bourgeois could 10 conditions of sharp intensification masses, uutested but also undefeat in this case, for everybody knows But Is it possible for an im of the crisis, meant that the Ger Scent strikes throughout Germany a Nazi. He designated Hitler as call the demands of unemployment bussey, have been of no little con longer Chancellor because Ilitler repre.
Insurance, the day and 30 hour Nequence in increasing the bour national dry forgery undertaken the and Japan while the so tse a regime whose ability to at Trom August on. Was it only a seats the largest party in the counl ublishers, and Wilson excoincidence that the first real week and further unemployment bons terror. As was to be expect LOSES tack relief and sa the Negro politicians and mise establecer under pressure of breaks out whenever the ultimate, ed by the necessity of measure strike wave, came in the same per kebesut le trinot given kom the real breathing space since the contrary, Hindenberg it into Hitfor the united struggle of all work the cart before the horse in their censors themselves, for the pur: open and sutticiont expression in ocratie alles.
crisis began? No, it could have ler cabinet majority of miners and workers organizations for criticism of the Angelo clc. To see the factional anti Trotsky framediate catuses.
The basic con Slight Rise Under Papen immediate demands along these them it was not the ruling class of the official party has been curry the two economic systems, the car elle pas ngarked by two sets with a few more orders on their supportscente been predicted and it was predict isters who are indeed reactionarThe apen regime from June to od. As soon as the capitalists, les but at the same time bitter lines, therefore be it Georgia that was the real villian ing on for a decade. That the Italist and the Communist, systems of developments, aparently con books, began to buy a little more he also secured himself against the Hitler program and Resolved, that this committee, in the piece, but the while proceeding with its own acrty which sent a young Nesrol latter is not in the least squeamish of relations that cannot possibly tradictory but in reality growing material and to hire few more rule for very long against the will Communist Hitler government being able to tivities as laid down by the first put it sure death.
worker to the South toil they abont resorting to forgery in this continue indefinitely to exist side out of each other. In the Arst workers, the paralyzing effect of the Reichstag. What will hap conference, shall extend a written Bail has been denied invitation to the conference of the Ierndon, according to latest re Wilson review. lengthy excerpt from the war between the capitalist powers to gain ground in Germany crisis was broken. The worker felt Den further, nobody knows. Mean This memoir, first published in and the Soviet Union, came intol and internationally at the expense again that his labor power was a socialists and the workers organ ports. The Negro and labor baitwhile, however, Hindenburg has xations responding to their call, to ing South will try its utmost tol 1027, is a very much amplitied and existence at the very birth of the of the working class was expressed commodity for which there was not violated the Constitution. And (Our Join forces with us in cominon the southern capitalist hyenas time of Lenin death. It is curl for this war. Already the Germanyuneven, but nevertheless an unmis who had no jobs and no prospecta Everyboly has his role. That of struggle; that a delegation be sent put through another lyuch verdiet. Hewielten. Wersion of the magazine power in Germany Wil unquestion the beginnings of an improve demand, that his empty place at Hatter is not yet a dictator but to the conference to make this pro democracy inte ore Published in 1993 01 the bly precipitate inmediate causes ment in fidustrial activity during the work bench would not be im. constitutional Chancellor.
this period temporary, precarious, mediately filled by rush of men emphasis. posal; and that affiliated organiza the Scottsboro boys, the share been made in the passage about Japan, a natural ally of Hitler in base send delegates to the socialist connumerable others. ctie Only the 1:120 transtate from a French Japan to remain in Manchurias toed, coal and steel production rose, tions of our committee be urged to croppers, the Cliff Jameses and the Trotsky. Here is what Gorky in an anti Soviet crusade, Hitler wants velopment of the crisis. Prices be wage cuts, for better wages and treason.
gan to rise, unemployment declin working conditions.
What is Doing?
class of The growing militancy posal from the floor.
ference to support our unity pro entire well as white, can put (Ieniu) praise his comrades. And von Keller opposition Presentative railroad freight truthe rose; build the workers brought new forces toxiffon of more hopeless confu.
be ready for invasion of the USSR.
And the Communist party? among America. Yes, have often heard him Hence, the German. a stop the lynch terror whether the ing activity, foreign trade decline the Communist party on the extra lun. Setelution and hopelessness comrade Cannon said that the call legal or illegat. that when the he knew how to do justice to the League to the proposal for a neueconomic life showed the effects of parliamentary front as well as in in the midst of a situation that continued on DABO2 and Audacity, can hardly be imagdellberate move to disrupt and South.
The workers must respond. le on new on page aered to fix a time for withdrawal returning confidence.
split the movement and was design of Japanese troops, just as at ined. The, parlamentary elections at the same time to cover up Shanghal.
as the axis of the struggle, contheir own lack of activity in the The ultimate causes of war be stitute an enormous and treacherstruggle for the unemployed. On tween the imperialists find expresCLS swindle. What is the party dothis point there was no disagree ing to counteract it There is Le double dally newspaper. It ment with the executive commithowever, whether the it tee.
De Valera, leader of Fianna Fail, at 150. 000, and wages cut to starvations will lose sight of their in cher Machado has again threatens have withdrawn their support and ted front of all workers organtruling classes of the capitalist naArmed insurrection against But own brutal, blundering fashion, must do: organize the genuine unlThe differences. said comrade ett sphed the three tener bourgeoisies tion levels, are problems that De terests as a whole, as expressed in to break out in Cuba and various thrown their weight into the scaieszations to launch the.
to mobilize the concerted strength tles; how to frustrate the disrup held recently in Ireland. IIe now The discontent of the Machado Position untenable workersgonism to the dictatorship of the rante, American adventurers and of the German proletariat to crush tive maneuvers of the Socialist has a majority in the Dail which everything we do, we gives him a free hand to reduce peasants, De Valera was able proletariat, to enter into and office seekers appear to have come tenable with the whole dance un Fascism. Is the party doing this?
filibusterers and petty bourgeois leaders.
Macado position has to harness de that inevitably are secondary basis! It has not even begin, for to bemust bear in mind that they are the wages of civil employees the mongoxy. By this means he got the can wait. In any case, even if menced operations in various parts of his rule swept from under him. gin it is imperatve to throw over influencing workers and workers issue which precipitated the clec. support of the Irish Itepublican war broke out between the imper of the island.
The brutal methods of violence board all the disastrous policies of last comic and draw inton united movement with rely on the Irish Labor Party for letaria de and poor peasante crushed ferences could be and would be opera Tropical Mussolini son anced by the desperation of the party so impotent in the struggle.
the continuation of his regime. In the British created Irish Free watch the event of an attack years has done his best to advance sharpest economie crisis in the happened, the party still continues ment will lack the necessary int. The Labor Party, borverer mat state in 1921 22 after terrific on the Soviet Union. The greedy the financial interests of Wall St. country history. The Cuban with its pernicious chatter about ted strength. The appeal to socialist workers boycott the openly, at this stage of develop are petty bourgeois national vantage of the powers would not tense exploitation of the Cuban tionary and anti imperialist tradi. the leadership of the Communist conference of their own organizamnts in Ireland, support this, tion and to come to ours is incorists, while the rank and fle enter stop even during such a holy war, working class, the suppression of tions, and rect. They are not ready to break will continue to support De Valera, petty bourgeois liberalism to Com Intensified.
None the less the Labor party tain political opinions ranging from but would not only be all the more the labor movement and the amass ists and led largely by Commun. Party of Germany (Inprecorr.
syndicalists, has at no Xe. which is the old ultimatist ing of an enormous personal for time abandoned its opposition to policy: Socialist workers, recognize with their own organization and as it has no definite policy of its munism, and remain a thorn in De The League, as the international tune.
the regime and bas managed, In our leadership in advance or else to follow our leadership. But the own. In many instances it wants Valera side. They will learn that mart for imperialist bargaining, is The Machado regime, by the most spite of the murder, imprisonment there will be no united front!
a united movement and will sup the matter of his light to abolish tish imperialism who will not hest for Manchuria. That price in ried through against all political keep allve in the masses the spirit The Fascistshare hatready in port it. They are not convinced the oath of allegiance to the King tate to shoot them down as Concludes two guarantees namely, and class opponents with bittle of of proletarian, struggle. The suppower, but they have far from conleaders and will not be con unulties; the development of na fight without adding North to her playing his enemies against one an dents movements, the vinced merely by our denunciation. tional industries; his hints of all for better conditions along conquest, and that the Japanese other he has succeeded in uniting and cowardice of the petty bour. even taken over the whole power class lines.
And this circumstance still generals must no For this it is necessary to prove fight for an independent republic, gives all against his regime, do gools oppositionists, and In the most concrete manner that The Roman Catholic Church their implied noonger stall in the for his support on a present threat of American ever the German proletariat time enough promise to start the Where De Valera is going to find whose rhactionary role was fairly world conflagration by attack the strong bureaucrate governmental vention under the Platt the Socialist leaders sabotage and a market for the products of Irish well unmasked during the revole. Soviet Union. In that case there apparatus, a pampered mlitary and ment are important Amend the torted monster. The at enough to destroy reject our falr and realistie pro national industries he has not exction of 1918 22 is again hollering will be no break between the police force and Americambe someone have served to be will allon. the united front of the Communist posals for a united conference and plained. The total Imports of the Socialism and Cominunism at the League and Japan.
a united movement. Irish Free State dropped from The rank and file of the that would not otherwise possi. Gruggenheim and in the Interests ble. To this end, instend of boycott. 201. 821, 000 in 1931 to 170, 118. 000 are not alarmed this time. lm Sunday, February 20, P. omics life strings of the Debate, Anarchisme. Commun of the sugar trust, he held the econ ing the conference which only in 1982. Exports fell from 145. The church and The antecedents of the Democratic bourgeois party. the Reichs.
banner and the recl Front Fighters, island. revolutionary leaders priests bluffed at 227 12th St.
the which the former must immediand facilitates their splitting man coupled with a rising army of anthem once too often.
Youth Club Ts. Vanguard (Anarch Street financial in those Wall road they are likely to follow. Dur.
Spartacus Now, however, whose interately Initiate.
euvers we should not only be sat employed, conservatirely estimated eontinued on page ist) Group ests he has been so willing in his te ontinued on page Sunday, Feb. 12 1s Negro AS De Valera Harnesses Discontent Uprising Threatens Machado sion in Indecision yet Inter. Ito act SPEAKERS: Labor Lyceum BKLYN MASS The CRISIS in GERMANY lames common 940 WILLOUGHBY AVE. BROOKLYN ADMISSION 15 Cents