BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1983 Opposition at Gillespie of or bis MENS at to concrete needs of the moment? Very simply. They made a complete rightabout face on everything. And they did this without previous announcement or warning in the Party press, without any (Coutined from page 1)
League Views Triumph at Progressive Miners Conference acknowledgment of previous error; and Communists, Socialists and is in a position to crush the working class completely, is not a leader of the Fascists in Civil War working class but an impostor wbo (Continued from page 1)
truls you will look in vain for u cate they even kept, or tried to keep, straight tomorrows. Significant fact: in 1931, the be faces through this bizarre performance. Communist party criminally supported should be kicked into the obscurity where ance, trade union democracy, abolition gorle answer in their publication of high wages for oticials, class struggle for the event. And it is on just such in the conference there were not a few solve the Prussian Diet, with its social policies, relentless light against labor questions that clear and categorie uns conscious militants who follow all devel, ist Centrist government, nous alienating also a socialist Deputy in the Prussianbolones Cau ascism still be smashed? Yes.
mulieres all or these and similar demands, wers are required. The comment of the opments closely and take careful note of the socialist workers from Communism Diet and the father of a family, was shot it should and could have been smashed Which are becoming the lighting pro Labor Age implies a certain support for what each group and tendency stands and raising the prestige and strength of Cromu behind while opening bis garden months ago, before Hitler became Chanbiom of the labor movement in all parts ve forined at the Gillespie Conference. who were glad enough to see the old the policy of the so called Red Referen dort eisht men were injured during already been lost, but it is not yet too oleh be contigo found their place also but the door is left open to face the ruinous policies discarded bag and bas dum was met with the customary Stalin. clashes in various parts of the city, after lute. Once organized into a powerful, in the program of the Gillespie Confer other way, if things go wrong and the sage, regarded the spectacle with a cer ist abuse: the Trotskyists are agents of four busloads of Nazis had been shot at united army, the million headed German ence. In this fact is to be seen the best winers involve themselves in a serious tain amount of amusement and incredul. Braun and Brucuing. In 1933, the same from windows. Munich, Leipzig and proletariat can pweep the Paciet ecum the mistake. In this attitude the Musteites ity, as one watches a circus performer russian Diet is tinally dissolved by the Dauzis also rewrted bloodshed. out of power and into oblivion. But this bainois o movement with similar more ran true to form. In all their dabbling going through flip flops and wonders how Fascists, not by referendum but by die. The civil war has started, but only demands struggle, and united struggle, ments in other parts of the country into with tho Illinois miners sltuation, they he does it.
tatorial decree. What position do the siarted. The first bloody skirmisles al and whoerer stands in the way is giva single national formation. For various bave never failed to show this policy of If the party stands for the formation Stalinists take? If their policy in 1981 reauy show whut form it will take when ng tid to Litlerism.
reasons this necessary unification of ball wayness by which they blunt the of a new labor movement, and if the was good Bolshevism, and not a crimin. it extends to the far vaster scule it The Socialist Louders the scattered insurgent elements on a sharp edge of all the issues and muddle TUUL is in fact the new labor center, adventure, it would be logical that must take on before the question. FacDo the social democratic leaders want national scale remains to be realized. An up the progressive movement from with as they have maintained since 1929, then this policy be crowned in 1933 by a ism or Bolshevism, is definitely decided organization, or a group of organiza. It is in the highest degree thanks to why not urge the Gillespie Conference vote in the Dict to dissolve it. But they The realities of the class struggle explode licht? Yes, if they could be guaran.
tions, with subticlent stability and to them that the Farrington Howat betray. to join the TUUL? That is certainly a acted in exuctly the opposite way: the the theories and practises of the Stalin bate masses, onco set into real movements around it is one of the ele Aberation movement against the Lewis correct one. But the stalinists delegates the social dennocrats and the Catholic Fascisin was regarded with contempt them to at another socialist ments stiu lacking for this national con bureaucracy was so long arrested and did not even mention the TUUL. More Center ainst the dissolution of the and outraged tellugs by the Italian so coulition ministry, let us say and not 50 further along the road to proletarian Let the Illinois miners who than that, they appeared there as the Diet!
cialist worker who centration. The Gillespie conference and tisoriented remembered jower the logical goal of such the forces represented in it could not retain some confidence in these pseudo most vociferous opponents of any idea of Three: The most drastie decree yet Matteottis, it is now being cut to preces movement. But there is no such guaranyet serve this purpose. It could only con progressives, after all their experience, the formation of a new general labor issued has been put into effect by von by the Hitlerite, knives sunk into the we, and the socialist Icaders, well aware tribute to the process. But the dynamic ask themselves why the CPLA did not movement at the present time. They re Ilindenburg on the control of the press bodies of socialist workers in Germany. of it, prefer to restrain, hold back, check, potentialities of a great role are there. take a clear position and warn them peated all the arguments which the left and public meetings. Any public meet The murder of Mayor Kasten, the killing southe and give false consolation to the The developments of the against premature and dangerous experi Opposition has been making on this ings, for which 48 hours advance notice of dozens of other socialist proletarians Bottesses who follow them. When the Miners in Illinois in the coming Diet is dissolved in Prussia, the social may have a decisive bearing, not only the By what right can they claim to be lead. yesterday had been denounced as coun. bidden when danger to the public sec blow in concrete to the theoretically un. democracy does not call upon the workmining situation but also upon the whole ers if they can answer such questions, ter revolutionary. They went further writy is to be apprehended. Are the tonable slogan of social Fascism. Whaters rise in protest, to act as a class Left wing and progressive labor move and answer them at the right time? than that. In their disorderly retreat Naxis a danger to the public security? socialist worker, and what Intelligent No, these contemptible Prussian dem ment of the entire country.
The Stalinist Position. The Progressive Miners Organization The position of the Stalinist delegates they arrived at such a conservative posi the socialists manifestly are, above allkisten and other martyrs to Fascism in ipuig te complain about Hindenburg The importance and significance of in the Gillespie Conference was indeed the danger of premature splits in the the decree is particularly almed. Meet representul the moderate wing of Fasc.
tion, they argued so passionately against and primarily the former, against whom Germany were murdered because they unconstitutional action!
the Giliesple conference derives primar a spectacle for gods and men. half of Lunions, that they found them ings and demonstrations may be die ism?
But the Communists? You read the lly from the participation of the Pro a dozen or so delegates from TUUL selves a number of times in alliance solved for any one of a dozen reasons, gressive Miners of America. Not only groups in Chicago came to the Gillespie with the extreme Right wing of the con which means they may be dissolved (ie, is being sedulously spread in whispers Communist Party in the present situaMore than that the consoling theory of the strategy and tactics of the German Daily Worker in vain for an elucidation from the top also from the bottom, Conference and gave the miners another ference, with those who wanted only to violently dispersed) without any reason in the ranks of the Communist party inois miners came to rub shoulders with derment at this queer melange of con further progressive steps of any kind. confiscated or suppressed for inviting the pro. etariat whether it be Brucing the German situation, for what does it from the local unions, the fighting 111. occasion to scratch their heads in won let well enough alone and take no at nil being given. Any paper may be that, after all, it makes no difference tion. There are whole days when the Daily Worker simply doesn mention the delegates of other trades and take tradiction and inconsistency, this comdisobedience of the government or its in or von Papen or von Schleicher or Hitler amount to when compared with a meetcounsel with them. Here is a heartening bination of adventurous leaps and pan. If the National Miners Union is the struments, for inviting or glorifing vio who is in power. For, you sce, they all ing of sign, one of many signs, that the icky retreats, which goes by the name of only organization of the progressive min. tence, for proposing a general strike or represent one and the same class, the Greater New York? And when it does Independent Barbers Union Stands higher and sees farther than the trade union policy of Stalinism. The ers, and if the PMA is only an imita a strike in some vitally necessary in bourgeousle! This is a theory of corecer to Germany, it contains badly rethe previous district formation of insur conduct of the Stalinist delegates at the tion of the Lewis union as was main Austry, for defending or holding up to wards, criminals or confirmed idiots. written accounts from gent miners. still going through its conference was indeed a humiliating contained up till yesterday then the Gil contempt the organs or institutions or low many party members have been press, or else cables from the Internathe capitalist own first birth pangs as a union, the fession of bankruptcy, and a complete lespie conference should have been made leading officials of the government, etc. taken in buy this, by your leave, theory. tional Press Correspondence which are already looks beyond the bor repudiation of everything that have done a forum for the advancement of this etc. For second offenses, papers may be cannot be estimated Scores of ders of its own industry and seoks alll on the trade union field in the disastrous idea. But this policy had likewise gone suspended for from six to twelve months! however, have volced it. We cannot con. What is the line of policy them, disgrace to the Communist movement?
the German ance with the workers of other trades. years of the third perlod.
to pleces on the rocks of reality. So. Even publie collections for party purceive of a more signal service rendered Communist? What are they doing? What And the participation of the rank and If the trade union policy of a political the National Miners Union was not men poses may le restricted or forbidden. To reaction than this theory. It is cal do they plan to do? What has happenfile, through delegates from the local unions, shows very clearly, the genuine group is any good it should reveal its Honed by a single word. It is by such in a word, the activities by word orculated to excuse the impotence of the el with the call issued on the morrow mass impulse behind the movement.
the dved of ang militant working class or stalinists during the past period of the of Hitler appointment for a national strength precisely on such an occasion contradictions and zig zags that But if the domination of the confer. as the Gillespie Conference where work. Stalinists have succeeded in discrediting wanation of the Communist party in strugle, and also to justify the wretch eneral strike? About all of these vital ers organizations are seeking an ans. Held and facilitating the revival of the the point where it is forced into a party chieftains in face of the crisis.
the Communist party in the Illinois coal trticular, are carefully circumscribed to dusivity and bewilderedness of the questions, not one single word in the ence by the Progressive Miners was the wer to new questions. Isn that a fair strength of the conference, then, in ansocialist organization.
columns of the Daily Worker.
test? The Left Opposition thought so, other sense of the word, it was also Ita Is Fascism Different?
Here you have the German situation and that is why its representatives at As is known, the Rote Fahne, organ Is Fascism different from the dem used from the small local craft unions and the conference expounded there ons betere din sistently correct policy over te period of several other party organs, has alreads is it possible that a serious worker the fate of all Europe, and consequently The Left Oppositionists who, by acon of the Communist party, together with ocratie forms of bourgeois government? it falls will decide for the next period the tip of a needle. The way central bodies in the Illinois mining the old one. Nothing that we said or the struggles, have gained a certain in lixcation. The central organ of the so the year 1933? Yes, both are the rule organ of the Amer towns, and from Left wing groups which dia there stood in contradiction to the fluence and prestige in the progressive clat democrats, Vorwaerts, as well as of the bourgeoisie. One by deraocratie deals with the whole situation as though Communist Party her than estable union organization. standpolut we have taken in the whole miners movement of Illinois, have great other socialist papers, have met with a means, by deception, boy illusions, by it were reporting a local strike of thirdSuch a combination can and should work course of the development of the pro and unique tasks before them. They similar fate. The central headquarters peaceful persuasion. The other, how rate significance. out a common program of agitation. But! gressive labor movement in recent years. have to lift up the banner of Commun of the Communist party in Berlin have ever, throws off all pretense and toler on such a basic there can be no serious miners to judge the trade union policy and make the miners understand that the els are being Forbidden or dispersed by democratic forms or institutions. Is the it is the Comintern, we repeat, that is We are quite willng for the militantism which has been trampled in the mire already been raided. Afeetings of work ates none of the bourgeois or proletarian the scapegoat for the Comintern.
For But let not the Daily Worker be made talk of a new labor federation.
sented at Gillespie are the prospects, but also in the light of what we sata Communism but of the stalinist perver black shirts in power, are being started murdering me retarde modstake me kete luist workers about this silence? What The prospects of the new union repre light of what we said at the conference recent years are not an expression of Mussolini on the road to establishing the little accidental joke of Hitler? Is the concerning the German events. Why?
first and foremost, of the Progressive before the conference.
Miners of America. If this new union survives the test of fire in the coming The Stalinists came to the conference of the Party organization in southern In Germany today.
months, and consolidates its organization under a heavy handicap. The best mill Illinois, they are obliged to fulfill the Fascists, or perhaps a Machiavellian is the position of the responsible leaderThe civil war has started in all earn plot to disprove the Stalinist theory of ship of the Communist International on more firmly in the struggle against the tants in the miners organization were duct the direct struggle against the reale issue of the New York Times (Feb Italian Fascism been forgotten already in Germany? What horrible calamity is natural functions of the party, to con est. We take some excerpts from a sin social Fascism. Has the history of the decisive events which are unfolding fact lay a big section of the foundations sons. The Stalinists fought the opposi formist elements for the decisive influ Puary 1933. Have we already forgotten these grue Stalinism preparing for the international of the new unionism. If the PMA goes tion movement in the UMWA which lata ence in the morement. They have to down in the light and loses its organiza the ground for the formation of the take upon themselves directly the initia over the country give this additional re in every labor paper, of workers mass Plaiu words! That is what we At midnight tonight reports from all some photographs, printed in their time protetariat?
de tion base the new union movement wiu They fought the PMA which ren intercandle the treatmentere le in which conta cord undoubtedly incomplete for the acred in alian streets, of newspaper mand.
Speak up now! Not after the event, In other articles the specific tasks and against it the National Miners Union Scer the new movement armly on the attending these demonstrations.
problems of the PMA, and its prospecta which aid not exist in Minots. They path of a class struggle policy. The de Chemnitz, in a clash between socialists or anization of the working class re battle cry and a line of march for the In ished, of every single institution and not as a sermon for the dead, but as a for expansion into a wider field will be set the TUUL up as a new labor center Istiny of the Progressive Miners move and Nazis, one socialist was killed and cormist or revolutionary destroyed with living.
considered. In our opinion the Pro in 1929 and since that time have been ment of Illinois depends on this. And. twelve wounded, five perhaps fatally. At bestial ferocity? Or the trade unions characterizing all unions that did not conversely, the chances of an early re. Wetzlar twenty were wounded in a sim smashed and the political parties driven or a bloc between the Communist party, For the real, Leninist united front!
cuple at the present movement the key afiliate with it as company unions. It can of the Communist movement and lar disturbance. At Bochum, in a con underground and their lenders impris the social Democracy, the Trade Unions, position in the unfoldment of a new flict between Nazis and Communists, aoned and exiled and banished?
the Red Front Fighters, and the Relchsprogressive sweep in the labor movement correct by the development of the move the direct leadership of the Left Oppost Xaxl leader was killed and there were Whoever even hints to the working banner, to march separately on a national scale. For that reason it ment itself. the Gillespte Conference was ton, depends upon the complete identity thirty one arrests. In Munich, in but to a clans that there is no real difference be striko unitedly, to bring the Iron fist elements and tendencies which strive, or make further proposals along the same interests of the miners movement. The Communist, two policemen and a Reichs seoisie and the Fascist rule by torch and the skull of the Fascist best!
upon pretend to strive, in one way another, lines. But there was the rub. The pol Lett Oppositionists at the Gillespie con banner man were wounded. In Stettin, sword, that it is a matter of indifference Proietarian Communista, militanta, to break the labor movement out of the icles had been completely discredited in ference were animated by this fundain a row between Nazi storm troopers to the proletariat, is playing the game workers! The decisive word lies with paralyzing gris of the of bu life and did not in any way at the mental conception and made it the start ing point of new plans and new enand socialist Reichsbanner men, a Naxi to the best interests of Fascism! Who you now. Speak up so that the whole reaucrats. And by the same token the problem of the hour.
was badly wounded. Joachin Matthes, ever does not shout out loud to the work movement may hear and act before the worth of these various tendencies in the How did the Stalinist delegates get deavors. Great things can follow.
17 years old, was held tonight in Stasser of all groups and organizations that whole movement has been drowned in field of trade unionism can be judged out of this contradiction between the furt on a charge of murdering Mayor they must immediate own blood.
form a powerful most concretely by their attitude toward whole policy of the recent years and the JAMES CANNON. Hermann Kasten. The Mayor, who was united front to crush Fascism before it Wed. Feb.
the activities and problems of the PMA, and especially by the answers they give to the questions which haven been ansbroad organization to include within it, peasants pirties, Labor party, anti Im it is not for us to aid in the creation of wered yet.
not only young workers, but also the perialist Leagues, etc. etc. they only organizations of the petty bourgeolsle of From this point of view it is interest revolutionary inclined students. The further undermine the theoretical foun various descriptions. Bigger and more ing to note the position taken on the Communist Youth organization does not dations of Marxism, and particularly the important tasks remain for the Gillespie Conference by the various polldemand that young workers or studente role of the and YCL. The NSL, muists. Wherever any organization exComtical groups. The Socialista, the CPLA. Continued from last issue) ary student participating in such a con Who desire to join it, shall be full fledged in our opinton, is but another version isis, however, which contains workers the Lovestoneltes, the Stalinists and the DISCUSSION ARTICLE ferenice doing his duty in attempting to communists when they make application or application of Stalinist theory, and and other elements upon whom we can Left Opposition all of them reacted to It requires, and properly so, that those as in the other cases It results only in exert influence, the Communists enter, lead this struggle against capitalist war?
If there is any instanice where only He thought so. But he was doomed to joining it shall be willing to learn to additional blows delivered against Gillespie Conference. But the only group that gave a clear and definite ans the Communists can lead tedeste el a installare Yet subordinate to contendents participation in the struggles of the Conference and the American replicas can never think of relinquishing the role the build fractions and conduct their work through revolutionary movement. The Barbusse accordingly. But certainly Communista confirmed to the letter by the experience capitalist militarism and Imperialist war. could take a part, howsoever small or workers. We speak here not of the carl of it are the demonstrations of of the conference itselt, was the Com. Yet, witness the spectacle at the Bare large, in a united front movement against States, and elsewhere, has become, but But while the Loft Opposition, hence, Lorically unqualified to do so they can ally, to such elements; for they are hismunist Left Opposition.
That wing of the which trails Communist International abandoned Ita along with the Progressive Miners, and rightful role of leadership to the intel. On other questions, the NSL has taken Communist International was erected independent students organizations, and preyrams, the interests of the working fattens itselt parasitically on the blun lectuals! Comment here is superfluous: a position which on the one hand and the manner the YCLE were expect more so when they masquerade as Tev class and the vast mass of exploited.
ders official Communist party, had nothing to this Congress and at the Student Constance, the revolutionary NSL endors dents who join the NSL today because means excludes work among the say, and no advice to offer, about the ference Against War at stu the building of the Red Army: The petty Chicago, Ini ed the Communist party in the Novem of its revolutionary program, we have to dents. In whatever students organiza bourgeois intelligentsia could give the project of a new federation of labor be tiated by the NSL and the Communists, ber elections: a correct action. But it say that their place is directly in the tions exist, the fore the conference. As with the forma the Amsterdam spectacle was repeated motivated its support of the not ranks of the Communist youth organiza. bulld fractions, even as they do in trade officers, as they had done under carism, Communist must army a considerable number of lower tion of the PMA itself, these parasites in an even more grotesque manner. The on revolutionary class grounds, but on tion.
unions and other mass organizations of but they could not create a commanding wait to see what luck the miners have YCL abandoned its field and the resulta the fact that the of all political It is a totally false conception of bridge the workers, and there seek to develop corps in their own image, for they had with their ventures. If a given under of the Chicago Conterence were con parties consulted, had alone taken a stand, organizations and their functions to ac Communist influence and win the in no image of their own. Likewise, by an independent dividual students to the revolutionary analogy, the Communists nowhere must it: if it succesis and sweepe a mass misrepresentation of the revolutionary blems of class fees, etc. How ridiculous students organization as a part of that banner and organization. Even as anti concede leading historical roles to forces movement with it, they trall along and ways and means to combat imperialist for an organization presumably pivoting schema. An ILD, which defends class imperialist papers can be issued by the incapable of creating a commanding axploit it. And all the time they main war except as clarified by delegates and on a revolutionary axis! Why should war victims irrespective of their political Communist without special anti im corpus. Wherever Stalinism has permit perialist organizations, so can Communted them and, worse, Justified it there the Hillgults who support Lewis and all position. See the articles on the cht. tionary studentszen It shouldn the con dependent students body with a political ist student papers be issued to proclaim have resulted debacles. in China on a the other black reactionaries.
CRGO Student Conference in the Militant fusion is unnecessary and springs largely present matter. An ILD has an obvi. ian students.
and functions is an altogether its cause for the workers and proletar tremendous world stage; In Amsterdam The CPLA, which recommends itself by Aderhabe and Glotzer for an an from the concept of an independent stu(Barbusse Congress) on a lesser, but as the center and leader of the progres alysis of this Conference. It was in dent role and the belief that revolution ously legitimate function to perform. An Win Students on Communist Basis forth alve labor movement, also showed the evitable there, as at Amsterdam or where ary students should pat more independent students organization can, still important scale; and in Chicago Nor need there be any neglect of neu (Youth War Conference) on an illusionquality of its leadership in the matter over the same stunt is tried, that when maila table out from adaptable reasons for and already has done great harm to the tralizing or trying to Wine Basc talike me to and Comic de of the Gillesple Conference. The recent the intellectuals or students took over the revolutionary conclusions. This is immediate and historical interests of the the proletarian cause the middle class in short, the Left Communista must for the Gillesple Conterence, with its ment, the real basis of struggle against tunista justify thetr stupidities or be usurp the role of a revolutionary poll manner, relatively, as we seek to make opinion, for the liquidation of the Na announced Intention of formulating a war was vitiated and the workers mistrayals.
tical party or YCL becomes a persersion allies of the poor and acploited farmers. tional Stadent League and stmilar creanew federation of labor. without saying lod. The and YCL stood in the Yet, and this is another decisive fac of Marxist theory on the role of a Com. But while we recognize the need to win tions, and insist that the Communist definitely what it thought about the pro wings, behind the scenes, witnessing tor, the Young Communist League, men rounist party. When the Stellaista eld such groups te accept the leadership of party and YCL take over the dath and Jeot. Were the Mastelter in favor of approvingly, the spectacle and abandoned sured by its theoretical and organies in the formation of such bodies as the the proletartat and the Communists in role that properly belongs to them.
the proposal? Or against it? Or Deuther leading role. Was the revolution tional besla, is or should be a suficiently National Student League, workers and the strukcles against the bourgeolate, yet MARTIN ABERN.
Shall the Revolutionary Students Be Organized Into Separate Movements