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The Record Speako! Centrism Month by Month.
Stalinist Policies Throw Food Workers Union Into Serious Crisis for to.
during 10 Boston Activities SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1933 THE MILITANT LORE PAGE Fasclat Papen government new that the leaders of the trade unions would exert. the full power of the to prevent the mass strike more THE SAME BLOODHOUNDS THE OFFENSIVE BEGAN less of party under our relationship. Walter Ulbricht, Rote Fahne. We must show that the social Fasc. IN. 1929. Saechsische Arbeiter Zeitung August 25, 1932.
ist Factory Councils and functionaries in The working massee, who a year ago (C. June 23, 1980.
It is impossible to understand the a few militants, could be obtained present crisis in the Food Workers In picketing. Attempts the factories are the agents of the blood still hesitantly set themselves in motion were made stained Noske Severing zoorgiebel policy with dull, ponderous stepe, are marching AFTER SOCIAL FASCISMdustrial Union and its effects upon the dramatize the strike. Demonstrations Sandino Passes. membership without tracing its caure were organized by party members and. that they are just the same blood. today under the blaring fanfare of the BRUENING FASCISM bounds as the Noskes, Severings or Zoer. proletarian offensive against the capitalto the past and bringing into the open sympathizers together with the YCL and Hindenburg black Chancellor yes The report that the petty bourgeois the crimes and errors committed by the the Pioneers. An airplane was hired to glebels.
ist system. Rote Fahn, end of 1929 Rote Fahne, May 1, 1929.
terday declared the Fascist financial die Nicaraguan general Augusto Sandino party and union leadership under the spread leaflets all over the city. More tutorship with the aid of article 48.
has made his peace with the puppet gov. Lovestoneite and present regimes. than 65, 000 was spent in a period of Rote Fahne, March 17, 1930. MANY COMRADES.
AGAIN: THE OFFENSIVE ernment of American imperialism, re The Hotel and Restaurant branch of three months. But all was in vain. It Many comrades see nothing at all IN 1929!
conciling himself with the gang which the Amalgamated Food Workers was a few more shope were later compelled MORE BRUENING was lifted into power by the bayonets of under party control for many years. Its to settle with the union It was on the except social Faciam, even in things that have not the slightest to do with the bourgeoiste and the proletariat has The relationship of forces between FASCISM the Marine Corps, will come as main activities were confined exclusively same basis as mentioned above.
Fascism. For many comrades there are changed fundamentally. The working Reichstags What taking place in to the Central American general a revolu once the leadership rejected the propos Communist Deputy Neubauer in the a surprise only to those who attributed to the hotels and restaurants. More than The situation became much worse beno longer any social democrats and any close is striding forward from the defen Germany now is nothing but the desire tionary stature which he never attained, al to undertake an organizational drive cause the union failed to protect those social democracy, but only social base give to the offensive. In the Berlin to heal the deep seated wounds of capt. nor ever could have brom the begin among the cafeteria workers on the Workers sent out as extras during rush Ists and social ascism. Workers, ordin. May struggles, broad masses stepped betalism with the methods of Fascism. ning of his guerilla warfare in Nicara grounds that the masses were to be found, bout. They were refused employment ary workers, who have nothing more to yond the framework of bourgeois legal. This means nothing else than that the gua, the Stalinist Comintern bent all among the hotel workers. What hap by the bosses because of their reputation do with Fascism than that they have it voted social democratic, are designated lty, offered resistance to the police action system of terroristic Fascism is to take its energies to conduct an international pened in the spring of 1029 when these 28 militant strikers. This helped to die a social Fascists.
and opened up the political revolutionary the place of the so called democratic sy advertising campaign for Sandino which same people, without exception, were in rupt the unity of the employed and unRemmele, Die Internationalewer. The Berlin May struggles constiNew employed, which unfortunately, to this tem.
was not one whit better or more justifavor of a general strike in the No. 8, 1930. ROTE FAHNE, July 16, 1930.
fled than the campaign carried on by the York cafeterias, and at that, with no prevery day has not been corrected.
tute a turning point in the political de It is significant to point out the opKuo Min Tern for Chiang Kai Shek and paration at all? Did the leadership velopment in Germany.
THE SLOGAN OF THE HITLER GREATEST DAY company. Communists from Mexico and realize that their previous positon was portunist policies of the union These, Wedding Congress, IN 1930 Central America were sent into Sandino incorrect? No. Far from it. As we the feverlsh wave of the strike, with reCOMMUNIST YOUTH 1929 Drive the social Fascists out of the After the September 1930 elections: army, not to act like proletarian rev will prove, this sudden change was based card to injunctions. Oak, the publloity agent for the strike, reported to the factories, out of the employment bureau ILLUSIONS ABOUT Last night was Herr Hitler greatest olutionists, but as aides de camp to San. upon the interests of its faction.
The Lovestone faction was then in the capitalist press that the union detied and out of the trade schools!
day. but the so called election victory of dino.
DISTINCTIONS Junge Gande, end of 1929 the Naxis is the beginning of their end. Sandino was touted everywhere by the leadership of the party and the union would continue to defy the injunctions On the basis of the social Fascist. Rote Fahne, September 15, 1930.
official Communist apparatus. Like doz party convention was to take place issued by the capitalist courts. The of THE SLOGAN OF THE evolution of the lower cadres of the Soens of others of the same stripe, he was during that time. Lovestone, in order thelals of the union issued a statement to clal Democratie Party of Germany, the MORE BUREAUCRATIC one of the ble leaders and attractions to strengthen his prestige before the the press, pointing out that the report YOUNG PIONEERS Beat the smallest Zoerglebels out of illusions of the working class are being OPTIMISM in the Hippodromes conducted by wm convention suddenly discovered the that the union would defy injunctionsthe schools and playgrounda!
destroyed in the belief that there 18 a San necessity for muss work. Secret meet De Trommel, end of 1920 distinction between the leadership of the The 14th of September was the high Muenzenberg for the Comintern.
SDPG and the lower cadre of function point of the National Soclalist movement lino was one of the revolutionary leadings were immediately arranged by those this was written by the publicity Agent who without the knowledge of the leadership.
in Germany. What comes after this caners in the struggle against imperialiem members of the leading fraction aries of the SDPG.
decided to For this deed the publicity agent was THE RED FACTORY COUNCILS ON PAPER Theses of Wedding Congreso, only be decline and fall. 1929 Rote Fahne, September 18, 1930. committees of the World League Against sell the unton building located at 133 removed from his postThis statement The Factory Imperialism. At the abominable mas 10th St. and declare a general strike in hy the union was demanded by the law.
Council elections ere ot! yer who claimed that it would give him which the Communist Party of Germany FASCISM BROUGHT TO FASCISM AGAIN AT querade at Amsterdam recently, where the garment section. On the came forward for the first time in the STANDSTILL.
IN 1930 STANDSTILL (1931. adventurers, reformists, and peeudo Com March 15th, was informed by a com better grounds in his fight against in munists gathered to fight against war rade that such a meeting was to take Junctions in the courts. This demand is, sharpeet struggle against reformlem this affects the The party succeeded, by a resolute and defend the Soviet Union. Sandino place. When entered the meeting Bert of course, in accord with a lawyer the bearer of the united front of the No wonder that even Miller was reading the following de business. But for a militant organizaorganized and unorganized, was among the most prominent, became National Soclallst worker elements like offensive, in bringing the desultory ad few cisions of the District Executive Commit tion whose membership defles injunctions triumphal march in the most important cold douche. They are beginning to cance of National Fascism to a stand though he was absent industrial fields and large factories. The feel that they have gotten enough from stil.
weeks before his open capitulation to the tee: the strike was to take place not it is a ruinous and extremely opportunlabor masses elected countless Red Fac Hugenberg and Hitler. on the land. Commanist Party of Germany, Nicaraguan agents of American imperial later than April 4th; preparations were istic course. But this was not accidental tory Councils under the banner of the particularly where the agricultural proPolitical Bureau decision, ism, the Amsterdam Committee of Muen not necessary, it was sufficient merely for the leadership. It coincided fully September 24, 1931.
struggle against the state power, the emletariat found resolute leader in the zenberg. Stalin and Co. announced in to place pickets before the cafeterias: with the general line pursued by them ployers and reformiem.
Communist party, the advance of the its press releases that General Sandino the needle trade workers will not pe during that period. Wedding Congress, Swastikas has been brought to a stand LET THEM COME TO had been selected to represent Nicaragua tronize them and the bosses will thereby SEBASTIAN PAPPAS.
POWER still in recent months.
June 1929.
on the International Committee. be compelled to settle with the union. Roto Fahne, May 9, 1990. If they (the Nazis) once come into Like Wells, Sandino must again be denounced by the Stalinist press as make them change their decision, for. Two days later, the elections took power, the united front of the proletarNo arguments were strong enough to THE RED FACTORY COUNCILS IN REALITY place in Gotha (Thuringia) where the lat will be established and sweep every:l trattor. Traitor he is indeed, but as mentioned above the strike was to As a result of the defective contacts Nazis topped the Communists, and in thing away. They will come to let largely in the sense that he too has serve as a weapon for the Lovestoneltes of the Red Factory Councils with the creased their December 1929 vote of more speedily than any other govern served to throw light on the wretched in the convention Immediately appealment.
policy pursued by the Comintern whiched to the Central Executive Committee BOSTON. workers of thelr factory. It was possible 5, 193 to 6, 136. to eliminate number of Red Factory. Remmele in Reichstag, Rote Fahne, leads the proletariat from one surprise against the District decisions. On January 13 comrade Konikov October 16, 1931.
Councils without any struggle or protest FASCIST RULE SET to another, from defeat to defeat, to con. ponted out that no matter how great debated Louls Marcus of the Socialist action of the plants. In many cases, UP. IN 1930 fusion and demoralization. Sandino the support of the needle trade workers party on the subject Socialism versus passing tears with it another piece of it is entirely incorrect to declare communen. The well fed fakers, the accursed THE GREAT LEADER Louis Marcus Red Factory Councils did not stand their glves SPEAKS.
ground and capitulated before the sharp secretaries and functionaries of the sothe vell that still covers the nudity of strike without the strikers. Such a de courses at the headquarters and is ened pressure of the common enemy: em clal Fascist party apparatus, want the The fact that, for example, in our the Stalinist faction.
cialons will play into the hands of considered the local theoretician of the ployer, reformist bureaucracy and state civil war and a bloodbath which will revolutionary trade union work, united vvvvv of bureaucracy, wbo, in order to There were about seventy socialcover up their treacherous role of servists and five sympathizers of the Left had distinguished from the polley of the roof Noske and Zoergiebel. This is not district trade union leadership or International Workers School ing as a scab agency against the strik. Opposition present. Each speaker formists, or else they remained in com longer the preparation, but the begin other instances of the reformist bureau ers, will claim jurladiction over this ter thirty minutes and then the floor was plete passivity.
ning of Fascist rule in Germany, set up cracy (Ruhr district. also shows that AMERICAN LABOR LEADERS ritory. In view of this it is urgent to thrown open to general discussion and Congress of the Trade Union with the bloody hands of the Social Dern onr principled struggle against the soThe Movements and the Men propose a ulted front with the questions before rebuttal of ten min Opposition of the Nov. 1929. ocratic Party.
cial democracy was not conducted of unions. Particularly at this time utes by the speakers. The discussion ROTE FAHNE, January 17, 1930. solntely enough to make such mistakes Series of Popular Lectures on when the masses are in revolt against period showed that comrade Konikov had MUENZENBERG ON THE.
inn possible.
American Labor History and Its thelr oficials. By their refusal we will done a good job. The younger workers UNITED FRONT LATER, HEINZ NEUMANN WAS Thalmann, Dle Internationale, Outstanding Personalities to a large extent, be able to prevent them particularly had it in for the socialist bloc, or even an alliance, or even THE SCAPEGOAT No. 11 12, 1981.
by from playing the role of scab agenta speaker. After the meeting some of a temporary Joint operation in individ Today the slogan of the people revJAMES CANNON during the strike. am reminded that these young militants invited comrade ual actions between the Communist olution is a central, comprehensive pro VON PAPEN IS ALSO during this period, of locals No. Konikov to go with them for coffee and Single Lectures 15 Cents party and the Social Democratie party paganda slogan, the main and 719 issued leaflets urging cafeteria her very frankly.
there they discussed their problems with in Germany against National Socialism, goal to which we are leading the masses Before all, we must make it clear to One Dollar for the Course workers to join the union. would forever discredit the Communist along the line of our social and national the social democratie workers that what SUNDAY P.
Comrade Foster, to whom also gave The debate was a huge success from party among the broad masses of the emancipation program.
we have today is the Fascist dictator126 East 16th Street a copy of my appeal, told me that my our point of view. Each sympathizer of workers, tolling peasants and middle Ernst Thaelmann, January 1931 ship. The same holds for the illusion position was correct, but that at the pre the Left Opposition became a center of strata, and draw it into decline The slogan of the people revolu that the or the General GerTHE MILITANT sent timo, due to the situation in the a group of members after the meet Win Muenzenberg, tion was a correct slogan and remains man Trade Union Alliance are also or.
party, it was impossible to change the ing. They wanted to know more about February 1, 1932. necessary slogan.
ganizations of the anti Fascist struggle. Entered as second class mall matter decisions of the District in any the Opposition. Many Militants were Thelmann, Central Committee Whoever would alm to build on the idea November 28, 1928, at the Post Once at way.
sold and given away. The big bugs of THOUSAND TIMES Plenum, February 1992.
that by appeals to the SDPG or other New York, Under the act of on March 18, the first leaflet was is the. were conspicuous by their abLESSER EVIL reformist organizations, struggle March 3, 1879 sued to the cafeteria workers, callingsence, apparently not approving of this social democratic coalition OP WHO WAS GUILTY OF would come about, would disarm the pro Pabllshed weekly by the Communist. ernment, confronted with a non combat UNDERESTIMATION?
League of America (Opposition) on April 14, the general strike was de wants another debate and this has been tive split up, confused proletariat would We assert it openly: For a long time. Rote Fahne, July 26, 1932 at 126 East 16th St. clared in the garment center. As a first arranged for Thursday, February 2, at be a thousand times greater evil than we underestimated the danger of the Central Committee Statement.
EDITORIAL BOARD step, polling committees composed of P. at Byron St. Glen Trimble an open Fascist dictatorship against National Socialist movement. It is high Martin Abern James Cannon party members and sympathizers were will represent the Socialist position.
which would appear a class conscious time to catch up, to exterminate the DIVERTING ATTENTION Max Shachtman Maurice Spector organized. The duties of these commitproletariat, resolved upon struggle, und weaknesses and to conclude the real fight FROM REAL FASCISM Arne Swabeck tee were to pull the workers from their On January 22, comrade Konikov ted In its mass.
ing proletarian united front against The Fascist overturn in Prussla on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1933 jobs while picketing was being organized poke before the Independent Workmen Der Propagandist, September 1931. Fascism, a front of all workers regard July 20 was possible only because the Vol. 6, No. Whole No. 153 in front of the cafeterias. In several Circle, Branch 27 on What the Left op members Pleave their jobs. Such actions are just and a few visitors were present. The cases workers were actually forced to position Stands For. Thirty munist with no other representation. Iness of the congress are to be sought in table, in any case, against strike break question period showed that the major It was separers, in any strike. But in this instance of the Left Opposition and are sympathidea there must be socialists in addition to ated, in spite of everything from the the workers were not even aware that etic. After the meeting one member dispacifists in order to make a united working class. It was not based upon a strike had been called. In spite of the front committee that would consist of reality. There were no worker dele lack of preparations for the strike hun cussed the possibility of joining the op (Contioued from previous Issue) betrayed the proletariat during the war efforts of the leaders o the NSL, the The attempt to transform the political able and slavish conditions in the cate copies of the Militant and Kamp were all three tendencies. In spite of the gates to give character to the congress. dreds of workers, driven by the unbear position with comrade Konikov. Several We must ask, naturally, if the ini be similarly condemned, and they spe: Party and YCL, all through the pre con nature of the congress toward its close terias, responded to the strike call.
tiators of the congress feared presenting cifically named Foster and cachin. This gress period, to hide and cover up their only brought confusion among the delea Communist position Although we have described, in previ.
On January 24, comrade Konikov war, prior to the congress, and even proposal and attitude of the Socialiste gress was synonymous to communism in argued so vehemently against the poslous articles in the Militant, the herolem spoke in Lynn before the Lyon unemIt is true that pressure was put on them and carried. Upon the passage of an the eyes of the paclfists and socialists, tion of the Opposition had later to de displayed by the workers in the 1920 ployed Council on the subject Doctor Looks at Unemployment. An audience Communists, were they not afraid then Amsterdam Congress in the form of the ingly. When acceptances were taken up the Opposition against the attacks of repeat that it will remain one of the of sixty members were present and ask of driving away the pacifists? What American Committee against War, the for the executive committee each dele the pacifists and socialists The con greatest struggles in the history of the ed many questions. Many of the comwas the attitude of the Pacifists and Socialists ceased to participate in the gate was to answer in addition to his gress itself vindicated every criticism labor movement in New York City. rades wives were present and after the Socialists? Both saw that the Commun. congress because, said they, the passage school organization, his political affilla that the Opposition made it was false Though hundreds of workers were are meeting arrangements were made for.
the congress. The pacifists expressed tacks against the 2nd International con accepting on the committee replied: working class movement on a united fighting spirit could not be broken. They for these meetings fust be given to comthemselves as follows: We want practained in the decisions of Amsterdam, member of the NsL; the socialists ang front basis existed, to fight on concrete courageously fought the brutal, vicious radeCoopersteln who alone represents tical program of work when we get back which the Socialists could not cwered. League for Industrial Democracy issues. If such a proletarian organiza attacks of the gangsters and the police. the Oppoaltion in Lyon.
to the campus. We are not extremely and Socialist. The pacifist anawertion had been in existence, it might have Injunctions issued against them were In our last report we spoke of the sowith your resolutions since you will heated and indicated a split situation.
adopt them, anyway, notwithstanding the split situation became evident up in reply declared himself member of the ment that would attach itself to such bosses and the police. Such was the Marxian study which began with should be clear. Our comrade Geltman been possible to organize a student move torn up and thrown in the faces of the cial Sclence Club (an organization for what we say. Go ahead, we will wait on the election of an executive commit NSL, and Communist. When this roll a workers movement. As it is the con prevailing spirit among the strikers dur course on Elements of Marxian Econom for a practical resolution The Social tee to carry through the decisions of the was taken again the YCL members congress remains suspended in mid air trying the first or weeks of the strike. ies in Novemhber. The first quarterly ists were similarly unconcerned. It is congress. The Socialists declined to actinued to hide their identity which was ing to find a place for itself. That the Without the knowledge of the leading meeting of the club was held on Jan. 10.
clear again, that you cannot play around cept because of the passage of the above clear to all. On this round comrade congress changed many of its plans is fraction, not to speak of the general About Afty members were present and fraction, the officials of the union, to comrade Konikov gave a lecture on ley of playing hide and seek with pact would not accept unless the Socialists Gelmine announced that he was a Lett true. But the original sin remains.
gether with Lifschitz, Lorestone lleut Communism versus Socialism FollowOppositionist much to the dismay of Asts and liberals and socialists is a fatal did. Pleas for unity came from all sides the YCL.
The responsibility for the whole atenant, who was local secretary of the Ing the meeting he was invited to give one and even more fatal is the one of the hall and upon those pleas a fair falls upon the shoulders of the Party at the time, settled up some the same lecture for Yipeel organizato attempt to unite on the basis of YCL member introduced a motion to Thus the congress ended. What dia and the YCL To be more precise upon of the shope where all of the scale retion in one of the suburbs of Boston.
anlalata come very chear wháclone e com cialists broke from the conference. In sether a number of students from vari aegis of stalinist revision of Communs upon the ten hour instead of elght hour Three Internationalis by. comeade the pletely. As such they maintained a spite of the Opposition of Henderson ous parts of the country to decide upon thalicles, They certy was representea day. This was done in spite of the pro Koníkov meets in Tremont Temple, Room minimum political correctness as ex and a large section of the delegates, holding meetings on the campus to de officially by Browder in the form of a mises and guarantees made to the strik A, every Tuesday at P. Visitors pressed in the main resolution.
this motion carried and the Socialiste clare against war and mili sm, to speech. The YCL was absent, just as ers every evening in the strike hall In are welcome. Seventeen members have the New York con speeches at these meetings, they said, enrolled for this course and several visThe congress was thrown into a crisis remained and were accepted on the Comfight against the ROTC, to propagate it was absent at when a member of the YCL Introduced mittee.
and agitate against war. It is now al ference last summer. The criminal at they would not settle with any shop unitors have attended the first two meet a motion to condemn the betrayal of the An amusing Incident took place which most a month since the congress end tempt made to hide the face of Compan: til all the demands were met. The clande ings. The other course is a repetition 2nd International during the war. The indicated just how the Socialists and ed. For all practical purposes the ism resulted in confusion and error. The stine settlement of Lifschitz and Co. was of Elements of Marxian Economics, this Socialist delegation quite sharply object pacifists were actually fooled by the congress might not have existed. The enture of the committee elected by the enough to demoralize even the most mill time given by comrade Konikov. Ten ed and stated that they would leave the character of the congress. The pacifists ripples caused by it, have like those congress is dublous. What shall be ita tant strikers.
members are taking this course which congress if this resolution carried. They declared that all tendencies must be re of Amsterdam, settled into a dead calm, mission? How will it carry through few days later the majority of the inculdes a careful study of the first volwere not opposed to condemning those presented on the Committee. It only the criticisms that we made prior to the struggle against war. Under the striking workers left the organization in ume of Marx Capital. This course leaders of the and International who be NSL members were on the Committee the congress, and at the congress through some more antecerse. it can do nothing but dis deep disgust. This event marked a decl. moets every Tuesday at 8:30 22.
trayed the working class during the with pacifists, that would mean sive turn in the strike. Following that. 11 Keswick St.
war, but insisted that all those who the committee would be primarily Com rect and real to this day. The weak ALBERT GLOTZER. only paid workers, with the exception of restrategical FASCISM.
Confusion Marks Stalinist Policy on Fight Against War