AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerKaganóvichLeninLeninismLiberalismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IL Letters from Militants My Daughter Suicide GERMANY WHA began TROTSKY 35c The Capitulation of Roman Well and Co.
and Miners Women on the women began to break from their lines. Open Letter On Stalin Role in the Death of Zinaida Volkov The curious and interested masses that TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE OFplied. half year passed in constant March THE OF THE USSR.
but fruitless efforts in several European flanked the streets started to move to wards the steps of the Capitol. Bande TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE EXECU countries. Only my unforseen trip to SPRINGFIELD, ILLTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE USSR. Copenhagen gave the opportunity to Dressed in white tufforme, ten thou incessantly played their many stirring TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE Lring the child to Europe. With the and Illinois conl diggers militant tunes.
OF THE OF THE USSR. greatest difficulty he made the trip to After the singing and band concerte wives, mothers and sweethearts staged a deem It necessary to inform you how Berlin in six weeks. He was hardly colorful demonstration of working class had abated, Agnes Wieck called her er power and solidarity through the state ecutive board together and along with and why my daughter committed suicide near his mother for a week when Gen.
At the close of 1930, upon my request, Schleicher police in collusion with the capitol busy thoroughfare, voicing pro the fifty one branch presidents, the comtest against the fourth year of the hun mittee representing the Women Auzlu you authorized my tubercular daughter, stalinist agents decided to expel my ary of the Progressive Miners of Amer Zinaida Volkov, to come to Turkey tem daughter from Berlin. Where? To Tur ser era.
Muss delegations from afty one mine, made their way through the immense porarily with her Ave year old son Wese key? To the Island of Prinktpo? But the call of their executives to assemble of thinois, Governor Horner, the demands that behind this liberalism of Stalin lurk my daughter needed continuous medical ed a mental reservation. My daughter attention under conditions of family life here January 26 to take up the fight of The reception room of the Governor arrived here in January 1931 with a bear this new blow. On the fifth of Janothe Progressive Miners of America on was taxed to capacity. The hallways reumothorax in both longs. After ary she asphyxiated herself with gae. Sbe four burning issues: Namely, unemploy were jammed with miners wives. State ten months sojourn in Turkey we finally was thirty years old.
In 1928 my younger daughter Ninn, storation of elvil rights and against the gun, were standing In strategie post of the Soviet forelen representatives per whose husband has been locked up in sales tax.
tions. Plain clothes men were miiling mission for her to go to Germany for solitary prison by Stalin for Ave years, Marching eight abreast in disciplined around somewhat unerally.
We later treatment. The child remained tempor. was bedridden and then taken to the formation, the huge army of women stir learned that the day previous largo arily with us in Turkey so as not to bur hospital for a short time after my exile red to ecstasy the thousands of coal delegation of unemployed workers had den the invalld. After some time the to Alma Ata. They found her with galminers who flanked the streets all along entered the state capitol to petition for German physicians thought it possible to loping consumption. purely personal the road of march.
unemployment relief and had been un remove the pneumothorax. The Invalid letter, withont the least relation to poll.
Five miners bands led the mass of mercifully clubbed by the police. Possibly recover and dreamed only of tics, which was addressed to me, was women the one hour march from the this caused the uneasiness. few repre returning with her child to Russia where held up by you for seventy days 80 that State Arsenal to the Capitol.
my answer did not find her alive. She sentatives of the Progressive Miners of her daughter and her husband, who le by died at the age of 20.
Loyal rank and ble miners from the America who had remained at the sidel a Bolshevik Leninist held in exile Y During my stay in Copenhagen, where fighting Springfield district, along with of the demonstration were eyed suspielOn the twentieth of February 1932 you large committees from all over the state, whole men committee throughout the Stalin, remained.
my wife began a treatment for a seriAt Mrs. Wieck suggestion, the published a decree by which not only my ous illness and where prepared myself were at hand to spur the women on to ously, the entire dele wife, my son and but also my daugh, to begin a treatment, Stalin, through struggle agninst the intolerable condt. Governor agreed to gation in the reception room.
tions of unemployment.
The Governor was finally met by the Soviet citizenship. In the foreign lana Tass agency, issued the lying denunciaAt the hend of the inspiring multitudes Wieck then where you gave her permission to go with tion to the European police that a Trotwas Agnes Burns Wieck, commanding read to him their statement in behalf of Soviet passport my daughter occupled skylst conference was meeting in Copenthe organized from delegations through the housewives of Illinoie mining helds herselt only with ber treatment. She hagen! That was enough to have the Afty one branch presidents. Alongside those who often must make meals aid not, and because of her health, could Stalin the favor of expelling me with of her were Celine Burrell, Secretary solely from the flour that is labeled voided anything that might throw the ſeverish haste, interrupting the neces not take any part in political life. Sbe Treasurer, and Mrs. Leon Benson, Vice American Red Cross. The statement sary treatments for my wife. But in President of the Illinola Women Aux.
192 Pages illary, tone of resentment against impoverishing her of her citizenship was only a wnity with the capitalist police at least Preceding the state officers was the ment of the workers dependant upon coal wretched and stupid at no facere ne empece had a political aim. The persecution of CLOTH 65 PAPER band forming the vanguard of the white for an existence.
The following immediate demands were sonal vengeance meant a break with her of political sense. Depriving her of soPIONEER PUBLISHERS army of marching women. Next in line presented by the Auslliary hend: Postage be Extra faithfully trudging along, was Mother For restoration of civil uberties in and all her customary life. Her mental viet citizenship a loss of her only hope McKeever, unmindful of her 75 years. coal Belds.
condition, already disturbed without that to return to a normal environment and Then came the widows of the Mowenqua miners dressed in black mourning, further distribution of State Aid. For increased and more equitable by the death of her younger sister, by 180 recovery ally her expulsion from her own Illness, received a fresh blow Berlin (a service indisputably rendered to Stalin by the German police. are symbolizing the woes and tortures of For unemployment insurance paid all the more atrocious as it was quite acts without a political aim for miserthat section of humanity that choke deep by industry and state.
surprising and not provoked in any way able and stupid revenge and nothing this country, the Freiheit. is celebrat olution. the turncoats complain The international Stalinist press (in forged edition of Die Permanente Rerunder in producing society basic fuel. For defeat of the State sales taz. declared that only a return to her nor about her position. She understood that Well and his handful of followers in the tion in Russia, Spain or Germany bave that Broad smiling faces regained their serlousness and hats were removed as the men Auxiliary. Progressive Miners of mal environmet, with her family, and she could receive no sufety at the hands Left Opposition in Germany have broken stood the test of events (Stalin have solemnly by. Their heads were drooped balconies of the huge state arsenal to lis pee of the twentieth February at the requst or stalin. Conscious of started on the thorny path to Canossa celved powerful blows, the Communist in sadness and tears were visible.
Next in line came the families of the report on the conference with the Goy of saving her. All other attempts, January. Such a death is called rolun cracy. Seizing upon the article With cord. Nothing has remained of the permartyrs of the Progressive Miners of ernor was made by Agnes Burns Wieck sou know, have remained in vain. tary. No, it was not voluntary. Stalin Both Hands. in which Stalin treach spective of the unconditional and im Following the report, a grand ball wala German physicians insisted that imposed this death upon her. limit crous interview with Mr. Thomas Camp mediate uprising of the National Socialhis daughters and son. Those who gave antional success that the women marchly as possible: in that they still saw the ing conclusions. The time will come for clique found a pretext for their rene rect that Fascism in Germany cannot.
their loved ones for the enuse were high ers had made. Proceeds from this aftair of the mother. But as the six yead ola this subject. The regenerated party will say It proceeded to issue a spe self along the road of coalition of de chance of restoring the moral equilibrium ly honored by the whole gathering of will go to the Moweaqua victims from the International Left Op come to power until it has assured itdo it.
women fighters. Deeply written from the Springfield unemployed miners who child was equally deprived of Soviet citcial issues of the organ of the German cisive positions in the state apparatus.
one column of the march to the other are still on strike against the Peabody izenship the difficulties of his departure Prinkipo, January 11, 1933 were signs of worry and desperation Coal Company.
from Constantinople to Berlin were multi LEON TROTSKY. Opposition, Die Permanente Revolu. Even if the Fascist danger is not yet steeled by a solid phalanx of organiza Until early morning, tractions, buses, tion. which is a forgery from begin. over with, one thing is plain, that tion.
autos and trucks continued to roll, trans EON TROTSKY ning to end. The regular edition of Dle in the given situation it is in decline and The first delegation to lend the parade porting the greatest gathering of working Permanente Revolution is still in the the revolutionary proletariat has come was the women of Springfield who were women in the history of the American hands of the Left Opposition, as is the ahead.
honored to first position because of the labor movement. The precision, discibulk of the membership which is repudi Two days after this declaration was affair being held in their home city. Sev pline and spirit of the women marchers ating the turncoats. The Well forgery is recelved in New York, Hitler was made eral hundred were numbered following a was highly commendable. The militant not only different in format and in mast Chancellor of the Republic and the Fasclarge banner proclaiming. 12 mines members of the Women Auxiliary. am not in possession of the Bol. stenographic report of this interview: head, but by its very contents, reveals ist bands started their reign of terror parte in Springneta. Why not Peabody? Ble against hunger at the very doors of article With Both Hands. The semi Journalist but an agrarian big bourgeois. The latest issue of our German brothertion does not represent Centrism, be work under of contract and thered in Springfeld to wage the strug shevik with the denial of Stalin of the Stalin confirms this. Campbell is no that it could not possibly have been is with renewed vigor and violence!
facfrom the Springfield district Riverton, Success of thelp fight. however, will de Tageblatt. however, suffices to give one of this man book? Out of the ques: Grms the obvious impression of a traud only in connection with the social dempenext.
in line were the other auxiliaries the representatives of the government official communication of the Berliner 1: It possible that stalin took to notice organ, which has sust been received, con cause, you 800, Lenin spoke of Centriam Virden, Dawson Williamsville, Witt, pend largely upon the degree of organi an adequate picture of this denial.
Nokomis, Gerard Panama, Thayer, Divzation that will be exerted to change the ernon, Auburn, Pawnes marching at a evils responsible for starvation amidst book until the Lett Opposition cened up cerpts, especially those which concern ived here.
Stalin did not react to Campbell inbed him with the most important ex created when the Well sheet first arrier! For the capitulators, the cont tel front with the social democracy is steady gait, headed by banners describ plenty. Back in mine towns, through on it Didn Stalin deem the book suf Stalin himself, Immediately after the The rejoicing of the Freiheit, which inadmissible, because, you see, the social ing the names of their towns.
the Progressive Miners of America, ficiently important? Yet he did grant appearance of the book. Nevertheless, announces gleefully that the Trotskyist democracy is led by traitors! For the Then came the large Gillespie group through their own organized efforts, uti Campbell an interview which, according Stalin was silent. The article in the group in Germany has announced its capitulators, the Left Opposition has no followed by the Benld school band and Izing every possible economic and poll to the report of the American, lasted un Bulletin of the Russian Opposition own dissolution. is due to be short right to existence, because you see, it their home town auxiliary. Benld with teal Instrument at their command, the til the early hours of the morning and, arst loosened his tongue. Therein is to lived, for it is based upon sheer falee is a small group; the German Commun a large banner proclaimed: Benia Women Auxiliary will be ultimately according to Stalin denial, lasted be found the measure of value of Stalin hood.
list Party has gained votes in the last Women Auxiliary of the Progressive triumphant in the war to make labor more than two hours. Even two hours denial Every edition of capitulationism thus elections, the 12th Plenum of ManullMiners of America. 610 members strong. sate from hunger.
are enough to confirm the importance of Next in line were the mass groups from In 1925, when his polley aimed com car has song the same song at the be sky and Co. put into the foreground MINER.
Mt. Olive, Carlinville, Staunton, Wilson this conversation. Campbell received the pletely at the capitalist farmer, that is sinning.
Zinovlev broke with the Oppost with Bolshevik determination the mass reformist organizations.
ville, White City, Livingston and wilat the Kulak, Stalln went far as the prindples of the Oppopition plat Finally, there is no Internal democracy Hamson. Leaders Seek) Anally consented to invite the Mustelte of donationalizing the land. Herform. to defend the Opposition platform. the faction of staltoist bureaucratism. The towns of Hillsboro, followed by youth (but did not do so) and refused ranged for himself an interview by So Into the army of Stalin and Co. Radek, many nor internationally, does not caplThe Left Opposition, neither in Gerthe Tovey band, then Taylorville, Langto Corral Youth to invite the Left Opposition youth. He leyville, Bulpitt, Stonington, viet journallats. One of the questions Smilga, and Preobrazhensky also found tulate. It leaves that role to miserable Kincaid, then proceeded to enumerate the condiTovey, Pana and Decatur came next.
The enthusiasm of the minero women Board of the International Ladies Garticipate in the action committee which of peasant agriculture to hand over to from the principles of the Opposition national Commulsm, who mix up the At the call of the Dressmakers Joint Slons under which his group would par: would not be advisable in the interest race in the Stalinist bureaucracy by turncoats who cannot distinguish befrom the midland territory was visibly ment Workers Union, a conference of was to be elected workerse democracy every individual farmer the land tilled platform. The third and most vulgar Stalinist faction of bureaucratte degenbehind their sisters from every nook and York, February 3, to add the union in its groups to propagate their views the ab. Stalin answer was: Even for forty and his coterte have crawled into the Lenin and Trotsky, who identify the incorner of the state.
The northern district organizational drive. Representatives of olition of political control, and its conwith Peorin, the Young Peoples Socialist League, the version into a revolutionary Industrial years. At the same time, the Georgian stalinist camp under the same spoke terests of the ruling clique in the RusEast Peoria, Farmington, Galesburg, St. Inter Collegiate Student Council of union. People Commissar for Agriculture, afscreen: They, and not the International sinn party with the interests of the RusDavid, Cuba and Norris were also pre League for Industrial Democracy. the crimination against the CPLA youth was protect for the denktionalization of the of Bolshevism, the loyal supportera ori distinguish between the German workersent, raising their banners high to the Lovestonelte youth, the Young The chalrman explained that the dis casus, brought in a formal legislature Left Opposition, are the true defenders lan and world revolution; who cannot Circle world that was out to watch them.
League and the Vanguard (anarchist) accidental, but that the Left Opposition the Comintern and the world revolution Communists and the corrupt Thaelmann The Belleville territory with its pum group had a short while previously per youth was not invited because we don land. The Left Opposition unfolded therefore, capitulate to the Stalin fac. regiune; who wince under the pressure violent protest campaign against it. In erous, sturdy German women were next ticipated in a pre conference to arrange want to bring in unnecessary discussion. tion!
of the party bureaucracy, and, not having this connection, it referred back to the in line, Banners on which were inscribe for this conference. The Lett Opposition hallus Hechman, one of the leaders of already partially forgotten interview on In the declarations published in the the intransigeance, the steadfastness, the ed Belleville, Fallon, Marissa, Brezse, youth the Spartacus Youth Club was the Union, replied to the anarchist the suspension of the nationalization of endurance, the fierce loyalty to the revPocahontas, Coulterville. Tilden boomed not invited to elther gathering. It had beecha Solution and its principles that distinover the heads of different groupinge.
the land for forty years. Stalin found with Lominadze and others among his guish the Bolshevik from the camp folan observer at the conference.
It was obvious from Hochman speech that gangsters and bribery were too erit necessary to start the retreat. He sim confidantes, launched the argument: The lower of the revolution run to beg for ous mining women of southern Illinols After the chalrman explained the par: pensive financially, and free add from en wrongly understood him. But as ply declared that the journalists had Comintern represents nothing and it ckes, mercy and a tiny place in the sun of who braved threats and intimidations to pose of the meeting.
to out its existence only because of our sup that bureaucracy Join their sisters of the north. Du Quoin manager of the Joint Board, spoke in cimated union.
why he had remained silent about the port. But the moment when Lominadze, Flourishing radical printed interview for several months, he in struggle against Stalin, threw up to the life of the Bolshevik Leninists, not The Well capitulation is an episode in and Dowell, new allies of the Progres glowing terms of the history of the un phrases formed the bait with which could make no answer.
sive Miners of America, were present. ion and the need of the cooperation of these labor fakers tried to enviegle the him the opinion he had vouchsafed, the first and not the last in the long Then came groups of womanklin county. Banize the dressmakers. Following this, representing the youth assembled to help the opfon or radical youth into their campaign. In 1928, Stalin prepared the entrance Stalin had no dificulty in repudiating struggle for revolutionary victory. But auxiliaries from bloody The youth conference is an attempt on of the Russian trade unions into the his own words.
nothing more than an episode. We move It takes a man with a mighty heart to representatives of the youth groupe pro the part of the Right wing leaders to Amsterdam International. In the new So it is not for the prst time Stalin, forward over the corpses of these pollbe an active Progressive down in that sent spoke.
mobilize the radical youth of the city edition of the membership books of the under the attack of the left Opposition, tical suicides.
land of terror, but here we had delega The YPSL LID and Young Circle in a campaign in competition and Russian trade unions, the passage con has resorted to a denial of his own at Tenacity, tenacity, tenacity! Bolshetions from West Frankfort, Ziegler, League pledged their support and readi against the drive being made by the Incerning adherence to the Interna firmations. One can say that this pro vik Leninists, forward. Bucker and Christopher. The writers ness to take orders. The speaker for dustrial Union to organize the dresational of Labor Unions was simply cedure is part of the fron arsenal of EUCHARTERIALIEJUMIENIUMICINA are proud to belong to the great cause the Lovestoneltes endorsed the campaign makers.
stricken out. At the same time, Kagan his policy. At every new zig zag, hel of the Progressive movement. deflant and spoke for a clean, fighting, militant motion made by a delegate from the ovitch delivered a speech in Kharkov, moves cautiously, sends up trial balloons, UNEMPLOYMENT smile gleams from their faces as they union which would fight racketeering Vanguard Group to permit a representa naturally in agreement with Stalin, in frequently has others send them up, but and the take their places side by side with the and organize the youth in the trade. The tive of the Left Opposition Youth to favor of entrance into the Amsterdam holds open the possibility of a retreat new champions of labor.
Left as long as he can. To repudiate one of AMERICAN WORKING CLASS ottered We saw Edmondson peering from the this mild and meaningless speech. The ed by the democratic chairman. Later Opposition once more raised its voice in his own declarations has never side of an anto, said one Franklin spokesman of the Vanguard (anarchiat) a motion by a Yipsel to invite representa new text of the membership books was. him county woman. He looked like be was Group launched into an attack upon the tives from the CPLA youth and the Besides, the conversation with Emil going to taint. Edmondson is the re leaders of the of and the ILGW Opposition youth to join the action com explained away as a misunderstand. Ludwig published by Stalin himself negade of the rank and file morement U, and their sell out policies and agree mittee was carried unanimously. The ing. Kaganovitch declared that the differs in no essential from the denied ARNE SWABECK ist of Franklin county by Walker and fake agreements made in the dress and working class youth organization in the the meanig of his speech. The Khar. is more important: the denial does not 24 PAGES FIVE CENTS Lewis. It was a sorrowful day for the cloak industry in New York by the ILG City, was not invited. This ended the kor Oppositionists, however, established alter by one iota either the Kellogg Pact reactionary fakers of the old United Wu. He protested at the original refus latest move of the ILGWU officialdom the fact that the stenographic report had polley or the tactic of Stalin Litvinov in PIONEER PUBLISHERS Mine Workers of America.
al of the officials of the ILGWU to in which deserves to be watched and upon been carefully corrected by Kaganovitch Geneva. And this is what important.
The Inst column having passed the vite the youth of the CPLA and the Left which we will comment in the near fu himself.
Prinkipo, January 14, 1983.
84 East 10th Street, towering statue of Abraham Lincoln, the Opposition to the Conference. They had ture. JOS.
Back in 1000, Stalin, in conversations LEON TROTSKY.