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UNITE THE MILITANT. Why Is the Comintern Silent on Germany?
Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 128 East 16th Street, New York, Entered a second claas mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the post once at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. (WHOLE NO. 153 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1933 PRICE CENTS The Militant to Appear Three Hitlerites Move Forward; Times Week During Drive! Communists Mark Time het er het soo Workers Pack New York Hall To Hear Opposition on Germany The National Committee Issues Call to Action to All CALL TO ACTION lar bills in the fourth year of the To all branches, members, and supporters Kapp Nine days have passed since the Ausplayed during the days of the of the Left Opposition But the that stops at nothing; a spirit that trian adventurer, Hitler, was appointed putsch, by a general strike Dear Comrades: has not been seen in the years of Chancellor of the German Republic by German working class could not declare CONCENTRATE ALL ACTIVITY ON Stalinist degeneration.
the social democratie Bulwark against this general strike without a leadership THE GERMAN CAMPAIGN OF This glorious beginning of our Fascism President Paul von Hindenburg. to organize and direct it. The social THE LEAGUE!
great campaign filled us all with un Despite the bitterly cold weather Ave solution which was put for adoption: To sum up this brief period into which democracy wante no militant struggle The League is reacting to the Ger bounded confident that we can carry hundred workers packed the largest This mass meeting of 500 workers as so much has been condensed, we must which may lead to the triumph of Bolman erisis with the greatest campaign it through and fulAll our internation meeting yet held by the Left Opposition sembled at Stuyvesant Casino at the say: shevism; true to its role, it continues to in its history. It is precisely at the al duty in a manner worthy of a sec in New York, to hear our speakers in call of the Communist League of Amer The forces of reaction, and primarily bold the restless masses in check. The call the moment of sharp turns and world tion of the International Left Op the Stuyvesant Casino present an analy ica (Opposition. raises its voice in the forces of Fasciem have been enor Communist party could not shaking events, when the Centrist position. The appearance of the sis of the acute crisis in Germany today. vigorous condemnation of a regime of bureaucracy reveals its Impotence and MILITANT three times a week in With Martin Abern in the chair, thel Fascism in Germany and declares its undously strengthened and consolidated, strike, or more exactly. Its call met with become more insolent and audacious. no response from the bulk of the work bankruptcy, that the Left Opposition this fateful period cannot fail to meeting got under way with a recount yielding solidarity with the struggle of The forces of proletarian resistance to ing class. And for cause: the ultimatmust show its political Initiative, its electrify the Communist workers, to ing by Max Sbachtman of the role play the German working class against the the triumph of Fascism have not yet ist polley of the party in the past, the boldness, and its capacity to multiply shake them out of privity and rout ed in the victory of Fascism by the Hitlerist monster. We appeal urgently rallied into serried ranks. The social demand it made that the workers of its activities many fold. From this ine. It cannot fail to awaken them treachery of the social democracy, on to the Communist party and the Com democracy still plays its treacherous ali tendencies tirst recognize its leader point of view the National Committee to an understanding that the defense the one hand, and on the other the crim munist International to take cognizance role of watchful waiting. which is synship, has not increased has already taken a number of decl of the Germain proletariat against inal policy of blundering pursued The by of the critical situation and fulfill its re onymous with a passivity that plays into the organized, socialist, workers.
sive steps which are shaking the Com the dreadful scourge of Fascism is Stalinism in Germany. James Cannon sponsibility by leading the German work the hands of a relentlessly advancing several strike could not be on the order mumist movement in New York to a matter of days, perhaps of hours.
dealt with the significance of Fascism, Ing class to the victorious struggle Fascisti. The Communista bave not yet or the day because the party had not en.
ite foundations This is our aim to awaken the Comthe imminent threat to the Soviet Union against Fascism, employing the tactic ot been able to stir out of that impotence ergetically pursued the policy of the made The first of these actions, and the and the Communist International. The the united front as it has munist workers. This is why we be expound with which the pernicious policy of secunited front which would have pivotal point of our campaign, is the gin our campaign and center it question of the united front of Communed by Lenin and after him by the In tarianism paralyzee it.
possible the mobilization of the masses decision to publish the MILITANT around the triple litions of the ist and social democratic workers and ternational Left Opposition.
In a word, right in the midst of a around a concrete program of struggle.
during the next month THREE MILITANT.
their organizations, for the purpose of TIMES WEEK!
But the struggle of the Left op crushing Fascism was emphasized in the the United States to initiate at once a months and years, where hours count in issued by the Communist party ended in We for Result: a This decision was made with the position will not be confined to the speeches and the summary. The intense series of huge united front demonstra place of days, the Fascists are gaining a fiasco, for the masses did not respond greatest deliberation and sobriety literary sphere. Our thrice week interest of the audience may be suaged tions against the Hitler regime and to in strength and strategle position, while in this way the Communist party, and and will be carried out in life. It MILITANT must be for us not mere by the fact that more than 50 questions demand of the Socialist party and the the Communista, who alone can lead a by the same token, the German proleis not a bluff or an empty gesture, ly the propagandist, but also the agiwere sent up to the chairman by repre trade unions that they take part in the genuine struggle to smash the brown tarlat, is paying heavily for the blunand must in no caso do so regarded tator anul organizer of a great move sentatives of all tendencies. In sum single united front movement of the Am shirted monster, are marking time, de ders and crimes of Stalinism.
by a single member of the organiza ment, as Lenin said a Communist ming up, Shachtman pointed out that it erican workers in solidarity with the moralized and not knowing in which dir The Hitler regime has been quick to tion. At the time of making the de paper should be. Mass meetings must was impossible to reply to all the ques embattled proletariat of Germany. oction to move.
prese its advantage. Its aim 18: weaken cision we had no money on hand be held everywhere. Workers meet tions; when the proposal was put to Long live the united front of the The Comintern Is Slient! the proletariat further, bleed it slowly not a penny, in fact; nothing but call another meeting two weeks later, to working class!
ings, shops, gatherings of kind And above everything else, with nine by the dirk and the bludgeon, exhaust pressing bills and obligations. Our must be invaded boldly with the discuss the German events further, it Down with the Fascist murderers! precious, crucial, fateful days already it and distract its attention with parliaresources for the execution of this burning message of the Left Opposiwas enthusiastically endorsed. Despite Long live the German proletarian rev gone by the general start of the world mentary maneuvers, press barde on ambitious plan consist exclusively in tion on the German crisis. Every this proposal, the floor was given to a Olution!
revolution, the leadership of the revolu the Institutions of the proletariat, and the burning world importance of the member of the organization, and eyspokesman for the official Communist Now more than ever we demand the re tionary movement, the Executive Com then deliver the final blows with drawn German crisis and the movement we ery sympathetic worker, must be party who offered a sad example of the turn to the Soviet Union and to the mittee of the Communist International saber, torch and machine gun. How has shall create on the basis of that is mobilized for daily activity to distrimix education of the Communist work party of Leon Trotsky and Christian IS SILENT! Instead of guidance to the it proceeded?
sue. That enough bute the MILITANT. The whole rev.
ere by Stalinism. Not only was a good Rakovsky, the leaders of the Internation Communists and the militant working Fascist Advances The correctness of our decision olutionary tabor movement must be collection taken, running close to 100. al Left Opposition and the proletarian class of Germany in this zero hourOne: the Reichstag has been dissolved from a practical as well as from a shaken from top to bottom with the bu: those in attendance, amongst them world revolution. the Communist International preserves and elections set for March Will the political standpoint was confirmed to message of Internationalism.
being several score party members and (Six votes were cast against this re an ominous silence. Instead of a ringing elections decide the question of Fascism, the hilt at the magnificent mass And now the capacity of the Left Lovestoneite sympathizers, voted with solution by show of bands, whereas the call to arms, which the Communist In of power? Preposterous! The beginmeeting of the Left Opposition in Oppositionists for material sacrifices enthusiastic unanimity (save for four rest of the several hundreds present ternational is duty bound to issue at nings of that decision are being made Now York Sunday. Never since the must really asert itself. We expect contrary votes. for the following re voted enthusiastically for it. such a moment MOSCOW 18 as silent as right now on the streets of Germany.
days following the Russian Bolshevik that every Bolshevik Leninist will the grave. Instead of a flaming appeal Hitler has no illusions about the possirevolution has New York seen such a put his duty to the German revolution to the workers of the whole world for bilities of ruling by a constitutional 61 meeting such unrestrained enthusi above every personal consideration solidarity action with the hard pressed percent majority in the Reichstag. But asm, such a stormy assertion of the and see to it that the funds necessary German proletariat, the International he loses nothing by distracting attention spirit of proletarian Internationalism. to assure the steady appearance of Stalinist start maintains what milder from the decisive extra parliamentary And what is no less significant the MILITANT on the new schedule term can be applied a criminal and field and entering it upon the illusion one could see by the slae of the treacherous silence!
are forthcoming without delay. Do ary parliamentary elections. On the splendid audience, by its fervid de this, comrades, do everything, not to League View Triumphs at Progressive Miners Conference What is happening? What should contrary, by this procedure he gains monstration of support of our com morrow but today!
valuable time in which to consolidate 170 delegates, more than a half of tion as simply another unfortunate split. have happened?
paign, how quickly the Left Opposi With Communist Greetings, tion, if it acts boldly at the moment whom came from the locals of the Pro. The conception of the Stalinists that the The minute Hitler was appointed he positions.
National Committee, first real Two: The Prussian Diet has been disof great happenings, can bound for gressive Miners of America, aesembled Progressive Miners of America is just Chancellor, and took the Communist League of America genuine Fasc solved, and the elections also set for ward and rally the Communist workat the conference in Gillespie, Illinols, another edition of the Lewis type of un steps to establish the (Opposition)
on January 20 in response to the call of ion could likewise find nothing to nourist dictatorship of blood and fron, March The arbitrariness of the disers around its banner. The financial JAMES CANNON, the Gillespie Trades and Labor Council ish it at the Gillespie conference.
the working class should contributions alonefive and ten dolhave resolution is only a foretaste of bloody National Secretary.
to discuss the project of a new federa The of whose locals turnlab. plled, with the same unanimity it dis. Continued on page 4)
tion of labor. The representation at the led the driving force and the bulk of the conference and the sentiments expressed delegates at the Gillesple Conference, Ls by the great majority of the delegates a movement pulsing with life. It e gave a most emphatic confirmation to the calling out new resources of proletarian estimate which the Militant had made energy and militancy, new hope and The decision to increase the frequency Above all, we are determined to make of the new movement and of the provision. In the course of epic struggles Events are moving with tremendous philosophy. On the other hand, the lat of appearance of the MILITANT to the MILITANT available to every work posal to organize a new trade union it is throwing up a cadre of new leaders speed everywhere, it seems. After sever ter bas been able to retain his bold over three times a week, is the blerest step er. Therefore, we are changing the price convincingly that the organizational they still lack experience and ease of wing Lovestone group has been split by by pointing to where Gllows headaction most from among the young miners who, 14 al months of internal dispute, the Right many Communist elements in the forward yet taken by the Left Opposl of each copy of the MILITANT.
taken at the moment when the situation from Five Cents to One Cent by no means suficlent at the present by that uncorrupted and unspoiled by Just at the present moment, the contro ing tar to the Right, on a hopeless nec in Germany the key to the Internationtime, and the project was taken off the the deadening routine, conservatism, and versy is being fought with statements by tarian venture, devoid of any principles al situations reaching its most crue We are so confident that a larger cir agenda. Instead of that, a realistic pro treachery of the old bureaucracy. Behind both factions in the capitalist other in We are compelled to deal here only ial stage, with long lasting consequences culation will immediately be obtained for gram of agitation to coordinate the work them is a surging militant rank and Ale, which each seeks to excel the 8, in or revo. utionary considerations.
for the whole revolutionary and labor the new MILITANT during the period of of militants inside and outside the From all these aspects one who looks at bombast and traud. Lovestone modestly sketchily with the latest developments in movements, is of the utmost significance the German crisis, that we calculate on of was adopted.
the Gillespie conference with a clear eye ciaims for his group membership of the American Right wing. In the next The official Stalinist press is dealing the additional numbers sold covering the Mistake Avolded can see that although it could not con 900 no less. Gitlow announces his new issue of the Militant, we shall devote a with the latest development in Germany deficit involved in reducing the price of This outcome of the conference should stitute the basis for a new labor federa mission as founder or organizer of a lengthler study to an analysis of these as if it were some chance episode, of each copy so drastically.
be a matter of great satisfaction to the tion, it did nevertheless, represent a mass movement of the American working developments no considerable importance to the pro The new MILITANT will go to prese militants throughout the country who significant step on the path of a regen. class in the form of a Farmer Labor letariat in this country. The MILITANT on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday warmly support the new rise of the erated labor movement, and contained party.
The next issue of the Málltant will intends to break down the despicable nights, and appear for sale, at least in progressive miner movement and who forces which are destined to be a dyn The Left Opposition declared from the also contain a full report of the second national narrow mindedness, this blind New York and vicinity, ON MONDAY, feared that it might handicap itself at amic factor in advancing that movement. very beginning that within the Risht meeting of the Committee formed in New ness to the historical events passing WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY MORN. the beginning by a dangerous mistake. The program adopted by the confer wing groups themselves were contained York after the trade union conference right before our eyes, and to fulfill the INGS!
At the same time, both by its size and by ence tallied very closely with that of the the germs of their own dissolution. In for unemployment insurance. Pressure role of the revolutionary newspaper by To carry on during this period, we its spirit, the conference refuted those advanced Left wing labor elements near Virtually every country, this assertion of space compelled us to omit it from stimulating the Internationalist spirit need two things above all. One: gen conservative and sterile formallsts, such ly everywhere. Industrial unionism, has been confirmed beyond dispute. In this issue, but it will certainly appear of the American working clase erous financial support It is the German as the Right wing Communists, who look shorter work day, unemployment Ingur the United States, it was particularly in the next.
Despite the enormous burden we are revolution and the world proletarian upon the Progressive Miners organlari (Continued on page 1) clear, because the Lovestone Gitlow secundertaking to carry, we feel confident cause which is involved and we feel that tion of the International Right wing that the response to our initiative win we are in a position to make the most was never troubled much with the pro OPEN FORUM be broad enough to enable us to go imperative demands for financial assistblem of principles. Consequently, its.
function has been since it existence to WHAT NEXT IN THE NEEDLE made all the technical arrangements. sympathizer.
furnish repentant capitulators to StalinTRADES And the first issue of the three times al Two: technical assistance in the office: In the campaign of the Communist Buffalo, Feb. 18 Ism, on the one hand, and now recruits RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE week MILITANT will appear on next we will have an enormous task of mail. League on the German crisis comrade Pittsburgh, Pa Feb. 19. for reformism, on the other. In between, RIGHT AND LEFT UNION Monday morning, February 13, 1933. ing and distributing to do, and every Hugo Oehler will begin a speaking tour It has sought to maintain itself as an New Castle, P4 Feb. 20.
The Policy of the Left Opposition The MILITANT will continue with the offer of help will be gratefully appreciat Utica, New York on Friday, February Youngstown, Feb. 21. Independent group without startling same format, although the number of ated. Come immediately to the office to 17. All energy must be concentrated to success. Now, Gitlow has capitalized on Speaker: pages will be cut down from four to two ask for the comrade in charge of this arrange big mass meetings on the ocCleveland, Feb. 22.
the discontentment of many Right wing CANNON In addition, to improve the looks of the work, Martin Abern.
casion of comrade Oehler vlalt. Chicago, Il Feb. 24, 25, 26. workers with the obsequious attitude paper and increase the amount of materAll comrades and friends help puttion is the slogan of the hour. There Davenport, Iowa Feb. 27. Lovestone takes towards the Stalin re Friday, P. FEBRUARY 17th ial that is to go into each issue, we have this historie drive over the top. Without no time to rearrange dates. All read. Des Moines, Iowa Feb. 28. gime in the Soviet Union which, he 126 East 16 Street, decided to change the number of columns your help, our difculties multiply. With ers take notice of the meetings in the Kansas City, March 1, 2, argues, is historically necessary. Thus ADMISSION: 15e to the page from slr, as at present to your cooperation, we are assured of a varlous elties on the following schedule: St. Louis, Mo. March 4, Gitlow wins to his elde a number of the Br. Communist Longe of America seven.
powerful advance!
Utica, Feb. 17 Nlinols Coal Fields March workers disillusioned with the Lovestone (Opposition)
Opposition at Gillespie How We Plan «New Militant. Lovestone Group Splits in Two les persones este moderne stort Oehler Starts National Tour On Germany SPEAKER: BRONX MASS The CRISIS in GERMANY James Connon Hollywood Gardens MEETING 896 FANPECT AVE, No 10th SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1938, P.