BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismKronstadtLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Danger of Thermidor says Dive ear Plan.
the plan is correct.
by Stal.
Who bears the responsibility for theinist leadership to enter into an inde unless a genuine united front of the of hozes, in the warehouses of the factor where between the party on the one hand and village. The program of these Right cracy. The course embarked upon poisoned by the in and finally, in the heads of the workers working class on the other. Nothel time support Thermidor; but they can triumph of Hitlerism. It is the social Scheringers. It alienated itself from the ers to enter into it the results will be the tion of the apparatus has gone further. Ors from proclaiming the Red republic. the victory of ally the von Schlei.
and ual The Philistine takes on an appearance of ex tions, Communism and consequently the do not belong to our vocabulary. The tolerant support to one reactionary re ary creting in the Stalinist ranks did not, bistorical import for the whole ensuing PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1933 Right wing of the party. No it must pass through the apparatus Itself. What percentage of Bessedovskys and Agabekar ove does it contain? That, even the be trayers of tomorrow do not know. All An Analysis of the Significance of Stalin Latest Speech depends on the relation of forces out. Hitler today Is in a better position than Fate of World Revolution auts, but only in the hope of drawing continued from page 1) ariat is now numerically much stronger; side of the apparatus. It needs only a the Hitler of several months ago. Hitler in Balance ordinated position. Hitler was too wise From wueretu lies the success of industrializa sufficient blow from the petty bourgeoisie out of office has only his own forces at to fall into the snare, and that is why buy and sell at will.
www. uud to waum? To and from the tion. But the proletariat is completely for the bureaucratic Thermidorians to his disposal, the illegal detachments of all the breaking away of some Heutwww www ouers the right prices, whether ueprived of an active, watchful Party. recognize themselves and to leap over black reaction. Hitler in ofice has the it Deus, private cater, or a cupavle ut action. Tue apparent Party the wall that separates them from the opportunity of strengthening the incomunist Party, the Fascist hordes would chants had no appreciable significance.
Lure capitalist. The peasant strike us without a Alarxian leadership. On the class enemy. Therein lies the third ate mass of demoralized petty bourge not today be in the favorable position The Dally Worker merely mistook Iit106 the tregon of internal trade leads ouber hand, the peuntry has acquire source of danger of Thermidor.
olsle, students, and duped proletarians they actually occupy. The party had the ler strength, his plan of campaign for ammeuinney to the demand for the abo: un urgunizaiton 1or reststance against But, someone from the stallnlsts or who compose his forces. Hitler in office mulchless opportunity of mobilizing the the taking over of the government for www of tuo munopoly of foreign trade. the Soviet state, in the form of the kolk. their admirers will say, Don you see was the opportunity of really creating a museus of the German proletariat around the widespread disintegration of Fasc Ism! This is the way in which the StalThat is le logic of the mistakes of the hous. The abolition of the smytchka that the. preparing to purge the powerful military force. It is not yet the militant banner of the class strug against in his speech stalin gave the summary. Leus to breuk the political alliance be proves that stalinis taking measures coly renegades and scoundrels will speak Opportunity. The Left Opposition was the Fascist danger. This is how they refuted the thousand times over corroAs to this we shall speak in a separate tween proletariat and Deusantry. Pre against Thermidor. No. we will ana that way to the still undefeated working the very tirst to sound the alarm signal borated analyses of comrade Trotsky and article. But in planned economy the cisely werein lies the source of the day wer. the bureaucratic purging only class of Germany. The decisive battle is thout Puseism threatened, that it had the Left Opposition. alatastical balance sheet corresponds to ber of Thermidor.
facilitates the work of Thermidor. The still ahead. But it is now clear beyond be crushed by the united front of all the The news dispatches, which are 80 We must not represent the matter to new purging, like all those that have dispute that the warnings of the Inter workers organizations.
the economic Dulance sheet ouly in case plau tull of uns vurselves in such a way, that the break preceded it in the course of the past ten national Left Opposition, the demand it that the Communist party initiate the annoyingly inadequate and unclear, de takes, on the coutrary, can compromise must be marked by a very exact social cars, will be directed primarily against made that Hitlerism be smashed before movement for a real united front of all or even annul the greatest successes. The bue; on the one side the peasants, on the Left Opposition, and in Oostenere it reached the seats of power were just the workers to smash the Brown Shirts ocratie parties have formed a united Five Year Plan bas brought enormous mother, the workers. The peasant against the thinking and the most crit illed a thousand times over. Had the Our demands fell on the deaf ears of front in Berlin, with eight socialists and Action to resist Hitlerism: also, that the gains in technique and in But its economic results are uses surround and interlock with the cal proletarian elements. In spite of slogin of the Left Opposition for a gen the Stalinist bureaucracy. The latter seven Communists on the Committee of proletariat from all sides. In the pro the official slogan, The main danger is uine united front of the Communists, 80 operated on the theory of the third pergeneral strike. It is still too early to arily contradictory. As far as the polietariat itse there are millions who have to the Right Rykov too repeats this cialists and the trade ancom, been resolod and social Fascism. No better communist party has issued the call for tical balance sheet is concerned, it shows just come from the village. Finally, the formulation now prisons and places of ixed in life at the right time, many, many assistance could have been offered to the the one hand, and the Social ficance of these reports, for the supercomment on the exact nature or signian open and very greut detacit. Dut polopull mistakeness of the policies of the exiles are being filled primarily with months ago, the fascist monster would Fascists geois press is only too well known.
omy. Politics is decisive. socialist adventurisin, the absence of a clear ori the blows fall on the Right wing the the revolutionary movement of the protestead of building a solid front with their clality and unreliability of the bourUnited Front Imperative construction, which urives a wedge becutation, the absolute choking off of do not strengthen the Party but weak. tariat would have been tar ahead on the class brothers in the social democracy, tween the worker and the peasant and workers democrues ul this makes even the truly Thermidorian elements, there besides road to vietory.
the ommupists were fore But it is not too early to declare that SOWS dissatisruction among the projetar. the genuine worker accessible to lat is a lying construction. No figures pressure petty bourgeois ideology are hundreds of thousands, perhape mil rise to power of Fascism? it is high cent nationallatie competition with the Communist party, the social democracy, lions, who are profound enemies of a the socialist trade unions, the Reichsreal balance is not given on the pages on Thermidor can change this Objective estimation. The hereiu lies the second source of danger capitalist restoration, but who demand time to draw the balance sheet and draw Nazis.
it completely.
the revision of the whole policy from the The party reconstructed its program to banner and the Communist Red Front be the newspapers, but in the delds of But we also must not think that the standpoint of the working masses in city leadership of the yellow socialdem emancipation.
Above all and the first place, the read a program of national and social Fighters, is immediately formed, unless the peasants. In the barus of the kolk line of fracture will have to go someIt allowed itself to be the Communists immediately take the inwingers is confused. They can for a August 1914 has been crowned with the and anti Semitism national Bolshevism itiative in calling for this united front les, in the dining rooms of the workers and the peasantry and a part of the of the Lieutenant and compel the social democratic leadand of the peasants.
line or Thermidor would inevitably have also support the herovification of the democracy which first turned the masses socialist masses by its criminal support catastrophic not only for the German Through all its zig zags, its dclays, its to pass through the party itself. In his stalinist bureaucracy prevents them war in the name of the imperialist fa. While the Fascists were gaining victory movement of the whole world for the situation.
not strengthened the dictatorship of the vorted by two classes. For this reason, through its purging it endeavors first sth in the service of the ruling class, to the sterile ultimatist policy of demand Union. therland. It is the social democracy, after victory, the party confined itself Communist International, and the Soviet proletariat, but on the contrary, bas in. upset of its stability is possible, and of all to choke off critical thinking, which defended the monarchy until the ing that the socialist workers concede crushing defeat for the working class creased the danger of Thermidor. Only If no agreement between both classes can cowards can fear to name this result out exist, the breakdown of the party is inThereby it only strengthens the Right last moment, when Scheidemann pro in advance the leadership of the Commun of Germany means a crushing defeat of wing.
loud. Facts are stronger than words. Inevitable. in such a case, no measures claimed the republle from the balcony ist party or else there would be no unt the Communist party, for it is the first order to struggle against inimical facts, could prevent a split (of the party And who will do the purging? In of the Reichstag only in order to restrained front. The minds of the class consci organization against which the attacks we must call them by their right names. but confidently expect such Paris, Bessedovsky led the commission the forces of the social revolution. It is ous militants were hopelessly befuddled of the brigands of Hitler shock troop We must also call those responsible by a possibility will too re that purged Rakovsky.
temernement the social democracy which sent Noske to by the irresponsible Stalinist declarations detachments assisted by the armed their names: Stalin and his clique.
mote, such an. mklor? Because it is the best known ways expressed the certainty that ten to the USSR, the most tragic note is this that Noske the Bloodbound martyred the cher regime, were all the rule of the Fasc bone of the Communist International Why do we speak precisely of Ther to need to be discussed. Lenin in those in all the letters which we receive from it is in the name of the social democracy Papen regim Fascism, then, that tbe von mortal blow at the German Communist Party, means the breaking of the backand most complete historical example of twenty years of correct policy toward No one has confidence in a masked counter revolution which still the peasantry would assure the victory everyone is afraid that a class enemy days of the Spartacan uprising in 1919. the proletariat was relaxed, its attention Stalinist leadership of the International another: Berlin working class during the heroicism. In this manner, the vigilance of and for this calamity we declare that the contains the outward forms and the rit of the proletarian revolution on the with a party card is next to him. Loud it le the social democracy which sent was diverted from the real danger, it will have been primarily responsible. of the revolutlon, but which already world scale. recisely for this reason beer than anyone else, the careerists, the Hoersing to slaughter the workers of strength was not mobilized and consoli lasting triumph of Fascism in Germany, changes the class content of the state thought and we all did too that the adventurers, the Bessedovskys and the Central Germany in 1921. It is the so dated. When the elections showed a furthermore, is inconceivable without an Here the elever ones will interrupt us, perspectives of Thermidor were not only Agabekors will shout about the neces cial democracy which Joined with the momentary decline of Fascism several to show their cleverness, In 18th centar off, but also highly improbable. sity for a purging. But who will purge reaction in 1923 to strangle the rising months ago, the bureaucracy became inFascism in Germany can maintain itselt of the ten to twenty years Indicated by the party of these purgers? Not the revolutionary movement in Saxony and toxicated with its purely parliamentary it becomes the vanguard of the impertury France, it was a question of a bourgeole revolution, in 20th century Rus: Lenin, ten have already passed. On the apparatus, but only the irreconcilable Thuringia.
in the face of chauvinist France only it sin, of a proletarian revolution; social weld of the international revolution, the enemies of the absolutism of the apparconditions have changed considerably, mintern during this period has reaped atus.
It is the social democracy which drag of the Nazis, and announced with smug lalist intervention against the arch enemy the world situation has changed, etc. only defeats. Today, spite of the ex Is the situation hopeless? Such words depths of degradation, giving active of danger was at an end. The parliament. thus, it is easy to see, of far reaching sed its followers down to the lowest self contentment that the acute Fascist of imperialism the Soviet Union.
etc. With such commonplaces any ceptionally favorable objective condi traordinary profundity. For us too, the international revolution is weaker that struggle will decide. On the side of gime after another. It is the social dem. In this case, rise above the level of are ocracy which made possible Bruening of their socialist brothers under the akin.
difference between the October revolu at the time when Lenin wrote his will the proletarian revolution, there That is why the Left Opposition cries tion and the Jacobin revolution is no la addition, the danger of a split be many historical possibilities, negative the Emergency Decrees. It is the social workers The Maryland Leader, socialist organ, out today more loudly than ever. The mystery. But that is no reason for turn: tween the two classes on which the die the raging quarrels of the imperialists into the shameful policy of the esser proclaimed in its headlines in November. Communist International must speak out Ing one back on history. Lenin wrote tatorship in the USSR rests, has been the bankruptey of reformism, as well as evil. during which it seated in the pre Hitler Through in Germany. The in the language of Lenin, in defense of in 1903 that the Bolshviks are Jacobina extraordinarily acute.
who are inseparably bound up with the positive ones: the hardened cadres of sidential chair the present patron of Stalinist press rang with the same re the international proletarian revolution, working class. At that time, replied is nothing in the economic situation of the course of development, clear perspeclissimo of the Kaiser imperial armies reaucratie optimists in the columns of It must speak out for the mobilization In spite of the great difficulties, there the Bolshevik Leninists, understanding Hitler Paul von Hindenburg general frain. At that time we warned the bu in defense of the German working class.
to Lenin explaining in detail the differ the country which cannot be repaired. tives. The struggle will decide. The during the war, and candidate of the the Militant (November 12, 1982) not to of the world proletariat to crush the the monster of Fascism remarks, correct in themselves, complete patring party is needed. But a party that is absolutely unquestionable. But of the Republic against Fascism in party gains in Germany as if the lose must speak out to say how this is to be Is called of their purpose. Lenin knew is the true sense of the word does not the poison of Thermidor carries within 1931.
well that Marxist and Jacobin are not exist. There is an organization, which itself too the elements of the antidote. At every stage of its development in a million socialist votes hud settled the only one way: by the establishment of a definite reason for him to point out of members and candidates. Both mem danger, the stronger becomes the need naved the road for the march to power erroneous was the idea that the Fasc man proletariat.
the features which they bave in common. bers and candidates have no rights.
To smash Fascism is an obligation and Without such methods and can learn the tight limits of the party there are bureaucracy loses its head, and the working class, by tying it to the chariot how eliminated or even definitely on the task of the workers everywhere. Upon In of resistance. The more the Stalinist of Fascism, by dividing the ranks of the ist danger to the German proletariat is absolutely nothing from history, in fact the terrorized elements of In the same sense in which Lenin call parties, the proletarian and the Ther apparent power, the louder will be the nation and confusion into the proletariat, only by those for whom the class strus communist workers in this country, de Ing, we can detect in the reaction against reaucracy. It bears the Above them rises the ba demands of the advanced workers for by weakening It physically and moranssie begins at the ballot box and ends with wolves the solemn duty of joining with so that its power of resistance to Fasc.
the Left Opposition to force that turn in the dictatorship of the proletariat, feat for the mistakes in economic policy, for the last speech of Stalin we come ism was appreciably lessened. Hitler Unbelievable as it might appear, the imperative, without which the worst calparty policy which is now so absolutely ares of Thermidor. Not every counter the undermining of the aymtehka. it back to this means a turn to the Right. will reward it for its services with the Daily Worker, as late as last Monday, amities are ahead. Our call to the party revolution can be compared with Ther bears a still heavier responsiblity for Every phrase of his bureaucratic boast same contemptuous kick which it Italian that is, on the very day of Hitler ap to form the united front to smash Faso midor neither; Kornilov, nor Koltchak, choking the party. At the same time, asing only concealed recognition of colleagues received from Mussolini for pointment to the Chancellorship, declarism before it took the governmental helm nor Lenikin, nor Wrangel had anything through its policy it confronts bostilely the falsehood of the in common with Thermidor. In all those the peasantry and the state, it has poll. Wine. which has brought the dictatorship Fascism.
whole general their equally invaluable services to ed that the tactics pursued by von. was not beeded, and the proletariat cases it was a question of an armed leally disarmed and split up the pro nearer to Thermidor. The diseases and Schleicher of splitting the Hitler party in Germany and the rest of the world struggle of capitalists and landowners to retariat. Not only do the workers phy dangers will be treated by Stalin through Stalinist Blunders have also caused widespread disintegra has been set back accordingly.
restore their domination. This danger sically wander trom one factory to an a new bureaucratie zig zag amidst re the only force in the ranks of the pro ist party, with several of Hitler chiet the time to act is now!
But the social democracy has not been tion in the ranks of the National Social gain we repeat: It is not too late! But Today was repulsed by the proletarian state other, but politically too they find no doubled bureaucratic terror. redoubl. letariat that has served the interests of lientenanta breaking away from their alCan this danger rise up agin? As an vermanent place.
The fate of the German working class, independent factor scarcely. The Rused struggle against Stalinism will be our Fascism. It must be said straight out legiance to him (Our emphasis. Both of the Communist International, of the sian big bourgeoiste has been destroyed line of the Thermidorian split must paas Prinkipo, January 11, 1963 It would be false to assume that the answer.
Soviet Union, of the world revolution, to the roots. The surviving the Stalinist leadership of the Commun Schleicher and von Papen did could appear on the stake only as the between the Stalinist apparatus and the LEON TROTSKY. ist International and of the German Com negotiate with some of Hitler llenten MAX SHACHTMAN.
tail end of a foreign military interven tion or of Thermidor.
a position and make their appeal on a our opinion, none; and such an independ and reactionary in relation to the workof all the past counter revolutionary movements in the Soviet Union, the Kron revolutionary or even Communistie ent student organization can only lead to ing class as a whole, and also, thereby, stadt rebellion of March 1921 is the closbasis. In fact, they regard themselves confusion and malpractices in the rev. to the Communists and their organizaest to Thermidor in type. All the proas Communist student organizations. olutionary movement, and bring about tions, the and YCL.
letarian elements of the Kronstadt garThe Spark, official organ of the Students just the opposite results from those in where independent organizations like In such cases, rison had been removed during the three League of Canada, is most clear and extended, as will be shown.
to play in society and require no separ. pielt on the matter of the character of DISCUSSION ARTICLE the NSL pretend to a revolutionary.
preceding years for the purposes of so The existence for some time now of ate organization. The division of the its appeal to the student body. In the The Communist Left Opposition partieven Communist position, they place best of them had been destroyed. On ted States, organized through the instru. middle class or petit bourgeois and pro orially says: Flet construction and the civil war the the National students League in the Un students may be roughly made into rich, issue of December 1982, the spark edit. cularly has every reason to reject the themselves directly in the road of the the ships and in the barracks remained mentality of the Communist party and letarian students. Even so, the particuganizations. The Left Opposition, in its tarian students who, if they accept the only the immature, half starved peasant YCL, requires from the Left Opposition lar social, economic and political poal The majority of students. are condemnation of the Stalinists, has stat revolutionary, the Communist position, elements. Many of these sailors consta fundamental statement of its attitude tons of these groupings in society nes not members of the proletariat, even ed often, and correctly, its dered themselves as Bolsheviks, but they toward the NSL Can the Communista ate any idea that these groups can have though a good many come from working principle to the creation position in should join the organization of their of class, YCL, and function actively for the Sovietine but be without commun an independent students organization, gle as student groupe. Our concern here ism, however logical, can have no ap: parties, workers and peasants parties or otherwise, the revolutionary postown programmatic policy is mainly with the proletarian students peal to most university students for it labor or Farmer Labor parties, etc. etc. tion of the NSL, sponsored and organ Jured, dissatisfied peasantry, which had Moreover, can Communists assist in, and who have historically no interests separ108t its patience against the dictator be responsible for, the formation of such ate and apart from the industrial pro Accordingly, the students League has no bodies on the ground that they usurp, wark against and not a bridge to stupetty Independent student organizations? letariat, from the working class as such. illusions regarding the student body as or attempt to the role legitimately and dents Joining the YCL. Yet what is debourgeoisie had won, it would have shown its bankruptcy the next day, and its assumption of various roles in the rective in the labor movement, must link identity between their Interests and those Sion to the formation and activity of is not demanded of them in the YCLThe recent activities of the NSL and The proletarian students to be at alle small number of students who see an party, and further, that every conces of bellet and activity in the NSL that then bis bourgeodete under the condily to the forefront and demand clear ally with the vanguard of the revolution of the working class, and who are, there such organizations brings successive be minus the discipline required of a mer some of the present day, that is, of the enunciation of policy on our part. The ary movement the Communist party and fore, willing to take an active part in trayals of the working class, emasculates ber of the YCL? Little or nothing, un 20th and not see the 18th century, Fears organization recently of the students the YCL, and conduct such activities as the working class movement. After all, and caricatures the revolutionary posl der ordinary circumstances.
not have been this a few active members are far more valution, and weakens or destroy the Com It is demonstrated, not merely The petty bourgeois counter revolution, writer presents his views here in sketch necessarily, therefore, direct his eners of the student body and again on this tion, based on historical experlences, retake tasks, in lieu of no objection by for clarification on the question. The sram. The Communist student would validity of our views from the majority theoretical position of the Left Oppost when the students or intellectuals under whleh still honestly regards itself as reved form in order to initiate discrzaslon les primarily among the proletarian stu latter score we have no illusions. Our fuses to attribute an independent or rev. Others, which are not theirs historicalolution, which does not want the dom. which will speed the adoption of a post dents.
tion of capitalism, but fnovitably prepare tion by the Left Opposition.
emphasis. Commun The matter becomes even clearer when olutionary role to such hodge podge bod. ly and which they cannot properly eres it that dor.
What the Spark says is correct. But ies. Our attitude toward the NSL and ecute they bungle the job badly. conIn the Soviet Union, only the peasantry opinion, the formation of the independs League and the Students romaque sou dentes. there is this identity of interests be the students League of Canada must flow fuse and lead the workers, gebore the can become a Thermidorian power. For ent separate organization of either ada are not formed on the basis of a tween the students minorits, that is, the clearly from our fundamental position to revolutionary position and, by default, arate itself from the proletariat.
destruction of the normal relation be position which has been the principle posedly might appeal to all classes of studentenwohy a separate organization?
What in the case of an independent students can undertake. They are not to blame tween city and village, the administra Young student are those special tasks of so called rev organization, the issue is even plainer. since no one says them nay, and, worge The Left Opposition contends that the yet, the Communists themselves urge tive collectivization, the compulsory ex theses adopted at the second congress of duct general propaganda and education zations which cannot better and Communist International in rights and needs on the campus, or conclutionary or Communist student organimore role of a peasants party, an anti imfront the peasantry with the Sovlet state how no loss sharply than in the winter Role of Students Ideas. Both Student League, na the tionary politioal organization of the youth Tang. a Labor party, etc. proven in evMARTIN ABDRN.
of 1920 21. It lo true that the prole The students have no independent role contrary, recognize the weakness of each. the Young Communist League? Inery case to be false to, betrayal ot. To be continued)
in Germany. It the same thing, but it was necessary for formally includes millions and millions The more immediate and the nearer the the past years, the socialdemocracy whole problem. We emphasized how a Leninist united front of the whole GerIndeed hangs in the balance!
Shall the Revolutionary Students Be Organized Into Separate Movements in months, even weeks, would have sufficed. League of Canada only adds to the need they are able to on a Communist pro able than is a passive recognition of the munist party or YCL In short, the theory but by numerous practices, that this it is necessary that it seriously sep the students or the intellectuals. This broad student organization which sup proletarian students and the workers, analogous organizations in other selds. usurp the role which only a or YCL propriation of agricultural products, con the requires no revision today. for liberal, socialist or revolutionary correctly be performed in the revolu perialist Longue. four class Koo Main them on in their false steps.