BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismNazismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 Bast 16th Street, New York, Entered 23 second class mall matter, Norcember 28, 1928 at the post omice at New York, under the act of March. 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. WHOLE NO 152 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1933 PRICE CENTS ar GIVE NOW! Opposition Demand for United Front Is Need of the Hour in Germany Phillipines The Danger of Thermidor Bill Over Veto LEON TROTSKY Pass to The drive to SAVE THE MILITANT is the first order of business of the League and its sympathizers In the present period. We are conAn Analysis of the Significance of Stalin Latest Speech fronted with the most serious tine Responsibility for Rise of Fascism Must be established The Filipinos, under the leadership of we The Soviet regime rests on the alliance tempo of Industrializati and collectiviQuezon and a large section of the naobtain several hundred dollars, the tional bourgeoisie, are fighting the Inbetween the proletariat and the peasan. zation.
very existence of the MILITANT is dependence Bin. The 35 year struggle try. The proletariat constitutes the minor Back to War Communism threatened. On top of this, the Post President von Hindenburg, the victor in the old way.
for Independence is taking on a new ity of the population; the peasantry, the It means nothing to add, Has the Office threatens to revoke our mailing overwhelming majority. Yet in the hands five year plan abolished classes and inious candidate of the socialist Iron That is why the bourgeoisie has been form, since the Independence Bill comes rights we skip another issue.
Front. the bulwark of the Republic forced to resort to the desperate expedi from the United States. This can be acof the proletariat are the most concentroduced socialism? But we must un What are you doing about this?
trated mans of production. The forces questionably ask, Has it assured the Have you called on your fellow against Fascismo. has finally appointed ent of Fascism! Hitler in power meana counted for when one realizes what is Hitler to the Chancellorship of the Reich. the commencement of the civil war in behind this bill. The Independence Bin of the peasantry, on the contrary, are smytchka between city and country? workers and ask for contributions? With the Fascist leader are his lieuten Germany. It is entirely unthinkable tries to please different layers of the split up through their economic relations. The answer is No. it has shaken and Help Save the MILIANT. Send In ants, Hermann Goering. Speaker of the that the German working class, millions American exploiters, and in doing so, Still more, it is not a homogeneous group weakened it. In his last speech at the your contribution at once and then As long as there is no thoroughgoing plenum of the Central Committee, Stall visit your friends and collect funds Reichstar, who is in control of the Pros strong, trained in the school of the class has forced Congress to turn out an Inchange in technique and economy in the boasted that the planned collectivization sian police force of 150, 000 armed men, struggle for years, having at its head the dependence Bill loaded with jokers. The for the MILITANT.
and the notorious Dr. William Frick, most powerful Communist party in the Bill retains all of the essential needs of village and for this even under the had been exceeded three times over. But The MILITANT has performed an who has taken over the Ministry of the world outside of the Soviet Union, will the imperialists and at the same time most favorable circumstances the work who needs these figures outside of the international revolutionary duty to Interior.
permit the Nazi assassins to remain in attempts to eliminate the advantage the of a whole generation would be needed bureaucratic boasters? The statisties of the class and the party in keeping The Hitler government starts out with power withou violent struggle. It is national bourgeoisie of the Filipinos have. the peasantry will crystallize out of collectivization do not take the place of the Marxian theories and the Bolsbe itself a stratum of kulaks, which inevita bread. The kolkhones are numerous, but the inclusion of all the other represen entirely unthinkable that Hitler, will be with regard to those commodities they vik Leninist needs of the day before bly strives towards capitalism. The there is no meat and no vegetables. The the English speaking workers of the tatives of the extreme reaction in Ger able to accomplish his principal task export to America in competition with many. The von Papens, Hugenbergs, without a bitter Aght. His role to other American producers.
mechanical destruction of the present city has nothing to eat. Industry is dis whole world. While the press of The Bill in its final form provides the kulaks decides nothing. After the al organized because the workers are hun.
von Krosigks, von Neuraths and Seldtes crush every semblance of organized Stalinism sways between opportunism leged liquidation of the kulaks as a gry. In its relation to the peasant, the represent all that is intensely chauvin strength and military in the German collowing safeguards for e imperialists: and adventurism the MILITANT has class the Soviet press constantly keeps city has passed from a semi voluntary istie in Germany, all that stands for the working class, beginning with the Com The Filipinos must call a special convenheld high the international revoludomination of heavy Industry and the munist party, the spearhead of the prolotion to adopt a republican constitution.
complaining (having gone over from ma exchange through a tax in kind to com tionary principles of Marxism. The preservation of the dirty East Prussian tariat, following with the social dem. Ten years after this they will have Interialism to idealism, since bureaucrats pulsory expropriations, that is, to the need of the organization is not a re agrarlan lords. In the first collection of ocracy and the big trade union move dependence. The BIM reserves the are always idealista. of the power of methods of war time Communism.
treat to a smi monthly but an inforces under Hitler, the monarchists, nament, and ending with the extermination right for naval bases and retains the the kulak ideology. of the remains of The hungry workers are dissatisfied crease in propaganda in order kulak paychology, etc. In fact, behind with the policies of the party. The party tionalists, militarists, bankers, landlords of every other class conscious proletar right to military posts after the attainkeep pace with the growing activity these complaints is hidden the fact that is dissatisfied with the leadership. The and trust magnates rub shoulders amle lan organization. It is already clear ment of independence. At the same of the League and the sharpening the middle class of peasants, although peasantry is dissatisfied with industrialworld events. In all parts of the ably with the most prominent represen from the first news dispatches that the time the Bill provides the following for tatives of Fascism, German proletariat, alarmed by the rethe American competitors, who were the locked up into kolkhozes, faced with the inntion, with collectivization, with the country the demand for our press and Schlelcher Role cent events and aroused out of the leth main ones to drive through the bill. Atpresent level of technique and economy, city. Part of the peasantry is dissatisour literature is on the increase. The sees no other way out for itself than to fied with the regime. What part? We demand is one positive side of the The von Papen government, and the argy and the imaginary security into ter ten years the Islands will be outside In the meanlift itself up to the level of the kulaks.
von Schleicher regime which succeeded which they were lulled for the past year, the American tarif walls.
cannot know, but it is clear that under problem. The other side is the or What the Peasant Demands it, fell after having accomplished to the has begun to resist with all the means time the imports are to be limited. present circumstances, it can only grow.
ganizational end. We must send out graduated scale of export tax on com maximum of their abilities the task and at its disposal.
In the October upheaval two revoluorganizers, but all this will fail of The planned collectivization has been The Coming Civil War role assigned to them. Neither of the modities of a competitive nature that are accomplishment unless the MILItions were interlaced; the end of the exceeded three times over! But that is ID TANT is kept before the two Presidental governments which Nor could it be otherwise, for the sent to America will be imposed workers democratie one and the beginning of the precisely the misfortune. The forced preceded Hitler had behind it a parlia ascension to power of the Hitler gang this period all goods shipped from the each week.
socialist. By doing away with lease pay. kolkhozes not only do not lead to social mentary majority upon which to lean, could mean nothing else but the opening United States to the Islands will be duty ments, the democratic revolution saved Ism, but on the contrary undermine the You cannot allow the financial din Germany. free. Emigration will also be cut or a mass movement to base itself on. of a period of civil war in eulties to drown the voice of the the peasantry almost halt a bullion gold foundations of the dictatorship of the The Bill attempts to unite all sections These representatives of the Bonapartist when we speak of Hitler ascension to rubles. The fruits of the socialist rev. proletariat by becoming the MILITANT. You must strain every organized bourgeoisie could only be stop caps, power, It does not yet mean that the of the American people behind it. It olution are valued by the poor peasants form of the strike of the peasants resource to help SAVE THE MILIFilipino TANT. Send in your contribution creating the illusion among sections of power of Faseism has been established will have all sections of the according to the quantity of industrial against the city. By hiding its grain definitely people against it, except the section of the working class that they stood above in Germany. Before this is products which he at once, solielt funds for the Miliobtain in ex. from the state or purposely limiting its the classes and would regulate the con accomplished, blood will flow and many American flunkies. The American work change for a given quantity of grain. seeding, the pasantry places itself on tant. Rush all Funds to the MILI.
TANT, 126 East 16th St. New York flicts between them. Even more than sanguinary battles will be fought. Buters must demand the immediate and unThe peasant 18 no utopian; he does not the road of the kulaks. Permit me, it Papen, von Schleicher succeeded in win. only a blind man could fail to see that conditional release and freedom of the demand that socialism be built up in one (Continued on page 4)
City. HUGO OEHLER. ning the benevolent neutrality of the re(Continued on page 4)
Filipino people.
country and in five years at that. But be actionary social democratic trade union does demand that socialist industry deleaders, headed by Lelpart, a neutrality liver him goods under conditions which which meant nothing short of a new beare no worse than those of capitalist intrayal of the working class. In the dustry. Under these conditions, the perperiod of their domination, Papen and sant is prepared to extend an unlimited Schleicher did all they could to stave of credit political confidence to the pro Molders Committee Issues United Front Call for Chicago Meet the resistance of the working class to Wages and «Dead Time» Issues in Briggs Auto Walkout letariat and its party. The Soviet state would receive the possibility of maneu Under date of January 21, Tom Mooney ership of the movement. In issue after the interests of the bourgeoisie. the Marking one of the first mass tempts were made, of course, to arouse vering according to the internal condl issued a call for a Free Tom Mooney Con issue, and in conferences, wherever they heavy costs of a civil war, and to stake struggles of the auto workers against the Ford workers against the striker tions and the world situation, and of gress to be held at Chicago, April 30 to were called, we raised our volce to urge their cards upon the mirage of an econ the boss class since the crisis started, with the argument that the Briggs strikdrawing the peasantry into socialist eco May 2, under the auspices of the Tom the party to accept Mooney invitation omic boom.
more than 10, 000 men at the four plants ers have thrown them out of work.
Mooney Molder Defense Committee and forge the weapon to smash the chains The fact that Hindenburg, who was of the Briggs Mfg. Corp. makers of auto The workers had until Monday noon, The basis of mass collectivization can to plan the final fight for my freedom. that hold him in jail.
undoubtedly hostile to Hitlereven if bodies, in Detroit, have struck against January 30, to return to work or be re.
only be the equivalent exchange of the The appeal is issued to every The response of the Stalinist leader not in a fundamentally class sense, An dend time. Dend time is the time placed by men from Detroit army of products of industry and agriculture of union local, distrlet, state, and na ship of our party was to sabotage and ally called upon the Fascist leader to piece workers are kept Idle without pay unemployed. But so far the workers Without going into the theoretical econ. tional in its jurisdiction; to the railroad wreck those conferences not organized take over the government, 18 eloquent while being shifted to other departments have maintained their solidarity and omic hair splitting, we must regard as brotherhoods, and all other labor unions. by them. In St. Louis, for instance, testimony to the desperation of the Geror, while forced to wait for repairs or their effectiveness through mass picket equivalent such an exchange as will to all working class organizations poll where the local Mooney Molders Defense man bourgeoisie. Capitalism, in its parts necessary to their process in the ing.
stimulate the peasants, odividual as tical, economic, defense, social, athletic Committee, in cooperation with the Com. ormal state, never does more than industry. Plece workers lose many hours The Briggs striko became effective well as collectivized, to till as much fraternal or cultural; and to all liberal munist League of America had organized keep its Fascist hordes in reserve. The a week through this method of wage cut. January 26, when, after several prior land and harvest as much grain as pos organizations sympathetic to the work. a genuine united front to which all work German ruling class knows that the ting. It is little things like this that outbreaks, 10, 000 closed their ranks sible, selling the greater part to the city ers. Mooney says, The time come ing class organizations were invited, the seizure of power by the Brown shirted make basic wage rates so misleading in against the bosses. Ford is boss of in order obtain for it as large a when all organizations Alghting for my Stalinists split the conference and organ bandits, especially in a country with a the statistical reports. Briggs He was not slow to try to take quantity of Industrial products as possi freedom must be welded into the widest ized one of their own. In southern II. well organized and socialistically schoolAccording to the Daily Worker the advantage of the situation. He seized ble. Only such reciprocal economic possible united front.
inois, in Minneapolis, all over the sed working class, means civil war and progress of the strike movement reads the opportunity to lockout 150, 000 work: relation between city and country what In essenee this call is no different from they pursued the same tactics.
as follows: ers in his employ, on the pretext that Lenin called the smytchka can free that issued by Mooney on August 20, strategy played into the hands of the nomic and political life of the country, the workers state from the necessity of 1981. On that date Mooney said, The reactionaries who, while professing belief at least until the issue of the struggle 20 percent wage cut at Briggs Vernon bodies disrupted the entire Ford, belt January 12500 workers strike against the failure of the Briggs Co. to deliver system of production. This was an atlage to compel the exchange Only from genuine united front. call upon the fight for his rolose, have not and will gone to all conceivable lengths to avold Highway Plant in Detroit the moment when the voluntary exchange following groups to unite and organize not lift a finger toward this end, the heavy expenses of a civil war: It January 21 1, 000 workers in Motor tempt to turn the Ford workers against 1s assured will the proletarian dictator. for immediate action. In the list of Theke and keep seal vided. It also served democrats, it has drawn them into bour. 15 percent was cut 1s to divide the has turned over the government to social Products Corp. Detroit, strike against the strikers. But the workers have not been taken in by this lying cant. They ship be unshakable. The smytchka organizations which follow are to thus secured, means the closest political found the entire Communist movement, berals of all hues. For their allure serve an equilibrium with the ald of the Park plant, Detroit; and Hayes Body the Socialist party and the IWW and the geois coalitions; it has sought to pre January 24 Strike in Briggs Highland have refused to work on stuff coming from Briggs.
alliance of the poor peasantry with the the progressives, the social reformists, In his efforts to discredit the strike urban workers, the firm support of the and outright conservative organizations to act they found a convenient excuse. Bruening Party of ultramontantem: it plant in Grand Rapids, Mich.
decisive masses of the middle peasantry, like the Amalgamated Clothing Workers. the impossibility of working with the has resorted to the Bonapartist regimes January 25 Strike of Briggs Mack Ford has spread the story that rival manufacturers have instigated the workof Papen and von Schleicher. But none Ave. workers brings total up to 8, 000.
and consequently, the political isolation of the kulaks and of all capitalist ole sity for the second call? Who and what The question arises: what is the neces Communists.
As a result no movement was built of these expedients has enabled it to kinuary 26 Two more Briges plants cry against Briges. Speaking of the men ments in the country in general. The is responsible for the failure to build the opportunity to set the class in mo emerge from the profound crisis under strike and raise total up to 10, 000. Capl who work in the plants that bear his smytchka. thus secured, means the on the movement lupon the basis of the tion was lost. For this the stalinist mining its domination, the crisis which talist press discovers the strike move name Ford said: There is not a man shakable loyalty of the Red Army to the call of August 20, 1891? What role dia tea binme The theoretical motivation workers to the support of the party of among them that would strike. even leadership of the party and the ILD are has driven hundreds of thousands of ment.
if his scale of wages is little, if any.
January 27 Motor Products workers, higher than that of other manufacturproletarian dictatorship, which in view the party and the ILD play?
of the successful industrialization and for their course was the now half aban social revolution. For just as the bour who won thelr strike, refuse to work on ers. Lies! We are confident that the As our readers will remember the unlimited human, largely peasant. Militant greeted Mooney appeal of can we. the argument ran, unite with old way, the masses are refusing to live these workers join Ford lays Ford workers will not be long in fol.
the doned Idiocy of social Fascism. How geoisie finds it impossible to rule in the material from Briggs plants. 700 reserves, will make it possible for the August 20th, and urged the party to take the social democratie betrayers of the Soviet state to repulse any imperiallet the initiative in building the movement workers? How can we unite with Green off 150, 000 lowing the example of the Briggs workJanuary 28 Murray Body intervention.
ers. And as for needing instigation Company (Continued from page 2)
As the Left Opposition has declared out that under the circumstances, the workers are divided. Ergo. the.
for his release our analaysis pointed and woll? We want the workers. But OPEN FORUM torced to close through fear; men join strike movement.
since 1923, Industrialization is the pre Mooney appeal was a direct invitations united front from below!
requisite of the march towards social to the Communists to take over the lead. Mooney waited patiently for the party TECHNOCRACY Solidarity of Workers!
CANNON AT FORUM ism. Without a rising industrialization AND OTHER TRENDS IN The Briggs Company three hours Comrade Cannon will speak this Frineither linen nor nails, not to speak of to move. But the party, saddled with BOURGEOIS POLITICAL ECONOMY after Ford paid a visit to his Highland day, Feb. at P. at the Left Optractors, can be supplied to the peasants. The class on the History of the com a false theoretical approach to the proTechnicians and the Working Class Park plant in which the Briges factory position Open Forum at 126 East 16th But industrialization must be carried intern led by comrade Sbachtman is postblem, made headway in passing from in Detroit is housed, agreed to abolish Street. The subject of his lecture will through at such a tempo and in accord poned to the following Sunday due to agitation in the press to struggle. Now Speaker dead time and guarantee its employees be Is the Time Ripe for a New Federaance with such plans that the relation the mass meeting on the German situa Mooney has issued a call for the same HUGO OEHLER an hourly wage. It also agrees to ralaetion of Labor. He will discuss in this of the quantity of goods between elty tion. All students of the class are urged purpose through the Molders Defense Friday, P. FEBRUARY 10th some wages, though not as high as the lecture the most important conference in and village will steadily if slowly im to attend this rally to be held at the 128 East 16 Street, workers demnd and in some instances Gillespie, III. in which comrade Cannon prove, and the standard of living of Stuyvesant Casino, oth St. and Second This does not mean that Mooney has ADMISSION: 16e the new scale is lower than the old. The participated and which adopted the polworkers and peasants rise. This fore Ave. on Sunday, February 4th at P. abandoned the road of the class strugAuspices: company, however, has not negotiated Icy of the Left Opposition. It promises most condition of the stability of the where comrade Shachtman and Cannon lle as the only means of attaining his Br. Communist League of America with the strike committee but has simply to be an intensely interesting meeting.
whole regime limits the permissible will be the speakers. Continued on page Opposition)
posted the notice of its proposals. At. Be sure to attend. Mooney Congress Called 10, 000 in Strike in Detroit SPEAKERS Stuyvesant Casino mass meeting The CRISIS in GERMANY James Common SBCOND AVE. Neer NINTH ST. SUNDAY, FEB. 6th, P. ADM. 15 CTS.