BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Conference Report Japan Unemployed Barter Exchange is Unemployed Cannon Speech PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1933 policy, which is verified over and over therefore to build a broad united front again by the events of every day, and movement of all working class and polito fight for its victory in the ranks of tical organizations for mass struggles (Continued from page 2) the Communist vanguard. The New for the conference aims through demonWorkmen Circle and so forth be in York conference showed again that the strations and activity in all workers or(Continued from page 3)
Petty Bourgeois «Solutions Reflects Pressure of the Crisis vited to the Albany conference, the re Opposition is fulilling its task. MAX SHACHTMAN.
ganization for the unity of the employ tarists.
solutions committee stated that this is The capitalist press has now Japanese history embodies a great lore picked Under the guiding hand of the business ed the organized and unorganized. The what they had intended to do in any utmost mass pressure must be exerted of bloody deeds of vengeance. When up the Self Help and Barter Ex men barter exchange associations, labor case, and when it was put to a vote, upon the capitalist class and its agenta feudal society was dissolved by decree, change movements as remedies to solve power takes on a form of charity.
it was carried by a majority! Thus, ou Resolutions Presented to the to obtain our demands.
there remained a class of masterless the problem of the breakdown of capl The exploitation of labor power paper at least, the united front from Conference The Conference resolves further to meu. the former samurai whose only talist production.
Every new theory and below was rejected. It is most likely tbat the adopted motion will remain on work for the mobilization of all work occupation had been the wielding of the new movement which claims to allevi still further disguised behind the bro(Continued from page 1)
ing class organizations for the attain sword in the services of some lord. ate the desperate situation within the Ity. It becomes a substitute for social paper. It involves too much of a blow (Introduced at the Unemployment hent of its program in the swiftest pos These ronin form the hirelings of the confines of capitalism is grasped by the land unemployment insurance paid by at the party bureaucracy and its ever.
reactionaries in politics to convey and press with the eagerness of a drowning the capitalists and their stato It reman clutching a straw. This is the case places the class struggle; or, rather, changing policies to have much chance Conference by the delegation of the sible time.
out threats against political op of America (Left of being carried out seriously in practise. Communist League ponents. Assassinations by these feudal with the widespread national movement becomes an inverted expression of the of barter exchange.
mercenaries are of frequent occurrence.
From the whole course of the confer. Opposition. class struggle. This kind of charity is ence, it is clear that the party is in the This Conference for the In the split that followed the debacle Large sections of the middle class are only given for a certain amount of labor midst of a serious turn about face, forced recoguizes that although a base has been of the all embracing farmer labor mare participating in the movement. Ex power. The workers exchange their upon it by the increasing misery of the laid for a broad workers movement, the (Continued from page 1) party, three parties gradually crystal change organizations have been set up labor power at a discount for food and masses, the bankruptcy of its previous representation at this Conference is in line of policy, and the incessant hammer suttilent for a really effective campaignstitutions and leadership until they are lived out, each one supported by a split by business interests in order to put supplies. If this can be extended the can there be any doubt that the turn is a united front movement on the broadest central organization. Do we act other writer has been unable to obtain suflict otherwise these small business enter social insurance can be held in reserve and until the class pressure forces action.
also the result of pressure from the trusis for the unemployed be developed wise?
And cannot we find our way to ent data as to the precise activities of prises will fall into bankruptes These barter exchange organizations party ranks which have been disturbed such a United Front movement must in the reformist workers more effectively the Communists in the various splits so thence the hands of the local bankers.
and discontented with the policy of clude representatives from working if we attribute to them something of that he can merely enumerate the part. The small business interests, taking the Japanese initiative in this field, hope to keep up usnally function of the basis of negotisectarianism and ultimatism which class organizations trade unions, frat the same sense of organizational loyalty tes and their strength. The General Federation of Labor supports a semblance of profit and prevent big able credit certificates or script. The proved so sterile for the movement. That crual bodies, political parties and groups that we ourselves manifest?
the turn is inadequate, that it is render Therefore, this Conference goes on re. In the resolutions of the Communist the Shakai Minshuto (Right wing social business from taking its toll on the smaller associations function on a pure movements barter base. The whole barter exchange the West. movement, regardless of which way it ed far less effective than it should be cord to issue a call for a second Con Left Opposition which have introduced democratie party) which obtained 165, 000 wave of the crisis. These was also demonstrated clearly by the Terence within two weeks time. To this here, there is a proposal to call a see votes and seats in the 1928 elections. first obtained a foothold in New York conference. The retention of conference all working class bodies cep oud conference within two weeks and The Nihon Konoto. Japanese Labor. Now they have been extended, in one lcuns In the direction of the workers or the form or another, to all parts of the counthe capitalists is the result of the yesterday ultra Leftism with regard to tral bodies as well as, local and branch to invite to this conference not only the Farmer Party was organized by drawing in large sections of the breakdown of commodity production and no united front with the leaders or organizations shall be invited to parti locals and branches of the of L, centrists of the General Federation of an niddle class, farmers and mem listribution under capitalism. It is a return to more elementary forms of exthe organizations continues to be alcipate in a movement on the basis of the Socialist party, the Workmen Cir Japanese Labor and Warmers. It cap heavy anchor preventing the movement a minimum program of concrete de cles and similar organizations but also tired seats with 96, 000 votes in 1998 Hoyed workers.
will The Left wing organized the Rodo Nom Whole layers of the working class have change. This is no sense denotes a step have forward. Socialism. not barter extheir respective central bodies. from advancing with the necessary po maudy. The respective central organi be answered to the effect that the lead into which obtained no seats despite its been drawn into the barter exchange change is the solution for the break.
wer and speed. The combination with zations of the Communist party, the this feature of the turn of the opportun. of the Socialist party and indeers of these organizations obstruct and 8, 000 votes. The centrists and Left movement. These unemployed workers. down of capitalism. Barter exchange in between unemployment and da crisis, under the domination of the istic, parliamentary twist that has been pendent trade unions shall be directly sabotage the movement and do not want wing parties were both dissolved by the pressed How starvation on the one hand and inade business Interests, is not a step toward incorporated into it, coutalus a grave suvited to participate. At this conter to engage in any real struggle with the government as being dangerous.
Left quate and, often, no relief on the other, socialism It is a class danger for tomorrow. The Centrist buncu all representatives shall as a mat employers and the state. We are quite ever, the party reorganized, the reaucracy, which swings between ultra ter of course have the right to maintain convinced that this is true. But the forming the Shin Konoto (Labor Farmer have turned to the barter and self help Leftism and a Kight wing policy, is quite their own particular views, but shall be of and Socialist party workers there to be in 2017. The centrists formed movements in an attempt to cheat bun move to prevent the free play of the ing class. The barter exchange movebe convinced merely by our denuncia in the 1930 elections the combined vote The barter exchange movement finds ment is an attempt to bridge through ment into stinking parliamentary mon struggle for the adopted program.
of the parties was over half a million. a working busis for the exchange of the crisis until normal exchange, which swamp. In this respect, it has not In accord with the foregoing, a stand tions.
The way to convince them is to put From the attacks made by Japanese manufactured and farm products for rests upon the capitalist mode of prochanged fundamentally from the days iug committee shall be elected with the their lenders to the test in action. That Communists at the present time on the the idle labor power of the workers. duction, is re established.
when it worked in unbreakable harmony following instructions: The barter exchange and self help with Purcell and Chiang Kai Shek. And To issue a call immediately for is the meaning of our proposal to invite social Fascists of the other worker. These movements take on varied forms, parties, it is clear that the Japanese depending upon the initiative of local movement has more than one side for that is what must be guarded against the Second Conference inviting all work also the leaders to join in the common struggle. It puts the conscientious Communists have followed blindly the industries and organizations. The oring class organizations to participate the workers too. Dominated by the with the utmost vigilance. To organize the sending of speak workers in these organizations those stalinist zig zag tactics, tactics that have ganizations vary from the business men business interests, the movement becomes Not only was the confused nature of the party leadership of the presenters to the various organizations to urge who really want to fight in a position to resulted at this crucial moment in the cooperatives to the cooperatives of the powerful lever of class collaboration.
history of working class of the workers, with hybrids and temporary Where the self help movement becomes movement strikingly shown at the con the acceptance of the invitation and ex. demand of their leaders that they trans world, in causing loss of confidence in class collaboration plans in between. The workers cooperative movement, subor. united front plain the aims of the movement.
late their words into deeds without in with leaders. but adoption of Welsbord 3. To issue a minimum of 50, 000 leaf any way, at the beginning, Involving a Auchanard by the Japanese masses. usiness men associations which have intelects the interest and maims of the auxiliary class and the party, it can be useful to last motion, to give one example) but lets to popularize the conference and break with their organization. It puts Although we cannot accept without ques drawn in the workersons them in a position to bring pressure on tiou the opinion of so confirmed an enemy have big far been the most successful. the workers as an auxiliary movement.
It was clear that the Stalinists have not its projected program.
organization It cannot substitute for the class strugthought out what their next step win To call upon each organization re their leaders by normal gle. It cannot replace the struggle of be. To neglect this factor in any move presented to hold a public meeting in meaus, to force some of them, if only Japanese General Federation of Labor.
ment, is fatal. The function of a rev. support of the conference under its own for a short time, to participate in the pet there is a sufficient clement of truth in his remark. made in 1929: The Com Note On Max mands against the capitalists and their united movement and to convince them olutionary leadership is to make a thor auspices.
selves by this test, by this experience munist movement is getting more and government, such as immediate relief, ough analysis of the situation at banal. To organize a joint muss meeting that their leaders have been deceiving other words the movement has become In Eastman social and unemployment insurance, the in the light of past experiences and of all organizations participating in the them with phrases.
six hour day and five day week with on the basis of it to forecast the line conference with representative speakers one of students or young men and Only in this way, in this process can women; it is diverging increasingly from To the Editorial Board of the Militant: no reduction in pay; In short, it can.
of development for the next period; to from each tendency.
we separate the masses of the conscien. the practical fighting line, so that it is Dear Comrades: not replace the class struggle.
think out problems and programs to the tious workers in the reformist organiza: coming more and more under the surThe workers who raise the slogan of end; and to drive consciously and clearRESOLUTION ON PROGRAM tions from their treacherous leaders and veillance of the Minister of Education tunity to convince mysult of the fact barter exchange and self help movement Recently have repeatedly had oppor workers control in relation to the headedly along the right course. This AND TACTICS draw them into a common struggle with than that of the Home Minister. Their the party leadership has done at no (Introduced at the stage of the struggle. It is incapable Conference by the delegation of the Com Unemployment out those leaders and against them. This of doing it. It is the task of the Op munist League of America (Left Oppost position. This, comrades is not a new revelation of the Left opere of action is using from the chat Max Eastman is carrying oux sys are suffering from the worst kind of Opportunist class factories, mines and agrarian villages stematic fight against materialist dial ultra Left sickness.
and fellow to the schools and colleges.
ecties, the philosophical foundation of collaboration ideas and ultra Left sloposition to stand unbendingly by Its tion. workers, is the ABC of the united Marxism and scientific Communism. In gans go hand in hand. The slogans of We must aim to develop this confer front tactie of Lenin. its content and its theoretical tendency workers control are slogans for a perINTERNATIONAL WORKERS ence into a broad movement of the work. This is the way we must move. This this fight does not differ in any way iod of the class struggle that we have SCHOOL NOTES ing class against the menace of unem is the way the movement is tending unfrom the other varieties of petty bour not yet reached in America. When the At the conclusion of his course in the ployment and against its breeder, capital der the enormous pressure of conditions geois revisionism, beginning with Bern class struggle and the relation of class History of the Third International com ist society. In such a movement the on the one side, and the bankruptcy of (Continued from page 1)
steinism (in its philosophical theoretical forces reaches this stage, to delay israde shachtman will begin one in the working class can be united more closely all other tactles on the other. The uni dress rehearsal by this means to bol parts. It Eastman while so doing keeps saing these slogans will be suicidal. In Principles of the Left opposition. Com and militantly in common struggle. comelted front tactic as we have laid it down ster his regime this was the game of bis warm sympathy for the October rev the dual power stage, when the working rades interested in following the course! The call for the present conference in our resolution is a means for from out of town should get in touch proposes a statewide conference to map mobilization of a genuine workers mass the Von Schleicher and Hitler.
with comrade Weber, the administrator out a legislative program in defense of movement for the struggle against tbe to the firing line. The time is not ripe one iota the value of his criticism of thation becomes the shell, then the time To accomplish this, Hitler moved up lionorable for him but does not raise by governmental and industrial administhis crying illogicality is subjectively kernel and the capitalist class and its who will supply outlines and a list of the interests of the unemployed and class enemy. It is, at the same time for his special services of unrestrained reference works.
working class. This proposal is accept a means for the separation of the remurder and pillage of the working class Narxism.
is ripe. In the meantime, a revolutionSuch a syllabus on the Fundamentals able but in order to obtain the objects formist workers from the influence of organizations. But it may be soon in could have left the Croton variety ary, international program with proper of Communism drawn up by comrade of this conference, in part or while, the their treacherous, phrase mongering lead the calculations of the world bourge of revisionism silently to its proper de tactics in the day to day struggles Oehler is available.
The class in Elementary Communism program must be widened.
olsic. The working class throughout stiny, if had not been bound for a long the workers is the order of the day Therefore, this Conference shall goes The tactic that has been employed up the world must be on guard, alert.
time to Eastman himself by personal and HUGO OEHLER.
by comrade Abern is proceeding smoothon record as favoring the following protill now, despite all the good intention, ly Somo shifts are taking place in the literary ties. Eastman recently transhas served opposite ends. Here in the world situation but the key is still in luted three volumes of my History of Pioneer Publishes will supply all the gram of immediate demands: Immediate Relief.
literature required by the courses of the fourth year of the crisis the capitalists Germany. Some shifts have taken place the Revolution into the English langu: International Workers School.
Resolution on Unemployment Insurance, be remain secure and arrogant. The re in the German situation but the slower age. As is generally acknowledged, he paid for by the Employers and the formist and reactionary labor bureau tempo has not altered the basic issue.
has caried out this great work in an State Government.
cracy in the political well as in the It is still: Communism or Fascism. The excellent manner. have expressed to Weisbord For the hour day and dny week trade union field remains unshaken in workers must tell Von Schleicher and him my sincere thankfulness for this, with no reduction in pay.
its position. The vanguard workers the bourgeoisle that the alternative to and am prepared to repeat it here. But For trade relations with, and the movement remains comparatively weak, Ronapartism is not Fascism but that as soon as Eastman attempts to trans by the Branch: The following resolution was adopted Yale Harrison extension of credits to the Soviet Union, isolated and ineffective. All the objecthe solution to the problem is the pro lute Marxian dialectics into the languas a means of unemployment rellet for tive conditions point to a difference state letarian revolution. Everywhere the age of vulgar empiricism, his work pro League of America endorses the position The branch of the Communist American workers and for drawing the of affairs. The fearful mass misery workers, and particularly the Communvokes in me a feeling which is the di taken by the NEC in its negotiations We have received a copy of the state American and Russian workers into a the appalling hunger, destitution and ist vanguard must raise their voices ment sent out by Mr. Charles Yale Har closer fraternal bond.
discontent of the millions is a powerful with the Left Opposition to demand that rect opposite of thankfulness. For the with the of Struggle. We slew rison, the author, announcing his resig. Recognition of the Soviet Union by force to change the whole situation in the and the German party throw purpose all doubts and as entirely correct the present suspennation from the editorial board of the the United States Government. a comparatively short time. It is to overboard the ruinous theory of social understandings consider it my duty to sion of the negotiations on the following New Mase in protest against This Conference recognizes also the aid this process tirat the Left Opposition Fascism and adopt the Leninist united bring this to the knowledge of everygrounds: treatment accorded to comrade Trotsky need to develop the struggle for its pro has come to this conference and sub front to unite the German working class Dody.
daughter, Zinaide, which led to her gram beyond a merely legislative and mitted its resolutions for your With Communist greetings, comrade Welsbord, as spokesman for Every opportunity was afforded to suicide. The malicious attempt of the proletarian revolution. STAMM. TROTSKY.
the of Struggle to clarify his poslDaily Worker to link Mr. Harrison with parliamentary program. It is incumbent deration tion in relation to the Left Opposition.
the Left Opposition makes it necessary UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE The NEC posed correctly, after the infor us to state that there is not the STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT!
itial blunders of comrade Weisbord, the slightest connection between the two. Because the Milltant goes to press be AMERICAN WORKING CLASS minimal, principle requirements set by Moreover, the whole tone and content of fore correspoudence from the middle and How many have you sold? Have you the League for the fusion of the two Mr. Harrison statement reveals so far west, on the basis of the previous made yourselt into a literature agent to organizations. The columns of irresistible. For, ready raised six and a half, four and a dispose of this pamphlet In record time? Mititant were open for the free expres clearly the unbridgable chasm between issue, has time to reach us, we are un it must be well nigh the him and the revolutionary Left Opposl able at this writing, to gauge the re this purpose everyone will be willing to half through the efforts comrade It is onsy, incredibly easy.
Five cent sion of comrade Weisbord views on tion that only the hirelings of the sponse to our appeal tor funds to print donate something. It cannot be other Pinkel, one dollar from comrade Vomvas pamphlets are just the thing. Everyone these requirements. Comrade Weisbord Daily Worker staff could impute to comrade Trotsky speech, The Defense wise.
in Pittsburgh and one from a party failed to meet the requirements.
us any association with the author in of the October Revolution. as a pemIn the last few years, especially, a The NEC in all Not very much is needed. Only ninety member in New York. That is only its negotiations question. That reactionaries or petty phlet.
vast literature has been written about with comrade Welsbord showed clearly bourgeois sympathizers with the of one thing we are sure.
That is, dollars. Here in New York we have al small beginning. Let us go to work! unemployment. Most of it is a Niagara its desire to leave the road open for movement have taken advantage, from that if the speech meets with the same of trash pouring into oblivion. Very the entrance of the Communist League time to time, of the disputes within the reception outside of New York as it attle of it is Marxist. Even that which of Struggle into our organization. Comproletarian movement to alr their own did here as it is sure to do it will bears the stamp of the official party is rade Weisbord, on the contrary, has yet particular prejudices or anti working be hailed as a political weapon of trenot free from serious errors. But here to show that he seriously wishes to class views, is all too well known.
In mendous importance for our movement.
is a simply written, short plece which use with the League. Even aside from the present instance, the revolting per Once more we want to empbasize the is Marxist.
secution of our deceased comrade Zin absolutely turning importance of bring It opens up new propaganda fields for unliquidated, notably those involving the basic principle difference which remain alde, purely in the Interests of Stalin ing it out as a pamphlet in the shortest us. Who is not interested in the ques relations within the Communist movethirst for personal vengeance upon Trot possible time. Fully half a hundred tion? And what worker is not lookingments, of its three groupings the ques.
eky, brought upon the bureaucratic recotrades friends here have been for a clear Marxist statement on it? Wetion of centrism the entire approach of gime the flaming protests of proletarian struck with the same idea independently must strive to put coples into the hands comrade Welsbord was based on a false revolutionists. The bureaucracy was of one another.
of thousands of workers. The carefully polley of maneuvering, on attacks on also laid open to hypocritical chidings There must be hundreds more. While from the enemy camp, especially from their enthusiasm is at white heat, while and painfully bullt up prestige of the the NEC rather than a serious approach Left Oppopition will not be the least to the International Left Opposition, on the bourgeois press, which shed some the greatness and beauty of the speech crocodile tears in the hope that they are still upon them let advantage to us in presenting our posts the holding of public meetings for the strike! De popular Marxian analysis for workers of the unemployment situation on unemployment to the class. The specific purpose of apealing to the memwould wipe out the fact that every sinvoted comrades and sincere sympath tion and the basis for a revolutionary workingclass program of action!
weapon is forged. Let us wield it.
gle day the bourgeoisie of the capital iners need no exhortations to lubricate bership (united front from below) over REMINDER the heads of our leadership.
ist world adds new murders of working the revolutionary movement with funds.
24 Pages Cents Just a short note to remind our comclass fighters to its bloody record. We emphatically state that comMinimum Order They will know how to get in the preThe Left Opposition, and the revolusent situation. But out on the periphery Copies rades and readers that we still have rade Welsbord has placed obstacles in the following on hand and get in more the way of fusion with our organization, tionary workers it continues to draw to Postage le extra per copy from time to time: Revolutionary Les It comrade Weisbord its banner, will settle accounts with the must be moved by some unusual event of the movement there are people who sons by Lenin; Whither England by desire to make it possible for them to his group stin rude and disloyal bureaucracy, stamped or writing. This speech is such an exPIONEER PUBLISHERS Trotsky: Value, Price and Prodt; Wage become an organle part of the of with the brand of Cain, without any of 84 East 10 th Street, New York, Labor and Capital; the Communist Man and the o. they must be guided the unasked assistance of elements allen ceptional event. The impulse to acfesto; and other Marxist classics. It genuinely by the proposals made them to the genuine proletarian movement. quaint friends and fellow workers with you want any of these speak up. by the NEC.
Nazis Provoke CPG of to The Case of Chas.
avoid the for Pioneer Publishing Fund or Unemployment and the American Working Class by Arne Swabeck