Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Confusion Marks Stalinist Policyon Fight Against War thousand South Daily Worker Decries Promoter of the by the to Amsterdam Congress JAPAN Student Conference Compromises Communism in Chicago dents were organizing the movement pure student gathering and the organizagainst war and militarism!
ers made sure in advance that it would Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism Edition of Amsterdam; Yield Principled Positions Let us examine briefly the pre congress be tainted by delegutes representing Hall, University of Chicago, on Decem in the form of the organization of the issue was absent. Therefore the con The student Congress held in Mandel Amsterdam take place? It took place period. First of all, a burning concrete workers organizations.
and the Development of the Proletariat The mature of the congress becomes By Jack Weber ber 20th and 27th, save further testimony American Committee uguinst War, an gress took on the character of a united clear. Its composition Was woeful to the political revision invoked upon other arbitrarily selected committee of front (among students. for the drawing There gathered some tive or six huudred Can there be any greater Irony thaned for a strong man, a Bonaparte.
the that the Comintern, founded by Lenin And Tanaka was groomed for the task the Communist movement by Stalinism. clements akin to those who organized up of a program in the struggle against students. majority represented The congress signified that the struggle the Amsterdam Congress. And just as war. When it is understood that the NSL, some socialists and pacifists, and aud Trotsky should urge the Japanese at precisely the same moment and in against imperialist war and militarism the Amsterdam Congress not only form. whole affair was initated by the Com a great number individual students. The Communists to gain legality at any precisely the same fashion as Marshal was the task not of the Communists and ally but actually replaces the and minists, the criminal nature of the agenda of the Congress was an un serious price, including the yielding of its own von Hindenburg (as President) in Gerrevolutionary workers, but of the stuYct, as the organization to lead the understanding becomes clear. The work one. For a Congress that was to take platform and program? What better many. Tanaka became premier in the dents. The progenitor of this gathering struggle against war and militarism, so ing youth was not invited to the con up the question of how the students object lesson is required of the extreme frst elections held under universal el was the Amsterdam Congress held in the American Committee against War. gress thereby cutting off all relations should struggle against war, to work up importance of maintaining unity of ac frage, elections so tainted by fraud and Brussels in the summer of 1932. For accomplishes the same end nationally. It between the students and the workers. a program and resolutions, one day ton through clarity of policy and unity corruption, so strongly controlled by acts that occasion, the International Left was also, on the basis of a cable from That was criminal act number two. In was aiotted to speeches by Communists, or point of view that is, through re of autocracy that to stile the angry Opposition presented an extremely sharp the Amsterdam Congress, that the Naan effort to win the pacifists and liber pacifists, and socialista. The various striction of the membership of the Party criticism of the masses a criticism of the present regime in the tional Students League initiated theals the call for the congress was ad speeches did not help to clarify those to those advanced workers only, who workers and intellectuals were arrested Communist International, because it movement for the Student Congress dressed in the vaguest terms. What is gathered. At best confusion became accept Marxism and the Leninist concept under the frame up of nation wide turned the trusle against war over to Against War. Building upon the expert more the congress call was false.
an arbitrarily appointed group of paci euce of Amsterdam and the American raised the ers for a struggle againat the first day, study classes were held the Russian Bolshevik Party? And un ended in scandals strikingly like those der what striking similarity of cond of the Harding administration in Amfists, liberals, poets, musicians, artists, Committee Against War, the NSL arbi war without specifying what kind of on various questious relating to war and actors and what not, removing this de trarily organized a National Committee war. In popularizing the congress, the militarism, directed by Communists, tions! Yet history presented that irony erica.
cisive activity from the hands of the for the Student Congress Against War Soviet Union and its defense was not pacifists and socialists. And inind you, in Japan as elsewhere. Fortunately the The wily Japanese capitalists have Communist International, and its sec. composed of a variety of elements repre even mentioned. So close Nympath. this was a congress. On the second day adventure proved in vain.
made every effort to establish the twotions.
senting numerons political views ranging yer to the Communist movement as Carl the practical questions of how to strug. It is the function of the Party to util. Marty system in Japanese politics. The Over the question of the the from pacifisia to Communism, but actuaessler, in speaking for the congress Ele against war, the resolutions, the elec íze every vital activity of the proletariat Seljukal may be compared with the Engworking class movements during the ally representing to organizations or at one of the colleges in Chicago, did not tion of the executive was to take place to lead and direct the class along the lish tory party the Minselto with the war years split. The culmination of members. It was this committee that or mention the Soviet Union and its de Quite understandably, the proceedings road to power. In the light of its ultim whigs. Both parties are under com.
years of political and theoretical struganized and directed the congress. But rense. When confronted with objections the socond day were rushed through ate illegal revolutionary goal the die plete liss control. The party platforms gle in the 2nd International came at behind this committee, as behind Am by members of the Spartacus Youth with such speed that it was impossible tatorship of the proletariat the Party mean nothing, are much alike, in fact the outbreak of the war when the lead sterdam and the American Committee, Club, he replied that if he were to do for the delegates to actually assimilate demands democracy not for its own sake do not vary from election to clection.
ing party in the 2nd International, the stood the Communist party and the that it would drive the non Communists its deliberations.
but for the political education of the The government connection with big German Social Democratic Party, voted Young Communist League. Official Com away from the congress. Such and On the opening day of the congress the masses, for their disillusioning with all business, plain enough in America, is for war credits. That action was amunism hid once more behind the cloak more marked all the activities of the Spartacus Youth Club distributed a reformist methods and objectives. The far more open in Japan. The party signal for the other Socialist Parties to of a National Committee. And SO NSL. The Young Communist League statement expressing the views of the Party demands the right to propagate leaders become directors of the follow suit With each section of the we witnessed again the spectacle of the remained ignominiously silent during Opposition youth on the congress and its own revolutionary platform and it Manchuria Railroad, of steamship comSocialist International supporting its Communists turning over the struggle this whole period.
making concrete proposals to it. In ad this right Jeopardizes democracy, so much panies, etc. These leaders cannot reown fatherland, the doom of Social Dem against war to semi Communists, paci. It was on of the above mentioned sit dition to this statement the declaration the worse for democracy. The workers ward their followers with government ocracy as the leader of the revolutionary tists, liberals, and unti Communists. But uation that the Spartacus Youth Club of the International Left Opposition to must fight for democracy, for legality of jobs as these are reserved for the buproletariat was sealed. Ont of the back what is outstanding in relation to this in Chicago issued two statements, one the Amsterdam Congress was distribut the Party, for reforms, this strug raucracy under the military clique.
ground of this collapse, rose the inter afrair, is that for the first time since the addressed to the National Studentsed. The Opposition pointed out in the sle must never leave the masses in Hence, the parties resort to a more open national Left wing which was later to organization of the and YCL we League and the other to the YCL, outlin statement the false nature of the con doubt as to the position of the Commun cash system. The cost of elections is form the Communist International. The gle against war and militarism is to be ing our criticisms of the congress pregress, its failure to unite with the work ists who, taking the objective condi far greater, owing to greater corruption, attitude toward the war in particular, are made to understand that the strug. parative and proposing the elections necessary ing youth, confusion in program, the tions of the moment and their future than in other countries, and and militarism in general, was the carried out this by the students, div. changes. These statements were Before the War it well need to adopt a revolutionary position trend into account, advance the inter are more frequent.
burning question in those trying days, orced from the working class and the received by the rank and file. The in the struggle against war, the error in ests of the working class as a whole so took more than 20, 000 yen to electa and upon which the attitude, the politiclass struggle leadership, however, attempted to edge attempting to organize a permanent anti as to strengthen the class for further man to the Diet. Now it costs more.
cal fate of the movement depended.
Paying lip service to the contrary, ont from under the criticism with charges war organizations and called upon the struggle along the road to power. Even Each candidate pays one half the requisUpon the experiences of the world The pro. Young Communist League to issue an those Communist parties that have ite sum the party the rest. Since four war, the Communist International in its means nothing. The fact is that the first of Leftism and sectarian.
for a hundred are elected cach time, party early years set for itself the task of organized attempt to build an anti war posal to invite working class youth or invitation for a broad united front con achieved legality never forget ganizations to the congress, made by a ference of working class organizations single instant that they may, under expenses are enormous, control talling clarifying the great confusion or that and movement was turned over to the stumade clear to the revolutionary movements. It is necessary to analysis this member of the Spartacus South Club at to struggle on concrete issues against changing eircumstances, be forced under naturally into the hands of the rich (as ground.
elsewhere. The pay in the Diet is ment that the struggle against war is further. But before that, one other ob a meeting of the high school division of war. To be continued)
Universal suffrage was granted to the suoall but bribery for concessions and one of the chief tasks of the Commun servation is necessary Stalinism, which the NSL, was defeated by the vote of rejects the united front tactle as orig members of the YSL. It was to be a ALBERT GLOTZER.
ists. It must at all times carry out a inated at the third and fourth congressJapanese workers under the strong pres purchases provide rich plums.
sure of the masses. But it bore also a The workers have no Illusions concernsystematic agitation and propaganda es of the Cominter, and so much indifferent character. It was used as a ing the bourgeols parties whose hlatory against war. The ranks of the army must le penetrated by the Communists. sisted upon by the Left Opposition, on the basis that they could not unite attempt to win over the workers and of those refined niceties of technique of In the event of war the aim of the Combelow.
with leaders. but only from munists must be set upon transforining the petty bourgeoisie for a struggle the Western countries. The masses pin the imperialist war into a civil war. Here of all places, the united front betrays itself on the question of war.
against the militarists. The capitalista little faith in types like the first great Upon concrete issues the Communists Out of the clear blue sky, we read our another was Nicole, editor of tration to outright conquest in China. to power after the Rice Riots. This lawwould prefer, if possible, peaceful pene commoner. premier, Hara, who came must initiate united front movements from below completely forgotten and the collowing comment under the Cover: wides as wiss rooch passed ber resou But the struggle proved abortive, the wenn, this beat the besep doet heimes were tions against war and militarist. But purely from the top, with individual and Hamilton in the Daily Worker of Sannion in which they startede Jelidos capitalists were the hand and foot to ukawa, this liberal whose doctrines were the war machine. Furthermore the in expressed in his remark: My platform above all do not entrust the struggle Isolated leaders of various movements, ary 21, 1933: Wells, noted Bri to work zealously within our respective ternal crisis resolved the problem for is a blank sheet of paper. can write without contact or control by the work ish novelist, has been engaged in a organizations to win them over for a against war, to picitists, to liberals, toers. It is but another instant of Stalin war of words with the London Morning uited frout against war, and for the the capitalist Imperialists by its urgent upon it what will. WAS the willing the socialists, the petty bourgeoisie or Post, in which he endeavors to play the defense of the Russian revolution. Not in vain are the changes in the mode venture. It was Hara and his minister demand for the most desperate remedies. tool of the military in the Siberian adother such groupings. Unless the comint zig zags.
munists direct the struggle against war, The advanced student in capitalist honest pacidit. Strange words, indeed.
liamou and Poupy are still deputies; of production and in the productive for Home Affairs, Tokonanu (one of that struggle will in the end result in countries represents socially and ideo tory level the end this outline worked coupy is even a member of the Ferman forces the shock factors of historie the worst suppressors of free speech and the press. who organized one of of the two fuced pactists such as HI. two year old child knows, France is the perience? Certainly! International paciage of proletariau students is extreme Wells, who ten years after the World principal bucker of Japan in its Man. promised, in 1925, the militarists pre the workers. Despite his personal body.
The moment universal suffrage was societies ready at all times to attack the largest of the ism, international social democracy. in ly small. Students do not player and War shrieks bis anti war attitudes to cauriau adventure, and that in the most pared carefully for any untoward even, guard, despite his great services in the thirty reactionary ternational liberalism, betrayed masses and came to the support of the for the most part they support capital. The four winds, but keeps his mouth shut direct sense. What have Messrs. Hamon tualities. Baron Tanakathe author of interests of the ruling class, Hara was imperialist contiets. That is why it ism and become its Intellectual leaders about the bombing of Irak tribesmeuand oupy said in the Chamber of DeTannka document Immediately reis all important that in organizing united As a mass the students are reactionary and Hindu revolutionists, and who will paties to say nothing about what they assassinated for the slight front movements against war. political Only small sections of the students can whoop it up for murder again when the have doue among the masses outside the signed from the ormy and became prest that existed between the interests of polley must be absolutely correct. It is be won to communism or to the support next imperialist conflict breaks out.
Chamber concerning the piratical war dent of the Seljukai Party. In the eyes finance capital and those of the intelimpossible to unite on the basis of an of the proletariat. But under no cir. It would not be imagined from the Japan is conducting in Manchuria, and of the military clique the situation call. Continued on page agreement on program with other pol. cumstances can the students independ violent tone of the Daily Worker that the rule of Frencb imperialism in it? To itical groupings. The basis for united ently engage in struggle let alone lead this is the first time that Wells has been our knowledge nothing!
front action is the concrete situation any struggle against capitalism. That endeavoring to play the honest paci. And the Amsterdam Committee itself, Our Club Plan but the Communists at no time surrender is the view that dominated the Young list. Mere Robert Hamilton to give what is it doing about the erupting vol MILITANT BUILDERS their political aims, modify them or Communist International, at its incep the full story, it would prove to be an uno in Manchuria which threatens to alter them in the Interests of forming tion. At a future date the writer will inconvenient revelation of the fact that engulf the East in a new world war? It THE THREE IN ONE the local environs has done it. He has united front action. That is why the present discussion an article on only a few months ago, the whole Inter is doing the maximum it is capable of REVOLVING FUND crashed through to first place. Is he goist International found it necessary to Student League. It is the task of the gaged in a big publicity campaign for was conceived as a joint substitute for Many are the conrades who failed to comrade Vomvas?
Fourth Congress of the Young Commun. the role of the student and National national Stalinist press was not only en doing: nothing! The movement which Our campaign is not in full swing yet. ing to stay there?
What do you say And you, cmorade declare Communists to win support of the small 11. Wells and his kidney, presenting the Communist struggle against imper. take advantage of the club plan and Nash? And what has the Chicago The Young Communist International minority of proletarian students and him to the militant workers as honestialist war and the united front of all the Paid Sub Cards. What can be Friends of the Militant Club to say?
and the Young Communist Leagues, in draw them into the struggle. That ac pacifists but also in helping the two the workers for action agalust the war achieved by taking advantage of the And all our other comrades? If he close connection with the Party and tivity belongs to the Young Communist raced pacifists such as Wells to danger proves to be impotent and pas club plan is shown by the New York going to stay there make him do some paralleled with the struggle against bour League. But what happened is that the shriek his anti war attitudes to the sive when confronted by the first situa comrades by whom Afty two subs out lively stepping to keep his place.
geols militarism and the danger of new student movement Initiated the anti war cour wounds through every megaphone tion that calls for action. The Amster of a total of sixty one have been turned Capelis 14 imperialist wars must carry on a SPE movement, gave it its leadership and the Comintern could put to his lips. dam Committee does not act it cannot. in since the beginning of this drive. Chicago Friends of the CIAL AGITATION, PROPAGANDA AND only succeeded in realizing what Amster For Wells is one of the original sign. It does not even speak. And what could There are a number of sympathizers who Militant Club EDUCATION FOR THE INEVITABIL car has: confusion.
er or the Barbuse Rolland Stalin call it say about so acute and unambiguous invested a couple of dollars in Pala Sub Vomvas ITY OF THE CIVIL WAR, THE NEC12 Nash 12 ESSITY FOR MILITARY If our analysis of the student is cor for the notorious Amsterdam Congress a situation as the Manchurian conflict, Cards and after selling them re invest PREPARA. rect (that analysis coincides with the Morgenstern TION AND THE ARMING OF THE resolution of the Young Communist in which addressed itself to all men and what proposals could it make that would the money in additional sub cards. This creates revolving fund of per comradeV. Dunne women of good will. While the Bol harmonize with the views of the ComPROLETARIAT AND THE RIGHT TO ternational adopted at its 2nd congress) Slevik leninists of the Left Opposition munists on the one hand, and the investor, helps the Militant financially Weber DEFENOY TV FORROLOF ARIAS, THEY then it was utterly false to transfer the were virtually driven from the tribunes Wellses, Henri Barbusses, General you and extends its circulation. This is the Krehm OLUTION BY WORCE OF ARMS, THAT anti war work into the hands of the stu of the international and national anti Schoenalchs and Ala Nazimovas on the best way of keeping money in circulaIS TO SAY THE CREATION OF THE dents. Actually in relation to the youth, war conferences, the wellues of every other? Joel tion, at the same time increasing the Ross ARMED PROLETARIAN POWER, THE this task is one of the chief activities country were halled by the comintern RED ARMY.
What the Opposition once said about circulation of the Militant. Basky of the Young Communist League, which apparatus and press as honest pacifists the Anglo Russian Committee, holds THE RECORD BY CITIES Not any artifically created organiza embodies in itself the glorious tradi sincere fighters against war. reliable good for the Amsterdam Committee: At Ingram New York 61 tions have the task of carrying on the tions of the world youth movement dur friends of the Soviet Union. the moment of real crisis (when deeds Chicago general struggle against war, not the ing the war days. But here again, fol. LIudson Minneapolis are required and not merely words. as 22 pacifists, or the liberals, but the com lowing the logie of Amsterdam, the YCL for demanding that an open call be ad Rayburn The Comintern abused the Opposition the danger of war and attack upon the Pittsburgh Gottlieb munists. Isn that clear? The Com munists do not conceive of war as an ment was nowhere to be seen. It was which should have initiated the movePhiladelphia Hamilton dressed to the social democratic and re Soviet Union becomes more acute, this Montreal abstract issue but understand it as a Committee will reveal either its silent Konikow formist trade union organizations for a impotence or its treachery of the ilToronto Coover product of the economic order of capital was afraid to taint the congress with united front against the war danger: Iusions it aroused, or more accurately, Boston 10 Lessin ism. The elimination of war and millCommunism. Keep it pure was the New Castle, Pa. Sifakis tarism will come about with the aboli slogan, because the aim is to win the leaders. But the honest pacifist sight of the illusions which the Stalinists, Lynn, Mass. MeMillen tion of capitalism. Thus the struggle pacifists and liberals! That is how the ers with them they not only united in aroused in its name.
South Bend, Ind.
e presented gainst war as an integral part of capiA. Miller pathetic harmony, but they deluded Before the Communists St. Louis Drucker talism must be unified with the general pre congress period looked.
The ata and continue to delude the class con with new shocks in the form of the sudDes Moines social system and its replacement with Jingo Rits scious workers with the idea that the den discovery of new Youngstown Kochler Communism.
miserable masquerade of Amsterdam was Wells (as the Daily Worker now calls AN APOLOGY That up and coming sub getter from The Amsterdam Congress marked a Ruby a powerful weapon of struggle against him. this whole monstrosity of Amsterdeparture from Communist principles.
The Communist International, instead of York United Conference on Unemploy The burning importance of the New imperialist war. We of the Left Oppost dam must be removed from the scene tion, even under the hail of calumny. Before the road can be clear, the oborganizing and leading the warned that the petty bourgeois liter stacles must be cast aside. The Amsteragainst war, turned this task over to ment made it necessary for us to carry ateurs, doctors, dentists, pacifists and dam masquerade is such an obstacle. The Barbusse. Rolland, Patel and others. over to next week the material we had generals without armies represented no Communists must start from the beginOfficially the Communist International planned to run in this issue on Lenin. body in particular and would add to the ning again. At the very outset, the was represented at the Congress. But Liebknecht and Luxemburg.
the actual organization, of the Congress, Wells is the first concrete example that idea of forming a permanent organization its political program, its drection, was the Stalinists themselves have been com with non Communist elements for the in the hands of an arbitrarily selected THE MILITANT pelled to recognize long after the fact leadership in the movement to educate group who in reality represented no Entered as second class mall matter and without any explanation. As a mat the workers about the struggle against body. Is it any wonder that the rip Norember 28, 1928, at the Post Ofice atter of fact, they wisely refrain from its oppressors. That is the function of ples created by Amsterdam have now New York, Under the act of referring to Wells co initiation of the the party alone. But the party must OLD FORMAT NEW FORMAT settled to a dead calm? Confusion marktake from March 3, 1879.
from initiative in the formation of it Amsterdam Congress. It would be Vol. 1, No. to Vol. 4, No. 12 ed the program of that Congress, Gen Published weekly by the Communist united front of all workers Vol. 4, No. 13 to Vol. 5, No. 51 little. embarassing.
organiza uine issues making necessary the existNov. 15, 1928 June 15, 1931 League of America (Opposition) If Wells is the first, there is no reason unions included, for a joint struggle tions, the socialist parties and the traca July 4, 1931 Dec 31, 1932 at 126 East 16th St.
71 Issues ence of such a congress were not fully TC Issues to think that he will be the last. The blossomed. The Congress in Amsterdam EDITORIAL BOARD James Cannon gress by the American Committee. an not going (1. attempting to go) bepamphlet recently issued on the con based upon a minimum program of aeonly succeeded in creating confusion on Martin Abern tion, concrete and clearly defined, and Order from THE MILITANT the question of the struggle against Max Shachtman Maurlce Spector nounces that among the delegates two sond the strict limits within which such 126 East 16th Street, War. The Communists hid behind the Arne Swabeck vell of the congress.
New York City SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1933 were French socialist members of the a united front is inevitably circumHow does the further confusion Vol. 6, No. Whole No. Chamber of Deputles, Hamon and scribed.
the for 12 8 0 86 16 15 15 10 5 BOUND VOLUMES of the MILITANT a 10 of