BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyLeninLeninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Letters from Militants Report Unemployed Conference of PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1933 section committee that brought the rank and Alle are with us. The only charges.
trouble with his assertions was that of most significance was the vote of They were, unfortunately, not true. It the jury. Seventeen vote for expulsion and eleven for probation. While most (Continued from page 1) purly, could not speak at all because he was and is precisely because the rank Twenty two sach fuker so long as he shouts pray of the party members and YClers voted cial Fascists. did not address itself to was unseated on the grounds that the and tile are uot yet with us that the ers to the name of Stalin. No.
They for expulsion most of the members of the Socialist party or the of Executive Board of the Fool Workers revolutionists inust waste time on the delegate, leaders and organizations whom the Miners Framed were ou guard against us to keep us the party controlled organizations voted Such a turn about face demanded by Industrial Union had sent u out. We decided not to try to force our for probation. The audience was divided the situation as well as by the element thus volding the unanimous decision of mass still follow.
Among the delegates who did support way delle church because, by no on this decision, not unlike the members ary Leninist conceptions especterom te delegates. In this manuer, Slachtman es pharmacists Union, who called our the Cateterlu department to send ita our view joint was comrade Dreyer, of TAYLORVILLE, ILLThe working class is again on trial means, did we want the police to inter of the jury.
fere in our disputes. The workers saw To rid the working class of white chau stalinist bureaucracy which only yester the Left opposition de leution Carter resolution the only united front proin a county cailed Christian. Twentytwo members of the Progressive Miners for themselves the means used by the vinism mass trials must not be Stalinists to prevent us from speaking at farees. What is needed is Communist result waturally was that only the most from the Protomasin, and two loves tome teachines. llis speech is not even menof America will stand trial March 13 on a murder charge, growing out of the We proceeded to the ball where was in foreign to the Stalinist buret ueracs. una comparatively few of them reference when it went into executive ses sowevet. mention the fact that the Kincaid battle of two weeks ago when ROBERTS.
Emma Cumerlatto, an Auxiliary mem scheduled to speak and there, too, the must be rerired.
sponded to the call and the militants siou. With this ingenious tactical plan left opposition did not have a single were deprived of the opportunity of the Staliuists wou the sisual and deci worker representative of organizations ber, and two Peabody strike breakers Stalinists were stopping every worker were killed and 18 others wounded. from coming to our meeting on a League Activities in pressing the of leaders to the sive victory of ridding themselves of a outside of themselves. Not only were wait on a concrete issue and revealing tandul of Oppositionists from the Cow we supported by the Spartacus Youth In an atmosphere that smells notor. count of the commotion the police again were present. As a result only a few Youngstown to the rank and file conservative work.
Club lously Peabody, our fellow workers are being held like convicts of old behind workers dared to come to the lecture til the rotomagia, bu also by such er what their leaders are worth. The sociability made it extremely difficult Club, the Unser Kamt Workers We decided to proceed to the Greek Young sane lield true with regard to the So to unseat us altogether. The motion of clegates as Dreyer of the harmacists, dismal walls that have been constantly On Sunday, January 8, the in service for Insull Empire since workers district in Locust Street where stown Branch of the Communist league cialist party. The call was addressed to comuride William Kitt, of the Alterna: il Kitt of the Alternation Painters we met many party sympathizers selling of America (Opposition) held a locture locals of the Socialist party. thus makthou auters Union, to scat as fraternal struggle Union, William Hermann of the Car.
against the scab herding United Mine the party organs and we explained to and discussion on The Communist Partying it unnecessary for the hier clegates those whom the Stulluists pro pentru locul 2010, flenry Stone of the Workers of America.
to meet the agent of the bourgeoisie. Auditorium, Tomestown. The meeting crete results of this united front from show of hands, thus saving the American delegates from the International Labor The Christian county grand jury has against that is, myself because the Empros car began at 2:30 with comrade Gorbciow of the second edition? One local resolutions, the Communist International Defense. Out of a total of 90 delegates, rendered murder indictments the backbone of the midland strike on, worker of Philadelphia! Caldis history of the ried this ad of our meeting Attendon presenting a brief outline of the ot the Socialist party responded to the aud the Soviet Union.
Cannot received 18 votes as candidate Bolshevik Leninist Op. Conference, and not a local from the This picayune trick did not keep the for the resolutions committee, with the with murder, there are 32 others chargis going to lecture in your city. De position in the Russian Communist Party. metropolitan area, but one of the least opposition from presenting its standighest vote cast for a candidate standed with unlawful assembly and ineltsing nonce this agent of the bourgeoisie, of 110 followed this sketch of the Left important group. Huntington, lang point to the couferenco, just as little as got opposition origin with a summary of Island. The rank file of the socialthe well oiled maneuvers at the New to riot. The names of others are being The Lovestoncite delegate, Lifschitz, suppressed by the court. The suppres All this fuss of the Stalinists created the platform of the Opposition today, it workers, who by and large feel as Xork anti war conference prevented Xike in favor of the united front, and point sion is, no doubt, to be used as a club a suspicion in the minds of the workers dealing with the question of the united much attached to their organization as us from making known our Welsbord, representing his group, anand they wanted to know some truths front against Fascism in Germany, the do the Coromunist workers to their view.
over an active striker head.
nounceul his support of Cannon argu.
Bills charging murder were reported which were explained to them in a coffee betrayal of the Chinese Revolution and party, responded just as coldly to the Opposition Speaks ment for a new conference and a broad house adjoining the Stalinist club. Ono their problems confronting the Com Sunday Conference call to the locals against the following persons. comrade who was selling the Empros munist movement.
of the as, let us say, the individ No soouer was the flour thrown open united front, adding that it did not go Albert Mattozo, Kincald Chief of insisted that Pappas come along with Police There was an interested audience of nal shop nuclei of the Communist party for discussion than comrade Cangon, re far cnough because it did not propose Nek Passa bim and demand a debate between my workers present several members of the would respond to a united front ap presenting the League, was up to the to aim at a. general strike. An durFred Bassana self and the stalinists. They went along ites, and number of poul of the socialists addressed to the front of the room and ready to speak for this discussion, the representatives with comrade Decamp to the club. There workers interested in Trotsky position. lower branches of the Communist the Opposition. vigilant Stalinist of the official party were silent, appar Vincent Calzla Emilo Vitali the Stalinists refused to debate because The crowd totally forty, most of whom marty. This simple fact, which does not promptly jumped up to propose a limitently not greatly concerned with our in Ferdinand Patterozzi with the bourgcolle on the pretense that platform. number of them asked very school to the comprehended (more accur. utes, which was adopted and to which have the votes anyway: let them talk.
Walter Lusebrink Emil Duptre they wish to get a 17, 000 School Fund pertinent questions on the united front ately: only such a course is capable of comrade Cannon was held with laudable Int at the end of the discussion, the which the multi millionaires, Stefano policy, and we were able to explain rendering the student incapable of com strictness! The Opposition had already floor was taken by the sole represenissued a leadlet to the conference in tative of the party, Hathaway. He Other charges have been placed against Brothers, withheld, to distribute to the leniu tactic to workers who will pon prehension. has not yet penetrated into which our joint of view was set forth. took his place in the division of labor the victims. 10 of the 22 indketed on unemployed Greek families.
the most serious charges are already manded that Pappas leave the hall im They de der the questions seriously.
the skulls of the Stalinist bureaucracy.
held in the Christian county jail without mediately.
After a summary by comrade Gordon, if it hus, they have thought the better In addition, we had handed out to every arranged for by the steering committee bond. Defense attorneys have been em in which he refuted the charges of Trot of it in the interests of maintaining clegate y copy of the two resolutions which he directed. The Communist ployed by the Progressive Miners of Pappas was forced to go away and the sky having broken discipline and ex themselves in the futeruational appar which we presented to the conference workers and militants who did not di America to defend the miners.
workers with him were convinced that plained wbat Bolshevik discipline is, atus.
Lor cousideration. One dealt with the rectly represent the party, were allotted the task of speaking like trade unionneed of organizing immediately for alsts not as Communist trade unionists The ense developed from the gun fight Opposition criticism and that they are able to make clear to all the workers to bring the socialist workers into the watch would be invited not only local. The pure Communist standpoint was the Stalinists are afraid to face the the meeting, and, consequently, we were To make up for this mortifying failure second conference ou a broader basis to but as respectable trade unionists!
miners and Peabody guards, when theiltaries to one of the bourgeois factions. pulsion from the 1, we remonterte elected as chairman the sole dele of the socialist party, the Commun, spokesman. Thus, while the bulk of latter attempted to disperse a group of Our Opposition organ of Athens made left wing of the communis Tuterna: sute from Huntington! This decorative is party and the independent trade un. Che speeches made by the Communist pickets that had formed along the sidethe Greek tional. The meeting was a success for walks of the mining town of Kincaid, a deep impression among trick worthy of the intellectual level of ions. The other proposed a coucrete militants could have been made with The guards approached the miners with workers, especially those copies which the Opposition.
a stage manager in a small town theater und all embracing program of action on ont much difficulty by a somewhat adguns in their hands and white banners which add another loss in the person describe the general strike of Athens Bureaucrats Checked in tied around their arms, as an identificaRecently several members of the Left was the Stalinist substitute for the unische were demand for an unemployment ancehoorepresentative conto the others of tion mark to prevent their side from of comrade Adamopoulos murdered on opposition, after repeated attempts, were te front proposed by the Left Opposition insurance bill and a parliamentary agt sister) Hathaway took care to maintain picket duty by police bullets.
shooting at them.
The Peabody guards were the ages Communist opponents will be denounced Youngstown. This organization, like all tant movement not only the Communist! oriuted elsewhere in this issue, as is to think that the legislature will give The methods of the Stalinista against Inally admitted into the ILD branch in which would bring together into a mili tutu cerit!
All three documents are appearances by telling the audience not also the speech delivered by Cannon.
anything it is not forced to give. We many other struggles that have taken they abosrb our point of view. This day en terribly run down by the Stalin rein the invention of such two for a Our representative spoke on the re have to reject, he added, the proposal place in the strike torn region.
is not far off. Comrade Theodore Pappas of its former sell. Our comra uime, so that hardly a skeleton remains join cent tactics, the Conference stage man solution for a broader conference and of Cannon as a proposal to delas. What Thugs Terrorize Miners It developed, however, that in the rades here to reach many Greek work every possible effort in helping to reevery organization; but the call was not ingly of Communist party members, the antion of the widest section of the work wil help our English speaking comed, declaring their willingness to exertagers were finexhaustible. The call 18k expounded, for the tirst time in years Hathaway meant was that the movement melee that took place the striking miners whom language barriers ers properly defended themselves and prevented build the workers defense organization, meant for the Left Opposition. When B of the united front as outlined ing class, but on the legislative calendar for once the Peabody guards got the from tenching until now They were sympathetically received by the self appointed credentials committee in the Communist International by at Albany.
worst of the fray. In retreating the Sebastian Pappas, myself, and others attended and one of their mumber was seating of one of the two delegates from the closest attention paid to his re few formally radical phrases about not All this fuss of the Empros against the membership at the first meeting they reported, its secretary proposed the un Leniu and Trotsky. There was not only, Hathaway revealed that aside from a In this single sentence, she was opening the door of her home proves one thing that the workers are even elected to the section Bureau.
to save her husband from the shooting.
wild Thoy see that the banner of Commun: ha herokeessa rest opposition, im League of America (Opposition. one of ruptious, but at the end of it there was wint airtered in no sertous degree from ism is carried by the Left Opposition. mediately set out to rectity this mis: in the two from the Young Spartacus Club, a good round of applause. The presenthe rulgar parliamentary opportunism Vincent Rodeins, formerly a national The hysterical cries of the Stalinist con take. To the next meeting they sent from the Unser Kamf Workers Club and tution of our standpoiut, in the resolu with which the speeches of the other guard, now employed by Peabody as a vinces us of this CALDIS.
guard, died as a result of wounds. The dowu a representative, a certain Lewis Troin the Profomagia, the Greek workers tions and the speech, was a striking ad arts instructed delegates was drenched.
following morning James Gus Hickman. Another «Mass Trial. Genuine United Front Rejected Furthermore, James Gordon, unanimous made by the party was in the direction zation, to wipe out the Trotskyites.
The proposal to invite the leaders. killed as he shot at the relief station PHILADELPHIA. ewis took the floor without anybody ly elected by the cafeteria department we had been demanding for a long time as he put it was also rejected by of the Progressive Miners of America in Kincaid.
If it is the aim of the official party tion, and declared that they had no was marked for the discard by the creable about the fact. By the very nature sabotaging the fight; Hathaway only Immediately following the battle the to besmirch the name of Communism, place in the ILD. This provocative ac sentials committee. Finally, the Love of things, the Opposition set the tone neglected to point out that the workers then the party can look with pride tion of the bureaucrats stoncite youth group was to be unseated for the conference from the outset of still following these leaders by the mil.
representative the national guards, began a reign of Peabody gunmen, backed by members of to the burlesque of white chauvinism naturally aroused the resentment of all altogether, as were also two of the three the discussion.
lions, are not yet aware of the sabotterror. Rellot stations were smashed: grafted on Ida Tabachniek, a member of the members present and after a briel delegates sent by the parent body.
The numerous party members who took acc, unless Hathaway believes either women and men were dragged from the Communist party. Brilliant Tacties struggle on the floor he was overruled If the trial, which took place in Irish and the meeting proceeded to its order the floor after Cannon, spoke generally that nobody of importance is following The motivation for these unseatings in an agitational spirit, but none of them or that they are being followed be ers were kidnapped and strike leaders Jal1a39th. no Lanester mind ein The Left oppositionists remained at the mastertal strategist who conceived Løft opposition in was positively brilliant and worthy of them ventured to attack or abuse the cause they sabotage the interests of their were hounded for weeks. The followers.
that contemptible blood for insetivity one could not help indors their posts in spite of the bureaucrats it. Where the central organizations. like routine manner which has always been In any case, it is interesting to note Company started one fight in which the lever, when the charge of white chauvin out cause, a victory for the Left Op have delegates, it was explained, their their cumpaign against the Bolshevik. tomary slanders about our counter revlusting gunmen of the Peabody Coaling her expulsion with both hands. How attack. We consider this, and not with the of Lor the did not the stock in trade of the Stalinists in thnt Hathaway refrained from the cusminers did not how like slaves before ism is concocted out of the thin air, in position and a defeat for the Stalinist local organizations were entitled to two their master. Argust, general Leninists. Or considerable interest was clutionism.
superintendent of the Peabody Coal Com a manner worthy of Don Quixote, then bureaucrats. The utterly unfounded and aplece. But where the central organi the speech of one of the two Huntington losed that all the delegates present conThe resolutions committee report propany, issued a statement that the scabs jurors. For such actions can only com so far as to call one of our comrades. Communist party, the Communist Op we must protest as dld eleven of the slanderous accusations of Lewis going zations did send delegates like the delegates who referred to comrade were unarmed. They were helpless, promise Communism thereby increasing without rhyme or reason.
Canon: deny the assertion of the stitute themselves as the provisional comhe stated to the press. Yet in recent our isolation from the masses.
conferenes it has been chauvinist. left a deeply negative im would be adequately represented by one unwillingly to fight for unemployment ted, the committee found itself obliged white positions. the Unemployed Councils they first speaker that the Socialist party is mitte for the Albany state wide conferproved that strike breakers have a checking room In this tragi comedy the Communist pression on all those present. The Left delegate! Thus, the TUUL, in wash houses where they store ther party of District and Section made Opposition will not be harried from its how many thousands of members was necessary to use politics. The Labor to borrow virtually all our concrete de goat of Ida Tabachnick to hide its course and will continue its efforts to given one delegate, while ne carpenters party in England had unemployment in mands. Instead of confining the move Members of the Progressive Miner of lack of education as well as to prove help build up the ILD.
Amerien have been urging the formation that the Communist party stands for At a recent meeting national local of, let us say, a hundred of more surance. In Germany and other counment to social insurance, the program now included the demand for immedishorter work of a defense committee to secure national full equality, social. economic and poli porter stated that in the course of the could be fairer? Thus the Communist ment insurance for the workers.
attention on the cases that threaten to tical as well as for Self Determination Scottsboro campaign all the other sec party, with Hathaway, its one official Holland, they have good unemployment say, without however, specifying the execute active members of the Protions of the International Red Aid re delegate (together with the dozens of insurance. All of which will be gratomly one of our proposa is not incor gressive Miners of America. The forma Only individuals like Davis (the pro gistered advance, only the American see Rubins, Winters, Benjamins, Neesips, tying news to the German, British and porated by the committee was the one tion of such a committee is under consecutor) could prove that to ask your tion the ILD not only did not gain, and others from party controlled aux! Dutch workers will conclude with dealing with credits to the Soviet Union.
guests not to make so much noise is but even had to register losses. The taries. was on an equal footing with the hope that we will support the So Our resolution for a broader white chauviniam, because bureaucracy confer: colored foregoing example of Stalinists Collaborate comrade is amongst those present. Does well as other examples to follow the Left Opposition or the Lovestone cialist party but we must not fight once was rejected without a single polldo group!
amongst ourselves. The Communist de it matter to the bureaucrats that it much to illustrate the causes for such With Clergy, Millionaires was near midnight, and that a party a sad state of affairs. The Youngstown Protests against this ruling were voted pating the illusions of the socialist de argued that there were only six weeks Lestes carefully refrained from dissistical argument being presented against it. The cornered Stalinists merely can reach such hilarity that other ten branch, for instance, is small and weak down. Another ruling was that there legate. Like him, they were anxious left until the legislature convened, and PHILADELPHIA, Because of our exposure of their fact that the accused had colored com manner, without consulting the member of political group.
That is only one they understand to mean the conceal meet it that they would not be able shameful collaboration with the Greek rades sleep and dine at her house mean ship have proceeded to split up this carpenter could speak at the conferment of the Communist point of view.
Stalinist Confusion to find time in which to call a wide the Empros placed the blame on the chauvinist in spite of this. And what by to deprive it of whatever vitality the ployed Council could speak; only one united front conference to precede it!
concealed The Negro delegate from the Carpentshoulders of the comrades of the Unem is more she is Yet, so demoralized were the Stalinployed Committee of City. In spite which is worse than an open one. She serious worker, not to mention every ser speak as a Communist. naturally, onlyers Union, comrade Moore, opposed the ists, caught in the contradictions inher of this the Empras of Jan. 21st en cour has been brought to trial and therefore fous Communist, has to oppose such a one Left Oppositionist could speak; and Opposition resolution and offered a ent in the half heartedness of the turn, aged the Philadelphia Stalinists to un must be found guilty.
dertake united front with the semiThe next charge was that she had reservation of the single branch up to a James Gordon, the Oppositionist whom these organizations, he urged, referring bodies the of L, the the reckless tactic and to fight for the pre let us not omit to mention that comrade Sorry example of Stalinist mis education of its inadeqaucy and one sidedness, that Don waste time on the leaders of upon Weisbords motion that the central Fascist organization, Abepan, a priest Lised to go out on tag days with colored point where it will be so strengthened the bureaucrats just expelled from the to the and the of The (Continued on page 4)
of St. George Church, and a rival church Comades The defense counteracted this that it can only gain by expanding into which is controlled by a group of Greeks by showing that she had gone out with more numerous units.
headed by the millionaires, Stefanou, negro comrades. Once she had been as Another example of bureaucracy: apBrothers. This meeting coincided with signed a certain territory with new plications for membership passed, by the day of our lecture in Philadelphia. colored comrade but when the people of the membership, but by the section buMany Greek workers whom met upon that neighborhood were hostile to the reau, without the membership having my arrival suggested that we postpone mixed committee he refused to go any any say in the matter! The same holds the hour so they could be present.
further and she returned to the head true for expulsions, appointments and This we did and went with the com quarters. On another occasion she went removals! It is no wonder then, that rades to the Church where the meeting home to her child who was sick. If Ida the initiative of the membership was taking place. There we were am these two cases it was not white chauvwas guilty of anything in thereby altogether deadened and such azed to see the Stalinists guarding the results as loss in membership are not gates of the church Against whominism but a desire to shirk the respon at all surprising. The Left Opposition PUBLISHERS PRICE OUR PRICE were they on guard? Not against the sibility of Communist activity. This was here, ns elsewhere, will have as one of bourgeoisle. They were supporting the admitted by both jurors and witnesses its first tasks in helping to pull our Vol. One Vol. Two Vol. Three per Volume meeting and were using again the ser for the defense movement out of the rut: rating vices of the famous lackey. Sacolario a rood but hopeless fight the Party case of the ILD by throwing off the Although Freed, for the defense, put initiative of the membership In the 00 50 50 POSTAGE 20 PER VOLUME Extra the Boxed Set (former editor of Empros whom helped to remove. who stil parades As bureaucrats had arranged a Roman holl shackles of bureaucracy and reestablish Send All Orders Immediately To PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 East 10th Street, New York Communist thanks to the Stalinist re day. The Stalinists made sure of that ing a regime of proletarian democracy.
glme of the party which covers every by placing on the jury members of the re members, was given two delegates. What tries the Socialist party got unemployate relief, and for the In a 3L8 ants in the building complain? Did the The bureaucrats, in a purely mechanical shall be one speaker from each trade not to fight amongst ourselves which they were so anxious to be on time to LEON TROTSKY History of the Russian Revolution 1s we