BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the post office at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. WHOLE NO. 149 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1933 PRICE CENTS COS Japan Seizes Answer! Where United Front Call Issued For North China Is Rakovsky?
Unemployment Insurance the Rumanian boyans and the Grand let Opposition Welcomes Party Turn and Warns Against Opportunistic Tendencies SAVE THE MILITANT TECHNOCRACY Soviet Union Also Threatened Where is Christian Rakovsky and the councils of the party and the what has happened to him?
International which were ls beyond Persistent rumors are abrou conquestion in the days of Lenin.
cerning his fate. In some quarters That hatred which was inspired in Events are moving rapidly in the Fur East. The Japanese military expedition to the horrifying report is in circulation that he has alreaily died. Under any police against this great man who carve colonial empire out of Northern cireumstances we would never believe had no country but the International China bus gotten under full swing as four Japanese armies numbering more report put in that form. For if was transmitted to the bureaucratic The call issued by the New York State the Third Period. The preliminary mittee proposes a meeting of representathan 10, 000 soldiers apparatus which encountered in him advancing with the news of his death is verified, it Trade Union Committee for Unemploy. conference, the Let Oppositionist, the fighter if Agreed upon, is to in tives of workers organizations to discuss will not be simply because he has the aid of tanks, planes and artillery inent Insurance for a conference to be workers fraternal organisations. local the avisability of carrying through a died but because he has been asagainst national socialism and for along a 225 mile front into the Jehol conference to map held in New York City on January 22 unions of whatever afslation and work state wide work revolutionary internationalism.
sassinated by the Stalinist regime!
Ex which province. The Japanese asenult pelleil from the party together with at the Irving Plaza Hall, is a step for ers fraternal organizations, social and out a legislative program in defense of For more than two generations, began with the ruthless invasion and deTrotsky and the other Bolshevikward which the Left Opposition cannot benefit organizations. Branches of the our interests. We propose that such a Christian Rakovsky has enriched the struction of the city of Shanhaikwana Leninists in 1927, he was immediately but welcome. Virtually from the begin Workmen Circle and Socialist Party conference, if agreed upon, is to con annals of the revolutionary working little over a week ago, under the pretext clude the widest possible representation ning of the crisis, with its constantly are being invited.
class struggle by word and deed.
exilel. The last authentle news heard of defensive measures against the impoorganizations, social, Not all the hatred and persecutions krowing unemployment, we have steadily The enll itself proclaims that the Com of all workers about Rakorsky was that he was tent Chinese garrison located in the indvocated the establishment of a united fraternal and benevolent and above all of the ruling classes in half a dozen seriously ill in Barnaoul, his place of above mentioned city, has turned out acfront of all the working class organizalabor unions, irrespective of political countries ever eaused him to waver exile.
cording to universal expectation, which tions for the common fight to gain relief opinions of afiliations. The workers of for an instant In his devotion to the The latest information emanating this state have never before been con the Japanese did little to conceal, to be from the sufferings and hardships inflietfrom the Soviet Union gives us cause proletariat and its cause. With his ed on the workers.
fronted with the need for unity and unitheir first move in the partition of China.
name is Inseparably associated the for the greatest alarm over comrade ted action as they are at the present devastation and ruin Leaving a trall history of the militant socialist move Rakovsky fate. His courageous reDespite the hailstorm of abuse and ridttime. Any attempt at dividing the force in their wake the Japanese imperialists ment throughout the Balkans, to fusal to bend under the Stalinist re cule to which our standpoint was subjectof the workers at this time would be are advancing upon their long talked of which he gave instintingly of body cd by the official representatives of the pressions has only brought down on at betrayal of their interests.
aim to add the Jehol province and pos and soul, his time, his energy, his his head all the rabid persecutions Communist party we have held steadfastFinally, the Daily Worker puts the of which the bureaucracy is capable.
money, and his brillant talents.
ly to the view that the best way to mobil In a previous issue the National sibly Inner Mongolian toit their the opet stamp of approval on the enterprise with The deliberato failure to provide the Committee addressed an appeal to all state Manchukuo. In spite of the ize the collective strength of the workers The indomitable soldier was at his its concluding comment: The need for exile with elementary medical attenmembers and to all friends and comgadoclo of the Chinese generals and the for the purpose of shifting the burdens united action of all workers of all shades fighting post from the first day of the tion has for some time put his life of the crisis on to the shoulders of the Kuo Min Tang, that they would resist rades of THE MILITANT calling at of opinion and of whatever organization to the last drop of blood, the Japanese Bolshevik revolution when so many of in danger. How long le would be ruling class, was the genuine united tention to the great danger which is desperate. The good results of such his detractors and jailors were on have started their march with nothing able to last under this sort of treat front once practised by the Communists, now threatens our weekly organ. It action can be seen by the typical case the other side of the barricades.
to block their way but the intense cold.
ment, has been an awful question in but thrown overboard and denounced as was said frankly In that appeal that of the smashing of relief cut in Chatrouan of the Council of People our minds for many months. The counter revolutionary by the Stalinista.
unless drastle measures are taken As a matter of fact, Japan refuses to Chicago recently by 100, 000 workers Commissars of the Ukraine, warrior silence and lack of direct informa We declared at the outset that the ineximmexlately the success which we be deterred by any circumstances from in the fight against the counter rerbuilt into a united front of every shade, tion concerning Rakovsky position, orable pressure of the facts of the class have lud thus far in maintaining her Chinese conquest and rumors are Communist, regulars and socialolution and in the civil war, leader current that Chiang Kai Sehk is looking have only increased our fears.
struggle would lift our point of view to the weekly will end with its collapse.
towards negotiations or an amicable of the Bolshevik delegation which That is why we are compelled to This needs to be reiterated with all the top piercing throngh the calomny What is said in the call of the Comaettlement of the dispute. Were and suppression of the bureaucracy. We not bearded the imperialists at the Genoa cry out: Where is Christian Rakov.
possible emphasis and to carry the mittee, in which as is known the Comconference, ambassador of the Soviet sky! What has the Stalinist machine addition that with this laste our finuttered our warnings to the Communist for the pressure from the Chinese massrepublie to London and Paris he has done with him? We will repeat our workers that the policy Imposed upon ancial conditions have become yet munists play the decisive role, and in es and the foreign Imperialists, who have the comments of the Daily Worker we always clothed the post he occupied questions until an answer is given. the party by the leadership would isolate more acute.
their own axe to grind (on the Chinese can agree with all the more easily bewith a dignity, a revolutionary singlewould people) the Chiang Kal Sheks The Communist workers will join the movement, would reduce it to a secIt is no longer sufficient to speak of cause we have fought to have the party mindeness, a scintillating penetration us in this demand for the cause of tarian influence over the revolutionary capitulate to Japan without even their maintaining the weekly MILITANT adopt this standix int at a time when which raised him to that eminence present pretensions.
Rakovsky is the cause of the whole In its regular appearance, the probworkers and nobody else unless the its polley was exactly the opposite. The in the hearts of the proletariat and proletariat!
heim was turn and the course steered lem now is to SAVE THE MILIAnd this is borne out by innumerable in the teated direction we had charted TANT. In the solution of that prob. step forward in the action under consifacts that even the Chinese censor could deration consists in the following changes lem all our comrades, all our friends not keep hidden. The invasion of Shanof polley. Opposition Stand Vindicated and sympathizers, must take part. It halkwan was known for some time preis a serious task. It is important Old Policy Dropped vious to its occurrence not only by Cbang The recent united front conference in task. It holds out no promise of per1. The slogan and designation of 80Hsiao Llang, commander of the gar.
Chicago, was the first big vindication of sonal rewards but it demands some cial Fasclem. which was theoretically rison, but also to many far less informed our point of view. However grudgingly real revolutionary sacrifice. That is false and in practise drove a wedge beJournalists. And yet no attempt was Engineers Have New Plan To Save Bankrupt Capitalism and inadequately the turn was made in the Chicago conference, it was never what we request of you and we feel made to bring reinforcements to strengtween the Communist and socialist workcertain that such a request will not be The engineers and technicians are ga will be able to organize capitalisin. Dr. theless sufficient to inspire tens of thouthen it. On the contrary the fort was ers, helping the latter leaders to mainaddressed in vain to the members and abandoned to the tender mercies of the thering a mass of followers to the move Rantenstrauch says, Technocracy is sands of workers with confidence in tain their control over the ranks, is prosupporters of the Left Opposition. We minent by Its absence. The term is not Japs who proceeded to wipe out every ment called technocracy. It 58 heralded primarily concerned with. the problem their own strength, with the conviction Chinese looking person that was found as a new theory having revolutionary of organizing a civilization to maintain that now the battle conducted know that you have the will to dismentioned; it is not even given the with which implications without revolution. Backing itself on a given continental area. of closed ranks would bring concrete replay such a spirit of sacrifice and in the city. During the battle courtesy of a hint. The conception for where the will exists the way can be merly dominant in the party that the lasted hardly 24 hours the need for as up their argument with a mass of in course not one word is said about how sults. The first stirr blow at the theory found. of Lis Fascist. that the conservasistance became quite apparent. Every disputable facts which they state in a to get rid of the exploiters. They will and practise of so dal Fascism and the You comrades, who have followed tive unions are company unions. is not one looked to Chiang Kai Shek, the gen very capable manner, they explain the organize capitalism in a vacuum. united front from below was dealt by THE MILITANT from week to week to be found at all. The bureaucratie eralissimo of the Chinese armies but historienl development of machine pro The truth of the matter is that these the Chiengo conference. The proposal in its struggle for the Leninist path, idea of a united front under the revolu.
the general was too busy fighting Com duction and how the machine is displacfully appreciate the importance of tionary leadership of the Communist muniste in southern China! Every now Ing Inbor. The Hght they throw upon technicians see the handwriting of the for the New York conference is the secsaving our organ and again lodge It party. which simply put to the masses step of this gentry, proves that it is the marvelons machine development is approaching revolution on the wall and ond blow struck at the theories which upon a more solid financial founda the ultimatum accept Communist leading the Japanese marauders. The only. But the light they throw upon the anwealth is not measured in terms of la of the working class movement as a not only unwilling but incapable of fight most revealing and has positive value. desire to avoid it. Scott says: Physical have crippled the effectiveness of the Communist movement, and consequently tion. That the significance of Its ership or you get no united front is Lor, goods, or money, but in terms of mole Increases from day to day, has also deleted in the present case. For place where the Chinese bourgeoisie and archy of capitalist production is nil.
been amply Illustrated by all experithe Arst time, we have the invitation their lunkeys have shown any belliger Technocracy denotes the attempt of the cuergy. And with the discovery of this ences so far. But the past will appear specifically sent to the branches of the ency is in the talkfest chambers of the scientists and technicians to get out of truth the bankers, the industrialists, the small compared to its future role and Socialist party the very suggestion of League of Nations. And no wonder! To the impasse which the capitalist mode Marxists, the Fascists, the economiats, Worker (January 11, 1993) which pre for that we must prepare.
which would have thrown the Stalinist call into being an effective resistance to of production has arrived at without the the soldiers and the police are things faces the call of the Trade Unlon Com TO SAVE THE MILITANT the Na bureaucracy into an advanced At of the invaders would mean to set the Chelimination of the capitalist exploiters of the past. To measure in terms of mittee for Unemployment Insurance and (Continued on page 3)
nese masses into motion. The Chinese Technocracy deals with the evils of the Kellef, is a far cry form the frenzy of tional Committee has launched a con hydrophobia a year ago centrated national campaign to col(Continued on page 4)
bourgeoiste fears, above everything else, rice system. and considers the problem lect a special fund of 1, 000. 00, apart the Chinese people. They conceive of or energy. Their survey In no way from the regular Income of the organithem as a far greater enemy than all touches or considers the problem is an zation. This campaign is under way.
the imperialists combined. The bourge evil Insuing from the field of production.
It is to terminate March 1, 1933. olsle and the militarists are quite well This shifts the issue to the field of die number of comrades have already aware that the struggle against the fortribution, come forward with their contribueign invader might easily be turned When a ruling class nears its end. Dangerous Turn From Partisan War to Pitched Battles tions. We know it represented a against them as would have been the ideological decay and confusion sacrifice on their part and we know From Berlin comes the shocking news mark case in 1926 1927 were it not for the the twilight of its decay. Such was the SHANGHAI.
losses from Chiang Kai Shek airplane that they will help further. We must of the death of Zinnide Trotsky, daughter Menshevik policies of Stalin and Co of comrade Leon Trotsky, Hounded by say also in all seriousness that the case when the early French materialists Following the unification of the Chl and heavy artillery fire during the recent number of comrades participating in But the Chinese bourgeoiste will not drove religion from pillar to post un nese Left Opposition, it met with serious pitched battle. One section in Western the cruel persecution of the Centrist busuceed in stilling the discontent of the til religion reconciled renucracy, she took her life, victim tolling millions. Already widespread re new exploiters.
itself with the difficulties from the ruling class, in which Hupeh has also suffered great losses renegacy increased the obetacles in our and been compelled to leave their old the contributions to date is mtirely to the thirst for personal vengeance that too small and bas not yet at all sentment is breaking loose against the has animated Stalin in his campaign to development. Comrade Peter, one of the localities, occupled by them for several reached the point of diminishing the Such, also, is the case with the scien. outstanding militants of the Opposition, years, and to seek another field of op Chinese crompradores. Resolutions calling tists who function under the present alled in prison. Now, with the help of eration. Furthermore, the forces danger to our weekly organ. Be annibilate Trotsky, his immediately fam.
cause of this we count firmly upon ily, and his best friends and associates.
for decisive action are pouring into Nan.
king from all parts of the country. Malourgeois rule in the stage of its decay. renegades, the Blue Shirt Society (a Hunan and Kiangal have also decreased in the added support of all of you who Comrade Zinaide was driven to meetings of students burning with resent. They are foundering around advocating secret Fascist organization) and the and it is only on the border between her a thousand and one remedies. One of read this appeal. We expect you to denth even though she was not actively ment against the flagrant betrayal of these widely heralded solutions for police, have captured comrade Chen Du Fukien and Kiangal that the Red Army put your shoulders to the wheel. We engaged in the political movement. More Chlang, are gaining in momentum. The expect you help.
than a year ago, she left her husband in Japanese imperialists may yet succeed the price system. for capitalism, is siu and several other militants. My continues to gain one victory after an next letter will give you more information other, owing to the internal condicts of in blowing the spark of the third Chi Zechnocracy. The real rulers have noth about this. Here wish only to repre the Kuo Min Tang militarists. ARNE SWABECK.
Moscow and came to live with her son in the exile home of her father in Prianese revolution into flames. And that is ingin common with this viewpoint.
These technologists have discovered sent my views of the status of the pea Yet the present situation has changed received to date: The following contributions have been kipo year ago, suffering from lung a conflagration that has burned more the following: that in the last 200 sant war in China, a vital question for to the disadvantage of the peasant de NEW YORK trouble, she recelved permission to enter than one imperialism in the past. The Japanese adventure in northern ines has multiplied man years energy that is power and mach the coming revolution.
Germany for medical treatment.
tachments. The conflicts among the Kuo to 00 ability Trotsky Analysis Verified months ago, the rude and disloyal usurpGordon China is fraught with the direct consequ: produce goods and do useful work for Min Tang militarists are being temporShulman 00 er deprived comrade Trotsky and his ences for the workers of the world and himself by 75 to 100 fold. In their Just as began this leter, received arily smoothed over on the basis of muCannon 00 Pumily of Soviet eltinenship Comrade for the Soviet Union, World war hangs Energy Survey of North America they comrade Trotsky letter on the present tual advantages, and they are uniting Katsikis 00 Ziualde approached the Soviet Embassy in the balance. The working class must have sembled many worth while facts war in China of September 22, 1992. to annihilate the rebellious troops. But Eckstadt 00 in Berlin with the request that her passremain on the alert.
Kent 00 port be extended to enable her to con of the productivity of labor and its dis read it over and over again, and am we are convinced that this work of the Japan is staking everything on this placement, but they arrive at no con convinced that what he says to quito Kuo Min Tang against the Red Army Sterling 00 tinue her realdence in Berlin. Her passChinese expedition. Despite the severeclusions, or at false conclusions.
right. His analysis conforms with the, will proce to be more difeult than the Capelis 00 port was taken from her by the Stalincrisis shaking Japanese economy to its Poulons Howard Scott says that technology present developments in the peasant de former imagines. At the same time, the 00 Ist diplomats and a new one denied her.
very foundations. despite a huge na smashes the price system. Price systachments. The news you usually receive weakening of the peasant detachments Saul 25 Legally without a country, she subsequ.
tlonal deficit, which is growing every tem means capitalism. They think they in the United States does not correspond will again ronder the contradictions withRoss 00 ently received notice that she was to be day: despite the falling value of the yen: with the facts. It is either made up of (Continued on page 4)
Milton 00 expelled from Germany. Last Tuesday despite an unprecedented mass hunger AAAAA AAAAAAAA hourgeois rumors, declaring that Chiang Carmody 00 she was found dead in her home.
is every Kai Shek has won big victories, or else Kitt 00 Comrade Zinside is the second ot it consists of the inflated accounts by BANQUET Kaldis 00 Trotsky two daughters to die. few is plunging the country into an ever Staliniste Vietor 00 years age, the first died of pulmonary greater crisis in pursuit of their imperDespite all this, the fact is that the Spiegel 00 tuberculosis in a Moscow hospital, while designs. All their grandolse plans LENIN pensant detachments are at present weakBeardslee 00 her father was exiled in for Ata. The may blow up under the huge volcano ened and the bourgeoisie has gained some Stamm 00 bureaucracy kept the news from him that is gathering fuel in the simmering trlamphs in the exterimination of the red Marcus 00 until some time after the event, so as to discontent of the Japanese workers and Speaker: bandits. One clear example is the fact THE MILITANT Glee. 50 deprive him of grounds for coming to peasants. The war crazed and avarici CANNON that during its victory against the third CLEVELAND Moscow to attend the funeral.
ous militarists will stop at nothing extermination by the white armies, the Saturday, January 21, P.
Branch Collect 12 It is with these monstrous persecutions, Simultaneous with the Jehol invasion effectives of the Red Army on the Keller 00 mediaeval in their calculated cruelty, has come the refusal to sign the nonJANUARY 20, 1933 borders of Anhwei, Honan and Hupeh INTERNATIONAL WORKERS PITTSBURGH that the stalinist apparatus seeks to agression pact with the Soviet Union.
126 East 16 Street, provinces rose to several tens of thouOklin 00 SCHOOL HALL break down the herole spirit of the What a striking confirmation that is of sanda, and they succeeded in seling Sifakis 00 greatest living revolutionist. Leon Trotthe Loft Opposition condemnation of ADMISSION: 150 stores of arms and ammunition from 126 East 18th Street Hinich 00 sky, whom they cannot fight with honest the Stalinist signature of the Kellogg Chiang Kai Shek forces. But now, MINNEAPOLIS weapons. It is the same sort of persecupact, to which these non agression Auspices they are defeated, e. the strong force Music Entertainment and a Good Time Branch Collect 11. 00 tion that drove Trotsky most intimate pacta are merely a corollary. To sign Br. Communist League of America is greatly weakened, especially when its friend, the noble Joffe, to put a (Continued on page Opposition)
principal troops have met with big TICKET. 466 Total 67. 12 (Continued on page 3)
The Civil War in China Zinaide Trotsky Some Japanese city and village, the unitary OPEN FORUM