AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismIndividualismLeninLeninismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE «With Both Hands The Crisis in the Food Workers Industrial Union in New York world was that in contradistinction from not only in conversation with the Amthe eft Opposition, his faction has re crican bourgeols, Stalin has given up nounced the theory and practise of the completely the policy of the international international revolution. Should one revolution? No, he did not deceive The Stalin Bureaucracy and the United States of America or diplomacy? Even in the limits of frunkuess, the situation as it play with such things in the interests Campbell. lle only described, with rare actually The Food Workers Industrial Union Is Worker, the fraction said nothing about (Continued from page 1) have thought up that double handshake, diplomacy such a game would be con is still another question, and that the in a very bad situation. The enthusiasm the merits or lack of merits of this disas the confiscation of property, elimina that excellent description of the true demned to a miserable fiasco. private most essential of all, was brightly il.
tion of personal rights, nationalization essence of the differences of opinion be conversation, even when it lasts till sun tuminated in the Stalin Campbell dia and strength of its membership and its raceful document.
of women and children, repudiation of tween Stalin and Trotsky.
rise, is not enongh to exercize any in logue: the question of socialism in one strike struggles, which struck terror in Is it possible for us to believe that debts and religion, and above all, what The Yankee remains true to himsel Huence upon the ruling class the country. In spite of all the half baked the past in the hearts of the trosses the fraction forgot the past so soon and gangsters, has allowed itself to be made the scapegoat we thought was an attempt to interfere to the very end in this conversation. The The Yankees are serious bust prophecies, the Five Year Plan did not associations and their with our own Government. told him solid bourgeois, who has had a bad harness men: they will not buy a pig in a increase the economie. independence niven place for a long time to pessim of the general line. Has it been facts of the Soviet Union. On the contrary and discontent. This is very often forgotten that in every instance, all the that neither he nor his Government vest this year and is therefore all the pokes Assertions must stand on could expect the friendship cooperation mere inclined to do a stroke of business and lead to facts. The declaration of the advances of the industrialization ex denied and only occhsionally admitted policies and tactics in the union were and recognition of our Government it with the godles nationalizers of women, Stalin in Omaneuver and no trick: tended and deepened the relations of the leadership of the union and the nude with the endorsement of Zack and they ever did try to interfere with our sticks his leg upon the Soviet table, and taken at bottom it is the consequence of Soviet economy to world economy, con Trade Union Unity Council. But they Johnstone, whether they were altra affairs.
always cantiously avoid any explana Leftist or rank opportunist. For inslajos the leader of the Bolsheviks on the theory of socialism in a single counseguently, also, their mutual dependency. ion of the causes that brought about stance in May 1930, when the Executive Mr. Stalin immediately replied that the shoulder half patronizingly. hall try. It was prepared for by the whole The double hand shake of Stalin and tion policy of recent years. In the near fu his respectful indication of the lett Op the present situation.
Committee after a three day discussion he realized this and he too wanted to warningly, ture too, it may become the doctrine of position to American capital is, in the During the party pre convention is decided to change the structure of the speak with the same frankness with! Xoboly will want to reproach Stalin the new course, into which the bureau last analysis, nothing but the political custon in the summer of 1030. wrote mnion, Johnstone over ruled the propos were such infavorable reports in our with Campbell for facilitating an agree lay, thanks to its blindness and its fall of the Soviet Union upon the out offense. He said that he knew there for endeavorint utilize the meeting cracy is entering more directly every expression of the economie dependency an article on the union pointing ont als of the Executive Committee of the country, and took considerable time to ment with the American government and ures.
explain the true conditions in Russia. the American market. Yet, why this market. The humiliating character of and corrects its errors, the union would rolley. Only a year and a half later, Can it really be forgotten that the this expression is determined by the contine to head tward destroction. this AF of polley was accepted He unhesitatingly admitted, with disudden rise to his feet, this gripping arming frankness, that under Trotsky of Campbell hand with both of his and Soviet government, tinexpected by all. wychology of a very highly situated but This article never appwared. The exeuse by them as the correct TUUL policy.
there had been an attempt to spread this proposal not only of mutual res supported the Kellogg Pact? The moti notwithstanding that petty bourgeois was that it was handed in too late. The love example is an indication of Communism throughout the world. He peut but also come Priendship? Does vation dictated by Stalin and intended turuncrat. whom the great events although it was given to them during the that lack of persistence in the un first week of the opening of the discusion line. Was not condemned time wid that was the primary cause of the that resemble the conduct of a repre ouly for home consumption, said: Even Willys tind unprepared.
The more the stalin faction turns its slon. Again, a year ago, the convention and again by Johnstone and other bu.
break between himself and Trotsky. That sentative of the workery state, who is ir the Kelloug Pact does not go far Trofsky believed in Universal Commun carrying on business negotiations with enough, it is nevertheless a step forward. hack upon the international revolution of the union took place. The discussion Pancrats fur proposing in the leading ism while he wanted to contine his efforts the representative of the capitalist Soviet diplomacy is of course under no the more it will feel its dependency upon for the delegates to the convention was fraction the abolition of the general sbop by elegates council, the establishment of to his own country. Ile explained that world Alas and alack, no resemblance obligation to say out loud everything it world capital, the more convulsively it limited ly the fraction (headed ander will cling to it with both hands.
tal Joseph Zack) to ten minutes and later section executives, etc. etc. they hnd neither the time nor the money at all! But it does resemble the crawlIstoking. It must not, without against try feet, In hand shake is not only a symbolical to strenuonnly protested To conceal these facts which are very world, evening conduct of a petty bonrgeois before mining the ground beneath its should they wish to do sand that a ble Bourgeois. This little occurence inake any steps of declarations which act It is almost a program. Whereas this decision and insisted that the past well known at least to some members of his own chief interest was to improve which to put it frankly, nauseates one help the enemy to deceive the workers he thoughtlessly and flatly accuses the errors onght to be brought out into the the mion can only bring injury to the the conditions of the people in Russia, in the reading is very characteristic: it and weaken their vigilance. The Kellogg oppusition of endeavoring to turn over open and a chance to discuss these er TUL in particular and Counminism in without any interference whatevever in afforis the passibility to discern the true act is to step forward to peace, but Soviet industry to foreign capital, Stalin or be given to the delegntes. In this seueral.
the government of other countries. political consciousness of Stalin, who is the diplomatic cover for the mightiest is obviously preparing for a change in way, some of the confidence lost by the In his letter, Zack speaks for dem and most dangerous of all the imperial the international as well as the internal members in the fraction, might be re cracy against burvaincracy. What a We discussed the Third Internation So resolute and relentless in the strug gained. This proposal was rejected by ty! Didn Zack, over the heads of Al and other reports of Soviet propa sle against the Opposition Community ist bandits. The matter is not merely political course.
contined to the laet. Litvinov recently Stuck in a vise, the bureaucracy 18 Zack on the ground that such a dis the untoli letterali, come down to the ganda and must admit that Mr. Stalin and the dissatisfied workers.
convinced me there is no attempt now Tor capatule of engaging in any adventure, cussion would tend to demoralize the Conconi workerx, demanding a ten perFifteen years after the October revolt partial disarmanent. In that counce including treacherons ones. To trust it convention supported the American proposal on his part, or on the part of officials tion, Stalin speaks with the American tion the Soviet press did not expose blindly, means to be an accessory to On November 16, 1982, the elections of cat tax on their wages for the TUUC of the Soviet Government to interfere capitalist in virtually the same tone in Iloover demand, but only those imper treason. Today more than ever are we the officials in the Cafeteria Section took my the tax are enemics of the working with the Government of the United Sta which filiukor and tes. We discussed politics, economics, poke with Buchanau in the notities with it. Meanwhile, Hoover proposal, dude in the set of foreign political long and satisfactory report on the Ders refused to submit to this categorical ted States, transportation, agriculture The resemblance lies not only in the aim reither disarmament nor the avert. tion but also with sharp distrust.
Just like the Kellogg Pret, has as its relations not only with tireless atten union. He defended the general policy and arbitrary demand, Zack came back of the TI UL and said that it some sort a few weeks later with an alleged de and education. was amazed at Mr. tone, but also in the contents. The Stalin knowledge of general affairs. necessity is openly preached amongst control over war and peace in the hands of crisis existed in the union, it was becision by the National Committee of the ing of war, but the concentration of th On guard! Be prepared. cause we had failed to carry out cor Trade Union Unity League and He reminded me of many of our big you in the press and in public for con of the The preparation of fav.
the industrial leaders who must have a gencluding the war. Buchanan cuttingly orable moral and material points of de The Militant enn be bought at WHERE THE MILITANT IS SOLD rectly the general line. Then three party. stating that for the benefit of the minutes was set is the limit to the dis the concoops. they were eral knowledge of practically ali affairs reproached the February powers that be.
ordered to Curion, which was not to last over an leave their jobs. When the workers to hold their positions. His words, as Not we Milinkov, Tereschenko, Kerenurture for the coming war that is the following news stands: hour. Some party members who had elected a committee to see comrade Fosinterpreter, were carefully chosen, and sheviks. But we ll finish them off right could not express itself openly that is they were transferred to me throngh the sky defend themselves, only the Balonly task of the American imperialists. Minneapolis, Minn: If it is assumed that Soviet diplomacy Engelson News Co. 231 2nd Ave. chanced to le misunderstood by the party ter and find out the reasons for this Schindlar Book Store, 6th and Hen bureaucrats. took advantage of the ordecision, he (Foster) in the presence of was particularly surprised at his enough. Just look, Kerensky knowledge of the Constitution of the assured Buchanan, holding his hand have spoken for it. But when the stal Chicago, III.
then not our opinion then the press should nepin Sts portunity to winooth over their bad the National Committee, said that the United States. In fact, my own lack with both his own because he did not inspired diplomacy clings to the prostanding by defending the general line committee knew nothing of this deci.
of knowledge of this same Constitution have a third hand just look, Lomni posals of Hoover and Kellocs with both General Book Store, 2009 Divi Then the state of the fraction for the Sion and turning to Zack, he condemned caused me considerable embarrassment, already driven into illegality again and hands. it is deceiving the world prosion st. Post Office News Co. 37 officials was presented and steam rolled him for such bureaucratic action.
Monroe St. Carillon Book Shop, without difficulty to the glory of the and the first thing did, upon reaching Trotsky is in the resty prison.
The Komellos Case letariat and weakening the Soviet state. 7001 Coles Ave. Horsley Book general line.
London, was to find a bookstore to buy Naturally, staliu position is essential of the Centrists in Amsterdam placea Store, 033 Madison St. CheshinAnother example in the Kornelios case.
The Open Letter a copy.
ly different, for the October revolution themselves entirely upon the basis of Because Kornellos dared to criticize the sky Book Store, 2720 Division The conference lasted well Let us take the open letter of the Ex: inefficiency of the Concoop management, after is an historien fact, and the apparatua petty bourgeois jeifism, which is hon St.
dark, as the sun sets early in the north britses itself upon its social consequences. estly meant for the most part and is Pittsburgh, Pa.
ecutive Committee of the TUC signed he was tired from his job by Zack asly the General Secretary Joseph Zack, Nixtant. John Steuben. When the memern country. Upon leaving: he told me But the tical task of acy at all events still rooted in the masses, Ross Book Shop. 1330 5th Ave. addressed to the organization and pubbership of the imion condemned this ac that the interpreter would prepare a cloes not consist in the spreading of the then in Geneva, they join hands at the and II. News Co. 220 Federal St. 8: lished in the September issue of the conversation, October revolution throughout the world: Left with imperialist pseudo pacitiem. Hirsch Book Shop, 1023 Center Ave.
tion and voted that Kornellos return to Food Worker.
which received two weeks later in it is for this program that Trotsky was whose roots are to be sought in banks Los Angeles, Calif. In it the crisis is analyz. work, Zack wala. Nothing cloing. The ell as follows: London, signed Stalin. and with this exiled from the USSR, Stalin respect and trusts. In the question of war, the inembership is not always right, and Belmont News Co. Arcade note keep this record, it may be st. It is necessary to emphasize at this rejected its decision.
a fully reports to the American hourgeois plones break openly and demonstra Smith News Co. 013 Hill St.
very historical document some day.
time that the inner situation in the Tix Stalin s, tank consisted in improv. tively with the revolutionary tradition St. Louis, Mo. Fool Workers Union is such that theism of Bent. Teltlebanm and the others, As to anarcho syndicalism, the cliquThe correctness of the interview, as ing the position of the Russian people of Leninism. Their immediate objective Foster Book Store, 410 Washing union can hardly attract and hold workis clear from the circumstances de by menns of Friendship with Ameri is to win the trust of American capital. ton Ave.
y ready for organization. The let. question in our next article.
we shall deal with these aspects of the scribed, is beyond any doubt. Campbell can capital. Unfortunately. However, it The nocturnal conversation in the Krem San Francisco, Calif. is no light minded journalist hunting is precisely Stalin polley on the field in constitutes Irreplacable commentary ter attributes the cause of the present AlcDonald Book Store, Sixth st. conditions in the union to the followmet poluts for the union. But these In conclusion, Zack prokised several after sensations, but an energetie Yankee of improving the position of the peo to the speeches of the Soviet delegates Boston, Mass. business man, an important American ple that leads to constantly sadder reat Geneva.
man of wealth and machine builder. Hults.
Shapiro Book Store, Beach St. tions of the union; constant changes in points were proposedl dozens of times He is quite kindly disposed in his rela Perhaps a snge will be found to con question, and on this field it can lay Yet, diplomacy does not exhaust the Andelman Book Store, 284 Tremont the leadership: lack of persistent, steady in the st. They never materialized due tions to Stalin. in reporting the Inter tend: Ry his assertions abont the interno claim to first place. Where does the St. Cantor Store, 49 Howard St. line of policy in the industry: Infantile to the fact that the party members did view, Campbell did not rely merely on national revolution, etc, Stalin simply Communist International tit in?
Newsstand at 38 Causeway St.
Leftist tendencies when the union is not function as a genuine Communist For Roxbury, Mass. upgrade: rank opportunism when fraction Stein Book Store, 536 Warren St. faced with severe clifficulties: lack of Only recently, the pity bureaucrats report supplied to him. Finally, Camp his real opinions. What is wrong with of the Comintern has been called and his memory, but also upon the official) aimed at deceiving the American as to four and a half years now no Congress Claser 1933 inner democracy: cliquism of Beal and arbitrarily excluded more than thirty Twittebanm, etc: and above all, the fail. comrades from fruction meetings, con been dented. These circumstances sut such point? Yet, only ficiently clarify the correctness of the hopeless idiot could possibly beltere such the time to appear at the ECCI Plenum COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA a completely ever. Stalin does not so much as find TUUL.
tive elements. Only those with speinterview from the formal side. But an explanation. Left Opposition)
So vend the letter. But when we ex. cial invitations from the fraction secretmuch more important is the inner poli Before anything else: Is it permitted and leaves the leadership to people who Registration one dollar per course amine closely the actual results of Zackary are now allowed to attend meetings.
tical power of conviction of the conversa to seek to deceive an adversary by such for the most part need Jending themJ. WEBER, Administrator letter we see that the general line ear. This action has nothing in common with tion, its concordance with the spirit of declarations which must Inevitably conselves. Is it not a delibernte demonstra 126 East 16th Street ried out in full in the union (which en Leninism. If comrades are not qualified their participants and their circum fuse and demoralize friends? For what tion of disrespect for the Comintern: stances. No journalist, moreover, could Stalin simply declared before the whole Does It not signify and in actuality and New York City tirely reflects the general line which the for the fraction, they must first be call Stalinist bureaucracy has imposed uponed to account before the Control Comthe party. is what brought about the mission and action taken there. Such present conditions in the union.
procedures Indiente that no healthy to the poor. Only when the movementtions for barmony and the mutual It is discouraging, however, that with measures are being taken to remedy the began to recede were the troops used for interests of capital and labor, the exception of Kleron mild criticills within the union.
shootings and brutal suppression, many Anarcho Syndicalism and the Unions SEBASTIAN PAPPAS.
of those who had bought rice at the In 1906 the worker intellectual Kotoku sun in the following issue of the Food Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism lowered prices being thrown into prison returned to Japan from the where for indeterminate periods.
he had been active in the ranks of the Our Club Plan Had there been the barest kernel of WW. Kotoku brought to Japan the and the Development of he Proletariat a Bolshevik party in Japan at this time, best traditions of this movement, an in MILITANT BUILDERS By Jack Weber the year 1918 might well have been sufficiently grounded but revolutionary hailed as the 1906 of the Japanese precursor of Communism. The move.
The turn over of labor in industry is formiat unions but ever ready to sup working class. But no such organiza ment thus founded was ruthlessly houndSince December 24th there has been Joel a vital index of workers living condi press dangerous tendencies without tion existed, ready to place itself coned by the police until temporarily supJ. Rosy tions. In Japan this Index no change in the rate at which subs are artificially warning.
sciously at the head of the masses in pressed after the discovery of a bomb lowered by the method of involving work The Outburst of 1918 and After action and to formulate the necessary plot against the Emperor In 1911 for coming in. The record for December 24 Hudson ers in debt at the beginning of employ As the cost of living rose to dizzy political slogans in the light of the ex which eleven men and one woman werel. January is not a good one. Perhaps Rayburn ment so as to keep them in bondage, and heights during the war, the workers isting situation and the relation of executed. Despite this inevitable result the reason is the year end holiday slack, Gottlieb by the virtual imprisoument of labor in were driven more and more by need to forces. The masses were not aware of of individualist terror, the basic ideas Be that as it may we must now make Hamilton dormitories Factory workers are all strike for higler wages. Whereas in developments in Russia, the censorship of syndicalism, direct mass acton and for lost time. To make this camW. Koulkow lowed but two rest days a month by 1914 there were only 50 strikes involving acting as a cordon sanitaire to pre industrial unionism, penetrated deeply in a success, every brunch must par0. Coover law and those in dormitories can only workers, the number of strikes rose rent the infecting of the Japanese work into some of the unions, particularly the page and there would be no let up Lessin leave two to four times a month by spoto 398 in 1917 and to 417 in 1918 involvcrs. Whatever leadership aid exist was those organized in the newly built dock in the work.
New York should be taken as an exJ. Sitakis cial permission. Even so the turn overing in the latter year 66, 000 workers. more under the influence of anarcho yards, destined soon to closure under the MeMillen in normal times is extremely high. The existing scarcity of food was ng syndicalism than under that of Communlight of the after the war crisis of 1920. ample of what splendid work can be Miller official figures setting it at from Go to kravated by the Siberian adventure which ism. Tlence the complete lack of pre Encouraged by the uprising of 1918 in done by taking advantage of our club 100 percent before to Weber present crisis necessitated the buying up and diversion ration for events, the sporadie char which they had taken a leading part, plan. New York is in the lead again. Basky The costliness of this turn over may be from the market of large stocks of rice. acter of the outburst and the lack of the syndicalists led several grent dock in New York more comrades are parti Drucker gauged by the fact that it takes a year. The pinch of hunger was felt everywhere Lolitical demands that could have served yard strikes during the years 1919 and cipating in the campaign than anywhere Ingram in silk mills to bring a recruit produc by the masses.
as a focal point for later organization. 1921. In the Kawasaki and Mitsubishi else, and they are doing the work conJ. Rits tivity up to average ret the average Suddenly, without previous warning. Soviets were out of the question but de dekyard strikes of 1921 there was exsistently, term of work is but slightly more than the storm broke and there came the mands to end the war, to grant universal hibited the inspiringly herole solidarity Here is the record of the campaign The New York Branch is represented To combat from the beginning up to date hy cities on this list by five members. That is one year. Nor do the girls who repre thunderclap of the spontaneous uprising suffrage to recognize the right of the of thousands of workers.
the reason New York stands at the head sent more than half of all factory work of 1918. Starting in the obscure fisher workers to organize. under the circum. the rapid spread of unemployment now THE RECORD BY CITIES New York ers (and 80 percent of all textile work village of Toyama where some fisher stances the democratie slogans could engulfing the working masses, the 48 of the list of cities.
ers) transfer to other factories. They men wives stormed the rice shops for have been linked up with the more ele strikers set up the slogan of workers Chicago 32 Mobilize the membership for the camprefer to return home to marry or the food for their starving children, the mental demand for bread and peace. syndicate) control and management of Minneapolis 22 ign Are forced into prostitution.
movement specad like wildfire among Nevertheless the rice riots of 1918 the shops. Many strikers felt that the Pittsburgh 18 Trade Union Movement workers and pensants. The agrarian form a turning point in Japanese his proletarian revolution was at hand.
Philadelphia 15 The first attempts at organizing trade movement revealed its elemental power tory. The masses learned their own These strikes were the high point of Montreal 18 unions were ruthlessly suppressed by hy the burning of the homes of large power and the utter helplessness of the syndicalist influence in Japan. They. Toronto 10 THE NEW YORK CLASS IN THE the government. The anti union Act of landowners in forty two provinces, and ruling class in the face of a mass out. lnstrate the splendid fighting qualities Boston 10 HISTORY OF THE COMMUNIST 1900 remained in force with but minor the looting of granaries. In the space pouring into the streets. The seed was of the syndicalists but also the inevit New Castle, a.
changes up to 1026 when, following the of a few days the workers in practically wanted for making the workers conable downfall of a workers movement St. Louis INTERNATIONAL English models of opportunist harmony every large town and city poured out scious of their historic role. Conscious that attempts to ignore the state with Des Moines Due to the holidays at the end of the unions designed with the aid of the rul into the streets, banded together and ly or not, the first step had been taken its special armed forces pröpared to Lynn, Mass.
year, the course of lectures on The ing class to blunt and render harmless where they did not loot the shops dir. on the road to the conquest of power. crush any revolt. These strike strusSouth Bend, Ind.
IIistory of the Communist International being conducted by Max Shachtman at the weapons of working class organizaretly, forced the sale of rise to pre war Immediately the riots resulted in a great sles and the political consequences form THE STAFF Japanese government decided prices. Troops were called out in every impetus to unionizntion. The unions an object lesson of the absolute need of Chicago Friends of the International Workers School, 126 to foster and encourage company union large city. The workers faced the troopa became a force to be reckoned with, one a revolutionary vanguard in the form of the Militant Club 12 16th Street, was postponed for two sesism by a new act recommending arbitra and called on them not to fire on their that conld no longer be safely sup the Communist party armed with the Capelis 12 sions. The course will be resumet this tion in labor disputes. This act has re brothers and sisters. The government, pressed by the ruling class. Instead Marxian theory of the state, analyzing Vomvas 12 Sunday, January 8, 1933, with the mained a dead letter on the statute booke realizing the ultimate possibilities of the the government and the enlightened every new situation by means of its Nash 11 Fourth Congress of the Comintern as although company unions have spread. situation, threw the troops into the capitalists were impelled to resort to the dialectic class approach and thus pre Morgenstern Trade unions still possess no legal status, shops to sell food over the counters at new methods of boring from within pared to put forward correct tactics Dunne the tople. All comrades are invited to the government cautiously tolerating re low prices, yes, and to give free rice the unions, helping to create organiza based on correct policies. Krem attend.
on Deltis reports have nowhere, tanto newer that? Tapolite wortet while hangloopwindetnobody knows when it will be called International Workers School ure to carry on the general line of the elderland en ongehobe will be spen JAPAN tion, the