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The Hunger March to Wash.
New Expulsions in the Comintern In Germany, another piltar of the ap «Traitors» and Scapegoats proofs of a heroksied in the revolutionary act Leon Trotsky History of the Russian Revolution PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1932 a direct revolutionary treat against the state. Of course Benjamin was only throwing sop to the delegates. The picked up this story in the capiNow that the Washington Hunger It was not the police and hostile capl talist press and on the enemies slander Marchers have returned home with in talists we met all the way to and in sent a cable asking if this was so. The (Continued from last issue)
Trilla) which has structions to organize the class for im. Washington that changed the attitude of alarm of Moscow can be understand when pratus has not fallen, then at least mediate relief and unemployment insur, the de. egates. It was internal factors of we turn to the fact that Stalinism has been rudely disturbed.
struggle, holds our confidence. And Out of a clear In the Bureaucracy ance it is time to follow up our report our own weakness. One critical stage again, in a resolution against the Right or last week and to draw some lessons where the change could be noticed was control. They are for demonstratins, blue sky the official party press in Ger. has announced that wing Maurin group, the Comintern from the marcb. We can say that the at the second session of the Workers activity of the American party in no many was all arouge engaged in clande is perfectly obvious today, appuirently. Wessed itself with regards to the Bulwhen com Washington was excellent and that na rade Benjamin was making a report builders of socialism in one country way upsets the anxious plans of the tine factional work against the Len even to the Central Committee. But dos lejos leadership in the following unmis.
tive born workers, white Negro con and said we knew Congress would not They want to obtain United States re inist Central Committee, its line and its the fact that the latter advanced the tagable terms: The EOCI unreservedly stituted the majority of the marchers. sive us any relief but he did not a cognition. The leaders of the world reving, defects and errors made leadership. What is more, the shortcom identical contentions in every one of its approves the policy followed by the leadthe ership of the Communist Party of Spain.
in the pronouncements, exempt it from Uureservedly! Ah, what a supreme conmarchers were from the new layers of und substitutod for this analysis the the lying capitalist press become the past (it appears that. after all, there same charge the class shifted forward by the crisis. advice to go back home and organize subordinate the world revolution to were some made. are to be ascribeul Finally, Neumann is taxed with having tempt the bureaucrats have for the sought to replace the main strategic mental faculties of the workers in the But overbalancing these good points, the workers to carry on the struggle for maintain peaceful relations with to the work of Neumann.
the their powers of memory, that as well as the publicity obtained, are the same demands. The reaction to capitalist powers in order to. bulld up all along the line, not only in the of the working class with the slogan they can denounce today as traitors The usual offensive has been opened slogun of the conquest of the majority ranks, whole series of negative points that can these remarks was bewilderment and con. socialism in one country.
be traced back to the wrong Stalinist Lusion, as if the delegates, at least German but in the interational party of the people revolution. Unluckily whom they have fought all along, those BILL KITT.
policies which we criticized in issues of large section of those who made up the press. The current issue of the Com. for the Central Committee and its stalin. very people whom they supported with the Hunger new layers into our ranks, came to Washthe Militant previous to munist International (No. 17 18) con ist commanders, it is impossible to burn out reservations ouly yesterday. The fate of Bullejos is shared by a which up the mountain of documents on this March THE MILITANT ington with the ident that they were comtains an article by Platnitsky The 3000 delegates represented directlying to get some results and winter reEntered as second class mall matter gives some idea of how heavy is the score which have been written in the product of that stinking swamp which about 200, 000 ct the millions of unem let. From this point on the spirit lag November 28, 1928, at the Post Ofice at burden which the infallible bureaucracy last two years. The nationalist degen bears the name of Communism in AusNew York, Under ployed American workers. The organised and sank to a low point.
of is now shifting on to the shoulders of eration of the party was the common rin and from which so many thousands zations represented were: the latest scapegoat. The line in work of Neumuun, Thaelmann, Manuil of Austrian workers have recolled into the unem The Stalinists can be blamed for this March 3, 1879.
Germany for the last three or more sky and Stalin. They jointly demanded the arms of Austro Marxism. The vie ployed councils, TUUL unions, Left wing because the method of their propaganda, Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition)
years was held to be irreproachably the national emancipation of Germany. tim in this Instance is none other than groups of AFL unions, the ILD, the IWO divorcing the immediate demands from Karl yesterday who they jointly participated in the infam. the party leader of Leninist. as were the leaders at 126 East 16th St, very and workers fraternal organizations and the revolutionary goal and posing the EDITORIAL BOARD conceived it and those who carried it ous ascist referendum in Prussia; they Toman. Unfortunately, we know than at most, a few AF of locals, some of immediate demands isolatedly and apart the delegates were elected at mass from the end, invites such a conclusion. Martin Abern James Cannon into effect. The criticisms directed were jointly responsible for the nation little about his case, even less All in all, To aim at Congress without this correct Max Shachtman Maurice Spector against the party policy in Germany by alist anti Semitic frateruization with the about Bullejos. but the reports inform meetings held by the more was of us that while in Moscow, Toman it was a united front of the party base for the program, with an extraArne Swabeck the Left Opposition criticisms which Lieutenant Scheringers, and the same.
also expelled as a traitor. The thick its close sympathizers with special fireIn reality resulting in the direction of dele parliamentary form (mass pressure) but SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1932 each new day contirmed with telling ac The simple, incontestale fact is that wall of obscurity behind which these Vol. 5, No. 51 curacy were denounced in unmeasured gates from the Councils who Whole No. 147 terms 18 counter revolutionary. The Neunann is being made the goat for the apparatus machinations take place is the movement a real American face. In creating parliamentary illusions within other words, so far as a Leninist united the class. At least this is what hap theory of social Fascism ruled sup second time it happened once in 1927. kurt and parcel of the whole Stalinist reme, in all its worst aspects. But the 1928, when he was made responsible for system.
front is concerned the Washington Hun pened to many of the delegates. They Traitory and Scapeagats ger March was a failure. The other came there expecting results from the accumulation of the territie consequences the made to order In Moucow putsch in In the best days of the Comintern, of this policy has reached a height that Canton. The second time is now, when working class organizations, with their pressure on Congress and when they can no longer be ignored. We now learn his narrow shoulders are being weighed there were many traitors and turncoats reactionary and reformist misleaders, found that this did not materialize they therefore, that while the general line down with all the crimes, blunders and to the revolution in the leadership of were not represented. And the absence went away bewildered. They were not was correct, it was carried out in prac stupidities of the central Stalinist ap various parties. There was even the of delegates from these other organiza disillusioned. They came with illusions tise erroneously, from start Anish, puratus in Germany which have set back case of Dr. Paul Levi, for whom Lenin tions was not due to their elimination and went away confused.
And that the fault lies exclusively with the revolutionary movement in so dread had such a high respect when he stood because the misleaders would not unite. We warned the stalinists of this dan yesterday aide de camp of Stalin. ful a manner.
at the head of the German Communist Their absence as organizations was due ger before. movement of demonstraHeinz Neumann.
Whole Spanish Leadership Expelled Party. During the March Action in to the fact that the party and the unem tions without the base, without mass Neumann was given a comparatively 1921, Levi stabbed the party and the Who Is Heinz Neumann?
ployed councils did not apply the united pressure, a top without a bottom, relight sentence. His character, or rambattled workers in the back. His ac front to win the rank and file for the sults in creating a shell without conNeumann occuples a rather sinister ther lack of it, makes it possible for tion caused surprise and confusion to march and to expose the leadership INtent. Without this class content, with place in the history of the last decade him to adapt himself to the new cir most of the Communists, although he ACTION.
out Communist class directives of the of the Comintern. He not only adjusted cumstances. shrug of the shoulders, had been slipping away from the ComThe Communist party was in complete party, It shifts into opportunist channels.
himself with bland ease to every lead a cynical grin, a statement of guilt intern prior to that event. But the ership chosen by or imposed upon the and a place is opened for him again in settlement of accounts with Levi took control, it dominated every Abre of the The New York and New England de movement, and yet not once during the legation rushed back home. difficult party Brandler, Fischer, Ewert, Thael the apparatus. But the Neumanns of place in the open, before the eyes of all, Returned march did it shws its face officially. spirit hung over the return.
mann but was himself the actual poli the Spanish party have not been let on with the material available for study the tical leader of the German party since so easily. No mere denunciation here and decision. Levi parted with the ComNo political parties were represented, delegates were instructed to make the Sixth World Congress of the Com not even the Communist party. To have report but the delegation as a whole In this case we have the out of hand ex intern because his views did not harmonintern. An adventurer out of nowhere, pulsion of nothing less than the whole ize with those of the latter, because he one hundred percent control and not to failed to make reports along the way, of that peculiar stripe represented by party leadership!
be oitically represented is to hide the until protests from the ranks forced a refused to follow the path of Lenin John Pepper, he was known in inform The whole group in charge of the with regard to Centrism in Italy or the face of the revolutionary vanguard of meeting in Newark.
ed circles as the direct representative Spanish party from the days before the situation in Germany.
the class. Everybody knew the Com. In New York, for the first time, at of Stalin in Western Europe. In fact, republican uprising down to yesterday, munists held the leadership of the move a meeting to welcome the delegates at Nowadays, the Stalinist system conhe was, together with Lominadze, the has been summarily expelled. In the aists in finding traitors to serve as ment. Why fear to be officially repre Cooper Union, Hathaway officially spoke principal organizer of that notorious text of the excommunication from Mos scapegunts for its own crimes and ersented and speak to the marchers as the for the party. By this time the pressure Communist party. Corridor Congress during the Sixth cow, the EOCI declares that all four, rors. It is not so much because they from the Left Opposition and the ranks Congress in 1928 which corralled of the party most prominent leaders, disagreed with Stalin that they are exThe Workers Congress held in Wash. Itself forced the party to speak. Hathington, supposed to be rudimentary and away said the Communist party WAS the majority of the delegates for Stalin Bullejos, Adame, Trilla and Vega, are welled or removed, but usually because from under the very none of the official traitors to the Spanish revolution, to they did not agree with the policy, did first steps toward educating the class to proud of its part in making the Hunger leader, arin.
the idea of the American Soviets were Aareh success and giving it tbe 18 the Spanish nmun Party and to execute it as best those policies can be few weeks ago, without the faintest the Communist International, mechanical gatherings where leaders wues of immediate relief and unemployAs may executed, or else because the confusion preliminary warning, Neumann a Neu be seen from these choice terms, it is a sewed in their own minds by the fanmade reports and delegates listened; ment Insurance. Weisinan, at this meetmann group, in fact. was suddenly at triding matter.
where resolutions were carried unani. Ing said, the party at no time concealed tastic theories of Stalinism, disabled tacked in the open by the central organ lessons the fact that it supported the march.
The whys wherefores of the case, them from a sufficiently speedy re orien.
mously but no conclusions of the German party. It is discovered the Stalinist center contemptuously re tation along a suddenly presented new drawn. Such is the way to alienate Instead of correcting a mistake, this at a single blow that the Bolshevik frains from specifying. That Builejos general line.
the American workers from the idea of belated explanation made things worse.
Central Committee has had differences and Co. are guilty of many things is Workers Congresses.
Delegates in the hall asked each other, of opinion with Neumann on a series of beyond dispute. But in our eyes, their with Varski, Kostrzeva, Brand and their The latter is the case, on the whole, On the way to Washington some at why say this now? Why was this not Vol. Ono Vol, Two Vol. Three fundamental questions for a period of greatest crime consists in having follow group who have just been expelled from tention and some results were obtained said at the beginning? Some of the close to four years now.
led slavishly and without dissent the the leadership of the Polish party and in a demonstrative way, but in Wash Western delegates did not know what 50 00 50 The differences concern no small disastrous instructions ington wo were practically held as pris! the role of the party in the march was Stalin, Man constituted a Right wing opposition.
questions. Neumann, reads the bill of uilsky, Kun and Co. At every stage in Varski felt more than at home during oners under arrest. The Washington They know it played a part but just watchers of the parade were far from what part they could not make out.
particulars, sought to replace the slogan the development of the Spanish revolu the whole period of the Right Center of the Red United Front with that tion, the Comintern laid the basis for bloe in the Comintern, friendly, in fact in the main they coula The party again failed to carry out of the Red workers front although the tragedy of errors of Communism in Stalin Bucharin from 1923 to 1928. He the rule of be catalogued hostile. On the way a united front and again isolated the the Indictment skips over the interesting Spain. In this sense the loyalty home from Washington things were dit advanced layers from the class BOXED SETS OF THREE of was the political genius who in 1927 question of wherein lay the distinction Bullejos cannot be questioned.
ferent. In the main it resulted in a Benjamin made a speech on Monday between the two. Further, Neumann is (By the way, the traitor Bullejos. Etat in Poland as the beginnings of greeted the reactionary Pilsudekl coup rush for aome. The spirit was low and when the question of a march was under VOLUMES. 10. 00 accused of a lack of under tanding of like Celor in France, Neumann in Ger the lenocratic dictatorship of the proconfusion seemed to reign in the minds discussion. The vague threat that we of a great number of delegates. They would march regardless of the authorthe importance of Inner trade union opmany, Varski in Poland, was in the letariat and peasantry. The Stalinist position work. with the implication forefront of the struggle against seemed bewildered as to what had been ities refusal, was picked up by the entirely unwarranted, to be sure. that Left Opposition. Ile not only wrote a Right wing group quite disoriented. It the swing to ultra Leftism in 1929 left this accomplished.
capitalist yellow sheets and famed into the rest of the party leaders were not pamphlet several months ago to prove continued to cliug for some time to the POSTAGE ON ALL ORDERS: Extra lacking in such an understanding. More that the Trotskyists were the agents apparatus.
over, he coined the false formulation of counter revolution, but on more than apparatus wheel finally threw it off at The constant turns of the back in December 1930 concerning the one occasion he threatened to exterminan angle, in the direction to which it Bruening government, according to which ate the Spanish Opposition center with was always inclined: the Right opposlthe Fascist dictatorship was already the aid of strong and plercing argution.
Send All Orders Immediately To here. That it was the Left Opposition ments. If there is any doubt that the newly the report of the Warsaw organ of the At the same time, if we are to believo which first ridiculed this preposterous (Continued from previous issue) the meantime, cancelling his election for identification of Bruening with Fascism, expelled are simply In Kansas City we did not succeed in the Hunger March. When workers in PIONEER PUBLISHERS scapegoats for Brind, a Lett Opposition group has been is of course not even whispered by the Stalin, who must find some explanation formed with establishing contacts with the Jewish his branch heard of this outrageous act, Central Committee which has all the for the calamity in Spain, it is enough throughout the industrial centers of considerable support movement prior to our arrival but a they protested vehemently. But it was 84 East 10th Street, New York time been engaged in denouncing (toto read the resolution of the Comintern Poland and with strong roots in the lecture was aranged for us by Shorty too late. The marchers had already left gether with Neumann. the Opposition published last May in the central theor Left wing trade union movement. The Buehler who issued an English leatlet and Payer was not permitted to go with as social Fascist its standpoint. organ of the Spanish party: This lateness of the appearance of an Opposlannouncing that we were to speak in them. Comrade Goldberg applied for That Neumann contentions were idiotic leadership (1. e, the traitors Bullejos tion group in Poland may serve to bring Jewish on the Left Opposition. In re membership to one of the branches of it on the political scene in much strongsponse to this leaflet came a number of the Citizens Unemployed League. At the er form than in many other countries.
English speaking workers who requested very meeting he was accepted, he movvery happily chosen for the purpose, But on this score, we must await more us to hold a lecture in English. We ed that this branch send delegates to the purpose remains that of fusion.
authoritative details from our comrades readily consented and bad a very spirit the Hunger March United Front ConIt is scarcely necessary to go into the abroad.
ed meeting. The row Stalinists in the ference. This carried and comrade This is the reply of the Nationul Com whole tone of the reply in no way in audience by their arguments only belp Goldberg was elected, participating very mittee to the statement of comrade alcates a desire or intention to engage details of your letter, teel obliged to the recent expulsions in the Comined us bring out in starper relief the actively in the preparations for Welsbord. in a loyal and comradely collaboration emphasize the fact that your treatment tern are inseparably associated with the viewpolnt of the Left Opposition. As a Hunger March. This act of the branch COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA with the communist League of America. me absolutely unsatisfactory. It is not in every case, those removed were most of the question of Centrism appears to just concluded 12th Plenum. In virtualresult of our short stay in Kansas City in sending a delegate to the Commun. Opposition)
On the contrary. For these reasons the a question of name, but of the political prominently associated with yesterday a we now have a number of subscribers ist Hunger March terrified officials 126 East 16th Street, National Committee is compelled to sus content of the Stalinist faction.
to Unser Kant and a comrade in charge at the head of the Citizens UnemployOctober 31, 1932. pend any further negotiations with the removal symbolizes the half bearted turn of the work who will try to broadened League. Their primary concern 18 Dear comrade Weisbord. Weisbord group until such time as It is superfluous to repeat that to the right which the 12th Plenum the circle of our readers.
In the Militant of October and 8, the latter shall have established its would be glad to observe a real coming foreshadowed. We are apparently In St. Louis we spent three days. of Commerce and the police officials. They the National Committee made public a position in a manner, as laid down in together between your group and our the eve of one of those prolonged zigOur activity was concentrated primarily do not believe in struggle; their meth statement of its views on the letter sent our statement of October and 8, which American section, but it is evident that rags to the right which will make more upon saying a foundation for an Unser od is that of ingratiating themselves with by the Communist League of Struggle we consider a minimum for the fusion in the present stage this procedure can ludierous than ever Kamt club, since our circle of readers the bosses and collecting a few crumbe. in reply to the letter of comrade Trot of the two groups and the future dis not be seriously influenced from abroad. Irandlerist standpoint that the essence the superficial in this city makes the building of a club We had the occasion to be present at sky. Our statement was aimed at facil cussion inside of the united organization. It is a task between yourself and the of Stalinis Leftism It is neither possible. Unfortunately, we could not the meeting where the venom of the of Itating the fusion of the Communist of any serious differences of a secondary League.
that nor is it Rightiam as such. As slay much longer and we only succeed ficials was directed against comrade Gold League of struggle with the American character which may have arisen or win Prinkipo, Oct 13, 1932.
the sum of its two principal periods ed in bringing together a group of peo berg. They saw in him the danger of section of the International Left Opposl. arise.
from 1923 to 1928 and from 1929 to date ple who constituted themselves With Communist greetings, as a the organization being radicalized from on the basis of a clearly and honNational Committee, TROTSKY. indicate, Stalinism represente the polprovisional committee for the building within. long letter of the Central estly established agreement in principle, Communist League of America.
tically parastic faction of bureaucratic of a club. Our lecture in St. Louis was committee was read off to the branch and without permitting matters of secSecretary.
Centrism, with a system of inner party attended by a small but attentive and in which It was condemned for partiel ondary Importance to constitute an in(Excerpt of letter from Trotsky management all its own. The recent responsive audience.
pating in the Hunger March. When com surmountable obstacle. The National (Copy of letter from Trotsky to to Our branch in St. Louis is concentrat rade Goldberg asked for the floor ho Committee must regretfully establish Weisbord dated Oct. 13, 1932. the National Committee dated Oct. 22. expulsions are eloquent in their signific 1932, and regard to the above. ance. MARSH.
ing its activities among the unemployed as told by the president of the organd that the reply to its statement made by Denr comrade Weisbord, workers. They are under tire from two zation. Frank Wall, a renegade Cornthe Welsbord group, even lewe than its This is an answer to your letter, and It appears that you were not sent al We cannot refrain from adding a note directions: the Stalinists are trying to munist, that he is not a member, that first letter, meets with the requirements through your mediation to the letter of copy of my reply to comrade Weisbord. on the recent expulsions in the Italian isolace them, and the Citizens Unem his inembership was not approved by which we consider necessary for a your group. My delay in answering was This reply wrote before had the op party over questions of policy which are ployed League, under control of reac the membership committee consisting of solution of the question. Instead of al due to my assurance that the Militant, portunity to become acquainted with your clothed in total darkness, so far as the tionaries and in which the Musteltes three individuals who have the sole right clear statement of its point of view in contrary to our premature assumption, comprehensive reply to the Welsbord Stalinist press is concerned. Siz comSanthem. The stalinists use all kinds of whole structure of the organization, ac Weisbord group takes a step backward point of fact, find in the last issues our parallel actions quite well supple sane, La Camera and Gilodi, have been trickery and abuso in trying to keep cording to the constitution Frank Wall in this respect and attempts to defend my letter to you and your answer pub ment one another expelled from the party. In the Stalinour comrades out of the situation. For read off, is that of a company union. To the errors which have separated it from lished Integrally and even without any ist press, the names of the comrades example, comrade Payer was elected by our amazement we found that Carl Lore, us. This is carried out behind a bar criticism in the same issues. TROTSKY.
are printed, together with the city each This procedure is very accomodating.
lives in and his home address! If this the Hunger March. When he appeared on the membership committee. Appar with which is combined that petty, false perhaps a little too much so. If you unprecedented act has any significance with his bundle ready to leave for Wasb. ently, they conulder the progressive or lo are seen mulinet which Welabora possibilities and methods of fusion, you from the sea the continuation of Jack being delivered into the hands of the Pressure of space compels us to omit at all, it means that the comrades are inglon he was promptly informed by the labor action.
Loonl Stainlet bureaucrats that ape SYLVIA BLEEKER. has been cautioned before, especially in will understand without any comment Weber series of articles on Japan. It police. That too is not in contradiction. MORRIS LEWITT. comrade Trotsky letter, Finally meeting of his branch was held in the from me that cannot find your steps will appear in the forthcoming number. to the Stalinist syetem.
or «Unser Kamf» Tour Concludes with the Launching of Worker Clubs Negotiations with Weisbord Suspended on