BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerKaganóvichLiberalismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

A. and Hour Day Trotsky. Bonapartism in Germany ta And is Haec sales tar. It was branded as a devices with the continuing wage cuts and then not time now to begin to call them ment of Papen, at any rate in its pre Papen however so far only promises to ob ical form. Yes, immediately but we PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 to a proposal for the seven hour day?
It would be inconceivable to think that the party leaders should not want to have the trade unions adopt their (Continued from page 1) conditions of labor replacement, as well, slogans. The chief theoretician. Continued from page 1) government of Hindenburg Papen Schlei of von Papen is of course very risky morsure to purely parliamentary as by the fact of oppositions crystallie Browder, last year, in arguing against legislative one. It is not so much its ing against attempted official well outsour advocacy of the six hour day slogan First, was not bonapartist one, not cher, the Brandlerites refer to Marx and Mince Marx characterized the regime of state Wais, although it absolves the there have been during the recent the coven hour day lends in the direc doubtrul Buonapart by blood, but also be authority may also have weight with us. regime of adventurlets, crooks and pimpe.
Lederal government from responsibility, months a wave of strikes against the tion of the revolutionary working cause his relations to clasuos, especially it is difficult to be made fools of in a Actually DAX could be brought to pun class solution of the unemployment to the peasantry and to the lumpen pro more flagrant manner. The fact is ishment for a malicious slander of the which is important. No, it is rather inhuman conditions under which unskil.
leave the fact that these officials can now led workere reach as low as 00 week problem. But why there to such letariat was not at all the same as that that Marx and Engels wrote not only government. But if we should foresee the possibility of capitalism ly wages. Thus while labor stili utstinctlon, he failed entirely to make of Napoleon the First Moreover, class of botinpartism of the two Bonaparts but aside this indriect inconvenience, there actually beeing compelled to accede to cheap in the south, the additional clear. And the reason is because cal bonapartism grew out of the epoch also of other species thereof. Beginning. rumalus nevertheless the doubtlous fact measure of unemployment Insurance bourbon bouts of it being contented do.
cannot be made clear. It cannot be de of gigantle war victories, which the sec. it seems, with the year 1861, they have that the blatorie instinct brought DAZ to tended any more than the general false ond Empire did not know at all. But likened not once the national regime the proper place. Unfortunately one can They thereture found it necessary finitely belongs to the past.
give allegiance, at least in words.
Stalinist views we should look for the repitition of all of Bismark to French bonapartism. And not say the same of the theoretical wisUndoubtedly the officialdom considcionary and working class movement can policy for the revolu the traits of bona partiem, we will and this in spite of the fact that Bismark hom of Thalheimer.
what with the traditional. of ers as a bad omen certain rumblings of non partisan political policy which revolt amongst unions of the skilled be defended.
that bona partism is a one time uurepeata was not a pseudo radical demogogue and Bonapartism of the era of the decline But the Stalinist party leaders have live occurence, that means that in genobjectively is partisan to capitalism crafts. Therefore they feel the neces15 a legislativo proposal only it can sity of stopping a little livelier. In the made the additional mistake of obecur. eral bonapartism does not exist but that the peasantry. The Iron Chancellor was of capitalism differs widely from bonemean nothing but a continuation of New York Typographical local, the ing the shorter workday proposal in its there once was a general Bonapart. not rained to power as a result of a partism of the era of ascension of bour.
begging capitalist politicians for favor. Big Six, very strong oppowition devpresent program of immediate demands. born in Corsica. The matter stands no plebiscite, but was duly appointed by his seols society. German bonapartiem The working class, however, from a loped to the international president is that accidental, or is that a part of different with liberalism and with a legitimate and hereditary king and not supported directly by the petty boura history.
long range perspective, is confronteu Howard proposal to accept a wage never the less Marx and Engels are right. eisie of the country and village, and in which the slogans of today become When one speaks by analogy of bona Bismark made us in a bonapartist fashion this is not accidental. Precisely there not only with the question of the neces. big numsity of optaining this measure, it ber refused to accept a wage cut preparations for the struggles of tomor. partism, it is necessary to state precisely of the antagonism between the propertied oro we wrote at one time of the weak row? Are they content to leave that which of its traits found their fullest classes, and the rising proletariat, overwens of the government of Papen which confronted much more definitely wit. sponsored by the officials. And to fleld entirely to the whims of reactio expression under present historical coming in this way the the question of strengthening its cluso register their opposition further they antagonism molds on only by the neutralization of two position in the struggle for this im carried through to victory their fight nary trade union leaders and the social conditions.
within the two propertied classes, becamps: the proletariat and the fasciata mediate objective.
reformists? Are they content to let that against the reactionary local machine tween the Junkerdom and the bourgeoisie, But behind apen stand the Present day German bonapartiam has and raised a militars police apparatus landowners, finance capital, geueralgreat Toward Social Reformism of president Frank Wilson, despite its slogan rest in Green hands? That support from the international office. That would mean leaving it in the hands very complex and so to say combined over the nation. The policy of Bismark rejoin other Marxista. Do not the character. The government of Papen is that very tradition to which the propertied classes in itself present.
That the official F. of direc. But largest of all is looming on the of the agents of the class enemy.
would have been impossible without theoreticians of present German bonn great force? This argument proves once Green spoke strong words in its favor tion is making a bend toward SOC. horizon of future indications the revolt at the Cincinatti convention. He spoke ascism. But Fascism is not in power. partism refer. True, Bisnark solved in more that it is much easier to understand reformism is only further substantiated of the Illinois coal miners.
These manifestations are small but other worthies seconded him. Is it for strikes to secure this measure. And the government of Papen by the tact that the Cincinuati convenism, On the other hand, the govern of the external greatness of Germany. logical outline than in a concrete hlatorhis fashion the problem of German unity, class relations in their general socioltion also went on record against the they point to much more serious clashto the test in action before the work sent form, would have been impossible trin for Germany equality on the in Fapen stand the propertied heights and measure the convention went on record the employers for new and additional lead? The method by which to do this tual prostration of Germany in the war, ence! But we were not trying to prove the cause of his weakness.
good the ever more persistent demands from ing class whom they are supposed to without Hindenburs, who inspite of the ternational arena. Not a small dimer they onls: precisely therein is contained to soak the rich by a proposal for in cuts. The large centralized banking is through the building of a Left wing siguities in the memory of wide masses that the bonapartism of Papen is of the creased incomo and inderitance axa corporations not only make these de.
Under the conditions of The great victories of Germany and symbol, same calibre as the bonapertism of capitalism a government which would present day movement within the of tion. But that this bend is essentially mands in more definite terms upon the very least that this F. of con izes the army. The second election of ark. Napoleon the Third was also only not be the agency of finance capital is with the objective of more etrective interlocking industrial concerns vention action should call for from the Hindenburg had all the characteristics a parody of his pretended uncle.
opposition to the advance of com they also press the government into Communists 18 to undertake now and of a Nebiscite. Many millions of in general impossible. But of all posel.
munism was very well attested to in action, from the federal down to the The reference to Marx as seen has a ble agencies the government of Papen is in earnest the task of arousing the labor workers, petty bourgeois and peasants the unanimous greeting of the remark. municipalities. Hoover has already re.
movement as a whole to an actual (Social democracy and Centre) voted for slovenly character. That Thalheimer the least stable one. If the ruling classes of the American Legion national cumsponded, setting an example in his mes.
Hindenburg. They did not see in him does not understand the dialecties of could rule directly, they would have no mander before the convention. He prosage to congress, advocating a wage struggle for the six hour day, the five day week. with no reduction of pay. any one political program. They wanted Marxism we suspected long ago. But, need either of parliamentarism, or of so claimed that the Legion and the AF cut for all foderal employees down to ARNE SAWBECK first of all to avoid civil war and raised we must admit, we thought that at least cial democracy, or of Fascism. The gov.
of Lwould have to do the bulk of the the lowest brackets, where it hits the Hindenburg on their shoulders as a su he knew the texts of Marx and Engels. crnment of Papen reveals too clearly fighting against Communism.
hardest, to those earning 1, 000 yearly per arbiter, as an arbitration judge of We take this opportunity to correct our finance capital, leaving it even without In this connection it is necessary the mistake.
the nation. But precisely this is the sanctitled ordered by the again to examine the approach of the PAMPHLETS WANTED The Six Hour Day Slogan russian commissar Brakht. Just beOur charcteristic of the presidential cause the extra party, national governofficial party leadership to the trad We are now completely out of the most important function of bonapartism: We have often repeated the conten. Bound Volumes of comrade Trotsky raising itself over the artworostregeling government rejected by the Brandlerites ment is in fact able to speak only in the unions on the question of relief measures for the unemployed. In that respect, titu tion that as a means of issuing out of confirmation name of the social heights, capital de ing class problems, it has proven tru. resort to further lowering of living Th make another attempt to bind some more. cedes it, or does not allow it to rekindle from a very unexpected and in its way ever more careful not to identify itself same as in regard to the general work the crisis the American capitalists will tinues. This leaves us no cholce but to order, it suppresses civil war, or pre received a very brilliant authoritative source. With regard to with the government of Papen. DAZ to su centrist position. It has sowa proot of this contention is at hand. This This is where the dificulty comes in. Sen behoort waven met andet for et for the dissolution of the Five day Reich wants to find for the presidentend gover As you remember we advertized the denburg on whom rests the sanctioning of stag Daz (Deutsche Allegemeine Zeit ment support in the national socialist confusion and harm, combining chu proof forms a part of our conclusion of adventurists policy of isolation from the coming serious struggle. And it is Round Volumes as containing some pom the social democracy, masses and in the language of ultimaunions with a lagging behind, dragged important to remember, that, though August 28th in a long article the work tums demands of Papen a bloc with Hitphlets that were ont of print and unob. character of German bonapartism exat the rear of events. The party lead yet in retreat, the American workers tainable except in these Bound Voluntes. pressed itself in the fact that the demaof Marx The 18th Brumaire. for ler which means capitulation to him.
orship did not approach the unions have not been defeated. On the con. That was true. But now that the Bound Boric work of catching the masses for what purpose? No more and no less than in evaluating the strength of the preliving organisme, subject dictatod by the economic structure to put their strength to the test in are unobtainable anywhere, even by us. independent parties: the social democracy rights of the president to put his boot the circumstance, that it finance capital within which they function. The party battle. It is in this connection that in order to bind additional sets and national socialism. If they are both on the neck of peoplo representation stand behind Papen, this does not at all leadership did not at all press trwaru real attention must be paid to the pro need the fololwing pamplets. The Draft astoudehoed niet te results of the or worse The organ of heavy industry risked at mean that it calls together with him. Fin!
endeavoring to tako its part in determ posal adopted by the AF. Of con. Program; The Turn in the Germany this does not change the matter one a dificult moment drinking from the poi ance capital has innumerably more posle whit.
ing and speeding the direction of the vention for the six hour day, the five the key to the International Situation; soned wells of Marxism. With a rebilities than Ilindenburg Papen Schlelehchange. When it should have been day week, without reduction of pay. and World Unemployment and the Five The social democracy asserts that Fase markable adroitness the paper takes from er. In case of the sharpening of contrapressing relentlessly upon the o As already mentioned, the resolutions Year Plan. It our comrades will send ism is the product of communism, This the immortal pamphlet a long quotation dictions there remains the reserve of and its leadership for a united adopted are only a paper allegiance so these pamphlets to us we will be able to is correct in so far as there would have explaining how and why the struggle for unemployment relief far as the reactionary leaders are con o ahead with the birding. We need lote been no necessity at all lu Fascism with president as the incarnation of the na of contradictions one will maneuver un continued the opposite course of seek cerned. Towards them it is necessary of them The more we receive the more out the sharpening of the class struggle, tion obtained a preponderance orer the til the time when the proletariat puts Ita ing to withdraw these act. vities from to be more vigilant and more watchful we will be able to bind.
without the revolutionary proletariat, split up parliament. The same article knee on its chest. For how long Papen the unions. Today when the party than ever. Not only to watch their We ask for these pamphlets on the without the crisis of capitalist society. of the DAZ reminds very apropos how it will maneuver e near future will show.
should be in the midst of building up resolutions but also to watch their following terms. We are absolutely un The flunkelsh theory of Wells Gilferding the spring of 1890 Bismark developed a These lines will appear in the presa strong Left wing groups within the fingers. Yet the resolution 18 of enor. able to pay for them with money. We Otto Bauer has no other meaning. Yes, plan for a most suitable governmental when the new elections to the Reichstag of in preparation for the coming mous importance both in respect to the can issue credit slips for the amount of Fascism is a reaction of bourgeols society cheuge. Napoleon the Third and Bis All have already passed.
The bons serious battles, it is still way behind condition which called for its adoption the pamphlets against any accompanying to the threat of proletarian revolution mark as forerunners of presidential gov partist nature of the anti French gov agitating from the outside in a manner and in respect to the opportunity it or future order that the comrade may But precisely because this threat is not ernment are called by the right name by ernment of Papen will inevitably reveal which widens the separation of the offers. There is the possibility of mak make. But these orders must be for an imminent one today, that the ruling the Berlin newspaper which in August itself with a new force, but also its weakvanguard from the trade unions. Meaning it a real live slogan, of making it literature. We are strongly against ap classes make an attempt to get along at least played the role of an official or mess. We will take this up again in due while, this has fac. litated the efforts ou a central slogan which will help to turn plying them to sub extensions and re without a civil war by the medium of a gan.
time the Fof officialdom to again the workers retreat Into its opposite newals. And the pamphlets must be in bonapartist dictatorship.
To quote The 18th Brumaire of Louis Prinkipo, October 30, 1932.
reinforce its position of domination over into the direction of the offensive. From rood condition Objecting to our charcterization of the Napoleon in reference to the July 20th TROTSKI.
the rank and file membership by giving this we can begin to perceive the enor.
paper allegiance to progressive me mous significance of this slogan fram the standpoint of class relations, that LEON TROTSKY The Conditions and Methods of tendencies that are brought out through is when this slogan is really taken up Planned Economy its medium. The blueprints produced by Are there signs of Coming Struggles. seriously and actively and pressed for or what sort are the organs of con the offices must demonstrate their econward by the revolutionists and militants.
structing and applying the plan? What ome expediency through conımercial cul Outstanding today is the fact of the Even in what is indicated by the acare the methods of checking and regulat culation. The system of transitional general trade union retreat in face of ceptance of the six hour day at Cining it? What are the conditions for its economy is unthinkable without the conwage cuts, all along the line. Practically inatti, and despite how little it is success?
trol of the rouble. This presupposes, in throughout. the officials have been the taken serious by its sponsors, there The Situation on the Eve of the Second Five Year Plan Three systems must be subjected in its turn, that the rouble equals itself.
most active sponsors for accep ance on is nevertheless a powerful substantia this connection to a brief analysis. 1) Without a firm inometary unit, commer.
the general plea of hard times for In tion of the correctness of the Left Op. Continued from last issue) against spoliation of socialist property special state organs, e, the hierarch cial accounting can only increase the dustry and easy replacement of labor. portion in proposing it as a central But one of the most important dispro sufficiently characterizes the extent of ical system of plan commissions, in the chaos.
But within the general retreat there slogan. But what will it mean to the portions consists in the fact that the the evil, the gist of which, in the village, center, as well as locally. 2) trade, as are sufficient indications of what is stalinist leaders of the official party availability of money. In the language consists in the fact that the peasant system of market regulation. 3) So tion are not as yet taking place within The processes of economic construc.
coming. It is established by the fact of WII, they insist that the of of monetary circulation, this is what is strives to direct his grain not into the viet democracy, as a system of living a classless society. The questions relatunton membership refusal to accept bureaucrats should make a viceleisteen called inflation. In the language of socialist, but the capitalist channels. The reaction of the masses upon the struc ing to the allotment of the national Inwage cuts and strikes despite the easy backward and give lip service instead planned economy this signifies exagger prices on the speculative market are high ture of economy.
Cated plans, incorrect division of forces enough to justify the rise of capital puncome compose the central shaft of the and means, in particular, between the ishment. What part of the foodstuffs is that projected itself into the scientinement of the cl. 88 struggle and that of If there existed the universal mina, plan. It shifts with the develop production of objects for consumption and diverted into the channels of speculation cancy of Laplace; a mind that would re social groups, and among them, the varithe production of means for production. In the Volga Casplan fish trust, it is sister simultaneously all the processes of ous strata of the proletariat itself. These From that time when the correlation reckoned that 20 percent of the catch god nature and of society, that could measure are the most important social and econIn the struggle between the Stalinist demand at this stage of class relations faction of the party and the Left Opposle in the United States, Calles doutside labe the latter safe guarder itself by freez. really does 902 asks Pravda skeptically forecast the results of their inter reac city and the village, e, the balance be the then thgerontareh, the Left Oppost into the hands of class collaborationis. not put into circulation, but kept in hand the drain should be considerably higher priori draw up a faultless and an ex rural economy and that which it supplies tion has carried on a fight in the most anyone who avocates the nationalization to be distributed bureaucratically. This But even 20 percent means hundreds of haustive economie plan, beginning with to it; the interrelation between accumuimportant large cities as reported in the of industry and workers control of the signified that only teh percunaryl shadow millions of poods of bread. Repressions the number of hectares of wheat and lation and consumption, between the fund Militant. Weisbord issued a leaflet to dustries in the present condition of the of the scissors had closed its blades, may become inevitable measures of self down to the last button for a vest. In for capital construction and the fund for the New York Ratification they cannot replace truth, the bureaucracy often conceives labor wages; the regulation of wages and signed the leatlet Communist know the most elementary education of while their material disproportion still preservation League of Struggle. Adhering to the the Communists, let alone that of the Femained. But the peasant is little inter the establishment of the link, they do that just such a mind is at its disposal for various categories of labor (skilled ested in shadows. The absence of com not create the economic foundation for that is why it so easily trees itself from and unskilled workers, government emInternational (Trotsky) Opposition. Left Opposition.
modities has pushed him and continues the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the control of the market and of Soviet ployees, specialists the managing buThe position of Weisbord is also and The leaflets demands great demon to push him in the direction of a strike they do not even guarantee the provi democracy. But, in reality, the bureau reaucracy. and finally, the allotment of has nothing in common with the pusition stration in Washington threatening dras in breadstuffs: he does not want to part sion of foodstufts.
cracy erre frightfully in its appriasal of that share of national Income of the Loft Opposition.
tie action by the masses should the de with his The authorities, therefore, could not Ite spiritual resources.
which rain for money.
down. Weisbord Not having become a matter of simple stop merely with repressions alone.
In its creative falls to the village, between the various In ness, it is obliged perforce, in actual per strata of the peasantry all these questhe Insane policy advocated with that or wants us to threaten drastie action. Good, and profitable exchange for both sides, the struggle for foodstufts and raw ma formance, to defend upon the proportions by their very nature do not allow Many workers confused this leaflet and mands be turned the Communist League of America. The Rut what action? He answers by say the provision of foodstuffs and agriculterials they found themselves compelled; tions and with equal justice one may of the a priori decisions of the bureauing that call for a national general tural raw material has remained as hith to order the city to liberate the village. any, the disproportions) it has inherited craes, that has fenced itself off from bureaucrats knew the difference bu cleverly utilized the leaflet to expose strike to take place on the date set for erto a political campaign. militant While in the cities, particularly in the from capitalist Russia: upon the data of the Interference of interested millions.
the program of the Left Opposition. It Congress to act to put pressure on Con drivo. requiring each time the mobile provinces, the State and cooperative the economic structure of contemporary The struggle between living interests, this leaflet represented the program of ress, and to support the Hunger March, zation of the State and party apparatus. stores bave become depleted.
should be issued by the Hunger March. Many kolkhobes. Pravda cautiously recapitalist nations; and finally, upon the as the fundamental factor of planning, The balance of the link with the experience of successes and mistakes of leads us into the domain of politics, our American section we would deserveers in Washington. general strike, a ports (September 26. resist the col village during this year has not as yet the Soviet economy itself. But even the which is concentrated economies.
national general strike to be called, not lection of grain, hiding their stocka. been taken. But the trading channels most correct combination of all these lustrument of the social groups of Soviet тро The following are several of the out by organized unions or mass movement we know what the word many sigui o the cities are exhausted. We cava elements will allow only of constructing society are should be. the Soviets, standing mistakes of the leatlet. More or by the party but by the Hunger March ties in such a context. If the exchange more goods to the village, said Karan: most imperfect wire skeelton of a plan, the trade unions, the co operatives, and mistakes in a one page leaflet are dimers! general strike is a class weapon between the village and the city were ad ovich in Moscow on October 8, and, it and not more.
cult to conceive of.
of first importance but when played vantageous, then the peasants would have may use the expression, we have of The innumerable living participants of the inter reaction of the three elements, According to Welsbord, The present with, as it is by Welsbord, it becomes a no cause whatever to bide thelr stocka. fended the city. The expression is ab economy, State as well as private, col state planning, the market, and Soviet March cannot merely be an exposure of mistake of first maguitude an adven. but if the exchange is not advantageous, solutely permisable: the cities and indus lective as well as individual. must give etnocracy, can be realized the correct ther government. Foto de considerable ex turistic piece of ultra Leftism proposed e. it It takes the form of compulsory trial districts have been offended, notice of their needs and of their rela management of the economy of the transit tent this has already been done. The of all relationship to the actual sit tras then the ko!
the workers.
e strength not only through the stat tional epoch, and only thus can be as considerable extent to which the gov. uation and the state of mind and organt many as well as the individual proistical determinations of plan commissured. not the complete surmounting of ernment has been exposed. in Welszation of the masses.
prietors. The duties of the posants in. In 1929, Preobrazhensky, justifying alons but by the direct pressure of sup. contradictions and disproportions within bord mind, will be best seen from the Infantile Leftism of the concrete pro of the program and base upon which vested at presnt with the character of the aid of the Sovkhozes and the Kolk and, to a considerable measure, realized mitgation, and, through just that, the This leaflet and these ideas are part supplying meat provsions are officially in his capitulation, prophesied that with ply and demand. The plan is checked a few years (this is Utopia. but their posals he makes later on.
Welsbord wants to base his mass work. natural tax in kind, with all the en hozes, the party would force the kulak through the market. The regulation of strengthening of the material bases of Weisbord makes the astonishing de Stalinism has its brand of mass work. suing repressive consequences. The eco to his knees within years. Four years the market itself must depend upon the the dictatorship of the proletariat until mand for the nationalization of the key The American section of the Interna homic results of the 100 percent col. have elapwed. And waht have we? If Industries, for the opening of factories tional Left Opposition will continue its lectivization ade designated much more not the kulak he has been put out of we see it. Preobrazhensky himself, in revolution will widen the arena of sothe moment when a new and victorious under workers control so that the neces activity toward greater class activty, but correctly by these facts than by the bald commission then the strong middle any event, was much too hasty in getting cialist planning and will reconstruct the sary prducts can be turned over to un always upon the basis of Marxlan pol statistics of collectivised hectares. man has forced Soviet trade to its knees, down on his knees before the Stalinist system.
oployed and starving workers. This Iclos.
The fact that severe laws wore phased compolllog it to ofond the workers. As bureaucracy. To be continued)
SovietEconomy in Danger Weisbord and the Hunger March und