BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

New Expulsions in the Comintern Greek Stalinists Meet Arguments of Left Opposition With Slanderous Attacks Hoover Last Message to Congress in SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE which a Communist is rather, should be submitted, were never put before him.
He was given only one test for leadership: Was be sufficiently lacking in The much vaunted ideological conso the socalled Group of Celor, Barbe, thoroughly reliable agency. This yang tegrity, independence and knowledge to lidation imposed upon the Communist Luzeruy and uthers, who budouly the et political bandits was uncovered by quality him for the post of ever ready International by the Stain:st apparatus day before been the leaders of the party. Othur, similarly virtuous bureaucrats, servility and obedience to command from Iu a undertako to had for years been of a kind that went in this campaign to find a scapegoat only when a servicii ofering had to love? This test be pused with superb sie line of slander or lies can be found expose ine? it is simpis maneuver hand in hand with an organizational dis. for the stugnution and retrogression of be thrown to the party ranks in order ease. As lender ex nachina, he had no es un argument for the fight against avoid the aryuments raised in my article Integration. The consolidation never the French party, the Group served ad to put the qutetus on the mounting discuucern about being checked up or con the exploiting class and its multicolored ou tue language sections and the trade took place around a straight central shaft mirably, for its spokesmen humbly ec contentment.
trolled by that constant democratic in agents within and outside the labor move Huious, published in the October Komof cohesive dietrine. Such a consolida knowledged the justice of all the terrible terrelation between ranks and leadersuipment. From the highest theoretical unistis.
tion, absolutely necessary in the Commun accusations made against them. In one few weeks ago, it was suddenly dis. He could go his own way arbitrarily works down to the propaganda leaflets, As to the Food Workers Industrial Lat movement, would have permitted the case at least, it now uppears that there covered that 21. Celor was a police pro with no fear from the sheep below, the Communists always event clearly Union. Immediately after my expulsion, attraction of homogeneous elements in was method in this servility. The case vocateur all the time to our knowl and none from the masters abore their the true nature of the capitalist system when the avoided the issue raised increasing number. What passes for rev. is that of the principal leader of the edge, this is the first police spy who support was automatic so long as his before the eyes of the masses. Upon this in my statement, and instead brought out olutionary doctrine in the Stalinist camp, Group himself, Celor. During the ever penetrated as high as the Executive servility, was upexhausted.
correct presentation, the Communists for that was always a disruptive elehowever, has formed a disjointed, eccen cumpaign a year ago, was revealed Committee of the Communist Interna Need it be added that Celor fought in mulate a scientific program of organizar meut in the fraction and the union, trie, badly geared axls, put together out that this group of leaders had associat tional. That the police send their agents transigeantly against counter revolution for immediate action and for the addressed a letter to the fraction of odd scraps borrowed from every con ed itself without the slightest pretense into the Communist movement is a tri tionaty Trulskyism. It goes without final overthrow of the capitalist system. piuting out that was ready to discuss ceivable tendency in the working class of a platform, and had systematically bute to the fear which Bolshevism in saying. He probably did it with more In contradistinction to this, the Stalin my conduct openly with the membership movement. This is what accounts for and successfully occupied itself with tak spires in the hearts of the bourgeoisie. real conviction than most bureaucrats, ists in their fight against the Left Op of the union, and for the benefit of the the bumpy voyage on which the Stalinista ing uver the whole party apparatus. It But that such agents can so easily reach for bir hatred of Trotsky and the Left position, always and unfailingly misreparty, cbulenged them to a debate be have taken the Communist Internation was further evident that Celor, who was the highest instances of the Interne opposition sprang from the deep wells present and falsify the views of the fore the union ou Trotskyism.
Up til Ele in accordance with the momentary pointed leader of the party by none other commentary, on the internal regime es which employed him versus the revolu clare everywhere that we are counter. ever, the following facts should be wat effectiveness not of the axls as a whole, than the central Stalin faction itault, tablished by the Stalinists. Celor came, tionars proletarian wing Communism. revolutionists, enemies of the working ficient to explain my conduet in the sabut of this or that point in it.
At each turn in the road, the Centrint the Neumaun clique in Germany)
which found in this clique (as it did in of the figures who now adorn the Ceniste and their regime.
80 to speak, out of nowhere, like most But this too is no tribute to the Stalin working class, and agents of the interioa.
national bourgeoise.
al trist household. The elementary tests to apparaus has had to cast out elemente Since the inception of the uuion, was (To be continued)
When comrade Trotsky, before the in always in its leading committees. And now from the Right, now from the Left.
erensiug danger of Fascism, criticizes also for years, was a member of the As its ideological baggage diminished, the wrong policies of the CPG, and lending fraction of the union till April HO algo did those who carried it. The proposes a Leninlet united front of all 1931. when my health broke down and base of the bureaucracy in Internaworking class organizations as an urgent was forest to withdraw from all activ.
tional has steadily narrowed, so that nonecessity to combat and destroy Fascism, ities. In the summer of 1931, the catebody can say today who will be the rehe is accused of helping the social terla section voluntarily collected 324 presentative spokesman of the apparatus (Continued from page 1) ulm! to strengthen the position of the will be ironing out the problems, not democracy When he analyzes the for the purpose or sending me to the so tomorrow. The foreknowledge of their struggle for the redivision of the earth. bankers and further to beat down the of the workers, who have no represen events in Manchuria and polnts out that viet Union for recovery. On December precarious position has not always help Congress and the House are busy with disorganized and badly directed energy of tatives, who cannot carry out their pro Japan cannot attack the Soviet Union of the same year, the convention of the ed the stalinist functionaries to remain their Beer Bull The Hunger Marrhers the working class.
gram through the capitalist state, but due to its weak position before the pow. wulon unanimously decided that should ASES: answered this democratie bunk with the they have anticipated the inevitable and Gogan of bread before beer.
The attempt to balance the budget is the problems of the capitalists in gen erful Red army, and that the immediate forcing drastie inroads into the working erst and the imperialists to particular danger is in Germany, he is again ac be sent to the immediately at the hastened the break with the apparatus, class and the middle class. The series whom they represent.
cused of being an agent in the service of pletely. John Steuben, of the TUUC, and before the apparatus consummated its The approach of the president and con of proposals from wage cuts, the cut in The editorial comment of the New Japanese imperialism.
breako (pluse the attendant humiliations gress to the most vital problem of un veteran relief, less public building, to 20k Times on the Hoover message izes the errors of the Five Year Pian, cimber article the district and petty preliminary persecutions) with employmeit and the crisis has but one the sales tax are all aimed at the classes again gives Congress a warning. It ends similar accusations are made.
them. This category includes a wide below the leading capitalista Am tho editorial with the following words, The Greek functionaries, loyal ser Your decision in sending comrade Pap.
range of people from Bessedovsky and THE MILITANT erica.
The country will be lucky it Congress rants of their masters, no less than they pas to the whose health to underAgabekov to Murphy of England takes to heart and does as well in were faithful to Lovestone in his time, mined due to his activities in the unton and Paul Marion of France.
is the highest example of your class Entered as second class mall matter banking system and the advocating of recorn mendations. As usual, this is a of the Left Opposition. Time and again for years sympathetic to the ideas of the The demand for the reorganizing of the action as Mr. Hoover has done in in their fight against the Greek comrades solidarity Steuben knew that was In the last few months alone, expul Norember 28, 1928, at the Post Office at the branch system is the most funda warning for Congress to carry out the could not but apply the same methods sions and near expulsions have taken New York, Under the act of!
before place in several countries.
Left Opposition. For two days The official March 3, 1879.
mental and far reaching reform in the imperialista needs.
through the pages of Empros, the party interest of the imperialists to be taken HUGO OEHLER paper. slanders describing us as enemies the convention, this same Steuben criticparty press has either passed them over Published weekly by Communist of the working class, co workers of the in silence or commented upon them with internally. Once they obtain this, and ized severely some comrades who dared League of America (Opposition)
the maximum of obscurity. Each inat 126 East 16th St, everything points in this direction, it The Philadelphia will strengthen their position not ouly National Herald, a capitalist sheet. The to propose the Trotskyist appas as sec Branch held its stance, however, sheds its own share of EDITORIAL BOARD light upon the state of affairs in the against the other classes within the regular Thurs Forum of Dec. with lesues raised by our organ, Kommunistie, retary of the union. Why, then, did he not expose me ne a counter revolution James Cacoon country but will give them a stronger Hugo Ochler speaking on the American are thus avoided.
Stalinist camp, the policies it has pur Martin Abera ist before the convention instead of Struggle. An Empros of November 26, after a repetiapoaking very highly and enthusiastically Maurice Spector sued and the manner in which it rules. Max Shachtman home base of operation against the Negro and the Class contending imperialists of other nations, audience of about thirty five was pre tion of the usual slanders, announced in about me? Do these facts show that Almost a year ago, we commented exArne Swabeck sent with a good number of party memeffect that the character of the fire or was always a disruptive element in the tensively in the Militant upon the cam SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 After all, Congress has just opened bers, white and black, and some young six Greek Trotskyists has already been union. paign begun in the French party against Vol. No. 60. Whole No. 146 and is getting down to business. There socialist workers.
exposed in the past with the exception of repeat the arguments of Kommun will be lots of steam and talk about The discussion hinged mainly around Sebastian apps, this New hero of the istis. The National Herald, in its efforts subscription rate. 00 per year, For helping the workers and farmers and the Scottsboro case and the Stalinist National Herald who wanted to enlight to combat the accusations of the Empros, DON WORRY eiga 50. Five cents per copy. a demand for beer, but under it all they slogan of Self Determination in Black Belt. Not one of the party therefore leave it to the Greek Political 084, exploits our differences in our about functionares or members present took Burenu and the Food Workers Union to eritteisa ngalust the Emproe, by pretendCHICAGO the floor to disagree with the position cxpose and denounce his disruptive acing to favor the STOCKS AND BONDS of the speaker.
position. The Ne NEW YEAR EVENING CONCERT tional Herald bourgeois paper, the In the main, the questions and disclis The Empros editors kuow that in the same as Atlantis, and in their competition INVEST DANCE sion were of the character of infornia. statemeut to the party for which was for busiuess on the one hand, and their 00 in Pall Sub Cards tion in order to further study the expelled without even a hearing. eta desire to win over Creek workers, to Sel them or give them to other workers.
not formulate any new ideas of mine to their respective political groups, on the Use the 00 as a Revolving Fund at HUMBOLDT HALL, 2229 Division St.
The speaker called upon the party to enlighten the CPG, and that only pro other, will resort to any methods to acand Finance proceed at once the moblizing of the posed a discussion of the views of the complish their goal. The duty of the Peppy Orchestra. Excellent Food. Plenty Fun inasses through a united front to save left Opposition in Germany. The rempros is to reveal the reactionary charTHE MILITANT the Scottsboro boys. Now that the su mark of Empros that wanted to enlight acter of both pupers. Instead the sil.
126 East 16th Street, preme Court verdict is a victory for en the CPG therefore means to say:ence with respect to the Atlantis which CLUB PLAN FOR NEW SUBS ONLY Proceeds Will Benefit THE MILITANT the Communists, it is at the same time Rank and file: do not question the inlately poses as AND LEFT OPPOSITION PRESS workers friend strena decision clearing the road for the fallibility of the line of the leadership. gthens its influence among the Greek Enclosed find 00 for which please legal murder of the innocent boys. The carry out orders the way the fune workers. On the other hand, the artisend me PAID SUB CARDS.
AUSPICES: CHICAGO BRANCH, COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF OPP. Supreme Court does not object to the tonary. How is it that the Greek cles written in the Empros by Alex Mikburning of these boys in the electric Burean, which reprinted in the Empros, ros. for an entire period against the Name chair. It only objects to the crude the statement of the District Committee National Herald, in some cases was harmAddress Admission Only 25c methods and technical blunders with on my expulsion, made no comment at ful to the Greek workers in that they which the southern bourbons went about that time about my alleged un Communist spread Illusions as to the Justice of the City State the job.
conduct in the Greek fleld. and only now capitalist courts, etc. Time and again, the Greek burenu quoted Lenin and Laswith danger, to await better times be. Japan erolution may folow a different ies which Imprison of the men and Nulle in the Empros to the effect that fore foreclosing on the bankrupt farmers. course, but only if the vanguard of the over half of the women hands. The when the bourgeoisie appraise the posle The capitalist economie system permits working class does not organize into al tactory act pormits a nominal workday tion of some revolutionist in a favorable the industrialists to fasten the burden of strong communist party ready to lead of 11 houts for women and children but light, he, the revolutionist, must be dan the crisis on worker and peasant. With workers and peasants. There are forces this is honored only in the breach. The gerous to the working class. This is true.
Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism the silk market completely shattered, the at work already to shunt the peasant re dormitory permit prolonging of the Does It follow, therefore that when a peasant labor gods begging and his volt over to peudo Fascist ralls. Tach work day with case. The dormitores dissatisfied petit bourgeois writer speaks and the Development of the Proletariat conditions of living become indescribable. ibana, assassin of Premier Inukai, pecu are also the breeding place of pros. In favor of the Soviet Union, or when a He eats the food intended for his ant liar combination of social revolutionary titution fostered by the bosses. The theatrical company imports Russlan Alm By Jack Weber mals, the seed for planting, the few cat terrorist turned lascist, reveals clearly food provided by the companies at for business purposes, are shown to the The Agrarian Problem each rural family, Japen is worst of the remaining and then be starves me the attempts of the military bureaucracy nominal sum (in reality part of the masses and consequently benefits the so The foundation of all highly developed of all modern countries.
to place itself at the head of any inclpl low wagos) incans slow starvation for viet State docs it mean that the Soviet division of labor that is brought about Just as the tenant system with crop The Solution ent movement of revolt on the part of the victims. Japanese workers do not state ceases to be the Fatherland of the by the exchange of commodities is the sharing grew out of slavery in the South, cleavage between town and country. We so this same system grew out of feudal tirety represents an elementary The Japanese) peasantry in its en the peasants so as to render it abortive. sleep in beds but on mats, covered by working class? Far from it. The pollrebel The Russian example must be the beacon quilt. mat occupies a space three feet tically headless petit bourgeoisle will nlmost any position that is of some may say that the whole economic his Ism in Japan. In the course of the first lion. This rebellion manifests itself or for our Japanese comrades, showing the by six, this space being allotted in the dormitories to two or three workers. profit to themselves. To make the tory of society is summarized in the de twenty years of this century, the num diuarily in Japan through tenant unions was to the culy real solution. velopment of this cleavage between town ber of tenant farmers increased by 30 which fight first of all for rent reduc FEUDAL REMNANTS IN Orercrowding, poor food, bad sanitation above point clearer to the Greek bureau, and country. Marx, Capital. In the percent. The present crisis accelerates tlon. These tenant unions grew from 130 CAPITALISM confinement no wonder tuberculosis Is let us take up the question of Vassardakis, the scourge of Japan! All unions make with which they are very well acquainted.
development of capitalism this cleavage the process at great speed, the area cul in 1917 to 4, 065 in 1926 with a member The appearace of nationwide unemoccurs by the increasing subjection of tivated by tenants is constantly increas ship of 368, 000. The tenant unions have ployment during the prolonged crisis in olished or, more immediately, that food Empros when he clashed with the Na the demand that the dormitories be ab. Didn he shift his position towards the the system of agriculture to the inten ing, the tenantry already represents more the sympathy and support (sometimes Japanese capitalism marks distinct and sanitary conditions be improved. tional Herald clique and 18 extremely sive exploitation of the town industrial than 30 percent of the farm workers. the leadership of the workers unions turning point in its development as well Not only in the dormitories is there friendly with you? Does not this indicists through the capitalist market. The Bankrupt Rural Economy In the cities.
as in that of the working class. In 1930 two ate the character of this petit bourgeutter hypocrisy of Japanese planned What with the scarcity of land in It was his analysis of the revolution there appeared for the first time in Japan orercrowding. It is common for economy is revealed in the indescribable terms of demand, land rents are extreme ars significance of the Russian peasanta the Americon type of hobo, symbol of familles, each of five persons, with board on. Unfortunately, Vassardakis was living conditions of peasant and worker, ly high. Tenants are forced to hand over that led Lenin to his concept. of the role the end of a period of labor shortage inders as well, to occupy three mate in permitted to use the pages of the Empros mortality for his own satisfaction.
resulting from the blind play of capt. 50 to 60 percent of the crop in kind, a of the proletariat in a democratic agrar: industry and the beginnius of the new rate among workers families is extreme. However, the quotations from Lenin tallst economic forces.
fact which gives complete control of the lan revolt. The pousons can be but precho permanent unemploymestefarian. Iy high. Mothers, after long hours of aud Lasalle apply fulls to Stalin and his Status of Japanese Farming Half the population of Japan is still mitting him to rig the market with ease force that takes over the state power. Japan rising labor costs, in the face of toll, cannot nurse their hables. Here we policies. For the official press of the hare the normal conditions under Jar bourgeoisie, like the Times, through dependent on farming for its livelihood, against the small farmer. At least 13 The seizing of the land and the democra: low labor productivity, act increasingly anese planned economy its foreign representative Duranty, is in proportion equalled only in Italy and percent of the crop goes to pay for fer tic aspiratons of the agrarians can be to force rationalization. In essence the WAGES AND DISCHARGE agreement with Stalinist policies es Russia. Considering the arable land only tilizer, the rest being insuficient to sup fulalled only through the leadership of use of more productive machines and less ALLOWANCES the density of population reaches the port the rural family. To make up the the proletariat which, however, does not labor. Japan reaches helghts of mo aganst Trotsky: while the leader of the The wages of men in the silk reeling Left Opposition, comrade Trotsky, exlled extreme figure of 1376 per square mile. deficit created under these conditions, the stop short at this goal but establishes dernity!
and cotton spinning mills average from In rlukipo by secret agreement between Necessarily the land is cultivated by the farmer is forced to resort to extra work. the dictatorship of the proletariat for Despite this up to dateness the rela. 20 to 60 yen a day, women receiving Kemal Pasha and Stalin, is refused most intensive methods to feed this over. Two mlilton peasant families engage in the transition from capitalism to social, tionship between master and man, boss 90 to 00 yen per day This mengre visa to all bourgeois countres. This are still crude hand methods, human la try, thereby doubling their income. They Trotsky generalized and broadened the remnants in unique fashon. Prior to the red wages) granted at the pleasure or the bourgeoisie against the Left Opport?
quires days of labor for the southern estie economy, notoriously sweatshop lated in greater detail and more precise factory labor, thus creating a continual the remnants of toudal psychology have, ter to convince the workers by public It has been figured that whereas it re the rural family being the unit of dom ble to backward countries, and formu of the villages, the peasantry avoided means of defrauding workers. However, call him, then it would be a simple matU. farmer, with the aid of a team system. Furthermore to secure a litle, than previously the idea of permanent shortage of industrial workers. The em up till recently, led to a recognition et delate in which both sides would have of horses, to grow an acre of rice, the ready cash the peasant hires out bis revolution, applicable to world economy ployers were forced to send recrulting the duty of the employer to continue the the opportunity to present their respecJapanese peasant sivos 110 days of labor daughter to the textile mills or even in such manner that a successful proles agents to the farms, these agents luring worker in employment. Thus it to this most important crop. Every Japsells her to the city brothels. Nearly tarlan victory in one country becomes young girls to the city by glowing oc worker is discharged he is granted an the stalinists dare not undertake.
ative standpoints. But this is something anese peasant uses electric light but the half a million persons migrate from the starting point for the consolidation counts of city life, presents, payment of allowance amounting to a considerable They le when they say that Trotsky mechanical farming methods of the West country to town cach year, half of them of proletarian victory in all countries. badly needed cash in advance to the sum in many cases. Not oinly does this views have been settled and that they make slow headway against the poverty women. However, just as in pre revoluJapan and Russia parents and advance of transportation apply in case of discharge but even in will not debate those who have no the cheap labor and, above all, the tionary Russia, there is a constant mig. It is a peculiarity of Japanese economy money. Every year 200, 000 girls were strikes the bosses are obliged to pay the masses behind them. Then why (hla small size of peasant holding ration back to the vilago. Omelal stats that in no other country has agriculture thuus lured to the textile mills, there returning strikers for the time lost. In incessant. Increasing campaign in When, after the Restoration, the Japties show that a quarter of those who remained so backward with industry so to be kept behind locked gates in fac the famous Node Shoyn Brewing Co. party press against the left Opposition.
anese enclosures occured, the feudal return home have tuberculosis, the terri advanced. Unlike Czarist Russia, Japan tory dormitories.
strike lasting for 217 lays in 1927 28, The Greek militants can no longer allow lords retained over half of the cultiv ble scourge of modern Japan.
has a more powerful enpitalist class In Over eight percent of the textile work the strike was lost but the company pala Vassardaklaes to use the Empros for ated land. Today the large landowners Mortgages close alliance, as yet, with the feudal ers are women. The present Japanese 100, 000 to the strikers dismissed cach their satisfaction. Empros must become own 54 percent of the arable land with The process of land concentration and landed aristocracy. This renders it more factory laws permit children of 12 to one receiving over 200 and, despite the a genuine Communist paper. In the ortheir portion ever growing, The petty peasant exploitation occurs here as else difficult for the relatively weak prole work in factories and there are over company refusal to recognize the union, ganization of the unorganized, as well as owners of land, forming 70 percent of where through the mortgaging of the tariat to assume the leadership and to a quarter of a million girls from 12 to 40. going to the strike fund. Lat. in all the other great tasks facing the the rural population, hold 1 acres on land. The peasantry owes orer 1 solzo power in a revolution. Neverthe 16 at work. The exploitation of these terly these allowances have become a revolutionary movement, Empros must the average. In 1928 only 70, 000 families billion yen to the banks. As in Amor less its role in relation to the peasantry women and children can be duplicated cheap means of avoiding any unemploy. take the initiative. This is the role of out of 1 million cutlivated more than ica during the present crisis, the banks must follow the broad outlines set by only by England in the early 19th cen ment dole.
Communist paper.
12 acres. In its 2 acre per member of find it more economic, and less fraught the Russian example. It is possible that tury. Half the factories have dormitor(To Be Continued. SEBASTIAN PAPPAS JAPAN the