CapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoEngelsImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Letters from Militants 12 8 24 20 11 10 TO 50C GE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 workers belonging to the Left Opposition munism or in the name of some new Our Club Plan and members of the party, have launched sort of proletarian Zionism? In a campaign terror against the party unsigned articles in the Freiholt and 10 MILITANT BUILDERS comrades, threatening to expel them for his slanderous dribble among the Jewish discussing with Left Oppositionists and workers of the Hill. he constantly countries refuse to loans. even gong so far as to accuse them of harps on the Greek comrades of the Left Pittsburgh Opposition and Tale americano ancom proyed have a. SI PAID SUB CARDS four component parts it has greater feribility and greater range. Whereas with practical stake in the Socialist construc not allowing the bureaucrats to prevent akis and Vomvas, and calls upon the FOR THE MINERS Our campaign for subs for the miners the Club Plan Blank you are more or the Hunger March tion of Soviet Russia. Long term credits them from getting a Leninist education Jewish workers to drive these Greek PITTSBURGH. for the Soviet Unon would produce orders with this terror. The Marxist ideas of young. gentlemen away from the set over yet as true that we haven les limited in space and time with these soccessful meeting in support of the for American factories and give jobs to bers can judge for themselves and are Jewish workers Street. In his head realized the number of subs that we ex Paid Sub Cards these limitatione do not will not be stop less anxiety to besmirch the Opposition pacted. To date we have received only apply. Once you have paid for your four Hunger March to Washington was held thousands of our unemployed. The slogan the Communist Lenselyes clear to the and to prevent its Irresistable progress, twenty one wubs. That must be an in cards you dispose of them over as wide here last night by the local branch of of Defend the Soviet Union must be ped from making an area as you can and within whatever the Communist League of America (Op concretized in the Hunger March with party members. No amount of bureau Stalinism has driven this pitiful fool to centive to push on.
resort to the arguments of chauvin cually for this purpose. All you have to in right away; the others at much later The Paid Sub Cards can be used very time you can. The first one may be shot portion. The crowd was of good pro the demand for Long Term Credit for cratie terror will suffice for that.
Stalinist Attacks All Along the Line letarian character, including a group of the USSR, as a form of international the most victimized workers in Pitts solidarity with the Russian workers and The recent increase in the activities This very dangerous manifestation of dole to raise units of two dollars and dates: one may come from your home burgh who came up from the wretched as a means of practical self ald for the of the Left Opposition in Pittsburgh and chauvinism in the ranks of the party send them to specifying that they are town: the others from distant parts the United States. Watch these weekly charity slop house down town (the so American unemployed.
former ap records for results called Helping Hand. to attend the The speaker asked whether this unem of course, help but burn up the Stalinista chauvinistic utterances of Genosse Jenor, to recapitulate our meeting which occupled the Miller School ployed program could not serve as and their lackeye locally. Not only is kine do ont restrict themselves to the proach: take a Club Plan blank; see THE STAFF Chicago Friends of auditorlum, near Centre Avenue. pretical basis for broad working class the Oppoultion attacked and slandered Left Opposition alone. The Left Oppost what you can do in the way of getting the Militant Club Comrade Jim Sifakis opened in the actiun? It undoubtedly can. The Unem right on the spot, as in the Progressive tion, especially through its Jewish com two half year sube at the regular rate Vomvas name of the Left Opposition and after ployed Councils with such a program Youth Club and at the United Front Un rades on the Hill will mercilessly of a dollar and apply the reduction that Naah 11 short Introductory address, save the could approach the widest strata of the employed Committee, but far more so combat this dangerous sign of Stalinist is given on Club Plan blank to two Morgenstern floor to Phil Frankfold, local party lead. masses for corimon action. By challeng behind Its back. Party members and sym degeneracy, it will arouse the workers sals for the miners. Elther method will the of Pittsburgh to watchfulness in the place the Militant in the hands of the Dunne er and representative of the Unemployed ing the labor fakers in the F. of pathizers are warned not to buy Krebm Council. This is the first time to our and the Socialist party to join in a united Militant, not to attend our classes and preservation of the internationalist charminers.
knowledge that a leading member of the front on this basis, hey could help to affairs, attempts are made to blacken acter of the proletarian revolutionary NEW YORK AND MONREAL Hudson official party has spoken from the plat put these seasoned betrayers of the toil the name of workers in any way con movement. We will not allow Stalinist Two elle continue to move upward. Rayburn form of a meeting called by the Letters to the test before the workers follow. nected with the Left Opposition. But in corruption, in this chauvinistic form or they are New York and Montreal. New Capelis Opposition. The Stalinist representative ing them and expose them for what they spite of everything, the Communist in any other form to poison the well of York is continuing its spurt upward and Gottlieb took this step as a consequence of the really are. The Hunger March will be League hurdles the obstacles of the bu our Leninist party. And to Jenkins we has now reached the leaders creating a Hamilton persistent and successful attempt of the a real success if it serves as the starting reaucracy and entrenches itself more and can say with confidence, that the few tle for first place. That is only a momenargeois elements in the Icor tary condition. At this rate, by next Konikow local branch of the League to bring about point for such an action and on this more every day. The Stalini. ts are forc pretty Coover a measure of united action in the present basis. All class conscious workers were ed to the lowest sort of lies and to with whom his shady antics against the week it will be away out in frout. Watch Lessin Leninist Opposition make a very curious it Hunger March.
called upon by the speaker to join with direct intimidations. Sifakis Frankfeld gave a well illustrated ver the Communist League in supporting the one particularly headless participant bit, will be a poor consolation to him. Montreal too is climbing. As a result Joel slon of the general line pursued by the marchand in helping to make it a real in this campaign to defame the Opposi The revolutionary workers will learn to. Nash is now in third place. And McMillen Stalinists in the unemployed movement demonstration of mass power, the open tion is the local court fester of the bu Judge such tactics and to call them by there no telling what he ll do text.
New York achieves its results through Millen all over the states. He spoke of the ing of an era of genuine and solld united reaucracy, a certain Jenkins. Jenkins their proper name. Weber possibilities in the budget of the capital front action on the part of the American a well known ple card whose chief argu. Other Activities of the Left Opposition. the application of the Paid Sub Card. Ross 1st city government to grant reller: saldworking class in this crisis.
ment against the Left Opposition is within the near future the Commun the Club Plan blank. There is no con Sheehet With this the representative of the that it is a minority. His terrible revist League here intends to hold a nuta tradiction between these two phases of THE RECORD BY CITIES redited only by struggle and then went on communist League (Opposition) closed olutionary work in the course of twenty ber of public meetings and aware. Pre the folding between there to of New York Chicago 24 tion in Washington as a general panacea ed the arrival of the Hunger Marchers in prnciple: namely, that the majority to meetings the Left Opposition will strive a reduction of sity per cent in the price of a half year sub provided four of those Minneapolis for the sufferings of the working class Pittsburgh and asked the workers pre always right. We will not burden Jen to make the Pittsburgh workers acquaint wubs are sent in at one time.
Pittsburgh West kius with an apt quotation from Engele ed with its position, in principles, as THE PAID SUB CARD IDEA 16 In this crisis. At no time did be even sent to join in greeting them at Montreal mention the broader aspects of the hunger Park the following Thursday. The on the question of majorities and minor well as in the every day class struggle The Paid Sub Card is a special appli Toronto une meeting was then adjourned amid inter itles in the revolutionary movement. Dates and places will be announced in cation of this idea. It is really a divimarch and the struggle of the Boston ployed in a revolutionary sense. Nor dia ested discussions between Left OppostEngels did not live on the Hill. and forthcoming issues.
sion of the Club Plan Blank into four Philadelphia he link up this struggle with the main tionists and party members or sympath. he died before Jenkin time. Besides Among our comrades here, there are provisions on the Club Plan blank. But separate cards, each one for one of the New Castle alm of overthrowing capitalism. izers as well as other workere present. he was a German and never wrote for St. Louis Since Jenkins knows only a number active in the trade union move it has this additional feature. On the But he made up for these reformist what he reads in the Freiheit, it would ment. Their contacts are increasing and Club Plan blank the subs accompany the Des Moines shortcomings in polley, in the last few It growing apace but it not fast minutes of his talk by a terribly rev.
hardly be fair of us to tax him within the theme ne morate that meet woim og samme the money. With the Paid Sub Card we get enough yet. There are several cities that olutionary attack upon the Left oppos! Opposition Active in of the proletarian revolutionary move League is attempting to gange the posat the money before the sub. That is an have not scored yet. How about It advantage to the Militant.
bilities for work in this important field Cleveland, New Haven, Youngstown, usual Delly Worker lles and slanders Smokey City There is another angle to the Paid Sub Kansas City? What about the Went against us. He called But we do have a right to pose the as well, and to help in utilizing them. Carde disrupters, question as to whether this perennial start has already been made in the division of the Club Plan blank into Let get stared.
Because it is, as to speak, a const? The Militant is read on there, people who want to undermine the work PITTSBURGH.
of the hunger march to bolster up their The Marxist Study Class majorityite speaks in the name of Com form of a small trade union group.
own political position. This is apparThe Marxist Study Clasa organized by ently the Stalinist idea of carrying out the League some time ago, has been Sample PAID SUB CARD the Leninist united front.
plugging forward constantly, every new ar Exchange This Card For One Half Year Sub to the Mbitant The chairman, comrade Sifakis, made sension bringing new force and increasa brief but teiling reply to this attacking the intensity of the discussions, AlGood for One Half Year Sub (Continued from page 1)
The Young Communist League intro 00 a Halt Year and introduced comrade Gordon who though the classes are already rather ad to the Militant without this card)
spoke on the Communists and the Hun vanced, it is not yet too late to join up the second part the voting of the Loveduced a motion condemning the procedA Marxian Paper for Class Conscious Worker ter March. Comrade Gordon answered One study group meets on Sunday after stonelte youth and the YCL on the secure of the Conference and calling for Frankfeld slanderous attack on the noons, at 2:30 and has for itu ond part is uncertain although it ap the support of the Barbusse manifesto The Motion was overwhelmingly defeated.
Left Opposition, ridiculing Frankfeld subject: The History of the Three Inter pears that they did not vote agninst.
The fraudulent character of the so call THE MILITANT, 120 TO STREET, New York City lies and his charges against us as dis nationals. The next few lectures will The Chicago Anti War Conference ed united front conferenre was obvious rupters, underminers, etc. by pointing to deal with the development of the Second Another resolution which aroused 01 to all Please send me HE MILIANT for 26 weeks, our loyal cooperation with the united International; the struggles between the Name Address front committee, of which this meeting, Revisionists and the Marxists; the Be pute was one supporting a number of held under the auspices of the League trayal of 1914 and the collapse of the student anti war conferences to be bela Spartacus will carry a detailed report of City State Militant Builder of the going even so far as Third International and the Present Role the conference to be held during Christ the Conference and criticism of the to tolerate his vicious personal attack of the Second (Socialist) International.
mas at Chicago as an outgrowth of the various groups participating.
The against us was in itself sufficient evid The other study group meets on Wed. Barbusse Amsterdam Conference.
established a number of contacts for ence. He then went on to explain the nesday evenings at 8:30 and has for its intent of the resolution was to avoid the Unser Kamf, securing sube.
real Leninist reasons for the Opposition subject: The Communist Manifesto. Il direct endorsement of the Chicago conparticipation in the united front as an enough interested newcomers show up hefted to the committee by the National In Minneapolis we stayed for nine inseparable part of revolutionary policy. It is planned to start another group on Students League. An amendment was «Unser Kamf» Workers Clubs days, because our Geld here is so much namely, to foster working class unity in Fundamentals of Communism.
broader. The time was well spent. We All rev. introduced by Donald Henderson, of the actlon no matter on how small a scale, olutionary workers are invited to attend NSL calling upon the delegates to get From Toronto we proceeded to Cleve. branch. The two Jewish speaking com delivered three lectures: one by comrade the level of the overthrow of the capital. The classes meet at 16 Granville Street, the students on the campus to send reland. One of the most striking feature rados in the branch have for years been Bleeker on the trade union question 10 of party life in the provinces, is the the leading spirits in the work in this the English language, one by Lewit on Ist system near the Wylle Avenue Branch of the presentatives to Chicago.
Comrade Carter of the National Youth fact that there is no attempt made to field. The attempt of tho stalinists to the Left Opposition, and the third one The League speaker outlined the means Carnegle Library and at present constiby which the capitailsts suppress the tute the only communist educational accommittee. Left Opposition, amended carry on any educational work. The Stal Isolate them meant in reality the destruc was under the auspices of the Labor where comrade working class and attempt to divide ittivities the city of Pittsburgh. No conference call upon working class youth. theory. This despite the fact that the The branch of the International Workers Lewit was to speak on the date of rev: to prevent common action in its struggle sucere revolutionist can fall to take ad. organizations as well as students to par. turnover in the membership is so great Order in this locality was dissolved in clutlonists in trade unions and fraternal In the unemployment situation especially vantage.
ticipate at Chicago. In the ensuing dis and that not alone the ranks, but the true bureaucratic fashion, because these organizations; both of them in Jewish the capitalists attempt to create division Work for the United Front Hunger March cussion be expladed that it was a mle leading cadres as well, are ignorant of comrades were the leaders in it. The When we discovered that comrade Trotin the working class, trying to pit the In accordance with its participation in take to limit the conference call to stu the basic principles of Communism. When cor passed out of existence, because our sky was to broadcast over the radio in Negro workers against the white work the Hunger March United Front Confer. dents; that only under the leadership the Left Oppositionists were expelled in comrades and the people they influence the morning the lecture at the Labor ers, the employed against the unemploy ence, the local group of the League is of working class youth organizations the Cleveland district in 1928, it meant were not permitted to render their ser Temple was to take place, we made a hured, and, on an international scale, the actively engaged in the preparations for could the students effectively struggle the expulson of the entire educational devices in its building. Now there is aried change in the plans, brought American workers against their brothers its success. One collection of funds has against war; that the Communists should partment from the party, comrade Brah movement on foot In Youngstown to ad. radio to lyceund, listened to the abroad. If the hunger march is to be already been made at the 15th anniver. play a leading role in this movement, tin was the agit prop director conducting mit our comrades into the group that broadcast, after which we had it transmore than a flurry, comrade Gordon said. sary celebration of the Russian Revolu The Young Communist League delegates a circult school, and Gleisser was the is now attempting to reorganize the loor. lated and explained, with a general disif it is to be a durable achievement for tlon (held under the auspices of the kept quiet. On the vote, both the amend principal instructor. Since then, this en They will certainly not refuse to join in cussion following. The total attendance the working class, then it must rally the Marxist Study Class) and turned over to ment of the NSL and that of the Lert tire highly Industrial district was found the effort to revive this organization, at our meetings in Minneapolis was over working class against the attempts of the United Front Committee. From the Opposition were defeated the latter boto bo on a sufficiently high theoretical destroyed by the maddened bureaucrats to an excellent spirited banquet where 200. Our Minneapolis comrades treated the bosses to divide it. It must adopt Committee also, the group has obtained ing supported by a number of NSL mem level not to require any more educaIt is doubtful, though, if the National slogans that unite the workers. In ad leaflets and collection list and the Pitts bers, a few Socialists and the Lovestone tion.
Committee of the Ikor will give its lon we raised 25 dollars for Unser Kamt.
dition to Immediate Relief and Unem rgh comrades are on the go putting ites. The conference to send a delegasent to it.
Here too we organized an Unser Kamf ployed Insurance, it should inscribe on these to work. In the very near future. tion to Chicago.
Our comrades, on the other hand, fall Club. This is the third club that is now its banner the six hour day, five day the League intends to hold a couple of Continuations Committee was elected to continue under Opposition auspices Our Chicago group is carrying on activ definitely organized and is functioning week, without reduction in pay, to tight mass meetings to rally support for the ed. The Communist and Lett wing de the educational work they had been itles in various fields. It has its own as a result of the tour, with one in the en the bonds between the unemployed arch and has already obtained leaflets legates opposed this step until con carrying on for many years in the parts headquarters, conducts two classes, one process of formation in Boston.
at thus Alling this gap in the work of the with comrade Edwards, and another with and the employed workers who would committee has promised its cooperation The important resolutions of the comparts: Had Our Des Moines branch, comrades done this, we comrade Glotzer. The branch holds a which be relieved to some extent of the fear of by sending down a speaker to represent naittee were to be referred to this con would now have a flourishing branch in regular weekly open forum. The com. Visited next, Inspired us greatly by the scabbing by the unemployed. The sixit at these meetings.
tinuations Committee without being acted Cleveland. We realized this immediately rades participate in various mass activ. activities it is carrying on. It helds hour day, conceived in this spirit, would Greek Workers Educational Circle also serve as a practical means of get The Greek Workers Educational Circle, objections were overraied. The Young the comediate organization of classes in movement. The activities of our youth even becaurenting out into nearby cities upon by the Conference delegates. The the comrades, decided to proceed with and debate various groups in the labor ticipates in the unemployed work, and is ting the workers on the job to support organized by the League recently, has Communist League, the NSL and the jobless in their fight for relief.
While Imperialist war to threatening Communism with comrade Sitakis as the cept on this committee because to the our stay in Cleveland were spent on brightest spots in the work of this loushad an attendance of 50. The local Staliniste came to take issue with us, but Workers Russin an economie war against Instructor. Party members and sym steam rolling, undemocratie character or procuring subs for Unser Kamf, and the callty.
been going on for ffteen years. This and discussing together in a comradely crete discussion on combatting war oration work. On our return trip from been won to our viewpoint recently and certain Green from New York, who anthe Soviet Union, fierce and intense, ha pathizers have been attending regularly the Conference, the absence of any con brondening of the circle of our readers they only helped us by revealing their We succeeded in Chicago to build up bankruptcy In broad relief. They even and laying the base for future organi an Unser Kamt Club of people who have brought with them a national figure, economic war has the greatest share in manner so as to be able to come to agreement on a program of action. The the tour, we will stop off in Cleveland who will now carry on the work of the nounced himself to be member of the the creation of those tremendous difficult. common understanding of the tasks of Lovestoneltes, who had participated in and Youngstown to hold lectures on the Opposition in the Jewish field in an or national committee of the Workers Ez les which the encounters in the Communists and to prepare the the Left wing protest against the steam Opposition viewpoint, for which our com. ganized manner, one of these comrades Servicemen League. In his opening rethe fact that the Soviet state has to tionary work among the Grock speaking tions Committee. Their actions and Parations.
rades are now making the necessary pre Gurevitch suffered the wrath sell a great part of its exports at low workers.
of the marks he stated apologetically, to the Stalinist bureaucrats by being expelled amusement of the audience that in view prices in the world market in order to The Stalinists, alarmed at this evidence ence brought forth the enthusiastic apbuy machinery for which the imperialist of a desire for Communist unity between plause of the steering committee itself overnight stay and we met with Youngstown was visited by us for an from the Freffeit Singing Society. It ap. of the fact that we spoke revolution. the pears that he has been singing out of he is compelled to use the same terms, tune with the general line. This com although he is under instructions not to rade was their best tenor, he was one talk about revolution in the West and in STRATEGY OF THE WORLD WHAT NEXT Vital Questions of those who led the Left wing fight in the South! This simpleton merely reREVOLUTION the socialist singing soclety, while his vealed to us that the faith of the Stalfor the German Proletariat Part of the Draft Program present expellers were on the other aldeinists in the third period has shaken, PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN of the fence. His sole crime consisted and that this official emmissary from REVOLUTION 86 page 25 REVOLUTION Vol. 192 Pages Cloth. 65 in selling the Tnser Kamt. The exist New York brought the message to the Paer 522 pages 450 pages 84 85 Cloch cover 50 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN ence of our paper terrified the scared local comrades to be practical. and Stalinists, and rightly so. Our paper is when paper cover 00 DANGER Stalinists become praction. PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP.
read eagerly by the Jewish workers who there is no telling where they will stop MENT OF THE 64 pages paper cover 150 have been led to and misled by the We have bad enough of that experienou THE REAL SITUATION IN Freihelt for so many years. Our lecture in the so called second period of op48 pages paper cover 150 WHITHER ENGLAND RUSSLA in Chicago will take place on the 6th portunist crimes.
THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION of December on our return.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL178 Pages Paper. 75 364 pages cloth cover 00 SYLVIA BLEEKER, 158 pages paper cover 500 ISM PIONEER PUBLISHERS In Davenport we stopped over night MORRIS LEWIT.
cloth cover 00 on the way to Minneapolis. Here we had paper cover 150 East 10th Street, New York, occasion in a few hours to meet some of USE THE CLUB PLAN. GET SUBS the new comrados in the branch, and we FOR THE MINERS.
of Lewit Bleeker Tour Extends Basis of BOOKS BY TROTSKY 84 page