BourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Ente rdd as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 50 WHOLE NO. 146 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 PRICE CENTS ALDEREN Hoover Message Save the Militant!
Gov Answers Hunger Marchers With Force Militants Surrounded by 5000 Armed Police Trotsky: BONAPARTISM IN GERMANY and Hour Day This issue appears a week late. That means that we possibilities to put forward, the ideas of Leninism are open.
have been forced to skip an issue. This is a retreat from ing up new avenues. We must assure the regular appearance the weekly Militant. It was made necessary by the increas. of the Militant. If our central organizer is forced to retreat ing depth of our financial crisis which placed insuperable While the pollee of Washington were obstacles in the way of getting out last week Issue.
all our other activities will be forced to retreat to a slower tempo.
terrorizing the National Hunger Marchers There is no point in detailing here all the debts and who had come to the opening session of Against this perspective we are sounding a serious nota Congress to demand immediate rolled and retreat. More eloquent than this is the loss of an issue.
consequent technical difficulties which forced us to this of alarm. This dark perspective must not be realized. We unemployment insurance, Hoover deliv must make a determined struggle against it.
The loss of this issue is a warning to all of us. comrad.
WASHINGTON, Cofficials put every obstacle in the way ered his message to Congress. The mesAt the present moment this must take the form of dona While we are parked on a street on of the committee in their efforts to rent sage called for greater support for the es, that unless we come to the aid of the Militant now we tions. First of all we must dig into our own pockets.
The the outskirts of this city with police on a hall for a convention which was to bankers and a greater struggle against may not be able to avoid skipping issues again.
We may the workers. The highlights of the even be forced to return to a semi monthly basis.
all sides can take this opportunity to take place today, Monday. The commit.
As a Militant comes first. Then we must scurry around to every Hoover message called for: reorganiza matter of fact, at the present moment, we have no way of sympathizer and friend. put the plight of the Militant squar.
write an account of the most striking tee Aually succeeded in renting a small tion of the banking system for the bank telling whether we will be able to get out next week issue.
ely before him and ask him for help.
events in the Hunger March up to this all that holds 900. Whether 800 of 08 point.
will be permitted to enter the city proers; greater centralization of the govLarge donations will accomplish more than small ones.
The life of the weekly Mlitant is at stake. The issue ernmental apparatus in the interest of It was in Wilmington, Delaware, that per is another matter. At present the But no amount is too small. And every penny counts. we suffered the first attack of the police. situation is deadlocked; we are waiting the Imperialists. An 11 percent wage is squarely up to us. We alone can decide that it will ap.
All funds must be raised in the shortest possible time When we reached the outskirts of Wil here and so are the police. The plan of clut for the Federal employees; a cut pear regularly as a weekly. We must make the decision and rushed to the militant at 126 East 16 Street, mington, Friday night about 5:30 the police seems to be to keep us here for the Veteran Fund; reduction of gov. and make it promptly.
we left our trucks, formed into lines and until we become discouraged.
ernment building and expense and a This blow comes at a critical moment. The League has It is up to us to save the Militant. Let us pull it through this crisis. It is our paper; It is the organ of the banners despite the announcement in the marched through the streets with our sales tax to shift a greater share of the been making forward strides in Pittsburgh. New Castle, The Convention tax burden to the workers and the mid Davenport, Des Moines and Montreal. Branches have been international proletarian revolution in the United States; it press that we would not be allowed to The convention was finally held out dle class. Hoover may not be the next organized in these cities. We have held aloft the banner of is the voice of Marxism; the banner bearer of the ideas of march nor to stay overnight.
bere. Three resolutions were adopted.
president but Hoover 18 making haste to communism in the Illinois coal fields. The recent develop the October Revolution, of the International Left Opposition.
We marched through side streets. Il One scored the refusal of the authorities serve the imperialists and beat down the ments in the of have confirmed our program on To have it retreat would be to strike a blow at the entire suppose we were not allowed on the main to grant a permit to parade in Washingworkers further before he turns the job unemployment.
international movement. This must not be allowed to hap streets. The crowds were by far the ton; the second endorsed the demands of over to Roosevelt and the Democrats.
In all of these activities the Militant has played an outHoover dealt primarily with the inlargest that we had seen since leaving the Hunger March. Amter and Benjamin ternal afficulties of the capitalists. In standing part. It has consistently and tirelessly hammer The movement and its friends must avert this catastro New York, except in Philly. This must spoke. Benjamin sald that if we were phe.
the main he kept in the background the ed out the Leninist line of the Left Opposition. Now we It must respond with help at once. Funds must be have been due to the expectation that not allowed to parade, a committee which equally vital International questions constand on the threshold of further advanced new and greater raised and rushed. Will you do you share?
the police would make trouble. However would be selected would present our de we reached our destination, a large, mands to Congress. His speech also fronting American imperialism. This is empty, barn like structure, without en contained a vague threat to march in primarily due to the fact that if Wall countering any violent developments. any event. He concluded by saying that Street can keep Congress busy with the These came later.
when we return home we should attempt Internal problems (that must be ans.
Shortly after the meeting started the to draw the broad masses into the next wered. Wall Street will see to it that the president and the cabinet take care The elections to the Reichstag put the The SAP rids Itselt of the question of How do the Brandlerites themselves police, reinforced by fremen and various marcb. But he didn say how!
Just another word about the camp.
of the international problema.
presidential government to a new erit. the Papen government as well as of other define the government of Papercrom the ing with their clubs ad billies and drove Conditions here are very unsanitary and The international problems can be han tcal test. It is useful, therefore to requestion by means of general phrases. same issue of the Tribune there dled to the best interest of the imperial mind of its socłal and political nature. The Brandierista preserved silence on very timely announcements of the lec the marchers to the church and scatter most of us have severe colds due to exists it the facts are kept in the files and it is precisely through the analysis of our definition as long as the matter conture of Brandler on the subject. Junker. ed the crowd. The marchers barricaded posure. Although lodgings for the woarchives. Further, the Ameriean state such concrete, and at first glance oud. cerned Bruning, that means the incuba monarchical, Fascist or proletarian dicta the doors and fought off the police until men and sick bad been secured in Wash structure has a carry over from the past den political stage that is cumbersome and must be ment of Pure as the govern tion period of bona partism. When, how. torship? In this triad the regime of tear gas bombs were luurled through the ington many of the men were refused that the Marx ever, the Marxian characteristic of Bona Papen is presented as a Junker monarch windows admission to Washington by the police, eliminated if the state is to function with lan method reveals its invaluable advan partism confirmed itself fully by theory ist dictatorship. This is moet worthy o almost 200, were women were forced to to start trouble.
The delegates numbering 300, of whom Provocateurs also made several attempts speed for the imperialists.
There is tages.
and practice of the presidential govern the Forward and of vulgar democrats almo still too much middle class weight of At one time we defined the presidentment the Brandlerites came out with thelrin general. That titled German bona leave the church. The men were merci We have here about 3000 marchers in the old school. The new funkies must al government as a species of bonapart. criticism: the wise owl of Thalheimer partists make some sort of little pre lessly beaten by the bulls who outnum cluding 350 women and a large number be liped up The marchers were seat of Negro comrades. That special efforts support imperialism and ism. It would be incorrect to see in takes flight in the late hours of the night. sents to the Junker is obvious.
That bered them.
in the mean time, the reorganization this definition the chance outcome of a The Stuttgart Workers Tribune teach these gentlemen are inclined to a montered; many were arrested numbers of were made to get Negro delegates learnwith delegates of the government through the grouping desire to find a familiar name for an ex is that bonapartism raising the mill archistic trend of thoughts is also known. them required medical attention and some from conversation The and consolidating of more than fifty ex unfamiliar phenomena. The decline of tary police apparatus over the bourg. But it is purest liberal nonsense that the were taken to the hospital. Ben Gold, from all sections of the country.
who is with us on the march, is in the only organizations represented are party ecutives and independent agencies must capitalist society places again bonapertoisie in order to defend its class domina essence of the presidential regime hospital. Anne Burlak is arrested. The organizations. There are a few delegate be put through.
iam together with Fascisin and in con tion against its own political parties, Junker monarchism.
Smith proposal for New York bears nection with it on the order of the day. must be supported by the peasantry and Such terms as liberalism, bonapartism, men, though outnumbered, put up a good elected by Left wing groups in the the same stamp. The imperialist must Previously we have characterized the must use methods of social democracy, fascisin have the character of generaliza nght, and several cops had to be taken of This is the sum and substance of the united front from below. Recognition centralize the government for economy government of Bruning as a bonnpart. Papen is not supported by the peasantry tione. Historical phenomena never re a way to quieter places.
but then also use the economy argument ist one. Then, in retrospect we narrowed and does not introduce a pseudo radical pent themselves completely.
Many comrades are missing, mostly of Soviet Russia was demanded only in would not as a smoke screen to extend its grip over its definition to a hall, or pre bonapartist prroxam. Therefore, our attempt to define have been difficult to prove that even the women. At the present it is impossible the sloguns carried by the seamen to check up. The 23 arreated are held the governinent of Papen as bonapartium government of Napoleon the Third, com the whole state at the expense of the one.
The marchere displayed considerable other sections of the exploiters.
What did other Communists and 10 carries no weight. does not fit at all. This in severe but pared with the regime of Napoleon the on various charges and the ILD is look militancy, evidenced by their actions to After this is accomplished they will general left groups say in this connec(Continued on page 4)
Ing after them. delegation went to various cities where, in spite of police the police station to demand their re terror, they succeeded in parading and be able to take up the international tiou? To await an attempt at a scienlease. We don know the result yet.
questions as free and above board as title definition of a new political phenonholding meetings. The organizational side of the march was fairly well handthey do the internal measures for the mena from the present leadership of the En Route Again led when you consider the difficulties con bankers and against the workers.
The major international questions con not to say foolish. The Stalinists simply Comintern would, of course, be naiva, Saturday morning under heavy police nected with handling so many people.
kuand we left for Baltimore arriving P.
fronting the imperialists that the govern place Papen in the Fascist camp. It there late in the afternoon. Food, and ment departments are handling are: war Wells and Hitler are twins then such Cincinnatti Convention Shows Left Wing Opportunities We have just returned from our march shelter had been provided for some of to the Capitol where a delegation predebts, the economie conference, the dis a tride as Papen la altogether not worth armament confernce, the position of the breaking ones head about. This is the capitalist economie system begins to stream which flows so freely across the The present storm and stress of the gaily partaking of the coveted liquidata had been refused by the mayor. This spirit of the marchers, despite thetr exus in an armory by seven citizens after sented our demands to Congress. The dollar and a relations with the USSR. came political literature was the first time on the trip that we haustion and the double lines of police The question of the USSR falls into three called vulgarian and which be taught us American Federation of Labor. It has versation, dutside of the monotonous which Marx leave an indelible Imprint upon the border. Their main subject of conreceived aid other than that given by the that Aanked us on both sides, was er.
subdivisions: to obtain markets; the pos to despise. In reality Fascism represents produced new view, which is adv. convention routine, was the latest quoWIR and workers organizations. cellent. This was all the more remark sibility of a change in the form of the one of the two main camps of clvil War. anced under pressure and solely for the tations on the stock exchange. At Boston meeting was held inter in the armory.
economie war being waged against the Stretching his arm to power, Hitler first record. In this respect the four years in 1930. some rumblings of dissatisfac.
able in face of the unsympathetle attiSunday noon we left for Washington tude of the large crowds that lined the Soviet Union and precention of the ex of all demanded the relinquishing of the from the end of bourgeois prosperity tion were audible; but the gathering under guard of the state police. The streets to watch us.
the other questions, this question of the refused this. The task of Papen Schlelch tion and starvation, record a changement Insurance in customary reaction at the dead end of a cross street of the authorities to prevent us from even denounced any schemes of unemploy police led us into a sort of blind alley Our march In face of the determination October revolution and the relation to er to avoid chvil war the other imperialists, such as England, amicably the national socialists and ployment. It 18 graphically illustrat rumblings became almost a storm; but cialisciplinalne of front on the key problem of unem. ary terms. At Vancouver, in 1931, the large squad of cope with tear gas was entering Washington can be considered France, Japan and Germany are inter chaining the proletariat to police fetters. ed in the last four annual conventions the gathering remained adamant and matter for the police to control the sit possibilities in genulne united front ed on the hill above us on our left. only as a victory. The proof of the pow.
woven. Amenica must find a way to gain The very possibility of such regime is a position of advantage in the coming determined by the relative weakness of At the Toronto convention, in 1929, orluation.
Cincinnati, during the last couple (Continued on page 3)
the proletariat.
there gathered a galaxy of labor skates weeks, the delegates were compelled In Washington the district and federal BILL KITT.
to debate serious issue and the convention adopted a policy of favoring unem.
ployment Insurance.
ar This change, of course, is not 50 Over six hundred delegates attended that a counter technique would thus be delegates from the Left Opposition spoke eness of the present crisis and the mil.
sweeping when we consider the acutWith a number of successful courses The enrollment books already the United Youth Conference Against facilitated!
The against this resolution.
War held in New York City. November Steam Rolling Tacties of the Soclalists stoneltes favored the resolution on the of the of leadership of the under way for a series of courses that enable every interested Love lions out of work. Moreover the view Stready held during the first season of opened and the fee for the courses has its existence, plans are now already been made as low as possible so as to 25 to 27. The conference was called by The most important phape of the grounds that it calls for the disarmament (Continued on page 4)
workerto a provisional committee strongly domin. conference was the report of the resor of the capitalist government!
will make up the second season of the register. All the courses begin this ated by the socialists, and composed of lutions committee. The latter consisted International Workers School, organiz coming month (January 1933) and will the leading pacifist and socialist youth of seven socialists and pacifists. The One of the NSL delegates moved ed under the auspices of the Communist run for several weeks. We print below organizations and the Lovestoneite youth committee rejected, out of band, not to divide the two sections the schedule for the second season of At the conference itself, in addition to merely the resolution presented by the resolution and then spoke against the The first season had only three co the International Workers School.
the sponsoring organizations, the student Left Opposition youth, the resolution of second part in line with the speeches of urses and it is now planned to enlarge groups of the National Student League, the YCL endorsing the Barbusse Ameter. the Left Opposition delegation. The so The of Convention that number to five The instructors the NSL itself, the YCL, the National dam manifesto, but even the innocent cialists replied that they did not exwill include comrades Martin Abern, ENROLL NOW!
Youth Committee of the Communistones of Left wing student groupe on pect the American government to disarm James Cannen, Hugo Oehler, Max Speaker: P.
League (Opposition) and the New York student fees, student rights and for par but that the demand for disarmament ARNE SWABECK Shachtman and Jack Weber, and the Spartacus Youth Club participated. ticipation in the coming Chicago anti would expose the government before the courses will cover a wide range o The History of the American Labor people. The Young Coinmunist League Movement. James Cannon subjects dealing with some of the mos.
The entire conference proceedings were warm water or the steam rolling tactics of delegates did not participate in the disFriday, December 16, 1932 important questions before the revoluA Series of Eight Lectures 126 Erst 16 Street, the. tionary movement today. The school initiators. Previous to its opening. ai asts and the socialists on the rosolu of the Left Opposition voted for the first ADMISSION: 150 board has proceeded with the idea in Starts Sunday, January 22nd caucus meeting of these groupe decided tons committee and the organized plan part of the resolution: a number of NSL mind of making it possible for workers to bar the Communist and Left wing reAuspices: Elementary Communism.
presentatives from all committees and to prevent Communist and dissenting re delegates joined in the voting against Br. Communist League of America struction to make their choice of one of varying degrees of proletarian in. Martin Abern posts. well oiled, steam rolling mach solutions from being submitted to the de (Continued on page Opposition)
of more of the five courses Starts Monday, January 2nd ine was organized to prevent the com legates, a number of student groups preMarxian Feonomics munist viewpoint from being adequately sented a statement conderoning these Hugo Oehler presented to the delegates. The election tactics and calling for the reading of all Starts Monday, January 2nd to a credential committee an element resolutions from the floor. This procedAry procedure at conferences was sub are was ruled out of order by the chalr. NEW YEAR EVE CONCERT AND DANCE American History stituted for by the appointed reglatra. Discussion on the Resolutions Weber tion committee of the provisional groups. Resolutions on the cancellation of InDANCE AND Starts Wednesday, January 4th The keynote speech of Fenner Borck. ternational debts and reparations, recogwith program of way, the chairman of the British Inde nition of the Soviet Unon, etc. were ENTERTAINMENT MUSIC. RECITATIONS. IMPROVIZATIONS Program of the Left Opposition pendent Labour Party, gave a left so carried. The Committee introduced a re. Max Shachtman cialist tenor to the conference.
Starta Wednesday, January 4th He spoke solution which greeted the Soviet Union Also Fine Dance Musie JAZZ BAND. SKITS. SOLOS of the inadequacy of the tactics of the disarmament proposal, condemned the SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1932 Registration one dollar per course.
socialist parties on war, the need to United States for not accepting it, and SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1932 mobilize the youth to refuse to fight; the called upon the American youth to supat 126 East 16th Street at 126 East 16th Street WEBER, Administrator development of a new technique to port the slogan. The second part of the ADMISSION. 35 CENTS Admission in Advance 200. at door 35c 126 East 16th street, achieve revolution without bloodshed. resolution called upon the American gov Auspices: Branch, Communist League of America which he refused to explain on the ground ernment to disarm by example. The (Opposition)
Auspices: Unser Kamp Arbeter Club New York City STUYVESANT CASINO ADMISSION: 10 Conta Speakers: 9th Street and 2nd Avenue Aueplan New York Branch, Communist MAX SHACHTMAN League of America (Opposition) ARNE SWABECK Second School Term to Open are of the OPEN FORUM League of America Opposition. MASS MEETING Soviet Economy in Danger DEC. 21, 1932