BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismMarxSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

The Question of War Debts World Bourgeiosie Upset by Sharp Conflicts Over Problem Is the of Moving Leftward?
PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1932 provisions for such treatment of our trade by the debtor nations a will assure acceas of American goods to its markets on fair competitive terms.
The New York Times in an editorial on War Debts on November 26th informs (Continued from page 1) York Times quotes Green hinting graphical Union the one time progresThe elections are over and the poll. expanded markets, larger profits and In Congress that, Realization of the inter question presents itself also in the form force at the F. of convention to sive and Frey of the Molders union tielans can again talk openly about what terest. After the war, American loans dependence of the world is wanted to of a grievance. How can they lead the set the shorter week. Yes he did speak were others opposing the wemployment the bankers have been discussing prle were necessary to retain these markets, Congress today. It starts the editorial organized workers within safe chan very radically when he exclaimed: insurance proposal. If these two latter vately. The war debt question has push and prop up decay capitallsm. The Cople with the above sentence and makes the nels so long as the employers insist upon We say that we are going to strike are not amongst the older heads it would ed itself to the fore and has taken some taliets desire payment of the debts but following conclusion: If, by our attitude what they consider a too heavy price or for this great economic reform. Just nevertheless be incorrect to accuse them of the columns devoted to the beer ques. Europe cannot pay to gold and America toward Great Britain and France, the wage cutting too heavy because the as the carpenters led the fight for the of being more reactionary than any of tion. Hoover and Roosevelt are discuss does not want too many of her commo hope of Germany to progress is destroy workers appear to become unwilling to eight hour day, so the time has come for the others.
ing this issue. The democrats and repub uities. They must find a way out. They ed, what barrier will remain against the eccept? They still remember the editor some militant union to load the ght for As a matter fact we do not at all licans are trying to iron out some of talk about capacity to pay and inability spread of Communism. In the decay of lal in the Scripps Howard newspaper the shorter work day and work week. claim a distinction or a division within the difficulties to enable Congress to preto pay but under it all revolves the ques capitalism American must not only prochain three years ago, at the time of the and my associates on the executive this present coterle of unvarnished pursent a working basis in order that the tion of the redivision of the world mar. tect herself and her markets but she can. Toronto convention. That editorial gave council are going to find a way out even veyors of deception. And yet, at it is capitalists may have a suitable Christmas kets. Hearst and other fingo mongers not put this above the capitalist interest them a gentle slap: You self complac though we may be compelled to resort to false to lump al the Fof unions into present this year.
suggest the allies pay with colonies, but to prevent the spread of the October revent officers are too easy in your swivel forcible methods to compel Industry to a category of one reactionary mass so it The question of the American loans the bankers know a better way olution.
chairs while the job of organizing the yield. We will not be denied the reall. could be wrong even to conceive of the is one of the most important knots the United States is creditor nation of It looks as through the American cap workers in the South is left to the Com zation of this great reform. It will be officialdom as a homogeneous reactioncapitalists have to unravel. Its import the capitalist chain. And Europe repre italists and their government are in an munists. You must assert your leader given to us in response to reason orary whole which is never subjected to the ance is due to the fact that the war sents the greatest market of the Amerimpasse. Gold and commodities in pay ship. They then smarted under the we will secure it through force of some pressure of conditions of the masses, debts is one side of the question of mar. can capitalists. Today the war debts ment according to the world price level sting. And now, although this is likely kind.
But this sort of confusion, and worse, kets. And markets is a life and death stands in between European markets and is out of the question. There is another going considerably beyond the scope of Thus spoke the plous Baptist Green, is what springs from the Stalinist theorquestion for the capitalists of the Uni. American export of commodities and cap way which will enable the American im the advice of that editorial, the swivell but we are surrom one of his typical social Fascist leaders. In this connec that we get a much betixings of social Fascist unions and ted States. The extension of long and ital. The task of the American capital perialists to gain an advantage point in chair artists are alming to show leaderter picture of short term credits to other capitalist ists is to turn the revision of war debts the present world struggles.
ship in order to regain their previous statements appearing in the Federation tion it is well to remember first of all nations out of the vast secumulation of into a lever to open up some American The Moratorium was an important preposition of being able to force concesist of June 1981. He said: that the historical conditions for Fascism the American capitalis has its many markets. It is a difficult task but not an liminary step for the realizng of the stone from capitalism sufficient to be. As depression has laid its paralyzing have not as yet arisen in America. Capsided difficulties in this decay stage.
impossible one.
line up of the imperialists for the com come again the trusted and well reward hand on the business of the world, bring. talism here can yet manage its affairs The history of the American loans to The reparation settlement has left ing war. Now the American imperialistsed lieutenants. That this can be fullying catastrophe to a quarter of a mil. more effectively by the bourgeois demthe allies, Americas entrance into the England and the other allies with no are making haste to gain an advantage substantiated there need be no doubt and lion of people, we look to gatherings of ocratic methods. Secondly to lump even war and the continuation of heavy bor war indemnities. But Uncle Sam calls polnt in the present world struggle it would be dangerous to fall into any captains of finance and leaders of indus the general Fof officialdom, the rowing by Europe after the war, express for payment. They are at the mercy of through further use of the War Debts as illusions whatever as to anything else try to find the way out.
higher bureaucrats and the lesser ones, ed by the struggle over Reparations, has the United States, providing the Amerla club over the heads of her allles. The being expected from them.
The Real Green who are of necessity closer to the rank been given first attention by the American capitalists do not make any false alies of course are trying to turn the loans into a club over America head, Even the most sketchy analysis will We still remember Green in his true and file, into the category of Fascism ran capitalists, even though the middle moves.
class congressmen wonld have us believe The policy of Hoover and Roosevelt The discussion over the war debts is easily bear this out. For example, the role pledging at the Hoover conference, or social Fascism. does not at all serve otherwise.
in essence is the same. Both are against taking on the plan, no matter what form main sponsor of the unemployment insur during the early part of the crisis, that to make clear its essential role. On the Since the Lausanne Conference, re cancellation. Both leave the door open they cloak the barter for cancellation on parations from Germany, for the allies for further consideration. Roosevelt does reduction of loans in, of America strug very one who has long ago solved his period of economic stress. We remember Workers will not become convinced or by is a thing of the past; so the alles want not want Debt Commission, but both cle as the leading imperialist to extend own problem of security crise or no him speaking at West Point, close to that that method. It is therefore now more to consider the debts in the same light. are for separate dealing with the credit toer domination aver greater sections. The Frank Farrington he was accused and pledge of labors docile readiness for the forward and to endeavor to educate the cording to the latest figures the American ment. The present line up, with the sia per secret agreements for the United the accusation of having accepted 100. In phraseology, has there been any change the role of the trade unton officialdom is capitalists and their gorernment loaned allies caught in between the Reparation states in the re alignment of world forces 60 from the Kentucky Codle mlining in essence since that time Hardly. essentially the one of serving a as lieuten 7, 077, 000, 000 to Europe during the war. settlement and America demand for (3) and the struggle to rebuild a world the miners national strike of 1922. He can be made in the convention corridors, labor.
in preparation for the approaching war, terests to keep that field working during The old heads, it such a distinction ants of capitalism within the ranks of These officials have accordingly. payment opens the door for a possible and 261, 000, 000 after the war, making onean United Front against the inancial structure with Dolar supremacy. Was accused of having received 850. 000 deplored the actions taken by the dele. In the past, while striving to gain col.
a total of 10 billion dollars. In principle and interest the borowers agree to pay United States. This is a desire, but con (1) and to prop up decay capitalism The question has been posed in bola for services rendered in Pennsylvania standpat and could not see the reason Justify their positon, in every Sunda: from the Harriman bank of New York entes. They were more intransigeantly lective bargain measures suficient to 22 billion dolars and have paid 2, 828. tradictions in Europe will not allow relief by the world crisis and the imper during that same strike when 10, 000 Fay for indulging in the luxury of such a mental respect used the best of their 000, 000 before the Hoover Moratorium. to become a fact, providiniamerican falists are struggling to answer it in etten and Somerset county miners found modern maneuver Now the low world price level has dou capitalism uses ordinary intelligence.
Listen to the argu endeavors to obstruct the working class advance on a class basis. They have their own way, to their own liking. But themselves betrayed and thelr new bud ment of Furuseth, who by his own pow.
In dealing separately, the United Stateshes are not the only ones concerned with ding organization destroyed. He nowers, guarded as the rock of ages, has sue.
bled the debt when considered in the used as their method cunning, deceit, light of payment in kind.
is of violence and nutriskt betresep huset porn When the last world war broke out tween these other nations, as well as us who are sitting in the game.
the loans to these Huropean nations ing it as a blow against the most dimmost recent revolt in Illinois where 30 mens Union to a mere shell. He ex they feel it necessary to step in a promeant, considering the relationship of cult conditions. The notes to England Communist parts, threaten to upset the with his wrecking policies and taken the make out of a free man a pledging beg their official positions within the uptons The proletariat and their party tho to 40, 000 miners have definitely partel claimed: The insurance proposal will gressive direction sufficiently to justify loans produced reh new markets for room for talk with England and delicle stucture. With the Marxian theory direction of the Progressive Miners Un sar who must go for his food to others. whose members they fear to be moving Well, Is that not already the position Leftward. They feel it necessary to prowere able to take over markets in an France, with her gold supply that Yed tionists can alter the whole courses attempt at staging a comeback and he which he has helped the members of pose reform measures in the sense of beparts of the world. Loans to rival in the attack on the American dollar and. HUGO OEHLER. will have not the slightest scruples in his own union so excellently to arrive ing a safety valve for the capitalist sysperialists in Europe enabled the United Wall Street will not forget this, and making it apparently via the progres at? Howard of the International Typo tem. They feel it necessary also to capitalize upon the mass pressure to ask States sive route. Hven Matthew Woll, the sentences THE MILITANT some concessions from capitalism in order chairman of the convention resolution European markets. Factories humweapon against the Dollar supremacy. It to maintain their positions. The future med and profits rolled in while the re was England which mapped out a program Entered as second class mall matter committee, to whom no red balting met International Workers School may see the AF of officialdom in genformers and the labor lenders behind the at Ottawa which when carried into effect November 28, 1928, at the Post Office at clevated. Just as long it gives him pubAttend the Classes eral becoming more closely integrated workers to American Imperialist plans. will reduce the exports of American cnpl New York, Under the act with a sociai reformist movement, for The decision of America to enter the talism to the British Empire by at least March 3, 1879.
licit was won for ti proposal. Not Monday which there are still possibilities of to forget Vietor Olander, the secret STATE AND REVOLUTION WEBER war on the side of the allies like all 200 million dollars. America is ready to Published weekly by the Communist growth in a limited sense the United ary of the resolutions committee, often other problems, for the determining talk about war debts providing she League of America (Opposition)
States. But in essence, even on the path reason, sifted down to the question of can use this to her advantage against at 126 East 16th St.
named the statesman of labor because of Wednesday of reformism, these reactionaries of to his ability to give a kind of lofty theor THEORETICAL SYSTEM OF MARXeconomie interest. The bankers judge France and to get to the problem of marEDITORIAL BOARD ment has proven fruitful but the objec kets and the stone wall of the Ottawa etical interpretation to the base posiday will serve in the same role as in ISM OEHLER.
the post a barrier to working class ad.
tive conditions decay capitalism has conference results.
Martin Abern James Cannon tion of serving capital within labors Sunday reduced and contradicted the measures The American capitalist press and lead Max Bhachtman Maurice Spector ranks, also was won for the proposal. HISTORY OF THE COMINTERNThere can, of course, from such confor further world domination.
ing organized capitalist bodies know what Arne Swabeck All have become convinced that dras SHACHTMAN siderations as these be no expectancy of As soon as the war was over Great the War Debt talk is all about. The SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1932 tie steps are required by the present unthe F of hierarchy undertaking any Britain and the other allies took imme Chamber of Commerce report, says among VOL 5, No. 49, Whole No. 145 employment situation. Undoubtedly they fight whatsoever actually to obtain the dlate steps to get out of the clutches of many things, that, The best interests of feel that they have been let down by Our Second Term Begins January First measures adopted at the convention.
the American dollar. The British Gov the United States requires that modifica Subscription rate: 00 per year, For their benefactors and are animated by the Next issue will carry announcement of Nevertheless the adoption offers an addiernment withdrew orders for American tion should be conditioned upon definite eign 00. Fire cents per copy. wal of a just grievance. The New classes and Instructors.
tional opportunity for serious Lett wing commodities at war time prices. The cancellation of these orders would shatSe activities within the trade unions. The economic pressure upon the masses will ter the structure and hopes of the Am LEON TROTSKY The Situation on the Eve Molotov, the individual peasant propriet. inevitably drive them in a Leftward direrican imperialism. Hoover who the United States Food Administrator at of the Second Yr. Plan needs of the kolkhozes and at their re and genuine progresslye elements.
the time wrote President Wilson. quest, all horses for a stipulated price will bring new life, new spirit and new Our manufacturers have provided The kolkhoxes are in turn obliged to re obligations to the present declining unthe particular types of manufacture re. Marxian Analysis turn the horses to their owners in good lons. But with that also new and addl.
quired by each of these governments and (Continued from last issue. Pravda. Instend of a sensitive condition.
tional opportunities for a Left wing.
ap led in actuality to ruinous consequences. Such is the inter relation between the have enormous stocks of these material ARNE SWABECK But why are the living conditions bad? proach to the workers, there obtain It has destroyed the stimull of the small Socialist and petty bourgeois sections of ther the of convention will fol.
shonia be my remedy to the situation The papers refer in explanation to the bare faced commanding and domineer. commodity producer long before it was rural economy? The kolkhozes which culNote Another article taking up forwe shall have a debacle in the American contemptuous attitude to the queste in every individual instance the able to supplant them by other and much tivate 80 80 percent of the arable lands low in the next issue.
markets, and with the advance of sertions relating to the living conditions of matter touches solated factories. Prawda higher economie stimuli. The adminis and which should, in theory, attract the eral hundred million dollars now on the necessities of life. September dual cases constitutes the Stalinist re quickly in industry, turns out to be ab compelled in actuality to resort to the MONEY FOR SUBS products Industry we shall not only be 24. With this single expression the gime.
solutely powerless in the sphere of rural legal aid of the state in order to obtain Elsewhere in this issue we outline the economy.
through compulsion horses from individ second phase of the Club Plan. It conshall betray the American farmers who had intended. contemptuous attitude there is not a single factory committee The village of Caucasus, we are al proprietors for their own needs. Ev cerns the Paid Sub Cards. We explain have engaged in these ends. The surplus to the needs of the workers in a work that functions more or less satisfactor informed by this same Pravda, was erything here is topsy turvy. This sin there how this scheme can be made to he se large that there can Militant.
tion of it in the United States, and it. of an arrogant and uncontrolled bureau 13. However, how and why is it that campaign. Concurrently, the tillage deadly sentence to the policies of Stalin Here we want to put these Paid Sub craey.
being perishable, will go to waste.
in a workers state the factory committees turned out to be so poor that the fields Molotov.
Cards to an additonal use. We need The American capitalist were caught in this risky explanation was made nec.
of the entire industry and not only in were entirely, overgrown by woods The The Problem of Establishing the Link money: not just for the usual routine of a structure of their own making. They essary, no doubt, in order to hide the the branch of non ferrous metals func village of Caucasus is a symbol of the Could the inter relations between the running an office and getting out mail.
could not withdraw without losing their baste fact. the direct lack of material tion unsatisfactorily? Is it not, perhaps, administrative and cry after quan city and the village become improved on the situation is really serious. We are workers. The na because they are strangled by the party tity in the domain of rural cconomy. this material productive basis?
key position. They were forced to wade goods to supply in a desperate fnancial situation. The deeper into international problems. From tional income incorrectly distributed. bureaucracy?
100 percent collectivzation has resulted! Let us recall once again: The economic two two page issues were not tricks to this flows the post war loans. To protect Economic tasks are being set without At the Dzherjinsky locomotive plant, in 100 percent overgrowth of weeds on foundation of the dictatorship of the hijack a few extra dollars out of our and extend American markets.
any acocunt being taken of the actual during a single session of the nucleus bu the folds.
proletariat can be considered fully 18 comrades and friends.
As soon as the Dollar solved one con means. An increasingly inhuman load is reau of the blacksmiths, there were taken The kolkboxes were allotted more sured only from that moment when the We were forced to retreat to two pagos.
tradiction a new one, more menacing being dumped on the shoulders of the up simultaneously 18 cases of expulsions than 100, 000 tractors. gigante vic state is not forced to resort to administra. It was elther that or no issue. Tous grew out of the solution. Additional workers.
loans preserved her markets and held off References to breaks in the supply of cases in the boilermakers 12 cases, newspaper reports show, the effectiveness the majority of the peasantry in order a vital question. And we are sure it to the day of reckoning. By 1923 the exten foodstuffs are now to be met with in ever metter Comet a readersted to controlat of the tractors far from corresponds to to obtan the products of rural economy: that to all our readers. That is what is sion of the October revolution had outery number of the Soviet prees. Malnu cd factory.
Commandeering relge every. their number. At the Poltava machine le, when in return for machines, tools at stake weekly four pager or what?
grown other dangers and a series of trition plus forced exertions. The com Where. And the sole answer of the bar building station, one of the newest, out and objects for personal use, the peasants We must, at once, make reasonably sure measures from the Dawes plan down to bination of these two conditions is enough eaucracy to the Initiative and criticism of 27 tractors recently delivered, 19 are voluntarily supply the state with the that we can get out a weekly four pager.
the present have been taken. to save tot to do away with the equipment and to from below are repressions.
already seriously damaged. These fig. necessary quantity of food stuffs and raw For this purpose we need money.
toring capitalism, to hold in check rival exhaust the producers themselves. In The draft of the Platform of the Interures do not hold only for exceptional material. Only on this basis along But we don want to climb out of this Imperialism and to insure markets for consolation, Pravda prints a photograph national Left Opposition proclaims, The cases. The station on the Volga Ukraine with other necessary conditions, internal hole to plunge into another one at a Amerlen. Expensive markets, but never of a working woman in the act of feed Hving standards of the workers and their has 52 tractors of these two have been ly as well as internationally can collec inter date. We want, if possible to em.
theless markets.
ing her own private pis. That is pre role in the state are the highest criter out of operation since spring, 14 are betivization obtain a true socialist char erge from this crsts, with your help, in American loans to Europe had its post. cisely the way out. Private domestic tons of socialist successes. the ing completely overhauled, and of the acter.
such a way that we can take a step totive political side in the past but the economy. lectures the paper (October Stalinist bureaucracy had approached the remaining 36, less than half are being the correlation between the prices forward avoiding such a criats, in the very quantity of the loans has reached such hitherto tied the worker to capital tasks of planning and of the living re utilized in sowing, and even these to the products of Industry and the pro near future, at any rate. That is why proportions, particularly with Germany, 1sm but now It attaches him to the so. sulation of economy from this view. main alternately Idle.
The coefficient ducts of rural economy has changed in we appeal here to you to support the that a quantity change has taken place vlet system. One cannot believe one pint. we wrote more than a year ago, of the useful functioning of the 100, 000 dubitably in favor of the peasant In weekly Militant by buying these Pald and further loans on the same basla eyes! Once upon a time we learned that it would not have missed fire fright tractors has ont been determined as yet! truth, it is an unfeasible task, to per Sub Cards.
shakes the structure of American ecob private domestic economy depends upon fully each time, it would not have been During the dizziest moment of 100 perform an accounting in this sphere that Seast four. That is the minimum unit The contradictions have grown. In the abominable element of social slavery in wasteful zig zags, and it would not have stern diagnosis, In the sum total of For instance, Pravda writes that the elther selling them to workers of alle past the allies paid what Uncle Sam er general. But now it appears that its been placed face to face with political the results which have been prepared cost of a quintal of milk ranges in the tributing then free according to your tended in loans. The American loans own private pig attaches the proletariat dangers. Bulletin 23, page for by the entire preceding policies and kolkhozes from 43 to 206 roubles. The circumstances.
through the Dawes Plan and the Young to socialism. Thus the hypocritical funcRural Economy which have been aggravated by the per variation is even greater between the If you resell them buy another bloc Plan kept ahead of the reparation pay. tionaries turn cruel necessity into virtue. The rural economy of the Soviet Uniod of the ultra Left adventurism, the State prices and the price on the legalized of four or more. If you do this you will ment on the one hand and the repay Poor nourishment and nervous fatigue lon. wrote Pravda on September 28, has chief result will be the lowering of the markets. No less hetergeneous are the be giving invaluable ald to the Miftant.
ment of loans by the allies on the other engender an apathy to the surrounding become absolutely intrenched on the productive forces of the rural economy, prices for the industrial products, all You will be helping it financially and at hand. In addition to this between 1923 environment. As a result, not only the road to Socialism. Such phrases, bol. Indubitably evident in the sphere of stock depending upon the channel 11. 1928 American exports to Europo old factories but also the new ones that stered up as a rule by baro citations of raising and in a part of the cultivization which they reach the peasant. But, same time you will have created a small have increased by 281, 000, 000 but Amer. have been built according to the last the number of collectivized bomesteads devoted to raising technical raw mater without in any way pretending to be ex revolving fund of your own which you can loans in the same period increased word in technology fall quickly into a and hectares, represent in themselves a ial, and becoming increasingly evident in act, it 18 possible to assert that the wll be using exclusively for helping the in value by 490, 000, 000. American 80 moribund state. Pravda itself issues the hollow mockery of the actual condition the sphere of the cultivations of grains. price scissors, in the narow meaning of Militant. And all that this involved in umulation of capital is the concrete ex following challenge, Try and find at of the rural economy and of the inter Was Rakovsky mistaken? Unfortun the term, have been closed by the peas ancially on your part is an outlay of a ession of Marx abstraction in Dat least one blast furnace that is not wal relations between the city and the vllately, no. Nothing can produce so shock ants. For its own products, the village minimum of two dollars. The turnover Capital lowing in rubbish!
ing an impression as the small, quite has began to obtain such a quantity of doce the trick. Everytime you buy.
During the war America loaned to the As touches the conditions of morale, The headlong chase after breaking reimperceptible, decree fasued by the monetary equivalents as would assure it bloc of cards for two dollars it starts allles commodites in the form of mon they are no better than the physical con cordo in colectivization, without taking on September 11, 1932, which met Industrial goods, at fred state prices. Tour suba on thelr way in addition to Norstextile, coreal and tobacco. In ditionu. The management of the factory any account of the economic and cultural with no comments in the Soviet presk. it such goode obtained.
giving us financial help. Can you do it?
return, the American capitalists obtained has cut itself away from the masse potentialities of the rural economy, has Under the signature of Kalinen and (To be continued)
If you can, do it at once.
It Soviet Economy in Danger