BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

moveFor the Hour Day, Day Week!
WA Stalinist Zig zags on the Chicago Conference Engels on the International Revolution SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE results in the share work ment.
Trotsky Speaks to American Audiences on It must be remembered that this is For years the American worker has being sanctioned by labor. Labor. the capitalist class, is the establishment is the opposite in content it not in form the capitalist side of the problem and Significance of Russian Revolution been the most highly exploited and pol. also was opposed to the dole. Labor of the legal apparatus to solve thl of the workers side of the question of itical backward class in the advanced objected to government charity. La problem. They have established. the reduction of hours. The capitalist (Continued from page 1) surrection has approached. He capitalist nations. Now this class is con bor wanted work.
tional organization, with Walter Teagle, method brings with It lower wages and from 190. In accordance with its Imhead. The democratie parties Let me sum up the events which date right. The bourgeoisle finally lost to fronted with permanent mass unemploy. The shorter work day propaganda of of the Standard Oil, who is now devoting greater speed up. The workers side, mediate task, the Russian revolution was the remains of the confidence Wasted ment. One reaction of the working class the bosses is a means of reducing the his full time to this emergency for through the class struggle drives in the a bourgeois revolution but the Russian munges. The Russian army no longer of the to the crisis has been the motion in optandard of living of the workers, is (I suppose) a dollar year, just like opposite direction.
posite directions of this physical and means of furthering the wage cut drive he devoted his time to the emergency will determine to what degree it can drive tonary. The victory of The class pressure bourgeoiste was already entirely reac wanted to fight for the foreign aims mental condition of speed up and back by the Stagger Plau against the work of the last world war. They know what the movement in the opposite direction. revolution was, therefore, possible only ista rose up against the bureaucracy of the Russian of Imperialism. The oppressed national wardness. The speed up has been inten ers. The blind and ignorant Staliniste emergencies are and act accordingly. The The role of the party will determine as the vietory of the proletariat. But Petrograd; in the most important sec.
sitled while the political conselousness of saw the capitalist side of this class pro committee functions throughout the coun. much of this. Stalinism has already ans. the victorious proletariat will not stop tions of Soviet Russia the Bolsheviki the class is being awakened and is moving blem confused it with our side and dis try, covering every avenue of activity we wered. We Communist workers should at the program of the bourgeoiste; it were dominant.
into class channels.
missed it as reactionary, social Fascing labor power.
answer them by removing such leaders will go on to a program of socialism.
The Soviets demanded The condition of mass unemployment ist. etc. not once realizing that every. The entire country has been divided and replacing them with Marxists. By action. The time was ripe to strike.
and the lowering of the standard of liv problem has its working class side into sections. In each locality a chalr recalling the Lett Opposition to the party revolution formulated by me in 1905, and This was the theory of the permanent Only under sue social and political ing of the American workers has set in also This should be B but like man has been appointed who in turn Speaking of Job sharing. Teagle says. since then exposed to severest criticism conditions was the insurrection possible, motion class forces, that if properly dir all simple problems Stalinism makes eulists the heads the large business The help of the ablest business execu under the ected by the party, can become the force, them complicated and all complicated and industries. All the firms the same tives is required. We are trying to mobis clear, thereforethat the general The party carried through the October name of Trotskyism. It and thus it also became inevitable which will be able to move the class far problems Stalinism tries to simplity, line are grouped together and vicollize these men for an attack on what causes of the revolution were visible to insurrection with cold calculation. For Along the road toward the solution.
This which has resulted in simplifyng matters group or chairman as appointed who in consider the principle obstacle to the the Marxists long before it occurred.
this reason, It brought to victory the is true, in so far as the revolutionists for the capitalist enemies. The Stalin turn enlists the heads of large business return of prosperity: unemployment.
Bolsheviki in a country occupying onedirect this class force by a correct pro Ista forgot or ignored the struggle for and Industries. General meetings are held one should not confuse the terminology is that real was to stackward country sixth of the surface of the globe, gram of action.
the shorter work day and bitterly fought throughout the country, as well as group Teagle uses with the real essence of the more history is The daymeetings, problem. but only The question now comes up: What was rectness of a Marxian analysis and its tive day week, and no reduction to pay: dividual arms to explain the advantage always cloak thelr attack against the element of the capitalist world as achieved at the high cost of the rev: alysis of the Left Opposition is being not made much progress with their side ture is distrbuted and plans are worked when the class relations are so favorable in this lies the real reason for the over the fact that the land of the Sovieta confirmed, but due to the revisionists, of this problem. Nevertheless, what lit out for adopting the scheme to special for them.
the Stalinists, it is being confirmed in a tle progress they have made is far great cases. New York Times, Oct. 30 The Left Opposition will continue ite the chain broke at its weakest link. The of general well being. What did the rev: negative way.
er progress than we have made with our Teagle says, more than 3000 Arms, propaganda In this field coordinate deplorable condition of the futile monolution do and why did the sacrifices When the process of capitalist accu. side of the same problem, because the mostly in the manufacturing and indus it with the other pressing immediate de archie system, aggravated by capitalism Justify themselves?
mulation reaches its advanced stage: most powerful organized poltical force trial field have already adopted similar mands for the struggle against unem exploitation, created a terrific force which ermit me to think that the difficulties when accumulation is counterposed by of our class, the party, controlled by plans and it is estimated that if thos ployment and point out that the solution found its realization in the proletariat.
and the mistakes, as well as the achieve overpopulation and mass unemployment: the Stalinists, has put a damper on even had not done so 3, 500, 000 more workers of the problem is found in the revolu fundamental factor was the existments of the Soviets, are no less familiar when the productive forces reach a point the thought about this problem.
would have been added to the list of un tionary overthrow of capitalism. Agence of great revolutionary resources in to me than to anyone else But in critte where the relative decrease of the num Some of the preliminary steps taken employed. One can read almost daily Stalinism grows in America so grow the oppressed nationalities within the ism as well as in acclamation, dispasber of Industrial workers is transformed now, after three years of the crisis, by accounts of the practical plan and ita the mistakes of Stalinism. OEHLER. borders of the empire, constituting 67 sion is needed. Fifteen years! Fifteen into an absolute decrease, expressed by per cent of the total population. To years is a long period in the life of increased production and by a decrease these must be added the experiences of a man. But afteen years in the life of in labor power; when Accumulation of the revolution of 1006, which Lenin call a people is just a minute on the clock wealth at one pole, Is therefore, at the ed the dress rehearsal of the revolu of history. In the course of the Civil same time accumulation of misery, agony tion of 1917 and which witnessed the brat War in the United States, 50, 000 men of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality. Concluded from last Issue)
mental degradation, at the opposite pole The Party changed its position on the committee other delegates besides those change, it is incorrect. The party gained Last, but far from least, was the er its fullure to draw into the executive because it is not a complete and thorough creation of the Soviets, and the imperial. were killed.
Can such sacrifices be justified from. then the period of proletaran revolu united front in the Chicago affair. But from the Workers League, the Unemploy in Chicago. The policy of the united istence of a powerful Bolshevist party.
the standpoint of the progressive forces of American society. Absolutely! And capitalists take drastic steps, or are mained silent about this reversal of makes a final plea for the extension of yndicated there as it is vindicated everytory of mankind. It was the living con of humanity as a whole, there can be no tions has been entered and unless the it changed it in usual fashion. It reed Councils and the Socialist groupe, he front as advocated by the Opposition was the most revolutionary party in the hie trom the standpoint of the development faced with a proletariat without a Marz: policy. it continued to preach united the united polley as practised in Chicago Where. In Germany, the Berlin organt. denuation of the modern history of Rus doubt whatever.
lan leadership the favorable objective front from below. It called to educate conditions will be developed and transOur View zation carried out a similar policy and la. It learned to recognize the weakOut of the Civil War came the present formed into revolutionary uprisings of the result that there is naturally con its membership about this change with In the leaflet distributed to the demon locked horns with the Central Committee nesses of society as typified in the great United States, with Ite unbounded prac.
the proletariat against the capitalists.
One of the most fundamental economic Fusion in the party ranks. That is why stration (See Millant, No. 144) the Op. In the United States, the Central Comevents of the twelve years from 1905 tleal initiative, its technology and its problems confronting the American capt lessons of the conference.
position, declared its approval of the unmittee remained silent. Why?
to 1917. It educated cadres equally capa economic life. The deepest, the most it necessary for Gebert to discuss the ted front and ponted out that this united The party has as its task to bring abont ble of inttative and subordination to dis objective and most indisputable criterion talists, which they recognize, but which Party Confusion front was precisely what the Opposition clarity. It must not hedge, and make cipline. Its revolutionary activities were of social progress is the growth of the the party under Stalinist leadership does not recognizes the adjustment of this In his appeal for funds, Goldman, the welcomed the change in the line of the etteal base for a false position. Away the tradition of the common struggles, view is already gained by experience had been calling for at all times. We half changes while maintaining the theor based on the unity of its doctrines, on Russian revolution from this point of surplus labor power to the tremendous lawyer, characterized the united party, because the change was a correct with the theory of social Fascism and and confidence in its trusted leadership. The principle of planned economy house for for less labor power per unit.
There is no solution of this problem tical parties and other organizations, to demonstrate before them the superior greater progress. ALBERT GLOTZER was a unity of workers of various pol. contact with wider masses of workers, the party will be in a position to make In September Lenin, who was compel en recording unheard. de results in proled to keep in hiding. gave the signal duction in a short space of time.
for the capitalist class, because it is only united in common struggle on an issue ity of the position of the Communists The crisis le ripe! the hour of the 18Thus we have an explanation of the a surface indication and an expression in that effected all workers. Goldman went over other political movements, and extraordinary persistence of the massthe decay stage of capitalism of the con so far as to restate Trotsky declara thereby winning support of non Communes of the people as shown through all tradiction between socialized production tion on the united front: we will even ist masses. It enabled further an exposArchives of the Left Opposition the years of the revolution. The Rusand capitalist appropriation. However, make a united front with the devil. Beure of the Soclalists as splitters and be sian masses of today endure privations, If our class through the inability of its tween Goldman speech and that of trayers, who kept the threat of with but not passively. With their own vanguard does not take advantage of Williamson lay a great abyss. In the drawal from the conference over the hands they are creating a better future.
They want to create it at any cont. But the favorable class relationship, the capt District Committee of the party an in head of its participants, if too militant talist class will, by this means, not only tense discussion revolved around the a policy was adopted. But we raised Falsification of history! In this con. present program of the Communist In from the outside on the patient mises, let any enemy attempt to impose its will steal a march on us, but will also stren united front, it found itself face to face the slogan of. Maintain the United Front cise phrase can be summed up the enternational.
and you will see whether they are pasgthen their position against the coming with a reality that contradicted the post because the struggle of the unemployed tire present campaign of the Stalinists class battles, We shall quite from Ryaznonti Com. sive or not.
Either of the immediate temporary I, whom Gebert takes to task, could not remains fust as acute today as ever and theortes a heredity dating back to the munist Manifesto (page 332. To the am sure that the great American peo solutions of the problem of the reor understand why the leaders of the so the party must continue the correct he days of Mary and Engels. But what question of whether it will be possible ple have the highest Interest, woralis Kanization of labor power to productive cialist party and other Right wing orginning. But from all appearances the they can do with the as yet unpublished to establish a socialist society in one well as material, and are in sympathy forces, the capitalist road or the prole ganizations were seated at the conference. united front has disbanded not only be works of Lenin, they are unable to do to country alone, Engels has the following with the effort of the great, Russian peo tarian road, is negative for the capitalist Comrade we must declare, correctly cause the Socialists welcomed the end of those writings of the founders of sciento say.
to life on a higher level.
class from the standpoint of economics, interpreted the party policy. And while the demonstration and thereby their par tific socialism that saw the light of Angwer: No.
but negative to an entirely different de Gebert is essentially in the right in his telpation, but also, because the party day long before the era of the present by creating a world market, has so link sand, or even a hundred, Americans to Large scale industry. If my short talk can help a few thougree. However, from a political stand criticism of position, he should de likewise was prepared to end the united epigones.
ed up the peoples of the earth, and es understand the internal inevitability in point, the capitalists victory far less clare that the policy of the party is wrong front with the close of the demonstraharmful, if we allow the capitalist to de and that the united front in Chicago tion. This is a great error and a crime An excellent and concise presentation pecially the civilized peoples of the earth, the development of the Russian revolucide how to recognize which means to marked departure from the official against the unemployed workers who of the view of Engels on the question that each of them is dependent on what tlon, my efforts will have been well reallow them to solve the problem con stalinist position on the united front. need leadership and united action, fronting them. The capitalist aim in ob Under the training of the theory of But Gebert humor is too tragic. He from the pamphlet entitled Principles cal development of all civilized countaining the lever of the problem is to social Fascism, and having been taught calls for an extension of the united front of Communism. This writing composed tries has become so similar that every And the capitalist way out of permanent that the party would not and could not polley applied in Chicago, but does not of a series of questions and answers, was where the struggle between bourgeoisie League Resolution For New tempo of class consciousness development nor for that matter in one conference united front and extending the struggle Kels to the Communist League in 1847. upon which the issue depends, bas become of the American workers and to further comrade drew his logical conclusions it began. He does not declare that the The draft was used by Marx in the crea the dominating struggle of the day. The Conference reduce the standard of living to enable that it was wrong to have seated Borders official policy of the party must be due ton of that masterplece of programmatie Communist revolution will, therefore, not party. carded because it is false and contra literature, The Communist Manifesto.
The following resolution of the Left take place in all civilized countries, or Opposition was presented to the New the contradiction of the accumulation and McVeigh of the Farmer Labor Party, and dicts the entire event in Chicago. Which The work appeared in America as one at least in Great Britain, the United York Ratification meeting of the Unemthe falling rate of profit, by the reduc others.
shall it be? United front from below of the series of pamphlets in The Little States, France, and Germany at one ployment Conference in the selection of tion of the necessary labor through speed. What is more amusing is the close of which means no united front at all or, Red Library. under the title Principles and the same time. In each of up and lower wages.
Gebert article. After correctly critica united front of all workers and their of Communism (published by the Com countries It wil take a longer or shorter these delegates for the Hunger March. Resolution The aim of the working class must be izing the conference for its failure to organizations, as took place in Chicago. munist party. Unfortunately, a serious time develop according to whether The National Hunger March called by to utilize this contradiction to widen the attempt to draw employed workers into the party must declare itself. It cannot typographical error crept in, making un Industrial lite has attained a high de the Unemployment Councils has the engap between these economic contradic. the movement, for having falled to appeal face two ways on this question. intelligible the answer to the question tions of the capitalist mode of producto the of for support (does this We have no doubt the pressure of the that we are concerned with. Since the Bree of evolution, has atnassed great dorsement and active support of the tion, accelerate the process of class con not sound strange coming from Gebert situation brought about this new line. it has appeared, in an understandable of the then, wealth, and has a considerable quantity Communist League of America (Opposlproduc at its dis. tion. sciousness and force a reorganization of or is there a new line in the offing. for But this change is only a beginning and manner damning to the authors of the posal. While we are actively participating in labor power to productive power by the the day to day struggle for imediate rereduction of hours with NO REDUCTION lief and consider this a most pressing OF PAY. Only class pressure properly in China present a Gordian knot in the the spirit of trade rivalry, England and problem of our class, we nevertheless, do organized and directed by the Communist economie battle for supremacy in the America wanted, by means of their great not lose sight of, and continually point party can accomplish this task Far East. Harriman tried to purchase wealth, to smash our influence in China. out, that the solution of unemployment Up to the present our constant and the South Manchurian railway in 1905. The proposal for the limitation of arma jand our other class problems can only consistent criticism and activity against This attempt being futile, Knox then ments is merely a means of curtailing be had by the overthrow of the capitalthe stalinist course in the unemployment Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism tried to neutralize Manchuria by mak our military power and depriving us of ist system.
field and their failure to mobilize a strug.
gle, or at least to prepare the ground and the Development of the Proletariat Ing the railways international. a move the possibility of conquering the buge The struggle for immediate rellet and whose only frult was the secret partition territory of China.
the mobilizing of broad layers of our for it, around the slogan of the hourBy Jack Weber ing of Manchuria between Czarist Russia Chinese Trade class to support the Hunger March on day and five day week and no reduction and Japan. In 1913 came the attempt The share of the In Chinese trade Washington can only be accomplished In pay, has, as we have pointed out more Commercial Rivalries give Japan an advantage although she to grant an international loan to China is on the increase. It controlled 17 per upon the basis of the United Front, as than once in the columns of the Multant, China forms the battleground of the is at the peculiar disadvantge of requir. for the purpose of building a rival rallcent of Chinese importa in 1928, the Jap the latest united front of the Communist resulted in allowing the capitalists to nations and exposes the utterly hopeless ing eleven sailors for every eight needed way to the South Manchurian in Shant anese controlling 26. percent. Japan Party, the socialist party, trade unions proceed with this gigantic problem un contradictions of imperialism. Even on ships due to the lower stature ung. The State Department approved share is also increasing at the expense and other worker organizations of the hampered, without a warning to the back in 1908 Special Agent Clark, of the Japs Both countries use the the consortium for loans to China in of England. The struggle of the Chicago Unemployment Conference.
class, without a directive to the class sent to Manchuria, reported. Manchuria shrewdest catch an catch can methods 1919. However, in every case Japan has against the strengthening of Japan in order to expose the social reformers. Any as though we were automatons to be 18 a very important market for American in this conflict. Despite all its disad outmaneuvered the imperialista in fluence in China is reflected politically in other so called united front is only a handied and remolded to the capitalist four, oil, tobacco, etc. and especially for vantages (older and fewer ships) the this sphere.
the alliance with Chiang Kai Shek. The caricature and a denial of the Leninist desires American plece goods. It is the only Jape control the shipping of 80 percent The World War intensified the struggle Americans feel that their strongest ally United Front.
The capitalists and their government section of China In have been steadily, and which American of their own freightage (imports and for mastery. The opposed the 21 would be the growth of a unified Chinese The Communist League (Opposition)
without too plece goods practically monopolize the exports. demands and the attempt of Japan to bourgeoisie. Aerial developments, radio fraction of the Communist Party ask the much bragging, working on this problem. market. The trade of Manchuria is of Controversjes with the They bave foundered, they have made more importance to the than to any setze the Siberian Maritime Provinces in communication, transport are being fur. delegates assembled at the New York The period from the Russo Jap War the 1918 1920 intervention Owing to thered rapidly by capitalism. ratification meeting to call upon the Commistakes, but being left alone by the other nation, with the possible exception to the present la nown with innumerable American cable and wireless interests, The Strategy of War munist party to officially send delegates vanguard of the proletariat, they were of Japan. It was the successful Japan seeds of contlict. The ousting of Amer the opposed the ceding of the Island Why has not war resulted long since to the Hunger March. It is the duty of able to at least takes some steps in ese methods of closing this trade to the lean business from Manchuria raised a of Yap to Japan as a mandate. Am between Japan and the The ans the Communist party to officially send the right direction toward strengthen that led to the Hays formulation storm of obloquy in the press here against erican militarism saw with dismay the wer lies in the immense distances involv delegates and give Communist directives.
Ing their class position against the in of the Open Door policy, a polfey constat. all things Japanese. In San Francisco, handing over to Japan of the strategic ed. So long as Japan controls her In The Hunger March must not limit its evitable coming head on struggles. ently accepted in words by Japan and Japanese children were excluded from the Caroline and Marshall Islands and there land sea and the open routes to China, demands immediate relief: To the de.
Long before last summer when Hoover broken in deed by the methods of railway ordinary schools and were forced to at has been constant friction over the secret she has nothing to fear from the mand, for Social and Unemployment Incalled a conference of business leaders, rebates to Japanese business, by the tend special schools for Orientals. The building of naval bases in these islands with its nearest naval base 5, 000 miles, surance, must be added the demand for financiers, industrialists, labor fakers, prompt delivery of Japanese goods and Japanese agitation about this matter Finally the United States called Japan away. The effective battle radius of mo the Six Hour Day, the Five Day Week etc. to consider the reduction of the holding up goods, by President Roosevelt to send the to der at the Washington Conference dern fleets from their bases is considered and no reduction in pay. Also the dehours and means of speeding up busi forgery of trade marka. in fact all the fleet into the Pacific for a tour in 1921 where Japan was forced to re to be only 500 miles. Whether aircraft mand for Long Term Credits to the soness reocvery. the most capable techni. methods taught by capitalism. The for of the world (1908. Continued friction treat temporarily. At this conference the can revolutonize the situation remains a viet Union.
clans and capitalist leaders had worked eigners pay full duties on goods entering over immigration led to the Gentlemen U. forecd the abrogation of the Anglo problem of the future Japanese control The New York Ratification meeting out preliminary steps to release some of Manchuria, the aps evade these duties. Agreement of 1912, the Japs withholding Jap alliance of 1902 which formed al of the Caroline and Marshall Islands should adopt these demands and measures the pressure of permament mass unem It was fundamentally this conflict that passports from laborers it no exclusion threat to the but which had also means a threat to the flank of any in to increase the class pressure, to expose ployment, not through unemployment in led to the political outcry against the law were passed.
surance or immediate relier, but through Jape in the But the California become embarassing to England. At the rading navy over 2, 000 miles of its route the enemy and to mobilize greater numallen land law of 1920 and the Supreme present time Stimson continues the pol by submarines. Only with the help of a bers of our class for the activity of the more fundamental clase steps for their Paclfle Shipping Court decision shutting the Japs out of ley of opposition, by refa ing to recognize capitalist Russia could the hope to class struggle.
own class interest, because as yet, the deadls conflict is constantly being cltizenship led up to the exclusion law Manchukuo. Here is Tanaka view of emerge from an impasse in case of war NEW YORK BRANCH Glass was not resisting in an effective waged for control of Pacific shipping of 1924.
recent developments: The Nine Powers with Japan.
Communist League of America manner the onslaughts. Wage cuts were Here the low wages of Japanese seamen The conflict over loans and railways Agreement exclusively the reflection of (To Be Continued. Opposition)