BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Letters from Militants Eject Opposition Delegates in 12 10 Montreal AGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1932 but also love the sympathy of the memOur Club Plan bers.
For instance: Last week leaflets were MILITANT BUILDERS distributed which said that the Progrersive Youth Club would celebrate the 15th Unser Kamf Tour bers in the recent few weeks. They are anniversary of the Russian Revolution in PAID SUB CARDS pot be erected over night by rubbing awake to all the struggles of the work conjunction with the party controlled Alladin lamp. It must be built by our ers, taking an active part in them. The It was only natural that a good They re coming in alright. We have attorta. Let us add brick to brick. Ev. Continued from page 1)
Brings Results And that, of course, class in Marxian conducted by comrade many of the club members should raise is the way to do it. The Pald Sub Cerd er sab, every Pald Sub Card sent in Tho The tour in the Interest of Unser Kamt, Spector has an attendance of 35 to 40. the question as to why the membership (by whom. and every delegation and started with a rush.
which in the past six weeks has taken The Toronto group is sinking its roots was not consulted about this affair. The its representative appeared before it must keep it up Remember comrade stad record measures our bricklaying.
us through New Haven, Boston, Mon wide and deep. The most recent achieve result was that not only did the club William Kitt, a duly elected delegate from ideas seems to have caught on. Now we brick in our Militant structure.
treal, Toronto, Cleveland, Youngstown, ment during the week we spent in this refuse to join, but the membership as the Alteration Painters Union, was ob Chicago Friends of Detroit, Chicago, Davenport, and finds locality was the ald given in the organt well was aroused against such tactics. jected to by the unholy three which the Militant sells these half year Pad THU STAFF (more to the bloc it wanted, of course)
the militant Club 12 us at present in Minneapolis, revealed to zation of the students League of Canada This would never have happened if the had been informed that he was a Trot Sub Cards fn minimum blocs of four or Vomvas Morgenstern abilities for the growth of the Left Opper, The Spark. Our comrades were also forward and correct united front manner. qualify him, but the other delegate from they are sold by the Milliant only on The official party members are blind in the Union threatened to withdraw if it cash basis; you dispose of them accord. Dunne position and the keen interest of the making preparations for the publication Nash Communist workers in our message. The of a Canadian organ of the Left Oppost thinking that they can railroad through were done. The Committee thereupon re lue to your circumstances in blocs or Krebm stalinist course of zig zags has stripped tion, The Vanguard, which was to appear anything. The results of last week ex luctantly permitted him to participate.
perience ought to teach them something Strangely enough, no objections were recipient has to do is all in his naine and II. the official party in the localities of the on the 7th of November.
if they will only open up their eyes. made to any of the other delegates an address on the card mall it in and he will be entered on the list as a subscribM. Hudson more competent older leaders. Many of We went to Toronto with the impresivere accepted, none was excluded, with or. It as simple as that. Rayburn them, at a loss to explain the party sion that the work for Unser Kami was the exception of course of the Left OpII. Capells blunders, left the party in disgust. Hun carried by one comrade. This was true position delegate. The most elementary NEWCASTLE SHOWS THE WAY Pitts. Anniversary Meet Gottlieb dreds others were expelled for fighting only until recently. The short few semblance of democratie procedure was Hamilton the local manifestations of bureaucracy, months of our existence has gained for PITTSBURGH. In response to the launching of the absent. The Morals Committee under Konikow not knowing to this day that this bureau us new adherents with the result that Coover cracy is a component part of the Stalin. we found it possible to Thanks to the Communist League of the trained direction of Winters, Sam second phase of the Club Plan three organize an of Weisman (whose moral qualifications, as branches have thus far sent in these Leasin ist regime and a consequence of at laloe Unser Kams Club which has its in. Pittsburgh now have a long sought for exemplisted by his work in the food work cards. They are PhiladelphftNew York Sifakis political line. This is especially true beception about 15 workers. Several young opportunity to study and learn the real ers unton, is well known to our readers. and New Castle, La Fourteen cards, Joel Memillen Communist nerden cet one time bad the the and the party for selling Opposition study class organized by com oiled steam roller, a la Tammany Hall amounted bass hebt this total New Castle Millen Weber and distributing Unser Klamt. As for rade Gordon, sent to this city recently As our delegation, consisting of Glee, acounted for eight, New York, five and Unfortunately our local groups with the two that the comrade by the League, Milton and Ross, passed before Philadelphia, one. These are credited to branch stand which is given be Ross few exceptions barely touches the sur ranged for us, one on the German situathe Committe, the objection was raised. Sheehet face in reaching the disoriented and contion had an attendance of 66 70; the secThe Marxist Study Class is increas. We were accused, no less, of murdering low.
When a comrade sends in tour of these TAE RECORD BY CITIES fused Communist workers with the mesond one on What the Left Oppositioning in worker students from week to two workers Avenue and 7th Street.
Chicago 24 sage of the Left Opposition, which alone Stands For had an attendance of close week. It assures the development of a chorus of gasps was to be heard at cards we credit him with a Culb Plan Minneapolis 20 could save them for the revolutionary to 150. We also addresesd. an open senuine well equipped revolutionary this point, which we took as the oppor Sub and Include it in the standing of Pittsburgh 16 movement. This is why our efforts in forum of the tailors. At all these meet. group within the workers movement of tunity to inform the Committee that at the staff. As we keep accurate records New York the tour were concentrated primarily on ings we found a keen and sympathetic Pittsburgh.
18 the time the two workers were killed, of every card coming in as well as toToronto the organization of functioning groups interest in our viewpoint.
Boston On Saturday, November 12. the Marx we had invited the Communist party and Ine out a comrade need not send in four TO not alone among Jewish speaking workere, but wherever we found it possible. The sales of our literature in Toronto ist Study Class Celebrated the 16th annt to determine the responsibility for the receive eredit for club plan sub. We Philadelphia New Castle The lectures that we held, were merely have doubled and trebled and in the versary of the Russian Revolution in a deaths, and that both the party and the will add it up, so to speak, and for ev.
ory four we will add four to his total.
case of The Militant, we believe that in hall on Center Avenue. Over 40 students ILD did not see fit to reply. by product. bave already done this with comrades were and sympathizers were present.
St. Louis In New Haven we found that the com crease is five fold. Preparations The celebration was opened Dropping this line of action, the in Reyburn and Hudson of New Castle who by the rades were not functioning in an organ. under way in Toronto also for the organiDes Moines itors told us that the CLA was a pol sont in four of these Paid Sub Cards Notice the way New York is climb.
ized manner. One of our comrades in xation of the Spartacus Youth Club. cbairman with singing of the Interitical organization and that consequently aplece.
this locality has been functioning as the under the experienced, capable guidance national. Then comrade Gordon was we could not participate in the Hunger 18. It looks as though it won be long To sum it up: we think that we have now before it up at the top. But there finding it imposible to replace her for with the favorable objective conditions munist League. He spoke on the great most unfortunate that the was not a beginning. We cannot leave off build they will do out there? Well, what in New Haven we thet with the comraded come one of the most powerful bases of vik victory in October 1917 and stressed present, that we considered it a serious buy when only the foundations, and hard watching. Let er to. We ll not be alle several times, discussed the need for the Left Oppostion in the future. the historical role of the Left Opposition de present pelte aperty in the party tomut. that, are lnld. We want a towering appointed 19 a livels scrap develope for organized activity, and with the necesAs for the rest of the tour, we will as its truest defender to participate openly in such a movement. Structure. We un erstand that it canul Mrat place.
After touching Perilla interrupted us at this point to sary assistance from the center we believe report it on a different occasion. upon the tasks that this role implies say that they would defend the party It will be possible in the future to build Kansas City, Nov. 29, 30. here in Pittsburgh and in the everyday themselves and that we should mind our Washington.
up a strong center there. We appeared St. Louis, Dec, 2, 3, We recorded our protest, Volumes are all gone these pamphlets class struggle be closed with an appeal own business.
before a number of working class or Springfield, Dec.
and, pursuant upon the order, left the are unobtainable anywhere, even by us.
for support of the Left Opposition hall.
ganizations and sold our literature which Chicago, Dec.
struggle for working class and Commun Left Opposition Excluded Cleveland, Dec.
Our resolution endorsing the Hunger was bought quite ongerly. We had no ist unity on the basis of the Marxist In order to bind additional sets we New Castle, Pa. Dce. 11.
open lecture here but we do hope on our program and the Charges were hurled at us that Russian Revolution.
we March and presenting the unemployment need the following pamphlets: The Draft return to the center to arrange such lec. Pittsburgh, Dec. 12, 13. The whole crowd. party sympathizers were enemies of the working class, that program of the CLA, could not, fortun. Program; The Turn in the Germany tures at frequent intervals in view of Baltimore, Dec. 14, 15.
we represented nobody, etc. etc. We, onately, be distributed at the conference, the key to the International situation; among them, applauded heartily.
the proximity of this locality to New Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 16, 17.
our part, kept the floor and disposed of for technical reasons. It is reproduced and World Unemployment and the Five There was some dancing afterwards the arguments made against us. Finally, elsewhere in this issue of the Milltant.
Trenton, Dec. 18.
Year Plan. It our comrades will send York.
and the comrades gathered in a group the patience of the trumvirate was ap. SYLVIA BLEEKER.
HARRY MILTON. these pamphlets to us we will be able to Our Boston branch has been humming to sing revolutionary battle songs. Be parently exhausted and we were informed MORRIIS LEWIT.
go ahead with the binding. We need lots with activity of late. The comrades have of them. The more we receive the more fore closing, the speaker of the Communihat we could go, that the Committee taken upon themselves the initative in ist Lengue made an appeal for ald in the would consider the case and inform us Pamphlets Wanted we will building up a social science club which able to bind.
preparations for the Hunger March, re of its decision. We asked for the right had an attendance of about thirty people Pittsburgh Youth Club porting on the United Front Unemployed to appear before the Committee to defend We are now completely ont of the We ask for these pamphlets on the Conference at which the League was re ourselves. To which Sam Weisman re Bound Volumes of comrade Trotsky following terms. We are absolutely unthered a group of Jewish workers who at and Opposition presented by delegates and asking for plied that they had already listened to pamphlets. But the demand still con able to pay for them with money. We present are proceeding with the organi Anancial support to make its work sucour arguments and would render a detinues. This leaves us no choice but to an issue credit slips for the amount of zation of a club which we are sure will PITTSBURGH. render assistance to Unser Kamf and to Workers of Pittsburgh may already bo cessful. The collection netted a small cision without us being present. Pro make another attempt to bind some more the pamphlets against any accompanying our movement in general. Upon the very familiar with the Progressive Youth and which was quite substantial con testing against such a procedure, we re. This is where the difficulty comes in. or future order that the comrade mas quested that the decision be made then As you remember we advertised the make. But those orders must be for day of our arrival we were invited to which has recently been organized here.
Refreshments were served by the enter and there. hasty consultation took Bound Volumes as containing some pam literature. We are strongly against apthe Stalinists deserted an excellent field Frelheit a short time ago accused us, of was closed with the singing of Solidarity Committee saw it to deny us the right tainable except in these Bound Volunes. als.
And the pamphlets must be in good speak at Chelsea Labor Lyceum. Here Especially due to the fact that the tainment committee Then the affair place and we were finally told that the phlets that were out of print and unobplying them to sub extensions and renew.
of activities when the third period was the Left Opposition, of wanting to break Forever first proclaimed and they did not deem up one of its meetings. Of course this is to participate in the Hunger March to That was true. But now that the Bound condition.
it possible to work in the same instituj only just another of the Frelhalt train.
tions with Social Fascists. The result «d to lie stories, to which the Left OpSTRATEGY OF THE WORLD WHAT NEXT Vital Questions was that a large section of Left wing position has been accustomed for long.
REVOLUTION workers refused to follow the party in Of course, the membership of the club for the German Proletariat its splitting tactics and remained in the consists of workers with different tendPart of the Draft Program PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE Labor Lyceum without any gudance or encles and should the workers of the of HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN 86 pages 25C 192 Pages Cloth. 65 direction. Upon the request of these ficial party use the right tactics in going REVOLUTION REVOLUTION Vol. 522 pages Paer 36 the about united front activities, there are Left wing workers we spoke 450 pages Cloth cover 50 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN Labor Lyceum on the election campaign possibilities of bringing the elements of DANGER paper cover 00 and in support of the Communist candi the club to such a point where the club PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP.
64 pages paper cover 150 dates. The following day we lectured in as a whole would participate in the MENT OF THE THE REAL SITUATION IN the Labor Lyceum on our differences with everyday struggle if the working class.
48 pages paper cover 150 WHITHER ENGLAND RUSSIA the party. We were attacked sharply by But due to the fact that the party memthe Socialists present in the audience. bers here are trying to railroad through THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION 178 Pages COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL Paper 75 364 pages cloth cover 00 It was quite natural. They consider us their points without the consent or the less practical than the Stalinists and understanding of the members and in the 158 pages paper cover 500 ISM PIONEER PUBLISHERS when it comes to a choice, prefer the meantime, mostly against the Left Opcloth cover 00 64 pages paper cover 150 84 East 10th Street, New York, latter. On the other hand, we were well position, they not only meet with fallure received by the Left wing workers, many of them finding that we were volcing criticisms which had been in their own The anti imperialist agitation is generalminds. We established some contacts ly ignored.
there and sold a substantial amount of Very few workers and agricultural literature.
laborers are in the party, but the alien SHANGHAI We appeared before several branches soever (the yellow unlons included. The Sated congress of the Communist party, the partisan warfare which expresses it elements, like the rich peasants, the of the Workmens Circle appealing for Let us dwell now on the labor move telephone company is an American enter in the Southern Kiangal Soviet district sell in loose organization, small group merchants, the youth of the landowners, the support of Unser Kamf which they as ment in Shanghat after the Sino Japan. prise. When the foremen (under the in. the center of the Soviet districts. We inge, undlaciplined action, lack of scien. still mix themselves up with it. matter of routine referred to the Exse conflict. Since millions in wealth fluence of Nationalist feelings) offered to quote the following parts from it to show tific division of tabor, ignorance of poslThe militarist remnants still preserve tional warfare. The remnants of mill the government as the Kuo Min Tang ecutive Committee. We are not yot were burned in ashes, production was cooperate with the strikers, the Stalin. the real situation in these districts: aware of the results.
contracted, unemployment Increased, theists put up unreasonable demands to The resolution starts by complainine tarist caste still exist, its concrete ex generals manifest towards the The work of the Left Opposition in hunger army swelled, the post war crisis make this collaboration Impossible. The against the line of Li San for not pression lies in the fact that bad relation government. They think that the red Montreal bas heretofore been carried weighs heavily upon the people. The employers, seeing the dissension among upon the shoulders of one comrade and bourgeoisie lost no opportunity to dismiss the strikers, stiftened their resistance confiscating the rich peasants superflu. exist between commanders and command army is the creator of the government.
ous and better land. in every many soed, between the army and the toiling and the government Institutions should one or two sympathizers. We must say the disgruntled workers, to lower wages, The workers returned to work uncondi vlet districte, much of the landowners masses.
be inferior to the red army.
that he had done exceedingly well, being to intensify the exploitation of labor. tionally and many were later fired. The and rich peasants land was not con After the August (1931) resolution of Thus, in spite of the passage of Impoactive at the same time in leading ca. The task of the day was to fight for the bus strike revealed even more clearly fiscated and the land was left undivided the Central Bureau on the agrarian tent resolutons condemning bureaucratpacity in his trade union and other organ defense of the workers interests against the failure of the Stalinist tactics. They for a long time; where was divided question. there are still Rights theism, the rich peasant tendency, militar izations. The appearance of Unser Kamf the capitalist offensive. In spite of the at first obtained the leadership of the according to the productive implements, portunist mistakes, which consist in the ist survivals, etc. for the last two years, has given several Jewish speaking work unfavorable conditions of struggle, a strike, but they do not know how to It was absolutely a rich peasant line. concessions made the landowners, gen. matters in the Soviet districts continue ers the chance to acquaint themselvea strike wave developed, the postal work adapt themselves to the backward work Proletarian consciousness in the party Although repeated reorganizations are warfare inevitably degenerates when it to go from bad to worse. The partisan with the viewpoint of the Left Opposters strike the newspaper printers ers so as to draw them into the struggle Atatures, when they declared that they refuse any of the Soviet districts is weak, the back undertaken in the Soviet governmental is not supported by mass movements in comrade Gilbert for raising some of the ers, the telephone workers strike, the was disclaimed by the strikers. The ul. Slected to the party. The sctivit lege vetrich peasants and merchants mixed with this truth but, in the long run, they took from the Young Communist League of the strike of part of the tramway work help from the outside, thelr leadership werd de los partite pole aeter alles e institutions, there are still landowners, the cities. The staunists wanenen teeniny made possible for us to definitely organ ended in defeat. The attitude of the em. the herole efforts made to stop the strike rich peasants, the merchants and others and peasants power.
The basic or verting the Chinese party into a peasants raised was an additional factor which and labor disputes. Most of the strikes 18lated them from the workers and a liced pethandwerel emerchanachand the by loses the class character of the work. Communism, the stalinists are really con Ize a Branch of the Left Opposition in ployers was too resolute and intranet. breakers were of no avail.
youth of the landlords and gentry, pene ganizations of the political power the workers party. The influence of comthis locality. In addition to that we took geant, but the workers were also stubIn spite the revival of the labor trate into the government and into all city and village Soviets are not organ munsm in Chinese polítics is practicalthe first steps in organizing a Youth Club. born in their fight. The yellow leaders movement in the post war days, owing to the revolutionary organizations. Even ized at all. The village government ex. ly nil, what the Chinese Communist Our lecture in Montreal exceeded our either sabotaged or betrayed the strikes the false tactics pursued by the Stalin the party cadres are filled with such ecutive committee and government groups, Party represents is the policy of the exceptations. For the first time we suc. In these strikes, it could be seen that ists, the lack of political propaganda and alien elements.
replace them. consistently ordering petty bourgeois turned desperate. The ceeded in having an open lecture on our the yellow unions, could serve as the struggle for democratic demands, the The class struggle in the Soviet dis about the masses. The government insti Manchurian crisis opened up broad posdifferences with the party in this locality prop for the workers to start the strikes Communists did not entrench themselvestricts. is hampered. From the govern tutions are busy with those non governsibilities for Chinese Communism to This in spite of the picke line to rent connections only with the telephone work activities of the workers did not greatly the organizational relations are extremely of transport cooltes, the entertainment has never been so discredited as in this of the hall compromising all the partyers strike and the bus conductors strike. increase. The disproportion between the loose and many organizations exist only of passengers, etc.
crisis. The masses of the people are leaders, who exerted all their efforts to The Left Oppostion led the telephone leadership and the masses will to Aght on paper. The former trade unions were not the recoming radialized, but Chinese Comdiscourage workers from attending our workers strike at first, but the Stalinis still enormous. There are still mistakes and defecte class unions at all. The employers, the munism is paralyzed by its internal weakmeeting. The audience sat through thists used all means to break down our in the red army work. First of all, in Independent laborers, even the monks and ness and has let its chances go by. The 1:00 in the morning listening to our point leadership. While the strike committee To complete the picture of present the reorganization of the red army, the oracles join the trade unions. The clase KMT regime is regaining its lost poslof view, discussing with us and asking under our influence was really elected Chinese political life, let us turn our purging of the elements of the landown struggle of the workers against the em. tions and once again stabilizing itself.
questions. The work we have started in by the masses, the Stalinists set up a attention to what is happening in the err, rich peasants and merchants, was plosers is not developed. Nothing has We have to begin from the very beMontreal will be followed up by comrade strike committee elected by their own red army districts. The government not made the central task; rather the been done to improve the workers liv sinning. The dificulties on the road Spector who is scheduled to take a lec men, most of whom were not workers. troops have lately gained several victor task was set of cleansing the army of ing conditions. The eight hour day is are great. But under the leadership of ture trip from Toronto to Montreal.
This committee they used to attack our es in the Hupeh, Anwhel and Honan pro tramps quite vaguely while all the generally not enforced. The struggles the International Opposition and comof all the places so far visited by strike commitee. The Stalinlsts clamored vinces. Direct and up to date informa soldiers and non commissioned officers of which the trade unions lead are the rade Trotsky, we shall be able to find we find that our Toronto group is mak. that the strike must be ended only when tion from those districts, we do not pos the former white army are regarded as struggles of the independent Ing more genuine advances than any other a 100 percent victory to secured, that they sess. We have read, not so long ago, tramps. Up till now, the red army has against the peasants. threatening to ranks, to move on slowly but steadily.
laborers the correct path, to consolidate our own 000. They have ruined about 10 mem. refuse help from any organization what two resolutions passed by the first dele, not yet rid itself of the traditions of break the alliance with the peasantry. NIEL BIH.
BOOKS BY TROTSKY at Picture of the Situation in China Today