BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismKaganóvichKamenevLeninLeninismMarxRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

The Expulsion of Zinovieve SovietEconomyin Danger ist in The 1932 Elections and the American Working Class PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 STALINIST TAKE MEASURES upsurge of the Right Thermidorian tend. LEON TROTSKY The Situation on the Eve encles. The striving of the Stalinists to lump into a single pile the Lefts and the rights is facilitated to some measure by of the Second Yr. Plan the fact that the Lefts and the Rights Marxian Analysis This is inevitable: the exigent need of The Lessons of the Second Expulsion of the Capitulators a regulated retreat from the line of ad. Continued from last issue) down in a considerable measure.
September 12, 1932. Such are the exventuristic leap ahead has become the The administrative hue and cry after And this prediction also has been compressions in terms of money of certain ZINOVIEVU Now the situation has changed at the Frere the economic prerequisites and the vital task of the proletarian state. The quantity leads to a frightful lowering of pletely substantiated. In the sphere of disproportions and discordances according political atmosphere of the epidemie of Centrist bureaucrats themselves dream quality, low quality undermines on the construction the lag was extremely great to the official estimate.
root. True, tue newspaper articles ex capitulation.
plaining the expulsion pwoclulm that be. The growth of economic disproportions, treatng in order, and without losing face ultimate cost of economically ferational more in the current year. The transport forth the need of turning to the interof nothing else but the possibility of re next stage the struggle for quantity, the as early as 1981. It has grown stil Major and minor disproportions call cause we have grown economically exthe aggravation in the situation of the completely, yet they cannot but recognize successes surpasses as a rulo many construction program for months was national market. Imported goods to the tremely strong, and because the party masses, the growth of dissatisfaction, that a retreat in the face of the need for times the value of these samo successes. fulfilled 38 percent according to the estivalue of oue chervonetx can bring out of has become doutely mountbate, tuert of the workers as well as of the peasants, foodstuffs and for all other things may Every advanced worker is acquainted mates of the department itselt. In other its moribund state home production to fore we cannot tolerate the slightest confusion in the apparatus itself theso cost them all too dearly. For this reason with this dialectie not through the books branches the matters relating to con the value of hundreds and thousands of conciliatory spirit. But in this explana are the prerequisites for the revival of they are retreating by stealth and of the Communist academy (alas! more struction are as a general rule even leas Chervontzl. The general growth of econ.
tion the white threads that buste it to all, and of every kind of Opposition. The accusing the opposition of tendencies to inferior goods, but in practise, through Lavorable and worst of all is the sphere omy, on the one hand, and the sprouting gether, stick out all too clumsily in sharpness of contradictions and the inward retreat.
experience in their own mine shifts, fuc of housing construction. The material up of new demands and new disproporopen view. The necessity for the expul tensity of Hlarm in the party push ever son of muovien und Kameuer, for a more onto the road of protest the mod. the fact that the Rights are a faction of The actual political danger consists in tories, railroads, fuel stations, etc.
Tue consequences of the frenzied chase tween altogether too many constructions tons, on the other, invariably increase obviously tictitious reason, testilles quite erate, cautious and The program of liberals. Driven permanent retreat and that they have bave permeated in all their entirety the which leads to the low effectiveness of the the need of linking up with the world Independ on the contrary to the extreme weakening compromise, party ence e, of the self sufficient charac Sixty five million roubles were expended ter of Soviet economy, discloses more and of Stalin and his fractiou. Zinovies and into a blind alley the bureaucracy immewe have always demanded this. The led to admit that, by lowering the qual Kamenev had to be liquidated post buste diately replies with repressions, in a wilight in which the party lives does ity of preparation, by skipping sclentitie on the Balbushaisky copper factory, the more its reactionary and utopian charac not because of a change in their behavior large measure preventive.
not allow the workers to make out quick subjects, or by passing over them at expenses continue to grow from day to ter. Autarchy is the ideal of Hitler, and but because of a change in the Duck(Highest day factually all for nothing: in order not of Marx, and Lenin.
ground. kiutins group, independently of Left Opposition in the open. Small won and to appraise correctly the limited, Technological Educational Instutition) to continue work was necessary to Thus the import of ore from the incep its actual activity, is drugged Hous, in der! those sme bourgeois papers that temporary and conjunctural correctness that took this path instead of aiding in transport in the course of a year 300 tion of the five year plan multiplied fire the given instance, in oruer to garnish relato about the favors presumably in of the Rights, along with the erroneous Austry, injured it. But, indeed who is thousand tons of freight, whereas the times in volume and four times in value the service. In the foreknowledge of the store for Rykov and Bucharin, simultane of their fundamental position.
responsible for the cavalry trot in the ready transport provides all told only 20 it within the current year this article fact that they may be soon brought to only report new mans arrests among highest educational instututions?
The Importance of Our Policy thousand tons. Examples of a similar of import fell off, it was exclusively on account, the stalinists are taking meas the Trotskyists The Left Opposition in If we were to introduce a corrective co kind, though not of such clarity, are too account of the foreign exchange. But ures.
All the more important, therefore, beetficient for quality into the otficial data, many.
the USSR was subjected in the course of In general, one canont deny the fact a number of years to such fearful police comes the clear, independent, and looking machinery grew excessively.
ut the persecution, its cadres were placed in to the far future, policy of the Bolshe then the Indices of the fulfillment of the The poor quality of materials and off on this account the import of factory Highto, who inspired.
Stumms pollcies in such exceptional conditions that it is to be Leninists how. carefully the drops. Even Kuybishe was forced to capital construction. Iron for roofing asserted that the opposition, Left to reli 1648 1928, of two actual or the country and within admit a year of such rotten quality, writes Pravda, as Right, proposes to us that we stren.
Iormer Trotskyists and of Zimoviev and lezal liberals openly to formulate its party!
gthen our dependence upon the capital Kamenev, guilty of knows but of not opposition and to intervene organization groupings according to their ideas and figures relating to the tremendous growth that it cracks when one handled.
prouuct entirely worthy of the politically. the history of bourgeois revolutionsened at isolated tactical coincidences with led cautiousty at the session of Supreme sphere of capital undertakings automatie some artificial and arbitrary step, and inorming that this, to repeat, is atly into the developing events. By the the social, ties! Do not become friche. og industry become relative, he music. The shocking lagging behind in the world. As Ir the matter concerned creativeness of Stalin, Yurosavsky and reminds us that in their struggle against the Rights! Do not forget, because of Soviet Leonoinic Council, if one takes ally undermines the foundations of the hot the automatic logic of economie growth!
xagoda Cuscut amalgam of the autocracy, the liberals, utilizing their tactical coincidences, the antagonism of into account the variations in quality. second five year plan.
kakovsky expressed himself much more Domestic Disproportions and the At the same time the Soviet press World Market Tuerm. uorian type! The goal of the legal prerogatives, always came out frst the strategie lines!
lucidly, If one does not take into ac cites with praise the interviev given by The political differentiation in the so count the quality of production then the combuiauon costs in mixing up the in the name of the people. only the The problem of the proportionality of Sokolnikov on the eve of his departure cards, desorienting the party, increasing trugle between the liberal bourgeoisie viet proletariat will occur along the line quantitive indices represent them the elements of production and the from London. In England there is inthe fueulogicul com usion and thus hader and the bureaucracy cleared the way for of the following questions. Ilow to reselves a statistical tlctlon.
branches of economy constitutes the very creasingly spreading the recognition of ang tue workers trom muking out what the pretty bourgeois democracy and the treat?
Capital Construction heart of socialist economy. The tortuous the fact that the advanced position of Wut, und aung tue way out. The proletariat. Of course what is concern treat? When and how to pass over to a Nore than two years ago, Rakovsky roads that lead to the solution of this the Soviet state in industry and technoBuppementary lusk consists in politically ed here is merely a matter of historical new offensive?
What should be the warned that the scope of the plan was problem are not charted on any map. To hogy will present in Itselt a much wider lowering Zawovlev und Aumenev, former analogs: but we still think that it does tempos of the offensive No matter how beyond the available resources. Neither discover them, or more correctly to lay market for the products of British Inleaders of the Let opposition, now to explain something ing expelled cor amity toward the of the C. boasts out of time and are not building policies for one coun. the specitled plan of capital coustruel The entire industry groans from the considers not the weakening but the The resolution of the September plenum selves, they alone do not suflice. We specified bogst the plan, he wrote, chor them the work of a lengthy and dustry. As a sign of the economic proLADE upposition.
Znovie Game with History out of place that having crushed counter try. The fate of the Soviet Union will tion were prepared for. The entire pre lack of spare parts. Weavers looms re strengthening of the ties with the forInevitably a questionaries, how is it revolutionary Trotskyism, having exposed be resolved in an indissoluble jointure ceeding policy in the sphere of industry main inactive because a bolt is not to eign market, and consequently the stren and experienced the polics, save their right opportunists, the party.
has atsary to place again before the Russian exploitation of old fixed capital. with produced, writes In the line of economy. Is it possible that the former oppuneut an opportunty to deal them cated at the present time decisive sue workers the problems of world Commun out the slightest concern for the future. commodities of widespread consumption Oppositionist Sokolnikov is trading in such a blow? How could they, who receases. The nearest future, one lum in their full scope The attempt to compensate for lapses by Ishaphazard and does not correspond to Trotskyist contraband. But 11 so, nounced their own platform for the sake should excepit, will make clear that the Only the Independent emergence of the a single leap ahead is least realistic in. the demand.
why is he being screened by the official of remaining in the party, when all is left and the Right Opposition are not Left Opposition and the joining together the sphere of capital construction. The One billion roubles has been immobil. press?
said and done, Hy out of the party beauty neither crushed nor annihilated but, or the basic proletarian kernel under its resources necessary for the fulfillment of ixed, frozen by (heavy) industry, in the The Position of the Workers cause of atletitious connection with a on the contrary, that they alone exist banner can resurrect the party, the the plan do not obtain in the country, course of only the first half of 1982, in Stalin speech in July 1931) with its platform foreign to thein One must politically. It was precisely the official Workers State and the Communist Inter and will not obtain in the nearest fu. the form of stocks of materials, unfinished salatary wix conditions was directed perforce reply that this result also dia milicies of the last three or four years national ture. Hence warning: the plan of products and eren finished goods in facnot come about accidentally. Zinovlev that prepared the conditions for a new rinkipo, October, 1932. the capital construction will be broken tory warehouses. For Industrialization against the low quality of the produc tion, the high basle cost, the migration and Kameney tried to play tricks with of laboring forces, the high percentage history O! course, they were motivated, of waste, etc. From that time on there first of all, by solieitude for the Soviet has not appeared an article without reUnion, for the unity of the party, and ference to the historie speech. And in not at all for their personal wellure the meantime all these ailments which But they posed their tasks not on the The presidential clections have once protest vote became entirely undist role played by American Imperialism iu arrested by all of these forces more or were to be cured by the six conditions Elon bot on a much lower plate of the main rendered devastating proof of the cuishable from the conscious capitalist world affairs. Its struggle for hegemony, less being corralled behind Roosevelt as have become aggravated and have a stradox or a politically terribly back vote. Hence also the support of the its struggle to supplant the bourgeoiste far as the elections were concerned. It sumed a more malignant character.
In those most dificult hours for them. ward working class in a highly developed socialist party and the Communist parts of the other capitalist nations and simul is quite clear that the majority of the From day to day the official press beare ou is the only material expression of op taneously its efforts to save the whole workers still followed this leadership of witness to the downfall of Stalin preon the eve of capitalism, they adjured the fuce of the returns. But it is still position to the capitalist parties, recog of the capitalist system from the further the middle class. But it is just as cer scription. In explanation of the falling us, then their allies, to meet the party necessary to probe a little deeper to en ixing, however, the limitations of a par. extension of the October revolution, will tain that the process of break up cannot off in production Pravda points out: The prepared to meet the party all the way. abdomus et indthe trends which are liamentary elections in actually register in the main be determining for future be arrested for very long.
decrease in labor power at factories, the Then will not the Socialist party be growing migration, the ing the working class sentiment. More political developments at home.
but in another and a higher seuse than weakening of Here we have a situation of more than over, when we speak of the support to was required by Stalin and Yaroslavsky, three years of acute economic crisis and the Socialist party in this sense, it is ecties of class relations, resting But within the United States the dial come a more formidable political conten labor discipline (September 23. In the But was that not a splity was that not yet we have reached no further than the particularly important for us to remember upon der? Its growth is significant, not mere category of reasons for the extremely fall of the Soviet power? We replied, a threat of civil war and of the down Democratic party, one of the very impor that, while this was undoubtedly in the the economie basis already created, is ly by the votes recorded which appear to low productivity of the Red Ural comalso at work performing its task of be less than what was recorded by the bine, For Industrializaton. alongside of If it did not encounter our opposition fait cogs of the systein itself, being able main a working class support, it could transforming the political backwardness Debs candidacy years ago, but it is sign. the shocking disproportions between the Stalin polcies would inevitably doom the promise of a new deal. It is in Hly because of the failures of the official There need be no doubt that on a histor existence a couple of years ago up until following (1) the enormous migration to corrall an overwhelming majority on be recorded for its ticket niso primar of the working class into its opposite. ficant from its positon of almost non different parts of the combine lists the the Soviet power to ruin. And this is disputable that the issues of the econ. Communist party leadership to indicate lenl plane the traditional two capitalist its ability today to enlist the support of of labor forces. 2) the dunderheadthe idea that is expressed in our platumie crisis pressed forward, overshadow. clearly the revolutonary direction. In mrty system holding exclusive sway, considerable sections of form. What conquers are principles. ing everything else in the elections. But this instance the reformists gained the Leftward exl policy of the working wage (3)
Capitulaton can never be victorious. We the results, insofar, as they were expres the expense of the revolutionary party. class lines with a working class acting itical form and its leaders are more skil with some manner of liveable quarters. at will give way to parties contesting along developing workers. It is taking on pol failure to provide (the millworkers)
shall do everything in our power so that sed in elections, were only the fact that llistorically, this can only mean in op politically independent of the capitalist fully manipulating the issues. 4) indescribable food for the millworkadministration consonance with and after cousideration. Hoover received the blame for the crisis and position to the revolutionary party parties. That we know will be the direc Problems of Social Reformism ets. 5) the catastrophic talling of of the entire situation, both domestic and the democratic party marshalled by nomic basis for an ideological and pol extent and for how long It may assume question which still confronts us namely, tivn, which has But in the United States today the eco tion. But it is not yet decided to what This has its important bearing upon the word for word. As regards the migra of labor discipline. We have quoted and foreign. But it is impossible to and large the mighty, but blind protest iticale regrouping of class torces is al forms of social reformist political is to what extent social reformism in een bounds, this same paper writes, the foresee all the variations of development. Vote.
ready established. American politics will tion. In that decision the Communist eral will develop in the United States living conditions for the workers) are Nevertheless it is absurd and criminal to play hide and seek with revolution, Discontent and Radicalization become Europeanized. It would at this vanguard will play its part. And it to use trickery in dealing with classes and Are we to conclude from this ferrous.
ection. We are not making any futile diplomacy with history. In such com. there is not as yet any visible radicali cisive economie factors which have long recorded by the socialist partye deserves and turn the tide in a revolutionary dirhastly in all the enterprises of nonplex and responsible situations one inustution of the American workers or any ago pricked the bubble of national self serious attention.
attempt at guering whether social reform In the locomotive factories, which fall be guided by a rule so excellently ex. visibie Leftward trend accelerated by sufficiency are also very strongly ex There have been tendencies before in sm will actually come into power, buted to provide the country with about 250 As one pressed by the French in the proverb, the effects of the crisis? Let us say at pressed in polities.
xam the United States toward a break up of merely concerning ourselves with Its locomotives for the first three quarters of Fals ce que doit, ad vlenne que pourra! the outset that we do not at all proceed me might mention the claim made the two party system, horizontally and prospects of sway for a time within the the year, there is to be observed Perform your duty, let come what may. from the fundamentally false estimates by the various debtor nations, immedi along class lines. We had the various working class. And in this respect, con cute insufficiency of qualified workers.
Zinovley and Kamenev have fallen the of radicalization made by the official ately after the electons, to get in on blocs of which the farm bloc and the sidering the general trend as well as the More than 2, 000 workers in the course victims because they did not keep to this party leadership. With that we have the new deal. They want a suspen progressive bloc became the most out position of the Communist party, it would of the summer left from the single Kolrule.
nothing in common. Nevertheless it would sion of the present payments due and standing. They represented mainly the be difficult to deny such prospects. It is omensk factory. The reasons? Bad be Incorrect to conclude that there are a general downward revision of debt pay middle class elements from both parties necesary to acknowledge the objective living conditions. In the Sormovsk This, of seeking a way of combination against possibilities for social reformist devel. Enetory the factory kitchen is a dive If one leaves aside the absolutely de not yet tendencies of a Leftward devel ments to the United States.
of the worst sort. For Industrializa course, only testifies to the incrensing the big bourgeoisie. This is temporarily opments, and to take them into account tion, September 28 moraiized part of the capitulators of the opment of the American workers.
No one could fall notice the enormous In the privileged type of Radek and Platakov, who, Journalists or functionaries, will condiscontentment as revealed by the elec they will assume the form strictly speak tractor factory in Stalingrad, the factory tinue to serve every victorious faction tions, and revealed clearly also in demoning of a labor party, based upon the kitchen has fallen sharply in its work trade unions, or the Socialist party acpite the dissatisfaction of the workers (Pravda, Septembzer 21. To what (under the pretext of serving socialism). strations outside the elections. But it tually mustering the forces under its then the capitulators taken as a polt is still groping. Politically, in the main, tical group, represent in themselves mo it is still baruessed within the tradi. Continued from page 1) does not make a comment and it also banner, is not yet certain. That depends must have risen in order to force these derate intra party liberals who, at a tloual channels, flowing from one capl before the Soviet Government as a posi takes the tip) which repays quoting. In Moscow. says its editorial ofron many factors of future develop acts into the columns of the Stalinist Lait cor to the Right) and who sub side of the picture, on the other there they are, the Soviet Union would be al. November 23, writes Mr. Durants, there exist only as an opposition force to com In the textile industry, naturally, consequently took to the road of coming to in the growth of support enjoyed by the most snevitably involved. Even if Russia is one menace which is feared above munism is as certain as the fact that the aitions are not better. In the Ivan terms with the ruling bureaucracy. But socialist party. In this instance the present day is characterized by the does represent a swing away from captance in Europe, especially a revolutionary revolution in Germany or elsewhere in contradictions will also serve to limit about 35, 000 qualified weavers left the enterprises. Acording to the words of existence.
fact that this conciliation, which appear talist allegiances of the past, despite the disturbance, would work havoc with the Europe. This is a far cry from the time its ed so final, has begun to crack and to fact that its historical meaning becomes Five Year Plan, wheh is the keynote and when Lenin staged the Bolshevist rev.
As an imperialist power the United this same paper, there are to be found acute form. The tremendous symptomatic here is a growth of the Communist vote ven passing acquaintance with stalinist interested in Russia but because he wish panding its productive forces whermine than percent of the total more changes Kamenes, Uglanov and the others or managed to get on the ballot. growth, will enable anybody to recognize in the day Stalin docs not want to set anything step in attempting to issue out of the into a thoroughfare.
iginates in the fact that in the new clash. Lowever, which is entirely too insignifiabove quotations simply a Durantesque on fire. He wants to be let alone to crisis its reorganization and greater con in explanation of the cruel top of the profound surges in the masses.
portunities which were at hand. But tion of the theory of socialism in one of revolution abroad, even if it comes tralization of capital, its intensified ex time a tendency to confine the observa The Basis Under the Capitulations What political prerequisites were there coumus, particularly due to the fallure anty generously preferred wireless Distion is sure to be followed by a Faacist peltation of labor and general lowering tons to bald accusations against the man the agement and the workers themselves, somebody in counter revolution, and in the swing back margin of concessions which can be incapacty lack of willingness. frest tlons in 1929 1930? They were the bus anet an election campaign in such a Moscow is giving a tip to the important Iussia is likely to be swept along with Given to social reformism And Social Ing on their laurels. etc. However, for reaucratie turn of the helm to the Left: wanner and to pursu a policy in the day. realers of the New York Times: This is the rest.
reformism can in the final analysis cx the last few months the paper more and the successes of the Industrialization; the to day struggles which will win for the not Lenin time; Stalin has come into With minor amendments, the comment ist only on such concession crumbs Its more often point out, mostly on the sly, quick growth of collectivization. The five party at least a measure of confidence power. World revolution may have warranted. Only one other comment States at all as a historically progres able living conditions of the workers.
been of the Times editors is keen and possibility of functioning in the United the actual core of the evil, the unboar.
year plan absorbed the working masses of the discontented masses.
in the air during the days when Lenin great perspective was opened up. The Above all one must remember the polland Trotsky were sowing the wild oats is missing: What have the Communist sive force are becoming enormously les Rakovsky pointed out this reason of workers were reconciled to the loss of tical background of the American working of the young Russian revolution. Today militants to say about the entente corsened. The solution which American im reasons more than two years ago. The revolutionary perialism is seeking. In a historical reason for the increase in breakdowns, political independence in expectation of class. The European tradition of inde we are interested in one country alone and diale in the realm of near and decisive, socialist successes. The rendent political action has not yet been we don take the Comintern too seriously philosophy so affectingly concluded be sense, becomes at best a breathing spell the reason for the falling in labor dle peasant poor awaited from the collectives established. The American workers, re didn Stalin tell Lominadze that the tween the former Riga llar and purveyor which itself increases the social antas cipline, the reason for the need to lo women in ontsme. This embodies greater prospects crease the number of workers. he wrote, a change in their future. The standard Bless of their many heroic examples! would collapse if it were not for the of the nationalization of of living of the lowest layers of the of strike struggles, have not yet learned subsidy. Therefore, orient yourselves Russia slander, on the one hand, and for the revolutionary parts. It is our lies in the fact that the worker is phy pouvantry row higher; it is true to to act as a class in a political scuse. accordingly. This is the tip and it is the best discipline of Lenin. Joseph task to fight at every step of the road sically incapable of bearing up under a load that overtaxes his strength.
poalderable measure at the expense of that, of course, is expressed also in the to obvious to require comment, at least Stalin, on the other? It is worth re against social reformist.
the basic funds of rural economy. Such parliamentary elections. Hence its blind on our part. But the New York Times flecting upon. ARNE SWABECK. To Be Continued)
be led in the Republican an as Mister Duranty and Comrade Stalin