BourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandImperialismIndividualismInvasionLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE Class Trends in Elections The Stalinist Turn in Chicago The Arrest of Comrade Chen left and the educated capitalists know that a regrouping and stop gup at the point of reform is a thousand thnes better than a crystalizing point at revoluWe return to the election for the pur still has a word. More than once, in the tion and class struggle. Continued from page 1) wide variety of organizations and workpose of discussing the class motion to their hold upon the masses. But more The Staliistna inability to understandarty workers. It was this policy thaters who resented any effort on the part cussion opened. With a party member The conference organized itself. Disvealed by the election. We have already than once they have been able to trans the relation of reform to revolution in isolated the Party from the masses at of the party to unseat us.
in the chair, the efforts of our comrade dealt with the results on the basis of form this centrifugal force into centri the American link of the world capto the time when the party should stand the Conference had hardly convened Bulwards to take the floor were thwarted the partial returus. What we are inter petal force subjecting the American talist chain, although playing into the at the helm of working class movement. when diffeulties arose. This was to be almost until the adjournment. The party the democratic and republican parties in this problem of regaining lost ground, suficient for the capitalists to readjust which maintained up to the Chicago con many conflicting organizations and poll from speaking and presenting our The relation of reform and revolution and the economic factors were not only their forces on the same central axis. ference and continues to maintain eventical movements could not but go through point of view to the conference.
the motion of the working class caused by tactors favoring the capitalists. The in The driving forces of the economic con now, officially and nationally, the polley deep antagonism and struggle. What In the main the position of the Left the prolonged crisis.
ability of the revolutionist to pose the tradictions are greater than the blan of the united front from below to was clear from the outset was the de wing was correct at the conference. It ders of Stalinism. However, the Stalin enter into a genuine movement of this velopment of a Left wing group under was correct for them to warn the work larly in New York and New York City theory and practice has done its share its blunders does not enable us to make character, to negotiate with the leaders the leadership of the Communist partyers against betrayals, against vacillation the crowse regular party lines. To cut up in 1912 Teddy Roosevelt revoletton, rather, it helps the reformers hold about that the soclalist party which has socialists the rear wing was in the when John Williamson, while speaking and down the ballots. To protest against was able to prevent the molecular pro the workers between reaction and rev. alwaystood in the way of genuine untgreat majority. But from the very be continued to declare that this the unbearable conditions. Tammaty was cess of our class motion from moving In order to take advantage of the cen wise took part in the preparation and siring to capture the conference, al workers, but their organizations and united ted netions of the working masses, like ginning the party made the error of defront conference, which included not only hard bit by the protest vote for Hill to the next stage to crystalling chan tritugal forces within the camp of reac organization of the Chicago united front though it was quite clear that by virtue their leaders, was a united front from quit and McKee.
nels. The war played its role and then tion and obtain this motion around on nuoverent? The explanation is to be of numbers alone the left wing domin below it marked a shame faced attempt The capitalist papers voicing the opla in 1894 Lalollete and the Independent orbit we must have a Marxian program sought in the worker members of these ated the conference. The election of a of the party to maintain its previous ions of the capitalists, uphold this pro political actionists repeated this ser and tactics. Living on the heritage of organizatons who put pressure upon the chairman tronght the conference into its stupid position on the united front la test because they desire a reduction of vice for the capitalists. Roosevelt the October revolution has its power but leaderships and demanded an end to the first crisis. Having previously agreed the midst of a right about change toward tax and more drastle measures against plays his part today, as the best man. In the long run cannot replace a Marx trilling with their problems.
the workers who menaced their return in this latter period, after the war the ian program. It we do not to prosperity. The workers, says the American Communist were taking steps these stalinists blunders, in theory and The call for the conference signed by sanizing committee referred the election son declared that we do not unite with correct upon Karl Lochner, representing the Un the correct position. In the presence of Workers Respond to Call capitalists, want a dole and a bonus forward, but with the warped concept practice, in time the quantity sain of the the three organizations met with a huge of the chairman to the floor of the con leaders, we unite only with the workers employed Councls, as secretary, the or this great number of delegates, William and a better living standard that can of Purmer Labor party and slogan of not be paid it markets are to be ob Labor party we helped reformism bulld to quality for reaction. If we do cored as never before, and the conference the election of a temporary chairman un ner and Weber (the District Organizer reformers and the socialist will transform response everywhere. The masses react ference. The non party elments proposed while seated around one table were Lochtained on a lower level of world com a wall between the molecular motion of rect these mistakes a quantity and bore testimony of this fact. 750 dele til such a time as the credential com of the Party. Karl Borders, representing petition.
the class to the left and its crystaliza. QUALITY gain for the Communists will The capitalist papers spoke of this pro tion into the camp of revolution.
gates representing test and cutting across party lines as Today the opportunist platform of 1939 drag with it a quantity gain for the up the conference. Included in the con gates. The party insisted upon a organizatons made mittee reported on the number of dele the Socialist party, and Dixon from the per Workers League.
ference were over 40 church organizamanent chairman from the outset, and a return to a sane vote of men and of the Communist party repeats this in reformers but not quality gafn.
The next election like the present, tions composed entirely of unemployed for whom everybody present at the conThe Demonstration women who vote for the best man. a different form.
election will merely raise the curtain workers, the Farmer Labor Party, the terence, whether delegate or not, supThe organization of the demonstration The economie trend has swallowed up! This time reaction will not have such to show how successful we have been of fraternal organizations, porting the party, cast a ballot durine bronght out the sharpest differences in the bourgeois individualism and this a favorable opportunity. Economics has in the task of exposing the enemy and the TUUL. Upon the invitation of the the first vote. The farce was too obvious the conference. The party was absolutethe capitalists the impression this is a capitalists in the relation of class forces. election does not speak so well for the the Communist League sent two deles ar remote cute the number of delegates drawing the political lessons of the buis here not tells upro return to their happy past and a relief The contradictions are far too great. Communists. It speaks better for social gates who were seated, quite obviously in hair. Even then the Left wing Vote test. And they were right when they from the present which is already very The center of the axis is moving to the reformisin.
only because of the presence of such al was in a majority, insisted upon carrying banners for Foster and Ford. Had the party agreed to This is the bourgeois concept of the march without carrying banners in supproblem, but it is incorrect. In reality port of their presidential candidates, or it is the expression of the capitalista desires.
When party lines of reaction in presenting political slogans, that would have marked a capitulation to the Right break, the safest thing for the two parts system is to talk about voting for the (Continued from page 1) alien elements to adopt protective col. portant role in the history of wing and the reactionaries. The issue Chinese there he founded the Communist party as to the degree that the party wished best man. The capitalists will always Is a Fascist party in its rela ors, and at the decisive moment they culture and social movement. In the in 1920, with several comrades, most of to give the demonstration a political see that the democratic or republican tion to the workers and poor peasants. carn against us. The Stalinist school name of science and democracy, he whom later became renegades and went character, has no real bearing on the disparty, or if necessary the socialist party, But Chlang no longer trust the does not clucate the new generation from waged merciless war against the teach into the He was arrested twice cussion. But that it was absolutely corwill have the best man. when the be and is compelled lead an independ the polut of view of Communism, e ings of Confucius which, as a tradition by the anthorities of the French conces rect for the party to insist upon this point ginning process of the motion of the ent political existence. This is sympto of permanent revolution, but from the for 3, 000 years, hindered the developsion in 1921 and 1922. The last time he is Indisputable. And here we must de class shifts the workers to the left, Into matie of the fact that the is in polut of view of vulgar democracy, e, ment of revolutionary thought among the was released only because the authorities clare that the Workers League in lendthe stream of class struggle.
the process of disintegration. Therefore class collaboration. Stalin policy 18 youth. La Jeunesse also contributed bowed to the pressure of many massing their support to the Socialist party, The protest vote of the election, the the edge of the Blue Shirts Association always directed towards weakening the to the reform of the Chinese language organizations.
which opposed any political conclusions cutting across party lines considering the is directed more against Chiang political position of the and strengthening to replace the old dead language in liter Chen and the Epigones to be drawn from the whole situation, many forms of disenfranchisement and opponents inside the KT This as that of the enemy. It is disastrous inary composition by the spoken langunge; In 1922, he attended the Fourth Con capitulated before the Right wing and shows that the motion of the class in the in Nanking. Hankow and Shanghai, to cent, the Chinese party as a whole was placement of Latin by the vernacular the delegate from the Chinese party. tuettes of Borders and the Socialist party.
this had the same stuittance as the regress of the Communist International as themselves became party to the splitting logical change in the class is taking place of opponents or the blue torror during the conter revolutionary triumph. Since then, writing is no longer for a that he male remarkable progress when its petty Stalinist methods by proposing following the enconomic changes.
he returned to China. What an immense in the executive committee, that the con capitalists desire to hold the working attacks. The cadres for this blue traitors. Re education is needed to turn the masses. This period class into safe channels is well served movement, Chiang Kai Shek draws from into Genuine Communist but under called the period of deological revolution and how easily the tragie fate that was by the Left Opposition because (1916 1019) development be would have experienced ference return the money donation made the by the best man theory.
two sources. 1) the former Whampoo the blows of reaction and the prejudices and literary revolution paved the way suffered, might have been averted, had Trotskylsts are a counter revolutionary the workers has been shaken. Large Chiang Kai Shek often gives bigh pay to fieult task which accounts for the slow ment, beginning with the anti Japanese Comintern: Elis role in the Chinese rev The ideological hold reaction had upon calets. 2) the students from Moscow. Seun fark ethic this comme extremely due for the development of the mass move there been a correct leadership in the organization.
layers of our class have cut themselves those renegades and Moscow students. He progress the Chinese Opposition has been student demonstration on May 4, 1910. olution of 19:25 27 is well known. only of the demonstration brought In spite of a drenching rain, the day between loose. They are grouping for a way out.
often puts the question to them: How did making.
During this period, comrado Chen, as wish to remind here that up to May 35. 000 and 50, 000 workers. The demon.
The molecular process has started. The Stalin eliminate Trotsky? His press Chen Record of Struggle dean of the Literature Department of 1927, at the sth Plenum of the I, stration was militant in character and crystalizing pole of reaction has lost its openly advocates that he should apply Comrade Chen has been the most pro the Toking University, was forced to re Stalin and Bricharin still defended com displayed the immense possibilities inpower. The political lag of the class is the same methods to his political adverminent figure in the Chinese revolution sign because his literary activities arous rade Chene licy against the criticism herent in the situaton Quite naturalbeing narrowed by the present events.
saries as Stalin did to Trotsky, or Mus ars movement for the last fifteen years. et strong opposition among the conserva the Opposition. The Chinese Com. 15. the party dominated the march beRoosevelt, the best man was a suit sollut to Nitti. There are now more Born in 1879 of a rich Mandarin family, tive circles, just as they able net to hold in check the bulk of than 300 Moscow students in Chiang he carried on revolutionary activities mass movement and revolutionized the several months later, when the defent The workers present recognized that only aroused the munist arty was called a model.
discontent. It has slowed the process to service. They are fighting for the non from the time of his youth, mainly in the wind of the youth.
of the revolution was too evident, Stalin the Communists could give leadership to the left but has not stopped the process laud to the peasants. Of course, not papers and teacher of middle schools. Tang, at the head of which stood Sun responsibilty upon comrade Chen. Even the party sained constderably in prestige It is characteristie that the Kuo Min and Bueharin suddenly throw all the them in their struggles. Without doubt action. So far, the new crystalizing ouly Chlang Kai Shek but other groups He was abroad in Japan several times. Yat Sen, even at that time looked upon if their contentions wer true, that com during the demonstration, poles of reform and revolution have not of the under one cover or anbeen able to pull the main whirling class other social democracy, peasants and at the Manchu dynasty, and it was na with suspicion, met It half way, and fol directives of the bad conducted to draw the lessons of the united front.
At that time the revolution was directed the ideological and literary revolution rade Chen in opposition to the correct But what is of greater importance is motion itself. lIowever, one thing can workers party, etc. draw recruits from tional and democratic. The revolution lowed it when it became popular. Need a false policy, the act of Bucharin and First of all it must be established that be suid at this stage that there will be the renegades from Communism. Owing of 1911 ended in a failure, in the setting less to say, the government tries Stalin who came out to attack him only a bitter fight between reform and rev. attempts have not come out into the open Shi Kal and then Tann Chi Jul. The ity of Confucianism and to spread the tragic end, greatly resembles a Chinese standing the fact that it was brought to the absence of mass movement, these up of the military dictatorship of Yuan every means today to restore the dign when the revolution was approaching its the question of the united front, notwith.
the party made a right about face on centrifugal force of the class away from but group themselves around varlous former capitulated before Japanese im use of dead language in writing reaction to centripetal forces for magazines.
expression: Let one fall into the well about primarily because of the pressure perialsm on the 21 demands. the latter At the height of the student anti Jap and then throw stones at him. Comrade of the unemployed workers, and in spite form and revolution. Which of the two The entry of these renegades into the was a notorious puppet of Japan.
anese movement, comrade Chen, a former Chen was a member of the Central Com of its conflict with the official party poles, reform or revolution, will obtain is the outcome of the Stalin.
the decisive lead in the coming period ist school of educaton.
The Stalinist quasi revolutionists of Comrade Chen, in distinction from the professor but an ardent revolutionist, mittee and the general secretary of the position which heretofore opposed such will to the greatest degree depend upon school suppresses free speech and free Sun Yat Sen type who aimed to overous Tuan Chi Jul yovernment and he August 7, 1027, when he was deprived the Communist party, its program and thinking, obligates the students to mem throw Yuan Shi Kal and Tuan Chi Jull the only one to do so distributed the of work and made the scapegoat of the The Opposition marched with its tactics in the class struggle.
orize the Marxian Leninist catechisma by military adventures, set himself the leaflets in the streets of Peking in order Stalin polley.
own banners contaning the slogans: ImIt is not a two cornered fight between mechanically, without and divisions within coaches the factioning the mind, ong desorients the best telebimself to propaganda work. He found al foe. He was thereupon arrested and olution, comrade Cuen declined the sea Hede bay. cained for me bay nerekomendasin ed the monthly called La Juenesse put in prison for several months. After peated invitations to go to Moscow. Reduction in Pay: For Social Insurance, is between these two camps. Reaction meats in our own ranks, facilitates it for (The Youth. which played a most im his release, he went to Shanghai and knowing that he had nothing to learn The Extension of Long Term Credits to from the epigones. Only in 1929 did he and the Recogntion of the Soviet Union.
begn to make the acquaintance of com and the Koreans will be limited to the the two hundred years preceding the rade Trotsky writiugs on the Chinese (To be continued)
right to work upon the land. Formally. Restoration, has doubled during the last revolution and he convinced himself of ALBERT GLOTZER.
however, the Koreans must have property Sixty tive years. The birth rate of Japan the correctness of the Opposition. Owing rights. Thus we shall, unnoticed, gain is so extremely high that despite the to such convictions and his refusal to vvv the control of the best rice plantations high death rate there is an anual increase Hight agalust Trotskyism. he was ex in the midst of these cross currents.
Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism which our inmigrants, o. the Japanese of population of 750, 000. Of this number pelled from the party in the Fall of 929. Comrade Chen developed to Communism must receive. They will have to displace less than 10 percent have been annually since then he became the leader first of in a series of stages, therefore with some and the Development of the Proletariat the Koreans, who in their turn, will seek absorbed into Industry, leaving there one of the fuctions and then of the uni inconsistencies. Being limited by the new lands which, in the future, will also mainder to find a place ultimately in anted Opposition. He contributed all his fact that he knows only the Japanese By Jack Weber corne into the hands of our people. agricultural economy already overburden energy, his time and his means (modest language (he knows English poorly. he Japan in Manchuria ber of Chinese grows 50 rapidly What of the Chinese Revolution?
ed under the present system and unable though they were. that is, all that he was hampered in obtaining a thorough Manchuria is twice the size of Japan South Manchuria that our political and The Japanese can succeed in ther to provide food for the people of Japan. possesses, to the movement. The Marxian education. He had to lead the proper but It has one half the population. economie interests sustain losses.
Wel blood and iron polley aside from the The Japanese government has been forced government put up a high reward for Chinese revolution at the time when the In resources it resembles closely Canada are compelled in the circumstances to lealous intervention of the other imper to approve, tacitly, of measures for birth his arrest, but he lived in the workers Comintern leadership had already passed with its wide prairies, suitable for the lake aggressive measures in North Manalists, only when the Chinese revolution control and to encourage emigration, district of Shanghni, attended many meet into the hands of the epigones. His de growing of wheat and other grains. Only churia in order to safeguard our pro rails utterly, that is, if the Chinese work. Those who emigrate, one half the arable land of Manchuria sperity in the future. But if the Chers fall to take the power in the near Brazil and other South American councles and appeals and even supervised the assisted in due time. He is characterisparticularly to ings and directed the work, wrote arti velopinent was not supplemented and is under cultivation and yet Manchuria nese Eastern Railway, belonging to so future, leading the peasantry in revolt. tries are given 300 yen, providing they technical work. In recent months, he tie of the constant striving for progress the ready the content food granary of iet Russia, develops in this district, the the percussion worsech an revolution agree to renounce their citizenship and was seriously ill, confined to bed.
but the remnants of old thought also Heavy Blow weigh upon him. At a time when the are vastly important to Japan economy. receive a blow which will inevitably would, under present conditions, be insures have not helped. Nor has there The has finally achieved its opposition urgently needs his leadership For this reason 77 of the total bring about conflict with Soviet Russia stantaneous and profound. This problem been much of a movement to colonize aim, utilizing the traitor in our ranks and his political experience, when his Japanese capital invested in China, 18 in the near future The Chinese Eastern will require our attention in a later Manchuria where the climate is too rigor He has been transferred to Nanking and defects might be overcome under comrade invested in Manchurin. The South Man Railway will become ours and we shall article.
ous and the food too different from that we do not know what fate is to befall Trotsky, he has been snatched away churia Railway and its allied concerns seixo Kirin just as we seized Dalren. It Japan and the to which the Jap is accustomed. The him in the end. The KMT govern from our midst by the KMT government absorb 54 of the Manchurian In seems that the inevitability of crossing In its polley of imperialist expansion Japs prefer warmer lands where rice la ment is not ineking in its desire for re the greatst loss sustained by us in the vestment. Its control of the economie words with Russia on the fields of Mon Japan has come into direct conflict time readily grown. Hence their great intervenge. It is out of the question that the last two years.
life of Manchuria is undisputed. goliat in order to gain possession of the and again with all the other imperialist est in the 7, 000 Islands making up the masses will speak, because they are in October 27, 1032.
In any coniict between Japan and wealth of North Manchuria is part of powers. But particularly is this the case Archipelago of which the Phillipines an amorphous state. But there are many NIEL SIH.
with respect to the since the Russo form a part, sparsely populated compared Intluential intellectuals, scholars, profesRussia Manchuria and its control would any other power the or Soviet our program of national development.
Strategle Railways Jap War. Today the question of war be to Japan itself. The Japanese governsors and journalists who, in view of his prove vital to Japanese defense. Japan feverish activities in Manch tween these two imperialist states is ment has designs also on the thousands mst services to Chinese culture, to the THE MILITANT it is also the base for further Japanese uria center about the building of three openly discussed in the press of the end of Islands (five times the area of Japan) revolution, and because of his eminBegression. Once her power in Manch important railways, important strategie tire world. The problem of imperialist in the East Indian Archipelago. ence, urge lendency towards comrade Entered as second class mall matter uria is consolidated, would then pene ally and economically. These railways war is frequently posed by Communists The Philippines Chen. There are slanders being deliber November 28, 1928, at the Post Office at trate into Inner and Outer Mongolia, are designed to permit quick concentra in such a manner as to posit a race be These islands, seized by the United ately aprend against him by the KMT a New York, Under the act of and into the Far Eastern regions of the tion of troops in Manchuria as well as tween the outbreak of this Jap war States at the same time that China was he had requested to see Chiang Kat March 3, 1979. With utmost care, the Japcrfective mobility in warfare. The plans and war against the Soviet Union. The being threatened with partition among shek. The first to believe such rumors Published weekly by the Communist anese generals preparing for the for these roads were made years before talinist method of appronching the pro the European powers in 1898, form the are the Stalinists.
League of America (Opposition)
conflict they see as Inevitable with So the actual invasion of Manchuria. They blem of defending the Soviet Union, tak first obstacle to Japan place in the Comrade Chen revolutionary and it at 126 East 16th St.
viet Russia. They have utilized the pre are designed to undermine wronomically ing into account this imperialist rivalry sun. The islands contain iron ores buterary activities for the last 15 years resent crisis, when America and England the Chinese Eastern railway and to faci. properly so. has led however to such no coal, these ores now forming one tlect his epoch with both its strong and EDITORIAL BOARD James Cannon are occupled with their internal woes, litate the immigration of Koreans into incorrect an ddangerous expedients as source of supply for Japan. The United weak sites. It was the period of the Martin Abern Maurice Spector and when the Soviet Union is complete Manchuria. Flow these Koreans are to that of having the Communist party States is interested in exploiting the national awakening of the petty bour. Max Shachtman Arne Swabeck ly absorbed in its Five Year Plan, to be used as tools is made abundantly demonstrate before the Japanese consul. Philippines for the producton of rubber, geois students and the young proletariat, take the first preparatory steps. Not clear by Tanaka. If the Koreans come ates wth the demand for expulsion of the so as to break the irritating monopoly of and many currents of socialist and rev SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26, 1932 an unimportant part was played in their to this district we must offer them in Japanese representatives. Such a meththe British and Dutch. Furthermore, folutionary thought of the post war epoch Vol. V, No. 48 (Whole No 144)
decision by the growing Chinese immi aacial support through our trust societies od of approach is best calculated to mis the Philippines form the outpost for found their way into China Events de Eration to Manchuria. In his 1027 docu and other financial organizations. These lead the working class. Imperialism in the Far East. veloped too rapidly to allow political Subscription rate: 00 per year, For ment Premier Tanaka stated: The num organizations must have property right. The population of Japan, static for (To Be Continued)
fighters a systematic and serious study elga 50. Five cents per copy.