BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Letters from Militants previons wel ion lerned to reactionaw, pero sielewer wortance to warrant the form why the located which has worked SECOND PHASE OF THE 112 12 en dos con such actions and reports The Pittsburgh Hunger March Conference 8 AGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 is very general. It does not even tell speeches consisted largely of questions, the Utica workers how to organize the such as: Why don we get more support?
Our Club Plan fight for the release of the inen. Yet Why doesn the grow? Why MILITANT BUILDERS here we have a real class struggle case do the workers desert us? Why can we that ought to be brought to the attention not build a broad united frout! Why It is certainly of suf. are we so isolated from the workers?
manner and explained them how their of every Party and Opposition Now some points about the idea. The cards are known as Paid Sub Cards. They in Pittsburgh 11088. All these present listened atten ing of a special defense organization. It to be a mass organization, only composed CLUB PLAN tively until he was through. None of should not be left in the hands of a small of party members whose meetings are The Militant is still desperately in are sold by the militant only on a cash PITTSBURGH.
the party members took the door in re committee and lumped in with mere duplications of branch meetings? need of finuncial assistance. If it is to basis. They are sold by the Militant in The Left Oppositiou is on the go in bucal. One of their group even came other cases for general propaganda pur. These were all significant questions, appear regularly as a weekly we must bloes. The minimum number in a bloc maximum. These coming from sincere workers willing to build a sounder financial base under it is four. There is no old Smokeytown. Our literature and over to the speaker to shake hands with proses.
our propaganda are beginning to dig deep Lim. The meeting then came to a peace At the time of the six mon arrest learn and to do something for their class This is primarily a question of circu. cards apply only to new subs. They do into the sentiments of the Left wing In conclusion.
a representative from the was a real good proletarian element, lation. That of course rests on political not apply to renewals. The worker who sent bere in connection with the case, thought. So when they were through factors. For the moment The Frelheit Lies and Slanders are leaving has one of these cards given to him or workers. kyism is becoming by word on the Hill, in the downtown As Usual but soon left the city, after having made putting their questions. got the floor these aside. We are concentrating on sold to him has only to all in his name section, out in Oakland near the itt the local comrades understand that they and attempted to give them an answer the question of promotion, of building and address and send it in to the Militant In the Freiheit of Tuesday, October 25, must handle the matter themsleves, the gave a little history of the larger circulation.
to be entered as a subscriber. Nothing campus and on Squirel Hill. The reason comrade Is not hard to guess. After years of there appears an account of this same 1. central committee having too and an outline of the party mistakes. It is in this connection that we want more is required from him.
crisis and after so many experience of meeting, coupled with a venemous, un many other matters to attend to else. In contrast to what would happen in to introduce here the second phase of the who buys a bloc of these cards is a Stalinist bungling with the great possibi scrupulous attack upou our courageous where. New York, where D. members have ciub plan. You will frequently run Militant Builder.
The comrades here are all foreign born, been poisoned artist the Opposition across workers and people sympathetic As we said we have 1, 000 of these lities for Communist work among the and lighting Pittsburgh comrade, comrade Buffering and discontented proletariut, Jim Sitakis, leading Greek worker. After with very little experience in defense or was well received and was even ap to the left Opposition who are sub cards. In money that means 500. How Communist and non Communist workers warning the Jewish workers on the Hii sanization. Ten members were present pointed on the defense committee. seribers themselves, have all our liter long will it take us to convert these are beginning to reflect upon causes.
to keep away from this Trotskyist at the meeting attended, and they approposed that a letter be drawn up and ature and who are willing to donate potential assets into cash? Let us see.
They want to know why so little protiend, the Freiheit correspondent proceeds ared to be very pessimistic in regard sent to the secretaries of all unions and money to us but are unwilling to give We will keep a record in these columns gress and so much bucksliding has been to tell its readers that the Trotskyist to organizing a broad united front for working class organizations in Utica, and money without getting something in re. Now who will be the first?
conditions favorable for its growth. They wanted to brouk up the meeting. This are still in all, the other four being out members of these organizations to init is our idea to put them to work THE STAFF TO DATE through the club plan to increase the cir Comrade Vomes is no longer the un want to know what the way out is. Anul in, of course the Olgin sheet true to on 3, 000 il euch. They have a law sure that the letter to the oilicials shouldulation of the Militant. How can this disputed leader of the staff. The Chiethey are inevitably turning to the lacus color. New York workers have long yer, but he has notified them that he not be forgotten. don know how long will be able the clone? Very simply. We have on ago Friends of the Militant Club shot in that correctly analyze the past mistakes been acquainted with the lying and slap will drop the case unless he receives and point the way to the right roud for derous character of its attacks against more cooperation.
to stay in Utica to follow up the work, and one thousand cards ready to ship subs on two club plan blanks and shot the present and the future to the ideas the Left Oppostion. By the example of The defense committee gave in their as haven got a Job yet, but will when ordered. These cards sell for afty into a tie for the leadership. That is of the left Oppostion led by Leon Trot tas iece of reporting, the Pittsburgh report at the meeting, and several mem do all can while am here. cents apiece. Across the top runs this the way we like to see it go. cut and GADFLY.
sky. Workers want to know what the Jewish workers will have a chance to bers then spoke on the report. Their legend. Exchange this card for one halt dried affair has no interest in it. This year sub to the Millant. Sample below. looks like a lively race. We shall see.
Bolshevik Leninist Opposition stands for, Julge for themselves.
The workers of Pittsburgh, coming tothey are eager to become acquainted with Anyone who sends in one of these cards Chicago Friends of with his name and address filled out 1ts Marxist program. Here are a few wurds Communism, will, we fear, yet the Militant Club Vomas will be entered on the Militant mailing examples: before them to be able to decide amply list as a suliscriber. How does he get Morgenstern Opposition Holds Classes between the Stalinists and the Left Op (Continued from page 1) minding the delegates, many of whom this card? In this way. Suppose you Dunne Recently, two classes, one in the hispruition. They will learn that it is the half hearted and laine arguments, all of knew him from the past, of his long re appronch a worker and ask him for a Nash tory of the Three Internationals with stalinists who ly their bungling, their them calculated and discredit the Opposi cord of milltancy in the Pittsburgh rev donation of two or more dollars. He Krehm comrade Gordon as instructor and one iu bureaucracy and thelr lies, are retardingtion and all certain to reflect more olutioukry workers movement. The party says: but want something for the Fundamentals of Communist in our communist party and that it is the rely on the stupid and servile speakers, under stalinist foluence, were this money. have a sub to the Mill II. Capelis the Greek language. with comrade sir. Loft Opposition alone that will eventu character of those who made them, as the then forced to grasp as to a last straw tant. have all of your literature. Gottlieb akis as instructor, bave been organized ally help make it the fighting mass party every day struggle continues to prove the on the word Opposition in the official What are you going to give me? Hamilton by the local committee of the Communist of the proletariat which it should be. correctness of the Leninist position of name of our organization, to make a dem To this comrade we say: Very well. Konikow League. Three sessions have already the League. Finally, the discussion was nogle appeal to the sentiments of the We understand your feelings and we have Coover been beld of the first and two of the Lessin summed up by Ayerscough, who softly audience, stressing that Opposition just the thing you want. If you give latter. Every session brings with it uewNew Protest Against side stopped all the political issues, and meansdesire to disrupt. Sifakis us two dollars we will give you four of All the workers who attend them faces.
Torced to defend himself for forgetting Joel show a deeply gratifying interest. com. Stalin Bureaucrats Comrade Gordon again took the floor, these paid cards. Each one is good for McMillen ultogether about the great lessons of the to tear down the veil of demagogy and a half year sub to the Militant. Now radely discussions take place, in which Chicago incident resorted Millen to picking supporters of the offical party policy take DAVENPORT, IOWA to bring the discussion once more up to you can do whatever you want with these up the cheap slanders of those who pre political plane. He reiterated the left cards. You can sell them to workers and Wober the toor for argument and rebuttal. All Ross To all Young Communist League and coded him. No votes ou policy were Opposition unemployed platform, stress people you know, one at a time, or you the comrades are anxious to equip themcommunist party members, sympathizers, taken. Resolutions were relegated to the again our loyal desire to coopkrate in can give them away to workers who can Shechet selves with a Marxian education. Need liriends: last point in the order of business.
les to say, the Stalinists have up to now To the section Committee of the Young 29 to An Insufficient Majority for the in any case, and called upon the delegates entered as subscribers; or you can sell from what it was two issues ago the work of the conterence committee, then send them in to the office and be The record by cities also was changed not even thought of conducting Minsuch Communist langue and Communist Party, educational activities.
Bureulerats against the Leninist to put the Communist League to the them en bloe to workers organizations neapolis is 10 longer in first place. Chie test iu actual every day Oppositon In addition, a Greek Workers Circle Davenport, Rock Island and Moline Sec struggle to up to Next, the conference proceded to cloct Judge it aud its policies on that basis. you can nou to dispose of them as ago has outstripped it. But this is not please.
has been organized which is going alread Dear Comrades: for long, say our comrades up there with planned activities.
Myerscough once again summed up the Now what are the advantages of this Queen sabe as the Spanish say? We The titeenth anniversary of the Rus an executive committee. Comrade Jim Gordon Speaks Before Young Workers sian revolution finds the revolutionary Sifakis, of the Pittsburgh branch of the discussion Forood at first to argue arrangement? First: the Milltant sells shall see this too.
On Sunday, October 16, comrade Sam movement in America and throughout the LA, was nominated among others. politically, he repeated the stalinist myth these ald Sub Cards ONLY on a cash Chicago Gordon spoke before the Progressive world perilous straits.
Immediately another flurry started among of the united frout from below as basis. Thus we get money in advance.
Minneapolis 20 Youth Club, a young workers organiza Pittsburgh 16 Bureancracy has its sitting bold upon the party members. The committee was against the Opposition Leninist united This is a very important point as all tion up in the Hill section.
front policy. Heckled and forced to recan see. Second: these pali Sub Cards Toronto 10 few words the throat of the movement, choking and supposed to consist of 25 members.
are necessary for a description of this Initiative and lite from the rank and file. were nominated and accepted and a rote treat there, he stopped to an attack upon are sold by the militant in blocs of not Boston TO club.
Interrupted in lors than four at one time. This makes The rights of the membership are dis was in point. But Sifakis was among our Ilinois comradea.
Philadelphia The Progressive Youth Club of Pitts regarded. Important decisions are made the 25 and it was impossible for the his slunders there, he finally resorted to the minimum sale The purchaser can Montreal purgh was organized some seven or eight and changed without the voice of the bureaucrats to stomach even this lone sterile dernigogy borrowed from the pre resell them according to his opportunity St. Louis months ago to carry on social, sport and rank and file. This results in the inabil. Lett Oppositionist on the conference vious stalinist speakers, revolving around cu blocs or singly. When he succeeds in Des Moines cultural activities among the local work ity, iguorance, and the lack of initiative body. The leaders immediately got the stander about the word Opposition. welling them he can reorder more from As we foretold New York is moving up ing class youth. Its membership is of on the part of the rank and file to carry into huddle and hit upon this clever This closed the discussion and a vote the Militant. Third: workers get a fifty slowly, you say? Right but what counts alvely and spirited composition thor oat decisions and continue the progres maneuver to keep the League out of the was taken. In spite of all the efforts of percent reduction in the price of a halt is who crosses the tape first at the end oughly proletarian in character and alert ive work of the movement.
committee: There were not enough wo the Stalinists, they were able to obtain scar substverybody fets something of the race; and things which have great in mind. Within the club, members and Discussion on theory and practice so men workers on the committee! And only some 30 votes against Sifakls, most and the Militant gets a boost on its up supporters of the official party, support necessary for the healthy life of the with this, nominations were once again of the others abstaining and voting for ward climb toward a bigger circula bulk and travel long distances pick up ers of the Left Opposition and a few tion.
speed as they go along. Watch our dust.
non descript reactionary elements are ac movement has been replaced by a mill opened. Once the nominations were re the left Opposition candidate.
tary like discipline whose entire sub opened, representatives of the National In spite of all these provocations, the tive. The latter have been campaigning stance is bound by the word obey. Student League, the Austeite Citizens Left Opposition was the first to pledge to keep politics out of the organization There is no oljection to discipline. Council and any number of other organta definite sum in financial support of PAID SUB CARD and have been getting a measure of sup Communist discipline, a discipline of those nations were asked to add their represen the Unemployed Conference. The conExchange This Card For One Half Year Sub to the Militant port from some of the members who are who know and understand the decisions, tatives to the committee. And then the ference then adjourned with a hasty readstill inexperienced and to whom the in their reason and importance.
fight against the Opposition noinineeing of resolutions.
Good for One Half Year Sub 00 a Hall Year evitable connection between the activities There is a great need for study, dis hegnn in earnest. The Stalinist repre propose resolutions were inagnanimously to the militant without this card)
of the club and the forces of the class cussion and consideration by the ranksentatives did not shrink from the worst invited to bring these to the committee A Marxian Paper for Class Conscious Worker struggle within capitalist society under and file to bring out a clearer under methods of slander, provocation and headquarters.
which it exists has not yet become sul standing of the theory and practice of demagogy in this fight, in which the sec The Left Oppositon action at the ficiently apparent. The party members, our movenient.
urity of the Stalinist He was threat conference will not remain without ef THE MILITANT, 126 TG STREET, New York City equipped with the misleading and abor The entire movement is kept in a state ened on a committee of 30 by a single fect on the revolutionary workers tive policies of Stalinism, have been con of ignorance and doubt on the latest de communist League militant! Sigoificant Pittsburgh. An important wedge for the Picase send me HE MILIANT for 26 weeks.
ducting a hard but hopelessly muddled velopments of the critical situation in enough.
Leninist regeneration of the Communist Address. fight for an enlightenment of the club Germany, China and the Union of Somembers and against the reactionary idea chilst Soviet Republica Comrade Sifakis took the floor to de movement and for the progress of revolufend his candidacy. Again the Lenin tionary labor movement in Pittsburgh City.
State of making the club non political. Oppositionist Gets Floor in spite of Bureaucracy bloomed at the expulsion policy of the Left Opposition was brought has been driven.
Militant Builder of the International Left Opposition and before the conference, our comrade re Machine Tacties has since held sway throughout the ComBut, as in so many other Instances. minst luternational in the Communist the Stalinist line imposed upon the party Party of America and in the Soviet Unmembers, you see, had not yet been inventions and meetings? Hear stupid troduced to the culinary art as Stalin out the essence of democracy consists and opportunist character, in fact Its struggle against the Left Opposition, bu practices it.
least of all in the bare right of elecmeaninglessness, whenever It bucks up reaucracy became dominant in the entire This Incident, it is true, is in itselt tions. Did not Napoleon secure the against the Left Opposition. so, apparatus of the Comununist Internationcomparutively unimportant, especially unction of the people of France to seeing that the letter condemned itselt his on the Sunday in question, when comrade al and continues today.
Emperor by submitting it Gordon was invited to take the floor by! Bureaucracy is necessary for the Stal DES MOINES, IOWA. distributing leaflets and in our speeches its tone and substance anyway.
But to a referendum or plebiscite? Do not several members of the organization and inist regime to hold sway. When bureau Another pillar albeit a very diminutive and conversations explaining Communism what kind of a party is it many asked the workers of America have the bare jumps up and objects. And here is the return to its former Leninist path. The stalinist system has just fallen. In Des could see that we were proletarian rev. little maneuvers. Can functionaries Haven we always insisted and been by Its secretary, a young party comrade cracy is done away with the party can one of the rotting structure of the and the tasks of the work that the which has lenders who can attempt such right of election? Is this democracy?
strange point: He objects 110 doubt un movement will revive and march to vic Moines a good half of the membership olutionists and therefore should be in of this sort gain the confidence and retaught that true democracy needed a der instructions from the bureaucratstory in the days of Lenin. 11 to 12 are in revolt against lies and the party.
pect of the workers of Des Molnes, can basis of full unhampered preliminary on the grounds that Gordon is a Trotsky. Comrades, the struggle against the Left bureaucracy. They refuse to be bullied TIelping this out was the newness of hey lead those workers through difficult wiscussion, submission of documents, and ist and that a motion was passed at opposition constantly comes up through or terrorized, insist upon their rights, are the party in the city (6 months. so that battles, and stand those acid tests and the right of opposition, for it is to be some time or other not to have political out the world and has been brought to studying the cause of the Left Opposition the bureaucracy was not yet developed, touse strains when they are of such a realy Have we not always insisted that speakers take the floor a meetings, our attention locally. It is high time calmly and objectively. few others and strong, the members were not polon rumy moral stature? And this isn the without this you have a mockery, ahol (This was a conrade who had, as a mat that the rank and file make a thorough are in the process becoming convinceded by slander against us, arguments of exception, the comrades knew. Weren low sham, but no democracy?
ter of fact, led the fight against the no study of the Left Opposition, its program but all vigorously protest bureaucracy reason acordingly exerted some force. he higher ups notified and was Schroe And look, she said they disrupt politics tendency. Harping, thereby, on and point of view, and then examine the und demand our reinstatement into the lastly members, still uncorrupted, had der reprimanded or recalled?
the unity, they alienate the members backward sentiments in the club, he suc program as drawn up by the present lead party. Already we two, Barach and a lively sense of workers democracy Incidents of a similar order followed in rom the leaders, they undermine the ceeded in pushing through a motion not ership, thelr point of view and demand Gottlieb, have been expelled, with one and justice to which we could successful quick successions. The unit meeting of considence of the members in the leadto give the representative of the Left a discussion and convention correctly to other Gay. Three whose probationary ly appeal.
Sept. 19 admitted us despite the protesters The first is of course an empty Opposition the floor.
settle this question by the membership. periods expire this week, will no doubt Ilowerer, days later, days before of Schroeter, who disrupted the meeting phrase. But to the second and third short verbal skirmish took place Comradely yours, be expelled. And with these a larger the next unit meeting, we received them walked out when he was outvoted. We are proud to plead guilty. Whence among the members only, in the course GEORGE MILLAGE.
group of about or To the party following note under a personal signa The following evening a special unit this concern over the trust and confidence of which, the workers supporting the deE. THURSTON.
functionaries it looks, indeed, as if the ture from Heinz Schrocter, the section meeting was enlled by the City Central of the member? Whence this kowtowing mand that Gordon be given the floor call. CLAUSSEN.
nembers are intoxicated, have gone mad, organizer: Your application for mem out of which we were violently ejected to the leaders? Learn from Lenin and ed for adjournment and invited all these October 25, 1932.
or else are excessively weak and so bership into the party with your state while another comrade, Gay, was expelled Luxemberg struggle! As if by trying who wanted to listen, to stay. But the have succumbed to our wily demagogy ment denouncing (literally) Trotsky by the City Central which met before the up the destinies of the movement with party comrades had received their in Utica Fails (although why they the great almighty theories and tactics in the baa been unit meetinga City Central in which the leaders of the present moment we structions. They were determined to loobahs with all the power of the appar received. You are refused admission in sat and voted Shroeter, who had been are best guiding it. And what a fragile prevent the Left Opposition from being to Act atus and their overwelming correctness to the Communist party This note, recalled the day before. Ten other mem trust it must be that can be so easily heard, no matter for what length of of principle should not be able to more which provoked outspoken resentment bers, protesting this use of violence and dissolved? What a crew of leaders!
time, no matter on what subject. They UTICA, than counteract this, is left unexplained. among the members, was characterized bureaucracy walked out after Gay and Another feature worth mentioning: the were ready to fight in their determina am sending you a leaflet that speaks But the members themselves feel not in in a resolution of the unit as containing vs.
party although here all summer has been tion. In order to avoid a fist fight, the for Irell. don know whether or not the least intoxicated, mad, or weak but an open brazen lie (that we denounced, The following week, in a more or less woefully backward in its educational sympathizers the called upon there has been anything in the Dally rather as if they were just shaking of when we upheld. an insolent attempt to racked and hastily called meeting of the tasks, there not being one study, lecture all these who wanted to hear Gordon Worker about this.
the spell of fake promises and glittering usurp authority (refusing us membership entire Des Moines membership. Enlick, or open forum class to its credit (just to adjourn to a nearby room. attended the meeting of the local appearances and have at last seen and under a personal signature. a bureau the 100 perconter railed and stormed for street meetings. despite the fact that The great majority of the club members branch of the the other night experienced the perfidious, disgusting cratie overriding of the proper procedure an hour and a half with a long sum the members are new.
We immediremained and took their places in the and state affairs shocking. essence of Stalinism.
and will of the unit.
And Schroeter, mary, and her supporters granted her ately strted a study class in the BO next room.
Comrade Barach and myself were units anthor, on the strength of this and another minutes while we were just or Communism and a lecture class in the Even the party comrades de Six Utica workers were arrested last cided to stay. Comrade Gordon, referrJuly, when the police broke up an unanimously admitted into the party on some similar misdeeds was eensured and granted a meager 40 minutes (they first History in the Opposition. So it wasn ing to the incident of the erening, gave employment demonstration. The men Sept. 12 by Unit even though in our condemned and was warned that if his wanted to make it 20. We were expel reculiar that one of the contacts defined a short half hour talk on the history of were charged with inciting to riot and statement we stated clearly that we were behavior weren corrected, more drastic led with Gay, others put on probation us an educated Communist.
and the rest warned, and all this, despite the struggle for workers free speech and assault, and are now facing a ten to Oprositionists and would remain so, but we would be taken. lle was rem2the packed meeting and lack of time, by that the Opposition must What happened in Des Moines shows proletarian democracy and on the signi diteen year jail term.
still would obey party discipline, etc. to the City Central.
from his position as delegate of reach these ficance of the latter in preparing the Apparently no real effort is being made it was due to the fact that we had worked time since a unit has asserted itself like Do we not have democracy in It been a long only a slim majority of one 10 to unite and districts where at present it working clasu for the overthrow of its to savo them from prison.
the is unknown, because here mort pitallet masters. He criticized the you can see from the sample along with them in the man work, arth Just think. a loyal Stalinist arty? Erlich protested, do not the fruitful teld.
We must redouble our party members in direct but comradely closed, the approach to the case ranging for and speaking at meetings, functionary so sharply reprimanded! The inembers elect the functionaries at con effort. GOTTLIEB 50 Name.
membership stores real moet in seine to be the homeown, the Des Moines, lowa. New Battleground For the Left Opposition