BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninismRadekReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 148 WHOLE NO. 4 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 PRICE CENTS FOUR YEARS!
Trotsky Greets Militant Call the Scottsboro Conferences! Marchers Advance To Demand Relief the SHANGHAI REPORT OF COM. CHEN ARREST In to of As day after day passes, the great What is there to be gained by this opportunity to mobilize the masses delay? The new trials will be held The Revolutionary Kernel Is Assembling Around Opposition of the working class to demand the in March. No time must be lost in freedom of the Scottsboro boys, which building a fighting movement of the To the Editors of the Milltant. moves ahead. In some countries (Ger the Supreme Court decision gave black and white workers to give a Dear Friends: any, Bulgaria. it registers certain purethe Communist party, is slipping great force to the legal arguments fear that my greetings to the fourth ly parliamentary successes, which do away. All eyes were on the party which the lawyers will make anniversary of the Militant will arrive a not, however, correspond in any way to and the when the decision in the courtroom in the Spring. That little late. But my greetings are none the scope of the social crisis. In other was handed down. The workers ex is the way the working class wins Broad, Militant Movement Can Win for Unemployed the less hearty because of it. All our countries, Communism retreats before pected that the party would give the its law cases.
friends on this side of the ocean value the social democracy on every field of signal for an even greater struggle. Every worker inside the party and highly the work which you have carried the working class movement (France, As yet there is no struggle, and no outside must now raise his voice in Delegates of the national unemployed gle for its attainment is the test of call to build one. Are the workers on during this long, and yet short, per Czechoslovakia. In all countries with hunger march are converging upon Wash the sincerity of these proposals. There comradely criteism of the party for iod.
out exception, the cadres of official Com to be disappointed? The answer ington to demonstrate at the opening of has not been one step taken or proposed this harmful delay and urge it to Can we consider ourselves satisfied munism are most dissatisfied, disorientrests with the party.
issue the call for united front conthe coming short session of congress, by the Socialist karty leaders, nor, of with the results of our work? Of course, ed, split into separate inimical groups.
What is the reason that the party fernces on a national scale. Let us They are going to demonstrate to give a course, by the AF of hierarchy, to this question concerns not only the Uni The condition of the party apparatus proceed at once to forge the weapons great emphasis to the need for working obtain this mere reform measure. These does not issue the call for united ted States but also all the other coun in the USSR bears a most menacing charwhich can accomplish the freedom class relief. They are the advance guard elements are bitterly hostile to hunger tries in which our adherents live and acter. No one really trusts the leader.
front conferences of workers organi of these boys and strengthen our in a struggle which, of necessity, must marches and to any fighting demonstrastruggle. To answer this question is ship there and the leadership has com xations? Why do they hold back? fight against all class persecution.
develop into much larger proportions. tion for relief. Is not this the surest Every ounce of working class energy proof of their game of deception?
not so simple As yet, the Left Opposi pletely lost all faith in itself. Every should therefore be thrown into the scale Actual relet can be won only by a tion has nowhere become a mass move thing that the party contains of think to support this demonstration, determined fight against the opposition ment. But it assembled the revolu ing revolutionary elements, is turning totionary kernel which knows what it wards the Left Opposition. The forces These hunger marchers represut some of the capitalist rulers, and we are here wants. Precisely in this field are the on which Stalin based himself in thing very real regardless of their pre contluing ourselves solely to the question achievements of the militant greatest. struggle against us, are turning over sent limited credentials. They represent ofamelforation of unemployment, and Not so long ago the Right Opposition in more towards the Thermidor. The sitmillions of workers thrown onto the so not speaking at all of its solution.
cial scrap heap by a a number of countries seemed to be much nation in the Soviet Union is an extremely protracted and this determined fight the national bunger stronger and more deserving of attention difficult one. In the political chaos to The letter below, which we have Stalinist crime in this case lies in growing unemployment crisis. No secur march plays its important part. Moreover, than the Left. From the very outset, we which the Centrist bureaucracy has just received from our comrade in the fact that they are not only surity whatever for these millions has so when correctly pursued it can, in a mea.
were of the opinion that the Right wing brought the party, only the Left Opposi Shanghai, will serve also as a reply far been provided by those who, today. Mure, become one of the stepping stones group will experience an evolution to tion knows what it wants.
rendering our noted revolutionist to to the vicious police article which rule us all. On the contrary, the change toward reaching the revolutionary solawards the social democracy: giving The political lite of the United States up appeared on the question of comrade the Kuo Min Tang assassins with ing economic structure of the country tion of the unemployment problem.
some of its elements to us and some to is clearly approaching a turning point. Chen Du Hsiu a few days ago in the out joining in our protest, but are works in the opposite direction. Today. But to have any significance at all in official Centrism. The developments of Within the near future it will become Daily Worker. The article of the actually covering up the black butchdecaying capitalism throughout the world, this respect and to really play an imthe last year bave completely confirmed clear that when Heraclitus the Dark Shanghai correspondent of the Work ers by disseminating the malicious lie transforms millions of workers into hun. portant part in the struggle for relief this prognosis. In Germany, the Brand said, Everything flows, everything er, if it had any meaning at all, might Ery, homeless tramps. And it is an im such bunger marches must become an exthat comrade Chen has been sent unlerites have split, giving a considerable changes. he had in mind also the rephave been written in the chancellery der military escort to. interview portant sign for the future when especial pression of the working mass as a whole, minority to the Socialist Workers Party, nblic of Hoover Roosevelt Old tradiof Chiang Kai Shek.
ly in the United States a section of them not merely of one small section. The It announced Chiang Kai Shek. No conscientious which means the Left social dem tions, conceptions, prejudices, will go by that our comrade Chen was merely clearly show that they chose not to sub workers under social reformist influence revolutionist can remain silent in ocracy. In Czechoslovakia, the Right the board. Through a period of ideol going to Nanking Interview the face of this horrible piece mit, but prefer the road of fighting re should be drawn in the workers of the Opposition went over to the social dem ogical chaos and stress, the classes in Chiang Kai Shek. In China, such Stalinist police work. Raise your sistance. In this sense the hunger march AP of and all unions should be drawn ocracy; the minority, with the revolu American society will create for themsel interviews have a murderous mean volce in protest and demand that the is a great harbinger of the future. But in. Most certainly the success of efforts tionary elements, under the leadership ves new modern ideology. strong so far it represents directly only the million that direction will determine the gucing: the word is the cynical expres party and the D. act to reof comrade Neurath, joined 18. In revolutionary kernel, welded by a uni sion nsed to signity that a revolution move the stain they have cast on the tant working class section.
cess in getting relief for the class as a Switzerland the Right Opposition is com formity of doctrine and political meth ist is being sent to his death. The Communist movement Ed.
In a smal measure the hunger march whole. This was very clearly demoning closer to the social democracy while od, will be called upon in such a period is another test decide the future dir strated in Chicago where the official Comamong the better section of the workers to play a great role. The creation of ection of working class struggle. Reform munist party, despite its present false sympathies are growing towards the left such a kernel is the achievement of the SHANGHAIthe general secretary of the party is or revolution. This test wil have an views of the united front policy attained Opposition. As far as can be judged from Militant. So much the heartler is great temporary success.
my On October 15, the Kuo Min Tang gov youth named whom knew well. He influence on the coming decision which here, the Lovestone group in America greeting. TROTSKY. erument and British imperialism deait is of student origin, sent to Moscow at the class must make. But it is also al. It is pertinent to ask: are the Socialcan hardly boast of any successes. Their Priukipo, November 1, 1932.
official organ, in the first place is char a heavy blow to the Chinese section of the end of 1926 to study as a member test of policy which, in the end, will deist party leaders, are the F of leaders the International Left Opposition Com of the First as student and termine our success and victory. to be allowed to record themselves foracterized by confusion. These people It is not the revolutionists alone who mally in favor of relief without being rade Chen Du Hslu was arrested, and then as interpreter, he remained in Mosdo not know what they want and are OPEN FORUMower arrests and raids continued scarcely capable of foreseeing what for cow until 1929 or 1930, joined the party are recorded in favor of unemployment formally, in reality and in every other shore they will be washed upon by the about three days. Twelve comrades were there and in 1932 he becomes the general relief. The distinction between there respect, put to the test in the struggle first strong wave.
Congrees and the War Debts ters of the Central Committe, the rest dreds of thousands of members. There we have so often attempted to do: nor in trom confining the unemployment demon taken altogether, among them four mem secretary of a party which claims hun formists and revolutionists cannot be which is necessary to obtain relief?
The official party has nothing to gain In the camp of official Communism, confusion of no lesser degree. The reso Speaker: lutions of the Twelfth Plenum of the ers. This came about, just as in May post simply because he is the puppet of the amount of dollars and cents demand strations to the section of the working HUGO OEHLER eil for relief, as they have also done. The class which it influences or controls. On 1931, as a result of betrayal, of which the Stalinist specialist on China, Mifr.
ECCI offer a terrible testimonial of Friday, December 2, 1932 there has been an epidemic in these last The party old leaders have either gone reformist leaders of the Socialist party the contrary, it must take the opposite poverty which the leadership of the Com126 East 16 Street, Intern issued to itself. In spite of the ADMISSION. 1156 as in the Left Opposition. For example. wecupying posts as people commissars of the unemployed, for relief, for a mea: united front policy which brings the exceptional conditions of the economic crisis and a complete internatioant im. Br. Communist League of America the authorities to betray all the other responsible work, like Strakhoy, or have insurance. Now even the of lead their leaders. or in spite of their leaders, passe of imperialism, Communism barely in Nanking, responsible workers went to there, or have simply been removed from sure of security through unemployment workers organizations together, with (Opposition)
comrades, so that over 30 comrades were been expelled from the party, The ers spenk in favor of a system of un in unity of action for specific objectives.
shot. In some local organizations, the rty is physically exterminated under employment insurance. But actual strug.
party secretary bas banded to the police the leadership of such Moscow students the other party workers.
As for us, who are only capable of obeying and our best comrades, six of whom are mem transmitting instructions from the Cominbers of the Central Committee, two of tern to the lower organizations, and of Nay arrests in 1931 took away many of carrying on intrigues against their adthem alredy dead in prison. The sec. versaries. Thus, a comrade in the high PITTSBURGHLeninst united front polley of the Left in wheh tive comrades, one of them the members of the Political Bureau ond betrayal followed in August 1931, leading party organs once told me that Friday evening. Nov. 11, the United Opposition on the unemployment ques: member, were arrested.
The recent united front conference ployed. The Socialist party similarly Front Hunger March Conference of Pitts tion. After criticizing the official reThere show absolutely no initiative in the work, held in Chicago to fight the 50 percent engaged in such an inner discussion. To burgh was held at Walton Hall. Ac porter for not drawing the highly im this year.
were also several individual arrests made but only do what they are ordered. One reduction in unemployed relief instituted understand this heated discussion, we cording to the report of the credentials portant lessons of the Chicago hunger of our own comrades from Hongkong, by the city authorities, was a striking will endeavor to examine the conference, committee, to delegates representing 22 march, explaining the latter and calling greater. Now nearly the whole following: in prison he met a responsible tional Left Opposition and its Americanence period.
But this time the loss to us is infinitely who just came out of prison, told me the vindication of the policy of the Interna the demonstration and the post conferorganizations were present. The report for their application in Pittsburgh, the except for two worker comrades) has party worker who informed him that in section on the united front. What lends sald these organizations were such as the delegate from the League closed with a been put in prison and you can well im Canton there are not even Communist this fact such importance is that for the ILD, the two and also mumbled some presentation of the unemployment platagine the consequences.
Birth of the Movement think about of locals.
Without a doubt the birth of the conform of the Leninist Opposition (immedielements, and in Hongkong there are first time in many years in Chicago, a But the names of the organizations ate reliet, supplemented with the dewere not given. From the faces of those mands for unemployed Insurance, the Bourgeoisie Jubilant only two party nuclei which consist ex. genuine united front of working class ference was Jue entirely to the pressure clusively of functionaries sent from the organizations was constituted in the of the rank and file elements in all three present, it was, however, easy to ascerWe shall Ix hour The arrest of comrade Chen has call outside by the party. Communist ideas struggle on a specific issue affecting all uuemployment organizations, tain that the vast majority were party long term credits to the Soviet Union, the Chinese bourgeois press a satisfac masses but they even lose their bold on Initiated the conference was composed, to who were the prime Initiators of the day without reduction in payed forth, both in the imperialist and in not only cease to penetrate into the workers. The organizing committee that not here take part in the discussion as rectly controlled by the party. Aside cooperation with the conference and its speaks of him as the father of Conneneh others in delivering their own com pioyed Councils dominated by the Comfluction the Workers terende claims contests from the two delegates of the Communist committee, in spite of differences League Opposition) we know of only policy, and took his seat amid vigorous seois press speaks of his arrest as the and re entered the Kuo Min mong to re. Unemployment, controlled by the Social upon the examinaton of the material pre the two delegates of a single Unemploy applause from the other delegates. most important case since ed Citizens Committee (Mustelte. as bethe drive celve jobs there.
ist party, and the Workers League, rep sented. The unemployd in Chicago have ing non party workers in attendance Immediately, the party fraction started against Communism started. Thus, in Chiang Blue Shirts resentative of the split off section of the undergone severe suffering during these there. This is sufficient to characterize with its organized attack. certain spite of the slanders of the Stalinists, Proletarian years of crisis. They have faced police party.
arrests of Alenken made himself ridiculous with the in spite of the numerous Meanwhile, Chiang Kai Shek has found That the whole incident is regarded clubs on numerous occasions. At other ence as well as the new and latest turn charge that the Opixosition wanted to communists, the capitalist press still re a new orientation for his policies. Ile with utmost seriousness by our party times they watched their comiades fall toward genuine united front work made cooperate with the treacherous Bill Green cards the arrest of comrade Chen as the no longer feels able to control the heter is illustrated by the fact that the columns by bullets. Starvation and misery was ogeneous effectively and has of the Daily Worker contained lengthy and remains their lot. Those small numby the recent Stalinist plenums on a and by slinging with some assinine slan mot important one since 1927.
national as well as on an international ders about the local group. whole The Chinese Communist Party is de therefore organized a Fascist organizareports of the conference, the demonstrabers of workers receiving a merely sum scale. Charcteristic also of the carica string of others followed with the same capitated. Nobody, not even in the party tion for himself, the socalled Bluetion, and topped this off by publishing for reliet suddenly found this relief cut ture united front was the fact that in ranks, knows the party leader or lead. Shirts Association. In actuality, the page article by Bill Gebert It was this latest act which this heart of the steel industry. the re(Continued on page 2)
ers. Several months ago, learned that. Continued on page 3) Lessons of Victory of Chicago Unem caused a fermentation in the ranks of presentative of the steel workers was a the unemployed and was responsible for frall girl comrade, who herself told us the pressure put upon the leadership of all three unemployed organizations, to that she comes from the Hm Section, that well known citudel of steel producact. That is the only explanation as to tion. She was the delegate of the how a united front was organized through party Steel and Metal Workers Union, There is no capitalist newspaper cor. ure of the local Stalinists to meet our the initiative of three organizations, two In the Times of December 20, the only one to speak in its name at respondent in the world today more au challenge, to deny that Duranty Duranty, referring to two editoriala in ally undesirable because any grave social cialists.
1932, with the danger of war or become actu of which were the Communists and Sothe conference.
thoritative and accurate in reporting the dispatches to the New York Times are Pravda, official organ of the Russian disturbance at the present juncture might The need for such united front action The Left Opposition Takes the Floor standpoint of the central Stalinist lead used as the basis for countless ro party, which throw new and Interesting provoke war. No other interpretation of has existed for a long time. It was not After two very matter of fact reports, ership than Mr. Walter Duranty, the high writes in the Daily Worker office, which light on the Soviet attitude toward for the two Pravda editorials is possible save brought about because of the opposition dealing with practical directives rather est paid foreign correspondent in the finally make their bow as special coreign labor unrest. remarks: than with the outline of a political pro world, stationed in Moscow for years. respondence from Moscow.
this strange paradox that the Bolshevik of the Communist party and the SocialIt is quite gram of action, by comrades Kearns and what he writes about Russia in the con well known in informed party circles (we The carller editorial for the first time Kremlin todely regards the growth of the ist party. The Socialist party refused Myerscough, dlacussion was opened. The ventional language of the bourgeois pross know it from personal observation for enunciated clearly what has become revolutionary movement in Europe with to participate in united front actions becaitse they did not want to join in strug discussion dragged along at a slow tempo is a faithful copy of what is generally weeks on end) that the Duranty dispatch known as the Stalinist (Attention, Mesfor about half an hour, the participants left half sald or unsaid by the decisive of the morning usually re appear in more srs. Lovestone and Co. doctrine Two days later, Mr. Duranty continues they fear real struggles of gle with the Communist party, because orthodox language in the following that a successful Socialist state can be with his instructive revelations, still in because their role in the workers move though important in themselves, were in We have polnted this out on many day issue of the central party organ. established in the USSR irrespective of the same key: If peace can be main ment is in reality to check the militancy place at practical committee meetings, casions in these column and it has be If for other reason, then, the most what happens abroad. The editorial the Soviet gorernment is contid of the working class. The party, whose rather than at a united front conference. come a commonplace in the radical move. recent of Duranty sensational dis did not specifically disavow socialled Bol ent the difficulties will be overcome and duty it was in the very beginning and It was not until the delegates of the ment The only ones who still deny it ritches are of more than ordinary inter shevik propagandit that would be tool that year or two will bring compara at all times to initiate such united front Left Opposition took the floor that the formally (and always with that hollow eat to the Communist workers. If you much conference, became alive mainly due to ferocity which convenience rather than want to know what is really happening it clear that the establishment of u solation of Stalin Molotov Radek class stupta, sectarian policy of the united drown out the Leninist united front pro the Daily Worker. The division of labor really going on in the minds of Stalin propaganda 18 a means and a purpose turbance now would be little short of dis on the false conception of social Fascism, posals of the Opposition.
still operative in the Stalinist machine Co. not what they say on holiday oc of the Kremlin policy.
astrous. More than any country in the which ascribed to all other organizations Comrade Gordon took the floor for the does not permit them to acknowledge castons. pay close attention to the in. As to the second editorial, Duranty world the Soviet Union today finds peace and their membership a counter revoluCommunist League of America (Oppost what is apparent to a child, for to do formed reports of Mr. Duranty, which writes, the Kremlin fears the danger of desirable and almost necessary.
tionary role, resulted conferences or tion) and in the brlet time allotted to so would explode too many dictions dis are read with equal avidity by the State War is now so great in Europe, especialhim greeted the conterence in the name seminated by the Centrist school of falst. Department officials and the members of ly Germany, that even the sains from outbreak in Germany or elsewhere looms It only party organizations and party For this reason a grave revolutionary ganized by the party which brought to of our organization, pledged support to fication. The untrustworthiness of the the Central Committee of our Commun. the Bolshevist point of view of a somembers, but no broad mase of nouits work and outlined in concise form the dental, however, is confirmed by the fallist party, clal revolution disappear in comparison (Continued on page Continued on page 3)
Fight for Left Opposition Proposals in Pittsburgh Hunger March Conference Stalinists Make Right About Face in Chicago Uuemployed United Front on the in hall.
What Do the Communists Say About Mr. Duranty and Comrade Stalin?
the masses,