BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFranceImperialismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 East 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Postomice at New York, under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 17 WHOLE NO. 143 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1932 PRICE CENTS It Up to You! Chen Du Hsiu Trotsky Sails for Start Start Hunger March Life in Danger Denmark On Washington United Front Can Bring Huge Movement The in the Elections elections, We were again compelled to appear actually get out of the difficulties with a two page issue. The reasons and to appear with THE MILITANT for this are determined by our finan regularly in size and in every other clal difficulties. We had no other respect.
cholee. The extendel size of the anThe first details to arrive here on the Ths capitalist press prints the reniversary issue of last week meant To us who are engaged in produerecent arrest in Shanghai of comrade port that commule Leon Trotsky, ex Chen Duitslu, founder of the Chinese a great effort and it ing THE MILITANT our organ iled for years now from the Soviet also further drained our meagre financial means much. It has lecome endear. Communist movement and leader of the Union, has been granted a short term resources. It is because of this that ed to its readers. It has established Left Opposition, along with eight other visa to enter Denmark to enable Inim we address an earnest appeal to our a prestige within serlous working Chinese comrades, are contained in to deliver a lecture in Copenhagen readers, sympathizers and supporters.
class circles and enjoys their respect.
copy of the Shanghai Times, leading im on the Russion revolution. If this We have done that before, but there Its actual role in the movement we perialist organ in that city. From the report is true unlike those of the is this difference, that now It should have emphasized time and again. We report in its columns is clearly visible many visas grinted in the past be heeded more seriously and more Teed say nothing further in this re not merely the active assistance given then no better spokesman for the speet. But it is necessary to reiterate the reactionary Kuo Min Tang bourge principles and ideas of Bolshevism concretely, With the heartening example of the gressmen and Senators who foregather with all possible emplasis that its oisie by the foreign Imperialists in ap and the October revolution could The only concrete way which realtens of thousands of unemployed massses to legislate for the ruling class of the future existence and success depends prehending comrade Chen, but also the have been chosen than Trotsky to already who recently put the fear of their power country. That the latter are ly counts is, of course, to respond entirely upon its cirele of supporters. fact that he has by this time probably speak in this fortress of petty bour into the hearts of the British ruling class greatly disturbed at the possibility of with cash. If you are up against it THE MILITANT is your organ and been turned over entirely to the hands geois socialist gradualism The by their militant march on Parliament the London events being repeated in yourself and cannot respond much we must put it up to you to help of the Chinese butchers with his lite Danish bourgeoisie and its social dem in London, arrangements are now being Washington, is revealed by the official you shoull ask your friends to help at their mercy, emanating ocratic appendage have taken care, made for a national llunger March on and unofficial instructions and to donate. Even small contribusecure Its foundation. We ask you to The Shanghai Times report, by itself, however, to clrcumscribe the much the capital of the United States, Wash from the capital and those sent to the tions mean much to our limited reforward your contribution without is sufficient reply to that detestáble in vaunted right of asylum to three ington, where thousands of representa various state and muntelpal authorities, sources; but naturally the substantial delay to THE MILITANT, 126 East solence of the Stalinist leaders in this months, after which, according to the tives of the callously ignored interests urging them to do everything to discourhelp enables us that much quieker to 16th Street, New York, country who calumniated comrade Chen report, comrade Trotsky will be com of the thirteen million or more unem age and hinder workers from pointing in as a Kuo Min Tang agent and counter. pelled to return to the Turkish eage played in this country will greet the final the march. In Washington itself, disrevolutionary Trotskyist with the broad to which he has been confined by session of the lame duck session of pitches reinte, the authorities will under hint that no worker need concern himagreement between Kemal Pasha, and both houses of Congress with their de no condition house and feed the march self with the task of liberating our Stalin, with the tacit consent of mands. It is the historic session ors. But the lash of hunger and misery comrade from the Chinese lungmen. We overy imperialist government in the where the fathers of the country are is driving too many workers to militant quote the following extensive extracts workl.
even now promising to alleviate the in action for the Hunger March to be deReasons for Small Rise in Communist Vote This Year from the Times: short time ago, the Czechoslov tense, unspeakable misery of the masses teated by rules or regulations or threats This is Chen Du Iislu, noted Communist lead akian government was considering The party leaders are now busily en document for a Communist leader. is er, former professor of languages at the a visa for comrade Trotsky, under undoubtedly the manner in which the capitalist pole that the government will gngol in ignoring the results of the re blandly silent even about the word ra Peiping Government Univexsity and a which he would have been fettered iticians of both Wall Street parties plan undertake during the course of the march cent presidential elections, as though the dicalization. which it never mention, former member of the Central Executive and gagged In that country. Even to interpret the discontentment of the and at Washington proper, will succeed was party campaign was a mere routine mat. as if the party line had not been built Committee of the Kuo Min Tang.
then, it was finally not granted. This crisis torn masses voiced in the recent in eliminating the enormous significance did not prevent the Stalinist press ter the outcome of which is of no parti up on this phrase for the last few years, arrested here by Settlement detectives on of this organized demonstration of Am.
cular concern. To this date, there has Saturday night at the request of the Chi. of the world from shouting hyster The national Hunger March is sched erica jobless for their demands.
not been single statement from the The current, unofficial explanations of nese authorities. Ile was taken during ically about the united front of the uled to reach Washington on December With the time still left for the March, Central Executive Committee analyzing the low communist vote are, generally a number of raids on Communist cells counter revolutionist, Trotsky, with Delegations of workers elected from var. it is not only possible, but Imperative.
the election results and summing up the speaking, based upon a strained en and has long been sought by the Gov the vassal state of French Imperial ious working class organizations and to draw into the movement the widest party work. The only official word deavor to think up something very proernment for the extensive part he played ism. No doubt the same slander conferences are already on their way conceivable sections of the proletariat to be heard from the vicinity of the 13th found and complicated to explain a com in the Communist movement throughout will be repeated now. But the mill from the more distant sections of the and its organizations. The recently formStreet Sinal is the statement issued ratively simple phenomenon. The China. Eight other Chinese for whom tants will not be deceived: the real West for their trek to the capital. The ed united front in Chicago not conatiafter the elections by the party ban party leaders look upon the election cam warrants had been issued were also ap unitel front is the one made by Stalin reports already indicate that every im tuted according to the absurd and sterner bearer, Foster, in the manner of all pigu as something special, isolated, sepprehended and a considerable quantity with the foreign offices of the world portant center will be represented in the ile formula of united front from bethe defeated bourgeois candidates. Aside arated from all the other work of the of Communist literature in different to make Trotsky a perpetual prisoner army of hungry and ragged who will low. is an example of how powerful ls from this, aby mal silence.
party. We look upon it in the only cor languages was seized.
in Prinkipo.
present themselves to the well fed Con the urge among the workers for united ranks and united action, of the loud And there are adequate grounds for rect and possible manner: as the numcrical expression on the parliamentary Te arrest of Chen is regarded as one and long lasting echo which a genuine Appeal for a united front of all working While small holes may be stuffed up with lusite expresion, it is true, be the the drive against Communism which has the muteness of the Stalinist chieftains. feld, which is at best a distorted and or the most important developments in reports that this or that township doufor some class organizations will awaken in the inasses. The Communists, who are in bled or trebled its Communist vote (the success the party has had in winning to taken place in this locality its banner the proletarian masses all consideralile time.
the forefront of the present movement, formula is usually: arise from 10 votes during the rest of the year. It is a par been unknown to the authorities for many cannot confine this policy to Chicago, to 25 votes. the fuct cannot be cover.
activities were nionths although his ed up or explained away that the vote liamentary culmination of the party traced in the spread of Communism in Supreme Court Evades Issue. Workers Must Unite Forces while at the same time pursuing an for the presidential candidates of the work in the day to day struggles. The various provinces. He is regarded as The decision of the United States the American proletariat.
opposite and isolated course throughCommunist party this yenr was exceed. vote of the worker, as a rule, expresses one of the main springs in the Commun Supreme courts und ordering new trials! try found its echo abroad under the of such a noited front, on an even wider the confidence or Court reversing the decision of The movement set ufoot in this counout the rest of the land. The formation half confidence he ingly small in comparison with the vast places in the party (sometimes, the in st machine in this country and his or for uation.
Atter four years of an unprecedented the Communistparty cannot sain this according to che regelmatieth en sterfor justly hailed throughout the world as a Thousands of workers in the capitals of step which we of the Lett Opposition crisis, in the face of genuine all national stunts during the elections, by prominent When arrested Chen was a sick man, prestige of Communism.
confidence by sensational cumpaign according to Chinese engaged in stamp victory for the victims, the entire work Europe demonstrated outside the cou have persistently defended from the very ing class and the lighting methods and sulates of the American capitalist colus beginning Is an urgent pre requisite for What did the sus. In Chennitx workers were shot such a successful movement as will really bourgeols parties to cope with the burn though they may be. It can be gained tione he was removed in custory to a working class?
ity or refusal of any of the two big and the like important and necessary liness for some time. After interroga is the significance of its decision for the ed an orchestra of capitalist repression seolsie towards the unemployed and their against the international proletariat. Problems. Such a united from In the prewas sent Hunger March will, by itself, lay this, the only proletarian political party the daily strugxles in which the common polstrict Court this morning when Scottsbort beyse were tramech on the take bounded from France vassal states, they can matement teater the wentarcinema in the field is barely able to double the munists participate.
extremely low vote it obtained four years ago, that is, the vote cast at the height If during these struggles, the Com the Chinese authorities will be heard. Rutes, rushed through farcial court the Republie wavage democracy were over, one which will be able to continue of the prosperity period. It is pre munist pursues a policy which best re It is expected that he will be eventually procedure surrounded by a howling lynch forbidden. The secretary of state stretch on more extensive field the struggle cisely in such periods of crisis, when presents the interests of the proletariat, handed over to the Bureau of Public mob and condemned to death before they ed forth a long hand to stay the tide of the million headed army of jobless.
The comrades of the Left Opposition millions of workers are divorced from he will be rewarded by an expression of Safety and later transferred to Nanking had time to draw their breaths, so to working class protest. Like King industry itself and their economic power confidence in a parliamentary election for further interrogation.
speak. This legul burlesque is not un Camute of old who tried to stay the tide will take their place in the ranks of the marching militants and render the moveis ractically diminished that is their If the marty, on the other hand, succeeds He became a fugitive after a war usual in the South. It is the justicehe failed.
ment every possible assistance at ther ability to battle the enemy on the in only in isolating itself from the masses rant was issued for his arrest, but his meted out to our Negro class brothers. The Supreme Court decision is recommand. In the movement itselt, we dustrial front is enfeebled that they because of its absurd or disastrous pol activities have never ceased, according to That is their share of democracy in the cognition of this fact. It is a concession will raise the demands which maddition turn their attention to selections. The icies in the class struggle, this fact will Government officials.
Republic, when the tiger deigns to play to the mass protest. In this sense it is to those advanced by the official party unusually large vote cast indicates that be reflected as it has been when elec. On Saturday morning the Chinese au with its victims. Let a Negro farm first victory. But at the same time the masses have by no means lost inter tions roll around. These are axioms thorities made an application through laborer demand his wages he is physi it is a warning. 50 winter federal rellet for each tamThe Supreme Court did est in mrliamentary activity. Yet the which apply not so much (in fact, the Shanghai District Court for the areally assaulted by his white bose; if he not deckle that the boys are funocent expense of the government and employtily and unemployment insurance at the discontentment of the masses was re practically not at all) to the Republicans rest of a number of Chinese wanted for resists he is accused of rape and he It carefully avoided taking up flected only in the very tiniest dribbles so and Democrats, and very little to the Communist activities The Special in lynched. In its more merciful mo aspect of the case.
ers are a necessary part of the workery demands. Especially appropriate in far as the Communist rote wax concerned. socialists, as they do to the Communists. Branch of the Settlement ments capitalism puts him through the The Supreme Court Decision Washington is the demand for long term In the face of this unqualifiedly dis Teated in this light, the past policies of Military Police. in company with mem paces of a masque which it calls a trial The text of the decision states three credits to the Soviet Union and its reappointing vote all other factors, like the Stalinists stand revealed as having bers of the Bureau of Public Safety. before disposing of him.
grounds on which the lower courts ver cognition by the American government, disfranchizement of Negro, foreign born harred the road to the revolutionary made a series of raids in the Settleand other workers, considereil what be movement for tens dicts were appealed; they were not given as well as the demand for the six hour hundreds of thou ment and French Concession Communists Prevented Lynching during a fair, impartial and deliberate trial: day and five day week without reduccomes of the fantastic babblings of the sands who were being driven in that which Chen was arrested.
Only the prompt and courageous ac (2) they were denied the right of countion in pay, Stalinists on the renowned mass up direction by the bankruptcy of the capi The police interrupted a meeting of tion of the and the Communist sel, with the accustomed Incidents of In any case, the Left Opposition and suryes and deep going radicalization talist regime and its supporters. Until communists in a house in an alley of party, in the face of a hurricane of consultation and opportunity of prepara its supporters stand elbow to elbow with of the American masser? It is not for this simple, elementary lesson of the East Yuhang Road when five men werel vented a routine les CP. did more before juries from which qualified mem Washington in an imposing political delynching, But tion for trial, and (3) they were tried the militants who are advancing to nothing that Foster statement (what election is absorbed into the conscious arrested a large quantity of Com the and the a combination of words deliberately in ness of the party, its headway will con munist literature in French, Chinese, than merely provide a legal defense. Ders of their own race were systematic mongtration of their demands before the tended to say nothing a disgraceful thue to be impeded. n. Russian and English was seized. In. They began to mobilize tens of thousands ally excluded.
formation from that address enabled the of workers, black and white, to demand federal representatives of the thieves of (Continued on page 2)
Wall Street.
police to proceed the same afternoor to the unconditional freedom of the nine a house in an alley of Yochow Road. boys. The Communists succeeded on the At this address Chen Du Halu was ar scale of the demonstrations and within LEON TROTSKY rested and more Communist documents the limits of this issue, in uniting the and literature were seized. Investigat black and white workers. That is one Left Opposition Hails Joint Unemployment Conference trons led the police to the French Con of the happiest aspects of this strugcession where the assistance of the gle for the lives of nne members of our We print here a leaflet issued by about a united fight in the interests of French Police was obtained for a rala class. It is a long step forward toward the Chicago branch of the Commun the unemployed.
ist League of America (Opposition)
on a dwelling off Route des Soeurs. One the unity of the two races which is inAim of United Front Chinese and further literature were tak dispensable to the successful rising of on its views regarding the united The united front is a means of uniting en here from this cell.
The Situation on the Eve of the Second Five Year Plan front recently formed by various all workers in a common fight against shortly after midnight on groups in the labor movement, rangSaturday (Continued from Inst issue) percent; in rolled steel of 10 percent.
ing from the Communists, to the so treme importance. The house of Tatung Road cialists and of unions, which In a back room united front is not a permanent body in two men were found, but as soon as they how imposing it taken by themselves duced million tons of cast iron, has already succeeded in uniting tens which all organizations affiliated lose saw the police they jumped through an even if considered from the bald quan million tons of steel, million tons of thousands of unemployed workers short of of rolled stock. Alongside of the contitative velwpoint are far their Independence and give up their open window and attempted to escape.
America Role in the in that city for militant action in those sketched in the plan.
siderable rise in the output of Iron (new separate existence. Quite the contrary, They were caught before going very far favor of their demands a poliey con these organizations carry on their in. Literature of the usual Communist type Coming Period The output of coal is maintained at blast furnaces. the production of steel stantly advocated by the Left Opposipresent on the level of last year, there and rolled steel in the current year redependent work, their right to criticism, was located at this place.
fore it has far from reached the plan moins approximately on the level of last tion.
to formulate their own opinions and Interesting developments are expected figures set for the third year of the Five year. From the viewpoint of the general ideas. The object of the united front as a result of Chen arrest, who is Speaker: Fellow Workers and Comrades: is for action on one specific agreed Issue. regarded as the father of Communism Year Plan. The Donbas lags behind at tasks of the industrialization what de We hail the united front of the three The present united front was organized in China.
ARNE SWABECK the tailend of the most inckward branch cides, of course, is not the raw fron but organizitions of unemployed workers, to fight against the 50 percent reduction As we see from this report, the forcs of Soviet industry. complains Pravda. the rolled stock and steel.
recently organized in Chicago. The fact in the unemployed relief. Its object is eign Imperialist press in China, not to Friday, NOVEMBER 25, 1932 The tension in the fuel balance is on Side by side with these quantitive rethe increase, echoes for the Industrial. sults, which Economie Life characterizes that Communists Soc Farmer to nemployed workers in Chic speak of the native bourgeoisie Itself, 126 East 16 Street, ization (October 8, 1932. Laborites, and reactionary as well as shocking lapses there are to be as ago to fight against this cut in relief, to has quite a different estimate of the revnear Irving Place revolutionary trade unionists are able to increase and extend the relief for ALL Olutionary quality and integrity of comIn 1931 there were produced mil. placed extremely unfavorable and, become together at this time on the specific jobless workers andto push forward the rade Chen than have the various BrowADMISSION: 15 lion tons of cast iron instead of cause of their consequences, much more issue of fighting for immediate relier general demands of the unemployed. To ders of the official party apparatus.
million set by the plan; million tons dangerous lapses in quality. Following Auspices: and other unemployed demands, is signi. ward this aim the present organizations of steel instend of the million; and the special economic press, Pravda open.
But what is of far more acute imfinally million tons of rolled steel in ly confesses that in heavy metallurry ficant. It testifies to the enormous pres must carry on a determined Aght. The portance at the present moment is the Br. Communist League of America stead of million. In comparison the situation as regards the indices of sure of the rank and Ale workers upon present situation demands that this un imminent danger to the lives of comrade (Opposition)
with 1930 this signfes a falling off in quality is impermissible.
the organizations in an effort to bring (Continued on page Continued on page 2)
cast iron of percent; in steel of (Continued on page 2)
Chicago Greets United Front SovietEconomy in Danger The deiee Int. Workers School Entertainment Saturday, Nay. p.