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The Bolsheviks Take Over Power!
Greetings to the Militant the Left Shift in German Vote SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE the discussion on the report of Lenin.
The members of the being enFaged, the information report is postponed. Trotsky reappars at the tribune.
The sesalen opene presiding tableTrot Meeting of Petrograd Soviet solidate this confidence of the proletariat DECLARATION BY TROTSKY DECLARATION OF TROTSKY The Day After the Insurrection all the secret trenties.
One of the immediate tasks of the is the dispatch of a delegation to Spartacus Youth Club of New York Chicago Branch In the name of the Revolutionary Iu Russia, a large section of the prea the front to inform It of the revolution We greet the Fifteenth Anniversary of Hail the Year of the life of the MOI Military Committee, declare: the Prosants said to themselves: enough playvislonal Government is no longer. Apa circular telegram has been sent to ining with the capitalists, we will march grad.
which has just taken place in Petro the victorious Russian Revolution and tant, the only Bolshevik paper in plause. Ministers have been arrested. form Russia of the real state of axairs. With the workers. We will gain the couthe Fourth Annlversary of the Militant. English language. We promise to help The Petrograd Soviet must choose from To the active army forces have been idence of the peasants by a decree its midat commissars to be sent to the FROM BRANCHES, ETC.
build it into a mighty organ of revolu(Hurrahs. The others will be arrest ed in a few days or a few hours. Ap sent radiograms announcing the fall of which will abolish landed property tion in Amerlea. Giganti, Org. Secy.
of front. The Its members, canplause. The revolutionary garrison, the old power and the Amminent formar the sentry. The peasants will understand not make a report because they are en which is at the disposal of the ction of a new power. The first acts of that their only salvation lies in the all aged in urgent work. can tell you Kansas City Branch has dissolved the meeting of the Pre the new power should be: the immediate ance with the workers.
The Newly Organized that a telegram has been received anBoston Branch Greek Workers Club liminary Parliament. Loud applause, armistice on every front; the handing We are going to institute an effective nouncing that the troops from the front PROTOMAGIA cries of: Long live the over of the land to the peasants; the workers control of production.
We were told that the uprising of the speedtest possible convocation of a genu: Now you have learned how to work to grad. The dispatch of commissars is in are advancing in the direction of PetroSt. Louis Branch Greets the Fourth Anniversary of the Vanguard of the Working Class garrison at this time would provoke a inely democratic Constituent.
gether; the revolution which has ust dispensable, it would be a crime on our Newark Braneh THE MILITANT massacre and drown the revolution in The residence of the presiding minlinken place is witness that. We have part not to send revolutionary commistorrents of blood. Up to the present moster, Kerensky, is unknow, but we be this force of the organization of the sors throughout the country to explain to ment no blood has been spilled. We do lieve that it will soon be known to maine which will vanquish everything the masses of the people the revolutions Minneapolis Branch. FROM INDIVIDUALS not know of a single victim. In all his to the question: What is the attitude and which will lead the proletariat to (A few voices: You are anticipating the tory do not know of a single example of the front in face of the events, Troth world revolution.
New Haven Branch of a revolutionary movement where such sky replies: decision of the All Russian Congress of The members of the New Haven Branch YOUNGSTOWN In Russt we must set about immedi Soviets. The will of the All Russian of the Communist League of Ameriea vast masses have taken mart and which We have sent our telegrams. There ately with the construction of a social Congress of the Soviets has been antel (Opposition) greet the Militant on its was accomplished without the spilling of has not yet been a reply. But we have ixt proletarian state.
frequently heard here the representalated by the resounding fact of the up fourth anniversary, hoping that it will long live the world socialist revolu rising of the workers and soldiers of continue the fight for the Marxist Lenin. Koehler The power of the Provisional Govern tives of the front who reproached us forti. Lond applause. Petrograd which took place last night. ist principles in the Comintern.
ment presided over by Kerensky was a not yet having undertaken decisive acThere now remains for us only to develS. Gendelman, Seey. Udell corpse and awaited only the sweey of tion.
The assembly decides not to open up op our victory.
broom of history to throw it out of ex At this point, Lani enters the hall. Duell, Treasurer. Green istence.
The assembly seelaims him noisily.
We must underline the heroism and ab Trotsky continues: For this state of affairs so much Feldman negation of the soldiers and workers of In our midst is Vladimir Ilitch Lerin more real and concrete than a shifting Petrograd. We stayed awake all through who, as a result of cireumstances, was of the parliamentary figures the ComP. Altman the night here at the telephone observing unable to appear among us until now.
munist party, that is, its stalinist lead.
how the detachments of the revolutionary Trotsky characterizes the role of Lenin (Continued from page 1)
in the history of the revolutionary moveNot and the mandlin Intoxcation of the ership is essentially responsible. Choloft soldiers and workers accomplis their The disatisfaction of the socialist self satisted official, revelling in a trough the social democratie leaders, for to extask nolselessly. The inhabitants slept ment in Russia and shonts: Frank peacefully and did not know that at this Long live comrade Lenin who has bees deep and widespread. Its of ballots, lies a gap that canont be pect anything from them except treach moment a new power was being substitut returned to us! Ostash ed for the old The assembly gives a new and lengthy conservatism induced by decades of the party in Germany is being trumpet from Hitler anything except tire and ovation Lenin.
steady growth of the party and ita in about by the Stalinists as a vindication sword. But from the Communist party.
The railroad stations, the post office, CHICAGO stitutions, and their integration with the of the ne which nothing can vind the proletariat has a right to expect a the telegraph the Petrograd Telegraphic LENIN SPEECH Agency, the State Bank, are occured. Comrades, the revolution of the work part of the ruling class a dead. cate. This ne which failed to bring course different from the one now bu Buckley. ers and peasants, the need for which weight force which has proved to be to the streets of struggle a single im reaucratically foisted upon it.
The Bonapartist regime of the JunkThe Winter Palace has not yet been the Bolsheviks proclaimed incessantly ched it could be. The stalinist theory the general strike call issued three German proletariat, which is still faced ger than many of us ever cont portant group of workers in response to ers weighs down murderously upon the Harris taken, but its fate will be decided in a has been accomplished. few minutes.
chhatr does it signify this resolution. The party platform and policies with against the coup, Etat of von Papen, with the even more bestal menace of Martin The Soviet of Workers and Soldiers the workers and asants? Above all, Deputes of Petrograd may well be proud this revolution gives us a Soviet govern nationalist finery borrowed from Hitler the line which has resulted in the virthe Fascist power for which von Papen Borenstein of the soldiers and workers who sup ment, our own organ of power without im, have served strengthen the hand tually complete isolation of the Commay yet make room. The situation can port it, whom It has led to the battle and the slightest participation of the boar or the social democratie leadershipmunists in the trade union movement le met decisively only if the German Solomon to the glorious victory.
geoisie. The oppressed masses then from the Left. The hundreds of thou in Germany: the line which has failed Communists seize the initiative still at to forge an invincible The characteristic of bourgeois and selves will constitute the power. The ola Sands of socialist leaders who are deep to produce a national, organized mass their disposal form of a real uniteal Mr. Mrs. Rice the people. We are going we, the so tions, and a new administrative appars are still dubious, to put it mildly, about the von Paqen regime, movement of front of the revolutionary and reformist semi bourgeois governments is to deceive apparatus will be shattered to its founda discontented with their own leaders, movement of resistance to Fascism or to weapon in Ritz viets of Workers. Soldiers and Pea atus will be founded under the form the Stalinist leadership of the Com workers councils or shop committees or workers, which will not only smash the munist party.
labor cartels o sants Deputies to undertake a unique of Soviet organizations.
or any similar movement Fascist and Bonapartist dangers but Ritz experience in history, to found a governThis explains, essentinlly, why they that might constitute the nucleus for a also open the road to the proletarian new era opening up in the his.
ment which has no other aim than to tory of Russia, and this third kusun test against their lenders and express workers power; the line which has march to power.
by left the social democratie hierarchy with The intoxication with the momentary Lazaro satisfy the needs of the soldiers, the revolution must lead in its development their sympathy for the revolution casting such workers and the peasants.
large vote for the Commillions of workers still in its ranks and electoral victory of the Communista will Steln The state must become the instrument One of our first tasks is the need of it: while at the same time, the following however sullenly Its lender fade tomorrow in the cold light of the of the masses in the struggle for their putting an immediate end to the war. xpress their doubts or distrast concernship, despite the presence (for how many party inability to mobilize the million Herman ing the Communist party policy by reyears now, according to the Stalinist an masses on the extra parliamentary batHlberation from all servitude. But in order to end this war, intimately training from joining the party or even Alynes. of the stormy revolutionary tlefield, that is with its present policy.
The work cannot be done without the bound up with the whole capitalist re from following its calls for extra par penge Ruby influence of the Soviets. The best rethis line is now supposed with it, as we have indicated above, may Silente os acopy capital ister to all lamentary action under the banner to have recetved its incontestable con le mande tille vastatestets best to watch presentatives of bourgeois science Mashow understand that the conditions created by Ry that we will at the world labor alone that is from fultowing it on the firmation by a gain of 700, 000 votes in German Bolshevism still has to develop the Soviets of and Deputies are movement which is ready beginning wily declive field.
an election! If this is not parliament a general revolutionary situation until successful Mashow the best conditions for their labors. to develop in Italy, in England and in ary cretinism, what significance has the it is possible to conduct a The Communist Vote term?
The lucene in the Communist vote is struggle for power. More than once in It is necessary to establish a control Germany, Gorfinkel over production. The peasants, the workthe past has th eforelock of opportunity The equitable and immediate prace a source of great jublation for every The two for a cent scribes ers and the soldiers must feel that the which we shall offer to the internation class conscious militant, and above all Daily Worker and the Freiheit roar with many. It is yet too early to say with the been allowed to escape unnoticed in GerA. Solomon national domain is their domain.
al democracy, will everywhere ind a for the Left Opposition position, whose vicarious prkle over the party gains to certainty, but it should be borne in mind This is the essential principle for the hearty echo in the masses of the later cane is advanced by every advance of Germany as if the loss of two million that what we are witnessing today in Friend establishment of the power.
national proletariat. In order to con the movement. But between Jubilatiou Paseist votes and almost a million so that country may prove to have been The institution of an obligatory labor calist votes, has settled the whole pro just that sort of situation which, unless Baker service is one of the first tasks of the blem. And what about the Bonapartist revolutionary government.
The Government is Deposed!
rezime of the von Papen von Hindenborste pedleboldly and in time, sets back Trotsky announces that on the order Dreebin the proletarian party for another cpoch.
camarilla? This little trifle emerges of the day are still the report of the (The following historical announce Petrograd Revolutionary Military Com. from the whole ineffectual ballotting n. Friend and the report on the duties of ment was printed as a leaflet and posted, mittee, in the streets of the city during farer still master of the situation the Soviet government. On the second or thrown from the automobiles of the the early hour of the afterwon. More definitely than three months ago Howard question, comrade Lenin will be the re THE GOVERNMENT IS DEPOSED this election has eliminated the possiporter. Thunderous applause. The Provisional Government is depoxed. The power has passed into the sility of a Refenstag government. Only NEW YORK Comrade Trotsky communicates that hands of the Revolutionary Military Committee, organ of the Petrograd Soviet, a Hitler Centrist Nationalist combination the political offenders are liberated, and which is at the head of the proletarint and the garrison of Petrograd.
could prodince a working majority and Norman that many of them are already fulfilling The cause for which the people have fought: immediate offer of a democratic that combination is too fantastie for any the functions of revolutionary commis. peace, the abolition of the ownership of the land of the big landlords, workers practical political possibility. The auto Pollock The sun never sets upon British control of production, the creation of a Soviet power the triumph of this case cratic regime of presidential decree is to Comrade Zinoviev, declares comrade is guaranteed. Long live the revolution of the workers, soldiers and peasants! continue in power, with a Reichstag aus Empire, sor, apparently, upon the sup Berman Trotsky, wlll agan be the host of the Th Revolutionary Military Committee of the Soviet of Workers prended helplessly in mid air, and a pro pression or prohibition of the works of Petrograd Sovet at this session.
and Soldiers Deputies of Petrograd.
letariat still too crippled by disunity to comrade Trotsky. Following the example Christie In the name of the Petrograd Sovlet Petrograd, October 25 (November 10. ffer any effective resistance.
set by their Canadian partners in the great bandits enterprise known as the Christie British Empire, the customs authorities and Kurou became neutral due to Ruson control of railroads. Among the, of the Union of South Africa have just Haviland Sopposition to Japan. In 1903 Barou secret clauses of the 21 demands, meant prohibited the entry of The Problems Konur, Minister for Foreign Affairs, to place China in the early position of of the Chinese Revolution by Leon Tpanos Wired Cuarist Russia in a secret hote: Korea, were that the Chinese government Trotsky, recently published here by the The unconditional and permanent oc hould employ intluential Jap advisers oncer ublishers. The bundle of copies Christie Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism Cation of by Russia would in political, financial and military af sent to a dealer in Cape Town were con create a state of things prejudicial to the fairs; that Japanese hospitals, temples tiscated. The official letter of notificaA Friend and the Development of the Proletariat security and interests of Japan. if Rus and schools in China should be granteation reads as follows: sia wore vstablished on the bank of the right to own land (no foreigner is By Jack Weber 14. Friend Korea, t would be a constant menace to allowed to own land in Japan except In antwoord gellewe te refereer na The absolute and continuous control spent for every German destroyed or perthe separate existence of that empire, or through a Japanese corporation. that In reply please quote Sterling of governmental power by the military manently disabled. Japanese militarism at least would make Russia the domin. the police departments of various cities No. 372 oligarchy, and the geographic position feels lost without a firm base in China.
aut power in Korea. Korea is an im be jointly administered with Japs; that Herman Unie van Suid Africa Union of occupied by Japan in the backward East, Furthermore Japon exports 30 of portant Chinat must purchase 50 of her outpost in Japan line of de South Africa have permitted unhampered sway to the her entire production of manufactured Lense. In the Russo Japanese War that munitions from a Japanese arsenal to Kantoor van die Office of the Neuman policy of Japanese imperialism. This goods, six times the percentage exported followed this warning, Japan establishe established in China; that Japan be Collector of Customs and Excise, policy presents an intense singleness of by the Says Thanaka. When we cd complete hegemony or the sea of given first right to make all loans. In Box Cape Town. Weaver purpose throughout the era of capitalist remember that the Chinese are our only Japun, making it an inland seu, impreg. 1918 Premier Terauchi proposed that 24th August 1932 economy.
China issue gold notes on the strength The latent conflict between purchasers, we must fear that day when able from attack by sea. Berman The military oligarchy las learned at of sold held in Japan. The Japanese 162 Longmarket Street Mr. Manuel Lopes, capitalists and feudal landed aristocracy China unites and her industry begins tol (that might have disturbed Japan) for flourish We must from now onwards home how to control government through aim in all her relations with China is Plotkin ultimate supremacy, long since liquidated Pursue our own military ends and seize a puput emperor aml this same method clear: to make China het colony. to Cape Town One Packet Containing Books in the more advanced capitalist coun the heart of Manchuria and Mongolia by lus become the formula of Japanese im hinder Chinese development until she Dvorkin Japanese Sir.
tries in favor of industrialism, has not divery ways, in order to be able on the perialism. In Korea teh Crown Prince does fall into the hands am advsed by the Commissioner of yet reached the point of open conflict, one hapad to destroy the military of Korea became the puppet with actual militarism.
Customs and Excise that three books enH. Grossman although the economic bases for this political and economical developmeut of wwers in the hands of an adviser. or Meantime Japan encroaches on the titled Problems of the Chinese Revoluconflict are already present (highland China.
guvernor general. Complete control of material resources she requires in China, tion contained in a packet addressed Orland rent and dear food as against the capl. The Formula of Conquest finance, foreign affairs, concessions and particularly the coal and iron mines. By to you is regarded an objectionable withThe Japanese rulers learned more forelgn commerce was taken over by the a loan made in 1800 to the Hanyang in the meaning of Section (e) of Act Friend ruling classes act in complete harmony quickly than anything else from the Japs Diplomatic matters were transfer Iron Works, Japan obtained payment in of 1913 and are selzed as forfeited unin foreign policygovernment, banks, in. West the cunning methods of imperialism. rul completely to Tokyo, pressure being ore from Tayeh on the Yangtze and coal der Section 25 of that Act. Capelis dustrialists, business men give their generation after the forcing of extra drawal from Seoul of the various minivolving practically the entire output of have the honor to be, fullest cooperation in the process of ex. territoriality on Japan by the Powers. sters, the first to go being that of the these mines, has been a constant source Krokofsky Sir, pansion and penetration, peaceful or be in turn, even while protesting against. In 1910 Korea was finally annex of conflict due to Japan use of it to Your obedient Servant.
this same extra territoriality at hoine, ed formally to Japan. Precisely (Signature) Friend The Tanaka Document forced Korea to grant extra territoriality the hinder the growth of the Hanyeh Ping Collector of Customs and Excise. Katsikis The ultimate aims and the methods of to the Jap. The Japa protest violently same formula is now being applied to Co. In January 1928 the Japs prevented the expansionist pollay are given sin against the closing of the door to Japim Mauchuria.
the Nationalists from seizing this comgularly candid it not laudable expres migration by the in 1924, but Japan Japan and China Miller pany. Again in 1929 Hupeh Province The dissemination of the ideas of the sion in the notorious Tanaka document. has consistently shut out the Chinese Japan aggressions in China followed was forced to relinquish this company. Left Opposition in South Africa will unThese aims, like those of the other im from free entry to Japan for exactly the a plan based on recognition that China one of the largest iron and steel com doubtedly be rendered more difficult by Friend perialist powers, are based on the need same reason arowed by capitalism. cannot be subdued and forced into colo panies in China.
the arbitrary act of the white ruling for markets, for sources of raw mater protection of the standard of living. But nial status simply by military conquest. Drobny, So. Bend Japan has over one and one quarter class there in prohibiting entry to comial, and on military considerations of de above all Japan learned the formula of the plan had the twofold aim of secur billion dollars invested in Chinese rall rade Trotsky work. But these futile Adler, Newark fense and offense. For military purposes imperialist expansion in backward reing control of China trade outlets and roads, warehouses, banks, spinning and police measures will not halt our proJapan is completely dependent on keep gions. In 1875 France recognized the gradually scizing the strategic cities weaving plants, mining companies. This gress. In spite of the difficulties, even ing the road to China open as she de independence of Annam from China and the railroads for final military con investment is used for imperialist pur. the remote parts of the world are echoing pends on China for foodstuffs, oil, coal. Following this in the same year Japan xt. Jan everywhere placed herself roses, but it is at the same time the the march of our movement. The recent ST. LOUIS OPEN FORUM iron and steel. Modern Warfare is foughtl granted Korea recognition In both between the ports selxed by the Euro effort of Japanese capitalists to utilize adherence to the banner of the Left Op Cremden Branch Library Auditorium in the factories at home, a fact em. cases China refused to grant such re ans and the ocean, so as to starve the cheaper Chinese labor, the nearness position of a large group of native Negro 14th Street and Cass Ave.
phasized by the statistics of the last cognition but she was coerced into ac these ports. In 1915 Japan presented to raw materials, the closeness to the revolutionists is testimony which the November 17, 1932 years of the campaign on the Western ceptance of the faits accomplis in 1855 the infamous 21 demands to China, great market, and the avoidance of Chinese governmental martinets of British im The Fascist, Socialist and Communist Front when one ton of ammunition was when Annam became a protectorate emphasis being placed in these demandsl tariffs.
perlalism may well ponder.
Partles and the German Workers of South Africans Ban Trotsky China Book sars.