BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismChekaCivil WarCominternCommunismItalyLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietTrotskyViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932 Lenin Report on the Russian Revolution to the 4th Congress of the that 10 We present here the most important difficult. In the course of the revolution positively and absolutely demonstrated, foredoomed to perish. In this matter wel ifying slightly the words of a celebrated after years of the Russian revolution, extracts from Lani speech.
there will always be moments when the that we have successfully passed the ex have now taken the decisive step. We Russian writer so as to give them the we should set ourselves to school. Now enemy loses his head. If we attack him amination.
have obtained the means requisite for following aspect: When the Bolsheviks for the first time we have the possibility Lenin: Comrades, was put down as at such moments, we may score an easy Now as to the heavy industries. Here putting, heavy Industry upon its own commit follies, this amounts to saying of learning. do not know how long princil buker on the list, but you will victory But such a victory would not must say that the situation is still dit feet. The sum that we have hitherto that the Bolsheviks say and equals the capitalist powers will give us the understand that after my prolonged ill. ho decisive, because the enemy after calm theult. Nevertheless some small improve obtained, is, indeed, less than 20 million. but when our opponents e. the capt opportunity of learning in peace and ness am not lua position to make a consideration, after due concentration of ment has taken place between 1921 and cold roubles but we have it; it will be talists and the heroes of the Second quietude. But we must utilize every lengthy report. can only give the in his forces, etc. may very easily provoke 1922. This entitles us to the hope of definitely applied to raising the level International, commit follies, this am moment in which we are free from war, troduction to some of the more importants into a premature attack in order to improveinent in the near future. The of our heavy industry.
ounts to saying that they declare and that we may learn, and learn from the questions. My remarks will have to be throw is back for many years to come. means to that end we partly possess Herein consisted the most important equals a wax candle. That is not bottom up.
quite brief. theme of Five Years therefore think the idea of the neces already. In a capitalist country the im question for us, the economic preparation difficult to prove.
The whole Party, and Russians at of the Russian Revolution, and the ersity of preparing for the emergency of provement of the situation of the heavy of the socialist economy. We could not Here is another example, an even more large, show by their hunger for culture, spectives of World Revolution is al. a retreat to be supreme importance industries would alsolutely necessitate prepare this in direct fashion, but we telling one, that of the Versailles Treats that they are aware of this. The aspira together too comprehensive and too big and that not only from the theoretical the borrowing of hundreds of millions had to do it indirectly. The state capt. What have the victorious powers done? tion for culture proves that our most for one peuker to exhaust in one speech. standpoint. From a practical standpoint without which no improvement could be talism we have established is a peculiar How can they find any issue for the important task consists in this to learn therefore will me out only a small also all the parties that are contem thought of. The economic history of form of State Capitalism.
part of the subject, namely, the question plating on offensive against capitalism capitalist countries tells us that the correspond to the ordinary conception of exaggerate when repeat that our follics too, must learn, though not in the sense of the New Economic olicy. choose in the near future, should right now think upbuilding of heavy industries in a back State Capitalism. We have all authority are as nothing in comparison with the in which we have to learn namely, to solely this small part advisably, in order of how to inake the retreat secure. ward country can be accomplished only in our hands; we have the land, which follies committed by the capitalist States, read, to write, and to understand what least to me the most important of all, with all the other lessons of our revolu of millions of dollars or gold roubles. importance, although our opponents are ternational in conjunction. That is why much dispute as to whether such things because am engaged on it just now. tion, will surely do us no harm and so far we have received no loans of this apt to declare, falsely, that it is of no think that the prospects of the world belong to proletarian culture or to bourI will therefore speak on the subject of most probably a vast amount of good kind. All that has been written so far importance at all. From the economic revolution (this is a theme upon which zeois culture. leave the question open.
how we started the New Economic Pol. in many instances, about concessions and such like remains outlook, the ownership of the land by propose to touch briefly) are good, and This much is certain that our first task icy and what results we have achieved leaving thus emphasized that already almost entirely on paper. Auch has been the State is of great importance; it has in certain conditions are likely to become must be to learn reading and writing and by it, by contining myself to this ques in 1918 we considered State Capitalism written about these things lately, per immense practical significance from the even better. It is upon these conditions miderstanding what is read. In foreign tion hope to be in a position to give as a possible way of retreat, will pass ticularly about the Urquhart concession economie point of view. We have achier, that propose to say a few words. lands this is no longer necessary.
you a general survey and a general conto a review the results of our New Eco Nevertheless it seems to me that our ed this, and must emphasize that our ception of the subject.
nomic Policy repeat at that time it concession policy is an excellent ope. At further activities must be within this opted a resolution concerning the orga They need something higher. First of At the Third Congress of 1921, we ad Foreigners need something different.
To begin the story of how we started was still a very vague idea. Yet in 1921, the same time it ought to be taken into framework. We have alreads ensured nisatory upbuilding of the Communist all they have to learn how to understand have written about the orgato you an article written by me in 1918. the most important stages of the civil ranged for any real big concession. Hence and that industry and commerce are one parties, and concerning the method and In that year, in discussing the subject, war, Soviet Russia came face to face with the situation of the heavy industries is the upgrade.
the substance of their work. It was a ninatory upbuilding of the Communist good resolution. But the resolution is parties, winch they have subscribed withI touched upon the question of how we a great believe the greatest Internal for our backward country a really very would have to tackle the problem of political crisis which caused disaffection difficult question, since we cannot count have already pointed out that our almost exclusively Russian: it was whol out reading it, or without understanding state capitalism is distinguished from ly derived for a study of Russian de it. You foreign comrades must make State Capitalism. wrote then: not only of the huge masses of the pea on any loans from the wealthy states. Compared with the present economic santry, but also of large numbers of In spite of all this, we see perceptible the term, inasmuch as we not only have the resolution, but it is also the bad must be carried into effect. these things State capitalism in the literal sense of welopments. That is the good side of this your first duty. This resolution policy of the Soviet Republic. e. the workers.
economte situation of that time, state the last time in the history of Soviet trading activity has already brought us tarian State, but also the important de because hardly any foreigner. have the next, it is absolutely impossible.
Capitalism represents a step forward. 14 Russia that we had the great masses some capital. This also is of rather partments of industry. Above all: while read the resolution over again before. The resolution is too Russian; it is a Capitalism here in the course of half consciously, but instinctively, as a sort than twenty million gold roulles, but a small scale and medium scale industry. read it. In the first place, it is too long. why it cannot be understood by foreigna year, it would be a tremendous success el politicul mood. What was the cause start has been made. Our trading yields the rest of the industry remains in our por dit contains a cor more paragraphs. ers, and why forcigners are not conand the best guarantee that within year socialism will be strong and in agreeable situation? It was caused by the upbuilding of the heavy industries. like to insist upon the point that we are to read anything of this sort. In the lous picture which they are to hang on vincible in this country.
the fact that had gone too far with. At the present moment, however, our endeavoring to establish, and indeed next place, even if a foreigner should the wall and to pray to. That sort of This was said at a time, of course our econoinic measures, that we had not heavy industries are still in a very dil have already established, mixed compan mange to read it through, it is too attitude will not help us forward. You when we were much more foolish than made our buse secure, that the masses ficult position. But believe that we ies, that is to say, companies in which Russian. do not mean because it was will have to make a portion of Russian now, but not so foolish as to be unable were already sensing what we had not can already afford to spare something part of the capital belongs to private written in the Russian language, for experience your own. Ilow can it be to problems.
yet properly formulated although we had for this purpose, and this we will con foreign) capitalists, while the rest be there are excellent translations into the done. do not know. Perapes the Fase In a word, in 1918 was of the opin to acknowledge it a few weeks after time to do even if we have to do it longs to us. In the first place we learn various tongues, but because it is per ists in Italy will do us a good turn by ion that Stato Capitalism represented awards: namely that the direct transition frequently at the expense of the popu. in this way how to carry on commercemented with the Russian spirit. Thirdly, showing the Italians how, after all, they step forward in comparison with the to pure socialist economy, to pure socialation. We must be thrifty now. We and retain the possibility of dissolving it hs a rare chance a foreigner could on are not so highly cultured that the de economic situation of the Soviet Republic listie distribution of wealth, was far be are endeavouring to cut down State ex: the company whenever we think it neces derstand it, he could not possibly carry welopment of Black Hundreds in Itals has ut the time. This sounds rather strangeyond our resources; and that if we could penditure by curtailing the machinery of sary, so that we may be said to incur it out. That is the third defect.
and perhaps contradictory, for at that not make a successful and timely retreat the state. As to that will say a few netically no risk. But from the priv. have talked matters over with some good effect. We Russians must also look At all events we must ate capitalists we are learning, and we of the delegates and hope that in the for means of explaining to foreigners ublic. at that time we carried out day tasks, we wonld go under. believe that diminish state expenditure, and affect are seeing how we are to work our intercourse of the Congress shall find the elements of this reason. Otherwise our a not on.
by day, in rapid succession perhaps in the crisis set in February, 1821. Already economy as far as possible. Thus we are way upward and what mistakes we are it jossible (not at the Congress itself. It will be alsolutely impossible for them fur two rapid neccession all kinds of new in the spring of that year we unanimously saving on everything, even on schools. making. think have said economic measures which we could not resolved we had to considerable differ. This has to be done, because we know anent these matters.
for in that am unfortunnely not able to carry it out.
to participate) am confident that in this sense (we term otherwise than soculistic. Aud yetences on that score to piss to the New that without the saving and reconstruetalk matters over I have said that we have committedl full detail with a larger number of dele have to say, not only for the Russians, declared at that time that state Cap Economie olicy. Today, after lametion of the heavy Industries we cannot itallsın would be a step forward com of a year and a half, at the end of 1922. hope to upbuild any industry, and within this connection say something concern sates from various lands. My impres but for foreigners as well. that the pared with the then prevailing wituation we are in a position to draw comparlout them we cannot hope exist as a ing our opponents. When these read in the matter of this resolution, thereby period now opening is to learn. We of the Soviet Republic, therefore found sons. What are the results. Has the self sustaining country. This we know us a lecture, saying: Lenin himself re blocking our own advance.
Russians have to learn in the general enumerating the elements of the economic has it failed, and the results indefinite not only in a good harvest for her peasan. mitted an enormous number of follies. Let me repeat, it is an excellent resone. You have to learn in the special structure of Russia. These elements. This is the principal question put to ry, nor in the good condition of light should like to answer them thns. But lation. myself endorse every one of sense that you may sain a genuine unrepresented then as follows. 1) patri: myself, and believe that this question industries which cater for the require you ought to know that our follies are its 70 or more paragraphs. But we dia dorstanding of the organization, struc archul that is an exceedingly primitive is also of supreme importance to all the ments of the peasantry, but we need also ot an essentially different kind os crore not really know what we were about ture, method, and substance of revolution of commodities. To this group bewer should be in the negative, then we struction of the heavy industries will we are learning systematically that we Russian experience. Everything in the court that the prospects for the world favourable, deal in grain. Private capitalism. in goul conscience give the answer to leavy industry requires subsidies from any opponents, mean the capitalists hea 11 we fall to understand why, we shall bit splendid. 4) State Capitalism. 6) Socialism. the question in the affirmative, namely the state. Unless we have them, then, the heroes of the 2nd International, in make no progress. Loud and long continued applause.
All these economie elements were re in the sense that in the course of eigh merely as a chvillued country (to snysist that we have committed follies, think the most important for us all. general acclamation, Long Live Com presented in Russia at that time. teen months that have elapsed we have nothing of a socialist country) we are should like to make a comparison, mod russians and foreigners alike is that rade Lenin. took the trouble of explaining the correlation between these elements, suggesting that we might perlaps put a hightion we have is settled, and we have no ment? No, we are for the Soviets. It is, rection, because it was supposed not to er value on the 1101 solist element, need to talk about it now that our party impossible for it to be otherwise. It hold out any hope. The old arguments namely on State Capitalism, than on so har, arrived in power. But can it be is not a question of the seats we should are now reproduced, after the triumph of like this, can we shed blood together reserve for the other parties, but that the uprising, but in favor of the coallstrange to declare non socialist eleand govern separately? Can we refuse they would not apply our policy. Theretion. It is said that there will be no ment of greater value than socialism in the power to the soldiers? The civil war is no other way out than to say: Get technical apparatus. The darkest colors (Continued from page 3) age of the petty bourgeois psychology a Republic which had declared itself sowill last for years. One can hardly get out.
were used to terrify, to prevent the proernov menn? It does not mean: to speak Naturally, that is also, in part, inherent letariat from exploiting its success. It abie, if we war in mind. that the econo, it means to line up according to slavery of yesterday. But if the coun: capitalist industry, that one thing, but luminated by Trotsky and Lenin. Dur allied so long with Kerensky pitiable cialist. But it becomes quite conceiv frankly with him once and stop there in the masses, it is a residue of their very far with the peasants by support SLUTSKY.
ing himself upon bayonets. Towards The question has been sufficiently 11 is true that the apparatus does not be coull only by no means be considered which we would all deserve to be shot even the backward mass, will take up another tactie is needed with regard to ing the days of June 5, when it seem detachments, because we had no techni.
omic situation in Russia at that time Tchernov. This would be treason for ter revolution threatens us, the nass, as uniform and of high standing. On the peasants.
arms. At the base, they are in such ed that the counter revolution had beatthe contrary we were quite aware of immediately.
The word collaboration has become en us, in reality it was we who had cal apparatus. Nevertheless, we creatI have heard here with bitterness the a position that they will come forward the fact that in Russia we had a patriIt is won. The days of the insurrection show and at present we have triumphed here ed one, superb under the given conditions, archal system of agriculture, e, the applause given (Lunatcharsky) a propos with arms in hand. It is otherwise with too repugnant to the comrades.
Petrograd unbed if we repulse all the other parties? The hesion.
was state capitalism to play under those they want to decapitate the party by and other summits.
Social Revolutionists have quit the soLunatcharsky says: We must stop. viets after the revolution, the Menshe which gave this cohesion to the masses, But the hammer of the revolution, tary nature.
circunstances? asked inyself again, removing Lenin, this party which has repeat, we cannot draw in the petty which of these elements predominates. It taken possession of the power in the bat. No, we must clear away in order to go viks too. But this means that the so separated from it the Mensheviks, the bourgeoisie except by showing that we is clear that in a petty bourgeois en tle where blood was spilled? Miliukov forward. When you come out against viets are going to break down. Such a defenders of the fatherland, the Social have in our hands material fighting vironment the pretty bourgeois element was driven from the government, for us at the moment of the bitter struggle situation, siven the complete disorgani Revolutionists; we have seen that it was force. We cannot vanquish the bouragreement xation of the country, will terminate in the collaborationists who created the geol le except by beating it. It is a law It then it was in comection with spectat int put its foot on the belly of the Cadets. With Tchernov would not blive us a thing a short time with the failure of our lack of cohesion. Now that we have of the class struggle. There lies the discussion that hns nothing to do with And now? Who is walking on our belly Wouncedoreanution That is what we party. We should not waste our powder vanquished, they want to lead us into sarantee of our victory. It is only then our attitude towards state capitalism are in power. We establish our tactics that the people are pressing the bour and shot. The famine conditions will this path of collaborationism. The agree that the Vikzhel people will follow us.
And promptly replied: State capitalism. by baking them on the revolutionary van geolsie too much, that they are carrying create a favorable terrain for Kaledin ment with them is the masked road to As much can be said about the other In the abandonment of the power, Previous technical doznains. The apparatus will although not a socialist form, would be guard of the masses. We were told in of money plundered from it, Tchernov daunching the dispatch to the employees by at the helm of the power were the be at our disposal only when it will see more favorable for us and for Russia than defense of collaborationism that with. Is the transmisson lever of the bour of the railroads that we intend to de parties of the agreement with the bour that we are a force the present for what faces se mennt out it the Baltic fleet will not give the sedisie. He will merely weaken us by his prive them of bread cards, we would seoisie. now it is we who are there with The revolution of the October basis and structure of socialist economy, verified. We were frightened with the we must say clearly and plainly to create the basis for a powerful protest. out this agreement. The words of com does not consist in putting the roliday rade Lunatcharsky, asking what harm paratus into running condition again.
although we have already accomplished assertion that no worker would march the workers that it is not a coalition GLEBOV there would be in granting the Municipal Our task is to reconstruct it completely, The situation is serious, not because Dumas fifty seats in the Central Execu from top to bottom. In order to carry time we had, to a certain degree, come ralantis. No, there is no longer any we want to establish that it is not a the shock troops approaching. The tive Committee of the Soviets appear to into life our proletarian tasks, we need to the conclusion that it would be better return to the intermediate policy, to col. question of that, but rather of a program power is in our hands, we can triumph. me superfluous.
the. lord en roestablish thirst State capitalism dictatorship of the proletariat in realitse with the peasants, with the soldiers wh. But there is sabotage which is beginning to grant nifty seats? It is not to use the four class. We have created one or socialism. We will compel people to work.
How are now fighting for the power of the inside the party, as well as an almost furniture that we take them. We are this type against Kerensky and Krasnov At all events there was already a does it happen that society existed, that Bolsheviks, for the All Russian general and vague idea of the retreat the masses worked under the former Congress has handed the power to The force of sabotage exists in the want to ask: how will the oil flow to sele upon bayonets, we are told once And believe that also we, is a Com terror of the minority? Here, it is no well defined party. You forget that.
measure that, by our line of conduct, we us through such taps as Kamkov? How more; but so that we might discuss here munist International, and not only as a longer such a terror, it is the organizaShould we share the power with the are marching towards an agreement with win the doors to fertile places open up with you it was necessary to have bay.
country that was and hus remained back ton of the class violence of the workers clements who already before this, sabot. It. As long as looked for an agree before us, thanks to the Social Nerolu onets at Tsarskoye Selo.
ward by its economic structure, must against the bourgeoisle.
aged the Soviets and who now fight as soon as took a resolute road, a lot lack of principle: why not sixty serts, ment. Our power is the violence of the take that into consideration, particularly How do they want to scare us now? the power of the proletariat from with the comrades in the advanced countries in the same way that the Mensheviks out? All those who consent to it forget the point of view of Posts and Tele revolutionary mass will not follow this ority. It is inevitable. It is the alphof things were straightened out. From why not twenty five or thirty tive? The majority of the people against the min, and Social Revolutionists sought to to ask themselves if those with whom abet of Marxism. They did not let me stance, we are busy with the construcwere us yesterday. They said that they want to share the power are canraphs, it is already important that they appeal.
as communicate to Moscow the news of our tion of a program. for one believe we approach the socialist revolution, we able of realizing our program. They do have pronounced themselves in our favor BOKY.
in their resolution. They must take us that it would be the winest action on shall see the Junkers fire, the blood flow. not speak of this. Are the collaboration into account. At Ivanovo Vozneshensk, many times. This name is too high the shock troops pas. They betray us success by the telegraphic line belongConference has been spoken of our part if we discuss all these pro the bourgeoisie conspire, the functionarhere ing to the railroads, and then, they let ists capable of conducting a policy of grams in a general way, if we take some the proletariat has adopted a resolute de sounding. It is hard to convoke a gen at the acutest moment of the struggle; thing like a first reading of them and les sabotage, the army committees resist. economie terror? No. If we are inca cision. It arrested the sabotagers and eral assembly for tomorrow. Let us con when we have triumphed they propose ble of realizing our program after havto have the programme finally establish pens at the top. If the bourgeoisie was the soldiers and the workers and acknow. lambs. We should say to the hesitant meeting of the committee, enlarged to ress of the power, have them all printed, but not in order Naturally! But all this is what haping taken the power, we should go to put them in prison; they came out like woke for tomorrow at seven o clock, here. to us to introduce them into the fort.
ed this year. Why? First of all, because with us, there would not be a civil war, ledge that we have failed. But it will comrades: Get out don thwart our Proposal to limit the speaking time to think that we have hardly examined The army committees are hated by the not do any good to leave in the coalition activity: If not, buy hesitating, we shall the representatives of the wards.
them all. Secondly, because we have as lose everything.
10 minutes.
We are told: The power will be re Before the insurrection, there were in NOGIN.
yet given almost no consideration to the mass of the soldiers, but frequently they government only a few Bolsheviks. We ident of the retreat and making the cannot yet do anything against them. ve taken the power, we must also takesponsible to the parliament. But what our party. In the Central Committee and the responsibilities.
We Bolsheviks have already recognized retreat secure. Yet this is a question still in a whole series of units, Rev.
which merits our utmost attention in olutionary Military Committees have been time to 15 minutes.
It is proposed to limit the speaking will this parliament be? Will it not be in the bread circles of the party. diver that the revolution is ones and not the made on the model of the Pre Parlia gences of views reaching a considerable bourgeolste However, we did not dealing with so great a change of the elected; the officers, the old committees, depth. The same thing was said, in the triumph alone, but together with the world as the orerthrow of capitalism all the inferior officers have been ar NOGIN Glebov Avilov, former worker, besame terms as today, against the Insur peasants. There is why what we sucand the building up of the socialist sys rested. That has been effected in about The question of knowing what revolu longed for a long time to the Vperiod ceed in getting thanks to the blood of tem. It is not enough for us so be mere one fourth of the army. To fraternize (Forward) group: after the October rev One of the leaders of the Left So the workers and the soldiers, the power, ly conscious of how we are to assume with the army committees would be to Nogin, old Bolshevik, former textile olution, People Commissar of Posts and cial Revolutionists.
should be their common weal. Our party the offensive in order to be victorious. raise against us the masses of soldiers. worker, who played a great role in the Telegraphs. Took part in the Zinovlev Old Bolsheviks worked later on in should be the most disciplined.
In revolutionary times this is not at au Lunatcharsky prejudices are a herit party. Dled in 1926.
Oppositon and capitulated with it. the Cheka.
The session is adjourned.
The Fight in the Party for a Bolshevik contact us for me to be more preces Government and the Lenin Trotsky Line a socialist form of agriculture. What part single person. Why, for what reason, do Social Revolutionists, the Mensheviks solving the question. how shall we net The peasants and the workers have co anteed against any surprises of a milla