Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarEnglandKamenevLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE The Fight in the Party for a Bolshevik Government. For the Policy of Lenin and Trotsky!
in can conis the The question is posed of the expulsion Introduction to the Minutes of the Petrograd Committee, November 7, 1917 hands of the workers. We can count from the party of Lunatcharsky We publish here the minutes of the, a complete turn about face in 24 hours accordingly, so as not to distort this Conciliation Chamber of Fenigstein Daletskythis opposed historie session of the Petrograd Com. and adopt an active attitude in Lenin speech, it is not published.
Yakutsk upon that up to a certain point. Neverorder to protect the splendors of the theless, we cannot work at present for The expulsion is rejected.
mittee of the Bolshevik party which took camp against the opportunist wing, of It is quite true that the recording of democratic revolution from the conflicts we have no apparatus. It will not last The present situation. Reporter, place November 1:14, 1917. The power which he, Stalin, had been one of the the minutes is not perfect, that they con between workers and capitalists. All the long time like this. We must show Fenigstein.
most important centers of the country. why you can find hardly a single question sugom. But that applies entirely and slavsky were penetrated with the same sply say: Fisht, night. and clear. FENIGSTEIN But the struggle inside the party concern in which, during this period, Stalin completely to all the minutes of the spirit. The other collaborators, who ala road for ourselves with bayonets; that ing the question of power was far from adopted a clear position which he de Petrograd Committee of 1917. The ses not jar with the spirit of this publica will lead to nothing. It is easier to By chance, it is who am the report having ceased. It had simply passed fended openly.
sion of November was perhaps better tion, were Ordjonikidze and Petrovsky, compel people working badly to do it beter. Perhaps someone else will make the into a new phase. Up to October 25, the recorded than certain others. As is the present president of the Executive ter than to coerce the idle to work by report. Rejected. representatives of the Right wing (ZinAs these minutes prove, the revolu known, Lenin speeches were in general Committee of the Ukrainian Soviets. consider that it would be desirable to Objective: How to coordinate the work ovlev, Kamenev, Rykov, Kalinin, Luna tionary line of the party was defended difficult to take down, even stenographic a londing article, which might seem in of your in the immediate future. It is a question tcharsky, etc. demonstrated that the in common by Lenin and Trotsky. But ally, because of the peculiarities of his credible wore it not printed black on each an agreement. None of the agreement with the other social. Insurrection was premature and that it that is just why the document we publish methods of oratorial exposition: the ex. white, Petrovsky shed tears of chi viuce the masses. know well that it would end in a defeat. After the triumph was not included in the collection of treme rapidity of speech, the complicated over 50 rubles contributed by some ottiist parties (Mensheviks and Social Revolutionists. The considerations on the of proving that the Bolshevik party WeS edited under the title: The First Leccal brutal treutheses, etc. Nevertheless, pressed the conviction that the revolution done now. It is not possible from the of the Insurretion they took up the Job minutes of the Petrograd Committee construction of the phases, abrupt and cal or other for charitable works and oxs not possible to work as it is being workers should not predominate. For without conlescing with the other social Party in 1917 (State Publishing House, November 14 is perfectly clear. Luna when the possessing classes would follow anse we cannot risk a number of lives. spilled blood and the lassitude of the incapable of maintaining itself in power retrograd Committee of the Bolshevik the essential sense of lepin speech of would really bloom from the moment principled point of view and also bepolitical party that wants to make hisDo not kive forth to divergences of tory, these fucts should not constitute an Ist parties, that is, with the Social Rev. 1927. Yet, in saying this, we do not ex tcharsky speech and the two speeches the example of the noble honorary andviews (they exist already. the masses. In this obstacle. Task What to do to satisfy the new stage, the struggle for the Right press ourselves with sufficient preciso. of Trotsky are reported in an entirely perhaps even Court. Counclitor. It just of the satisfactory manner. The motive for the these rigorously consistent Marxists. regard that nervously.
peasants? What was the second revolu. Wingers became exceptionally harsh and Hess. The minutes of the November 1mination from the minutos is quite aſ these intexible revolutionists who now TROTSKY.
terminated with the resignation of the session were part of the first project of tion? It was inevitable. The class con the different one. It is not hard to find. It edit Leni and sock to remodel all histhe book; they were set up and representatives of this wing from proofs were carefully looked over. As is underlined in the margin of the proofstory. They write with assurance on the We are told that we are incapable of era de como he viene pre pollyou have so not Council of People Commissars and from proof of this, we have the photograph of with a thick stroke and a huge question proves of the minutes of the session of building up. But in that case we should exclusively political. It brought with should be recalled that this crisis took this historic sexsion was in too of the text: report mark, right opposite the following words November 1: Throw away the compoal quite simply give up the power to those ne ble al conterations great proco más place a few days after the conquest of nagrant contradiction, by far too unbear1 cannot even speak seriously of this of the Uctober revolution, Throw away But we have already done a great work.
been accomplished. Illusions have disable to the falsification of the history of and the Social Revolutionists. Trotsky the composition. Set up all over again selves upon bayonets. But welther can appeared. The state of mind of the SoWhat was the conduct, in this ques. October, executed under the not very viets and the popular masses hus chang ed: they have lost their collaborationist) on, of those who are at present the qualified but sealous direction of Yaro has said long ago that the union is in the history of Russlu for a third of a we exist without yonets. We need the.
illusions. Everybody has reached the tom he was already then a centrist, in gradinterrogated Moscow, the Centraler he then there has not been a betud compositor of the new Stalinist his here. All the experience we have gone.
conclusion of the necessity of the exist through shonld already tench us some so far as he was obliged to take a post. Historical Section of the party question.
It is this phrase which finally upset But, alas for Yaroslavsky, there have thing. There have been battles in Mosence of the Soviet power. In the pretion by himself or to express his owned the Secretariat of the Central Comsence of this slogan we have developed opinion, but he was Centrist who was mittee. The latter save the following the equilibrium of the Secretariat of the been some heaks this time too. Ile cow: yes, there were serious combats ourselves and have grown. We have afraid of Lenin. That is why it the directions: Eliminate the minutes from Central Committee and called forth the has not succeeded In throwing away there against the Junkers. But in the elaborated a series of slogans on economic struggle, etc. Our party has struggle (beginning with April 4, 1014 trace is left of them. They had to set up vexing enough as it is for, even in its without making use of living people. The Nensheviks or to the Vikuhel; the agree grown. We have had the support of the and up to the illness of Lenin) Stalin masses.
scarcely existed from the political point to change the arrangement of the pages murderous document against the fulsl. dlately made their way into the hunds of struggle against the Junker detachof view. He existed less than ever dur. But nevertheless, the book itself retains Alers it will suffice to suy, for instance, the opposition. It is not the only documents of the bourgeoisie disappear. No, LENIN.
ing 1917. After his arrival cannot make a report but will make coming from Atebinsk with Kamenev. cludes by setting the next session for committee, when it was presented in the As for the correction of the text we continue to be conducted against the wall meetings, was called the point of view publish, we have upplied in general and this petty bourgeois rabble which, for of Lenin and Trotsky (see page 345. on the whole the rules which were used the moment, is in to position to take a known to you a question which inter when he had taken possession of the Wednesday (November However, ac ests everybody a great deal. It is the editorial board of Pravda with Kamenev cording to the book, the next session But Yaroslavsky himself, in spite of his also by the editors of the collection of stand on one side or the other when it question of the crisis in the party which and the former deputy Muranov, Stalin took place on November But a much broke out openly at the moment when followed vulgarly democratic, semi. more important trace was preserved out assiduity, cannot attend to everything. the Petrograd minutes mentioned above. will know that our power is strong. It In this connection, it would be very In cases where the sense of the phrase will be with us, and with it, the Vikzhel It was already in power.
national defensist line of conduct, a line side of the book, in the form of the Interesting reconstruct the contribu left no doubt, we have corrected the. Because we crushed Krasnov Costhe party, the polemic which was un considered, in more sensible and com rections and annotations by the hand of lion in the realm of Ideas made in 1917 grammar or the syntax, taking into acusacks under Petersburg. we received a For all those who follow the life of which Kamener formulated, all things proofs already mentioned, bearing corby this incompetent compiler and odlous count the interest of the reader. In mass of telegrams of sympathy the next folded in the Rabotchi Put and my inter plete terms. After Lenin arrival, Kam the book editor, Kudelli.
falsifier. We hope to devote a few pages spite of all the defects of recording, the day. The petty bourgeois mass seeks As the official motive for the dissimu to it in our archives. Here, let us sim general procedure of the whole session the force to which it should submit itself.
ventions against Kamenev and Zinovlev eney continued to defend his attitude and constitute nothing new. It was said in applied it in Novembernero11. through lhe Petro that most hundportant minnetesudet Poly recall a little known or forgotten and of the tendencies and groups which whoever does not understand that underDielo Naroda that the Bolsheviks would October and November 1917. As for the Petrograd Committee for 2017, Kud fact. After the February revolution, were represented there, appears without stands nothing in the world, much less beatrala to seize the power. This com Stalin, he hushed up immediately and elli marked the following note on the Yaroslavsky, together with the Menshe leaving room for any dispute and car the apparatus of the State. Back in all the inconsistency and unfathomable Pravda during the month of Marchewens de europene se contenitore the sector Social Democrat, which was a model of very depths of the mind. In publishing cannot simply utilize the old apparatus.
stupidity of the socialist Revolutionists. he removed the revolutionary elements in the Petrovac Committee with Breat the acme of political triviality and con the present document, we are saving for it has its interests and its customs which it wrote. Will the Bolsheviks Maintain from the feditorial board, was stone Perle tafiu ngerasan phrabbreviat come piaceres sersed upon the bourne separating Men history a living portion, not without its cause tesistance. We must break it and Powerte The question of armed Inter sent in the memory of allFrom the time words and phrases in some places terism from rotten borough liberalism. importance, of the October revolution. renew it: It is only then that we can vention was posed at the Central Compaychological and political point of view. it was impossible to decipher the notea; Yaroslavsky was then at the head of the Archives of the Opposition. work.
mittee session October If that were not so, if the former Czarafraid of seeing opportunism on the part The work of the insurrection is a new cherod, the Vikzhel, etc. That horse. LUNATCHARSKY.
of the Internationalist Unionists; but this work; other forces, other qualities are trading. Perhaps ist apparatus suited our new aims, the taking every station by assault. Other whole revolution would not be worth also with general fear disappeared. Whereas, in our party, Wise we will not be able to do anything blown egg. We must create an appar.
for example, in Kaledin? To come to an understanding would like to have you know my That is the first stage. We must take atus which can, in certain (former) members of the Central needed. In Moscow, Committee were not in agreement with many cases the Junkers (cadets) RVO with the collaborationists who later on impressions about the masses who have session of the first point in order to that the general Interests of the popular reality, proclaim This grieved me. Thus the question proof of cruelty, shot prisoners, etc. The will throw a wrench in the spokes! It fought. have heard with astonishment be able to go forward. Such leaps can. masses are higher than the particular miserable horse trading and the speech of Vladimir Ilitch about Kam not be made. We must pass gradually of power has been posed for a long time. Junkers, sous of the bourgeoisie, under would Just the same we could not give it up stood that with the advent of the power not the power of the Soviets. At the ener allegedly not recognizing the social through all the steps. We must con interests of the apparatus itself.
Yet, who is now in solidate our position in the most rapid their struggle has remained purely book The question of the classes and of now because of the disagreement of Zin of the people comes to an end that conference that just the way we must ist revolution.
ovlev and Kamenev. The insurrection is conference, we had taken a series of of the workers are for us.
Ninety nine percent power? The Bolsheviks that already manner. We must put a stop to speaks for itself. Kamenev, as far as whole state apparatus and then go for felt the revolutionary reality, they spoke the stutt for many of our circles. When they objectively necessary; comrades Zin measures like the confiscation of the know, has not a ovlev and Kamenev began to make an banks, etc. To the contrary, the Bol Menshevik point of ward. Whoever pulls the cord too tight differently (of agreement and not If there must be a split, let it come! view. Our influence is growing The of agitation against the insurrection; ly will break it. It will be broken. At struggle)
began to consider them as strikebreakers. it the bourgeoisle had triumphed, it ority, let them take the power in the The city worker also understands that suitors Committee says: The majority sent is one of the deepest social crises.
wesheviks were frequently too soft. Now If they re the ones who have the inasmasses are coming over to our side.
present the (party) representative in the What we are living through at preI even addressed myself in writing to would have acted as in 1848 and in 1871. Central Executive Committee of the So the question of the land is not a matter of the sailors are now in such a state At present the proletariat is demolishthe Central Committee to propose to ex. Who believed therefore that we would viets and them act; as for us, we will of indifference to him. We adopt as the of mind that they are ready to come to ing the apparatus of the power and repel them from the party.
basis for the decree on the land the Smolny to declare that they are not displacing it. Its resistance is a reflection came out violently in the press when not run foul of the sabotage of the bour 80 to the sailors.
geolslo? It was clear even for a nursresolution of the Social Revolutionists pused to conduct a civil war in order of the process of our growth. No word Kameney came forward in the Central ling. And we must apply force: arrest We are in power. Who is capable at We introduce it into the program of our that the Bolsheviks should have more will be able to moderate their hatred Executive Committee of the Soviets. the bank directors, etc. The detention, present of passing over to Novala Zhixn activity: we can also introduce it into power or less. This exceptional situa against us. It is said that we have the would not want (now. after the victory) even briet, of these people has already ilesitaters, unprincipled people: one day the nomination of the government. We tion cannot last long. To drag it out same program as they. Give them a few to be severe with them. regarded with yielded very good results. That hardly with us, the next with the Mensheviks. the Right wing Opposition, have dwelled in to lose blood, lacking support from the seats and that will be all. Then why do friendliness Kamenov parleys in the surprises me; know how little capable They say that by ourselves we will not on the necessity of a homogeneous so technical apparatus.
Central Executive Committee on the sub they are of doing any of their fighting maintain power, etc. But we are not cialist government. We say: not a single they help Kaledin if they have the same ject of the agreement, for we are not themselves; the essential thing for them alone. We have all Europe before us place to the Cadets!
program as we? No, bourgeoisle is opposed to it from the point of view is to hold on their warm little spot. In We must begin: at present, only the soI am surprised at the words pronounc against is out of all its class Interests.
of principles Paris, they gulllotined, while we will clulist revolution is possible. All these We have, furthermore, pointed out by Vladimir Ditch on the subject of what will we accomplish against that However, when the socialist Revolu do nothing but deprive of their food cards hesitations, these doubts (agreements. the necessity of workers control of the the parleys with General Kaledin. be by an agreement with the Vikzhel people?
tionists abandoned the power, under. those who do not receive them from they are nousense. When said (at a regulation of production by the shop and cause he would be a genuine force, where Against us is rising armed violence; how stood that they did it after Kerensky had their trade union. In this manner we popular meeting. we will fight (the so factory committees; the other parties as the Mensheviku are not. But this shall we beat it? Also by violence. Luna.
troops begun the (armed) resistance In Mos will funn our duty. And at such a mo Dotagers) with the bread cards, the faces consent to that. We will oblige every unreal force can shift from tcharsky says that blood is flowing. Then cow (that is on the subject of the conment, while we are in power, the split of the soldiers lit up. The Right wing body to admit it. That is what our pro the front, provoke battle uuder Vin what should be done? Perhaps we should quest of power in Moscow. matters drag appears! Zinoviev and Kamenev suyers) asserted that the soldiers are in gram consists of, plus the power of the nitsit and not permit the Lettish light 1o. not have begun? Then recognize that sed out for a long time. Our Rght wing that we will not get possession of the capable of fighting. But the speakers Soviets. Does this mean that we aban fantry to arrive here. Technically, we the greatest inistake was committed, not ers sank into pessimism. Moscow al power in the whole country. am in who spoke before. the masses tell us don the Municipal Dumas? It is our can do nothing on the positions we have so much in October but at the end of legedly cannot take the power, etc. Ana no mood to listen to this calmly. re that they have never seen such enthusi neople who are seated to them. If the occupied. We have begun to love war February when the arena of the future it is then that the question of the agregard this as trenson. What do they asm. Only we shall be able to create a Damas want to take the power, we will too much, as if we were not workers but civil war was opened.
ment arose among them.
want? The launching of a spontaneous plan of revolutionary work. Only we are demolish them. Does that mean that we soldiers, military purty. It is neces. It is said that an agreement with the battle, with dagger blows? The prole init for the struggle, etc. And the Monsive the Dumas a part of the power? No. sury to create and we are doing nothing. Vikuhel would help us against Kaledin. Lunacharsky had come forward in tariat alone can bring the country out theviks? They will not follow us. There simply representation in the Soviet We polemize in the party, and we will But why, then, don they support us ir favor of the coalition with the Menshe of this. as for the agreement. you are at the coming conference we government. And should we really con continue to do it, and there will remain: they are closer to us? They understand viks and the Social Revolutionists; he that bad as the counter revolution is for must put the question of the future so tinue the civil war because of that? No, a single dictator cannot even speak seriously of this. cialist revolution. We have Kaledin be we shouldn To have new elections to We will not succeed in triumphing by strata of the Vikzhel than the dictatorw the imagined) destruction of the Trotsky has said long ago that the union fore us; we have not yet triumphed the Dumas, that is another matter. Here arrests, the technical apparatus cannot ship of the proletartat. For the moment them, it will give more to the upper Moscow. The proposal to expel Lunach. this and since then there has not beenzhet the sabotagers, etc. that there is But we do not know the decretion reason like this: our program must be is not friendly to us. They are letting arsky was presented on the initiative of a better Bolshevik. no power. then it is necessary to im peace has been brought to the attention realized while retaining the arms in the the shock troom and the partisans Lenin.
prison, and we will do it. And let them of the people? What is the reason for. At the present time the manager of Zinoviev says that we are not the task to us on this subject of the horrors it? The technical apparatus, which is Krasnoy approach. was personally We have here, from the lips of Luna power of the Soviets, that, allegedly, we of the dictatorship of the proletariat. bourgeois or petty bourgeois. It sabot charsky, the formulu which constitutes ing by direct wire with Moscow in order forbidden at the Vikxhel from communicathe Telegraphie Agency of the Soviet are the Bolsheviks all alone, that the why, to arrest the Vikubel people, that ages us. If the Municipal Duna demand the leit motif of all Stalin activity. In to say that our affairs are going well in Union (TASS. On August 17, 1917 Kamenev came viks have quit, etc. But it is not our the arrests! The delegate from Tver changed, that would be another matter. England, the same policy of collabora that might, so they said, improve the forward during a session of the Central fault. We are elected by the congress said to the Congress of the Soviets: Ar but if it only wants representation in tionism which Lunacharsky defended at morale there. but the Vikhel people, on August 19, on the subject of the is not the people, it is a vanguard which dictatorship of the proletariat is.
the occasion of his arrest, as well as Those who want to fight, enter it. It has a certain comprehension of what the only, we will settle nothing. The famine the end of 1917. Stalin invariably are you see, are neutral.
To come to an International Socialist Conference of draws in the mass. We are marching Our will begin. If those who sabotage, that peated: We must not leap over stages. understanding is to continue the policy of Gotz, of Dan and the others.
Stockholm which the social. collaboration with the active masses and not with those present slogan is: no agreements, for as, the technical apparatus, are not with we must gradually follow cach step.
us, nobody will know about our agita Lenin had undoubtedly said: If it We are told: we have neither cotton ists aimed to convene during the summer who are tired.
To refrain now from homogeneous Bolshevik government!
tion beyond the frontier, and we will negotiations in order to liquidate the necessary. But ask for the thousand were really a question of conducting nor oil, that is why the agreement is of 1917, in order to conclude as quickly unfolding the insurrection (is to capitu.
as possible a peace by exercizing a pres Inte) before the fatigued masses, as for mittee of the Soldiers Soviets on the by means of the terror, but why, towards dertake them with knledin and not with with Gota and Dan give us oll. Roomteherod. Joint Executive Com settle nothing. We can, of course, act civil war, it would be necessary to un and first time: how can the agreement sure of the socialist parties upon the gov. us we are with the vanguard. The so ernments of their countries. Kamenev viets are determined in the struggle. Sea and the Odessa Garrison. Vikahel: Rumanian front, the banks of the Black what end?
the Mensheviks. The official editorial Why are the Tehernovs Against us?
spoke on August 19 in favor of parti The Soviets are the vanguard of the pro. All Russian Executive Committee of Rail ment, but if they grab us by the hands, its annotation shows, did not at all uncools psychology. They are not capable We will endeavor to obtain an agree board of the Bureau of Party fistory, as They protest out of their entirely bour.
cipation in this Conference, in spite of letarian masses. Now we are invited to road Workers. These two organizations we are resolute people, capable of resist derstand this purely Leninist argumenta of applying serious measures against the the fact that the Central Committee of espouse the Municipal Duma: it non. were the party had decided not to participate. sense.
of the social collaboratlonista, ing At present we must, first of tion.
bourgeoiste. They are hostile to us just Neither Lenin nor Trotsky, in the all, take possession of the whole appar. After these words, applause was because we are applying brutal measures beginning, had raised objection to par. We are told that we want to Intro Novia Zhion (New Life. Gorky atus. This means to act by following heard (see further on an indication on against it. Nobody yet knows what leys with the Mensheviks and Social duce socialism: that nonsense. We paper, where the Right wingers. Luna the line of least resistance and not by this point in the speech of Trotsky. It rigorous measures we shall still be comRevolutionists concerning the coalition. do not want to make a peasant social charsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Rykov, etc. on condition of having a solid majority ism. We are told that we must stop came out against the Central Committee.
Lunacharsky idea is the following the coalition government of the Soviet Tchernovs are capable of introducing appears that during the negotiations on pelled to have executed. All that the for the Bolsheviks, and that the parties But it is impossible. It is even said that The Tver delegate, a peasant, de. If the Bolsheviks have introduced into parties, the collaborationists put at the into our work are hesitations. But in recognize the Soviet power, the decrees we are not the power of the Soviets. manded during the Soviet Congress on their decree on the land the demands of top the demadn to cease the civil war the struggle against the enemy, hesitaon peace and the land, etc. It was cer. Then what are we? However, we are October 25 (November. the arrest of the peasants, permeated with Social and, to attain that alm, to eliminate tions will kill our authority in the eyes ing, but a lesson by example was neces haps it will still be proposed that we chiefs of the Peasants League of that also share the power with the Social At times, they spoke only of Lenin. The What does the agreement with Tchsary.
conclude an agreement with the Room period.
Right wingers agreed to this. Continued on page 4)