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The Expulsion of Zinoviev 16 16 10 7 Mill as a Stalinist Agent Opens in Chicago PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932 The matter now, no longer concerned dis which they had had forced on them to a MILITANT BUILDERS cussion, even if under the whip, but a great extent, as said before, by difficult break with the official Soylet apparatus, objective conditions. In the course of Our Club Plan e, the perspective of an arduous strug the last nine months Mill stood entirely (Continued from page 1) to the path of making concessions in Ble for a number of years a struggle outside of the ranks of the Left Opposiapt himself to the intellectual, cultural essence. We remained true to ourselves. surrounded by great dangers and the 19tion.
moes after them. That the way to do ly miditle class and bureaucratie milieu. Zinoviev and Kameney came to wa.
There sue of which could not be foretold.
But this was by no means the end of THE WINNER As our comrades will remember, we it. And notice the name of McMillen Zinoviev and Kamenev recoiled. As his career. As the irritation over in offered a copy of the Proletarian Rev. of St. Louis. If the past means any.
much more organic character. The spirit which the coming over to the side of in 1917, on the eve of October, they had adequate support had driven birto olution in Russia by Lenin and Trotihing here is hustler come to life sence of theoretical preparation, narrow emies of yesterday strengthened the as petty hourgeois democracy, so ten years tariat led to his negotiations with the highest in the stuff in our anniversary way that when he gets started you can ness of vision that is whut characterizessurance of our ranks and our conviction later they became frightened of a break stalinists: he handed in an official ap issue. We are very happy to announce see him for dust. We re waiting to see.
Staliu, notwithstanding his Bolshevism. in our historical correctness.
with the Soviet bureaucracy. And this plication for employment in Charkov, that the comrade is a newcomer in these THE RECORD BY CITIES IIis cumlty toward Trotskyisi hud lowever, Zimovlev and Kamenev, on was all the more not accidental since where his relatives live.
lists. He hails from the Smoky City. Minneapolis 20 In the course of these tempting nego Together with other local comrades and Pittsburgh and Kamener, and for a long time pre the political consequences of their step. ers composed of those same clements tiations, Mill proposed bis services to comrade Gordon who has gone there from Chicago viously it had sought for its political In 1923 they had hoped, by means of which in 1917 scared the Bolsheviks with the Left Opposition, evidentis already in New York he has been scouring the elty Toronto expression. Incapable Wimself of theroe a few ngitational campaigns and organl the inevitable flop of the October ad the course of his new political functions for Militant subs. The comrade is Boston tical generalizations, Stalin urged on in national maneuvers, to free the party venture.
Now Mill preparing to unmask the Vomus. hiladelphia turn Zinoviev, Kamenes and Bucharin from the hegemony of Trotsky push The capitulation of Zinoviev and Kam Left Opposition: that will in fact actu Not fur behind him are comrades Mor Montreal and picked out from their speeches and ing all other thiuus aside, and now it caer, before the XVth congress, at the ally constitute his employment in Char seustern from the down town city, Phila St. Louis articles whatever seemed to him most seemed to them that, allied with the moment of the organized extirpation of kor or Moscow.
dephia: and Dunne from Minneapolis. New York appropriate for his own aims Opposition of 1923, they would quickly Bolshevik Leninists, was accepted by the There is no reason to fear that the And right on their heels, stepping fast New York is in the cellar but it won The struggle of the majority of the cope with the apparatus and reestablish Left Opposition as an act of monstrous little Philistine, who was expelled from are two comrades from across the line, be for long on your toes everybody Politburcan against Trotsky, which be both their own personal positions, and partidy. Such it was in its essence. Still, the midst of the Bolshevik Levinists with II. Nash from Montreal and Krehm were coming up.
gan, to a considerable degree, as a per the Leninist course of the party. even in this capitulation there was its discourteous shore, will play any role from Toronto. The other comrades and Next week the second phase of the sonul conspiracy disclosed all too quickly once agnin they were mistaken. er measure of lawfulness, not only paycho in the fight against the Left Opposition. the records of all are listed below. It club plan.
its political content. It was neither sim sonal antagonisms and groupings within logical, but political. On a series of the truth is not dangerous for us. And a very good performance.
ple por homogencous. The Left Opposi the party had alreally become complete fundamental questions of Marxism in the field of lying, the Stalinists have KEEP CP THE RACE tion included within itself, around its ly the tools of anonymous social forces. the proletariat and the peasantry, dem broken all and sundry records before Now suppose we keep right on with authoritative Bolshevik kernel, many of trata and classes. There was its own ocratie dictatorship. permanent revolu. Nill.
this race. We ve got a tying start and Pioneer Publishers Notes the organizers of the October overturn, inner lawfulness in the reaction against tion) Zinoviev and Kameney stool be militant participators of the Civil War, the October overturn, and it was impos twixt the Stalinist bureaucracy and the tion is becoming normal again. the Stal considerably. Suppose we set the first Icone respect we can say the situa. it sholdn be dificult to step it up and a considerable stratum of Marxists sible to skip over its nerous rhythm Left Opposition.
from out of the student youth. But in by means of combinations and maneu cusuess avenged itself inexorably, as it tuist, somehow irritated by the other the year us the uext lap of the race. REVOLUTIONARY LESSONS We ll keep right on with these records.
We are just now in receipt of another always does, in practise.
self to the Left Opposition and was ex. And to the leader at the first of the year shipment from England of that invalufirst stages, there dragged along thel Sharpening from day to day, the (To be Continued)
tail end of all sorts of dissatisfied, 111 struggle between the Opposition bloc and Prinkipo, October 1932.
pelled from its ranks, comes back to the we ll give a copy of My Life by com able pamphlet by Lenin. Revolutionary Lessons. Our comrades in England equipped and even chagrined careerists. the bureaucracy reached its final limita.
Stalinists. There he will be quite in his rade Trotsky. TROTSKY.
place. MINNEAPOLIS IN FIRST PLACE form us that it is very difficult to get Only the arduous development of the sub16 Pittsburgh gave us Vomas, Miunea and they may not be able to get your sequent struggles liberated the Opposi.
polis still stands at the head of the list copy if you don get it now. The price tion from its accidental and uninvited Marx Lenin School of cities. And Chicago and ittsburgh stands at which it was. 25. There is fellow way farers.
are in a tie for second place. Boston no discount.
Under the banner of the trolka and Toronto are tied for four place with LENIN SPEECHES Zinoviev Kamener Stadt were united The Left Opposition is placed, from an tative of the great and small bureaucracy hiladelphia in sixth place. We are sure many old Bolsheviks particularly organizational point of view, in unusually formed by Stalin.
In the same shipment we got eight those, who, as Lenin advised as carly as difficult circumstances; not a single revFollowing the establishment in New year all of our branches will have en. copies of a cloth bound volume of April 1917, should have been relegated olutionary party has ever before had to With these qualities were associated York of the International Workers tered their names in this list and New speeches made by Lenin in 1917, 1918 to the archives; but there also werd work mder such persecution. Apart certain negative traits of a personal School, the Chicago branch of the Com. York which got away to a slow start and 1991. They include: We Must Have will move up toward the head of the leace. The Land to the Tillers of the Soil, The Nationalization of the Banks, strong party Organizers who sincerely of all countries, the Left Opposition is ter having reached, in the absence of a Lenin School, with headquarters at 2011 st.
believed that there was impending the exposed to the blows to the Stalinist bu wide choice, a responsible even if tech North Avenue, and a series of three MINERS SUBS The Dispersion of the Constituent Assemdanger of leninism being displaced by reaucracy, which shrinks from nothing. nical post, mill felt himself to occupy the courses which have already begun their We hope you haven forgotten about bly, The Causes of the World War, From Trotskyisin. However, the further mat We repeat, from nothing.
role of a leader. With respect to a enrollments.
ters progressed the more solidly and The first course, which number of French comrades who are ten on our campaign for subs for the miners. septo Socialist Russia, and but we opened We re still pushing it with results. This have whetted your appetite.
cohesively, the growing and intrenching Naturally, the Russian section has the heads greater in stature than himself, October 26, and continues every Wed. past week comrade Ross of Minneapolis and it will be first come, first served.
Remember that there are only eight Everybody remem bureaucracy rose up against the per greatest difficulties.
he began to assert ridiculous claims. Un newday night, is instructed by comrade sent in two dollars with a club plan manent revolution. And it was this bers that Blumkin, who tried to estab der the mask of the offended Stalinist John Elwards on Fundamentals of bank with just one name on it. He The price is. 50 plus postage.
that subsequently uranteed Stalin lith a connection between Trotsky and who had passed himself off as an Op Marxism. There will be eight sessions, asked us to fill in the names of three TWO NEW PAMPLETS preponderance over Zinovicy and kam his adherents in Soviet Russia, was shot positionist appeared the personality of beginning with The Capitalist System iners. We did with the result that In a week or so we are going to enev.
to death. To tud a Russian Bolshevik a little putty bourgeois from a distant of society and ending with The Dieminer in Springfield, one in Taylorville start work on two new pamphlets. One The fight within the Troika. beyin Leninist abroal, even to fulfill only tech small town of old Carist Russia. Mitatorship of the Proletariat.
and one in Hillsboro will receive the deals with the unemployment question ning in a considerable measure also as nical functions, is extremely difficult.
gnickly went into opposition with the more advanced class began on Oct. Militant regularly now for twenty six and is written by comrade Arne Swapersonal light polities are made by 100 Thus and only this is the fact to be arisian comrades, who in his opinion ober 27, and runs for ten sesions every weeks.
beck; and the other deals with the quesple and through people, and nothing that exained that Mili wax for a time in the did not manifest sufficient respect to him Thursday night. It is a course on ImComrade Carmody who has just return. tion of the nature and role of the Left is human is foreign to politics soon, in Administrative Secretariat of the left and this must be added allegedly diaperialism and the Proletarian Revolued from the Illinois coal fields tells us Opposition. Both much needed pamits own turn, disclosed its content of Opposition: a man was needed who knew not attend sufficiently to his welfare ton. instructor comrade Albert Glotzer. that the Militant is very well received malets. They will sell for very little principle. Zinovier, the chairman of the the Russian language and was capable These offenses were enough for the litPetrograd Soviet, and Kumenev, chairs carrying out the duties of a secretary, the Philistine to try to enter into a bloevery Monday night, beginning November there the says that as soon as the main he or ten cents at the most. We will man of the Moscow Soviet, sought the will had been at one time a member of with Rosmer and others, against whom 20. on The History of the International subscribe. But, he adds, they need help next issue we will be able to give more support of the workers of the two cape the official party and in this sense could he had literally only the day before Youth Movement. of special importance now: political guidance and a friendly and accurate details. Watch for it.
itals. Stalin chief support was in the claim a degree of confidence.
carried on a bitter principled strus and interest to the young militants. word. This is our opportunity to sink mmmmmmm provinces and in the apparatus; in the IIis work in the Secretariat, however, gie. This unworthy, personally motivated The fee for any of the three courses roots among the miners. Here, if any.
backward province: the puratus be soon revealed his utter practical incom political turn, led to Mill removal from is only 50 and all workers interested where, redeem the prestige of Communcame all rowerful suoner than in the capi petence, not to speak of the lack of any the Administrative Secretariat. The are rued to get in touch with the dir ism so far as we are able. One way to LEON TROTSKY tals. Znoviev, chairman of the Comintern, political schooling. In the latter respect sections, above all the Russian, corrected octor of the School at the address given to it, and not the least, is to get subs cherished his international position. Mill incidentally was a typleal represen the mistake which had been committed, above.
for the miners. Use the club plan. ColStalin looked down with contempt upon tect two dollars for four half year subs. Problems of the Developthe Communist parties of the Weat. He Or do what comrade Rors did. Get only found the formula for his nationalistic FIRST POPULAR LECTURES SERIES OF INTERNATIONAL DAVENPORT MILITANT one, or get two names, or even three limitations in 1924; socialism in one WORKERS SCHOOL JOINS OPPOSITION Send them in with two dollars and we ment of the country. Zinoviev and Kamenev counterwill bring the names up to four from posed against him their doubts and reI, Betty Rowland, wish to make ap our list of miners who are awaiting for futations. But as it turned out, it was THE HISTORY OF COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL plication to join the Communist League the paper. Step lively.
Just as timely now as when first writsufficient for Stalin to lepend upon those (Left Opposition. have made a study THE STAFF ten. This is the thesis of the Internaforces which were mobilized by of the Communist movement and its var.
Max Shachtman Vomas troika ugniust Trotskyism in order tional Left Opposition on the Russian ious groups and have come to the con Morgenstern question drafted by our comrades and automatically to overwhelm Zimoviev and will speak every Sunday evening, P on the following subjects in the clusion that the Left Opposition course Dunne adopted by the League as its position Kamener.
course: is the only course that will lead to the II. Yash at its second national conference a little Zinoviev and Kamenev past, thel development of a real Communist party Krehm more than a year ago.
years of their joint work with Lenin, NOV. 13 The Origin of the Third International which will be able to assume the bur.
the international school of emigrationNOV. 20: 1919 The Founding of the New International den of the class struggle in this country, Hamilton The pamphlet deals with the Economie all this must needs have counterposed NOV. 27: 1920 The Twenty One Conditions at the Second Congress. 1p until a few months ago was a Konikow Contradictions of the Transition Period.
them inimically to that wave of selfDEC. 3: 1921 The Struggle for the Conquest of the Masses and the The sympathizer of the Proletarian party, Coover Party in the System of the Dictadependency that threatened, in the last Third Congress.
torship, Dangers and Possibilities of a Lensin but now realize that it is impossible to analysis, to sweep away the October revDEC. 10: 1922 The Last Leninist Congress.
build up a separate national movement Sifakis Counter Revolutionary Upheaval.
DEC. 17: olution. The result of the new fight on 1924 The First Great Victory of the Right Center Reaction or a purty that is disconnected from the left Opposition and the Joel top came to many as absolutely astoundand the Fifth Congress.
international working class. And to my MeMillen ing: two of the most violent instigators JAN. 7: 1928 The Triumph of the Epigones at the Sixth Congress. opinion there is no room for two ComA. Miller 48 pages. 15 plus postage of the hue and cry against Trotskyism JAN. 14: The Future of the Third International: Collapse or Regenera. munist parties in the United States, as Weber tion. ended up in the enmp of the Trotsky 10 in bundles of ten or more all the cherry must be put into one party, Ross 1sts Then do not agree with the theory Chicago Friends of the In order to facilitate the bloc, the INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL of socialism in one country and all its Militant Club PIONEER PUBLISHERS Left Opposition at the objections harmful effects, which the leadership of 126 East 16th Street. New York Shechet and warnings of the author of these 84 East 10th Street the Proletarian party accepts and en Notice the frequency of names from lines modulatel isolated formulations Per Lectare: 15 Cents dorses Minneapolis.
New York, of their platform, and temporarily re.
Complete Course: 00 They don depend on one BETTY ROWLAND. man up there for their subs. Everybody celle frained from making official replies to weeeeeeeeeeeeeee TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT the most nento theoretical questions This was hardly correct. But the left Nine Years of Struggle of the Left Opposition itself.
Kirty democracy in particular, that is, farms but are facilitated by the rupture Opposition of 18123 still did not take The Stalin faction, however, has its of the principal guarantees against a deo of the relations between town and couustrength in the party bureaucracy: it is generation of the proletarian dictator try, worker and peasant, rendered inevit.
of watering down the party until it is period in the Soviet Union. They reveal bureaucracy, a blonted, shopeless mass, the apparatus the pre conditions of the Bonapartist The French farmers, wrote Marx in has at the same time raised itself above regime in the country.
his classle study of Bonapartism, are the party to an unapproachable level and Tacking desperately between the vari unable to assert their class interests in (Continued from previous issue) wing was so easily crushed on a party constituted itself as a bureaucratic casteous classes and social strata, the appartheir own name, be it by a parliament The systematic crushing of the lead scale because it was not prepared to The diffused party mass is unable to atus satisfies none of them. In this or by convention. They cannot repreing party of the proletariat, without make an open appeal for support to reach this caste in order to change it, fact lies the danger that the mounting sent one another, they must themselves which the dictatorship cannot be exer the class interests it represented the or to have it reflect the interests of the discontentment of all sections of the be represented. Their representative must cixed in a revolutionary sense, not only kulak, and the Nepman dependent upon mass itself. The apparatus, on the other population, and above all of the peasan at the same time appear as their mas.
han conuection with the celebration of accentuates the danger of Thermidor in him. The victory by the Stalinist cen hand, after having strangled the party, trs, will explode the very foundations ter, as an authority over them, as an the fourth anniversary of the Milltant the Soviet Union but, at a given point, ter over the right wing triumvirate must stifle all life within itsell. We of the Soviet power, that is, of the pro limited governmental power, that prowe got together 13 files of all the is also the threat of Bonapartism. On the halted, for the time being, the advance say must because it cannot refer any letarian the crisis tects them from above, bestows rain and there are seventy one issues of the road of degeneration which leads to the of the thermidorian forces of these disputes in its ranks to the party mass breaks out into the open and reveals sunshlue upon them.
Accordingly, the counter revolutionary triumph, Thermidor dark and backward agrarian interests below for fear of unleashing a force that the proletariat and its party have political influence of the allotment farmrun from Volume One Number One, Nov. diftering that their classe foundation. In tured in the reactionary years of strug whole bureaucratic system, consequently, decisively and victoriously then the coun executive power that subjugates the Militant in every one of these files. They and Ronapartism do not present stages which had been whipped up and nur that is inherently inimical to it. The been so weakened that they cannot acter finis its ultimate expression in an imbernas. 1982, the volume to Mumber 32 the Great French revolution, Bonapart. Ele against the Left Opposition. Only, mores inexorably to a condition where a ter revolution will not likely assume the commonweal to its own autocratic will.
June 15, 1931, the last issue of the old ism swiftly succeeded the oth of Ther. this victory did not result in elimina decreasing number of individuals decide form of Bonapartism, of the iron man.
midor and the Directory. But this sucting other, and more acute phases of and speak for all the number of these or men standing above the classes and embryonic form in the bureaucratic ap These files constitute a priceless his cession is as little ordained and inevit the counter revolutionary danger. individuals today, to all practical per apparently mediating between the con pariutus of the party and the Soviets.
toric record. Anyone familiar with the able as is the certainty of counter rer While both the Right and the Left wees, is one, and his name is Stalin tending forces, resting for the time being For it to be fully fledged as a Bonaearly days of the League, with its upolution altogether; a fusion of the two wings of the party in the Soviet Union What are still formally party organisms, upon the strength of the military forces artist ruling machine, it must first rehill battle for the ideas of revolution stages, a modification of one or the other represent well defined class forces and in Schlemihls, as shadows the in the words of Marx, appear as reversed and the experienced cohesion of the buceive baptism in the blood shed by a ary Internationalism agninst slander, under the conditions of a new social terests, the same cannot be said of the which have been lost. In Its turn, the spect which reveals the stalinist faction the overthrow of the proletarian dictabodies of reauette apparatus. It is this pro civil war, that inevitable concomitant to calumny, and physical repression need och these and many other possibilities Centrist apparatus. Classic petty bournot be told that it is all set down, in all are quite conceivable. Throughout the crois force, the graph of its policy re apparatus becomes a shadowy projection as the potential reservoir of the Bonatorship which the reaction cannot hope significance in the columns of the Mill enrly years, Lenin kept reminding the veals a broken line of leaps to the Left of the omnipotent Secretariat, or more partist danger.
to avert. The overthrow itself, however tant.
party of the lessons of the French rev. and to the right which become shorter accurately, of the General Secretary.
olution and strove to overcome the forces and more frequent with the aggravaSuperficial examination alone permits can be averted, but only by restoring the As times passes these Devoid of a class basis, the apparatus one to exclude this possibility, as well as party of the proletariat, the crushing of become which threatened the Russian revolution tion of even more priceless if we can put it with a similar fate. Even more so to the proletarian core of the country, as for Helf preservation and self perpetuaturn, on the ground of the socalled lition of all the internal contradictions crisis. It leans now upon is rmeated principally with the desire the possibility of a Thermidorian over which has made possible the accumulathat way. More than that; it becomes day is it necessary to arouse the vigil during the campaign against the Right tion. Its policies, in all their increasing uidation of the kulak. If this were ac and the maturing of the counter revoluwell nigh impossible to get them toance of the revolutionary movement 80 wing, now upon the reactionary forces, ly feverish zig zags, are gether. Comrades who want a file and that it may perceive in time, distinguish as during the fight against the Left. It essentially to this alm. The sickening donttedly be considerably diminished, restoration, to bring closer the day of subordinated tually the case, the danger would un tionnry faptors. It is to achieve this who does not? whould order at once the dangers at every stage and adopt the cannot find for itself a firm class founda. Byxantine flattery of Stalin wheh is com although even then, not eliminated. But its attainment, that the strength Afoney must accompany the order. There measures necessary to cope with them. tion from which to operate; the closest pulsory for every official, the conversion more careful scrutiny will reveal that activities of the Left Opposition are deis no credit on these files. Orders will be filled strictly us they are received. wing in the Russian party had its period of the idealization by the Stalin Into an instrument with which tial force, more threatening in this reIt has been pointed out that the Right it came to such a base was during the of the army and particularly of the the liquidated kulak is still a substan. dicnted.
Remember, comrades, this is probably strength essentially in the classes and faction of the middle pensant. a shifty the Secretariat operates even more ex SHACHTMAN.
spect, that his present activities and pro your last opportunity to get a file.
not in the ranks, more specifically, not social stratum which, far from serving clusively combined with the suppression gress are not only concealed behind the THE MILITANT IS A YEAR, PRICE: 10. 00 In the apparatus, of the party. The Right as a solid class foundation, requires one of workers democracy in general analadministratively established collective SUBSCRIBE NOW.
the 12 8 6 4 4 The Bound Vols.
The Burning Question of Thermidor and the Bonapartism and