AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyHitlerImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxNazismReform PartyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second clase mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post once at New York, under the act of March, 1870 VOLUME V, NO. 46 WHOLE NO. 142 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932 PRICE CENTS Hail the Anniversary of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution!
Roosevelt Victory Fifteen Years og Leftward Shift in German Vote YEARS OF THE The October revolution is finishing its fifteenth year. ately estimated the fundamental moving forces and MILITANT This simpl figure gves evidence to the entire world their laws. This also applies completely to the proof the gigantic force which exists in the proletarian blem of the economic development of the Soviet Union.
Protest Vote of Middle Class and Labor Hits Republicans At this moment there is a new and state. No one, not even the most optimistic among us, Modern productive forces will not let themselves be The returns from the elections throws, port of a big section of financiers, like perceptibly wrowing ware of the last foresaw such vitality. And that is not surprising: confined within national limits by any resolution or considerable light upon the class reaction Loung and Taylor, Jugoist and big navy is advocates like Hearst and Baker, pro.
of agressive republicans, confused middle forwarlehe past siew process of wanting fear within it pessimism with regard to the internet of Marek nor of Lentinecho Socialism and natiblislere part of thug loosevelt as the voice oves Eldal wave. of a landslide that has cluss elements, iberals. the solid rea worker here and there who became tional revolution.
atism are mutually exclusive. Today as well as fifteen wiped the itepublicans out of office. The actionary Jim Crow south and discou.
convinced by individual propaganda.
The leaders and the masses saw in the October up years ago, the program of a Socialist society in a victory of Roosevelt and Garner has tented and confused workers.
Those who have followed The Militant carried with it complete control of the The protest vote of the middle class attentively will also have noticed that, heaval only the first stage of the world revolution. The single country is utopian and reactionary.
The economic successes of the Soviet Union are very country their landslide House and Senate. Throughout the and misled workers will be a good cover has carried under which Roosevelt will be able to ence, its contents begin more directly to isolated Russia was, in the year 1917, neither defended tradictions and its difficutlies have taken on a threaten with it many state and local tickets. speed up and carry out the imperialist reflect the struggle toward revolutionary nor sustained nor clearly formulated by anybody. In tradictionsand its difficulties have taken on a threaten Not since the last world war has the program. Under cover of the light to sok is a material expression of the the following years, too, the economic construction ing sharpness. Delays, interruptions and dispro Democratie wing of the capitalist renc. repeat the Eightenth Amendment the growing support coming in the direction was conceived by the entire party without exception as portions bear witness in the first instance to a wrong tonury parties yained such a favorable Democrats will hid their real activity.
tor Wall Street and use this at a critical of the Left Opposition.
the substructure of a material basis under the dicta leadership. But that is not all. They recall as crumbs for the bangry, disThe reasons, of course, lielu the very torship of the proletariat, as the preservation of the that building up of a harmonious society is possible The Democrats have full control andses.
conditions of the working classroamere economic bond (smytchka) between city and country, only through an uninterrupted experience extending with their program used election promises The crisis with its effects of bankruptcy a new orientation. It is generally speak and finally as the creation of points of support for the over decades and not otherwise than on an interna teosevelt muude lots of promises, just und ruin for large svetlons of the middle ing a Loftward one. working class coming Socialist society which could only be built up tional basis. The technical and cultural obstacles as Hoover did in 1928. Roosevelt was luss, with drastie wage cuts, lower force is beginning to emerge in the on an international basis.
the break between city and country, the difficulties of forced to give these promises because he living standards and mass uuemployUnited States. It is emerging slowly, painfully, with mach stumbling and with selves to be immeasurably longer and more tortuous demands an international continuation. Internation the effects of the crisis in order to gain tent. Rooseveltes material baseerests in The ways of the world revolution have shown them import and export trade all prove that the October had to straddle different layers of class went for the workers, bas piled up a But for the actual proof of its emerging than we hoped and expected fifteen years ago. To alism is not a ritual convention but a question of life ottice.
discontented middle cluss aud the large one needs only or death.
cast a glance at the the external difficulties, of which the historic rôle of Teddy Roosevelt started out by trust layers of the working class who are not election campaign just concluded. Wnly reformism showed itself to be the most important, There will be no lack of jubilee speeches and arti busting and ended with the croatest set class conscous. Such was Roosevelt nilly, of the main contenders, the capt came the internal ones, above all, the policies of the cles. The majority of them will come from those service rendered to the monopollats. victory.
who were, in October, the intransigeant adversaries of Roosevelt with his forgotten man To the Left of this Roosevelt rote is forced themselves to the fore. The condi epigones of Bolshevism, false in their foundation and tions created are also beginning to put fatal in their consequences. The bureaucracy of the the proletarian insurrection. We Bolshevik Leninists and his thew deal will gud in the same the real and decisive siguiicance of the the various working class and revolu first Workers State does everything decisive uncon will be called counter revolutionists by these gentle Cutie hands the blind protest vote wil election for our cluss the demand of tionary currents more definitely to their sciously, but that is no excuse to prevent the birth of men. It is not the first time that history permits it expect immediate action and since the the reformist party, the socialist party.
test This however, herbicid or more a second Workers State. The knots tied by the self such jokes and we have nothing against it on that Democrats will carry out the imperial communiste bardhe moved utleist The Intense struggles. But already now bureaucracy must be untied or broken to give a free account. Even if it is with confusion and slowly, his ists will the victory vote will turn to Communist Party of Revolution.
its opposite, providing the Communists Communist vote are not in but we have there is evidence that the Left Opposition road to the revolution.
tory does its work.
are able to take advantage of the favorutticient information for the main outis commencing to find its place on the If the delay in the development has gone beyond the And we too, we will do ours. able developments.
solid grounds of the class struggle. And framework whch we had sketched, still we have accurlines of this problem.
Prinkipo, October 13, 1932. TROTSKY Roosevelt rode to power on the supThe socialist party has piled up we can say today that an estimate of the siguificance of this new wave of large vote. The skeleton party of Americau social reformism has taken on support quite decisively indicates our class brothers go. This we can do.
form. Contrary to the Stalinist analysis future much greater role. Scottsboro Boys Now is the time to organize the tight.
of the past that the base of reformism Some Examples of Growth has been marrowed and therefore we will We have at this moment a series of Win Victory as it a not have a period of reform in Americanew contact established, which are be class tight can free the boys. The work. Parliamentary Gains Turn Heads of the Stalinist Leadership that we are heading toward a period of coming included within our active ranks.
revolutiouary upsurges and the struggle new branch of the League is organized Illusions Now Greatest Danger one issue. To do this we need organiot While exact details as to the composi their aims by the violent selzure in Davenport, Iowa. Branches are in zational forms broad and democratic tion of the vote cast in last Sunday power and the more violent extirpation growing. The editorial of the Daily formation in Des Moines, Iowa, In Pitts The decisions of the Supreme Court enough to allow all contlicting and con German elections are not yet at hand. Of all proletarian movements and Worker of xor. 10 (City Edition) disburgh, Pa. and in New Castle, Pa. Our of the United States, reversing the low. tradictory tendencies in the labor move the total figures afford us the opportun stitutions. Or, if the necessity for such misses the socialist vote as unimportant existing branches with but few exceper courts in setting aside the trial and ment to meet in a common struggle on ity to compile the results and draw con a step is obviated by the collapse of and, as stated in the last issue of the tions, are in the process of growth.
appeal verdicts in the Scottsboro case, this concrete issue. We need a united clusions adequate for the moment. the proletarian movement as happened Militant, mechanically compares the ComThe enormous advantage of a correct is a triumph for the nine prisoners and front of the entire working class. As compared with the elections of last in October 1923 the bourgeois saves it theoretical foundation a Marxian foun the entire working class. It is a victory dation belongs to the Left Opposition militantly won by the party in the face The which stood in the proximately three quarters of a million sanguinary conflict, a period of stablections. The Stalinist leave unansJuly 31, the social democracy lost ap self the expense of the inevitably ensuing munist vote of today with the previous But we are compelled to carry on by a great terror and repression, it is way of a militant class defense, the so votes; an almost identical number of lization sets in, and the Fascist more ship of class forces; the relationship of with the party of reform and revolution; and the isolated position from which we be the Communists who placed the struggle the at the height of the fight, party. The Hitlerites, for the first time, it, the revolutionary proletarian party.
gan and by our sadly limited physical on a class basis and fought it that was the trade union bureaucracy of the lost the substantial number of more than the question of what the future holds in From this it does not follow that the store for the reformers.
But no illusions! The fight is not yet of Which is still hamstringing the two million votes, although they remain Fascist danger to the German proletariat Our position on the question of a resources. Every step toward our objectives therefore of necessity had to be won. The end we are tighting for is not Mooney defense, the muddle headed 110 by for the largest party in the country: modest ones.
yet. The boys are still in prison. They erals of the New Republic stripe will the Nationalist party, in turn, picked Ils now eliminated, or even definitively period of refornism for America has a correct theoretical foundation as well far, by the same Judge in the same movement. They have no interest in other bourgeois parties revealed to debe drawn only by those for whom the Militant. For the moment we want to In both respects, both in regard to me to be tried and March thus notissue the call for this united front up close to a million additional vote. The on the decobie such a conclusion the best dealt with at different times in the as in regard to our limited means the court in which they were railroaded a such aonity of the workers. Only the clsive change in strength; the centrists and ends with a parliamentary mandate, and we will later return to it for further four years history of The Militant, fur nishes eloquent proof to our contention. The statement has been made that at can unite the ranks and organize the few hundred thousand votes; the old The heavy decline in the social dem. consideration on the basis of develop that there will be movement.
But while the latter is apparent, it is this forthcoming People party gained a few hundred ocratic vote is another repayment made ments.
In New York, Hillquit, socialist candithe former, which in terms more con greater need than before for the militia.
That is why we say to the party. Cand thousand; the rest of the vote, slightly by the socialist workers for the base date for mayor, polled 250, 000 votes, the vincing than we could possibly utter. All this means that the Supreme Court has attested to its enormous advantarehas left the door wide open for are the united front conferences! We are lens in total than three months ago, trenchery of their leaders which could largest ever polled in New York by the was scattered.
not be committed with impunity.
That Just look at the healthy contrast be petition of the death sentences. In fact with you with all our resources. We From these bare figures, the following some 700, 000 socialist workers deserted socialists. Thomas obtained 120, 000 basically tween four years ago and today.
it has indicated how this is to be done. will help.
situation may be deduced. their traditional party, surmounted the votes, Thomas votes were Then we had a handful of comrades! All that its strictures mean is that it The Nazi Setbeak barriers artifically erected against them socialist votes of small shopkeepers and coming forward with an unshakable con its august solemnity is to be invoked to by the Stalinists, and voted the Communisted workers while Hillquit vote had. OPEN FORUM For the first time in their recent years ist slate is at one and the same time the additional protest vote of the midcertain preparation for their position, but fine technicalities of the law must be of uninterrupted and sensational growth, an arraignment of the reactionary role dle class, the good government and over remnants from the complied with, the Nazis have suffered a distinct set of the social democratic leadership and cheap sovernment vote against Tampast which still caused some unclarity The need for a fighting movement of The Meaningofthe German Elections back. As we have pointed out previous of that obdurate stupidity of the Stalin many Hall.
ly in these columns, the Hitlerites canists whose course, in the first place, prefar above his 19:28 Agure of 275, 000 The national vote of Thomas will be and lack of experience in applying the the working class for the unconditional not hope to arrive in power by the smooth rented masses of others from rallying votes. lu fact Indications International Left Opposition platform to freedom of these victims of capitalist parliamentary America. We made some mistakes; we class justice is greater than it was befrom train. The preceding to the banner of revolution, and in the Speaker: must, of course, record shortcomings. fore. What we have already accomelection already indicated that, so far second place, still deters the vast num partial returns, that it will be close to Yet we are justified in giving emphasis plished most be the stimulus to yet MAX SHACHTMAN as elections social reservoir of voting strength was from moving any closer to the organized basic central and western states as well concerned, the Nazi bers of discontented socialist workers or larger than the Debe vote of 1920 to the healthy transformation which has greater efforts. We cannot stop until Friday, November 18, 1932 well nigh exhausted. Not a parliament Communist movement than is necessary as eastern industrial states are giving taken place. We are justified in taking we have forced the bourbon tiger of the (Continued on page 6) south to open Wie jaws and let our 126 East 16 Street, ary movement in the ordinary bourgeois for the casting of a red ballot.
sense, the Fascists must strive to fulfill (Continued on page 5)
Thomas a fair vote.
near Irving Place The New York American of Nov. 10, LEON TROTSKY ADMISSION: 150 in listing the clected members of the STALINIST TAKE MEASURES Ilouse presented the names of seven so Auspices: cialist candidates where the results of the election were illin doubt. The Br. Communist League of America New York Times of the same date had (Opposition)
already eliminated the socialist names, No doubt socialists and Communists were The Situation on the Eve of the Second Five Year Plan DANCING elected to local office here and there, only The Lessons of the Second Expulsion of the Capitulators to be counted out, mainly the CommunREFRESHMENTS 1st, by capitalist democracy.
The successes of the first two yearsopportunity to take an interesting trip of the Five Year Plan demonstrated to at reduced rates.
Wireless and telegraph have flashed expulsion briugs to mind their old and Shirt to the Left BANQUET news to the entire world of the expul unaccidental role.
the bourgeoisie of the entire world that One thing can be said upon the incomIt is infinitely more deserving, for sion of Zinoview and Kameney from the movie and Kamenev were members plete retrns. The socialist vote, the proletarian revolution was a much sooth, to defend the socialist construcparty, and along with them of more than of the Politbureau, which in Lenin time tion to reaction, shows a shitt of a layrela a score of Bolsheviks. According to the was directly in charge of the fate of er of workers to the left. In relation in the beginning. The interest in the Sotton of the first workers state than to viet experiment grew sustain the pretensions of Wall Street official communication, those who are the party and of the revolution. Zin to the class struggle it shows the party apace. Conwith or of the City. But one can take as expelled were, presumably. striving to orley was the chairman of the Commun. of reform has checked Leftward shift spleuous groupe eminent bourgeois little stock in the lukewarm sympathies Variety of Entertainment and Dance publications in divers countries began of this gentry toward the Soviet governreestablish capitalism in the Soviet Unist International. Together with Rykovl of the workers. The socialist party vote given for ion. The political import of this new and Tsiurupa, Kamener was Lenin al shows that they have done their job well printing comparatively objective econ ment as in the antipathies of the Amthe benefit of the repression is imposing in itself. Its ternate, during the final period of Lenin as a stone wall between the parties of omic information.
sterdam Congress toward militarism.
At the same time the international People, after the type of the Webh GREEK WORKERS CLUB Symptomotie significance is tremendous. life, for the office of chairman of the reaction and the Communist party of PROTOMAGIA In the course of many years, Zinovlev Soviet of People Commissars. After revolution in slowing down and holding Communist press played up the most and they are not the worst of this lot)
optimistic estimates of the Soviet press, are, naturally, not at all inclined to at the Headqarters of the and Kamenev were the closest pupils and Lenin death Kamenev presided over the up the process of workers joining the collaborators of Lenin. Better than any Politbureau and the Soviet of Labor and Communists ranks.
exaggerating them crudely, presumably break their heads over the contradic International Workers School one else, Lenin knew their weak traits: Defense, the highest economic organ of The only returns of our vote we have in the interests of propaganda, and trans tions of Soviet economy. Without in any 126 East 16th Street but he was also able to utilize their land.
are New York City. Foster and Ford forming them into an economic legend. manner committing themselves, they ADMISSION 40e strong sides. In his Testament. 80 In 1923, Zinoviev and Kamenes launch obtained 24, 018 votes compared to 15, 500 Petty bourgeois democrats, who were strive chiefly to utilize conquests of cautions in tone, wherein both praise and ed a campaign against Trotsky. At the in Meso when he ran for Mayor.
not at all in a hurry to form an opinion Soviets in order thus to shame or urge censure are equally modulated in order beginning of the struggle, they took This is an indication of an about so complex a fact as the October ahead the ruling circles of their land. International Workers School not to strengthen some too much and very poor account of its consequences. creuse or even greater proportions berevolution, welcomed with glee the pos foreign revolution serves them as a Entertainment weaken others, Lenin deemed it urgent to which, of course does not testify to their cutie so many of the workers are dissibility to discover support for their be subordinate weapon for their reformism, remind the party that the behavior of political far sightedness. Zinoviey was franchized. In spite of the favorable lated sympathies in the statistics of the For this purpose, as well as for their Zinoviev and Kamenev in October was primarily an agitator, exceptionally tal gains made by the Communists the gains not accidental. Subsequent events con ented, but almost exclusively an agitat in relation to the socialist party gives last, they recognized the Soviet Repu the Together with the in Saturday, Nov. 19. p.
blic in reward for its economic and cul ternational Communist bureaucracy, refirmed these words all too clearly. But or. Kamener a wise politician in the reformers an advantage in the pre126 East 16th Street no more accidental was also that role Lenin estimation, but lacking great sent stage of the struggle of the reformtural attainments. This act of moral quire a picture of the successes in which Zinoviev and Kamenev played in will power and too easily inclined to ad ists and the revolutionists for ideological niem provided many of them with an (Continued on page 6)
ADMISSION: 25c the Leninist party. And their present (Continued on page Continued on page 6)
also are, SovietEconomy in Danger The Expulsion of Zinoviev CHICKEN DINNER