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Letters from Militants Trotsky Letter to Olminsky have been inspired with an idea to foundary retreat, due to pressure from con these restaurants place in obscurity the tion.
to course: hem.
PAGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1932 sible to rely wholly upon such methods, It is a matter of common knowledge Archives of the Opposition for a start, contracts are made with first that treatment of cuts and bruises is mi The latter concoct first aid supplies of Since the doctors are paid a certain sum the most inferior and often polsonous in for every treatment, it is to their profit ion at its first national convention, Ingredients. An excellent Illustration has to prolong the treatment. If, for exam.
The Militant Club accepting the identical scale of Walker been furnished in the recent past. Oneple, a worker cuts his finger, the doctors, Two letters of Trotsky, one to Cheidze review of the factional fight might give in Chicago Lewis, are using every method to get the Sunshine, who sold mercurochrome and very often ordinary laymen with white written in April 1913, very sharply at rise to polemies even today, because Taylorville mines operating under the lodine to these clinics was arrested for aprons, make their business to sturt tacking Lenin and seized at the time by avow it frankly do not at all consider CHICAGO. Lewig machine. They fear and know selling poisoned antiseptics. Government as much cotton in the wound as possl the police department, were discovered in that in my disagreements with the BolIn one of the recent issues of the Mili that the of 15 going to be a chemists reported that guinea pigs died ble, so that the Abres constantly irritate 1921. The old emigrants were well ac sheviks was wrong on every point. tant a short notice appeared that a new rank and Ale union a union based on instantly upon Injection. The purpose of the cut and healing takes three to five quainted with the history of the faction was wrong and fundamentally in my these antisepties is Menshevik faction, organization was founded under the the principles of the class struggle.
The of has met this new cheaper than the twofold. They are tithes longer. On top of this, plenty of al fights and the little episodes that grew appraisal of the standard product, and adhesive plaster is used to prevent the out them. To them it was all a mat overestimating its revolutionary prossl.
name Friends of the Militant Club.
The uniq. losition of the Left Op attempt of the bosses to open the mines chances are greatly, in favor of having air from drying or clotting the blood, ter of the far distant past. Lenin must blitles and hoping that we would succeed position in the revolutionary movement in Christian County with mass picketing workers who treat themselves come for thus preventing the early formation of a have merely sulled when Stalin (in all In Isolating and nullifying its right and its righteous cause so eloquently es on an unheard of scale, in Illinois. Thou treatment, whether they like it or notscab and a quick cure. The longer the probability) slipped him the letter. But wing. This fundamental error, however, poused in the columns of its weekly or sands of miners with their wives and ance infection usually follows the use of treatment, the more money in the doctor this does not cast the slightest shadow, nor lowed from the fact that approached pockets and the more inconvenience for could it, upon the relations between Lenin both factions the Bolshevik and the gan the Milltant, are attracting to it more children are to be found on the picket such antisepties.
Another aspect of this racket is high the workers. Sometimes the doctor is ad and Trotsky. Between the episodic letter Menshevik from the point of view of the and more sympathizers and friends but hine every morning at o clock, hun.
the permanent revolution and the host of followers is still very small dreds are arrested every day and con. 1y illuminating and equally interesting monished for Jacking up the bills. In written at a moment of acute factional ideas to be an adequate support to such an veyed by military guard to the County The Internecine struggle among doctors this case the worker who is often entitled struggle and the year 1921, when the the dictatorship of the proletariat where line.
is waged with the factory as the arena. to compensation money is denied it letter, forgotten by the author, rose to as the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks in important paper.
The women in this strike are display. constant source of trouble and worry through the efforts of the doctor to save the surface, stood the year 1917, with the that period supported the standpoint of While the official press of the 18 always in dire need of financial assisting marvelous courage and militancy, to the bosses, and loss to the doctors, the insurance company unnecessary ex October revolution, the following three the bourgeois revolution and the dem.
years of clvil war against a world of ocratic republic. considered that the ance, and we have always gladly and For the first time in the history of the impels the latter to resort to more penses.
Aside from the foregoing, the doctors enemies, and the first year of common differences between both factions were generously contributed to its existence, coal miners union their women folk are strategic tactics still it is able to continue to function beorganized in auxiliaries of the of Olminsky, who not very deep in principle and hoped Arrangements are made between doe also maintain their private practice. To economic construction.
cause of the help rendered to it by its In many strike centers they have tors and insurance companies, Supervis. supplement their already large earnings, worked in the Institute of Party History. this hope expressed more than once numerous subsidiary organizations. The established community kitchens and are ors of Compensation Claims. to lop of a these healers of mankind do a little addressed to Trotsky a request for the in letters and speeches) that the very Militant, on the other hand, is not only learning how to run them on the cooper sum of money due the doctor for services work on the side. Gangsters who have publication of his letter to Cheidze. Be course of the revolution and the conquest sub the poor taste to get in the way of police hind this request must have been con of power by the working class would always in very precarious financial straits ative principle which will be a feature rendered the workers. For such supervisor bullets patronize these doctors who pos cealed an attempt at intrigue in which bring together the contending factions, but without any said whatsoevers except they face tear gas, bayonets and bul senasi letters to employers insured by his sess a faculty to keep silent. Of course Olminsky was more the tool than the which, dia occur up to a certain point collaborators and by the ald of its rewell do they know the misery and priva the doctors mentioned. Angling for bus!
as too company requesting them to consider there are tempo slump periods. In instigator. In view of the fact that later in 1905. The preface of comrade Lenin such periods abortions are very profitable. on Stalin made very extensive use of to Kautsky articles on the motive forces stricted number of readers. In fact the Such are the reforms granted financial cleumstances are so bad that tions they also had to endure under the mess from all sides, especially restaurants, whole the Trotsky letter, circulating it without a of the Russian revolution and corrupt, degenerate of which!
we are in continuous fear that the next they have decided to rid themselves of of restaurants are given food handlers keteers of the lowest type are only possi there is suffici mt ground to assume that a much cherished practice. Owners worker by a benevolent bourgeoisie. Rac date as if it had been written in 1923, line of the paper, Natchalo. think that my evaluation of the mo.
issues will have to be suspended or the it would be incorrect to say that the cards dented by the Board of Health, for ble under capitalism: to seize every re behind Olminsky request stood Stalin: tive forces of the revolution was indubitP. of sold out, as the official party sending business to certain doctors. At form fought for by the workers and prey he always occupied himself with these ably correct, but the conclusions which Considering this sad state of affairs, has said. They have made an unneces times the sanitary conditions in some of upon them in a varied form of exploita matters with a particular relish. We con drew from it with regard to the two aca group of sympathizers and friends Bolsheservative elements in the union and Augean stables. sky reply to Olminsky: vism alone assembled in its ranks, thanks an independeut organization which would principally due to the lack of an organized to its irreconcilable line, the really rev Pardon my delay in replying. This olutionary clements of the old Intelll.
cally inclined and get them acquainted healthy organization with rank and dle FIRST POPULAR LECTURES SERIES OF INTERNATIONAL UK about the publication of my letter of the working class. Only thanks advanced stratum gradually with the principle issues in control of leadership and in all provolved, thus creating a new medium of bability will carry qut the traditions support for the Militant. The purpose which gave it birth.
WORKERS SCHOOL to Cheldue. do not think that it would the fact that Bolshevism succeeded in be in place. The time for history has not creating this compact revolutionary or of this organization is therefore twofold: continuation of mass picketing, bet.
yet arrived. The letters were written ganization, was it possible to make such (1) Cultural or educational for its ter organized than formerly, and demonunder the impression of the moment and a speedy turn from the revolutionary demembers and visitors by arranging blustrations at the capital in Springfield THE HISTORY OF COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL its needs, and the tone of the letters cor mocratle to the revolutionary socialist monthly lectures on various topics such against the use of the militia, is the responded to them. The present day read. position. Even now could without dit.
as of a political, economic, social, liter next step necessary.
er will not understand this tone, will not Reulty divide my polemical articles ary, scientific and philosophie nature.
establish the necessary historical correc against the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks CARMODY.
Also to stimulate collateral reading. The Max Shachtman tions, and will only be confused. From into two categories: one, those devoted lectures and discussions to be conducted abroad we are to receive the archives of to an analysis of the internal forces of on a free democratic basis, allowing Compensation Racket in will speak every Sunday evening, P on the following subjects in the the party and the foreign Marxian pub. the revolution, its perspectives (the Polish lications. In them is a large number of theoretical organ of Rosa Luxemburg, the everybody to participate and express his or her idea whatever it may be; letters of all those who participated in Nene Zelt. and the other, those devoted New York NOV. 13 The Origin of the Third International the scrap. Are you planning to publish to an appraisal of the factions of the (2) to render financial and moral supNOV. 20: 1919 The Founding of the New International port to the Militant in following manner Under the State Compensation Law, them at the present time? This would Russian Social Democrats, their strugNOV. 27 1920 The Twenty One Conditions at the Second Congress. a) by obtaining subscriptions for the every factory worker is entitled to free create altogether unnecessary political bles, etc. The articles of the first cateDEC. 3: 1921 The Struggle for the Conquest of the Masses and the paper: medical treatment if injured during the Third Congress.
complications for there are hardly two gory could present even now without old emigrants in the party who did not corrections, because they fully and en(b) by selling the paper at all meet course of work. For this purpose WorkDEC. 10: 1922 The Last Leninist Congress.
DEC. 17: sharply abuse each other in correspond tirely coincide with the position of our ings of the organization and at all other men Compensation Clinics are located 1924 The First Great Victory of the Right Center Reaction ence under influence of the ideological party beginning with 1917. The articles occasions. In every industrial district of New York.
and the Fifth Congress.
JAN. 7: 1928 The Triumph of the Epigones at the Sixth Congress.
struggle, momentary (c) by promoting the sale of various It ostensibly seems that this law is of excitement, etc. of the second category are patently err radical and other kind of literature; Write explanations for my letters? But oneous and it would not be worth while JAN. 14: the greatest benefit to the workers. But The Future of the Third International: Collapse or Regenera.
this would mean to relate wherein dif. republishing tion. The two letters sent (d) by arranging public affairs such a careful scrutiny of the other end gives fered at that time with the Bolsheviks me belong to the articles of the second as lectures, concerts and other forms is an altogether different view of the INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL In the Introduction to my brochure, Re category: their publication is not opporaffair.
of socials and entertainments.
sults and Perspectives. speak briefly tune. Let it be done by somebody about Any person regardless of sex, color, Since clinics ar supervised by private 126 East 16th Street. New York about it. see no need of returning to ten years from now, if there should be nationality or race is admissible as a doctors, and there are many, it is necesthe subject because of the accidental disany Interest in it.
member into the organization, provided sary to establish a clientele. Men are covery of the letters in the archives. To he or she is in accord with the follow employed to canvass every factory within Per Lecture: 15 Cents Complete Course: 00 With Communist greetings this should be added that a retrospective! December 6, 1921 TROTSKY.
ing prerequisites set forth in the pream. a considerable radius, and to install first aid kits, authorization slips and posters, icize, separate entity (1) he or she must believe in and conspicuously bearing the doctor name organization recognize the class struggle of the work, and address.
NOT subservient amalgamation, etc. ers of the world; number of years back, the doctors (2) he or she must be in sympathy deemed it unnecessary to dispense with Militant We must say these leader s, If you with the the first fatherland Arst aid paraphernalia, on the assump want to fight Hitler, let us unite in a (Continued from page 1)
of the working class.
tion that injured workers would apply Phila, Oct. 11, 1982 common struggle. Thote amies does she and imported gunmen are free to carry and the underworld not to maintain courts, the state militia, the state police In its brief existence we were able so self treatment and so offer a serious facfar to enroll about 25 members, but the tor in curtalling their much desired pro. To the Central Executive Committee; calist leaders, because they are SocialIncreasing number of visitors at each ts. The crisis, however, convinced the To the District Executive Committee; The law permits picketing, permits in Penn. Ky. West Va. Ohio, and other Fascists. does not convince the Socialmeeting gives great hopes that more and doctors that it was either a case of ad To the Party Members of Philadelphia.
ist workers. We must say in the words organizing, but law or no law the coal places. It is the Peabodys and the other more sympathizers will join us and thus apting themselves to new conditions or Comrades: of Lenin To unite with the Kerenskys, operators find a way to do it brutally and coal operators who will be masters it succeed to build up a substantial ata destruction was inevitable. It no longer am of the opinion that it is neces not because we believe in them, but be thoroughly and even dispensing with Lewis wins. But that is a long, long way to the Militant.
Would not this attempt to come to alal selves, but to secure their trade at any botage of the Leninist policy of the uni. Kerenskys (Russian Welses, Noskes, etc. of pickets and their wives have been state militia will not be able to impose was a question of workers treating them sury to speak out against the tacit sa cause millions of workers still follow the formalities. In the Taylorville section to go.
during the last few weeks several scores State police, gangsters, courts and the the Militant be an inspiration to the many cost.
ted front. The rejection of this tactic On Fraternization wounded and one murdered, hundreds ar. again the Lewis londership on the Illinois readers and sympathizers in other com Now all factories are forced to main holds the greatest danger for the intermunities throughout the country imit talu first aid kits stocked to comply with national revolutionary movement, parti. To top all this the party prohibits rested under all kinds of excuses and miners, and before this fight is finished restrictions imposed, others clubbed and there will not only be a complete defeat ate us and start building up similar Clubs the requirements of the Labor Departicularly in Germany. For maintaining comrades from discussing and studyinstear. bomb gassed. Such is democracy. tor Lewis, but the miners will be much under the same name and naturally with ment. In this case no alacrity was this point of view the executive commit this situation. was recommended for the same purpose so that this beginning shown by the employers in purchasing tee of Section has at its latest meet expulsion for fraternizing with members this law and order under the capi. nearer to a powerful Communist movmay develop into a widely spread na ement that will make it possible to uproot kits and required supplies. No blow at ing recommended my expulsion from the of the Trotsky group (Left Opposition) talist system.
tional organization?
Let us try.
flects them so much as blow at their communist party.
all these practises with which the labor and for discussing problems vital to the Bosses Preparing for Winter pocket book. It then was a matter of Is this to be the answer to Bolshevist Communist movement.
fakers, in cooperation with gunmen, atThat the bosses of Illinois are prepar tempt to crush labor organizations.
buying a kit or paying a fine. Money eritelem? Will this be our party con. For us Communists, international being involved in either case, the bosses tribution to our brother German party questions are as important as antional ing to take care of the workers in other JOSEPH ANGELO The Murder of Andrew found themselves between the devil and take this occasion to explain my posl. We must realize that Germany, the key cities this winter if they should decide the deep sea. At this point the doctors tion on. 1)THE GERMAN SITUATION to the international situation thel to fight instead of starve, is made clear commander Ganis graciously stepped in. The conditions for and (2) MY FRATERNIZATION WITH present moment, is the most important by the announcement of a completely supplied kit were not to TROTSKYITES. appeal to all work order on the international agenda. Since in charge of the state militia in the Tayl TANT IS 1; WITH THREE OTHERS HALF YEAR SUB TO THE MILI.
said that SPRINGFIELD. use the contents but merely keep them to er Communists and to the to very little on this question is found in orville strike area when Andrew Ganis is the latest victim of avold flues and no matter how slight condemn the recommendation of the soe the party press read the views of Leon The change every week in companies is ON CLUB PLAN BLANK IT IS ONLY the Illinois coal mine class war. Shot the workers injuries may be, send them tion committee.
Trotsky. After analyzing them and dis being made in order that the various 60.
to death by a National Guardsman after to the clinic for treatment.
How can we win the millions of workeussing them came to the conclusion units of the militia may gain experience in active duty.
USE THE CLUB PLAN. GET SUBS being pointed out by a strikebreaker, as Unfortunately for the doctors, theers who still support Social Democracy that Trotsky is correct on the question FOR THE MINERS.
a militant member of the Progressive crisis equally affected them as in other Leninist united front. We must uniteet the united front as expressed in his! Not only are the armed forces of the Miners of America, fields. Closed factories and few workers with all Socialist workers and organiza books, Germany the Key to the Interstate government openly supporting double tragedy in the same family in the ones that remained open, promised tions in the fight against Fascism and national Situation and What Next Lewis, but the courts as well. Three mi. THE MILITANT was but slightly averted. Mrs. Gants the doctor no paunches from early retirethue make possible a successful proletar Vital Questions for the German Prolelitant miners, Joseph Colbert, Dominic tariat.
Lauranti and Andrew Gants have been Entered as second class mat matter narrowly escaped death with a score of new doctors who in private practice found to speak of united front from below place myself in complete solidarity bullets from the guns of the Lewis gang New York, Under the cold bloodedly murdered by a rain of November 28, 1928, at the Post Office at act of the other picketers, as the truck in which their patience exhausted for lack of pa: without approaching the organization in this respect with conrrade Pappassters and none of the gangsters that did March 3, 1879.
the National Guard were conveying them tients, turned to this seemingly quick which the workers still support means no statement on the German question.
the killings has been brought before the to the county line capelzed, Injuring a and easy method of reaping a harvest. united front but merely a routine recruit The life of the Soviet Union is in dan bar of justice.
Published weekly by the Communist number of them.
Another factor, tending to aggravate ing campaign for the party. We must ser. The life of the Communist InterThe funeral oration was delivered by this competitive malady, is medical gradu definitely speak out to the social dem national is threatened with destruction. Dove of Shelbyville, sitting in the cir.
Just the other day, Circuit Judge Roy League of America (Opposition)
at 84 East 10th St.
Gerry Allard, editor of the Progressive ates with an ever ready eye for imme ocracy and its leadership for a united why does the Communist International cuit court, upheld the right of the state Miner at Pawnee, in Sangamon County, diate and lucrative Incomes front action against Fascism. Lenin remain silent on the German question? militia to make arrests without warrants EDITORIAL BOARD as the authorities would not allow services to be held in Christian County of paying men to visit factories, distri. united front with the Hendersons and THE GERMAN SITUATION.
Unduly large expenditures, in the form said that we have nothing to fear in DEMAND AN OPEN DISCUSSION ON and hold the men and women so arrested Martin Abern James Cannon where the murdered miner worked and bution of kits, supplies, cards and posters Snowdens (Wels, Scheidemann, etc.
any length of time they may see fit.
Max Shachtman Maurice Spector lived. Comrade Allard told the assem accorded them no promise in prospect to He said If the Hendersons do not SEVENTH WORLD CONGRESS OF shown by his own deed that there is no DEMAND THE CALLING OF THE This representative of justice has Arne Swabeck bled 15, 000 miners that Andrew Gants win the race for bread and butter. Con accept the united front on these condt. THE fell a victim of VOL. No. 46 (Whole No. 141)
neutrality, no justice between capital and class war; that the sequently doctors Instructed their mentions we have at once gained the symlabor and places the judiciary of his miners must stand united and retain the upon visiting fuctories, that an apprecia pathy of the masses and discredited the Long live our international party!
SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1932 state four square on the side of the coal.
same militancy they have held since the ble decrease in expenses could be obtain social deformists. If they Comradely, do accept operators and Lewis.
Subscription rate: 00 per year, Forfight began, and that shortly we willed by eliminating the other doctors under these conditons (the right, to crit (Signed) Lou Roberts (Bob. Lewis, of course, is able to use the avenge our martyred dead.
This elimination measure began quite eign 50. Five cents per copy.
In the funeral procession there were innocently. It at first reduced itself to 5, 000 automobiles with four people in the tearing up of cards posters ad.
STRATEGY OF THE WORLD WHAT NEXT Vital Questions every car.
The body was carried to vertising other doctors. Medical comREVOLUTION Taylorville and laid to rest with George petitors responded to the same degree Part of the Draft Program for the German Proletariat Franklin Bilyne, martyr of the Virden Later on instructions and ethics were ellPROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN riots of 1898.
minated in the process of elimination 86 pages 266 REVOLUTION Cloth. 65 REVOLUTION Vol. Peabody and Lewis are attempting to At present competition has reached the 522 pages Paer exterminate the militants in the point, where doctors organize crews to 450 pages Cloth cover 50 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN of Gunmen ambushed and woundedeuter factories and pull their competitors 00 DANGER paper cover Pat Ansbury as he was returning from kits off the walls. Several men of the PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP64 pages paper cover 150 the funeral of Andrew Ganis, punctur crew engage the boss in conversation in MENT OF THE THE REAL SITUATION IN ing the front tires and shattering the such a way that his back is to the kit, paper cover 150 WHITHER ENGLAND RUSSIA windshield with gun fire. Ansbury man. while the other half go about their busiaged to crawl from the car and escapeness of either demolishing or stealing THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL 178 Pages Paper 75 364 pages cloth cover 00 through fields with bullet wounds in the it. All stolen kits and first aid supplies 158 page are always relabelled with the victorious ISM paper cover neck.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS cloth cover 00 The coal barons, heartened by the undoctor name and address.
84 pages paper cover 16 84 Elast 10th Street, New York, necessary retreat of the new miners un. Inasmuch as the doctors and it Impos.
ble Stalinists Expel Philly as the of Fight in Illinois Sharpens at BOOKS BY TROTSKY 192 Pages. 36 48 pages 60c