BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

ZAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1932 What They Say in Prague About Browder on the Chinese Revolution the United Front All the more important is it to pay attention to how Communist purty. In view of the fact plained away as a mere episode: Welt is that trusting to the short mcmorYuof we know how serious are the intentions of the Complace to take this occasion to call at will give the imperialists cause to yellment of the of the Hankow Kuo And what are the records which dis that will mobilize the workers and pens Comrades of the reactionary Kuo Min ences.
Now that the Dally Worker has cor: The Arrest of Chen Du Hsiu and THE STALINIST DEFENSE to OF WUHAN workers to protest against the arrest the Apologist of Stalin and possible execution of comrade Chen But Woban! Oh, yes, there was still Du Hsiu in Shanghai, the leader of the Sun something for the sinking Stalinists to From the Series of Articles in the forthcoming Book The Only Road. by Leon Trotsky party, Earl Browder, endeavors in the first quotation which guarantecs not grab hold of! Wuhan has not yet issue of October 21 to explain to his the slightest suspicion of Inner con. fallen. in spite of the predictions of readers that comrade Chen betrayed the fict. the Daily Worker announced on the imperialists. the present crisis of (Continued from last issue)
tion of its readiness for a united front with the social Chinese revolution and that the arrest magetwo, April 18, 1927. under a Mon the liberation movement is not decisive.
The united front on the international scale, as we of this Trotskyist is no concern of cow date line that grave fears are felt democracy, but must demonstrate this readiness in the working class. At the same time, here that General Chiang Kai shek, the The rest can really be guessed: have sand above, contains the greatest difficulties and deeds, enterprisingly, in a Bolshevik manner, by means Browder, smarting under the Opposition Chinese Nationalist Commander, may brief eleven days later, the Daily Worker dangers, for there the formulation of the practical of quite definite practical proposals and actions. That eritteisms of his leadership of the party cum counter revolutionary and join forces we Jul 26 1927 bere me head workers tasks and the organization of mass control is harder.
is just what we demand.
That is how matters stand above all in the question during the 1927 events, takes cousion crs. while on page one, the editors Enemy. Third International Demands of the struggle against war. The prospects of joint Gottwald article, thanks to the fact that it rings to defend himself in particular and who, as we see, foresaw and warned and Action. But action is difficult to get actions are far slighter here, the possibilities of sub with a realistic and not an ultimatist tone, instantly Stalinism in general in the question of longht resolutely or printed war belated from workers and peasants Weeding to terfuge and deception by the reformists and pacifists found an ocho among the social democratic workers: the rest tragedy of the Chinese revolu Shanghal report that General Chiang death under the ax of every bourges are far greater. By this, of course, we do not conOn July 31 there appeared in RUDE PRAVO a letter, During a part of the crucial period the ingrialist powers conspiring to teen leaders taught the Chinese mu to tend that the united front in this field is out of the among others, from an unemployed printer who had of 1927, writes Browler, the writer crush the revolutionary Nationalist but their trust.
This horrible record could be prolonged question. On the contrary, we demanded that the recently returned from a visit to Germany. The lets this article wax Hankow. when movement.
indefinitely. But enough has been printComintern should turn directly and immediately to the ter bears the imprint of a worker democrat who is un the decisive issues of armament or dised to show what the resolute struggle looked like in reality, and precisely who Second and the Amsterdam Internationals with the doubtedly affilicted with the prejudices of reformism. armament of the workers and peasants WE AND FENG YU HSIANG Chiang defection was promptly exproposal for a joint anti war congress. It would the policy of the German Communist Party reflects it that the Trotskyltes in America have still had. Hankow and. Feng is of his readers, is creating legends then have been the task of the Comintern to work out about the Chinese revolution.
the most concrete possible obligations, applicable to self in his consciousness. When in the spring of last sistematically spreadstanders about my Isiang. Bucharin, Browder boss of final word. Browder pretends to the various countries and differing circumstances.
year, thus writes the printer, comrade Breitscheid sell in relation to that period, attempt yesterday, declared according to a Mosing with all their power to create the cow dispatch in the Daily Worker an honest indignation which the col Were the social democracy compelled to agree to such directed to the Communist party the appeal to begin legend that the bureaucrat is really incapable of a congress, the problem of war, providing there were joint actions with the social democracy, he evoked in Communist International. Including the April 21, 1927: We must remember that Let us therefore reprint correct policy on our side, could be driven into its the Rote FAHNE a veritable storm of indignation. So American Stalinist, Browder. failed to wo (Ahem. have the army of Feng Serience on June 3, 1927 in Haukow by Pang ranks like a sharp wedge.
the social democratic workers said to themselves. Now carry on a resolute stragele against Yu Hislang, which, as yet, has not been the slowing letter of Introduction signed It is necessary Chiang Kai Shek, it may not ont of brought into the fight.
to avoid forms and organizations that chekin, heal of the Oversea DepartThe first premise for this: utmost clarity, political munists on the united front.
tention to the records.
about the Sovietization of China (read Min Tang, and addressed to the Dear as well as organiational. There is involved an agreeSuch ment of proletarian, million membered organizations, Here you have the genuine voige of a worker.
prove the legend that the Communist Tanggung in Oakland, Calif. which are today still divided by deep antagonisms in a voice contributes more to the solution of the ques International (1. e. the Browders of all have the honor to introduce to you principle. No ambiguous intermediaries, no diplomatic tion than dozens of articles by unprincipled pen shapes and magnitudes) fuiled to carry PROTEST!
Mr. Browder, the American delegation of an acitle Jabor pushers. As a matter of fact, Breitscheid didn pro on a resolute struggle nguinst Chiang masqueradings and hollow pacifist formula!
Conference. He The leading militants of the Chinese now returns to Americ. from China The Comintern, however, found it proper this time pose any united front. He only frightened the bour Kai Shek? We read on: Left Opposition have been arrested where he has given a great deal of help also to act counter to the B of Marxism: while geoisie with the possibility of joint actions with the BROWDER RECORDS in Shanghal, with comrade Chen Du. to the Kuo Min Tang and the Nationalist Communists. Had the Central Committee of the it refused to enter into open negotiations with the re These show that in April, in the Hsia, former secretary of the party, Government. hope you and all of the formist Internationuls, it opened up negotiations be Communist party promptly put the question right on period when Chen Tuh stu was actively at their head. The sanguinary record branches welcome him and introduce him of Chiang Kai Shek leaves no doubt the edge of the knife, the social democratie party lead and bitterly fighting for the disarmament hind the scenes with Friedrich Adler through the to the branches of Kitu Min Tang in as to his intentions. The lives of America.
medium. of the pacifist literary gentleman and first crship would have been pushed into a difficult position of the workers and peasants, wrote a our seven comrades are in real danthe Central Committee of the Communist party statement for the All China Federation class muddlehead, Henri Barbusse. As a result of ger. The party leaders are display.
BROWDER EARNS HIS PRAISE this policy, Barbusse gathered together in Amsterdam hastened, as always, to put itself into a difficult posi further armament of the workers and Ing a cynical indifference to the case.
We do not know the exact nature of the The leaders are doing like.
half masked Communist or related. sympathizing tion.
peasants and the development of seizure great deal of help which the Chinese wise. The principle of International In the brochure What Next. happened to write of the land. This statement was printTrourgeoisie appreciated 50 warmly in organizations and groups, together with the pacifist proletarian solidarity demands that lankow. But we have not the slightest free lancers of all countries. The most honest and on Breitscheid speech: Isn it self evident that ca English in the maxine Chinese we raise our volces in unmistakable doubt that Browder richly earned the protest against the Imprisonment of Breitscheid diplomatic and equivocal offer should correspondence, published at that time in sincere among the latter and they are the minority Hankow.
hearty introduction and appreciation of these First, what Browder wrote in his comrades. Militants, party can each say for himself: and my confusion. Who have been grabbed with both hands; and that from Messrs. Wang Chin Wei anul Co. In one own side, one should have submitted a concrete, statement at that time, we do not know.
members! Demand a change of front needed this masquerade, this bazaar of intellectual any case, such a letter, if it was written from the party and the De hecause of what Browder calls his reistic conceit, this Münzenbergerie, which converges carefully detailed and practical program for a joint It would be interesting to read it, or mand a campaign for the release of solute struggle. wals obtained from the into downright political charlatanry?
the seven Bolshevik fighters of Shan.
struggle against Fascism; and have demanded joint that we have no doubt. But it is not Lankow bour wisie under false pretsessions of the executives of both parties, with the needed for an estimation of Browder ghal!
But let us return to Prague. Five months after participation the executives of the independent we have at our digant fairly adequate Sec Browder now loftily informs his readthe appearance of the article discussed above, the trade unions? Simultancously, one should have carried material on that score. More important ants for ers that our courade Chen Da Illu same journal printed the article of one of the party energetically this same program down through all the than that is the even more damning traitors and vacillators The arest listen the most comment chose to wore the arrest is nothing for workers to worry leaders, Kl. Gottwald, which bears the character of an layers of both parties and of the masses. Page 56. Sevid Beckhein handeltochchinh dolicy co nege Communists must not leave the Kuo in group of Wang Chin Wet, with which he appeal to the Czechoslovakian workers of the different tendencies to make tighting agreements. The Fascist By spurning the trial balloon of the reformist lead revolution, which Browder latest in elements instead. Workers must ers, the Central Committee of the Communist party in this connection permits us to review never forgetting for a moment that Hantion tint the Stalinists will not interfere enter who slander the Chinese revolutionat danger menaces all of Central Europe: the onslaught of transformed in the minds of the workers the ambigu once moro the reaction can be beaten off only by the unity of the ous assertion of Breitscheid into a direct united front proletariat; no time should be lost, it is already five Second, as to comrade Chen Dalsiu, derable part of the national army favors hidden in his trunk the letter of Wang minutes to twelve. The appeal is very passionately proposal and prompted the social democratic work. the principal founder of the Chinese it and that Hankow will become more and Chin Wel and Co. which forever atigma.
written. In vain, however, does Gottwald swear, folers to the conclusion: Our people want joint actions, Communist movement and one of the more the enter for the workers and the tixes the role Browder played in China the Communists are sabotaging. Can you in there is this to be said: With a spirit of lowing Seydewitz and Thälmann, that he is not pursuin his time. If his latest intervention Thus Browder hoss of yesterday coning the interests of the party but the interests of the agine a more inappropriate and stupider policy? Could revolutionary responsibility and candorching Blow Jonato in the Chinese situation is less perniciThe of which Browder is totally incapable. Feng, the successors to Chiang Kai Shek ary and Inse. Every man to his part.
government and ons in its effects, it is no less reactionclass: such a contrast is absolutely improper in the letter from the Prague printer demonstrates with re comrade Chen some three years ago, is in the bureaucrats lot of white hopes!
mouth of a Marxist. Gottwald stigmatizes the subotage markable pluinness that, with Thälmann aid, Breit medeste apem letter to the bikes Cars And here is what was made bron Browa assassination of comrade chen und the As for us, we shall fight to prevent the of the social democratic leaders. It is needless to say that the truth here is entirely on his side. Unfortunscheid completely attained his goal.
ately, the author says nothing direct about the policy and confusion in the fact that in one case we reject in China. What puts him forever be transformed into an organ of the rev their most to destroy in its infancy, RUDE PRAVO endeavors to perceive contradiction phie course followed by the Comintern tomary Kue Min Tang in Wuhan will be the victory of what the stalinists did of the responsibility for the catastro Oest disciple ofixnin. The revolu other oppositionists, for it is a ficht for of the Central Committee of the German Communist an agreement, but in another, we acknowledge it and yond the pale of forgiveness of the stal olutionary denocratic dictatorship of the the victory of Chinese Tolshevism.
but does not yet dare to criticize it. Gottwald him scope, the slogans and the methods of the agreement. great defeat was to be found in the Worker, May 13, 1927. Party: evidently he is not resolved upon defending it. deem it necssary to determine anew each time the inister of the fact that he revented with proletariat and peasantry by a MAX SILACUITMAN. Daily self, nevertheless, goes into the grievous question, not resolutely, it is true, but still fairly correctly. After in all other serious fields, one must know well: tehat, munists by Stalin and Co. that his own pary fidelity, the Daily Worker editorial Following this guidance with exem.
he has called upon the workers of the various tendencies to come to an agreement in the factories, Gottwald when, where and how. Also it cannot hurt to under mistake consisted in following it out to or Nay 19, 1927 told Its readers that stand: why.
the letter. The structures now directed the Hankow government, the genuine writes: Many of you may perhaps say: Unite there at him by the apparatus scribblers are expression of the Chinese liberation move at the top. weer below will get together pretty casily. four years ago, we set down affew elementary rules autres or manufacturing rape casinot ment, els rowny stronger each day Philadelphia worth for the united front policy. We consider it portant thing is for the workers to agree below. And while to recall them here: Comrade Morgenstern will speak at And now, back to Browder and his BROWDER GREETINGS resolute struggle of the Comintern. IN HANKOW 1035 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, on as for the leaders: we have already said that we comSaturday, October 20, 1. on the The possibility of betrayal is always imbedded in For the moment, we shall quote from a responsible source, the Daily Worker of And Browder? Did he, on the spit, subject of Why All Young Workers bine even with the devil if only it is directed against reformism. That does not mean, of course, that re the time, which merely echoed faithful knowing the situation did he perhaps Should Vote Communist. The meeting the rulers and in the interests of the workers. And we formism and betrayal are one and the same thing at is the official policy of the international about Wang Chin Wei and Co. did he branch of the Communist League of Amexpress some skeptlelsm about Ilankow, is under the auspices of the Philly say to you openly: if your leaders give up their alli every moment. Temporary agreements may be made leadership (all emphasis is onrs. ance with the bourgeoisie for even a single instant, with the reformists, if they take a step forward. But DAILY WORKER AND give some warning to the Chinese mase erica and is one of a series which is es? Ifere, if you please, is the record, to be held. Admission to this meeting proceed in reality against the rulers even in one ques to maintain a bloc with them when they commit treason CHIANG KAI SHEK taken from Browder pamphlet of 1927, is ten cents and all workers, particution we will greet it and support them in it.
shortly before the development of a movement, sig Civil War in Nationalist China. onlarly the young, are cordially invited.
Almost everything necessary is said here, and almost nifics a criminal carelessness towards the traitors and seols press talking about Chiang preport of his speech in tankowcom Anei rade Morgenstern will speak at the Lib.
On April 4, 1927, with the whole bour page 32, which quotes an authentie reThe next evening, on October 30, comthe way it should be said. Gottwald did not even for a veiling of betrayal. The Strategy of the World parations get to mention the devil, whose name the editorial board Revolution, page 51. Daily Worker lulled its readers to sleep, in, spoke next. greeting the enth The Significance of the Recent Expulof Rude Pravo printed five months before in pious input them off their guard, and assured allering as the highest organ of the Chinese sions in the Communist Party dignation. Gottwald did indeed omit the devil grand alterable rule of every manæuver of the The most important, best established and most un and sundry that there was no danger revolution. What gathering? The Ensays: One own from Chiang Kai Shek or of a crisis larged Political Council of the Kuo Ain should arouse considerable interest and Soviet Union. This timely subject mother. But God be with her for the sake of the party organization should never be diluted, united or breaking out in the Kuo Min Tang.
united front we are ready to sacrifice her. Perhaps combined with another, no matter how friendly the sta frontage dispatchat from Flankosistent that time still combined treacherous som sa tree nude questions will be marGottwald would be prepared, for his part to console latter may still be today. Such a step should never past the Nationalist revolutionary move Kai Shek. Lat ns resume the thread: On July On November 12. Max Shachtman, with the inkwell. worker correspondent.
the article from Rude Pravo of February 27, together openly or maskedly, to the subordination the party to hampered by the slightest suspicion of 1927, a werk after Feng Fu lisiang open editor of the Militant, will speak in other parties or to organizations of other classes and inner conflict.
Gottwald political considerations, let us hope, are therewith limits the freedom of one own agitation, or ment in the same issue: There is going Fong Yu Hxiang (was) un eventuality its penetrating editorial com blandly observed that the detection of Mau elections. Watch for future anapplicable not only to Czechoslovakia but also to Ger a step through which one is made responsible, even if to be no split in the Kuo Min Tung casily to have been perceived. Let us Minneapolis many. And that just how it should have been said. only in part, for the political line of other parties. Chiang Kai Shek remains in command see how easily our stalinists perceived On the other hand, neither in Berlin por in Prague can You shall not mix up the banners, not to speak of of the drive on Peking, he accepts the it. While Feng was already negotiating The Minneapolis branch of the Com.
the party leadership confine itself to the bald declara kneeling before another banner. Ibid, pp. 60 61. authority of the Political Committee of the terms of the betrayal with Chiang munist Logue is inviting all workers to Today, after the experience with the Barbusse Con Left and Right Wings of the party upon fought resolutely by reassuring their meetings to be conducted throughout the the editors again take part in the regular open forum The fact that the Brandlerites (see their Stuttgart Tri. gress, we would add still another rule: which the imperialists have been building readers that it is unlikely that after winter months at 1530 Frauklin Ave. bune of August 27, carefully separated itself from us in this Agreements should be reached only openly, before great hopes will not materialize at pre having been sent to conclude a military II. every Sunday afternoon.
question too, and supported the masquerade of Stalin, Man.
wilsky, Losovsky, Muenzenberg, surprises us leust of all. After the eyes of the masses, from party to party, from or sent. The Chinese liberation movement alliance with Chiang Kai Shek against following subjects are scheduled. the northern militarists, under the insupplying the model of their united front polley in Saxony ganiation to organization. You shall not avail your a unit against Imperialism.
October 30: The Community Fund in 1923. Brandter Thalhelmer thereupon supported the Stalinself of equivocal middlemen. You shall not palm off Stalin struggle against Chiang Kai mittee; that Feng has done anything else Drive. with Sara Avrin speaking.
list policy towards the Kuo Min Tang and the Anglo Russlan diplomatic affairs with bourgeois pacifists as a prole shek? Por, we repeat, the Dally Worker than carry out his instructions This parties and le cas deed money with Committee. How can they deprive themselves of the oppor tarian united front.
tunity to enlist under Barbusse banner? 10 they didnt, press. When Chiang pledged himsell DAYS LATER, the Daily Worker, which November 13: The Move for New Wage their political physiognomy would not be rounded out. PRINKIPO, September 2, 1932. TROTSKY. to be loyal. in order to gain tiine for perceived, which warned, which fought Cuts in the Railroad Industry with his coup Etat, Pravda halled him in resolutely, announced in a Moscow dls. Hedlund spenking.
these terms: patch: Branding Feng alliance with October Young Spartacus the Anti War Congress, the activities of comemmoration of the anniversary of the Other meetings will be announced re Chiang Kai Shek declarations re Chiang Kai Shek as a betrayal of the cularly.
the Spartacus Youth Clubs. The spe Russian Revolution is planned for the kutive to his faithfulness toward the rev. Chinese revolution, Bncharin in an Admission is free and all are urged Now OUT cial educational features consist of an first week of November. This issue will olution, toward Sun Yat Senism and article in Pravda points out. Feng Yu to attend.
article on John Reed and a review of be an eight pager the regular size of loyalty to the Kuo Min Tang, are dis Hsiang has passed into the camp of the The October issue of the Young Spar. the History of the First International by subsequent numbers of the Young Spar tinguished from his former statements enemies of the people revolution (July tacus has been off the press for several Steklov.
and testify to the pressure of the revolu 1, 1927. This is the same Bucharin HALF YEAR SUB TO THE MILI.
weeks. It contains articles on the presi Comrades should hasten the distribu. Readers of The Mhitant should subtionary rank and file. March 16, who smugly boasted a few weeks before TANT IS 1; WITH THREE OTHERS deptial elections, the German situation, tion of the issne. The November number seribe to the Young Spartacus (Afty 1927. that we must remember that we have ON CLUB PLAN BLANK IT IS ONLY Illinois miners convention, Youth and which will be devoted primarily to the cents a year. No more than eleven days after our the army of Feng Yu Hslang. 50.
decisive MEETINGS nouncement.