BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismMarxismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGES The Stalinists at the Twelfth Plenum The Legend of Brest Litovsk or AS as were sent strategy for the party and the class creates a contradiction, this time for All facts point to a much more conthe genral tasks are not correct. And cles to show that the Soviet Union was must not forget that it is serving first and Did Ssiens conscious builders of a claseless society.
Archives of the Opposition The internal difficulties due to objec.
tive conditions of a backward country industrializing the country, with world (Continued from page 1) ahead, but different kinds of ebbe and a thesis that makes up the world pro and the subjective dificulties of the capitalism fighting this industrialization, To pose the question in the fourth year flows than we had in the growth stage blems of the vanguard.
of the crisis as the end of the period of capitalism.
wrong theory of socialism in one coun. The new generation in the Comintern, 32, Sokolnikov 39, Stalin 32, Krestinof atabilization is to use phrases instead The reorganization and readjustments The Main Danger in Germany try, combined with the effects the knows nothing about how the Chinese sky 32. Smilga 20. Stassova 28, Lashof analysis unless the analysis means are proceeding not only in the United The danger of Fascism in Germany is world crisis upon the Soviet Union, revolution was slain, or how the Left eviter Schmidt 26. Dzherzhinskythat after three years of crisis the condi. States but in other important links at not posed in its proper relationship. The have placed our fatherland in a most wing linority Movement in the British 26, Vladimirsky 24. Sergelev 23.
tion is to become worse for capitalism, the expense of the working class, the resolution uses enough ink In speaking difficult position. The policy of Stalinism trade unions was strangled; but for that The same Congress clected a commisthat the semi open conflicts are to break peasantry and the weaker section of the of Buscism and Germany but does not is accelerating the dificulties.
it is educated on secondary episodes of sion to elaborate the party program. The out into open imperialist wars and rev exploiters. The failure of the stalinist pull out the determining factor THE Directives for the United States the past of the type of the August bloc significance of this commission requires olutions. However, we will show that leadership to take advantage of the far. DANGER OF FASCISM IN GERMANY.
ends by giving such (1912. or the Brest Litovsk differences no explanation. Let us present here, the thesis speaks diferently on this orable revolutionary situations since the Instead, the thesis turns the problem up directives in the coming period. With which are presented as a text on rohkecisel. word for word, the brief discussion on pofnt. We will take this phase up later. 1923 German revolution as well as the side down and tells us that the main the end of capitalist stabilization the ublehen die diensten en vilsen Breda en els sanie the question of the make up not the comIf we are now at the end of stabiliza present German situation has not only enemy is the social democrats It says. thesis gives the following directives for tion what would you call the period of enabled the capitalist class to obtain a Onls by directing our main blows the United States. Even though we grant ferences was adopted by the Seventh Uritsky I, at least, am unaware of the crisis just before, where we have worthwhile breathing spell, but has against social democratey, this social that the tempo toward revolutionary up Congress of the party in March 1918. The any programmatie articles by Stalin or had the invasion of China by Japan, the weakened our forces.
mainstay of the bourgeoisie.
surge in the United States will be slow discussions at this Congress were of a Zinovlev, but Radek are well known. revolutions between the United States Considering all these factors together, The thesis elings to the theory of er than the other countries the direc heated character. But to characterize the therefore propose to include Radek in.
and Great Britain in South America, the one cannot at this stage lay down a social Fascism and tells Spanish revolution, the Indian situation definite perspective of a worse condition learned and wanted wisdom that the period, for any period. They say. For the dispute, the results for the early tives are inadequate and wrong for this relations of the party to the partietpants steal of Stalin. Chairman Stalin has written on the and above all the danger of Fascism in as the only variant ahead, as the bourgeoisic is the main enemy of the social insurance against wage cuts, for elections are more telling than anything national question. Whoever read them Germany? Was this the characterization does. On the contrary, one possible proletariat in Germany. This is not tola immediate assistance for the unenuployed. elst. It was a question of the Ceutral Knows. This is not the question. Since of stabilization?
variant, far from excluded, is the posst. to school children but to the vanguard For equal rights for the Negroes and committee. Buchariu group, in protest objections have been raised, will put To draw an analogy we can say that bility of a short upturn. Not a return of the proletariat. Abstract thinking is self determination in the Black Belts. refused to participate in the elections of the names to a vote.
the Third Perlod designed the second to prosperity or the end of capitalist essential but there are times when ab. For assistance for the ruined farmers. the Central Committee Thirty four dele The voting takes place.
period as a period of stabilization, from stabilization, which was not stable for stract thinking and presentations become for the defense of the Chinese people cates actually did participate. The chair For Leuin 37. Bucharin 36. Sokol1923 or 1921 to 1928. In this period of the last three years. It will be one of the worst enemy for advancing the work and the Soviet Union.
man reported the results (we quote from nikov 23. Trotsky 37, Zinovier 30.
stabilization we had the British General the brief tows in the downward curve ers cause. Or more often it is a cheap The thesis, you will remember speaks the officiul published minutes of the Sev. Stalin, Smirnov 32, Radek 19. Obstrike, the Vienna uprising and the Chi of decay capitalism. This holds the up substitute for lack of knowledge as to or the end of capitalist stabilization. enth Congress, page 177. olensky nese revolution. Following this second turn within definite limitations. Every what to do. The latter is the case with and the development of the revolution commission including Avanessov. Elected: Lanin, Trotsky. Bucharin, period came the third period of revolu pro major stage, the Stalinists The danger of Fascism inary upsurge and preparation for the Solovies and Shelavin served as tellers. Smirnov, Sokolnikov, Stalin, Zinovlev.
tionary upurges. The guess was of birth, growth and decny has within Germany and its international historical struggle for the dictatorship of the pro Permit us to announce the results. Allinutes of the Congresses and Confer miserable failure. But history does it its ebbs and flows. Growth has its importance is brushed over with mean letariat. Not that the upsurge will be together, 39 ballots cast. Vive ences of the communist party of the Sonot repeat itself. We are on safer dynamic flows and difficult ebbs but de ingless phrases.
even, or everywhere at once, but that in comrades abstained from voting. They viet Union (R. OR 100 170. ground, not due to Stalinism, but due cay has its turbulent flows and prolonged The Far East Conflict the present period the general direction cast blank ballots. The rest are divided Literally every document of the party to the Left Opposition.
spasmodic ebbs.
Ebbs and Flows in the Decay Stage The Manchurian situation la treated in for the whole, is toward revolutionary follows: Lobi 34, Trotsky 31, Dont bears doudly witness against the To talk constantly about the end of workers the way towards which the way. The chief hot bed for breeding action to fit this, that is action to At the short upturn solves nothing for the equal bankrupt fashion. The thesis parke. No sooner do they tell Sverdlov 33, Zinoviey 33, Bucharin regime of Califications!
this, when we are ready to prepare for stabilization and revolutionary Two Press Comments on Russia is to replace Marxian analysis with For the capitalist, it prepares the way wanese imperialisinin alliance with end of capitalist stabilimenti che and receion AS IT IS TODAY Staliniat phrases.
AS IT ONCE WAS The beginning of for greater explosions or greater accu France and with the actual support stabilization is just as dangerous for mulations of contradictions. As to the prospects (of world rev Before the review commenced, a group capitalism as the end of stabilization.
Becu use this mechanical schema does formed to deeper levels of revolutionary struggle for the partition of China and England, is converting Manchuria intal of the thesis presents the directives. Andolution. FA. one might think this state of Neukers from the Communist InterneCrises and depressions, unless trans its colong and has thus put the armed here they are The general task of the Comintern of affairs offers to Soviet diplomats, who tional ascended the tribune to greet not fit the facts of the dialectic stages situntions, always put the workers on Intervention against the USSR ontho and its sections in the present period is are alert and experienced in social up them in the name of their own proletarand its cycle. Because the cycle of the defense, drive them to lower stand order of the day in this sentence the to wage a concrete strukgle. 1) Against heaval, the Moscow press says nothing. lat. The Ilussian leaders, who have the countless articles devoted to foreign national character of the struggle they revolutions, but within this period there our class. Upturns release certain in the Far East is put on the basis as pending war and Intervention in the Soare cbbs and flows.
Soviet attitude or bias representatives of the fighting proletariat economie pressure but at the same time struggling against a line up of Japan viet Union. The directives contradict to indicate of other lands in every celebration of the In this decay stage, favorable situa usher in the workers into the new con Inlanice with France and actony the first part of the thesis. The direc has been scrupulously repressed tions for the seizure of power will exist ditions with no economic gains, which supported by England. This not the tives are DEFENSIVE struggles against What is more, during the celebrations Red Republic. The broader issues of the as well as flows. Marxist must pre released pressure and worse conditions terests ran parallel for a time.
and have existed in the periods of ebbs means relatively worse conditons. The line up in the Far East, even though in the capitalists. If the first part is true: of Maxim Gorky jubilee, which occupled contest now being waged on Russian roll the end of capitalist stabilization and the pages of the Soviet press, there was are constantly held before the people: revolutionary upsurge are ahead. then scarcely a line in the speeches and arti the Red Army, on its fourth anniversary, in the decay stage, but this can only be the capitalists which drives the workers pltcated imperialist as well as Soviet done providing the ebbs and flows, that into the counter offensive Sims of this Unton problem. To pass this problem or if the general tasks are correct for the interested in world revolution. So much foremost as the vanguard of the world in the downward curve of decay capl. ples especially the miners strike in Bel time fail to show its relations to the the first part of the thesis is incorrect. cal writer, Henri Barbusse, that the time wards freedom: while the members of talism, as well as the parts to the whole. Bium and the miners strike in Ilinois, danger of Fascism in Germany is to fall There will be defensive struggles in the was approaching for the proletariat to the Communist International know that jarring on hailing the triumphant forces of Ruswords, the embryonic but nevertheless signs.
whole period is a period of revolutionto present the contradictions of worla period of preparation for revolutionary throw or its chains struck a sia, they can rejoice at the closer apStalinism Forget America capitalism in their proper relationship.
upsarge, that is sure, but the general note.
ary possibilities and in either periods The Soviet press holds true to the proach of the world revolution.
In considering the role of American im The Position of the Soviet Union tasks, means to point to the main line of ebbs and flows within the whole per perialism this thesis seems to think that The question of the position of the Kremlin policy that world revolution will of march and preparations. The reviewers stood on one fod these revolutionary possibilities are such an imperialism is of little import. Soviet Union is the most disgraceful part.
The economic analysis of the Left Op. be a product of circumstances and not when all roof these realities means to know tion of the role of American imperialism, from the world proletariat our true contrary, points to a period ahead where we business to cultivate thelr own garden. It was a magnificent spectacle, dotransformed into realities. To take ad. ance in world politics. The proper elevato cover up our wenk points, to hide position of world capitalism, on the con propaganda, and that it is the Russians side of the square, Trotsky in their midst proper tactic can be formulated.
the stalinists are falling to do and have world capitalism, as the dominating eco the only class that will defend the Soviet defensive struggles into offensive strugThe ones the leading Imperialist power of knows these difficulties, is to full to siecy to prepare the battle. lines to transform clalist State. Report from Moscow on the Wireless dispatch from failed to do.
Moscow to the New York Red Army Anniversary to the What is the perspective?
Times (10 1932) by Wal.
Communist Review (June 1922)
After three years of crisis and depres termining role in the struggle against Soviet Union, That country has com be developed with the tempo and to concontinues in the present to take the decnemy. The thesis ways referring to the sles of the proletariat against the capiter Duranty.
by Roy.
ston what is the perspective? Are there the extension of the October revolution. pletely established itself in the position form to the strength or weakness of the still possibilities for ebbe and flows in the role of American imperialism, the economy of capitalism, or will the Europe, in Asia, in South America as provides for the final abolition of classes for the overthrow of the capitalist rule.
whole future from now on be downward? well as its relations to the Soviet Union and the conversion of the whole toiling On the contrary, ebbs and flow are must be an elementary consideration for population of the country into active and HUGO OEHLER. Continued from page 1) in the Morgenstern Goodman Had we been given the opportunity to case and in the case of the New York the lower per capita consumption of her vertically and horizontally, with tremen avail oursives of our constitutional right Marine Workers, is to underestimate the povertystricken population. It is a dous and cynically recognized power in of pre convention discussion, there is no class conscious and thinking ability of foregone conclusion that Japan will never government Japanese papers refer to a doubt that the entire picture would be the workers. serious consideration of attain the helght of development reached Mitsul enbinet or an altsubishi ministry changed. For the most important task these polnts would lead us to some conIts Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism nevertheless, is Japan greatest industry. arty and the alitsubishis subsidize the the very existence of the organization Conclusions to Draw ximply by laying it to the passivity of Miuscito Party The must become and the Development of the Proletariat The Big Five the membership, but rather for all of true mass organization for the defense, striking phenomenon illustrating Effects of the War on Japan 11s to determine the enuse of this pas the organization and training for selfBy Jack Weber Japan uneven capitalist development The World War guve Japanese capital sivity of the mambershi passivity defense of the working class.
under the imperialist forces shaping her ism so tremendous am impetus that it and to remedy Are our lead. The must truly defend (Continued from last Issue) importing additional yarn (made in Rise of Japan, Deeline of England institutions, in the growth of tremend can be said to have reachel maturity es certain that the past policies of all workers regardless of political views The rise of English capitalism caused Limited Possibility for Japanese Growth our empires of monopoly capitalism side with this period. The war freed Japan the. have been correct, beyond and affiliations. The position taken by the ruin of the handicraft cotton IndusThe entire development of Japanese forms. The Japanese government has of competition. After a year of painful there is something that the members are Goolman case and towards the marine tries of India, China and Japan.
But capitalism is conditioned by the croch consistently encouraged combinations of readjustment, Japanese capitalism seized not fully in agreement with? To assume workers, left a stain on the forehead not forever could England guard and in which it arose, the era of imperialism. cani to power. To day nemesis stalks the Bri perialist powers, Japan normal growth capitalists find themselves on the verge of the Fast as well as Africa, the South follow but also think, after a thorough dicated only by proof that such basie of bankruptey, the government intervenessca Islands and Australla. No better discussion would huve nothing to say errors will not be repeated in the futish Empire and the East outs England was stunted. Imperialism signifies the directly to bring about amalgamations mensure can be given of the extent of its in opposition to the role played by the ture. Only in this way will the fruen her greatest markets for cotton decay of democracy and the militarizing and greater monopolistic concentrations new trade than the relation of exports prove itselt the shield of the working manufactures. Naturally England will of the imperialist power in its desperate of industry, banking, etc. The Big to imports. From the Sino Jap war up use every weapon of resistance to fend struggle for larger and larger markets. Five of japin are the very heart of the World War, imports exceeded ex profits ranging from 38 to 120. While The must go deeper into of the inevitable, the British Empire This fact helps to account for the omis. Japanese imperialism. They are banks ports each year, leaving total excess the Varikin newly rich, lived riot the masses. It has suffered more than will not vanish without Sigantic strussion of the bourgeois revolution with its in the same sense as the National City of imports of 28. 803, 000 yen at the beously the workers and peasante feltere it can stand through its sectarian and gles, death throes one might well can democratic phase in Japan development Bank in the and the Midland Bank ginning of the War. The first three angs of hunger gnawing ever more isolationist policy.
them. The tariff, imperial preference, and for the ease with which the feudal of England; that is to say, they are the sears of the war cancelled this deficit fiercely. period of growing Strikes the capitalist onslaught on wages, partilords were able to direct Japan course. sources of finance capital: No big un so that by 1918 there was an actual sur. and tenant outbursts culminated finally the future must be a complete turn from Our united front conferences in cularly in the Lancashire mills, these today, before the achievement of any dertaking can be started in Japan with plus of exports amounting to 107, 000, 000 in the nation wide rlee riots of 1918.
the past. united front from below is are symbols of the decline of British real democracy in Japanese govern out the aid of one or more of these yen.
The post war period brought an even meaningless since the bulk of the workcapitalism, of the precarious position she ment, we witness movements calling banks. To enumerate the companies Itefore the War England controlled more severe crisis in Japan than in the ers are still under the influence of and occupies in world markets, of the de themselves Fascist, the reason is that controlled by the Blitsui, Mitsubishi, Dai 63 of the imports of cotton piece soods other capitalist countries. Oucentore follow the reactionary and reformist pletion of her natural resources (conl. developments are foreshortened in Japan Ichi, Sumiton and Yasuda banks would to China, Japan sending only 20. By Japan imports exceeded her exports so leaders.
of the rising costs of manufacturing. The so that the so called Fascism, the out. De to catalog every great Japanese en 1926 Japan bad 51 of this business, that the first five post war years showed Hlucational work and discussion rise of Japan as a manufacturing na growth of the military oligarchy, tends terprise. The Mitsut Co. alone controls England only 38. The present Jap a greater deficit than the enormous sur within the organization to raise the level tion is an added force tending towards to strangle democracy in its very birth. 25 of the entire export trade of Japan anese steel industry is the product of plus of the four War years. Unemplos of understanding of the rank and file to accelerating the decline of English capltalisan.
occasion to the peculiar phenomenon of ber. cotton, silk, sugar, etc. It imports ers increased almost half a million from cedented proportions for the first time lection agency and every member a colThe Rhythm of Cotton Technology The more advanced the technology, the to China for the setting up of cotton machine tools, paper pulp. It is the the export of finance capital by Japanships. locomotives, steel bridges, opium, the outbreak of War to Oct. 1917. in Japan history. The mushroom com lector. It would be absurd to say that or far greater importance however, panies of the war period, the prerex. the can exist without funds. No fiuer the yarns and plece goods it can mills there even before Japan has sat: largest owner of coal mines in the East. are not these figures, but the changed panded industries, experienced produce. The Lancashire mills, the old urated her own home market. Practical. It handles the millions of tong of the social conditions, the enriching of the spread failures. In 1923 the Great the raising of funds and other questions wide one makes such an assertion. However, est in the world, are still pre eminently 40 of all Chinese cotton spindles are soya bean crop of Manchuria and practic few and the utter pauperizing of the Earthquake added its ghastly burden to like it will be more successful when they in the making of fine goods, the kind owned by Japanese capitalists. In the ally owns the forests of Hokkaido be masses. The same process of inflation the suffering of the masses. On the are bound up with and a result of a used in the more advanced countries. But developments of Chinese and Indian cotsides having the monopoly of camphor occurred in Japan as elsewhere. Prices land the War accelerated the process of thorough understanding of the class the East. India, China, Japan with its ton manufacturing, we see however the in Formosa. The Mitsubishi Bank con doubled, then tripled and went skyrocket concentration of ownership. The number struggle by our membership, and by teeming millions, uses coarse yarn and same fate meted out to Japan that she trols the shipping industry and all the ing. Wages remained stationary or lag of peasants owing their own land had pursuing a policy which will extend the goods, the type first developed by a new meted out to England. the loss of mar large shipping companies of Japan. It ged far behind the rising cost of living. fallen by 38. 000 during the six years be influence and following of the technology. The mastery of cotton kets. Already China has ousted Japan has rast interests in the engineering in Food became scarco The profits made fore the war but in the five years fol. Only then will the worker become a manufacturing has followed the same from her market for the sale of yarns dustries. It is vitally concerned in the by the capitalists were simply enormons. lowing the War this class decreased by valuable element in the and in rhythm in every country, Japan being and India already has more spindles South Manchuria Railroad. These banks, certain mushroom steel companies, sugar 450, 000.
the revolutionary movement as a whole.
quite typical At first Japan was athan Japan Japanese capitalism rests the Big Five. are gigantic combines, manufacturers, shipping concerns, showed. CHARLOTTE SCHECHET.
market for course plece goods and the on cheaper labor than that of England heavier, courser yarns of English make. but both India and China rely on labor Gradually the yarns of coarse size were still cheaper than that of Japan. STRATEGY OF THE WORLD WHAT NEXT Vital Questions produced at home until they ceased to be girl spinner in Japan gets 50 to 60 cents REVOLUTION imports and became exports. In this for 10 hours of work male spinner for the German Proletariat stage Japan ousted England from India in India gets from 34 to 43 cents for Part of the Draft Program PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN 86 pages 25 of yarn. Still 10 hour and China for this 192 ages Cloth REVOLUTION REVOLUTION Vol. Paer. 35 later the course yarn was used in dom. Japan development in the last 70 522 pages 450 pages estic weaving to produce conrse plece years, looked at closely, has been slow Cloth cover 50 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER goods which thus became the export. At rather than fast, much slower than that paper cover 00 PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP this stage Japon captured the Asian of England even during its experimental paper cover 150 MENT OF THE market outside of India almost com stage. Her home inarket is not a strong THE REAL SITUATION IN pletely away from England. Japan en one: for example, in the cotton industry, 48 pages paper cover 150 WHITHER ENGLAND RUSSLA croached rapidly even on the Indian mar on the basis of yarn consumed Japan ket with the results alrendy outlined, does not produce nearly as much goods THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION 178 Pages Paper 75 364 pages cloth cover 00 the closing India to Japan by Engas England, the or even India, and COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL 158 pages PIONEER PUBLISHERS ISM land. In this process not only has Japanyet Japan exports more cotton cloth paper cover 500 cloth cover 00 64 pages paper cover 150 84 East 10th Street, New York, imported greater and greater amounts of than any other country except England, raw cotton but latterly she has been because she sells loss at home due to en el sectations la commune per lo to higher stages are all often Howthe Stalinists Ranthel. Convention JAPAN the it.
BOOKS BY TROTSKY. 65 64 pages