BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1932 TIE MILITANT PAGE National Revolution in the South?
The condition of the Negro farmers is remnant, a carryover which no one Highlights at Gillespie the the within countries as well as between coun Every important revolutionary question thut Stalinism has attempted to solve and Discussion Article on the not be called a special colony of the tries which express the law of uneven Observations at the Convention of the Illinois Miners United States. but at the same time the development, not only skips stages but explain, to the party and to the class, has resulted in greater confusion and Negro Question resolution says. In the interest of the also bundles Into knots different probvote of 157 to 27 the convention recomfurther revision of Marxism, Since the utmost clarity of ideas on this question. Soms, which can only be untangled if the GILLESPIEThe National Miners Union had pre mended to its committee to secure the 1903 revolution in Germany, Stalinism has grown to a full size menace to the beginning that no armed forces of the must be reviewed from the standpoint of tries and for the United States are dir sented a credential for a fraternal delega best terms above In other words to Bolshevik Leninist position of the prole American Imperialists should remain on its peculiarity, namely, as a question of Cerent. For colonial countries, the solution for Nelson, Meyerscough, Minerich compromise. The 27 represented that tarlan revolution. In every part of the the territory of the Black Belt.
world, where revolutionary situations and extraordinary distressing situation of dictatorship of the proletariat expresses self, amid much demagogy, much flaunt fight to the finish.
The Farce of the Democratic delegatel have developed favorable to the exten.
As the delegates came to the relief national oppression not only in view of itself through giving land to the peasantsing of the red herring, one Dletatorship in the South sion of the October revolution, Stalinism the prominent radical distinction (mark as a transition measure, essential, be from Auburn, proclaiming loudly his Am has stayed the hand of the Communist According to this quotation, Stalinism ed difference of color of skin, etc. but cause a machine base for proper collecti. ericanism, threatened to withdraw if the headquarters for their supper the were permitted to remain in distributed a mimeographed copy of Vanguard, sowed confusion, by a combinadoes not only believe in a national rev above all, because of considerable social vization is lacking.
antagonism (remnants of slavery. The solution of the agrarian problem the hall, The Right wing was victorious the speech Borich would have made hud tion of wig zag, from opportunismtoolution in PART of the United States After we are informed that remnants in the United States, and this includes and the was not seated while the floor been allowed him. have sent adventurism.
but considers this national revolution to In the United States we have not yet be the prelude to the proletarian rev of slavery are a fact, the same resolu. the Negro farmers, is not through the West Virginia Miners Union was. The you a copy of it. You will agree with had a revolutionary situation favorable olution. Or, that first we will have a tion tells us that slavery is a fact. It TRANSITION STEPS (national revolu was not even allowed the floor me that it is a document much superior revolution, etc. but when the motion was made and carried to anything issued on the miners in the for the proletarian seizure of power, not national revolution in the South which is only a Yankee bourgeois lie to say that lon, agrarian withstanding the fact that the VII Na will overthrow American Ituperialism the yoke of Negro slavery has been lift through the transformation of these antito proceed to the next order of business. Last four years by Stalinism. The third quated methods of agricultural produc The light of the Loft wing was navall period had died an unlamented death.
tional Convention of the Communist Party and then, sometime later, the proletariated in the United States. Formally it of the United States adopted a thesis will have its revolution. There are has been abolished but in practise the tion into modern machine production. ing against the double factor of the red The method of argument by epithet was which said we were faced with a revolu. plenty of quotations in the history of great majority of the Negro masses in The collectivization of the farms, upon a phobiae reactionaries and the disrepute abandoned here to the South are living in slavery in the lit machine base, and the transformation of or Communism because of the record of much the first year of the present crisis. Because prove that the party is aiming at a pro eral sense of the word. Economie an oppressed farmers, black and white, not the Stalinists. The second factor prefront replaces the old formula o united our test is still ahead Stalinism has letarian revolution but the present stal alysis has been replaced by moral de inte free farmers with a plot of land, Pened other unders to be easy prey for the front from below versusunited front from above. The offers the not been able to repeat its criminal ac. inist position on the Negro question terminism. After we are told of rem but into agrarian wage workers of the reactionary demagogues.
as a The resolutions and constitutional comunited front to the organization tion in America.
which speaks of an agrarian revolution, nants of slavery and then of slavery, the collectivized projects. This will be the product of the proletarian revolution.
mittees were then elected by one repre. whole. Our prido for in great part this The absence of a revolutionary situs of a national revolution. shows that resolution continues, More than threeWe ask you readers to read the sentative of each from each sub district. In the result of the consistent Leninist sent has prevented the stalinists from aiming, not only at a proletarian revolubeen bound in actual serfdom to farms resolution yourself. It is printed by the There was a Left Oppositionist on cachi hammering of the Left Oppositionpresenting us with their directives in action but are also aiming to establish and plantations of white exploiters by the artyas, The Communist Position on of these committees, comrade Noel Bern. only followed by the fear of the Right elard on the latter. The key constitution. zig. We can see a foreshadowing of om hund to determine what road to tion. Stalinlsm will not be able to wipe national question as well as the kind of book by Browder and others present theard on the former and comrade Gerry Al 45that will replace the ultra. Left of this when the statement of the power the Stalinists have charted out for this out of the Communist movement un labor: slaves, serts or workers and farm case in an even more confused manner. Loophole for a Retreat progressives, although it is al committee had a goonsgnificant to does not mention a word about political the American workers.
til it corrects its position on the Negro moral conclusions of double exploita colonial Theses of the sixth World Com enten. by the very force of their miners are not ceither ote Contronun ist, in In the same resolution, they quote the note that two members or supporters of action in this presidential year. The The Stalinist Chart for the question.
In the present decay stage of capital The resolution says, Moreover, the One cannot come to a correct conclusress. But it is also clear that only a logle or illogie often found themselves dividually, asked to vote Communist, in stoletate care confronted with an era of party cannot make its stand for this slon by approaching the problem of the victorious la proletarian revolution with closer to the reaction than to the pro his statement.
supported in the backward and under slogan depend upon ang condition, even coming revolution in the United States finally decide the agrarian question and gressives centered around Allard. The in the south of the resolutions committee seemed much more tributet we asked it While the statements were being dis.
invitation was developed capitalist countries by colonial hegemony in the national revolutionary Only by considering the part, the south. United States, in the Interest of the pre reactionary than the constitutional com zong to be accepted. Our answer was uprising and bourgeois democratic rev Negro movement or that the majority or in relation to the whole, to the United dominating mass of Negro population of mittee. The that heard the report of grantlogot right of way to the real force, not the bourgeoisie, but the prole adopt the Soviet form (as Pepper de the Marxian rond to power. The undecide meaning that the test rev: the scale committee and all ensuing settonary steam roller!
turiat, with the support of the peasan manded) etc. This is not an abstract solved carry overs in the South, the ecotry. In the developed capitalist coun. sentence speaking of colonial movements nomic needs and democratic demands and later we will have a proletarian rev survey of the situation bad convinced We now come to another factor in the tries, particularly in the United States, where we will support revolutions against that capitalism thrives on can not be the socialists tell us they are aimingessity for united Left wing action.
the Left Oppositionists of the urgent nec situation, Socialist parts. Four we are heading for a proletarian revolu imperialism even though we do not have fulflled by a national revolution.
Wel years ago, Socialists were conspicuous tion.
solely The Centrists present their position in for the southern part of the United States by the overthrow of American Stalinists tell us that hey are aiming united work. Winerien stated that he party as dominant working class group hegemony. It is a concrete statement can only be eliminated in the United What road do they follow to get it? The both groups to talk over possibilities of cialist party has replaced the Communist the Resolution of the Communist Inter States. In other words, they leave the imperialism.
national on the Negro Question in the door open for a revolution, a national The only force capable of this task at the proletarian revoluton too. But would have to consult with his comrades throughout southern Illinois. Miners, United States, of October 1980. The revolution, in the southern part of the is the proletarian revolution under the what road do they follow in the United and he would give us their answer later young miners, are jamming socialist meet.
of oppression of the Negro masses, who proletarian hegemony and will establish by Marxists not have a leadership of the Communist Party led States to get it? They tell us first, a that evening.
and We went to keep our appointment with Maurer buttons on their lapels. The not muddle headed national revolution in the South, and are concentrated mainly in the so called power other than The then a proletarian revolution. The road Minerich. We found Meyerscough and has become a bitter memory.
Black Belt provide the necessary cond of a revolution have the stalinists in Soviet. What kind Stalinists.
The resolution informs us that to power cannot be separated from power Minerich waiting for us and we went fact that the Socialists can stage a come ment among the Negroes. We are thus They can speak of a proletarian revolu) national question. This is a return to an rected if we tack on for the distant fu. This meeting, think, is of great inter cloquently for the results of Stalinist ment for one nationale pecolutionary move store for us? What is their perspective? the agrariun problem is the basis of the teseles nor can the road to power be cor into a side street and began our talk. buck after 20 years of betrayal speaks informed by Stalinism that the road to ton all they want to but if they at the ecoonmie base. But this correct abstracture the goal of the proletarian revolu est and importance. It is the first time, rolicy.
tion, or the socialist mode of production. believe that the representatives of the through the national revolution. Stallion in the south, which will be the agrarlan problem of the Russian, Chinese so many good words and intentions, and party and the Left Opposition met, even night to hear Roy Burt expound the benehundred Inism says the national revolution will brst or coming revolution this in itself or Mexican peasants is not the same! The rejection of the Marxian theory common work for the common aim. Ality of voting Socialist. This typical re. informally, to discuss the possibility of come dirst or that an agrarian revolution discounts what they say about the revagrarian problem the American Negroin the South will lay the basis for sell. lution to follow. To alm, first at a na es From the standpoint of exploitation and the adoption of the non Marxian ter wara Suit ideas and they theirs, they ish, shallow demagogue, by trademar So.
of the permanent revolution by Stalinism ter a long discussion in which we placed formist address was followed by a clowndetermination for the Negro Let us see what the resolution says, revolution in the United States is worsel deration we can say the Negroes of the theory of socialism in one country in the left us stating that they would have to won the completion of Taylor speech masses. tinal revolution and then at a proletarian or from the standpoint of moral const Therefore, the overthrow of this class than the path of Stalinism in Ching. South are as bad off, if not worse or base of these blunders, not only in Amer take counsel from a comrade still higher. the floor was thrown open for questions.
rule in the Black Belt is unconditionally where the first aimed at the dem. than the others, but this does not solve. ca but wherever the Stalinlsts particl Jack Stachel, who was in town. is the necessary in the struggle for the Negroes ocratic aictatorship through the four the problem. The approach to the probrated in a revolution or where they pre one they meant. The following is the! The Left Oppositionists present felt right to self determination. This, how. class parts and then. later. attem must be te ECONOMIC RELATION sent directives for the coming revolution program we proposed for joint labor. ever, means at the same time the over the dictatorship of the proletariat.
it incumbent upon themselves to ally SHIPS. Carryovers in developed Amer. The coming revolution in America will be Win the strike. Against the wage themselves definitely with the party, but throw of the yoke of American imporialism in the Black Belt on which the This false base in the United States is countries are two different problems we complete the unfinished curryovers but it out to the bitter end. For a referendum none of its moronie errors, to place percesonthe local white bourgeoiste de no accident It flows from the false pre do not conclude after we have analywed will primarily solve the problems of the in case the convention decided to retreat itself sharply in opposition to the reformpend. Only in this way, only if the mise of the theory of socialism in one the relation of the share croppers to the working class.
Pearcey in his opening speech) a needed lesson in how to carry on such Negro population of the Black Belt wing country. On this revisionist base no landowners and local bankers. This HUGO OEHLER. Strike Franklin County Make the activity. So comrade Clarke its freedom from American imperialism Marxian theory for revolution for devel. must be extended to the WHOLE, which strike effective whether it was true that the by even to the point of deciding itself the oped or backward capitalist countries can is within the framework of the capital union based on the class struga vote of had decided not to Inter.
relations between its country and other be developed.
ist mode of production of developed AmVOTE gle.
vene in the battle between Lewis and the governments, especially the United States, The resolution is a bundle of confusion. erican imperialism. The question of democratic union, with rank and to remain neutral. which inatown once es una complete sete deter couple of one amplementable presentera. tre estate and the Eleting class eannot be COMMUNIST ide control and right of minority opin meant essentially helping Lewis. National unity of all mners groups. did not interfere in the internal quarTaylor, answering, stated that the that had risen against Lewis, including rels of the miners. He boorishly jested stances, Soviet Russia considers that itsdian bourgeoisle desire is a protective the participation would be useless. Making tarife to keep out competition until their a market for oplum means repeats and Infant industry is strong enough toernal delegates with voice and the The M to be seated as frat about the danger of mixing into the quarrels of a man and wife.
how lucrative the business is, may be stand on its own lusty feet (on the backs to be given a chance to speak.
Later Clarke arose and read from the judged from the estimate that it amounts of the Hindu workers, of course. Back Reinstatement of all expelled for Class Struggle the organization of a Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism to some 000, 000, 000 per year in China! in 1907 Dr. Gosh, president of the their views from into the group of extreme left wingers in the So.
What chance is there that so vast a bust first National Indian Congress, stated.
cialist Party, edited by Sol Larks of and the Development of the Proletariat ness will be abolished under capitalism? What reasonable man can doubt that For a united Left wing slate in Chicago, where the stand of the National In 1917 Japan imports of morphine from the real strength of the Swadeshi move the coming clections.
By Jack Weber Executive Committee of that organizaEngland intended for China amounted ment is to be found in our national de No horse trading with reactionary tlon in refusing to support the Progres(Continued from last issue) en a great impetus to factory develop to 600. 000 ounces. The exact revenue sire to nurse our own industries, which elements and cliques a straight forwardsives is sharply condemned. Upon the China at that period was completely ment and this in turn stimulated English derived from opium in India is unknown, the Government of India, with their free fight demand of Taylor, Clarke handed him the self sustaining. The Chinese were skilled mechanical inventions. In 1785 for the a dark secret in the archives of a special trade principles, are unable to protect by 10. Cooperation with all relief and paper. After the adjournment of the handicraftsmen whose labor was so cheap first time steam engines were used in revenue department. But it is known to building up a tarif wall? On the Brit defense organizations meeting when Taylor was asked for the that it was impossible to undersell her factories. The spinning mule and the supply 45 of the revenue in Straits ish side at this same time Sir Leth 11. fight, if the point is raised, for return of the journal he bellowed liko goods in her own market. China praepower loom had come into existence. Settlement, 21 in French Indo China bridge. India and Imperial Preference Poster and Ford, and the in the an infuriated bull and snarlingly re.
tised both silk and cotton weaving so that England was transformed from a country 11 in the Dutch East Indies, 23 in advocated such a tarife for India pro elections.
fusal, stating that the editor of the no cotton goods could be sold in the Far that imported cotton goods in 1700 to one Siam, 12 to 50 in Persia. The British vided it was made to fit into a scheme This, believe, was a key moment of Althy rag would be expelled from the East by Europeans. The English tried that exported to the extent of over one government grants loans to farmers with of Imperial Preference. Under the the convention. Our proposal for a joint to sell their most important manfacture. million pounds sterling by 1800. Her ex out interest to raise poppy, the covern stress of Japanese and competition, meeting of all Left wingers about this Woolen goods, but this was a drug on ports went mostly to her colonies, butment buying the entire crop. The price England has been forced to adopt exact. program would mean an aggressive fighting and telling, while the arch stupidity Our attack upon the was slashthe market.
now she could even undersell cheap chi of poppy is regulated to spread the poppy ly this policy advocated for 25 years, that it not immediatels victorious, would of the Centrists was exactly to the lik.
nese labor due to the superior productiv acreage as against the competing crop The Indian trade is the mainstay of at least jolt the Right wing. In this ing of those on the platform, and antaThe Smuggling of Opium There was only one commodity that the ity of the machines. Hence opium was wheat! It is a foregone conclusion that the British cotton industry. To hold positive platform would be found a rally conced, not as Zip Kachinski, a CommunEnglish found they could sell in China. of raw materials.
which will be liquidated only after the has been the consistent policy of British wingers who stood hopeless before the India where it was also a se starine, but Under the driving force of profits, how. proletarian revolution and the elimina capitalism. In their present desperation, Right machine. Their later correfusad us, the Socialist party members but all the workers present. Comrade Minerich Lancashire capitalists are trying to replaces upon Stalinism a terrible onus. told Kachinski not to kid himselt and was little known in China. The English ever, the oplum traffic could not be stop tion of the profit motive.
ped. It had now invaded China in the Cotton and the Swadeshi Movement duce costs by lowering the standards of Tues. Oct. 4, 1932 mixed the oplom with tobacco brought form of poppy growing, the mercenary The Industrial revolution not only per living of English textile workers, so as The next noon we met Borich much more realistically recognized that from America and planted in Formosa. Chinese officials encouraging this undermitted the English to undersell the Chito compete with Japan and America. Minerich. They were evasive about the posed to us were the practically unanl.
The Chinese learned to smoke this mix the pretext that it would help keep Chi nese but also the Ilindus whose handi Great Britain monopols of the piece joint meeting in order not to give them questions were not shouted down, but lismous miners. Yet the Left Opposition ture, and then oplum alone. As soon as nese money at home.
craft industry practically disappeared as soods trade in India is under threat. any excuse whatsoever we told them tened to quietly and with interest and its effects became known in China, Its importation was strictly prohibited under Japan and Opium after a doshi movement to win over and mis suffering from Japanese competition, eins intrede wees en est enle that they won as we brought the lessons of socialist be attention and even some sympathy penalty of death. But the Europeans, History has repeated Itself particularly the British, started to smug. fashion. Today Japan seeks to afence lead the Hindu mases, interprets the The latter cotton textile Industry has this into a boint meeting. haxy We trayal close to them. Yet, we must re.
gle it in using even the British Navy her purchases of raw cotton from abroad. modern Swadeshi movement in terms of grown faster than any other country seo. was their reply.
The Belleville St. Clair Operators cognize that the Left Opposition often for this purpose. The traffic assumed One of the means used to accomplish reestablishing this vanished art. Only the during the past 15 years. Measured by such tremendous proportions that it liter this, is the sale of opium and of manu most gullible Individual could swallow the amount of raw cotton consumed the sociation employing about 100 men had suffers because of Stalinism.
ally drained the gold and silver out of factured narcoties to China. Manchuria this pretense. The Swadeshi movement industry grew slowly in Great Britain proposed to the negotiations to We discussed in comradely fashion with China, gold and silver that the British has always been a base for this traffic is the bid of the Indian national bour. till 1913, then declined. The industry settle the strike. The day set was Wed. the miners after the meeting and showtraders used to pay for Indian cotton The Japanese, in ousting Chang Hsiao geoisie for an alliance with the British has grown steadily in the since nesday the 5th, so the convention spented the difference between Communism of which they imported one million lbs. lang, have taken over his control of imperialists in the exploitaton of the 1870. In Japan it began during the war that day in arriving at agreement on and Socialism a privilege not granted what to instruct their representative at the Stalinists.
a year by 1700 and 50 million by 1800. oplum. But it is no longer merely raw Hindu workers particularly in the new and has risen rapidly sirce.
Is rising cotton mills. All that the In(To be continued)
the conference with the operators. By a cheaper So appallingly great became the illicitoplum but the manufactured CURTIS.
oplum traffle in time that in sheer de narcotics, morphine and heroin. These speration the corrupt Chinese officials are supplied by the advanced capitalist STRATEGY OF THE WORLD WHAT NEXT Vital Questions were driven to action. Around 1840 they countries, the England, Germany, REVOLUTION seized a large number of chests of opium Switzerland to China via Japan. The Part of the Draft Program for the German Proletariat brought in by the English, and destroyed privileged consular pouches and parcels PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE them. This was quickly selzed upon by post system of Japan in Manchuria, are HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN 86 pages 25 192 ages Cloth. 05 REVOLUTION REVOLUTION Vol. imperialist England as a good pretextfreely used for this purpose.
Paer for declaring war on China (the Opium 522 pages THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN The League of Nations in typical fash450 pages Cloth cover 50 Wars of the 1840 China was forced ton, has convened bodies of experts to DANGER paper cover 00 to permit opium in and at the same time help solve the oplum problem. Soviet PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPpaper cover 150 England was given a foothold in the Russia, invited to these fake conferences, MENT OF THE THE REAL SITUATION IN Yangtse Valley at Hongkong. replied: The government of the WHITHER ENGLAND RUSSIA paper cover 150 Queerly enough, however, the British has come to the conclusion that 178 Pages Paper 75 need for oplum in China had ceased at the in connection with the task of Aghting THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION 522 Pages COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL cloth cover 00 very time China was being coerced into the spread of oplum and other drugs, its acceptance. The reason for this the various states are striving to satisfy 158 pages paper cover 500 ISM PIONEER PUBLISHERS change must be sought in the Industrial their own commercial interests and gain cloth cover 00 64 pages paper cover 150 84 East 10th Street, New York, revolution. The cotton Industry had giv material benefits. Under such circumasked JAPAN and AS, BOOKS BY TROTSKY 35 64 pages 48 pages 364 pages