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UNITE Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 Bast 10th Street, New York, Ente red as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the post ofice at New York, under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 43 (WHOLE NO. 139 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1932 PRICE CENTY Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Von Papen Elections OPEN FORUM Needle Trades Convention Gets Left Opposition Resolution.
ate Miners Relief!
German Organ Suppressed FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th Our Appeal for United Front Struggle of the German Workers P.
BERLIN ary mass resistacue. The popular referl apen and Schleicher have once more endum slogan of the Social Democratie The New Miners Revolt proclaimed elections in accordance with Party, which aims at crippling any atthe Weimar system. At first sight, this tempt at an extra parliamentary strugSpeaker: must arouse wonderment, since our new gle, and to postpone it, is in this respect Our Resolution fakers, and tactical errors of the left The Bureaucrats Attack Bonapartes have made no secret of nothing but a prop to the Papen governtheir contempt for this new structure ment. It also quite corresonds with the ARNE SWABECK Presented to the Convention of the have been again pressed into right unton We go to press too early to enable. though they made good use of it in pious belief which the puts in Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union and thousands of others have remained us to give our renders a full report and 1919. Why therefore? Because they the existence of the Papen government 126 East 16th St.
by the Needle Trades Fraction of the organized. From this it clear that analysis of the national convention of too realize their own weakness. They and the imminence of a favorable con Communist League of America near Irving Place (Left the heroic struggle of the Left wing to also know that the source of existence juncture.
the Needle Trades Workers Industrial Opposition)
unite the masses Into the new union. Union which is taking place as we write of the Papen government lies in the For the Fighting United Front ADMISSION 10 Cents The convention of the Tudustrial Unstruksle which was forced upon it in the in New York. But we print below the neutralization of the irreconciliable first place by the expulsions and split.
It is clear that for a revolutionary camps as Trotsky writes in The Only worker, the elections have only one resolution presented to the convention ion and the necessity of making adequting activities of the bureaucrats has in the name of the needle trades fraieAuspices: Road. And all its strivings must be rations for the coming dress (Continued on page 2)
tion of the Communist True of Amerdirected towards setting out of this party for which to vote: the Communist Br. Communist League of America strike raise once again in the most press ing manner the problem of trade union ion (position. As was easily to be tight rope walker position and to find purty All experiments with non voting a firm meeting for itself. The develop class enemy. It is certainly just as for little grouplets would only help the unity among the needle trades workers foreseen, the whole convention is now revolving around this resolution, if only ment of the conjuncture on the basis of clear that this election, more than any in general, and the Ladies garment work.
ers in particular. The outstanding need because it has no really firm axis of its economic program does not now give that preceded it, has only the significance its own. But there is more to say for it any great hopes in this respect. In of one demonstration out of many. The of the hour is the consolidation of their satiable agriculture is rebelling. The central question today is the unfolding forces into a single organization in wbich Within the span of a few brief weeks it than that the analysis inade the situation in the industry foreign political sally has up to now pro of the extra parliamentary struggle; the the militant program and leadership of the major sections of the Illinois coull of dneed only negative results. There re promise for it is the establishment of the Left wing can be used together with fields have become transformed into what and the relationships of forces beThe weekly paper of the German Left the mass strength of the workers and dir. Siberia was under the regime of the ween the tight wing and the left wing.
mains, then, only the renewed attempt the united front. Consequently, there Opposition, Dle Permanente Revolution, ected effectively at the class enemy. In czars. In the southern part of the state together with the concrete proposals we parties, especially the Nazis and the setting into motion the election machine The von Papen government is sharpening the interests of the workers, the Left in the Peabody mines at the point of possible for the left wing to emerge at combinations and maneuvers with the can be no question for the of has just been suppressed by the police. this question, as in all others concerning the miners are compelled to go to work advance in the resolution to make it the attempts made in this direction is shown but of doing everything for Center. That there have been concrete in the good old socialist party manner, its struggle against the revolutionary wing must take the initiative and lead sheriffs gs. Those fighting for the from the blind alley into which the by the visit of Kerrl to Hindenburg, the Ushment of the united front, that is, to Rote Fahne, is now almost permanently most directly to the requirements of the rezine has now also extended to the matjens which so vitally concern estabpress in general. The party daily, Dle the way. The slogan which corresponds progressive union are ambushed. This stalinist course has led it these are the next future of the movement in conversations of Ila pen Schaeffe, Pap change its tactics fundamentally. Only prohibited from appearing. The paper present situation, and which can move Taylorville region en Bolly, the Nazi retreat in the Prussian successes on this front, and not election of the Urbans group, Volkswille, has the workers more than any other, is the needle trades that the bureaucratie manparliament, as well as the reflections of sotes, will represent a real value and been suppressed for 13 weeks. The slogan of unity. The Industrial Tinton It is the desperate attempt of the Pea the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitungon checkmate Papen maneuver. This is weekly organ of the Socialist Workers must inscribe this slogan on its banner boily coal company with the assistances of the convention can no longer ignore them.
September 10, for example, on the nego the first and most important electora) Party. Kampisignal, has also felt the and begin a resolute struggle for its real of the Lewis machine and the state milThe convention thus far has been silent, tiations of Papen with the Bavarian Peoization.
itia to break any strike against its pay on the floor, and bombastic, on platform ple Party: work.
iron tist, The present division of the workers cuts. But the miners of Illinois are As we go to press, not one of the rank October 1982 Reconciliation Proposals The latest victim of the Bonapartist into separate organizations, with great Just as militant, just as determined as Is there really no longer any reconclique in power is the organ of our masses unorganized and standing aside at the beginning of this struggle. When and file delegates has yet spoken, even ciliation, a reconciliation with the under School Term Opens German comrades. Significantly enough from either, plays into the hands of the packets will stay on the picket lines Ilyman, has attempted In his own words standing that it is a question of political. and as a damning reply to the dis losses and their labor ugents, the right without food for two days, as they have to provoke a discussion from the floor.
collaboration within the framework of The International Workers School was graceful slanders of the stalinist calum wing bureaucrats. By the division the one Taylorville and still continue the national tasks which are common able to open the new heaquarters on timentators the reason given for its sup position of the working masses is weak. to fight, it is a battle that will not soon One after another, the official union the convention with the customary ab clulist?. Irreconciliable antagonisms of Saturday night. Over one hundred dol. Die Permanente Revolution which volces encroachments on their labor conditions, stirred to its very foundation There nerd be no doubt that they will surdities on the successes plus the expellency tomorow, the interior hostil. ance of a hundred and thirty comrades son of Die Roto Faline, the central or have been forced into the right wing know how to fishton. But they need self criticism. Stachel, the represen ity between compatriots is nothing final and sympathizers. This brings the total can of the German Conmunist Party! erhaps the next few days will again fund collected on the Three Hundred Dol The otticlal text of the police order, fluence of the Left wing and are unable They need relief to carry on the strike tative of the I, centered his Trotskyites. and thus set the tone for threads. Should it not be possible, must obtain the remainder of this fund. German papier (one sheet upon which the systematic treachery of the bureau in class as a whole and therefore the the rest of the irresponsible convention offer opportunities of tying together some lar Drive up to two hundred dollars. We which is printed in the last issue of our to organize an effective struggle against They are fighting the battle of the work. principal dire won the resolution of the since precisely in Bavaria has there de. This amount has enabled us to obtain the nothing else is permitted to appear ex. crats and the oppression of the bosses. question of what the workers in other boses. Ilowever, the slanders and misveloped a certain tactical approach be Icase, make the necessary alterations on copt the decroe. declares over the sign. On the o her hand the Industrial Union, Industries will do to help them becomes representations of the Stalinists will not succeed in covering up the deep. open tween the National Socialists and the the new hall and buy part of the new ature of Herr von Werder that the mos containing the most experienced and ad. a much more pressing one.
Ravarian People Party, to utilize this equipment. We must have the remainder tive for the proscription is that: vanced militants, has been unable to We are sure that the readers of the wounds inflicted upon the needle trades practical stimulation to building a for chairs and other necessary needs for Hotlive zullicient innss support to ca Militant will give their assistance. But Laft wing movement by the disastrous bridge. Number of Volume of the weekly force its program. For this state of af. it should be done in the most practical solicies they have pursued against the school and headquarters.
Papen Schleicher hope to carry out kter Die Permanente Revolution in fairs, with all the demoralization and toner possible. The Lengue has alwhich the left opposition has conductThe School opened its courses Monday, the article Die kote Fahne Prohibited. hardship it has brought to the workers, this maneuver with all the greater suc with a few weeks delay of the series of Workers, protest against this infamy the boss serving bureaucrats of the Right uniners relier, to help collect funds and for a correct line which is summed up ready decided to work as a unit for ed a fiersistent and systematic struggle cess since they may after all succeed Lectures to be delivered by Cannon on und whicli concludes with the words on the basis of their program in the new Monday and Shachtman on Wednesday. Down with this regime which hus re never be forgotten that the disruption other organizations to do likewise. Our deration of our analysis and proposals wing are directly responsible. It must clothing. We will endeavor to influence in our resolution. No objective consielections to strengthen the German Na. The study class and lecture are to be hela course to such measures lu order to vell and splitting of the unions was begun by members will be active in this respect. can be looked for from the lymans, tionals or similars to such an extent at the same hour, but suficient funds to its infumies. contains a serious that the absolute majority of Centerinsult their expulsion campaigns obtain folding doors and other needs to and the intention to render contemptible Left wing and their strike breaking at Nympathlwers.
against the That much we also expect from our colls and Stachely But we are confidNaxis is broken.
have two meetings proceeding at once, are the government of the kelel, according tacks on the workers in collaboration you who read this funcdiately take upon movement will seriosly reflect upon the We would suggest that ent that the thinking militants in the Bet should all these attempts ever lacking. Just as soon as the funds are to Paragraph 6, ligure I, urticle aa with the bosses, the police and the yoursele. in addition to what you can ituation and draw the conclusions that excellent measure for demonstrating and Shachtman will be held. Registra sure harmonizes with the claumnies of Left wing, however, contributed to the terested. Try to bring it before any How little this arch Lamarcklan inea. of officialdom. The crrors of the do directly, also to try to get others in flow inevitably from it.
anew the futility of the Weimar consti tion for these two classes is still open the Stalinists about the Trotskyist uni demoralization and facilitated the reac. workers organization you belong to and tution, and for ripening the ground, by means of interminable elections, for Next week we have the following class ted front with Elindenburg in self evid tionary game. The sectarian policy im. ask your friends and comrades to do ent.
posed on the industrial union, and changing the constitution, for carrying. es: in likewise. Finally we urge you to assist on a strategy of exhaustion.
Monday, October 24, Second Lesson, Whatever the official reasons given for particular the abandonment of the slogan in this work of the organizations which FOR THE MILITANT AND THE of trade union unity, worked against the have undertaken to collect funds for COMMUNIST LEAGUE, The Papen government can engage in Genesis of the State. Weber.
the suppression, it is a fact that the inall these hide and seek maneuvers so long Wed. October 26, Second Lesson. The creased activity of the Left Opposition proper organization of the workers the Progressive Miners Relief 126 East 16th Street as there is no serious extra parliament Dialectic process of Nature Hugo Oehler. in Germany, well as the generally struggle and defeated the purposes of the Al funds should be sent to the Pro FOR PIONEER PUBLISHERS, acknowledged growth of popularity of the left wing. It is high time now to cor gressive Miners of America, Gillespie, In.
84 East 10th Street views expressed on the German situa. ect these errors and to steer a new course tion by the Opposition and by comrade Trotsky in particular, have not given the division into rival organizations is the One of the chief negative results of the Eust Prussian barons who are in discouragement of wide masses of the power any cause for remaining inactive workers in the industry and their loss of The Need of the Hour: a Democratically Convened Congress Although the suppression of Die Per confidence in either union the Right manente Revolution has been a severe wing union because of its reactionary Seven Bolshevik Leninists Seized in Raid in Shanghai We are reliably informed from abroad: in session, was never known until Dur. blow to our German comrades, it has lendership and policies, and the Indus The long since due Plenum of the Ex. anty was permitted to inform the read nevertheless just been found possible to trial Union because of its sectarian polA special cable to the New York Times The meager reports which penetrate ecutive Committee of the Communisters of. the Times. The party mem issue the district paper of the Saxon oricy and lack of mass strength to reenof October 17 announces: The most im through to us from the illegality in which International took place in September. bers (as is customary in these days of sanization, Der Rote Kurier, which for Porco its struggles. Under other condi. portant communist arrest ever made in our Chinese comrades are compelled to As the first point on the order of the Stalinist domination) had no opportun merly appeared in mimeographed form, tions these same workers, who have de Shanghal was carried out this morning operate, indicate that the activities of the day stood a report on the situation to ity to discuss the problems which face in printed form, as the Information Pa monstrated their fighting qualities before, when International Settlement police Bolshevik. Jentists, in spite of the terror Czechs and the Polos, it was decided to will be given proclous little opportunity Communist Party (Bolshevik Leninists) struggles. What is needed to revive their thorities, raided secret Communist head stalinists, are on the increase. The rata have a report on the situation in Ger to discuss them now, after the fact. With and the Lett Party Faction within the morale, and after that to reorganize them quarters and seized Chen Tu hsiu, see just carried out is eljective testimony many as the first point. This report was out yet knowing the exact nature of the GO. Saxon District. This paper on a mass scale, is a sincere and genudelivered by Thaelmann, wherepon these decisions made Moscow, it is unfortun is being distributed on a national scale. ine move for unity. In this the Left wing ist party, and six co workers and con it arouses among the bourgeolie.
participating in the session left the hallately safe to say in advance that the and realone can and must take the initintive fiscated a mass of documents We await with great anxiety a more detailed and authoritative report from Communist Party of Poland then went the latest revelation of bureaucratic Indo China Militants Held dustrial Union will greatly increase its The reference is obviously to our com our Chinese comrades about the fate of to Stalin, who, as the leader of the ignorance and Impotence.
world revolution. did not even condeL Humanite, official organ of the that has been lost by the sectarian pol secretary of the party during the period intluence and regain much of the prestige rade Chen Du hsiu, who was politically the arrested Bolsheviks.
In the meanwhile, we ask: Will the scend to make a single appearance at The Daily Worker informs us now that French Communist Party, is once again icles and practices of the past and pave of the revolutionars struggle of 1926. International Labor Defense in this counthe Plenm. The Polish comrade ex bombardment was started at the 12th hiding the truth rom its readers. Once the way for a revival of the fighting 1927 and who subsequently came to the try, and the Red Ald movement internaplained to him the insufferable situation Plenum, against the Right wing concil. more it is trying to draw a vell over the spirit and organization of the needle conclusion, which he expressed in an open tionally, continue to maintain the same presented by the fact that at the head ator, Humbert Droz, for the resolution Left Opposition activities in the class trades masses. But it must be a real letter to the Chinese Communists, that disgraceful silence and indifference to Comintern there shold be so politically return to this phase of the question. But ing the truth about the suppressions un workers are sick of maneuvers but a the Chinese revolution had inexorably comrades as it has manifested in the incompetent a comrade as Thaelmann. more important than these by products dergone by the International Left Opposi real step for the unification of forces in driven the movement to its catastrophe. cases of so many other Opposition fightWhen it is reported that Stalin shifted of the bureaucratic Jugglery which pass. tion in the course of its revolutionary ad. a single organization that will bear the In that letter, he voiced his agreement ers who have been arrested in the United the whole matter on to Zinovlev as the es for political struggle in the top ranks, ances. This time the silence of the stamp of genuineness on its face. with the standpoint of comrade Trotsky States, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Indoone who appoined Thaelmann to lead the is the imperative necessity for a dem Stalinists is more damning than ever: and the Left Opposition. Founder of the China and elsewhere?
German party, the characteristic freocratically prepared, democratically con Fifteen militant Oppositionists of Saigon, The action to be taken by the conven Communist movement in China though he The Dally Worker, taking the Times sponsibility of this best disciple of voked broadly discussed Seventh con. Indo China have been thrown in jall for tion of the Industrial Union must pro. was, the Stalinists promptly expelled him report without realizing that the StalinLenin will stand out all the more clear gress of the Comintern, which is now leading the fight against French imperial ceed from a realistic appraisal of the from the party and sought to make him ist bosses expelled comrade Chen two ly.
more than two years overdue. The burn ism, a fight in which the party role is present situation and the relation of the scapegoat for the disastrous policy of years ago as a counter revolutionist. Why hasnt there been, to this day, made Plegum of bureaucrats held in the slogan being For general amnesty! Sev monstrate here that it is concerned solely literature he has since been denounced page about the arrest of the general a single report on this Plenum of the dark of the moon, and guaranteed In ad eral weeks ago comrade Chan van Giac, with the life Interests of the workers as a counter revolutionist. I? Why do not the party memvance to leave no serious trace on the secretary of the Red Aid, was sentenced that it has no separate interests of its At the last conference where the three on page 3, it made good its mistake secretary of the party. The next day, bers receive an accounting about what movement, but a genuine Congress, pre to two years la prison for distributing a own and does not impose on the work Left Opposition groups in China was said and done about the vital prob pared and held as was the custom in leatlet. But because the comrade is ers an organization fetishism; that it is unified. comrade Chen was elected to that it was not were by poluting out with triumphant relief lems facing the international revolu: Lenins days, with the fullest opportun Trotskyist. the International Red Ald, not afraid to look reality in the face. This prominent post. The white terror of who had been seizeil, but a Trotskyist party secretary characteristle of the present situation in itfes granted the membership, and the which is organized to help class the Comintern is the fact that the first expelled Left Opposition, to discuss and prisoners regardless of political tendency, the needle trade militants remain faith lessed upon the young Opposition move editors, apparently, this relieves them of intimation of the fact that the participate in it.
lifts not a finger in his defense.
ful to the banner of the Left wing and ment in a raid at which several members all responsibility in the matter, and 12th Plenum of the had been held to the Industrial Union. Its moral force of the Central Committee of the Chinese makes unnecessary the appeal they made was given the American Communista in the Industry, although weakened by Bolshevik Leninists were arrested. At on the first day that the workers of the last week in pang observation made Our Russian Revolution Celebration false tactics of the leadership, remains that time it was reported that comrade entire world should protest vigorously at the end of a cabled report to the a great and decisive factor. But it must Chen was among the victims, but the in against the new crime of the Chiang New York Times by our well informed Fifteenth anniversary of the Russian under whose auspices the colebration 1s Industrial Union did not succeed in be now appears from the Times account that seven revolutionists in danger they An entertainment in celebration of the The New York Branch of the League be recognized and acknowledged that the formation proved to be unfounded. It Kai Shek terror. With the lives of Walter Durants, on the expulsion of Revolution, and the Fourth Year of the being held is preparing an appropriate coming a mass organization on a scale in alliance with the police of the foreign are still alive the blind factional calZinoviev, Kameney and the others. Militant, will be held on Saturday, Nov. sured to all our was never known. What its agenda was East 16 street. We wil begin promptly izers. We would like them to turn tion of circumstances the combinga Anally arrested Chen Dahslu together do not believe that the class conscious That the 12th Plenum had been called, ember 6, at our new headquarters, 126 program. An love and sympath necessary to enable it to wage a success. Imperialists stationed in Shanghai, the lousness of the Stalinists can be stig.
evening is as tul struggle. As a result of a combina counter revolutionary Hourgeoisie has matised only as a despicable crime. We to be, was never known. That it was at P.
out in full force for this evening.
pressure of the bosses, police and labor with six other comrades.
fighters will condone such mendacious ADDRESS: 12 th Plenum of Chen Du Hsiu Arrested