BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

The Power Trust and the Elections Highlights at Gillespie the entra Illinois units.
Some Lessons of the Gillespie Convention to Open are Company SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE DICO and Interlocking itnerests, dominates the Eastern field. Three groups, the Morgans in the East, the banks which took over the Insull interests in the middle Without electricity modern capitalism fair ethics. have a volce, but the rami Shoals was an early test of strength and West and one in the West are utilizing Observations at the Convention of the Illinois Miners would not be writing history in its pre tications of the holding companies, of the monopolist won. The urban and the depression for further domination of sent form. Modern capitalisin rests upon separte classes of bonds, prevent all this. rural middle class are reorganizing for a the electric power SPRINGFIELD, ILL. In Montana the Power Trust and the erful district of the of the economic relations which have been acceIt is well known that the great mass of fight in the present campaign. The four The report give here is based upon present bitter conditions and low wages, lerated, and the exploitation heightened unfortunato and discontenteda in great power projects under way in one Anaconda Copper Company struggle for an incomplete convention. was in and so low that after working a week, the by the use and control of electric power. restors are disfranchized and have no degree or the other in the United States power. The two control the state.
Electric power grips the entire modern voice in the actual business. But these are vital for the capitalists and the in. Wheeler, who had the backing of Ana around the convention from Monday miners in order to reach an existence industrial structure. The electrification investors need not worry. Norman anciers; the industrialists and the middle conda, made a herole middle class fight until Thursday afternoon, and even standard, must appeal to the Red Cross of the capitalist tools of production has Thomas of the Socialist party has come class are endeavoring to obtain not been completed and will not be comto their rescue. Norris and Roosevelt sectional interests now. Muscle Shoals, ples can be multiplied manitold. Many believe the next two days would not termined opposition of all non working class elements such as the petty business pleted under capitalism, but in America are doing their share. So, all in all, the Hoover Dam, the St. Lawrence dam prominent politicians, national committee basically alter my report.
The Constitutional Convention of the men, Scherer reported 24. 000 members there are still prospects for forward the middle class is. well protected and the Columbia River dam will lay the men and state officials are officers of steps in this line by the capitalist class while the monopolists move forward. Basis for a vast electrification. It who Power Companies. The reformers object Progressive Miners of America was called behind the West Virginia Miers Union The control of power becomes a burn: been of service to the middle class in concentration of wealth.
That is the private capitalist ownership is alright visional convention. The events that trolitically the movement there has we weerlo imperialist rationis. nadome spite of the public sentiment and the reason the forces are again testing their providing these same robbers keep out preceded these meets are well known rerehad come helistest of labor marts between nations but also be. ment with the operators for a slash from Scherer is a candidate for sheriff on the tween sections of the capitalist class ests.
control gained now will go a long way The Power Trust, the holding compan 90. 10 to a day in the basie wage rate, Labor Party ticket in one of the coal within the nation. The control of elec The Power Projects for future domination.
ies, the monopolists and financiers have the referendum and Lewis insolent mining counties of West Virginia trie power, like other important capitalist The Insull Collapse their sectional class interest, just like stealing of the miners ballots marked The Power Trust told Washington what industries has evolved and now confronts the industrialists, who need a large sup overwhelmingly with No and his amaz puse. The instinct of national and inHis speech was saluted with great apthe ikople as the ower Trust. It is to loand orders are orders. But in Insull is down but not out of the race. ply of cheap power. They have their ing nerve in stating that the miners supernational solidarity, choked to hardly an octopus of modern capitalism, more spite of this the Power Trust is a good Years ago the Senate investigation proved objections to the monopolist prices aported his Wage cut. Then came the gis glowing embers by a halt decade of seppowerful in control of life than many campulgn issue and will be used as such, that Samuel Insull was a campaign con well as the midde class, urban and rural, antie wild cat movement, the march upon arute agreements and Lewisim general other cupitalist trusts and more menac Roosevelt pulled a fast one on Hoovertributor to the Republican and Demoer who by all means want cheap power Taylorville and the forcing of the operly has been fanned into a blaze by the ing to the people ay those out orl over the discussion of the St. Lawrence tie parties in the Illinois fight for and the mass of consumers who can be ators and state out of the pits. Then present struggle. The miners eyes glow.
project. The St. Lawrence project for Senator. He gave the greater part of lined up to fight the trust. The Republi the epochal crusade on Franklin countyed with enthusiasm as they rose to give oltice to those in it.
navigation and power, is vital for a whole both campaign funds. Col. Smith acclenns represent this standpat Trust in of 35, 000 miners, the ambush and the Scherer a vote of thanks to pledge his The capitalist, private owned power section of the American capitalists all the dentally happened to be chairman of the terest. The Democrats and Roosevelt shattering of the army but not morale organization and the miners everywhere utilities are centralized into about a way over to Chicago and the two parties Minois Commerce Commission which re are not a bit better, but have their own ern and power combines are regulated by State brothers, the socialists, know this well a candidate.
dozen slantic holding companies. These of the capitalists and their reformer sulates utilities in the state as well as sectional class interests.
The progres. miners. The result of all this was a reUtilities Commissions, but like the Sher enough. Ile who serves his master on this sives and socialist are the champions of solve never to go back to the mines at Later a telegram from an organization man Anti Trust Act or the Interstate big waterway and power project will ob middle West, has transferred control ownership. Only the Communist party his last act of betrayal the miners were was received with the same sentiments.
The fall of the Insull interests in the the middle class. They want government a day and that Lewis had committed with a similar history, in Nova Scotia, Commerce Commission they are of notain his just rewart, because it value to the ople but only cloaks for rent value for American Imperialism in The prosecution of the Insulls will not class. The solution of the Power Trust militant union.
has directly to the other financial capitalists has a program suitable for the working going to form a rank and file controlled! The credentials committee then reportfurther concentration of Industries.
the coming period.
alter the process. The Morgan United like other Trusts is only possible through The crucially important conventioning 20. 000 men. The Central and North cil. There were 100 delegates representThe State Utilities Commissions have, without a doubt proven bankrupt lu safe of the Power Trust is great.
The economic and political organization Corporation, wtih assets above six hun. the proletarian revolution.
Muscle dred million, through stock ownership which was to lay the plans for the winern Illinois miners were represented by guarding rules for the consumers or pro HUGO OEHLER. ning of the strike, as the miners hoped, the old. MW. locals who had tecting the small fuvestors. No wonder and lay the foundation of the new union, the small investors, the middle class, was called for Monday October 3, 1932 changed affiliations as a group.
have their representatives In Congress at Gillespie. Aaniner upon arriving in Contrast this convention with a Lewis clamoring for revenge. No wonder they this little coal mining center would have convention! There the delegates on per want to make ower an issue in this seen the city bedecked with stars and diem and expenses, sleeping and dining election campaign. Continued from page 1) miners know that the coal operators in history of the coal miners of this coun Babbitt organization. The tlag was ev. ing expensive Havanas. Here rolling stripes as it for a convention of some in the finest hotels, riding Pullmas, smokal government commissions have conduct Belleville sections were getting impatient terests have always been diametricalls try, is a history of struggle against erywhere and over a main street was a Bull Durham, freighting, walking, hitchod several costly investigations of the and would so bitek to work under Lewis opposed to that of the miners. The whole the coal operators. Ilow can the coal sizn of WELCOME PROGRESSIVE Hiking, pressing into service trucks and Power Trust, and as in all other investiculess something was done. There is a operators be a friends of the miners un USERS OF AMERICA.
old Fords whose days from the junkgations abuses and startling informa doubt whether this was true and even ion when they are sitting on the back Two Conflicting Currents heap are numbered, eating in the relief tion have been mearthed but nothing. If this was true, lwy mass demonstrations, The Demonstration of of the miners. When men like Pearey absolutely nothing has been done about by mobilizing relief, by correct strategy and Picek get up in the councils of the The flags, believe, represented the kitchen and sleeping with miners famit, except as political cupltal for the outs and tactics these miners could have been Solidarity and advocate a policy of class crossing pint of two antagonistic curities and on floors. But here virility.
against the ins, and as middle class cam strengthened. At the same time it would collaboration as they have done they are rents: the outside forces including the power, staunchness, comradeship and after the splendid demonstration of bringing rotten pus over from the old operators who were united with the contrage, while there decadence. impotPalette Federal Trade Commission on the West Frankfort weetton out on strike Right wing of the convention (possibly once, cowardice, bureaucracy, and thugcurthod many abuses liable to criminal and the miners of Illinois could have been solidarity in the face of terror and starUniteil Mine Workers Union that was the latter were unconscious of this) and cery. To Be Continuel)
action. For example, watered stock or able to negotiate a much better ware Pation, the Progressive Miners union is inoculated and corrupted by the Lewise, who together wanted to psychologize the arbitrarily writing up the valuation scale. The yellow opportunism within writhing under the realization that they Farringtons and Walkers. The new un.
the past, and clean out from their midst and travelling in an opposite direction, tionist, anti radical, Ainerican union; the wage cut.
valent. This enabled the trust to increase this present wage cut.
The mass demonstration in Gillesple all those practices of the past.
the militant miners, Leftward bound, who the rate base. The books show a fair returu and normal rates but facts this experience and in the future they was estimated to be over 5, 000 strong and file miners must be trained to a unconsciously attempt to hide behind lesThe miners must learn a lesson from previous to the opening of the convention In order to accomplish this the rank in their first steps towards radicalism The drive for a school and headquarters prove (for the thousandth time) a trenust take more initiative in the affairs of Then, in executive and closed session on realization of the need of militant, class. ality, and mask their developing radi bola ein scele financiar fender We have Fictitious Capitalizations must continue a ceaseless struggle Dan McGill, of Springfield moved that work of the Left wing within the union. opinion and even themselves. fund needed. We have another week to The Federal Trade Commission found against the coal operators and their the 00 wage scale be accepted. The There is a large sentiment through the The parade of 3, 000 people, in which complete this drive and we are urging all the following fictitious capitalizations bosses because if this is not done then wage reduction was strongly supported state of Illinois for a Left wing program much in evidence were 750 members of of the comrades and sympathizers who American Gas and Electric more wage reductions become natural and by Joe Picek, of Benld, the reactionary and this sentiment must be crystallized the ladies auxiliary, was full of pep. are going to contribute to send in their 88, 192, 000 Inevitable in circumstances like the pre alustelte who even voted and spoke into an organization. There was a small The women with their cheering and sing contributions at once. Those who American Power and sent situation under the decaying system against the preamble adopted by his group of Left wingers in the convention ing gave all to know that the female of contributing now and are going to put Light 74, 000, 000 of capitalism. The object of the caplown local union, which embodied the and they raised their volces on many the species was as deadly as the male their names on the INTERNATIONAL Electric Power and talist system is to maintain profits. And demand for the full social value of labor. progressive matters pertaining to the at a fact which has been proven even on WORKERS SCHOOL sustaining fund Light Company 70, 103, 000 under the capitalist system the purpose this noted expert on economics from fairs of the new union. If the left wing the picket line. The Lewis machine ist, should send in their pledges now.
Miss, Electric Power and of the coal operators and their bosses 1s Brookwood voted for a minority report was organized their voices would have never aroused this dormant section of not to provide fuel but to make proits submitted by another pseudo exponent of been louder and the Progressive Miners the class. The youth are also conspicu. banquet and house warming party for Light 10, 000, 000 Next Saturday night we are holding a Buffalo Niagara and Lastern 53. 000. 000 to transport people and commodities, but equitable share. This is exactly the way mendously to cope with the every day parude was led by the democratic mayor the opening of the new headquarters and LA. Power and Light 10, 000, 000 to transport gold into the pockets of the that the pious William Green of the struggles. The task of the immediate of Gillespie, who is a coal miner and a ing weck our classes and forums will The inflntion of only those investigatea capitalists. Further the miners of Illin of and his good friend John Walker present must be the organization of the delegato showed padding running into billions of els have learned by the experiences in puts it. But militant untonists fight for Left wing within the union for purpose preacher delegate invoked the help start. The first lessons will be: dollars. This increased the consumers Franklin County, Taylorville. Canton and all that is due labor. This whining op or carrying out the strivings and pro of the celestial powers for the conven Monday, October 17th8 bill by millions. Monopoly prices are the other places that in order to maintain portunist and pious student of Brooktecting the interests of the rank and file tion at the rup of the gavel. While a The History of the American Communorder of the day.
their profits the capitalists are protected wood, according to his conduct seems to miners. JOSEPH ANGELO. majority or even a substantial minority ist Morement by Cannon, The present crisis has hit the Power by all the forces of the state, the courts, have ignored intentionally his duty as he of the miners are not as yet militant Trust too. The Tel Uthlity System has the legislatures, and aided by the church. voted against the mandates of his local materialists, many who were far above Primitive Society, by Weber THE MILITANT gone under. The Middle West Utilities. Only by a class conscious organization, unlon.
this application for heavenly succor Wednesday, October 19th P.
the Insull economic and political organ only be a united front of the coal miners Entered as second class mall matter arose and bowed their heads for the sake melon withe ramifications in 31 states, is against the united front of the boshes leaders are realizing it is not so easy New York, Under the act of would lend the movement. This has The miners are not satisfied and the November 28, 1928, at the Post Oflice at of the protective coloration that this Origin of the Third International by in the hands of receivers. They are still can the coal miners defeat the onslaughts to keep the confidence of the rank and Max Shachtman been explained above.
The consumers have no raice. The The miners must watch closely such strenuous effort to obtain a wage higher dile when they could have made a more, March 3, 1879.
Dialectic Materialism by Hugo Oehler Published weekly by the Communist Pearcey, temporary president of the trusts control part of the government and, men as Claude Pearesy and Joe Picek, than the Lewis Walker Wage scale. The League of America (Opposition)
with the other financiers and monopolists, who on the floor of the convention said coal operators have signed so as to an organization, gave a report on the month Friday, October 21st P.
at 84 East 10th St. term in office since the provisional conOpen Forum of the Branch of control the whole government. The mid that, their winter contracts and next year they EDITORIAL BOARD vention. Ile raised the point of suing the Left Opposition dle class Investigations never complete the coal operators are good friends will demand another reduction. The Martin Abern James Cannon Franklin County for damage done the the rounds and in the long run help let of the Progresive Miners of America Progressive Miners of America led by Max Shachtman Maurice Spector persons and property of the miners dur Watch for anouncement off steam, while profits continue to roll and that they will help to build the militant leadership could have gained a Arne Swabeck ing the ambush that ended the first march Registration fee 00 per course.
in. The shareholders have less say so.
new union.
higher wage scale than what was ac Vol. No. 42 (Whole No. 138) on Franklin County. This is a plece of Weber, Administrator, 84 East 10th St. The shareholders should, according to After all these years of struggle the cepted. JACK AYRSHIRE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1932 Laith in the capitalist courts awe inspir. New York City.
www. sss he discussed the loss of spirit in Frank ing in its conviction. More important, most entirely in peasant households. The mendous significance for world economy in County which had remained at work Zinoviev Expelled exacting labor for their production goes that it is worth digressing into a short explainablo although Pearcey dil not almost totally uncharged, the peasant history of the cotton industry in general point this out to the white terror there (Continued from page 1)
relying on the small sum of money paid and not to the desire of the miners to the hierarchy, have been expelled with him for this extra commodity to make Cotton and Opium Study lu scab, if such it can be termed. the others. How critical must Stalin Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism Raw Silk in Foreign Trade Historie Materialis Pearcey also placed forward for disposition be at the present time if he is up for the losses sustained in farming.
Although known in ancient terms, cot cussion in connection with the southern obliged to resort to the expulsions even and the Development of the Proletariat Japan does not use her raw silk for ton was virtually discovered for Western Minois fields, the question whether sec of such abject capitulators as Zinovlev By Jack Weber manufacturing but exports 88 of it, by Europe by the East India Company in its tonalisin was springing up in the 11 and Kamenev! How critical the whole value, to the world richest market, the trade with the Orient. In the latter halt Inols mine fields. The answer was to situation must be, how pregnant with ter(Continued from last Issue) sumed by Industry, and finally they forta The reason for this lies in the pro of the 16th century the company bought be given later in a most unexpected man ritie, imminent consequences, when cren Present Status of Japanese Manufacturing 68. of the value of all exports. These tective tarift set up by the amount. Indian cotton piece goods for England ner. This about summarizes his report. Zinovlev and Kamenev dare to conduct In the Western sense of the term, figures do not include household producing 1930 to about 70 ad valorem) where a large market was created. Soon Jagged Course themselves in a manner which brings Japan, with all her speed of development, tlon which is extremely important. Thus, which acts to strangle Japan attempts the enterprising merchants decided to do There seems to be a jagged, uneven de about their expulsion. far from being advanced industriatly, is silk reeling, the most important Industry for restablished ska industry: Row to do their own manufacturing and they began velopment of the movement Sections But where is the party in all this? It still in the handicraft stage. Not more employs 305, 000 workers in 3, 500 flatures forms 10 of the value of all exports so to import raw cotton. Expert Hindu once noted for their militancy, like has not been informed, it has not discusand their families) depend for their live are, in addition, 62, 000 peasant house world economic crisis. Japan was placed lish workers their art. At the same time while regions once inert are full of vigor. a word, it has not acted like an indethan 10 of her population (workers 20 of all factory workers) but there thartaw. bcam Chantes perto ape way tila to weavers were curaged to teach the Eng Franklin County, have become passive, sed the question, it has not decided in lihood on the factory system. Small holds engaged in reeling raw silk. in an extremely precarious position, the cotton seed were carried to the new col. The reasons for this will be discussed pendent proletarian party. And for cause!
scale industry is still the rule with highThe Contract System burden falling most heavily on workers ony in Virginia (1650) and shortly this later. An important task will be to re. There is no such party in the Soviet Uner factories the exception. In 1928 the Just as in England before the indus. and peasants.
colony became a more important source strain those champing at the bit, and on the Stalinist bureaucracy has delargest number of factories (29, 116) em trial revolution, contracting is resorted The Cotton Industry of supply than India.
the urging of those behind forward for moralized, disoriented, strangled and ployed only from to workers: 2, 283 to on a vast scale hy wholesaler and At the present time the competition Mercantilism and Money the grand united counter blow. The eve crushed it! Only the disconnected and factories employed from 100 to 500 jobber. Almost every farm household for the cotton piece goods markets among The early stages of capitalism were ning out of this unevenness by raising seattered component parts of Lenin whereas only 537 factories onployed 500 does some weaving as a necessary ad. the exporting countries is at the very marked by a shortage of the money the backward clements up, will be a con party are still in existence. These parts Workers and over. Three industries junct to the farm tabor. The women, forefront of the Imperialist struggles on medium which was in great demand. dition for a victory of the counter of must be welded together again, and that have passed entirelyeberated the factories for this work at sweatshop piece rates. staple in great demand in densely popu tilist theory of a favorable balance of sing ones will drag, hinder and defeat and its banner bearers, the Lett Opposior establishments employing more than Women earn about 30c per day. 50c it lated lands with little industrial develop trade, the exports to be greater than the the more advanced.
500 workers. These are cotton spinning 12 hours. This home sweatshop system ment. Design and quality are of little imports so that money would flow into al Greetings to the convention were given leading the October revolution into the (86. shipbuilding (91. and the pri applies to a large number of industries Importance in the largest markets (China, country rather than out. In its trade by the before described mayor of Gilles abyss. Only the resurgent party can mary metal Industries (73. the percent. they work steadily day (more than India) which buy the cheapest goods ob with the East, the India Company was pie. morement of this scope sweeps check his fatal course and steer the revages representing the number of work besides weaving of cotton or silk. Where tainable. The cost of labor is a vital under the constant necessity of shipping all varieties of individuals along, who olution back to solid terrain.
ers in the large establishments. the articles are complicated they go into part (more than 2) of the cost of the large sums of money out of England to become and have become the Right wing The Textile Industries a number of separate homes, final finished product, so that Japan, with its pay for its purchases of spices, cotton of the movement: job seeking ex Lewis Now more than ever before must The textiles industries form the line of asembling or Anishing being done by the lower paid workers, has a great advan goods, etc. This raised so loud an out. men who hasten to desert the sinking Lenin last counsel to the party be least resistance in Japanese development entrepreneur in a factory. Thus lantage over England and the in com cry from other English merchants that ship but still retain the ideas and tradi heeded. REMOVE STALIN! Restore the They require relatively inexpensive terns are made by different families, petitive markets. Thus England is in the company charter was twice with tions of Lewisism, and politicians and party to itself and to its rights and plants and light machinery, using little each one specializing in some part of the danger of being ousted from the Indian drawn and the export of silver coins was ward heelers of various sorts.
powers! Convene a democratically electpower. Above all they represent an in work market, particularly with the Hindus forbidden. The India merchants were While the credentials committee delled special congress of the party, with tensive exploitatinn of cheap labor. Nothing illustrates better the poverty boycotting British goods. Each year thus forced to cast about for some means berated, George Scherer, secretary of a genuine preliminary discussion, and Textiles engage 50 of the factory of Japanese agriculture than the willing from 1928 to 1920 Japan exported consi securing gold and silver elsewhere with the West Virginia Miners Union ad with the unhampered participation of workers; they represent some 45 of the ness of labor to keep alive so parasitle anderably more cotton tissues and yarns to which to finance their trade, particularly dressed the convention. The organiza Trotsky and the whole Left Oppositotal value of all manufactures; they Industry as the productlon of cocoons for British India than ald Great Britain. In cotton. China appeared to be a fabul. tion led by Keeney is typically Mustelte. tlon!
absorb 20 of the total capital invest the manufacture of raw silk. 81 of similarly, in these years Japan practical. ous source of wealth, with its accumula Scherer told the story of the West Vir The revolution is at a critical stage, ment in partnerships and stock compan the cost of producing raw silk is duely controlled the Chinese market. This tions of ages.
ginia miner s, of van Bittner (Lewis and time is precious. Bolshevik Leninies; they use 24 of the total power con to the cost of the cocoons, produced al has had far reachng results of such tre(To be continued)
tool) trall of wreckage in a once pow ists, forward.