BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismParis CommuneReform PartyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Letters from Militants wuru RightWing Wins at Gillespie the de PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1932 campaign. Who was the head of the or above all to work with the employers MILITANT SUB DRIVE ganization campaign? Abe Fine, who hand in hand against the interests of scabbed in the Binen shop when the the workers. This is the Fraternal workers were on strike. The adminis Club administration achievements Our Club Plan tration claims they organized 48 shops, since they are in power.
come to us with pretty stories The Strike of the On the other hand the rank and file WANTED 00 Organize so that you will be able to which doubt. The significant thing is vas in Pittsburgh: Enclosed you will set your minimum wage scule, so that that in not one of these shops the work carried on struggle against wage cuts, Comrade Hamilton of Chicago sent us tind for four subs for the miners.
Embroiderers you will have a forts hour week and that es gained any better conditions, with against reorganizations, readjustments, dollar with the following words: This The snuis were given by Nick Laperis. 1; you will get time and a half for overtime the exception that they will have to pay etc. The rank and file always fought being the notable day of the Fotimos 30: and a worker. 50 NEW YORKdues and taxes. We can imagine what for a militant policy in the union. convention in Gillespie, feel moved to Boy! It not going to be a snowball on Tuesday, October 4th at P. when there is work. STITCHER.
workers think of such unions. Let our Local us of the ILGWU called a general misleaders deny it.
Therefore every worker should vote a celebrate by sending you the sum of a rolling downhill, but an avalanche. Como strike of the industry Another thing we have an unemploy straight rank and file ticket and not dollar to put a couple of miners on the on. Who Next?
At the meeting in Bryant Hall, Me ment Insurance fund; for the last Ave let themselves be terorized by the Frat list as per your liberal offer in the cur MILITANT BUILDERS With our plan beginning to hit on all Grady of thu r of spoke to the strik: Elections in Pocketbook months not a cont was paid out to the ernal Club gangster Workers, be on rent Militant. regret that this contriworkers. The only one who is making a guard! Do not let yourself be misled bution is no larger but, as you have six cylinders we are now able for the ut thu houd of the strike and will lead Makers Union living from the fund is the faker, by the Fraternal Club fake progres no doubt heard, the spirit is what counts first time, to give a standing of the state.
Chietly am writing to express he us ou to victory. He told of bow Dr Hendlin, and his wife. He still gets wives or the society. They are anyway.
excel1. Vonvas wife 35. Realt mited for the purpose of defeating my extreme gratitication at the fought side by side with us in the strike NEW YORK 75 dollars a week and Chicago Friends of that was carried on by this local last Eight months ago the discredited Wal cently the trustees decided only workers the rank and file who fought and will lence of the material on the miners in the continue to light for a militant union current, special miners edition. Such the Militant Club March Insky shiplacoft gung with all kinds of who have books from 1932 will be en al for the interests of the workers, not the work justitles the claim of the Left op Hamilton what was the purpose of this strike? ruke promises during an election cam. titled to unemployment insurance, position to be the expression of the true Keep your eye on the Chicago Friends wid you hear in the strike ball talk of pain succoded again in fooling the though the majority of the trustees are interests of cliques and the bosses, Sarxian line, and should make every of the Militant Club. We ll tell you all in exploitation of the workers? Did workers and elected a majority of the the labor group. Which means that work Pocketbook workers! vote for the member of the o. enthusiastic all the about it in the next issue or so. Here wage Lucy Luik about the organizing of the administration in the Pocketbook Workers who are unemployed for a year or two rank and file is a vote against reorganization, in shops? Did they talk about the ers Union. The workers have paid they will be deprived of unemployment insurcuts, readjustments more for his affiliation with this group. the record by cities.
Now who will watch this spirit and Chicago sorty loue week which was promised to price and will pay if they do not defeat ance and who is to get unemployment against terror, nginst gunmen, and for donation so we can make up a complete Pittsburgh pleurekers Truly ago? No! There were the betrayers in the coming election that insurance. the clique, of course! The the union in the interests of the work club plan of four subs for two dollars How about it New York, Minneapolis, Words spoke about getting back will take place Saturday, October 15. unemployed workers should be deprived or vote a rank and file ticket. These who will send us another dollar for this Philadelphia and the other hives of Left pay from the bosses who broke their The present Fraternal Club admin and driven out from the industry all are the rank and file candidates for rose?
manager, II. Guffer: secretary treasurer, WANTED 00 Opposition activity? Are you going to dolcement on Sept by not giving their listration slogan during the campaign was, together.
take a licking lying down? Or are you vinproees, who were working below the first, a job to every worker; second, The Fraternal Club administration U. Kassman; business agent, Ch. Shap Who is going to give the snowball an going to stand up and fight?
umum wage scale, a ten per cent in they will bring back the out of town accomplishments are wage cuts, reorganiro; organizer, Mehlman; recording crease in wages. There were a few shops: third, a vigorous leadership is zation, readjustments, a reign of terror secretary, Lyons: chairman, Drev other push on its way? Who will send JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY ISSUE 19 two dollars to start four more subs As the Militant announces elsewhere spoke about time and a half that needed to deal with employers and negoto keep the workers in submission, and nowity. DAVIS.
rolling on their way to the mine fields? We have made a change in plan for the the the bosses were supposed to give work inte a new agreement wherely In New York we have seen a number of Jubilee Anniversary Issue. Instead of ers for overtime.
workers will get back the best condicomrades with their club plan blanks devoting the issue of November 12 to this The meeting was divided into three tions, which their predecessors gave to half filled out, looking for workers to celebration we are moving it up to the sectious, and sent to three different strike the employers without a struggle.
sign up in the blank spaces. They have issue of Norember and combining it halls. When we came to the ball that As soon as the Fraternal Club ad promised to report in a day or two. We with a celebration of the fifteenth anniwe were assigned to we were surprised, ministration took office the workers con. Contined from page 1)
rades of the Left Opposition proposed to dropped them a hint about the mine ficla versary of the October revolution.
to see our bosse there before us. Our Vineed themselves that not only did they that the convention was not made up the leaders of the official party, who sub idea and they rushed of hot foot.
We are going to put out an page issue.
leaders, Leon Habbot, Quickstein and not full one of their promises, but they of delegates at least a majority of whom were on the spot, a united front for the watch next week issue.
It will carry documeuts on the RusFleusel, then got up and told us that arought matters to a situation where were directly from the pits and knew Left wing program of militant unionism, GOOD NEWS xian revolution never before published in Just as the issue was ubout to be the English language. As previously anthe bosses will take place that evening in conditions beenme deplorable since they the question involved. Undoubtedly even including a fight against proposals to the majority of those 98 who voted for accept a wage cut retreat. The party closed the postman brought in some of nounced we expect to carry greetings from thu ilutel New Yorker, to come to an Now let us analyse and see what are the retreat were rank and file working leaders refused this offer. They thus the best news we have seen in a long comrade Trotsky and our brother sections agreement on the strike. Aleanwhile, we the achievements of the P. gang on miners. The convention was an affair bear the responsibility for the weaken time. Here it is, comrade Kuby of the We will also carry a page of greetings are to elect a committee from our shop the Fraternal Club administration in mainly observing the rules of working ing of the Left wing Chiengo Friends of the Militant Club re from our comrades, sympathizers, friends, to go to the hotel. After these small the ucketbook Workers Union for the class democracy. We enter that ic porting: At the last meeting of the and workers organizations. The premium To the Right or to the Left Which?
comunittes were clected from the various last cight months. The misleaders sign particularly felt the weight of a situation Friends of the Militant Club we collected we offered to the Militant Builder who shops a member of the executive board a treacherous agreement last June essentially created by the traitorous ac The new wion is now starting out the following sums: donations for the stands highest at that time, The Procame over to discuss with the coinmittee with the employers. They raved they tion of the Lowis Walker sell out. But with a handicap. Only fools would con Militant 50; for four new six month letarian Revolution in Russia by Lenin wat was to be taken up. The executive had a victory over the employers; only there were two aspects to the question tend that it cannot be overcome, or that us on the new club plan 2; one new and Trotsky still holds good. But as bound meinber hud a list of the workers hul were working in the shop and they once a year percent reorganization which intiuenced the convention decision, what is lost cannot be regained. But lx month sub at the old rate and one one week has been lopped off the time, will take ace instead of twice a year, deserving some special attention.
xix months renewal.
the success of this depends entirely up set busy. Use the blanks below for subs Cuiset the back dues. Each member of they claimed.
The Opportuists Favor Retreat And listen to this from comrade Vom and greetings on the course the new union will steer the slop owed from 00 to 15. 00. The What actually happened was this: in First of all, the opportunist clements in the future. so long as the LewisMILITANT BUILDERS CLUB PLAN BLANK wale to straighten out the lists and the agreement there is a clause that within the leadership, who glaringly Walker machine will be able to maintain Call us oiderers who are the most skilled only percent of reorganization will showed their timidity and lack of moral the remnants of the UMW intact and HALF YEAR SUB of 26 ISSUES for 50c in CLUBS of FOUR or MORE.
and the longest organized branch of the lake place once a year, but the rank and courage were essentially animated by bolstered up by the favors of the Lea THE MILITANT, 84 10th Street, New York City.
Enclosed find for which send the MILITANT for 26 weeks to the following: turners haven had a full weck since ile pointed out at the meeting that the fear of courting the displeasure of caps body company, so long will the new union arch. The workers were not asked employers will have a right of readjust italist society. Their cry was: We must be in a position of a rival union. There NAMES ADDRESSES CITY STATE wan they would or could pay up. The mort which is far more dangerous than not soll our hands with the Reds. The should but that very position be many You cannot spuca king direct to the true and Communist propaganda. sion to avold any sharpening of the Leftward direction. As far as the ob 60) get the workers back in your did not take long and the workers con struggle by any means. Their arguments Jective conditions are concerned such is. unless you pay their dues for them. gang to the meeting and terrorised the approach this question from the point of course is not decided by the objective convinced themselves. They also brought a showed clearly that they did not even undoubtedly the case, but the union. will leave it to you (bosses) as to workers. That how they put over the a temporary retreat compelled by a sit ditions aloneMuch depends upon the o to collect the money from your agreement.
uation over which they had no kers.
The Chuck Bag Company have thrown and to be overcome again by a renewed with all possible emphasis that Ally bosses paid the union as high out to or to workers from their shops and strengthened offensive under more gree to which the opportunist elements MILITANT BUILDER. Address. 10, that night and in the morn Mexik shoes have thrown out the same favorable conditions. No, their position are permited to hold sway in the leader City. State se workers reported back to work. amounts, and many other employers have was rather the one of admitting defeat whip to that degree the danger of a back Help Circulate a Marxian Paper for Class Conscious Workers do se deducted the money from the cone likewise Wages under the pre in advance for the sake of collaboration ward direction increases. sentiment,. ers ikiy. Some workers owed 18 went administration were reduced to about with the chemy at all costs, and to re as expressed by them today, for collau that week all they earned was 18 fifty percent. The 40 hour week which main respectable in his estimation.
boration with the operators rather than vine bosses kept the whole day. Other was so vital to introduce in the procketstruggle will tomorrow become a senti Such was the essential character of ment for rapprochement and collaborases were kinder, they deducted only look industry in order to relieve somene third of the amount due the union what the employment situation was ricek, Ilumphries and others.
the position taken by Pearey, Keck Jones, tion with the Lewis Walker clique as By this well. will deduct the rest in the following kiven mp without a fight.
After the Paris Commune, 1905.
they were marking out further their The Fraternal Club administration Rightward course. They were speaking the miners must watch themselves on days and finally November 7, the vieward the policies of the League cono weeks.
Af Marxian criticism of their opportunist It is in this respect particularly that ter 1903, 1917, the March days, the July policies and blunders. It has put for.
water. Not many union officials have of town shops and give every workerenced in conducting its own union, and chosen. With a militant union leader peasants, under the leadership of the of Marxism that pass for policies and This was a fake strike of the first have promised to bring back the out to a young movement, as yet inexpert the road of retreat which they have tory of the workers supported by the cretely in opposition to the caricature the workers so wels hoodwinked that they sub. These promises they kept or more the false position carried its weight in ship. one step backward, which some Bolsheviks at whose head stood Lenin programs in the Stalinted Comintern tocan do a thing like that without being or less. The workers in New York un influencing the decision for retreat times may become unavoidable, will mean and Trotsky.
Straid. This was a united front of the der the present administration work as There should be little doubt, however, only preparation to gain two steps forday.
union orlicials and the bosses to make the cheap as the out of town workers do that the mingrs in general will look wars later. Given this condition workell the war, the blockade, famine. But the niversary of the appearance of the MILIntervention, counter revolution, civil November 15 will be the fourth anworkers have not worked one single day they give jobs to their own clique, but turn their attentio toward speedy pre able to perform its duty. But a militant the policies of Bolshevism hammered out canter, the fifteenth anniversary of the their first week or so back on the job. or two.
what has been lost.
Most of the workers could ill afford to In New York there are about 200 nonwhich will inevitably But there was another factor of at low from this retreat will help the ran through to a second victory against the What more fitting than a joint celebra. have sums deducted from their pay. union shops in the pocketbook industry.
Workers, you must organize yourselves. The rank and file always demanded an at home.
so that things like this should not be organization campaign in order to organ in the decision. It was expressed in the tions.
November issue, which falls closest The dark days of Lenin sickness, the to the November, as a joint anniversary repeated. We must have a real union in the open shops, which undermine the numerical weakness of the Left wing.
mole. like work of the disloyal Stalin in number of the fifteenth anniversary of the that is willing to fight for our demands conditions of the workers; but it always Those among the delegates in agreement gathering into his hands the apparatus of Itussian Revolution and as the fourth and not one that will unite with the fell on deat ears. Finally the Joint with the position we have advocated, the party, the campaign against Trotsky. year of the Milltant.
bosses, get drunk with them and then Council decided to start an organization had to make the fight alone. The comShachtman in Boston finally the birth of the Opposition.
The fight for the policies of Leniu print historie documents of the Russian It will be an page issue. We will and vicinity by Max Sirachtian, editor Rights. The ultra Left zig zag. the cap English language. The feste will carry Two lectures will be delivered in Boston against the revisionism of Stalin and the Revolution never before published in the of the Militant, under the auspices of itulations, the banner of the Left Opposi(Continued from page deceive anybody for if it is correct for Communists, the social democrats and the Boston branch of the Communist ton carried into the prison camps, into other appropriate material on the two great events.
exile throughout the Comintern, objective. It is definitely circumscribed that city there should be no particular the trade unions to defent that menace. League of America (Opposition. The In the United States a handful of The back page will be age of greetby the limits of the existing capitalist reason for its being wrong elsewhere. united front in this country for the first lecture on Communism or Fascism capitalist state. It cumot step beyond a Icading editorial, in addition to waxes is vital necessity. ited from that country, will be heard at Otisficia Opposition. They founded the Commun want to greet the Militant make use society and contorns to the rules of the In the Workers Age of September 21, struggle for freedom of political prison Germany analyzing all the factors comrades, three generuts without an hes from comrades, sympathiers, friends, organizations. It you chese limits because that would lead to ing extremely indignant at the main bow for the Communist forces, the theoretnost Ilalti. corner of blue lhe ate, and sotish ist League of America (Opposition. They are the bank below. The rate for single to revolutionary conclusions, which is City Hall, gives precisely such advice. tle for the immediate needs of the un tela Street, Roxbury, Mass. on Fridny, Issued the Militant as the clarion of the names is 25 cents. The rate for a onesomething the social reformists would to make sure of no misinterpretation, employed would be entirely correct, and October 21, 1952, P. Admission to ideas of Marxism Leninism against the Inch one column wide greeting is for American and International Stalinist re a twoinch, one column wide greeting never rmit. The logic of the class we quote directly from this editorial: help to put the social reformists as well the hall will be fifteen cents.
struggle, however, presses inexorably be The job of the labor movement in this as the reactionary leaders of the trade The second lecture, on the same topic. The publication of The Militant is al kreeting 00. The rate for two column 81. 73; for five inch, one column wide yond these hoitations and the social re ituation is clear: to unite all its forces unions to the test on their professed claim will be held in Lynn, Alass. 235 Summer formists, fearing the revolutionary con and all its organizations in support of aof favoring actual relief measures from Street. Admission to the Lynn meeting direct continuation of the fight for Bol widths is double the other rutes.
clusions, betray the interests of the work UNITED LABOR TICKET (emphasis in capitalist society. But political elections is free to all, and a silver collection will hovism. It is an extension of the Bol This issue marks a significant day in shevik October. It flouts the banner of the history of the Longue. It should be ing class and give up even the struggle original. standing foursquare for the in are an entirely different matter. None be taken to defray the expenses.
for reforms.
terests of labor and determined and able of these issues is decided by elections, All workers interested in the burning the great traditions of revolutionary in distributed and sold widely. We want What is the Right Wing Position? to make a clean sweep of the whole dirty They are decided only by actual strug problems created by the German situation ternationalism.
our comrades and friends to help us in gle.
today are cordially invited to attend.
For four years It has raised its voice, this sale by ordering bunles now, in The revolutionary polley, on the other mess.
hand, does not at all reject the strug. Which labor movement is here refer Where is the common point of interest loudly and consistently for these ideas. avance. The rate is three cents a copy.
It has sung the Stalinist leadership of Orders must be acompanied by remit gle for necessary reforms. On the con red to? Perhaps the trade unions are between the two parties in an election? LITERATURE FOR THE INTERtrary, considering reforms as hy pro taken into account. Be that as it may. To propagandize and to rally the workers NATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL the party and the Comintern with its tance in full. Use this blank: ducts of the revolutionary struggle, it there need be no doubt that the editorial for the attainment of reforms or for the The reading matter required and sug THE MILITANT takes the every day cols of the work aims at the Socialist party and the. Com working class revolutionary objectives? gested for the courses offered by the In S4 EAST 10th STREET, NEW YORK, ing class as the basis of its immediate munist party as both are mentioned in to win expression of support for the ternational Workers School can be had demands. But it sets for itself the obthis connectionunited clection ticket candidate roicing the reformist program from Pioneer Publishers. List jective of change in the class relation of the reformist party and the revolution or for the candidate voicing the aspira prices will be supplied on request Enclosed find. for which please enter my greeting in the Jubilee ships, the objective of replacing the capary party. Only from a politically detons of the revolutionary program? To Anniversary issue, November 12, 1932.
italist power with the working class senerated group could such a proposal educate the working class in an election ly, but to out of town students as well power, the objective of revolntion. Only emanate, despite its attempt at still cov. campaign, to obtain reforms under capi The school is preparing correspondence Name Address when this is made clear in political clee ering itself with name of the Comtalism or to educate to the concept of the courses. The necessary texts will be tions by the revolutionary party, will it munists.
struggle for power? Obviously there can indicated in the outlines and most pro City State fully perform its duty and only on that United Front or a Reformist Sham! be no point of common interest between bably will be unavailable in smaller cities basis can it fully justify its participation mental pon and emphasled the necesand towns. This is where we come in.
in them.
Among the brethren of the various reFor some time now we have been sup where thousands of workers congregate and Communists to refuse to be provoked and circulate in and about Union Square, It should follow from this, that the Nity of a working class united front for tormist stripes there would be no obstiplying the Communist Manifesto and daily. try to incite to riots by picking, by such provocateurs and clear away We warn all class conscious workers Communist party in a political election specific and limited objectives of strug. cles in the road to is also duty bond to appear before the cle. We have important historical ex. Their objectives in essence coincide. The sts in the field. We are making these gradually took the discussion into a give an excuse to the police to interother Marsian works to our propagand first on the issue of Trotskyism and from them. We must not by any means working class directly under its own riences of working class unity of ac. Lovestone group should therefore have works staple items in our stock.
er, planted solidly upon a revolution in the sense of revolutionary and confined its proposal to that camp where physical fight.
fere and attack workers in the Square.
Cry platform. With this, the Right reformist organizations or parties joining they could find full harmony. Their Last Saturday night one of our com Instead, we must unite our forces, expose In Lovesi one grond is in total disorees to attain specific and limited alma group would only complete the circle rades was attacked and mauled about the capitalist tools, who try to bring Aroment. True to its opportunist posi upon which members of both were in that is, with the exception of the work ATTACK IN UNION SQUARE by a bunch of such hoodlums, and only abont confusion amongst the masses by the interference of some workers who plcking on Trotskyism. and strengthen poses a united Inbor tickets for pro accord and which were of general intercers within it who still see the revolu NEW YORK.
tion in every respect, this group the Newest to the broad mass movement. The lonary objectives, who will separato It has been brought to my attention happened to be around prevented a more, our forces thereby to be able to fight more York mayoralty elections. The fact that threatening Fascist menace in Germany from it and march with the revolution that certain dubious characters, who serious clash. Sunday, one of our sym efficiently against the whole capitalist it is advocated for New York should not still demands the united front of the ary sections. A, pose as members of the Communist party pathiers was threatened.
system. Double Anniversary United Labor or Communist Ticket?
and lectio