BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyJohn DeweyLeninLiberalismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Letters from Militants The Parties in the Elections a summer PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1932 MILITANT SUB DRIVE Our Club Plan (Continued from page 1) the field as the progressive opposition.
University of Chicago. Among the vice That is the meaning of Douglas state All Eyes On Free Speech Struggle chairmen are John Dewey, chairman of ments that: think tha we can get more WE RE OFF.
sent. Suppose you don know any. Just the Leage for Independent Political Ac out of the election of Hoover with a comrade from Chicago who modestly send in the blank with two dollars and Davenport in Chicago tion; Morris Cohen, professor of philos big vote for Thomas, than out of the signs himself, has sent in the we will send the Milltant for twenty six ophy in City College, New York; Oswald election of Roosevelt with a small vote first club of four subs. One Militantisses to four workers. Be sure to put DAVENPORT, IOWA CHICAGO, ILLFor all Oppositionists and Communista new wave of terror has been inaugur Garrison Villard, editor of the Nation :l for Thomas and: We won get LAD Builder does not make a successful cam down your name as you are Militant in general, who are interested in theated in Chicago by the red squad of that and His Grace, Bishop Francis Mel eral Conservative line up till we smash paign any more than one swallow makes Builder in this case as well as in the Connell. There are others. They are of the Democratic party.
But this is only the first others.
dispute between the Left Opposition and aty, lu uu uttempt to place a ban upon the same stripe.
Because of their confusion, of their green shoot showing its head above That is what we want to do for the Stalinism, the humble city of Davenport, tree speech, which the working class The organization of the Committee from lack of a clear political program on a ground. Watch the oak tree grow! miners in Illinois. Out there they have standing on the lowe side of the Miss Wrested from the iron grip of capitalism issippi River, will become a point of at utter many years of struggle and sacritice the point of view of the socialist party class basis, these people are brought to Don only watch. Go out among your been battling the coal operators and traction between the hours of to 11 It is signincant that the attack comes meaning of this combination from the and to lend objective support to the re and fill up a few club plan blanks your. Many of the miners are on the verge last April is easy to understand. But what is the pass in which they are forced to desire friends, our sympathizers and Worker Lewis and company since on Friday, Sept. 30. In those few in the heart of the election campaign, point of view of the committee? It does action they ostensibly set out to figth. self. That the way to increase the of starvation. They certainly cannot atford to subscribe. But they want to read has been unheard of since the occasion party has increased and when the initia not stand for socialism or the soetal dem To be sure we hold no brlet for the circulation of our paper.
ocracy. It has issued no statement en donkey any more than we do for the THE CLUB PLAN the Militant. And we cannot afford to for such an event was created in 1927ence of the party extends and grows with dorsing the socialist party platform. It elephant or the socialist party.
All three some comrades seem a little unclear glve the paper away free. If we were by the expulsion of the Left Opposition. tremendous rapidity.
is not an auxiliary of the socialist party are the handmaidens of capitalism. Each on exactly what the club plan is. The able to we should place a copy of cach For the first time sluce the expulsion of North Ave. and Fairfield St. has for it is not subject to it politically or idco party plays its role in the class struggle club plan is a scheme to offer workers Issue in the hands of every miner in the Opposition, has the Opposition suc some ten years been a gathering pluce logically.
The reactionary nature of the Loover a fifty percent reduction in the price of Illinois and every worker in the country.
ceeded in goading the official leadership for the workers of the northwest section On the contrary it 18 opposed to so Republican line is now clearly establish a half year sub in clubs of four or more So, if you want to help the miner of the party into debating us, and over of Chicago hear the propaganda of cialism. Sitting in oNrman Thomas office ed for large sections of the masses and the regular price for a half year sub of reach class consciousness: if you want the most basic and fundamental principle the numerous workers parties. It is on September 23, Paul Douglas issued a the petty bourgeoisie. The equally re twenty six weekly issues is In clubs to advance the cause of communism. it diference, to wit over the theory of this corner that is the tirst to be attacked. statement to the press, in which the New actionary role of the Democratic remains of four or more at one time it is. 00 per you want to spread the ideas of the left socialist in one country.
The leadership of the Communist party York Times reported him as frankly to be established on a national scale. The sub.
For five years the Left Opposition has has unconsciously paved the way for the conceding his doubts of the ultimate victreacherous nature of the socialist party Look at the blank below. It provides opposition set subs for the miners!
for four names. You can approach THE JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY ISSUE thundered a challenge to the Stalinista, recent assault by the police or three tory of socialism in the United States. leadership must also be established.
Esewhere in this issue we explain the the party ranks and the working class. disturbing and breaking up of telebert does not see it in the socialist party. munist organ the story of this unprinci. sub. Ask him for only nety cents. Do significance and the details of the Jubilee openly to debate our differences before years the party bus pursued policy of the committee is for a third party but From every stroet corner, in every Com worker and sign him up for a half year and vor ve years have the Stalintats recetines on the corner. This developed a large vote for Thomas and Maurer plod combination of the socialist party not send in the sub yet. Wait until you Anniversary Issue. Here we want to new with the Left petty bourgeois into fill up the blank with the names of three announce that to the comrades who sends fused. Everywhere this challenge was a state of almost irreconcilable antagon will consolidate sentiment for a gentsia must be told and retold.
other workers. You should now have 2, in the largest number of club plan subs thrown into the teeth of Stalinism in ists between the individual parties who partyWhat is the game this band of con. T, STAMM for the four subs. Send it in together between now and the Anniversary Issue the capitals of Europe and the great bud access to the corner. Much energy wtih the filled out, club plan blank. You we will give the only copy we have on metropolises of the world and when the which the party should have exerted infused intellectuals is playing? It wants are now a Militant Bullder.
hand of a rare work The Proletarian challenge was Anally accepted, it had to its attack upon the bourgeoisle, was ex to cajole a few reforms from the Hoovers.
Tour for Unser Kamf Now see how flexible the idea is, to Revolution in Russia by Lenin and Trotbe accepted in Davenport, of all places. pended in antagonizlug the rank and fillo said Douglas in the same statement: of other organizations, much to the pleas large vote for Thomas and Maurer.
how many uses it can be put. Suppose sky. It is out of print. Money cannot Which shows, of course, that in Daven ure of the leaders of those groups and will throw such scare into the old This Thursday, Oct. 6, comrades Sylvia one of the workers you approach is al buy it from those comrades fortunato port the party has not as yet been com the stupendous satisfaction of the parties that no matter which one wins Bleeker and Morris Lewit set forth on little better off than others. Suppose enough to own a copy.
in this respect; and which further proves Chicago police. The police saw in the they will make some concessions. That an extensive tour that will take them he can afford to pay a dollar for the sub. Here is something to work for. It that the district office will have to send attack of the upon the Proletarian is the extent of their progressiveness and as far West as Minneapolis. The purpose Explain the club plan to him and ask you want it, get busy! it is sure to of the tour is to lay a firm foundation for him to subscribe at the old rate. Write stir to life a comrade or two in Minnenmany a bureaucrat to Davenport in or party, the ww, the LP, etc. liberalism!
The his name down on the blank for a fifty polis, whose past performances proclaim uer to rectify the most disgraceful ac the division of the working class which. But these people are also alarmed at our Jewish organ, Unser Kami.
Luon of one party faction debating the Is No essential to the bones if they are the indicated success of the Democrats method the comrades will employ in scent, club plan sub. And enter the name them to be formidable opponents. Another party faction over a principle dit. be successful in their struggle against in capturing the progressive and HD tablishing this firm foundation will be of a worker who cannot afford even fifty other high batting, sub getter la qually the whole agenda of world revolution 18. in driving all other working class wins the election as a progressive, they such clubs exist now. Where Unser Kamt Now suppose you catch a subscriber this bood, a denizen of Chicago, comrade arranged by the stand taken on this die groups from the corner and monopolis themselves will have no leg to stand on Clubs are already established, comrades who has had a run of work of four or Sacharow. Bt they will have to step Terence. But for the present, as long asing it for themselves was short lived. as progressives. But If Hoover gets in Lewit and Bleeker will see to it that five weeks and can afford a donation of fast and keep it because with the club we district oflice remains in blissful The police chose an opportune moment this will be a repudiation of Roosevelt they are placed on an even firmer founda say, two dollars. Ask lulm for the money plan idea catching on it a fight to the liberalism and will have them alone in tion.
and enter the names of four workers who finish.
suorance of the approaching debute, bear for the attack.
The first stop on the comrades itiner want the Militant but cannot afford to They re off with II. away to a clean The being harrassed by the mind that on Friday, Sept. 30, Jack speak, od many of the militants. The Aght in ary will be New Haven. Then in the or subscribe.
start. If someone going to head him into wilson, the party section organizer of whenever they attempted to the home stretch and across the tape, or wavenport will debate comrade George very cravenly approached the police for itself was lose stubborn than the two der named will come Boston, Montreal, SURS FOR THE MINERS working Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Cleveland, Now suppose you do not know four is he going to win in a walk? Watch Lacun, newly recruited into the Leftprotection. The meeting began; preodeing ones. The Chicago Youngstown, Detroit, Grand Rapids, workers to whom you want the Militant next week issue. clave suffered a defeat.
IN ONE COUNTRY OR WORLD the police rushed to the assistance of Here we have a splendid opportunity Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis. Des MILITANT BUILDERS CLUB PLAN BLANK KEVOLUTION. An elaborate agree the and smashed the heads of for a united front issue with all the Moines, Kansas City, St. Louis, Pitts.
ment as to arrangements and procedure many worker Communiste.
workers parties in Chicago for the Right burgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Trenton 1 HALF YEAR SUB of 26 ISSUES for 50c in CLUBS of FOUR or MORE.
has been drawn up and signed by com protest meeting was arranged for of Free Speech. This, however, was and Newark. The tour is to last two THE MILITANT, 84 10th Street, New York City rades Sekoy and Perron for the party and the following Saturday and the meet made almost completely impossible by months.
Enclosed find for which send the MILITANT for 26 weeks to the following: As can be seen this is to be quite an apun and Brady for the Left Opposting met with a similar fate. The police the activity of the Communist party hith spared no one.
NAMES Not even the old mil. erto (le, their breaking up of open extensive trip. The undertaking at the ADDRESSES CITY Lion.
STATE Condition of the Party tant, comrade Holman, was spared. air meetings of other organizations. present time is of tremendous significnumber of comrades were sent to the united front can be made between the ance. At no time in the brief history of The party in Davenport and vicinity 18 hospital for treatment. The party launch party and other organizations only up our movement has the needs of a Left in a most deplorable condition. If one ed a splendid fight for the corner which on the conditions that the party repudi Opposition organ in the Jewish tongue desires to study the evil effects of the continued for almost 40 minutes after ates its former position toward the other been of such singular importance as Stalinist regime, he should choose the which they were forced to retreat. working class organizations in regards to now.
weak sections for his study. For in the third meeting was called for Sat. open air meetings. It onn be accomplish. The future success of Unser Kamf rests same way as all of the contradictions of Sept. 17 on the samo corner, P. ed only if the party condemns its former to a large extent on the results of the the capitalist systein are most easily die found the four corners Iined with peopolicies, recognizes its mistakes in this tour now undertakon. It is up to the MIILITANT BUILDER. Address cerood in the weak links of the system: ple, nothing short 34, 000. The police regard and pledges to conduct strug comrades members and sympathizers City.
State So also do all of the contradictions of too wero very well represented. The ble for the freedom of speech for all of the various cities that comrades Help Circulate a Marxian Paper for Class Conscious Workers Stalinism reveal themseves most boldly roof tops had a scattering of the blue working class organizations; only upon Bleeker and Lewitt will visit to make of in the weak links. Open party activity, coats who leveled guns at the crowd. the condition that the guarantees this tour a tremendous success.
such as open air meetings and demonstra. On the corner a member to discontinue its hitherto atrocious and tions extremely sectarian; and the ideol formed around her consisting of Plobe other working class groups. In this the New Headquarters Banquet ogical level of the membership frightfully eers, youth members, and some party would also be compelled to recog The drive for the International Workbackward with no attempts to raise this members of the Spartacus Youth Club. nize the correctness of the Left Opposi ers School has taken another step for level. Naturally therefore the party and How the people managed to leave that tion on this question.
its auxiliaries are a very negligible fact corner so rapidly is still puzzling in my The Left Opposition will continue to quarters at 126 East 16th Street, just of ward when we engaged the school head.
or in the class struggle the backward: mind. The police came, the speaker fight, as it always has, side by side with Irving Place. We will open the new ness of the membership is so appalling walked away without resisting and again the Communist party for the right of school headquarters on the 15th, and be that the party member is hardly to be we were lost.
the party to present its position to the tween now and then we will have a crew distinguished from the ordinary worker Some twenty minutes later a battle working class on the street corners and remodeling the place. We are arranging us far as theoretical knowledge goes. ragod of Communists and workers against elsewhere. And in this struggle we will for an oflice, class rooms and form. Last But of course this condition is by no the police. Shots were fired (into the raise our voices for a united front, for sear we were forced to engage outside means to be blamed on the rank and file, air. the crowd was panicky and retreat freedom of speech, and against police halls for classes and forums. This locabut on the contrary must be attributed a sweeping all the militants with them. brutality, tion will enable us to centralize all of to the leadership which, being politically This was the end of the organized bat Chicago, Sept. 21, 1932.
of our activity for the coming season, impotent, can only maintain its position tle. Thereafter the police secretly arrest NATHAN GOULD. untli we outgrow the place. The new as long as widespread ignorance prevails.
school headquarters means we are takTo mention only two instances from among the many which show the result STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. sages, and other security holders owning ing another step forward.
MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC. or holding per cent or more of total can do your part. We must obtain a Will you help us in this activity. You of the above mentioned condition. 1)
REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CON. amount of bonds, mortgages, or other fund of 300. 00 for Communista hitching themselves GRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912.
securities are: None.
the International plow and plowing up charity land, later Workers School and the new headquar.
OF THE MILITANT published weekly selling pictures of this scene. 2) Party at New York, for October 1, 1932. giving the names of the owners, stock plans will not be realized. We urge you That the two paragraphs above, tors. It we do not obtain this fundour members in Muscatine participating in a industry, refusing County of New York State of New York strike in the 69 holders, and security holders, if any, to send in your contributions at once.
to admit out of town Communiste contain not only list of stockholders Enrollment for the classes is now in pro Before me, a notary public in and for and security holders as they eppear upon gress. Send in your enrollment to speak to and organize the strikers, the State and county aforesaid, person the books of the company but also, in Weber, or come down to the office description of the local situation ally appeared Thomas Stamm, who have cases where the stockholder or security 84 Enst 10th Street.
would not be complete without a deling been duly sworn according to law. holder appears upon the books of the We are planning an opening affair for scription of the section organizer, Jack deposes and says that he is the Business company as trustee or in any other the new hendquarters. On Saturday, Wilson. To begin with, his social status Manager of THIS MILITANT and that Aduciary relation, the names of the per October the 15th, we will have a house cumstances. This individual is the acme ledge and belief, a true statement of the is acting is given: also that the said two cellent food prepared by the Greek com wardice, stupidity, rudeness and disloy paper, the circulation, etc. of the afore. ing affidant full knowledge and belief as follow. Watch for further anouncement Y alty. When shown a draft leaflet to ad said publication for the date shown in to the circumstances and conditions unvertize the debate, a sub heading of which the above caption, required by the Act der which stockholders and security read Can Socialism be completed in one of August 4, 1912, embodied in section holders who do not appear upon the THE MILITANT country in the Soviet Union he out 411, ostal Laws and Regulations, print books of the company as trustees, hola November 28, 1928, at the post office at Entered as second class mail matter Stalinda Stalin by demanding that the ed on the reverse of this form, to wit: stock and securities in a capacity other New York, Under the act of phrase In the Soviet Union be stricken That the names and addresses of than that of a bona fide owner; and this March 3, 1870.
out, which task of striking out the Op the publisher, editor, managing editor, affiant has no reason to believe that any positionists performed with great alacr and business managers are: other person, association, or corporation Published weekly by the Communist ity.
Publisher: The Communist League of has any interest direct or indirect in League of America (Opposition)
Americk (Opposition) New York, the said stock, bonds, or other securities at 84 East 10th St.
All through the Middle West the bu Editor: Max Shachtman EDITORIAL BOARD than as so stated by him.
reaucratic regime has wrought havoc in Business Manager: Thomas Stamm Martin Abern James Cannon the Communist ranks. The most intel Post Office Address: 84 East 10th St. Max shachtman Maurice Spector THOMAS STAMM, Business Manager 192 Pages ligent workers were either driven out or New York, Arne Swabeck left the party in disgust at the bureau That the owner is. If owned by a thts 4th of October 1982.
Sworn to and subscribed before me Vol. V, No. 10. Whole No. 136)
CLOTH 65 cratie tactics. Paul Cline, the previous corporation, name and address must SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1932 o. of that district (West of Musca be stated and also immediately thereun. KEEFE, Notary Public Subscription rate: 00 per year, For PIONEER PAPER 35 CPUBLISHERS tine. performed such a complete Job oder the names and addresses of stock (My commission expires March 30, 1983) elgn 50. Five cents per copy.
destruction that he had to be removed holders owning or holding one per cent to another district. Before his removal or more of total amount of stock. devoted to a review of Four Years of the, our comrades, sympathizers, friends and he had managed to cut a wide swath of not owned by a corporation, the names Militant.
auxiliary organizations, as well as workdestruction in the party ranks all through and addresses of the individual owners But the militant is not only the organers organizations sympathetic to us. The the Middle West.
must be given. If owned by a firm, com November 15 will mark the fourth an, little inflenced by the stinging criticism of the American League. It is a part of rate for a single name will be. 25. For This territory offers good opportunity pany, or other unincorporated concern, niversary of the appearance of the Mil. and concrete Marxlan platform of the the press of the International Left or a one column wide, one Inch greeting for the Lett Opposition. Only the rest its name fanaivideres91. 76; for Opposition can go in and save the Commember, must be national revolutionary and labor more. Lett Opposition. Its ebbe and flows have from comrade Trotsky and our brother Ave inch greeting 00 munist workers from utter despair in The Communist league of America (Op historic document on November 15, 1928. umns of the Militant.
ments since our comrades published that been discussed and analyzed in the col sections.
Send in your name with a quarter Communism which they confuse wth the We will also feature greetings from at once. Use the blank below.
position. bureaucratie administrative acts of Stal. Martin Abern, 81 East 10th St. Opportunism and Bureaucracy in the anniversary of the publication of the first East 10th St. New York, For the Russian Opposition Against November 15 will also mark the fourth THE MILITANT infst officials. By persistent work and New York, James Cannon, Workers (Communist Party of America installment of comrade Trotsky great 84 EAST 10th STREET, NEW YORK, education, the Left Opposition can gath Fast 10th st. New York, Y; Max Statement to American Communists by work, The Draft Program of the Cominer up the best elements, forge out of these Shachtman, 84 East 10th st. New York, James Cannon, Martin Abern and Max tern. now out of print Enclosed find. for which please enter my greeting in the Jubilee workers good Communists and true, and Arne Swabeck, 84 East 10th St. Shachtman.
Anniversary issue, November 12, 1932.
thus strengthen Communium.
The November 12 issue of the Mhitant New York, Name.
The course of the movement in this which is closest to the 15th will be a Address. BRADY. That the known bondholders, mort country and abroad has been more than al Jubilee Anniversary issue. It will State GERMANY to a SS to WHA NEX TROISKY at Militant Jubilee Anniversary Number siven. be City