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League Replies to Weisbord Letter the Checking Sanjurjo Coup Butto been SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE organization. The Communist League MADRID LETTER of Struggle. as a rival to the American section of the International Lett Opposi.
tion and sowed confusion by the claim of The Communist League, as With the last issue, the Militant con. group originated in the Right wing of the also adhering to the International Left American section of the International cluded the statement drawn up by the party. After participating the party. Opposition. In this disruptive undertaking Left Opposition of the Comintern, aims Weisbord group in reply to the letter campaigu against the Trotskylsts. hel Weisbord brought himself into the sharpnow as in the past to unite in its ranks which had been adressed to it by com found himself in conflict with the party est condict with us, both in principle The Spanish Proletariat Replies to the Monarchist Insurrection basis of principles and methods, to racil: we begin publication of the reply to this stone group, and soon afterward was him against himself the Indignant resentment The attempt at a monarchist restora ment created an impression of boundless itate the upproach and fusion of those statement presented by the National Com self expelled. After compromising him of the entire membership of the League. tion in Spain, carried out by the over. cowardice, and quite literally they did who are consistently moving in our direcmittee of the Communist League of Amerself with the expelled Right wing, without the fact that the Communist League of whelming majority of the commanders of not know what to do.
tion, and to wake an implacable struggle ica (Opposition. Lortoally joining it, he went through a struggle never succeeded in making a the army and navy has considerable im. After a good deal of delay and vaciltook action against all elements of confusion which werererererere period of vacillation between the Right serious impression anywhere did not alter portance and demonstrates to what lation, the government the fact that it was aimed destructively depths the Republic has sunk as a reae against Sanjurjo. The Sevillian authortween the three basic currents in the ciple concessions as a basis of unity us two years ago he said he had not made at the Lengue. In the course of that tonary state, despite its title of Reities, for example, surrendered their powCommunist movement and thereby para: The International Left Opposition. Slup his mind which faction to join, but struggle against us we could only see public of all classes of workers.
er to the monarchists without offering the lyze the striking force of the revolution cluding its American section is not only intended to join one or the other At Weisbord as an enemy who fought the The Government and the Monarchists least show of resistance. Today this ary Marxian wing. This fundamental con a system of ideas but a definite organi that time he was full of the idea of the League with weapons to a considerable Even today the constitution approved same government sees itself compelled sideration has guided us in our attitude xation toward which precise and unam two groups working together. and made extent borrowed from the Stalinists and by the Cortes is one of the most reaction to imprison its own representatives at toward all the individuals and groups biguous relations are required. a number of bizarre propositions in this the Right Wing. His clam to adhere ary among the countries called republican seville in the face of the popular accusawhich have broken in one way or another Whatever the result may be in the field spirit. He proposed that he be allowed to the Left Opposition while Alghting and democratic of with the official regime of bureaucratic of organization and this depends on the to write both for the Militant and the against some of its most fundamentai pledges made by the present rulers be the power having fallen into the mon Centrism. It determined our archists hands.
doubt the remains friendly sincere approach of th Welsbord group Revolutionary Age, as though the sharp conceptions and against its Americante: fore they selzed power, there Beyond a the attitude and attempts at collaboration to the League, which the League will not lines of principle demarcation between thou worked exclusively in the direction nothing but a memory of deceit. And on monarchists wanted to profit ly with Welsbord when he test began to repulse the ideological and political the two organizations had not been estab of compromising and discrediting the top of this reactionary constitution they general discontent oxiste umong the cause of the Left Opposition.
approach the League, as well as our de victory of the Left Opposition in the lished. He did in fact submit articles From the very beginning of the attempt Laws, such as the Law for the Defense stand that, though it is true that the have built up a series of Exceptional present rulers; but they did not undertermined struggle against him when he two yeurs dispute with Wel bord is al to both papers, and one of them of a began his attempt to disrupt the organt. ready recorded in his own declarations. programmatic character was printed in to set up an independent organization of the Republic, and law on associa popular masses are disgusted with the to set up a rival against it on And in this there is to be seen not the the Militant as a discussion article to against the League on a separate plat tions, which outlaws all organizations return to the state of attairs that existed a platform in principle contradiction to victory of some persons and the defeat of inform our movement of his views.
form it was clear to us that Welsbord refusing to play the role of the reformist before the republic, it was the works ours, and to fight the League with un others, but rather the invincible strength This law masses who defended the republic by In this program article Militant, Sept. absolutely hopeless position on which he was promulgated for exactly that reason snatching it from the hands of Suu uudist worthy methods and slanders.
of the ideas of the Bolshevik. Leninista, and 15, 1930) he expressed views in could not remain for long. The fallure by the socialist iabor minister, Caballero. and the mouarelistetuer As long as Welsbord and his group in America as throughout the world. basie contradidetion to those of the Left to make the slightest impression on the and others. The Spanish republic, break does not mean to at the masses were stood on this ground and employed these sle to free the vanguard of the prole Centrism and the bloc with the Right to extend the organization beyond the caused it to triumph, has evolved toward which expedited the monarchists man methods we could only regard him as an tariat from Centrism and the Beate thing wing and he never clearly corrected them single small group in which nearly half the sharpest reaction and has fallen into eavers by its weakness and its political Opposition. The basis for a comradely Lenin, and that is the platform of the Trotsky criticism (Class Struggle, Aug developments were unfalling signs of ments of the old monarchist regime. San The Democratie Illusions of the loyal collaboration in specific tasks with mediary groups, all those who play with and friendly conversations between Weis. and of the categoric necessity to make ner of revolt against the republic in SevProletariat in a general frame work of principle this or that idea of the Left Opposition bord and members of the National Com a decisive turn. That the group has now 111e, was, until the very day of the up the recent events.
We must draw two conclusions from The first is that, de esing eague considered and consi the system of its doctrines, are condemn him of his errors were unsuccessful, it opposition in the most important prin. trusted with welding power against the with the present rulers administration, principle line and its methods from those strength of the Left Opposition is de. plication for membership in the League cirle questions which separated it in the people.
of all other groups and tendencies and to monstrated not only by the steady inroads Our attitude was not determined by his past is to the credit of the group and. The government had warned them. It seems a contradiction that the reject everything that stands in the way it makes in the party and the growth of criticisms on secondary questions, but by will determine for us an alternation of vers of Sunjurjo and the monarchists: ary role that the leaders of the republic the reactionary maneu workers masses understood the reactionnot signify the splitting of hairs or the ity to draw to itself and absorb at which have been illuminated in comrade our previous attitude of irreconcilable but it did not know how nor did it want were playing, that they felt keenly the rather groups and currents breaking away from Trotsky letter. In the light of all the antagonism.
to take measures against them. The gov. injury dealt by the Law for the Defense the bringing out into prominent relict the Centrist regime and the Right wing subsequent developments it is now indis can be established best, at least in sed by comrade Trotsky and the Commun. not yet have lost fuith in abstract JemWhether this is really the case or not ernment fully bore out the thesis defend of the Republic, and that they should of those questions and differences which in loftward directions in heromex pteris patable that the attitude of the National preliminary way, by an examination of ist Left Opposition, on the impossibilit: cracy. The working massus kuow twa struggle against the claims of Welsbordence has shown we can be assured that bership of the League, was entirely corrado Trotsky letter in the light of the a demokratle revolution. Not only did it did not know how to destroy the conwas a necessary struggle for the ideolo some, if not all, of the Weisbord group rect.
gical clarity and organizational integrity will find their way to a complete fusion The position of the National Commit methods, which the League has previous but it allowed the enemies of the regime, ocracy. The working musses know that fundamental objections, in principle and not accomplish the democratic revolution, lidence of the workers in bourgeois demof the League with us. And it goes without saying tee at that time was consistent, we bely made to collaboration or unity with the monarchists, to maneuver against the the present rulers have betrayed the The new statement of Weisbord that the National Committee will do all lieve, with the position it takes now to this group repablic.
and his group represents a partial turn In its power to facilitate and hasten this ward the Weisbord group and all others interests of the republic, and that if they The Question of Centrism and the We already know that the government, were governing as real republicans in the direction of the Left Opposition process, without putting unnecessary ob moving in the direction of the Left op Bloc with the Right Wing by losing the contact it had had (up to on the most important principle questions, stacles in the way or imposing any un position. While pointing out the most and at certain moderation in the form and reasonable conditions. What is required important principle differences which ex it from tis fundamentally the Weisbord the masses generally and with the work diferent fasbion. This explains how ceron these questions which separated the proclamation of the republic. With matters would proceed in an entirely tain entirely disregarded elements in the in.
case is the corection made with the nec agreement on principles and methods and the statement of the National Committee position, but it has done so in the worst socialists were among those who helped those who today wave the banner of essary frankness and thoroughness. This a genuine attitude of good faith toward (Militant, Sept. 15. 1330) took into ac possible way without criticizing its for the present leaders the most in seizing radical republicanism, succeeded in winchange of position, however, creates the the Leage as an organization.
cont his trend toward us and said: At mer position or acknowledging its falsitx. power. broke the democratic links ning tremendous influence among the possibility, which was previously lack The general direction of Weisbord and the same time it expressed the hope and thus they give no assurances whatever between the republic and the popular op popular circles, especially the workers.
ing, to give consideration once again to the comrades associated with him, over desire that further reflection and discus against a relapse into the fundamental inlon which had supported the neare. Such are the consequences of the policy the question of relations with this group a period now of several years, despite sion would make it possible for comrade errors which Howed inevitably from its gime during the first days of its existence. which consists of giving Soviet slogans and to point out what, in our opinion, a number of contradictions and a great Weisbord to find his place as a fighter original position. To say, On the gener The Rotten Republic stands yet in the way of its inclusion deal of confusión, has been toward the and a valuable one in the ranks of the al question of Centrism, we feel that our the very day of the republic proclamain the League. In yielding on the main Left Opposition. But it is just these opposition. The National Committee aittorences are not very great and in far more intelligent than the myopie pol and democratic enthusiasm of the masses The reactionary forces, which are tion, at the moment when the republican questions of principle, which separated contradictions and this confusion, com decided, in view of Weisbord closeness some respects are only of a formal char iticians of the present government, knew was at its highest pitch.
it from the Left Opposition, the Weisbordplicated in the highest degree by the one to the views of the Opposition, to invite acter. is not to clarify but to muddle up how to keep under cover during the The other fundamental lesson of the group removes the foundation of its sided, fulse, embittered and caricatured collaboration in fields of work con. the really deep and fundamental differ earliest days of the Republic, just as they latest events consists in the tremendous right to a separate existence. Only when factional criticisms of Weisbord, and his forming to his position. Matters didence that existed on this question. And know how to rise up in the streets when progress realized by the reactionary and it takes this point of departure and takes impermissible methods, which justify the not work out that way the ensuing likewise to energetically emphasize the they considered the government van monarchist forces. It is not an unimserions and sincere steps toward inclu League in submitting the new turn in two years because Welsbord did not meet fact that we have never proposed a BLOC quished. The feebleness of the govern portant thing to note that all the army sion in the League on the basis of its principle toward the line of the League us on this ground. For collaboration he with the Right wing (Lovestoneltes. ment has been the basic prop and the leaders were against the government.
principle line, will its proclamations on to the necessary tests and in examining substituted a violent factional struggle menning by a blo a general vague allt strongest animator of the reactionary This fact had considerable etrect in of the principle questions validate them his actions with a certain caution. Suf. and a series of cheap. unworthy and ance. leaves us in doubt as to how they monarchists.
selves. Up to now this has not been the Ancient proofs must be established that easily repulsed maneuvers.
understood the fundamental conflict also Without the energetic defense of the heart of the government. That is why (ficial circles and threw granic into the case. The actions of Weisbord since his the contradiction between his previous Beginning first with the attempt to or on this question directly related to the workers against the monarchy, the govtradict the political implications of his not simply transferred inside the League of the League, while ostensibly colla whether they want to justify their form to the monarchist reaction. Realizing it does public opinion. This fact prothe threatening reaction more than statement and bear the character of otherwise a fusion, instead of strengthenborating with us as instructor of al er position and propose that the League the significance of the monarchist mill: duces a serious contlict for the governfutile maneuvers. Only a radical change ing and consolidating the forces of the study class in economics, Weisbord soon should adopt it. In that case there would tary movement, and knowing that almost ment and a serious dange: for the rein this course and a direct approach to Left Opposition, would only prepare the went over to open struggle against the be no possibility of agreement. Clari all the army and navy commanders were gime.
the League will make it possible to give way for new convulstons.
League. In the course of the past year leation on these points is indispensable.
against the government and in favor of more serious consideration to the prin. The nucleus of the present Welsbord and a half he attempted to set up (Continued in next issue)
the uprising, the government and parla For a Workers United Front The working class movement is present in a period of outright deprestheir own infancy so that today Japan. tary purposes. 1) Money stringency and the financ sion. No one can doubt that it will ese industry is more European than Am. The close and direct relationship being of industry.
rise up again very shortly, and more erican. Just as in Soviet Russia, the tween capitalist industry and the govern. The growth of industry demanda larger strongly than ever before, but for the dependence on foreign experts was not ment is one of the peculiarities of Jap and larger amounts of Huld capital. Quite moment, the proletarian factor is not completely successful. The Jape were anese economy. Up to 1809 the unequal poor in metallic and mineral resources, exercizing the pressure that circumIts Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism often imposed upon, some experts were treaties of the Powers with Japan ro. Japan has been forced continuously to stances require. This is a fact of the bluffers and other out and out frauds (as mained in force, preventing the raising of import both gold and silver for the coin. utmost importance in the present circumand the Development of the Proletariat with the beginning of Stalingrad. tarife barriers to protect infant indus ing of money, as domestic production stances. The united front of the proThe government thus took the place of tries. But every other device to encour scarcely meets industrial and art pur letariat is today more necessary than By Jack Weber the entrepreneur in establishing the first age industry and to enrich the capitalists roses. It was possible for Japan to es ever. At Seville we saw an exemplary (Continued from last issue) able without advanced industrial develarsenals, the first silk filature, the first was resorted to by the government. Thus, tablish a more or less stable financial and case of the united front at the time of fortunate for Japan that the opment modelled on Western lines. The class factory, the first chemical works. tax exemptions have been frequently banking system only with the ald of the Sanjurjo coup Etat, and it was this works, silk and granted, duty remis Civil War absorbed American energies feudal system with its low estimation it has operated prac. 200, 000, 000 taets indemnity squeezed out which produced the general defeat.
factories, tically on request, subsides were and of China after the Sino Jap war. Through. Only the united front can offer the de.
and that the conquest of India took all of the merchant class, with its sump cotton spinning mills, linen of England attention after Perry detuary laws defining narrowly the very cement and brick plants, plants for soap still are common and since 1883 the tarid out the modern era Japan has been an stred solution to require the execution paint immediate task of providing for the na its lack of accumulations from an econood factories, Iron and steel plants and offense. Apart from the world war ery resulting in an unfavorable net bal the advance of the reaction. And it is tional defense against the encroachmentomy at the bare subsistence level, with There are few industries that do not owe period the shipping industry could not ance of trade (except during the world not simply a question of settling the at the Itaperialists. Without breath its complete lack of technological train their existence to government Initiative. have existed for a single year without war. If not through spheres of influ question of the penalties which the van The Feudo Capitalist Alliance withstood ing for the use machinery all this large subsidies amounting to enough to ence, then economically the capitalist ſquished reactionaries must uudergo, but ing spell she could not have further onslaughts. In her weakness the left the burden completely on the should And yet by 1880 most of the govern cover a substantial slice of the operating powers exploit Japan as a market. To of adopting really revolutionary means government was forced to sign a humill ers of the new bureaucracy. To begin ment owned plants were in private hands: expenses plus large profit to the ship pay for the imported materials Japan to put an end to the monarchist man ating treats (Towsend Harris 1857 with a strenuous period of industrial devel. For the government took the unique stepping interests. The main line rallways has had to make larger loans abroad. eurers. The government is powerless to the Tokugawas) with America which opment, only the government could pro of handing these finished plants over to were nationalized at the time of the Although the total amount of the public do this; the socialists bury their heads, granted extra territoriality to American vide the necessary funds. The goverd. Individuals without the slightest com. Russo Jap war, but there are a number debt is smaller than that of any of the without being able to determine for them citizens and which restricted duties on ment had to take the initiativo in de pensation in the vast majority of cases of private branch lines whose profit is powers, the absolute amount and percent. selves the orientation which the governgovernment. Loans age of foreign debt is greater, whereas ment should follow. The Spanish precreating an open market as the high encourage scientific and technical train. tion must be clearly stated. That there are readily. granted to new enterprises the domestic debt is smaller than that tariat must demand from the socialists was nothing queer to Japs in this hand with very little hope of their return of any other country. today the slogan of all power to the tarife American government knew. This Ing.
Foreign Aid ing over same treaty had to be granted to the wealth to the few, is due Contributions from the national treasury The money stringency of Japanese cap socialists would be justified. that they to the left over feudal psychology and to to private industry in 1928 amounted italism is reflected in the high interest act with energy, that they insist upon other powers after the demolition of the Whatever similarities exist between the fact of control by feudal lords. The to 21. of the total budget. Under the rates. Banks pay around 10 on de the punishment of those responsible for by the combined fleets of England, Hol the haphazard Japanese program and lord could hand over a fet to any conditions of industrial growth the gov. posits. The short term discount rate is complicity and tolerance toward the reland, France and America as the planned Soviet program of Indus one he chose, usually for personal lovernment itself has never been able to over 10 as compared with the 5 of action, either directly or indirectly.
punish ment for the damaging of some vessels trialization (despite its serious errors) alty, and almost always to previous discontinue entirely its own operation of Western countries. These rates impose Without the united front of the Spanish trying to pass through the forbidden can be observed in the immediate invit samurai subordinates. That is exactly inudstrial enterprises, as is evident from a severe handicap on Japanese industry. proletariat, the perspective of this reacstraits. The shogun wrote at this time. ing of foreign experts to construct and what occurred. Hvery member of the the fact that in 1928 there were as many Owing to their youth and to the failure tionary Spanish republie can only be pre These foreigners are no longer to be start new plants and to train workers. Genro, every premier selected by the as 371 government factories employing to build up adequate surpluses, Industrial cipitation into a regime of dictatorship despised. The art of navigation, steam During the years 1854 to 1800 the lord Geuro, has had his particular protege 136, 000 workers.
concerns are under the necessity of bor which, if it does not reinstate the mon Inddustrial Handicaps and Japanese rowing a large part of their working arehy, will become a republican regime tions have found (ull development in their experts to establish shipyards and to ing Forees in Japanese Politics. says: Imperialism capital. As the high rates are an import of the type of Portugal or Cuba. But hands. war with them might result teach the Intest arts of shipbuilding. The The way to get rich was to become the World economy stimulated the growth ant element in the cost of production, the united front of the proletariat is in temporary victories on our part but now government took this enterprise friend of some lich officers of the sow. of Industrial Japan but that some world they are a handicap to Japanese enter easily realizable, as we have seen in the when our country would be beset by their build the first rallroads. British work friended the Matsuis, one of the big tending to strangle her capitalism. And struggle as she may to overcome this some and the ill will of others (the anwould be involved in consequences which men were invited to assist in the erec Ave capitalist families of modern Japan. it can be said with utmost confidence that dificulty, Japan falls more and more archist, socialists and official Commun iron Okuma helped the Iwasakis, the present Japan will find no real solution to her under the iniluence of American financeists. do not oppose it. In this sense, we can divine from China experience. tloh and operation of the early glass steamship kings. Baron Goto, while Gov lite and death probleme under the worla capital. The unparalleled dependence of the monarchist attempt has been pregThe Japs were fearful, observing that the making in Tokio: American and British ernor of Formosa, made the Suzukis the hegemony of capitalism. Imperialism at Japanese production on foreign markets are with sons, and will be still more Phillippine Islands has been Spain hands for 300 years: Java had come un methods and the use engineers introduced modern mining sugar kings, the same Suzukis who profit tempts to overcome these handicape with makes Japan extremely sensitive to world so in the processes and developments of der Dutch influence in 1705 and ut:der French and Italian experts westernized munitions. The lliance between the part in the international division of labor been in the throes of a profound crisis Madrid, September 1832.
of explosives: ed moet during the world war by selling a sword but is doomed to failure. Japan economic conditions. Since 1920 she has these events.
her complete control in 1830; the is the silk industry: Swiss taught the hemp feudal lords and the new capitalists has will be decided by her workers and peas causing her foreign exchange to fall cat. HI. LACROIX.
memberment of China had begun in 377 braid industry: Germans introduced been very firmly cemented indeed. This ants, not by domestic and foreign capi astrophically. The inflation caused by with the Portuguese at Macao; only rebrewing, the smelting of zinc, the mak is of utmost significance for the future talists.
the tripling of her bank note emission cently in 1840 the British had takening of steel and the chemical Industries: agrarian democratic revolution. It need there are three great handicaps that during and following the war has been Hongkong as a result of the Opium French and Germans started dye making hardly be said that in war the militarists condition Japanese Industrial growth. aggravated by the heavy demands made VOTE en on the French were already in Indo se the Imper. COMMUNIST!
ernment departments acting as experts on the part of the capitalists to the com poverty in raw materials. 3) need for inlist seizure of Manchuria.
Modern military defense was unthink. The Americans contributed little due to plete mobilization of industry for mili Istable markets. To be continued)
return from Europe tend rather to con course and oury is really liquidated and sanize a faction in the New York branch question of bureaucratie centrism) andernment would have offered no resistancelaren Was executed: the government an at JAPAN It are