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Letters from Militants 11 pull the Congresses.
in Address State.
Spurts Ahead. PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1932 demned and fought the revolt movement with renegades, but we slap them down.
which had refused to hand over hege Then he declared that he had never deMILITANT SUB DRIVE mony to them. This they tried at first livered any speech at a banquet but spoke to do but the resentment of the Montreal at an open forum.
Our Club Plan tailors in general and particularly the Then asked, What about the CommitLert wing was so great that the mass tee elected by the of the party to New York Gets Barbusse Socialists, Police Clubs meeting called by the Industrial investigate the speech after he had made SUBS FOR MINERS the Militant but cannot afford even fifty Congress Report and the Reds application to join the party, in which All eyes on Gillespie, Illinois. On Oct cents for a half year sub. Just as fast as The obvious contradictions and false committe comrade Cannon was also al ober the first conference of the Pro we hear from you we will begin to transNEW YORK CITY. ness of the policies of the Workers Un member. First he said he bad never gressive Miners of America will go into fer these names to the Militant mailing When you send in the club plan At a meeting held at the 14th St. Labor NEW YORK, Well, tue class struggle has come upity League have not passed without signed an application because he was one session in this mining town. This will list Tempu, Thursday, Sept. 15, two dele to our neighborhood at last. The Com sharp fermentation and dissatisfaction in of the founders of the party and he and mark the high point of the first phase of blank just all in two names and addressgutes just back from the Barbusse Anti aunists and the Socialists were holding the Toronto and Montreal industrial Ruthenberg signed the charter of the our activities in the Illinois coal fields and leave two space blank. And be War Conference held at Amsterdam reSection campaign meetings on the corner unious and Worker Unity Leagues. The party. Then he admitted that a commitThen will begin the second phase of our sure to send two dollars with the blank, porteu on the results of the historie Walton Ave. and 170th Street in organizer of the Industrial Union in Montee had been elected, but Cannon wasn work the steady, plugging. day to day 500 SUBS FOR THE MINERS gathering che Bronx.
Grover Mills, chairman, hailed it asts were speaking on the southeast pacify the disqulet amongst the Indus in Russia, Jakira who died some years and mouth to mouth discussions. In this are five hundred miners out there are signlucant as the first time workers and corner, the socialists on the southwest trial Union members in Toronto it was ao and Bedacht who is now in New work the militant must be our best and Illinois who are material for the Left intellectuals huve united in an interna vorner. Walton Ave. is a narrow street. Cound necessary to send a delegation of York.
ever present spokesmen. Our present dis Opposition. At the very least they can tional struggle against war by this con Pretty soon it was alled from curb to curb the Left wing tailors investigate the Now, in order to expose the profes tributions are good but whether a miner be easily interested in the Militant. It gress. Aud to demoustrute further the sath people listening to the speakers. struggle of the Soutreal tailors and resonal liar Wicks, think that the Mill gets two sucessive issues is a hit and will take live hundred subs at the old actual unity not only at the Congress, radic got through with difficulty. an intellectual and worker would The police always on the lookout for there took place in Toronto and for the workers of Pittsburgh by reprinting once made clear to the miners, especially the hands of these five hundred miners for speak tonight. Sad to relate, it was xcuses to smash Communist meetings first time in Canada a grouping of Indus. more the speech with dates and proots more advanced miners, they must get and twenty six weeks. Can we do it we really the intellectuut of the pair who could be comunists meeting to move trial Union and Worker Unity League to them about who are the socalled rev. read the Militant regularly.
think it can be done. It is up to you.
the Olutionay leaders in the ranks of the really delivered the best speech. Profess cross the street. The speaker refused members for Leninist policies in The solution of the problem is to get We are swinging into line on this quesor Margaret delivered sentimental, alCommunist party who attack the Lettubs Lor the miners. Here is where our tion on a nation wide front.
the cop insisted. The speaker was firm. crade unions.
thougu undoubtedly sincere speech, the cop attempted to pull the speaker Vacillations, more vacillations and stil Opposition as renegades JAMES SIFAKIS.
club plan comes in. You know that up We realize that we are as yet only a which she related such thrilling occurr. the stand. His comrades resisted. more vacillations, have marked the pol to how a half year sub of twenty six is small organization But we are also ences as the formation of a physicians ther minions of the law tried to back icies of the Workers Unity League. It sues was And now you know that in aware of the certainty of our growth and Note: The Militant has on two occacommittee to study the biological reason tp their pal.
has become common talk that the for War; how beautifully one of the dele The crowd was fast getting bigger and leaders no longer believe in their sons reprinted the full story from the clubs of four or more sent in at one time we thing that now is the time to take a the Gary, Indiana, Post, which reports the year sub is fifty cents.
on a blank like the one below, a hall. big step forward. We will carry a regates, noleu for his ability to relate was hostile to the cops. But it lacked own policies but have to stick by gular list every week from now on of the You do not have to be located in the in. This will be a separate list. The number of subs for miners that you send falry Lies, drew the analogy of war and ruts. It booed and booed but it didn salse decisions of the last renegade speech made by Wicks at capita:ism to a huge dragon, etc. num make any serious effort to driven underground by the Palmer percoal fields to get subs for the miners. comrades who send in such subs on these ber of interesting observatious of ameo speaker and the other comrades who were Needless to say the Toronto Left Op secutions. The accuracy of the report wherever you live or happen to be locat club plan blanks will be included in the has come support of has not been challenged by Wicks in the ed at the moment you can make a con. staff of Militant Builders. Not wil workers, stated the astute being held, one by the testicles against, position the cops. that group of members of the Workers press, nor can it be. Every lender of the crete demonstration of your solidarity luds professor, can do as Romain Rol: Some workers, with more guta, then the Unity League and Industrial Unions who party who was a member of len 1020 with our class brothers. Go out to sym MILITANT BUILDERS land was able to do when war broke out, he was able to go to Switzerland rest, pushed the cops around and hit have opened up the struggle for the 1921, knows that the report is veracious pathizers and friends with our club plan! Since the announcement of the opening them back.
Leninist program. The birth of the pro Further proof of Wicks renegacy is in. blanks, explain the situation and our of this drive and the writing of this copy Further typifying the fighting militancy Then the sirens screamed as the em gressive Loft wing fraction was marked dicated by Bulletin No. of the Central plan to them, and get a half year sub AT too little time has elapsed for us to get with which tese lutellectuals have united ant event the intellectual side of the street. They must have picked a green Union leaders. The various attempts to Parts of America (underground) contain extra fifty cents will be used for a subpathizers. We are therefore unable to with the workers in this most signific. ergency squad come flying down the by sharp clashes with the Industrial Executive Committee of the Communist TID OLID RATE. Explain that the any returns from our comrades and sym.
program matter of factiy recognized squad. You never saw a whiter bunch of disrupt the meeting of the Progressive ing the decision to reject Wicks applice for a miner.
give a list of Militant Builders. But We have a list of miners who want watch next week issue!
that it is of course the workers who faces. Fifteen husky, white faced muss: Left wing fraction despite temporary tion for membership in plain terms Ed.
Yellow that what they were.
These success will finally fall to the ground.
must do the actual fighting, this the guys are right for beating up work. The members are determined to carry on THE MILITANT MILITANT BUILDERS CLUB PLAN BLANK intellectuals will have to leave to them ers in the station house but they re plenty to victory.
On the whole not a bad presentation of afraid of masses of workers. They soon Entered as second class mail matter 1 HALF YEAR SUB of 26 ISSUES for 50c in CLUBS of FOUR or MORE.
Shop meetings of Left wing workers the viewpoint of petty bourgeois pacifism. found out that the crowd was us afraid called by the Industrial Unions November 28, 1928, at the post ofice at THE MILITANT. 81 10th Street, New York City. the act of Enclosed find for which send the MILITANT for 26 weeks to the following: Amust tense silence we watched the as they were they began pushing have failed to record support to the pre March 3, 1879.
worker side of the program wend his everybody around.
sent policies. At the shop where Published weekly by the Communist NAMES ADDRESSES CITY STATE Way to the platform und settled back All this while the socialist meeting was the prosessive LW had called a League of America (Opposition)
contentedly for a real speech. An ap going on. The speaker kept right on meeting of the Left wing workers, the at 84 East 10th St.
parendy sincere young fellow, MacFar talking although no one could hear what Industrial Union leader who had come EDITORIAL BOARD land of the Marine Workers Industrial he was saying. He knew that his meet down and distributed copies of the Kamf Martin Abern James Cannon Unlon, proceeded to shatter our illusions ing bad nothing to fear from the cops. Which contained the attack agninst the Nar Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck Stalinist contusion as it has yet been our were So while the Socialists who wing workers was sharply criticized by Vol. No. 40. Whole No. 136)
dismay to witness. After some details claim to represent the interests of the the workers. In other shops the Left SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1932 on the Congress hailing it as a great workers were making this united front wing workers have asked the Progressive subscription rate: 2, 00 per year. ForMILITANT BUILDER success, MacFarland greeted the fact with the workers enemies, the workers Loft wing fraction to call them to meet cign 10. Five cents per copy City.
that some soldier delegate had reported were being pushed around and some of Inge.
Bundle rates, cents per copy.
Help Circulate a Marxian Paper for Class Conscious Workers It is necessary that this new movement that in case of war he and the others them were being benten up in the police would refuse to tight. Several vague cars by these same enemies.
in the Workers Unity League for Leninstatemeuts on the necessity of fighting in the thick of the fight a cop came ist trade union policies should not be not even the depression is going to stop captain in the shops, a call to every over to the socialist speaker and asked localized. Contacts have been establishus from obtaining this fund. In this body to unite, a few tigures and the him to hold off for a short while. The ed in other parts of the country. There tight, don side us with the depressiongot down exists today the basis for a national representative of the revolutionary servile lackey working class was through. After apolo pronto! After five minutes or so he got movement. QUARTER. Despite our slender resources, our ac adrance, We must secure The Militant, tam with the Left Opposition.
tivities have taken a real spurt forward. our main organizer. We ask you to help will release the National Office from If we put over the drive for 300. 00 we getically announcing that he was 20 up again and told the crowd that the speaker, see, and can shoot any line. Communists were getting what they de We have organizers working in several us.
pressing burdens, enabling it to devoto our young comrade sut down ending a served. He said that it was necessary The Opposition at Wicks fields giving their services voluntarily and without any greater attention and activity to the coal compensation. They are OUR SCHOOL miners strike in Illinols and to other making new contacts and building the brevity in contrast to the usual Stalin. He wamed the whole affair on the Com Meeting The 200. 00 drive to establish a school pressing party and class problems conist barangues.
Left Opposition. There are two young and new headgarters in New comrades active in the Illinois mine fled under way. This was a special order of Without the help of our sympathizers, York is fronting us. Help us take this step.
Our comrades Capelis and Glee then, Then Aaron Levenstein, another local, PITTSBURGH. took the floor, and gave the correct Com socialist light got up to speak. le de On September 22 attended a lecture helping our miner comrades in their are business at the last branch meeting without the help of the friends of The Our Chleago comrado is Donations, pledges and enrollment am Militant, we will not be able to succeed.
war. The miserable maneuver of the cheap, especially when they have just Conditions in Germany and the Soviet making a tour of several cities in Iowa. ounting to 12. 50 for the school started let us hear from you at once. Enroll In munist position on the struggle against counced the cops. That kind of talk is by Wicks on the subject of The duotis task.
Stalinists with tais petty bourgeois pact. siven you an unmistakable demonstra Union But he devoted most of his Two of our members from Minneapolis the drive. Now we want the readers of our classes!
The first four classes will be: completely exposed; the crux of the interions speak louder than words. What the sian revolution and slandering the Left complete for such organization work in belp us put it orer. Don wait until wel Pittsburgh and we can add that possibile call on yout mail in your contribution, ist Movement James Cannon. les The Iristory of the American Communnational situation, Germany, analysed as workers saw was a united front between Opposition led by comrade Trotsky.
representing the real danger of war with police and socialists from both sides. The lies, the incoherence and the dis ities elsewhere press for similar action. your registration, or come down to the sons every Monday from Oet. 17 to Dec.
in Germany and against Ituksia eventual they cooperate with each other to smash honorable methods the Stalinistsuse But The Militant, of course, remains office and talk this over with us. When State and Revolution Jack Weber, 10 ly. If Fascism seizes power, and the ten the Cominunist meeting. Each side con against the Marian wing of our party the main organizer. Yet its existence is we call at your house, don tell the com lessons every Monday from October 17 not.
tion of the Bolshevik Leninists to the This kind of demagogy is the chter stock in the notione sbarlatan Wicks, and for the assistance of our renderk, how there are million unemployed, and others The History of the Comintern Max World Congress on War were read (See in trade of the confusion these people when the question period arrived he was ever, with only small response so far hare en hit by this depression. We from Oct. 19 to Dec.
working at reduced wages, and that you Shachtman, lessons every Wednesday surprised to see that all the questions More activities require a larger supply bave instructed our comrades not to take Militart, August 27. spread around Prea doubt the Communists will return were about Trotsky and Tobakia: of papers and of literature. While our such Himay excuses. We are out to Hugo Oehler 10 lessons every Wednesday Many questions asked, left MacFarland to this corner to protest against this One question was simply a remark that young organizers work without compens raise 300. 00 for the school and head from Oct. 19 to Dec. 21.
The Theoretical System of Marxismat a loss to repls. When asked whether latest piece of law and order and to ex. Wicks thinks the audience must be sation we still have the duty of the and were represented plain to the workers the significance of pretty ignorant to say that Trotsky did them to get around. Thus there is plenty quarters, to centralize our activity. Anal Registration for each course is 00.
officially he clearly showed that he did what they saw. WORKER.
not organize the Red Army, that during of reason for renewing our appeal and not know. Sen Katyama was there rethe Denikin Wrangel attack, Trotsky re making it more insistent.
presnting the Japanese workers Retreated while Stalin took over the leaderpeated questions of this sort rightly in. The Fight for Militant ship of the army and defeated the coun Some of our comrades have responded ter revolution.
with contributions, of which we list the annihilated the plainly Trotskyist dis Unions in Canada To my question if it was true, as stated following: Joseph Keller of Cleveland, rupters, who had the impudence (and obin the Militant some time ago, that Wicks Brody of Cleveland, heping our organizviously malicious Intention) of trying to TORONTO. had delivered a speech in Gary, Indiana ers get on their way, Sarah Linn of learn just exactly where the Party stood. most important opportunity is open in 1923 at a banquet given in his honor Birmingham, Ala. Johnson and if it was still standing anywhwere, bying up for the Left wing in Canada, in by a bourgeols organization, where hel. Kogan from California, Schechet loudly and Indignantly proclaiming that the present growing national movement said that the members of the socialist and from Boston, Hamilton from Chicago, he was a member of the Communist af revolt of the trade unionists against Communist parties are only foreigners Sifakis from Pittsburgh sends in his party and damn proud of it! We were the corrupt, deegenerated of un. ant advised the American Legion to own contribution and those of other com not exactly sure whether someone had ions. Amongst the miners, clothing work knock them on the head because it is the rades there. From New York we have contested his right and we had misseders, cloakmakers, furriers, building trade only langunge they understand here received contributions from Multer.
this point or if by some possible chance workers, etc. etc. the cry is for united plied by correcting the dates. He saia Norman, Harry and Norman our comrade MacFarland felt just a lit struggles against the worsening condi it was not in 1923 but that the Militant Then to mention a big item, our New tle bit ashamed of the whole rotten messtions and for new militant unions that had the right date, 1920. About the banYork branch at its last meeting, in rehe had been shoved into and was at a will fight.
quet itself, he started to insult the Milisponse to our campaign to establish the loss as to what else to say. Several For us of the Left wing one of the tant comrades Cannon, Shachtman and International Workers School and to speakers, somewhat saddened by the outstanding features of the present re myself as drunkards, renegades and locate it in new headquarters, pledged confused proletarian, jumped to the volt movement is the growing contradic counter revolutionists. IT had deliv from its membership a total of 128. 50, rescue, and saved him and some applausetions between the Stalinist policies and ered such a speech. he said in order to with part paid in cash. It is necessary with the usual repetition of the now the requirements of the arising situa show what a big shot he was, it would to mention in this connection also that tiresome string of apellatives that the tions. The official Left wing under the be printed not only in the small news since the middle of August the Chicago Stalinites with such renarkable adept leadership of the Workers Unity League per of Gary, but in the New York branch has responded excellently to our ness and smoothness generously apply to is paying a very heavy price for the 3rd Times, the Chiengo Tribune and the Sun financial needs.
their opponents.
period policies of adventure and sectar Telegram of Pittsburgh.
When ask We have all the arrangements made After the meeting, a copy of the Milianism of the past few years, in the lacked him if he would accept a debate on for the International Workers School, tant with the above mentioned Declara of confidence of the workers in their the question, he said, Yes, with Cannon. located at New York. With that is tion was distributed to each member of Industrial Unions.
So replied that we would bring comrade coupled up the question of new headthe small audience of about fifty. Even Was it an accident that the revolt of Cannon to Pittsburgh to debate with quarters, an absolute necessity for the MacFarland accepted one and sald he over 3, 000 Montreal tailors should break him. Immediately he changed his mind growing activities of the organization would read it. We hope he does, as be out as a spontaneous movement and not and said that he would first ask his and for the school. All of these steps taken are compelled by necessity will have the opportunity to correct the under the leadership of the official Left party. When asked him to elect Our had and literally un Communist speech wing? Had the Industrial Unions committee to come into touch with us opportunities are increasing our activ he made there.
carried their analysis and policies to for the arrangement of the debate, he got ities are growing, our needs multiply. logical conclusions they should have con mnd and answered, We don debate We are in a critical position. We must Y STRATEGY OF THE WORLD WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND REVOLUTION THE FIVE YEAR PLAN Part of the Draft Program 48 pages paper cover 100 PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN (Out of Print)
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864 pagos cloth cover 00 CLOTH 63c 158 pages paper cover 500 PIONEER PUBLISHERS ISM cloth cover 00 paper cover 150 84 East 10th Street, New York, PIONEER PAPER 35 PUBLISHERS GERMANY WHA NEXX BOOKS BY TROTSKY LEON TROTSKY 100 64 pages