BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE TRÁMILITANT SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1932 Alliance or Struggle Between Social Democracy and Fascism?
To understand the interrelationship of the classes solution, e. either end with the victory of the pro, fixed by the incompatability of social democracy and Grzesinsky has not become transformed into a revoluin the form of a schema, fixed once for all time, is com letariat or with the triumph of the Fascist counter Fascism; when, based upon this, we rejected the theory tionary tiger; that we will readily grant. But neverparatively simple. The evaluation of the concrete re revolution. If the Communist party continues its of social Fascism which was not disclosing but con theless, there is quite a difference between a situation lations between the classes in every given situation is policy of stupid ultimatism and thereby saves the so cealing the approaching conflict; when we called at in which Grzesinsky, sitting in his fortress, sends out immeasurably more difficult.
cial democracy from inevitable collapse. if Hitler does tention to the possibility that the social democracy, police detachments for the safeguarding of demThe German big bourgeoisie is at present vacillating not within the near future decide upon the overthrow a significant part of its apparatus along with it, would ocracy against revolutionary workers and a situa a condition which the big bourgeoisie, in general, and thereby provokes disintegration inside of his own be forced by the march of events into a struggle against tion in which the Bonapartist savior of capitalism very rarely experiences. One part has definitely come ranks; if the economic conjuncture takes an upward Fascism and that this would be a favorable point of puts Grzesinsky himself in jail, is there not? And are to be convinced of the inevitability of the Fascist path trend before Schleicher falls then the Bonapartist departure for the Communist party for a further at we not to take this difference into account politically; and would like to accelerate the operation. The other combination of Paragraph 48 of the Weimar Consti tack, very many Communists not only hired func. are we not to take advantage of it?
part hopes to become master of the situation with the tution, of the Reichswehr, the semi oppositional social tionaries, but even quite honest revolutionists ac Let us turn back to the example cited above: it is aid of a Bonapartist military police dictatorship. No democracy, and semi oppositional Fascism could percused us of. idealizing the social democracy. not hard to grasp the difference between a Jewish one in this camp desires a return to the Weimar dem haps maintain itself (up to a new social impetus, Nothing remained but to shrug our shoulders. It is manufacturer who tips the Carist policeman for beatocracy.
which is to be expected in any case. hard to dispute with people whose thought stops ing down the strikers and the same manufacturer who The petty bourgeoisie is split up. National Social But offhand, we are still far from such a happy ful there, where the question first begins for the Marxist. turns over money to the strikers of yesterday to obism, which has united the overwhelming majority of fillment of the conditions, which form the subject of in conversations, often cited the following exam tain arms against the pogromists. The bourgeois rethe intermediate classes under its banner, wants to take social democratic day dreams. It is by no means guar ple: the Jewish bourgeoisie in Czarist Russia repre mains the same. But from the change in the situathe whole power into its own hands. The democratic anteed. Even the Stalinists hardly believe in the sented an extremely frightened and demoralized part tion there results a change in relations. The Bolshewing of the petty bourgeoisie, which still has millions power of resistance or the durability of the Papen of the entire Russian bourgeoisie. And yet, insofar viki conducted the strike against the manufacturer.
of workers behind it, wants a return to democracy ac Schleicher régime. All indications point to the de as the pogroms of the Black Hundreds, which were Later on, they took money from the same manufacturer cording to the Ebertian example. In the meantime, it composition of the Wels Schleicher Hitler triangleſ in the main directed against the Jewish poor, also hit for the struggle against the pogroms. That did not, is prepared to support che Bonapartist dictatorship even before it has begun to take shape.
the bourgeoisie, the latter was forced to take up its naturally, prevent the workers, when their hour had at least passively. The social democracy figures as But perhaps it will be replaced by a Hitler Wels self defense. To be sure, it did not show any remarkable come from turning their arms against the bourgeoisie.
follows: Under the pressure of the Nazis, the Papen combination? According to Stalin they are twins, bravery on this field either. But due to the danger Does all that has been said mean that the social Schleicher government will be forced to establish a bal not antipodes. Let us assume that the social dem hanging over heir head the liberal Jewish bourge democracy as a whole will fight against Fascism? To ance by strengthening its Left wing; meanwhile, an ocracy would, without fearing its own workers, want oisie, for example, collected considerable sums for the this we reply: part of the social democratic functionalleviation of the crisis will perhaps ensue; the petty to sell its toleration to Hitler. But Hitler does not arming of revolutionary workers and students. In this aries will undoubtedy go over to the Fascists; a consibourgeoisie will perhaps sober up. capitalism will need this commodity: he needs not the toleration, but manner, temporary practical agreement was arrived derable section will creep under their beds in the hour perhaps decrease its frantic pressure upon the work the abolition of the social democracy. The Hitler at between the most revolutionary workers, who were of danger. The working masses also will not fight in ing class. and with the aid of God everything will government can only accomplish its task by breaking prepared to fight with guns in hand, and the most their entirety. To guess in advance what part of the once again be in order.
the resistance of the proletariat and by removing all frightened group the bourgeoisie, which had got into socia democratic workers will be drawn into the strugThe Bonapartist clique actually does not desire the the possible organs of its resistance. Therein lice a scrape.
gle, and when, and what part of the apparatus they complete victory of Fascism. It would not by any the historical role of Fascism.
Last year wrote that in the struggle against will tear along with them, is altogether impossible.
means be disinclined to utilize the support of the social The Stalinists confine themselves to a purely psycho Fascism the Communists were duty bound to come to That depends upon many circumstances, among them, democracy within certain bounds. But for this pur logical, or more exactly, to a purely moral evaluation a practical agreement not only with the devil and his also, upon the position of the Communist party. The pose, it would have to tolerate the workers organi of those cowardly and avaricious petty bourgeois who granddam, but even with Grzesinsky. This sentence policy of the united front has as its task to separate zations, which is conceivable only if, at least, to a load the social democracy. Can we actually assume made its way through the entire Stalinist world press. those who want to fight from those who do not; to certain extent, the legal existence of the Communist that these inveterate traitors would separate them Was better proof needed of the social Fascism of push forward those who vacillate; finally to co:nproparty is to be allowed. Moreover, support of the selves from the bourgeoisie and oppose it? Such an the Left Opposition? Many comrades had warned me mise the capitulationist leaders in the eyes of the workmilitary dictatorship by the socialdemocracy would idealistic method has very little in common with Marx. in advance: They are going to seize on this phrase. ers in order to consolidate the fighting capacity of the push the workers irresistably into the ranks of Com ism, which proceeds not from what people think about answered thein. It has also been written so that they latter.
munism. By seeking a means of support against the themselves and what they desire but from the condi seize on it. Just let them seize upon this hot iron and How much time has been lost aimlessly, senselessly, brown devils, the government would very soon become tions in which they are placed and from the changes burn their fingers. The blockheads must get their shamefully! How much could have been achieved, subject to the blows of the red Beelzebubs.
which these conditions will undergo.
even in the last two years alone! Was it not clear The official Communist press declares that the tol. The social democracy supports the bourgeois régime, The course of the struggle has led to Von Papen in advance that monopolistic capital and its Fascist eration of Brüning by the social democracy paved the not for the gains of the coal, the steel and the other getting Grzesinsky acquainted with the inside of a jail. army would drive the social democracy with fists and road for Papen and that the half toleration of Papen magnates, but for the sake of those gains which it itself Did this episode follow from the theory of social Fasc black jacks toward the road of opposition and of selfwill accelerate the arrival of Hitler. That is entirely can obtain as a party, in the person of its numerically ism and from the prognoses of the Stalinist bureau defense? This prognosis should have been unfolded correct. Within these boundaries, there are no differ great and powerful apparatus. To be sure, Fascism cracy? No, it occurred in complete contradiction of before the eyes of the entire working class, the initiaences of opinion between ourselves and the Stalinists. in no way threatens the bourgeois régime, for the de the latter. Our evaluation of the situation, however, tive should have been taken for the united front and But this precisely signifies that in times of social crisis fense of which the social democracy exists. But had such an eventuality in view and had assigned this initiative should have been retained firmly in our the politics of reformism no longer turn against the Fascism endangers that rôle which the social democracy definite place for it.
hands at every new stage. It was not necessary to masses alone but against itself. In this process the fulfills in the bourgeois régime and the income which But the social democracy this time, too, avoided shout, nor to scream. An open game could have been critical moment has present come into play. the social democracy derives from this rôle it plays the struggle. some Stalinist will object. Yes, it did played quietly. It would have sufficed to formulate, Hitler tolerates Schleicher, the social democracy Even though the Stalinists forget this side of the mato avoid it. Whoever expected the social democracy, clip and clear, the inevitability of every next step of does not oppose Papen. If this situation could really ter, the social democracy itself does not for one mo over the head of its leaders and their carrying on, in the enemy and to set up a practical program of the be assured for a long period of time, then the social ment lose from its sight the mortal danger with which dependently to take up the struggle, and, at that, united front, without exaggerations and without hagdemocracy would become transformed into the Left a victory of Fascism threatens it not the bourgeoisie, under conditions in which the Communist party showed gling, but also without weakness and without conceswing of Bonapartism and leave to Fascism the role of but it the social democracy.
itself even incapable of struggle, naturally had to ex sions. How high the Communist party would stand the Right wing.
Theoretically, it is not, of course, About three years ago, when we pointed out that perience disappointment. We did not expect such today if it had assimilated the B of Leninist policy excluded that the present, unprecedented crisis of the point of departure in the coming political crisis miracles. Therefore we could not lay ourselves open and applied it with the necessary perseverance!
German capitalism will not lead to any conclusive in Austria and in Germany would in all probability be to any disappointments about the social democracy. Prinkipo, August 9, 1932. TROTSKY. On the Proletarian Revolution in the United States It Chicago Stalinists Reject Offer of Help of the bourgeois revolution and settled these demands. Whom are they strugthe question as to who was master of the gling against for these democratic de statc. Following the let up of the post mands? The democratic demands and war dictatorship against the landdlords the economic needs of the Negroes, Multhe foreign The accelerated pace of the decay of revolution of 1917 and what followed cor powers themselves and the contradictions conquests were planned and carried out in the South, the world crisis of 1873 attoos, Asiatlo, Mexican, capitalism in the present period, regard rected this non Marxist theory, but in its between the imperialists and the Soviet Mexico was defeated, land was bonght ushered in a new period for American horn and Indians are not even questions sharply the question of the coming Amering as Marxist, have developed the the present German situation. The re these joint struggles the landowners of ward with rapid strides towards mono letarien revolution, no matter how short its duration. American conditions have Ican revolution. Many workers dismiss theory that the United States will be the lation the German situation to the the south obtained more than their share Twly capitalism.
of the robbery However, the parallel Third Edition of the Bourgeois not only passed beyond the February this question with a sentence or two last to have the social revolution, be. will be taken up later.
needs of expansion soon crowed each period of Rurvin in 1917 but have also It is either around the corner; a generall cause it is too strong, because it is so Our Approach Marxism gives no We must approach the coming revolo to the Civil War.
other, hecame entangled, and finally led The question must now be asked: wm passed beyond the hourgeois stage of the strike will usher it in; or the revolution highly developed.
October revolution.
In America is decades away. Commun grounds for either concept. but some tion in the United States from American have a third edition of the Texas was celed long before the final bourgeois revolution? Are there still The capitalists of America do not ists cannot leave this question unanswer muddle headed Coinmunists do.
angles. First, a theoretical analysis: to democratic de share their power with other exploiters.
ed. We cannot draw a blueprint but wel The idea of strong links and weak links consider what kind of revolution is in conflict and showed the incompromising carry overs, are there part of the can define the general features of the of the capitalist chaine does not flow store for the United States. Second. position the two forces were heading to mands the capitalist must fight for in other exploiters obtain coming revolution, to ceable to work mechanically from the idea of highly review of the line of march of the party ward. They planned to divide it into America, they did in Rusia, in Spain, plunder as subordinated funkies. Shar out tactics and strategy leading toward developed and under developed capital. under stalinist leadership in order to three states that would sond mix senat and in other countrien? To say that all ing profits as subordinated plunderers revolution ist countries. Backward countries are find out if Stalinism is leading in the ors Instead of two to the Hennte. In the of the democratie demands have been real does not in any way wignify sharing po race for the colonization of Texas, the ined for all the people of the United wer, as for example, the sharing of power In the post war period it was the duty not strong links of the capitalist chain correct direction.
of the Communists to settle the question but it is false to think that developed The American revolution of 1775 was a landowners of the south had more than states in the height of ignorance but to by the landlords, in Europe and Asia.
product of the best stage of capitalismo the bour e preventing the good progressive does revolution will be pro Second International revised the Marx. Int workl system. Such a conceptis duct of decay capitalism. The Art AD away from peaceful struggles into geois revolution is even worse.
capitalist from carrying out the demmental pro not explain the contradictions in batem. one was necessary to reexamine the decay stage of capitalism, Germany serloan revolution was a struggle to estabe followed. Bloody Kansas was a pretode economic needs large sections of the is the capitalists who thrive and main open conflicts. struggle for the West There are democratic demands and ocratic clemands and economic needs.
workers that our road to power leads the best example to refute such mechant revolution in America will be a strug to the Civil War to follow: Just like John workers and the farmers have which cantain their system hy the prevention of Ele to destroy the capitalist system in rown action. It also cast a shadow on not be fulfilled under capitalism. ive the carrying out of the democratie de the capitalist state and to the establish. The World Position of Imperialism America. The first revolution was a war the future from the cars angle. must fight for these demands as work, mands and economic needs.
The Civil War was the second editioners. The capitalists are not fighting for ment of Soviets and the Dictatorship of In tle present stage the American im between a rlsing colonial bourgeoisle and (To be continued)
is a settled question, especially since the nolitics. From this world position flow The American coloules were tinham1917 revolution Under Lenin and Trot the factors undermining this strong link pered by feudal carry overs and were that we need not fret; the District would sky this abstraction was brought to life of world capitalism. It is laying the able to plow forward swiftly. But the Am take up onr letter and let us know.
In Russia, but under Stellin the concept basis, with coming sharp turns in world erican revolution did not settle all of the of Soviets and of the Dictatorhip is kept events, to America becoming a weak probems of the rising bourgeois clan. Continued from page 1) We await your immediate reply.
After the interview had terminated The problem of state power was not enIn the abstract for all other countries. Vink of the chain.
thus, we left. All of were greatly Unless the Marxists proceed to clothe. Will the Communist party be equal to tirely to their liking. In Europe, the its after the fling of the petitions up to astonished at the fact that the District Answer this capitalists were forced to share their election dny.
Organizer. of Chicago Branch Campaign headquarters should be all out this abstraction with at least the gener it task? Only we can of petition blanks. Of course the thought al outlines of the American form we question. The economic foundation of power with the feudal landowners. In We, therefore, request you to immedli Several precious days elapsed during that Johnny was merely stalling never power. Up to the present we have not upon the 48 states. Its structure rests share their power with the chattel slave ately supply us with the necessary blanks which the Tortonade relatie and instructions for the obtaining of appeals entered our minds. Neither did we imfor signatures but no reply came to our acine that possibly Johnny was afraid shortcoming the Communist party, first in South America, Asia and Europe as to compromise with other exploiters being to which we can send our speakers under the leadership of the Right wing well as the whole North American con: cause a new enemy, the proletariat, was and to, in general, indicate to us any ac went to the party district office to find very ticklish polut, because some aspirand now under the leadership of Stalin. Inent. The contradictions of the world developing from the left. The bourge and that we can comence to help make out the reason. It recins that our visiting fellow burenrurat might, on some ism has presented tactics and strategy capitalists have become the contradictions ois revolution could not be considered this campaign a success.
was totally unexpected, since there was future occasion, use it against him. But leading in the wrong direction, a direc. of American capitaliem.
complete so long as the dass did not This stand is taken us in all win 30 stron arm reception committee on now after a week has almost gone by and still there is no answer, we are becomtion which will, if continued, prevent us The redivision of the world markets have the state power in their hands, as cerity. our object being to lend all band to throw out the counter revolufrom establishing the dictatorship of the becomes the burning problem of the their own Instrument of suppression.
tionary Trotskyites. who for some un ing rery suspicious, proletariat.
Ntorms of any nation become of utmost the mother country, settled. After 1812. tion. We are not deterred in our designatures in order to put the party on position, who are members of party auxworkel Imperialists. The revolutionary No sooner were accounts with England. Sistance in the campaign of the Com known reason wanted to help collect munist party of which we are a fac Meanwhile, members of the Left OnAmerican Revolution When?
It is our task to explain the American importance for the capitalists in America. than the struggle between the two Amcision by the fact that our delegates were the bullot.
form, its peculiarities as well as the re. American wealth and capital today requireerican exploiting classes, the rising capl. forcefully ejected from the party Uni The spokesman for the Committee. lecting signatures and turning them over Iliaries and unions are col.
lations to the first Soviet Republic, not a world police force and a world out. talists and the chattel masters, took on ted Front Conference.
That we have comrade Giganti, reminded the acting to these organizations. At our street tonship, but especially from the point of tel Statex depends upon the economic state power, for example control devel the six adopted slogans: criticize the our letter and requested to know the campaign and urge the workers to vote view of the process on the rond to power stability of world capitalism. The in oped. The carry over in Amerier was complete Inck of the real vital slogans reason why we had received no response. Communist. In contradiction to the semi.
In this respect we can present variants ternal contradletions of American capital more backward than that which the which would connect the immediate de The Worthy cracked Asie and Social Democratic speeches of the party which are possible and eliminate what is so great that the American Im capitalists of Europe contended with, with the goal of prol dieta stated that they had recelved our letter which concern themselves entirely with offset the incorrect. harmful, non Marx. ter for a solution, and this in turn shakes of the struggle with the race Inte, cloak course of the campaign whose slow prowoon drew Williamson attention to the reaucrats attempts to isolate us from the their decision. Comrade Giganti thereinist position on parliamentarism. The bulen trend of Centrism today the whole structure.
ing the class problem in the race form. grex is symptomatle rather than acct. short time left for the signatures to be party ranks and from the working class At one period in the development of The developing civil war in Germany.
the Martiane current to Amerlen, before witla the danger of a Fascist dletatorship Every expension move the American rosolution to do all that lies within our lord ond witated that the werft oppost: will not succeed. By our practical ne the 1917 revolution, many Marxista hanging as a living menace over the so capitalists made met with resistance tion was willing to set to work of proletariat, from the plantation owner of the South power to help bring the Communist palutely to collect signatures providing we our theoretical stand, we shall draw the were positive the revolution would proviet Union and the world tion before the masses.
ceed from the a and Only by compromise and joint expeditions were supplied with the necessary blanks. parts masses ever closer.
couple tree countries rather mechanically, breathing spell for decas capitalfom. The ne concubinet were the couple Ward, sucre you ready to accept our profferred help? had no blank petitions on hand, and We stand to in their Industrial order. The Russian contradictions between the imperialist north able to BANZEL