BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

1 NE MILITANT PAGE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1932 struggle. He is a militant trade unionist with a clean cut record. He enjoys the confidence of the broad section of the Hails New Union of 11 Allard Answers Party Bureaucrats movсичаt. of ad and cooperated with the Party in fighting the (Continued from page 1) cers of our Union decide otherwise. ing leaders of the struggle. Continued from page 1) lously against the imposition of starvaX The Communist Party, issued a state Criminal Syndicațist cases in Franklin file will preserve the last basis of unlonism in the bituminous fields.
We recommend that Pit Committees ment attacking the conference and the County. The communist Party has exit the new movement is not to sink into thon wages, against the capitalist lackeys In our district ne agitation is neces and Local unions settle all disputes on leaders of the morement. Especially tery. pressed confidence in him personally on a state of paralysis and finally be ren who attempted to sell them out and sary to convey to the membership the the basis of the contract. In the event, in their attacks of Gerry Allard, Pat more than one occasion. Several times dered impotent like so many rebel move against the open and brutal terror of the henchmen in governmental positions.
This was the direction clearly indic. These miners have organized their fight savagery, the terrorism and murder that that it is agreed by both sides to refer Ansbury and Joe Goett. These three natn leaders of the Party hare conferred with meats before it.
him on the Minois miners struggle. The high salarled Officials in the attempt to members of the district board of our struggle, fighting shoulder to shonlder bave prevailed, as the methods of our the matter to higher tribunal; that twol ers have been in the forefront of their attack of the Parts against himlated by the left position and by its with picketing on a mass senle never force wage cut, and sacrifice union and two members of the coal op with the rest of the brothers under ter the fact that he is a close personnl members and supporters actively engag witnessed before thus giving a militant and political associate of Gerry Allard. ed in the Minois morement over a per birth to their new union every important condition ever derived erators association meet to decide auy rifle strain. Joe Goett was former pro The Party has asked him to sever rell Louis of last year our members recom able than a year ago. The miner have iod of time. At the convention in St. There is now a stronger basis availcontroversial matters.
visional president of the Illinois miners thru long years of bitter struggle.
The Salting Up of an Apparatus appointed by John Lewis Iis record tions with Allard, but he has steadfastly Our international and district officials stand indicted on the following counts to the couference proceeded then to com is not of the best characters yet the refused to do so claiming that the Party mended the building of a new union and gained additional experiences which will It was fortify them agalust encroachments of direct violation of the oath of obliga plete its task in setting up of an appar severed Is relations in the Lewis nd. was wrong in its policies in the mine a program of unity of action tion, and the constitution of the atus of prorisional officers to take care ministration and has been instrumental struggle and that the policy of Allard rejected then by the Musteites in control new fuker combinations who will inevitof of the new enton until a constitutional in solidifying the strike in the Peoria group were more applicable to the sitna of the convention, as well as by the Comably attempt to fetten on the new move1. Refusal to adhere to the majority convention be held. The date set for district which is now 100 on strike tion. At the present time a great price munist Party leadership who boycotted ment. They will have lenrned to discard decision of the membership.
And contklence given to the Fishwick Walkerthe convention will be October 3, at He onhesitantly endorsed the dea of a has been placed on his head by the en the convention. Our members continued sneh false illusions of the past as the Refusal to carry out the mandates Gillesple. There the complete program new union. Gortt was in a position to cuties of the Minois coal miners. He is their tight with the movement of the PROGRESSIVE MINERS OF AM center the most conservative elements Tesourceful and a dynamle fis the corrections of the direction which Howatt combination, or to the lenderof the district convention In this sense the 111Discrimination against foreign born BRICA will be set up. In the meantime around him and spillt the conference, but tre. but his main weaknesses lle in the we recommended then has now, in its ship of self styled progresaves of the are thrown forward today and who have The outright robbery of the refer the nited Mine Workers of America is policies may be is allicult to determine omiy been active in the labor movement theoretical conclusion but alko by inois miners must watch the leaders who rank and file the realities of the class struggle.
to be carried ont. Injunctions, legal at this time. However, it must be removement of year ago he was a vietian. THE FUTURE PATH OF not been tested in the fire of struggle endum vote on the Wage Scale.
For the Illinois miners the destiny now Use of gangsters, police, sheriffs, angles and lawsuits make it impera cognized that he was elected by his nemstute highway patrolmen, and all tive that certain preliminary steps be bership to attend this convention and losing his job at the mines and faced THE ILLINOIS MINERS courageonly deportation charges of the The sterling fighters of the Illinois coalin in their own hands. But their union agencies of force and oppression taken for the establishment of the new for over two years now he has been in Vederal government at the instigation of fields, the thousands of miners who have in till to face its text. The serious the mines loading coul. lle en only be John Lewis brother who is an agent prevent themselves it worthy upholders. nungle with the rapacious operators in murdering and terrorizing loyal order.
members of of Claud Pearcy, of Gillespie, Tim Jones classed as a rauk and fler.
Willian Keck, of Party Leaders Negotiate Secretly of the department of Justice. All through of the early splentia traditions of the Illi ahead. No is also the case with Every method of discussion and per Belleville were elected by acclamation the convention he pursued a correct line miners union, have But Det Publicly suasion has been exhausted in our honoraccepted this as ine and above all the rerious matter of of struggle against operators and the their direction of trawl. The road is al. Puture policy.
for the positions President, Vice able struggle to present our grievances are ident and Secretary Treasurer re the most popular lenders in the Illinois! at Ansbury is unquestionably one of Lewis Walker forces.
ready emblazoned with struggles of gig.
The Illinois miners have also learned within the organization. GERMINAL antie proportions, miner fighting tenac ome valuable leon from their experi We have petitioned for a special district spectively. These officers are to serve ene with polley pursued by the official convention, we have used every consti provisionally until such time that a reMy Sialinist leadership. pursued tutional method to eradicate the destruc ferendum vote can be held throughout the opposite course from ours. It retive forces within our union. The ans. the whole jurisdiction of the rogresjer the poliey of a genuine united wer of our officials has been more terror. sive Miners Union.
front of approuching the existing inde.
failings clubbings intimidation and whole. Joc erona, Machlin, Edward Bendent minerx unions as bona fide bodies sale expulsions of the true fighters that up. Ioberta, Thomas Cowell, Christopher, Flerewith we are publishing a let But as far as 1o come out and fight for and recognizing the Illinois mineral were the backbone of our organization. Burney Flaherty, Jones, George Mc lor from comrade Allard which deals the party. It stands today that is im revolts as a genuine mass movement Having exhausted every method of con. Clendon and Gerry Allard were clected August 31, 1932 Dear Comrades: with the important question of our possible stitutionality we have come to the con. Executive Board Members, also to serve was approached the other day from even though infested in the last with attitude to the ofhcial party. Its con The Party in the Situation mt lenders. It refused to recognize any clusion that an energetle program of provisionally, tents reflect comrade Allard personthe purpose of trying to come to antiWhat is the prty going to do in the other union than the one over which struggle must be formulated for the pre Gerry Allard, Pat Ansbury and o. derstanding with the inrty. John Shaw, al reaction in the present situation present situation? Thus far. they have it itself held inechanical control, the servation of unionism in the mining in Dudley were selected to attend the con organizer of the party. had a lawyer of which require an answer and clarifica not got one active or prominent member National Miners Cinton. It failed, AS a Louis. Irvingtion. The answer we will publish in from within. The inrty demands hegelogia conclusion from this course, enests of all dependent on the mining in mine that is to be held in Glace Bay, the. from St.
pencer, bring a message advising me onr next issule Ed.
mony of the present moveent. Even if tirely in the essential task of developing dustry for existence.
Novin Scotin. September 19th. The that all cond lie threshed out so that the miners would give it to them, they and organizing the Loft wing within the Realizing the responsibility that hts Novia Scotia murs pledged their whole the party and would come to un would not know what to do with it. They It boycotted and attacked re.
tory had placed upon We your hearted support, to the new movement. terstanding an am willing to strengthens and prompted in the first picket linesh forward the totally dis. Cult movements which were not ready POLICY COMMITTEE clected by state Joe Goett, Dan Magill, Andrew Steed, Communist, but have liccome firmly con where they were picked off hy the time and dead. What part have they to set its mechanical domination and wide conference held in Gllespie, In, Gerry Allard and Albert Brien were player in Iringing about the present its wrong course. As a result of this Sept. 1, 1982 to which was delegated the elected on a committed to present the incorul that the way to build Communisu sherine few more facts: Nothing, excepting to do the party is today isolated from the illtask of presenting a program herewith cause of the Illinois miners and demand party. The Daily Worker continues to Allard was in the vanguard the money from the very beginning Now. iols mine Heldx.
wish to submit the following report foring that all rights of picketing meet conduct a campaign of lying, vilification state marchers then, they are the saviors and have not THE COMMUNIIST DUTY IN your consideration.
ings, riding on the highways be guar and the limiest wart of blicity over Allard worked three days and nights as yet detined a policy for this movement COMING DEVELOPMENTS auteed. The committee will also demand to pursue. They ray we have no proThe organization of the Progressive We propose that a definite break with from the state anthorities an Investiga experienced by coal muers in the labor organizing the state marels Allard is wing hounded by killers of ram and continually harp on the fact Aliners of America and the objective the officers of the of betion of conditions in Franklin County The rank and file mluers are swarming the underworld. called by the state forces that we have 10 policy. But yet we possibilities for units in the mine fields immediately carried ont and we proceed where two members of the opposition fac to the Socialist party and believe me, it the brains of the present movement. hare held our own. We have made labor imperatively demani a change in this at once to set up an apparatus for the tion were murdered and hundreds wound hurts my heart to see this of re Allard is now doing work in Franklin history, we have come 10. 000 miners un false course pursued by the party leadformation of a new union.
formists taking in the best fighters of County where 10 organizer clares set der our control and we are pushing for. ership. It is becoming more pressing II.
The conference was in version for three the labor movement lure. Yet, when foot at the present time.
ward a new mion.
than ever. The Communists must be in We recommend to the conference that days and deliberated on all phases of the speak of the Communist party, they prout Allard is getting delegates from workTomorrow conference will have de the vanguard of the working class strug the name of our new Industrial Union mining situation. The ladies auxiliary on the numerous articles attacking me ing mines to go to the state wide con. Gutely low for fit the program for a new sle: but they have the additional serious shall be the PROCRESSIVE MINERS were baxity engaged in preparing meals and wonder how have the gall to deference at Gillespie tomorrow. Quite a union on the following usis: OF AMERICA for orer 500 miners. The spirit prevail. fend them in the face of the barrage tarik, by the way, in the face of two The building of a new industrial Letion. In this sense the party leader III.
ing at the conference was perfect. Never of lies that have been leveled at my thousand deputies guarding Franklin e trur le union.
ship faces a new text when the hands We recommend that temporary Ex had conference treen beld in the inis head.
Cutenty. For the national rank fle for unity of action is extended to the ecutive Committee be selected by the tory of the Illinois coal miners where have made up my mind that the conference consisting of one member from men, women and the whole populace farther away the Party bureaucrats keep decide on who is more devoted to the will leave it up to the miners to unity of all the miners.
National Miners Union. That hand It Stop the check off must grasp and strive honestly for such each sub listrict. Also that one tempor. were o harmonious in cooperating to their noses out of our affairs, the better pecent Co. But as far as helping unity ary Pres. one Temp. Vice Pres and one the end of overcoming the horrible condi it will be for the labor movement. We communist party of that kind goes, well. coal operators for rauk and file contracts. Enormous tasks lie ahead in the mine temporary Secy. Treasurer le selected tious that prevall throughont the mining will demonstrate to the labor movement lleve that am through. know by the conference. These officials to act Helds of Illinois, how a real miners union will be built in that this does not conform exactly to tional organization.
Setting up of apparatus for allowever, this is but one of the focus until such time that a referendum vote Some Necessary Criticism the United States. And the pride of your attitude but am caught in a ing points at the moment. The workers of our whole membership be held. These The main weakness developed in the this achievement will be the fact that movement that makes it necessary for motos Industry. Liquidation of Wim in the elsewhere are not exempted. The can officer to serve for actual expense until conference was the fact that the more the rank and file coal diegers build it. me to come to this point. The party italist rulers of the country still cher such time that a constitutional convencapabile leaders of the movement would We appreciate cooperation from real and communism lo es ground while a Tuvitution of the Wext Virginin ishing the hope of issuing out of the tfon be held or that work is resumed. not accept positions. Everyone serving working class organizations. The Last bunch of fakers and mislealers like the miners union and the runk and file of crisis by shifting the whole burden on In the event that one of the officers mines delegates were so deeply imbued over opposition is continuously an inspiration. makes headiway.
The National Miners nion.
to the shoulders of the working class resumes operation he will be paid the the bureaucracy that has existed in the But the professional liars make person. have only one course to purene in These along with a number of other are increasing their attacks. The Ambaste scale and expenses until constitu miners union for years, that they believe al issues out of our best fighters, while this light and that is for me and the preliminars steps for the formation of erican workers have suffered serious set ferendum for permanent officers to be as office seekers. This was a wrong tend and beaten. Well, that is too much for tant revolutionary union program tional convention decides otherwise. Reto accept position would make them out our comrades are being murdered. jailed other sympathizers to fight for a nulll the union will be considered. backs but they have not been defeated.
and held within sixty days after constituency. It is not too late however and it me over to forget. role not be how for independent working class action.
Fraternally yours, new stage of more intense struggles all tional convention is held.
is hoped that a stronger lendersbip willest with myself and with the labor GPRKY ALLARD.
along the line in the making. To prepare for this the experiences in the IV.
be elected into the leading offices after movement to ever forgive el crimes.
Illinois mine fields furnish a valuable We recommend that the check off sys the constitutional convention is held Facts About Allard lesson. That is a lesson particularly tem be temporarily abolished until con Rank and fileism was prevalent in the recent issue of the Daily Worker for the Communist party.
stitutional convention for further const minds of the best of leaders. Everyone says that Allard and the Musteites are Preparation for these future strugger.
deration of this matter and that dues and wanted to light and make the greatest very conspicuously absent from the some time ago. The Militant, in deal tile food workers. It is which will sure as day and night involve assessments be paid by individual mem sacrifices possible to build the new enton ploket lines and it is only the pressure lug with the situation in the Food Work Matice in which their pressure upon the only one in the present existing unions, demands that bers to Lucal Union Secretary who in but they wanted to serve as buck pri of the rank and tile under the leader ers Industrial Ihlon. gave some wketel bureaucrary is making itxell felt. But the Communist penetrate deeper into turn will give the member a badge and water and on the firing lines.
card which will be furnished to every This was especially the attitudes of to move forward. The facts sure that leadership. Among these sketches there. They must push on until final triumph ind his place there. Away with the member joining the PROGRESSIVE Pat Ansbury, Joe Picek, Joe Burrell, Joe Allard and his wife were the first ones wis one of a certain Joe Newman, al over the burennerats, until their union lies of self Isolation and with all the MINERS UNION.
Tattuello, Joe Goett and other ontstand arrested in the Illinois miners struggle racketeer type sleltered by the bureau and their communist purty are returned ubuish off the Third Period. in its We recommend that one scale commit4 Tacy in the cooperative cumps under to the Leninist path, until workers dem LUKRASITARIKR STEALHE SH!
tee member be elected by this conference the coutel of the party. Months after ocracy once more becomes a fart in the genuine united front policy and of trade union unity.
The Militant expo this heinous win from cach xub district to work in conOrganizations, until the line of IEON TROTSKY the District Neretariat of Dis. 2, New Lanin is firmly reestablisluel. In this National Committee junction with temporary executive of York. now, at last, annonces the right, the Laf Opposition will work fire Communist League of America ficers and Temp. Officials in order to alition of Newman nevertheless only lexly side by side with them. Opposition)
invite mine operators to joint conference for the purpose of consummating for the period of one year, PODWORKERS.
Nowman will remembered by MDcontract. Itepresentatives from the solid shooting and strip mines be elected by tant readers as the abominable Stalinst Vital Questions for the German functionary, who in the summer of 1981, general caucus of these miners working in this particular class of work. We sug Proletariat dispute with a worker employed at camp gest that no less than two from each Kinderland which the notorious New The Sinclal Xember classification be chosen as representatives.
International calling New Betrayals of Social Democracy man wax ruuning hy We recommend that an official organ, the Youth Day issue of Young Spartacus is State Troopers!
Opportunity for Communists named the ROGRESSIVE MINER be now off the press. This issue is an The new betrayals of the social demestablished and to be published weekly.
pon the pressure of the Daft Poster Featured in a print of the call ocracy and the temporary contlict among The supervision of our Official organ, til au tie rank and He of the for the first baternational Youth Day ad the bourgeoisie offer the Communists an shall be left up to the executive Officials.
of the other excellent opportunity to rally the VIL Paucracy for six months last winter world by the Derne Conference of the whole working class of Germany for unlLENIN We recommend that pending the secur For xix months we as to enable him to International Union of Socialist Youth. ted action, to prepare the proletariat for Tume his abominable practices and There are also extracts from Lent ar the deathblow ogniut capitalism. WAIL ing of a wage agreement with the inois coal operators, by association or weit wervice to the top bon when ticle on the cause of the World War. the German Communist arty take adassociations that individual operators stamotaer came around anain. This time and Trotsky xcitism in the Service of vantage of the situation. That depends.
desiring to operate mines will be given he is being pwllert for one year. One Imwrialiem.
In the first place, the whole Stalinist The september we also contains an confusionism of national and social year in which to rehabilitate binele for a contract wigned by the officals, as representatives of the PROGRESSIVE DICTATORSHIP?
his regular jul with the bureaucracy article on the original of International liberation must be thrown overboard.
MINERS OF AMERICA. This agreement e more txt runner.
Youth Day luy Albert Giloter. call to Instead of Thalmann dangerously nato be temporary at the wage scale and But the foodworker will remain at demonstrate with the Young communitionalltie Prople Revolution Against teative and vigilant the Stalinist Leview of the resolution by Versailles. the German Communists conditions that existe up until March 31, 1932. It is understood that any SOVIET UNION lendir hip rext assured of that. Newman the to the American League bs met use the military formula of the operator must include all the mines own.
was expired for an allegedly wretched Joe Carter and a report on the conven Concious BRUENINGY bourgeoisie. Schleicher Yoning looples Socialist praethont irt settling accounts with piece of bureaucratie impidence and ion of the ed and controlled by him and that all coal operators shall grant an equal divi head. It is charged that, suspte lugels comrade Gould. Cartoons and the internal Schweinehund. agrinst the sion of work in all classifications fons that some workers were absconding snapy make up help to make the capitalist foe. Now, more than ever labor.
with property of the enterprise, he went Muean appealing one. the main enemy is in one own counVIII.
With Germany on the edge of the volcano that threatens to erupt at ahead and in the most arbitrary fashion All comrades are asked to send in their try.
We recommend, that an attempt be any moment, Leon Trotsky penetrating analysis of what is next on cut up the tires of an auto which these oriers immediately to Young Spartacus Secondly, the German Communiste made to get the attorneys of the AMworkers hund occupied of course the There are only a limited edition on hand must realize that it is high time to rethe order of the day in Germany is the most timely revolution ERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION to workers took him to account. little Order your copies and see they turn to the Leninist united front tactie render legal talent for the purpose of document of the moment. It is priced so low for a quick sale. Order saudal ensued. the workers were clear are your acquaintances and come, and to give up the burcaucratic ultimacollecting death funds due our deceased your copy now!
ed of the lureanerat unfounded upictions tist of the Stalinists.
brothers and also to supply all legal 35c 63 carpet. Il stalinist protectors found the ion and Newman was hauled on the Thirdly, international solidarity must support necessary in the course of our be aroned in the widest possible forms, In Paper struggle, against the coal operators and In Cloth situation altogether too embarrassing VOTE the Comintern must be brought into a all enemies of our movement.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS und had to double cross him: the cu tion. The need of the moment is a world IX.
84 East 10th Street, New York, pulsion followed, with the typical bureau We recommend that we have our state cratic proviso: for one year! COMMUNIST. al with the participation of the Leninheadquarters at Gillesple temporarily KATIKA The expulsion of Bureaucrat Newman Int Left Opposition.
until such time, that the executive offiis undoubtedly a victory of the rank and SAM GORDON Stalinist Bureaucrat Expelled in WHAT NEXT?
Sept. Young Spartacus Out Hitler. Von Papen BRANTLER?