BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Lenjue of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March, 1878 VOLUME V, NO. 37 WHOLE NO. 13 31 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1932 PRICE CENTS HELP MAINTAIN THE Miners Form New Union Raise Struggle to New Heigh. Communist League Greets New Progressive Miners Union Stalinists Reject Offer of Help British Left Comes Out Openly in Fight for Leninist Policy Wil The Millitant continue to appearfully live up to the confidence which you regularly? That is the question which have reposed in our movement. But let looms before us and which we pass on us now hear from you. Send your conto our reuders and supporters. The contributions speedily to The Militant at ditions imposed upon us vive us no other 84 East 10th Street, New York, National Unity. Aim of Militant Illinois Body cholee.
Thirty seven thousand Illinois coal Policy committee were accepted reading We sounded the alarm when the Stalinminers assembled in extraordinary ses as follows: ist bureaucrats attempted to incite a The Communist League of America If the new union is to fulfill the greatsion voted to secode from the United pogrom campaign ngainst us, based upon (Opposition) greets the formation of the task that confront it, it is necessary live Workers of America and organized THE REPORT OF POLICY COMMIT.
its frame up mursler charge. We could rogressive Miners of America. It re immediately to take the following steps: the ROGRESSIVE MIXERS OF AL TEE ELECTED AT GILLESPIE CON.
pursite no other course than to ask for presents a serious step forward for the Flying in the face of the disastrERICA. It was a dramatie moment in FERENCE SEPTEMBER 1, 1932 your help in the a onal needs as well American working class and one which oux, reactionary tradition or class collathe deliberations the state wide con.
as the additional ditheulties which this the situation imposed.
is destined to mark the beginning of aboration under Lewis and Walker, the front when Gerry Allard, secretary of mining industry of Illinois makes it in CHICAGOnew chapter, not only for unionism in new union should base itself frankly and the Policy Coinmittee, made his report o peritive that we assemble in a rank and As you are being informed elsewhere Following the Communist Party Ced the minie fields, but for trade unionism as solidly upon the recognition of the class half of the committee. He concluded he conference to solve the problems conthe New York trul Committee appeal in Dally a whole.
In these columns, some struggle and the practical program of his report by a terly written statement fronting us. The problem confronting us the Chicago capitalist papers, and their ner relative, Worker of August 18th, The action taken at Gillespie, III. on aetion which flows from it.
analyxing the coul Industry, the Lewis today, is whether unionism will continue the Jewish Daily Forward, took the Branch of the left Opposition sent the september 1, by the 273 delegates, re The new union must break funda Walker misleaders with their machine to function in the mining industry of theme up charge at face value for the following letter to the District Campaign presenting 35, 000 miners, in laying down mentally with all forms of Lewisism, sun contract and Indleting these of or whether the last remnants will purpose of utilizing it against the com Comunitten. This letter is self explana a foundation and building a framework particularly by establishing in its own Allard slow. be dominated and controlled by the Lewismunist movement as a whole. Also the tory for the ww unton was made inevitable rank the inost democratic procedure read the recommendations of the Walker force acting as agents of the New York police department has taken Dear Comrades: in the progress of developinents. That compatible with union organization. To Polley Committee: coal operators.
the tip from the Stalinist leaders. We The Chteago Branch of the Left Oppost action was correct and will be but more prevent the formation of a reactionary We propose that a definite break Our industry, is indeed, in one deplorare being investigated with the officers of the United Wine tion has incussed the appeal of the fully Justified by future history. It can bureaucracy, the new union ought to be Workers of America be funmedlatels ble situation. nemployment, mechantAt the outnet we can say very confia. Ceutral Committee, II. A, which become an enormous aid to the working and from the start won rank and file carried out and that we proceed at xation, substitution of coal lay other fuel ently that the frame up charge will not appeared in the August 18th issue of the class in the serious struggles which it control of the movement.
along with other general and particular stick, nor will serious party members or Dally Worker, regarding the danger of Isabont to face. It opens up the road The new union must be imbned Once to wait up an apparatus for the conditions present the coal industry as Communist workers believe it. But in the party not getting on the ballot in to unity of action and final unication with the knowledge that it cannot solve tormation of a new mont the most chaotic oue in our whole ecoan Indirect sense it can well be utilized various districts through the lack of with the National Miners Union, the the problems oren of the Illinois miners The conclave broke into a spontaneous nomie system. The far reaching nature Aware that this danger ex West Virginia Miers Cinton and with the wy confining itself to a district sale outburst of applants and by unanimous of the present economic crisis forcefully ence to the divities of the movement by luty in this district, we made the follow other simllar miers sections who have the miners problems are nation wide in note of the conference the recommenda pictures to us that the future for those the enemies of Communist. This we! ing decisions must be prepared to fight. In this con 1. That we immediately secure the and are attempting to eradicate the trail spond to this fact. Consequently, the opted. The decision of the 273 delegates try is one that will mean the coutinuanection you will ull understand the enor necessary material and involve our men of wreckage and trennon perpetrated by Illinois union shonta promptly endeavor was the only constructive way out. Theytron of Untold misery and destitution mously important role which the conters and sympathizer in the collection of the official clique in control of the rem to associate into one big national union had exhausted all other recourse.
that has prevailed in our industry for tinued existence of The Militant will signatures.
nants of the of Pursuing all the militant, progressive, radical and The above mentioned recommendations over a decade.
play. To put at the disposal of the Dis this course the road will be open for the independent miners groups and unions were the same made by the inembers Our once powerful of Its existence is not at all secured. As trict Campaign Committee all of our building of a powerful miners union, na now in existence throughout the land of the Telt opposition at the St. Louis has for over 12 years championed the All tendencies to Hirt with such convention of last year. Events had cause of the downtrodden miners of the a matter of fact the recent delays in speakers who shall be ready at all times thonul in scope, militant in make up and Its appearance were caused by shortage to teak on street corners, at indoor solidly lodged on a class foundation. out and out reactionary forv ex as Lewis strongly confirmed the perspective of the land. Since Lewis has come into power wuch wurellable Left Opposition, which had been turned our union has steadily disintegrated due of funds and in several mstances we meetings, or go before labor organisa. Such course is obligatory upon the or Walker, or with There should be no props who play the game of the reac down by the arts bureaucracy and to the erroneous and betraying policies en have feared that a suspension would be tous to rollelt support for the party militant miners.
doubt that the rogressive Miners of tionaries, like aluste, Howat, Edmundson Muste elements who were in control of unclated by this despot who has bent all come una voldable. Yet in the present campaign. To take part in all phases of activ. America will know how to advance sure and their like have to be sternly resisted the convention situation, not only in respect to the at.
his efforts to the complete destruction (Continued on juge. ly a stentily along that road. Continue on page 2)
The complete recommendations of the of militant unionism in the coal mining tacks upon us, but also because of the industry. The history of the Towing intensity of the class struggle, as attested to by the Illinois ners of under the Lewis Farrington Walker struggle, we must get more material regime has been one of healthy devoted, and the scope of our activity is increasself sucriileing struggle on the part ing. The Militant has an inereasingly the rank and tile, and on the other hand important duty to perform. We are now The great historie prents shaking our ist Party and constituting one of the ser of it new world war: the lives of to the march of events the most treacherous betrayals ever exsending large supplies to the Illinois coal planet these days do not remain without, decisive party nuclei in the Landon dis millions are nt stake. Full and werious There are still no leatlets. no jumphlets. mistakes and surrenders of our officials Germany. perienced in the labor movement. The fields and we are issuing more leaflets their effects on the cadre of the Com trket. The group at Balham has receutly consideration of every stage of the string. 110 solidarity meetings on this question since 1919 are facts known to every mine We have sent a couple of young communist International. Everywhere in come to clashes with the bureaucracy un sie against war is imperative. Yet the rades, organizers to Illinois. Our tasks the world party of Communism.
On these and other issues we feel worker throughout the whole Jurisdiction the der Pollitt over the question of the at criticism of this Congress advanced by ure growing but our means are entirely militant, conscientions, Left wing ele titude of the Stallo regime toward the this group has been refused publication chat we are justified in breaking the ban of our organization.
too small.
ments are coming to the fore, klarined pucitit anti war congress of the petty and even our right to voice such critie membership, the declining Daily Worker diana, Illinois the policy of out scabbing on real discussion. The falling party The latest betrayals in Wyoming, Ink endangerel. It must be secured. Ilence situation and the lethargy of the leader. Barbune as well as on the German right they attempt to citive us from Movement influence, proves a real dis of real unionist policies in the anthrae The continued existence of The Militant by the discrepancy between the oljective bourreal Intellectuals headed by Rolland. ism denied. Beenuse we maintain this cireulation, the absence of Minority the scabs in West Virginia, the stiding our appeal to you. We have received ship pressing forward along the road question. The Pollittu have retaliated the party.
with an ideological campaign which cusxion to be imperative.
On the Anti War Congress By discussion ite, is the continuation of a whole series some response to our appeal but it is of the left Opposition.
This World Anti War Congress has we menn, not formal acknowledgments of of betrayals, that has wrecked our orentirely insufficient so far. We ask you. Among the latest of these movements begins with the expulsion of the outthe correctness of the party line, but a ganization in every important field exevery reader of The Militant, to do your within the comintern is the struggle of standing comrades of the Balham Group been convened by Barbusse the advocate critical examination of the line, and par. cepting Indiana and Illinois. Only heroic Theve tried and tested methods of the of fusion between Amsterdam and the bit. We think it is a duty on your part. the well known Balham Group We can assure you that we shall len ve group long active in the very forefront Stalinist bureaucracy have provedl of nol Comintern, and Rolland, the devotee of Tieninrly of its operation during the lat methods on the part of the rank and (Continued on mage. no stone unturned at onr end to faith of the struggles of the British Commun avail the past, they will help even less Ghandt. Around these two have gather (Continued on page 2)
in the future. The Leninist ideas will ed intellectuals, pacifists and Left sonot be suppressed! Nothing can stop cialists, the parlor defenders of the their victory. We greet our British coin. To seek allies among the Class Struggle in Germany rades as fellow rightors and extend our most sincere and courageons of the petty hands to them in international solidar bourgeois pacifists is one thing: to enity. Their right is our fight. In spite trust to them the leadership of the strug.
who claim to helong to the revolution of the burenucracy, in spite of all its gle against war, is quite another. Yet As we go to press, word has come ary camp?
headless and desiderate tactics against this is what Pollitt, by signing the manifrom the authorities demanding Only desperate bankrupts can act the the left. The Bolshevik Leninists will festo, has declared the Party agrees to way the American Stalinists are acting. not be deterred. Together, we will re do. Our group holds that the first task the appearance of Hugo Oehler, or.
Their whole utter Impotence is revealed double our offensive!
of the party is to build the workers uniganizer of the New York Branch of the Communist League of America in this procedure.
The declaration of the Balham com. ted front against war; for upon the in(Opposition) and Tom Stamm, They fear the threatening voice of rudes follows below: ternational proletariat rests the defense The last week has marked several age ance on the part of the broad working chairman of the open air meeting the Communist rank and file, they fear TO OUR COMRADES IN THE COM of the world anti war gressive steps of the German bourgeoisle classes in one form or another, but opto come before the revolutionary working on August 20th before the District MUXINT PARTY FROM THE congress must be a workers congress on the foreign front. The pronuncia position of large sections of ruling in Attorney! All workers, attention, class with their scandalous accusations. LIQUIDATED BALIAM GROIP initiated by the Comintern with the aim mentos of von Sehleicher with regard to ance capital as well. On the other hand, fear to face the Leninist Left Op of bringing to our side the masses of the the military plans and ambitions of the they feel that they have amassed great be on your guard! Communist Dear Comrades: position in the open!
Workers, members of the party. Yo other party or working class or workers now organized under the banner Junker government have created quite a power and they are disinclined to squan make your voices heard now!
Rank and File Aroused But the Communist rank and file, the with these words the Party pre congress front from the con pacifist slogan aggressiveness has not been too sharp. Grolsle sees itself forced to resort full and open discussion by all workers. frame from the top otsed machst bloged less, the reaction against von Schleicher out in all readiness until the big boala The shameless and unexampled frame revolutionary workers will not permit discussion was opened in last Monday to And of that they enn up of the Stalinist bureaucracy against this outrage to remain veiled in the dark. Daily Worker.
be quite Two days inter the London District is distributing, not the message or Pentsat bargaining by the German mouopols shem.
capitalists. The Reich Imperialists na. In the meantime, the National Socialstage of abominntion! The Stalinists, ranks are already as tir, bitter and re Party Committee liquidated the male the Bellene:Barbussen appear of the turally figure on propping up their mili. ist are counterneting the attempts of see and the Bolshe, is heaping.
Harry Wicks, and spended Henry Congress invoking the aid of all classes ts most favorable for them, sions from them, by parliamentary horsevik Leninists!
Temporary Neutralization of The Communist workers are protest Sara. The principal charge against the trndes with the Catholic Center Hitler We have pointed out in a previous ising within the party organizations Un group and against these contrades is that to workers by Communists all over BrlSocial Forces unounces very boldly that he will unite sue that the datardly and demngole fortunately some disgusted with agitation of the Daily Worker of August, whole neurrilous Affair, are simply anslation to the World Anti War Congress, advertisement is genuine anti war fight social forces in the country working confidence against the present government the of Opposing the line of the Party in retain. Congress social patriots are given The temporary neutralization of the with any other party in votes non23 and 24 against the left Opposition wering ers; and new victims are thus taught Demanded Party Congress with their feet leaving the and the charges made As part of our group work we have to trust old and proven tractors. Pollitters and reversas Fascism hus lent the Junk. and that he will not be stopped by ever of particular interest in the unrest in discussed such vital insties as the German appears united with Mande Royden and a certain balance, which they intend so many consecutive dissolutions of the Communist League teable for the tragie deaths of the workers Semen and the revolutionary ranks in the very sec. position, the anti war campaign and the all the other peace time war resister cessions from the other governments. Totiations have already been set afoot to to exploit in their negotiations for con. Relchstag. But behind the scenes, nego Krasiuk, victims of the Avenue and and Seventh St. Incident, could not be inter. tlon in which the trage incident of Batutate of our party: we have reached For the sake of unity with pacifists be sure, the main aim of the German receive government support for the full urday, August 20th ocenrred. In the Un conclusions and have fought for them enin way of lighting war is pushed bourgeoisie remains the same in the assumption of power by the Nazis in preted as anything but a provocation. employed Council controlled by the party as a group. We have for some Schelcher Arst of all to set the provinces of Prussia and Thuringlu.
tle accounts with the investigations by the pollee at our Na resigned from the Executive in protestcussion and the holding of the long over method against Rolland and Barbusse at hand that is, with their working class!
Domestle Actions of Von Papen tlonal Office. The investigating officers against the Stalinist frame up against due party Congress. Now tha The Von Papen government. In addi cussion has been opened, and the party ham Group is liquidated and its point of The capitalist class of Germany knows policy, is also forging ahead with its rethe dis this time on the eve of war, the Bali enemy.
tion to its drastie measures in external themselves openly stated that they had us!
view suppressed.
come after receiving Information in the The comrades tell us that the symGroup bas been quldated. and its Congress fixed for October, the Balham full well that to settle accounts with actionary program on the domestie front.
form of a lentet and verbally at the pathy of workers in that section is ris leading members expelled and suspended.
On Germany its proletariat. It will be immediately There are definite rumors abrond of the headquarters of the Downtown Section Ing for lix and that no worker, who has While this criminal farce at Amsterdependent upon its basis of mass sup complete abrogation of the Weimar conof the Communist party! This is to seen is in action there wants to believe Free and Full Discussion dam is described as the fight against port: the Nazi movement. And here too, stitution. The voting ago is to be raised Staliniste what the degenernte Phrase and Fact have war, the actual danger grows greater. eapitalism is trying to force concessions. to 25 years. An upper and lower house the Stalinist slanders against the Left stoopedopposition nor accept their appelation Rensuring phrases about full free and see the existence of the party and the independence entirely to the Hitler. ket based on proportional representation What u contrast of words with deeds! The growth of Fascism in Germany men. It is unwilling to give up its political system is to be instituted. Vote by ticThe Left Opposition has asked for a of counter revolutionaries.
open discussion but drastie action workers organizations and brings Ger forces. It wants to strike a bargain is to be replaced by vote for persons, etc.
working class bearing on the hair raising Demand Open Workers Hearing! against those who advance serious erit many nearer to the anti Soviet bloe, with them. Hence we witness a sitaOn the industrial front, labor service charges brought by the Stalinist leaders Let the workers speak. The Communicle of the party polles. The great What happens in Germany will doelde fortion in which the big bourgeoiste, while duty or compulsory labor is to be introof the official Communist party against it.
wer for itself before them. Let the Lenin that of open discussion precedl workers. Our group discussed the Ger. Fascista, nevertheless stoops to some of answered Stalinists give up their disgusting game ing party decision is being replaced by man situation, organized, through the their most outrageous demands. Thus, reformist trade union leaders of the boration of the social democracy and the Pogromn Fails but Police Aet anul bring their charges against as he orders from above, phrase mouthing and local anti war committee, solidarity meet for instance, in the case of the five Nazi The German General Labor Their pogrom weheme, their scheme of fore the workers. Let the worker Judge! bureaucratic sting of criticism. Bu ings; demanded discussion throughout murderers of the worker Piezcuck, whose Confederation. The reformist leaders of inciting the Luft wing and party work. We reiterate bere the challenge to the reaucracy has already weakened our the party, and a wide campalen amongst death verdtet has been commuted to life the Iron Front are ntilizing the cona new and more disgraceful stage has de to appear at a public hearing to real Congress discussion and prevent our ed silent on the German events. Not un flict between the Junkers and the Nazis The Maneuvers of the Hitlerites to spread new dangerous Illusions among veloped, the stage of police Investiga Kether with us, to leave the case for the party achieving the clarity necessary for All the von Papen coup Etat in July. The Hitlerites, for their part, are con. the masses about the possibility of de tion. Such are the results to date. Can workers at large to decide.
did the party move; and then It only hurtent to wait. They realize that a direct reating the Fascists with the cooperation anything more outrageous, can anything Let the miserable Stalinists answer On our position to the World Anti War riedly organized week end meetings, and violent attack at the present time of the von Papen government.
more damnable be imagined of people or admit their frame up!
Congress we stand firm. There is dan. Even today the party falls to respond would incur, not only tremendous resist (Continued on page 2)
Police Act on Stalinist Frame Up Hitler and Junkers Vie for Power in Germany campaign how been picked up by the most sentent of the dkgrace the bureaucracy nam Group: expelled Rey Groves and contente en verklare the enten er en del streetary world positions while the situation monopol sou caperence in the nigten persones that the party