AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismParis CommuneRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

Pa. ty Voices on the Frame Up the the PAGE FIR MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1932 CHILE In their cells. This dirty tactic must be es fully stigmatized and condemned. How contemptible were the words spoken to the soldiers when the latter were InformWherever the Left Opposition raises Statement of Comrade rades, Lada and Georgopapadatou. Theed that the Archio Marxists were not its bead, the Stalluist bureaucracy puts above comrades were murdered on the jailed for revolutionary Condemn Disgraceful Action of Stalinist Leaders activities but its macbluery of slander, culumny and Bambakas way home from a meeting by a group of were deliberately sent by the police in We have received a number of let than anybody else.
falsehood in motion against it. The Stalinists who were hidden in a hall order to spy on the prisoners.
ters from party members and sympath have read the leaflet (The leaflet strouger the Opposition movemeut, When the party and members ixers, expressing their indignation and issued by the of the Communist tercer the bureaucrutic methods of the whatever is justified provided it leads to way. Ed. the extermination of the Opposition. Time and again the party sycophants will fraternize with the Archio Marxists, resentment against the latest Stalinist, League with regard to the frame upCentrists against then. As the readers of The Militant already know, the Greek In 1928, when for the first time the accused the Archlo Marxists of being when they will break down the barriers frame up against the Left Opposition. Ed. and fully agree with what is Voices are coming up from the ranks, written there.
Bolshevik Leninists (Archio siarxists) Archio Marxists appeared in our district, stool pigeons. Today, when hundreds of that have been mechanically built up by speaking out clearly, denouncing the sincerely hope that ideas of your are the strongest Communist organizu the marty decided to use methods of sabfacts speak for themselves and the work the adventurist and corrupt leader of otago to prevent them from getting emers see in the face of the Archio Marx. the party then, and only then will they xhameful, provocative actions of the organization will grow in the hearts and tion of that country.
ployment so that they would be com ists the true Bolsheviks, the party bu realize that the Archio Marxists are the party bureaucrats. We have no doubt minds of all the workers.
Counting a few thousand members in pelled to leave the city. While, on the reaucrats are forced to shift these ac genuine and militant revolutionists, and that these voices will grow even more PARTY MEMBER.
every part of Greece, organized Armly one hand, we were telling workers the cusations to only a few of the Archlo they will understand the true meaning powerful in the future. The impotunder the tested Molshevik plan (legal Archio Marxists were stool pigeons, on Marxist leaders. This is a miserable dis of the party policy towards the Bol ence of Centrism is revealing Itselt August 25, 1982.
and illegal. enjoying a broad and power. the other hand, we told the bosses the grace to the party bureaucrats, for not shevik Leninists.
more and more eyery day. The eyes The accounts given in the Daily Tul inilucuce in the trade unions and Archio Marxists were Anarchists and dis a single fact can prove the above ac PARTY MUST CHANGE TACTICS of the Communist rank and file are Worker of August 23 and 24 of what the mass organizations of the Greek rupters.
cusations against the Left Opposition. Under the present crisis great sections being opened. Below we give excerpts took place on Avenue and 7th Street proletariat, the Archio Starxists bave been when it was reported to the district prove that there are many stool pigeons the left toward Communism. Will the while on the contrary a pile of facts of the exploited masses are turning to from a few of the letters we have re at your meeting last Saturday night and particularly uncomfortable thoru la the committee that these means of sabotage within the Communist party. Because of party be able, even if its influence Is August 27, 1932 ceived: the little hints and insinuations that go sidu of Sturluson. All with it are outrageons. The editors of methods of the international bureaucracy were not suficient, that in spite of it the the corrupt conditions within the party, it strengthened, to utilize these conditions Archio Marxists were making progress. The moment read the first article the Dally Worker seem to be intent on have been applied against them and still they continue to grow and take the party decided to turn to murderous is difficult to discover and expose them for the final victory? The strength of on the question in the Daily Worker, whipping up a lynch spirit against the attacks. Arming them with knives aud ARCHIO MARXIST EXCLUDED the party is measured not only by its was indignant like understand comrades of the Left Opposition.
iron bars the party organized groups and FROM PRISON COLLECTIVES influence but primarily from its internal from the very beginning that some No matter what disagreements we The methods of open violence ideological base and its organizational party hooligans busted up your meet. may have with the Opposition, such tacand went them out on thelr attacks. These categorically declare was not be ability. No victory can be expected from ing. This action of the party will not ties are impermissible. didu believe physical destruction those are the most attacks still continue.
rocent methods of the Centrists against the Lert Opposition. They are the shoe worker who was later brought to Stambulis and Kokino. The former in a this and especially in the history of the the movement.
in the district of Cyftica, they attacked bers of the district committee decayed and rotten. History has proven Instead will antagonize workers towards really grasped what you meant by Stalinmethods of utter despair, they indicate the hospital unconscious. While the semi covert form confessed to me when Greek movement.
ism before. Such disgraceful have spoken to some of the com could never Issue forth from a healthy BAMBAKAS. rades in my sh shop Stulinists. or late, the successes achiev victory, this comrade refused to reveal caught in our trap which we had set for and they also condemn Communist movement.
Sec y of Section Committee the party for its provocative tactics. The method employed by the Daily ed by the American Left Opposition the murderers to anyone although he him and was proven to be a stool pigeon.
of Dramas, Sec y of also want to state that nobody in Worker shows that there is something (antiwar congrese, Germany, etc. have knew them.
called forth specially sharp manifesta ADMIT CONSTANT ATTACKS Any betrayal that leaks out of the of Kaballas, Member of Dist. the shop belleves the statements in the wrong that goes deeper into the policy of party is ascribed to the Archto Marxists.
Committee of Eastern Daily Worker and those that are in the the party. It is setting a good many of tions of these self sume flowers of Cen ON LEFT OPPOSITION The party bureaucrats poison the minds Macedonia and Western Thrace movement or are acquainted with it knows thinking.
trist bankruptcy and despair. The Amer Another instance: at Suguglou another of the members against the Archio Marx.
very well that the party is to blame more As Communists we cannot allow this icau Stalinist iycite to pogroms against shameful action to go on unchallenged.
tho Left Opposition, provoke police ac Archio Marxist was attacked at the time ists to such an extent that even in their Comradely yours, tion against it for the sume reasous as he was speaking to a meeting of work dreams they see the Archio Marxista conAYC. er.
the Grock Stalinists, because they are ers. Also, two Archio Marxists were spiring with the police. For this we can alurmed at the growth of its inituence beaten up in chatica. Comrade st not blame the party members. August 27, 1932 and sympathy in the ranks of the Com fanaticized by the leadership, fred a gun. The attitude of the party against the at a carpenter, member of the Opposl Archio Marxists in jail is absolutely The accusations of the party agalost munist workers. Continued from page 2)
It is now in full swing leaded toward tion, but luckily the gun jammed. This shameful and disgusting. Comrades who Below we publish an account of the comrade st who later realized the courageously faced the courts and raised In one respect the resolution marked the Rellet March, scheduled for Sept the Left Opposition are a plain frame up.
Nobody in the movement can take them Stalinist methods of tighting the opposition by a former member of the fessed this to the Archło Starxists and the capitalist judges, for which they were the resolution restored the fight for vers: xanizational forms are incorporated in a serious must come You must come before the Left wing to me.
sentenced to long prison terms, are not lief to a more nearly correct basis. It Proposed Draft Program of Fighting instructive because it paints a picture of tobacco worker, at the time he was in spite of the decisions of the central unemployment insurance It made it the Hunger Fighters. It is issued by Archio Marxists. It is interesting and Further: we attacked comrade Alludi, permitted to enter the jail collectives placed on the agenda again the tight for Vethods and Organization Forms of the workers and explain to them what hapUnemployed Councils Manual for pened and what the action of the party leaders means. They will listen to you Stalinist corruption that universal, leaving his work, and beat him up badly. commitee of the D. brought about central slogan. It reaffirmed the seven National Committee of the Unemployed and am sure will support your applicable. The experience of comrade Comrade Alfudi is a well known member by the mass pressure of party workers) hour day without motivating the demand, Councils of the NEEDLE TRADES WORKER Bambakas, the author of this account, is of the L, with a splendid revolu not to exclude them.
any it August 28, 1932 undoubtedly the experience of numerous tionary record. He is now serving a two PARTY MEMBERS RESENT EX.
at the end of its program, the demand It is understood that this is not wish to let you know that many of Communist militants all over the Inter year term in the medieval dungeon of CLUSION OF ARCHEO MARXISTS for the development of trade relations Communist program in the sense of, let us, members of the and of the national and in the American party as Itxedin and will be exiled for one year why Is this happening? The corrup Male factories may work, 6ll the constant cannot be a statement of Communist aims the Daily Worker and the In con with the Soviet Union, in order that the us say, a party election program. It protest against the attitude of their conclusions just as this comtrade rade was refused admittance to the full foar the whip of criticism from the Op. construction of the workers government es in the unemployed movement who are and the baths of Semen and Krasuk.
did. The regime of Stalinist impotence collectives. comrades in Jails organize position. This attitude of the parts and its Five Year Plan.
the regime of degenerated, disorganizipe collectives which are supported by the Against the Archio Marxists is strongly Centrisın, the regime of physical violence Ed. because he was a member condemned by every honest, But it must present Communist ideas in talking the tragic deaths of these two against the Bolshevik Leninista is doomed of the Archio Marxists since 1998 thinking Around the slogans of the resolution an elementary form so that when they workers to arouse hostile sentiment in advance. The organizers of defeat party member. Comrade Floros, who was the National Hunger March. to Washing: are applied in the class struggle they be against your opposition. The workers in ba ve seen their best deals. The point or continual victous attack from our part, but later released while his comrade and its repercussions the party resur soal. If the program fugtis this reprove of this, just as they have in gen the Leninist Opposition is assured by history, nothing can pre and had they not taken protective me still had to serve two year jail sentencea rected the fight for unemployment in quirement it is a Communist docowent. El da Piroved of the party methods the resolution sures, there would have resulted many and one year exlle, speaks with great surance. In this sense vent it.
But this is precisely what the Draft of breaking up open air meetings of other more victims. This was verlied, as you enthusiasm about the Archio Marxists.
marked a limping, hall step forward.
Program is not. It is enough to glance organizations.
know, in the district committee.
THE STATEMENT OF The brave heroic attitude of ArchioThe Draft Program at the section, The Typical Issues and leadership Lankrupt which has COMRADE BAMBAKKAS These are not accidents nor isolated Marxists before the courts and their com With the termination of the Hunger Demands, to realize that it is not to resort to such methods.
cases, but a part of the international radely attitude it all left a profound Alarch of last December the fight for un Communitat document. The first typical MEMBER OF THE esty and corruption of those who do not Stalin sagsluates Blunnklu and zto. sivo Archio Marxists are refused admitted to the background.
What forced me to realize the disbon policy of the Stalinist bureauerats. When impression on me. he suld. And still the employment insurance was again rele demand is concerned with cash rellet: follow the communist lluo but rather zadze and acquits Ramslu Co. it is tance in jail collectives of Komotinis.
And the fight the second with thophouses; the third WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE the tacties of Stalio was the policy of not at all surprising that the Greek In for more not less rellet as one placard with breadlines and food kitchens the FIVE YEAR PLAN is out of print and the party toward the Archlo Narxlats. Stalinists do not hesitate to soak their soldiers, who were sympathipers of the oriented on the road which led to the Kavalla jait we instigated some in a demonstration announced, was more fourth with food for children; etc.
is available only in the BOUND VOL STAMM.
In the policy of the party any means hands in the blood of two mittant. com movement, to attack the ArchioMarxists opportunist swamp.
UMES of comrade TROTSKY Pum(Continued in Next Issue) phlets.
Unemployed Activity in Retrospect the Bourgeoisie, Petty Bourgeoisie and Proletariat By LEON TROTSKY (Continued from page 1)
Jacobinism, Social Democracy and Fascism. The Political Programs a white heat and of directing its hatred and its despair THE DECLINE OF THE DEMOCRATIC FORMS against the proletariat. In Germany, this historical But precisely with the war there begins the distinct of the Petty Bourgeoisie function is fulfilled by National Socialism, a broad decline of capitalism and above all, of its denocratic current whose ideology is composed of all the putrid form of downination. It is now no longer a matter of That was in the period of the rise of the bourgeoisie. and more than that, it would be rendered extremely vapors of disintegrating bourgeois society.
new reforms and alms, but of cutting down and abolish Now we must say, in the period of the decline of bour difficult in other countries in which the petty bour THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE GROWTH OF FASCISM ing the old ones. Therewith the bourgeoisie comes into geois society, the bourgeoisie again needs the plebeian geoisie represents an important minority. Fortunateconflict not only with the institutions of proletarian method of resolring its no longer progressive, but enly, things are not so. The experience of the Paris of Fascism rests, of course, on the shoulders of the The principal political responsibility for the growth democracy (trade unions and nolitical parties) but tirely reactionary tasks. In this sense, Fascism is a Commune first showed, at least within the limits of one social democracy. Ever since the imperialist war, the also with parliamentary democracy, within the frame caricature of Jacobinism.
city, just as the experience of the October revolu: labors of this party have been reduced to uprooting work of which arose the labor organizations. There The bourgeoisie is incapable of maintaining itself tion has showed after it on a much larger scale and from the consciousness of the proletariat the idea of fore, the campaign against Marxism on the one hand in power by the means and methods of the parliament over an incomparably longer period, that the alliance independent politics, to implanting within it the belief But just as the summits of the liberal bourgeoisie wca pon of self defense, at least in critical instances. indissoluble. Since the petty bourgeoisie is incapable knees time and again before the decadent bourgeoisie.
in its time were unable, by their own force alone, to get Nevertheless, the bourgeoisie does not like the plebe of an independent policy (that is also why the petty The petty bourgeoisie can only follow the worker when rid of feudalism, monarchy and the church, so the ian method of resolving its tasks. It was always bourgeois democratic dictatorship is unrealizable) it sees in him the new master. The speial democracy magnates of finance capital are unable, by their force hostile to Jacobinism, which cleared the road for the no other choice is left for it than that between the bouroisie will not follow a lackey. The politics of reformalone, to cope with the proletariat. They need the development of bourgeois society with its blood. The geoisie and the proletariat.
For this purpose, Fascists are immeasurably closer to the decadent bour In the epoch of the rise, the growth and the bloom ism deprive the proletariat of the possibility of leading teaches the worker to be a lackey. The petty bourgeit must be whipped up, put on its feet, mobilized, geoisie than the Jacobins were to the rising bourge of capitalism the petty bourgeoisie, despite acute out the plebeian masses of the petty bourgeoisie and therearmed. But this method has its dangers. While it oisie. Nevertheless, the sober bourgeoisie does not breaks of discontent, generally marehed obediently in by Alone consert the latter into cannon fodder for makes use of Fascism, the bourgeoisic nevertheless look very favorably even upon the Eascist mode of the capitalist harness. Nor could it do anything else. Fascism.
fears it. Pilsudski was forced, in May 1926, to save resolving its tasks, for the concussions, although they But under the conditions of capitalist disintegration Politically, however, the question is not settled for bourgeois society by a coup État directed against are brought forth in the interests of bourgeois society, and of the impasse in the economic situation, the petty us with the responsibility of the social democracy.
the traditional parties of the Polish bourgeoisie. The are linked up with dangers to it. Therefore, the op bourgeoisie tends, seks, attempts to tear itself loose Ever since the beginning of the war we have denounced matter went so far that the official leader of the Polish position between Fascism and the bourgeois parties. from the fetters of the old masters and rulers of so this party as the agency of the imperialist bourgeoisie Conmunist Party, Warski, who came over from Rosa The big bourgeoisie likes Fascism as little as a ciety. It is quite capable of linking up its fate with within the ranks of the proletariat. Out of this new Luxemburg not to Lenin, but to Stalin, took the coup man with aching molars likes to have his teeth pulled. that of the proletariat. For that, only one thing is orientation of the revolutionary Marxists arose the Etat of Pilsudski to be the road of the revolutionary The sober circles of bourgeois society have followed needed: the petty bourgeoisie must acquire faith in the Third International. Its task consisted in uniting the democratic dictatorship and called upon the workers with misgiving the work of the dentist Pisudski, but in ability of the proletariat to lead society onto a new proletariat under the banner of the revolution and to support Pilsudski.
the last analysis they have become reconciled to the road. The proletariat can inspire this faith only by its thereby to secure for it the directing influence over At the session of the Polish Commission of the Ex inevitable, though with threats, with horse deals and strength, by the firmness of its actions, by a skilful the oppressed masses of the petty bourgeoisie in the ecutive Committee of the on July 2, 1926, the all sorts of trading. Thus the petty bourgeoisie idol offensive against the enemy, by the success of its rev. towns and on the countryside.
author of these lines said on the subject of the events of yesterday becomes transformed into the gendarme olutionary policy.
The post war period, in Germany more than any.
in Poland: of capital.
But, woe if the revolutionary party does not measure where else, was an epoch of economic impasse and of Few Lessons OF THE PILSUDSKI Coup To this attempt at marking out the historical place up to the height of the situation! The daily struggle civil war. The international conditions as well as the Taken as a whole, the Pilsudski overthrow is the of Pascism as the political reliever of the social dem of the proletariat sharpens the instability of bourgeois domestic ones pushed the country imperiously on the petty bourgeois, plebcian manner of solving the burn ocracy, there was counterposed the theory of social society. The strikes and the political disturbances road to socialism. Every step of the social democracy ing problems of bourgeois society in its state of de Fascism. At first it could appear as a pretentious, aggravate the economic situation of the country. The revealed its decadence and its impotence, the reactioncomposition and decline. We have here already blustering but harmless stupidity. Subsequent events petty bourgeoisie could reconeile itself temporarily ary import of its politics, the venality of its leaders.
direct resemblance to Italian Fascism.
have showed what pernicious influence the Stalinist to the growing privations, if it arrived by experience what other conditions are needed for the development These two currents indubitably possess common theory actually exercised on the entire development of to the conviction that the proletariat is in a position of the Communist party? And yet, after the first features: they recruit their shock troops first of all the Communist International.
to lead it onto a new road. But if the revolutionary few years of significant successes, German Communism from the petty bourgeoisie; Pilsudski as well as Musparty, in spite of a class struggle becoming incessantly entered into an era of vacillations, zigzags, alternating solini worked with extra parliamentary means, with IS THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN THE BIG AND THE more accentuated, proves time and again to be incap. turns to opportunism and adventurism. The centrist open lence, with the methods of civil war; both were able of iting Petty BOURGEOISIE INDISSOLUBLE?
working about it, if it vacil bureaucracy has systematically weakened the proletarconcerned, not with the destruction, but with the prelates, becomes confused, contradicts itself, then theian vanguard and prevented it from bringing the class servation of bourgeois society, While they raised Does it follow from the historical rôle of Jacobin petty bourgeoisie loses patience and begins to look upon under its leadership. Therewith, it has robbed the the petty bourgeoisie on its feet, they openly alligned ism, of democracy and of Fascism that the petty bour the revolutionary workers as those responsible for its proletariat as a whole of the possibility of drawing themselves after the seizure of power, with the big bourgeoisie is condemned to remain a tool in the hands of ovn misery. All the bourgeois parties, including the sounder its direction the oppressed masses of the petty geoisie. Involuntarily, an historical generalization capital to the end of its days? If things were so, cial democracy, turn its thoughts in this very direc bourgeoisie. The Stalinist bureaucracy bears the props up here, recalling the evaluation given by Marx then the dictatorship of the proletariat would be im tion. When the social crisis takes on an intolerable direct and immediate responsibility for the growth of of Jacobinism as the plebeian method of settling ac possible in a number of countries in which the petty acuteness, a particular party appears on the scene with Fascism before the proletarian vanguard.
counts with the feudal enemies of the bourgeoisie. bourgeoisie constitutes the majority of the nation the direct aim of agitating the petty bourgeoisie to PRINXIPO, August 4, 1932. TROTSKY.